Parsley root sugar application

Parsley root infusion

An infusion of parsley root is used both in the treatment of diseases and in cosmetology. How to cook it?

How to brew parsley root correctly

So, to prepare an infusion of parsley root, we need to chop it. Now we choose how we will prepare our infusion - cold or hot.

For the first option, take a tablespoon of chopped parsley and pour a glass of cold water. This infusion takes about 10 hours to prepare. The cold method is good because it preserves most of the essential oils.

A hot infusion is made no less simply - pour a glass of boiling water into the same amount of root. Leave covered for about an hour.

Both infusion options are taken half an hour before meals, 4 – 5 times a day.

Alcohol tincture of parsley root

Alcohol tincture is good for heart pain. It's quite simple to prepare. We need 500 ml of premium vodka (or alcohol), as well as 125 grams of chopped parsley root. We put it in a dark glass bottle and fill it with vodka. The mixture is infused for about three weeks in a cool, dark place. Don't forget to shake the bottle periodically.

This infusion should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Quantity – no more than 15 ml. After drinking the infusion, follow it with a glass of clean drinking water.

This remedy also helps with impotence.

Parsley root decoction

A decoction of parsley root removes excess fluid from the body very well and also stimulates lactation. That is why this drink is recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

It's easy to prepare - take a tablespoon of chopped root and pour a glass of water. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat. Then set it to minimum and cook the broth for about 10 minutes.

The infusion is consumed 2 times a day - half a glass in the morning and evening. In addition to the above properties, this decoction perfectly cleanses the blood, liver and intestines. The decoction also helps with painful menstruation.

Preparation for winter and storage

In winter, parsley is harvested by digging up the root in late autumn. It can be planted in a deep pot and kept on the windowsill, cutting off the vitamin greens in winter. Or cover it with slightly damp sand and store it in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.

Fresh roots and herbs can be chopped, scattered into bags and placed in the freezer. It is good to use such frozen parsley throughout the winter season for preparing aromatic dishes and medicinal preparations, since all vitamins and nutrients are preserved in this form.

Parsley root. Application

Parsley root is used not only for treatment. It is widely used in cooking and cosmetology. Read a useful article.

Parsley wonderfully whitens the skin, eliminates pimples and blackheads. The green juice of this plant, as well as the gruel from the root, is used to eliminate.

In cooking, the root is added almost everywhere - to fish, meat dishes, soups, stews, casseroles. Experienced chefs know that just adding a little dry chopped parsley root will make the dish much more aromatic and brighter in taste. The root also perfectly complements the taste of potatoes, lentils, beans, rice, and buckwheat. Banal mashed potatoes can turn into a culinary masterpiece. Below we will give some interesting recipes using this product.

Flavored mashed potatoes

Prepare the puree according to the usual recipe. Grind 500 grams of veal, beef or chicken fillet, as well as one small parsley root, in a meat grinder. Fry finely chopped onion and minced meat in butter. We bring it to readiness. Place the puree on a plate and the dressing on top.

Vegetable sauté with parsley root

Wash the zucchini, eggplant, sweet peppers, potatoes and parsley root, peel and cut into cubes. Fry onions in a saucepan until transparent. Add all the vegetables, cover with a lid and simmer until done. This dish can safely be called dietary - the vegetables are stewed almost in their own juice.

Spicy parsley root for broths

Take a large root. Coat it with pepper, salt and bake until golden brown in the oven. Then add to the broth.

If you have a food dehydrator, you can make dry flavored seasoning. So, dry equal parts of parsnips, parsley root, carrots, ginger, dill and garlic until fully cooked. Then grind the mixture in a blender or coffee grinder and pour it into a clean, dry jar. The aromatic seasoning is ready! If desired, you can add sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, etc.

Pickled root

We clean the root and cut it into large pieces. Cook for five minutes in salted water. Prepare the marinade - 4 glasses of water, a glass of vinegar, half a glass of sugar, three teaspoons of salt. Add garlic if desired. Bring the mixture to a boil. Place the parsley root in prepared jars and fill with hot marinade. Close with sterilized lids. The jars also need to be sterilized.

Spicy roasted root

A great alternative to fried potatoes. We cut the product into large cubes. Coat with salt, pepper, olive oil. You can rub it with garlic. Fry in a hot frying pan until golden brown. You can make sandwiches - put a piece of fried parsley root on a slice of rye bread, and a slice of onion on top.

Baked potatoes with parsley root

Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush without peeling them. Cut into cubes. Wash the root, peel it and cut it into the same size. Add onion, cut into cubes. Place everything in a heat-resistant form, add oil, salt, black pepper. Bake until golden brown. You can add cream to this dish and sprinkle cheese on top. Another option is to add chicken fillet, sweet peppers, eggplants, and zucchini.

Recipes for dishes with dried parsley

Due to its excellent taste properties, wonderful aroma and pronounced healing effect, dried parsley is in great demand in many cuisines around the world.
By the way, its strong smell only complements other seasonings in dishes. Recipes for dishes with dried parsley:

  1. . Beat 3 eggs with 150 g of milk. Add 10 g parsley, 2 g ground black pepper, salt to taste. Fry the omelette in sunflower oil (10 g) in a heated frying pan. This dish doesn't take very long to prepare, so it's perfect for breakfast.
  2. Homemade chicken sausage with spices
    . Ingredients: 750 g chicken breast, 100 ml water, salt to taste, 1 teaspoon each of dried garlic, dried parsley and ground black pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of universal meat seasoning. First, we cut the meat from the bones and weigh it, we need, as indicated in the ingredients, 750 g. Then we cut the chicken meat into medium-sized pieces, add salt and water, mix well and leave it in the refrigerator for 2 days. After this period, you need to add spices, mix again and leave to soak for a couple of hours. Now is the time to form the sausages. Both artificial and natural shells are suitable for this. You need to cook the product in a saucepan with water over low heat for 3 hours. Let it cool and you are ready to eat. Bon appetit! These sausages are tastier and much healthier than the store-bought product.
  3. Pork neck baked in foil
    . We will need 1 kg of pork neck, 4 tablespoons of pork fat, 8 cloves of garlic, 120 ml of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of dried parsley, salt and pepper to taste. So, salt, pepper and coat the meat with fat. Now let's prepare the marinade. To do this, mix the sauce, mustard seeds, garlic through a garlic press, and parsley in a bowl. This mixture should be thoroughly spread on the meat and left to soak for 5 hours. We pull out our pork, wrap it in foil and place it in a baking dish, while not forgetting to pour 3/4 cup of water. First, bake in the oven for 1.5-2 hours, then unfold the foil and continue baking for 30 minutes so that the meat is browned. Cool the dish and cut into pieces. They eat this meat as a cold appetizer.
  4. Cheese puree soup with spices
    . Take 4 potatoes, a carrot, an onion, 2 processed cheese, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste. We also need a pinch of ground coriander, a pinch of ground nutmeg, red pepper on the tip of a knife, 1 teaspoon of dried parsley and a little yellow mustard seeds. First, bring the diced potatoes to a boil, then add the processed cheese, which also needs to be cut into pieces. We fry carrots and onions, put them in a pan and cook until tender. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper and spices. Beat with an immersion blender. Eat hot.
  5. Chicken fillet with cheese and tomatoes
    . First of all, cut 500 g of meat into pieces, beat with a kitchen hammer, salt and pepper to taste. Then prepare a sauce from 200 g of sour cream, 10 g of dried parsley, 10 g of dried dill and 2 cloves of chopped garlic. Now dip each piece of meat in the sauce, put a slice of tomato on top (we need 2 pieces), and then grated cheese (200 g). Place the prepared meat on a baking sheet. Baking time is 10 minutes and temperature is 180 degrees.
  6. Almond dressing
    . For this recipe we need to take 150 ml of water, 30 ml of lemon juice, 120 g of almonds, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of dried parsley, 0.5 teaspoon of dried dill, salt to taste. First you need to soak the almonds overnight. Then grind it in a blender. Then mix with water and lemon juice. After this, add chopped garlic, dill, parsley and salt. Beat again using a blender, place in a container with a lid and cool.
  7. Manti with pumpkin and lard
    . Ingredients: pumpkin (500 g), 3 onions, lard (100 g), wheat flour (500 g), water (0.5 cup), vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), dried parsley (1 tablespoon), salt and ground red pepper to taste. First, grate the pumpkin and onion on a coarse grater. Then we pass the lard through a meat grinder and add it to the vegetables. Don't forget about salt, pepper and parsley. Mix all these products. After this, knead the dough from flour, water and salt, roll out thinly and cut out squares 10 by 10 cm. Now we use them to make manti with pumpkin and onion filling. We will steam it on a special grill greased with vegetable oil. They eat manti with sour cream.

It should be remembered that dried parsley must be added to heat-treated dishes.
In addition, you should take a little of this seasoning, in moderation, because it has a very pronounced aroma. Parsley gets its name from the Latin word Petroselinum, which means “growing on a stone.” In ancient times, this plant lived on the surface with a lot of stones in the southern part of Greece. Hence the Greek name “rock celery.” The ancient Greeks used parsley wreaths when burying their relatives. And the winners of sports games were greeted with garlands of this plant. And the inhabitants of Greece believed that the culture grew in the place where the blood of the hero Archemorus, who became famous by killing the dragon, dripped.

But in ancient Rome, salads and sauces were prepared from this plant. Ancient Roman writer Pliny in the 1st century BC. pointed out that these dishes were never served without parsley.

Many years ago, people endowed parsley with superpowers; they believed that if you named the enemy’s name over a plucked branch of this plant, he would die. This is probably where the words “they need parsley” come from, which was applied to terminally ill people.

Emperor Charlemagne's favorite food in the 8th century was cheese flavored with parsley seeds, which is why they brought him a couple of boxes of this product every year. The British were introduced to this seasoning in the 16th century.

Many owners grow greens in their garden plots. But it takes a very long time to grow. There is an interesting explanation for this. Elderly people say that “parsley goes to the devil 7 times and comes back the same number of times before it grows.” Hence the belief that a good harvest of this crop can be grown either by witches or evil people.

This wonderful plant is mentioned in the Beatrix Potter fairy tale about Peter Rabbit, who consumed parsley to get rid of nausea. In addition, this greenery also makes our breath clean and fresh.

The following sayings speak about the enormous benefits of parsley: “He who chews parsley lives long” and “A handful of parsley is heavier than two handfuls of gold.”

Watch a video about dried parsley:

So, dried parsley is a seasoning that you need to stock up on for the autumn-winter period, because it both heals and gives dishes an excellent taste and aroma, reminiscent of summer. You can buy parsley, both fresh and dried, in any supermarket, but it is better to grow it and dry it yourself. It will be more useful.

Drying herbs is a good way to preserve them when you have grown a lot of them for some reason. Dried parsley can add extra flavor to a dish and give it a green color. Dry air is the most efficient and economical. Follow these steps to learn how to dry parsley.

1. Select parsley to dry. Harvest grass early in the morning when the dew has evaporated to prevent wilting. To harvest it, take the leaves and stems together and, using a sharp knife, cut them off. If you don't have your own garden, there are many stores where you can buy fresh parsley.

2. Wash the parsley. Shake the leaves gently to remove excess water. Dry it carefully so as not to damage the leaves.

3. If you see damaged leaves, remove them.

4. Gather the parsley into small piles and tie them together using a small string.

5. Hang the bundles upside down in a warm, well-ventilated place to dry thoroughly.

6. Monitor the grass from time to time to ensure it is dry enough to be stored. If the parsley is rubbed between your fingers, then it is ready. If not, then you need a little more time. Drying time will vary depending on the humidity or temperature in the room.

7. Cut the dried parsley from the string and prepare it for storage.

8. Place the dried parsley in a closed jar - that’s it, it’s ready to use.

  • 20px 8px no-repeat;">
  • Although parsley can be dried outside, it is better to do it at home. It will have better color and aroma.
  • Once you have learned how to dry parsley, you can dry any other herbs such as thyme, rosemary, sage, etc.
  • Dried herbs are typically 3 or 4 times more flavorful than fresh herbs because their flavor is more concentrated. When using a recipe, look at whether it calls for fresh or dried herbs. If fresh herbs are specified, reduce the amount of dried herbs to one quarter.
  • Dried parsley that has been left in direct sunlight will lose flavor and color. If you decide to dry your parsley, it is best to keep it out of sunlight.
  • Other, more sensitive herbs such as oregano, mint and basil are not as easy to dry as parsley. These herbs are at risk of mold if they are not dried quickly. It is best to dry them with a desiccant. You can also air dry them in small quantities and in a dry, indoor area by placing them in a paper bag with holes.

step by step recipe with photos

We all know very well that it is the greens that give the dish that final and unique taste! Basil, dill, fennel, cilantro, parsley simply must be in the spice box of a real chef! However, what to do if it’s winter outside and spices are only sold in the store? Moreover, it is impossible to guess from the first time what exactly is poured into those packages of seasonings!

In order not to guess and not to use unknown ingredients in preparing dishes for the whole family, stock up on herbs in the summer by drying them in your oven or in a special electric dryer! The most popular seasoning for all first and second courses is dried parsley.

Using parsley root for weight loss

Parsley root can help not only with illnesses and skin problems, but also with weight loss. There are two recipes for weight loss.

  • Chop the parsley root into pieces. Add one clove of garlic (finely chopped), a little salt and black pepper to two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour the spiced oil over the root and bake in the oven for an hour. This dish perfectly reduces weight and satisfies hunger. Bonus - a huge amount of vitamins.
  • Grate the parsley root on a coarse grater. Season with vegetable oil and a little salt. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to taste. Judging by reviews on the Internet, you can lose almost 10 kg per month by consuming a glass of the mixture in 6 days.

Parsley root in any form can be added to salads, stews and other dishes. It will not only help you lose weight, but also add some piquancy to your favorite dish.

How to harvest roots?

The washed parsley roots are peeled, chopped on a coarse grater, and left in the air to dry and wither for 2-3 days. Or put it in the oven for 3-4 hours (up to 40 °C).

The finished chips are poured into bags or jars, sealed tightly and taken out when necessary.

Attention! Dried parsley is a concentrate; the spice should be added to food in much smaller quantities than fresh herbs!

You can clearly see the process of drying greens in the video below.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Parsley is an excellent herb that can be used to prepare a variety of meat, fish and poultry dishes. At the same time, not only fresh greens are popular, but also dried green mass and roots. To learn how to properly prepare dried parsley for the winter at home, read this article.

The best option is when you grow your own greens in your own garden. Grass should be collected in dry, sunny weather, after the dew has disappeared.

For drying, choose fresh green twigs with delicate foliage. It is advisable to collect parsley for subsequent storage before the plant blooms.

If you don’t have your own harvest of this spice, you can buy it at any food market. In this case, you should choose fresh elastic bunches, without yellowed leaves. You should also avoid purchasing greens that are in cups of water, since sellers use this method to prolong the presentation of greens that may no longer be fresh at all.

The next step is to sort out the parsley, removing yellowed parts and wilted branches. If the lower part of the stems is wilted, then it also needs to be trimmed.

After this procedure, it is laid out on paper towels and allowed to dry. You can also dry the twigs by placing them in an empty glass or mug, fluffing up the leaves.

Before drying, parsley root is thoroughly washed under running water, preferably using a coarse brush. Then use the sharp side of a knife to scrape off a thin layer of skin. The peeled roots are cut into thin slices or strips.

On air

The longest, but no less effective way of drying is in the fresh air.

Greens can be dried either in the form of slices or whole branches. You can chop not only the leaves, but also chop and dry the stems of the plant.

Green cuts are placed on flat plates or trays, in a layer of no more than 1 centimeter, and placed in a well-ventilated room. To ensure that chlorophyll is preserved in the greens and they do not turn yellow, drying should be protected from direct sunlight. Periodic stirring of the cuttings also contributes to uniform dehydration.

In bunches, parsley is dried with the leaves down, tied on a rope, or laid out on pallets. The first method allows you to not control the drying process, and with the second option, the greens will need to be stirred frequently.

Parsley roots are dried naturally in the same way as herbs - on pallets in crushed form.

The total drying time varies from 5 to 14 days, depending on the type of product, how it is cut and weather conditions.

In the oven

An oven will help you cope with the task much faster. To do this, it is heated to a temperature of 45 - 50 degrees. Greens or roots are placed in the oven and dried with the door open for about 5 - 6 hours.

To save time, the green mass is crushed and spread on baking sheets in a thin layer. In this form, parsley can dry completely in literally 1.5 - 2 hours.

Watch the video from the Family Menu channel - Parsley for the winter. Drying

In an electric dryer

Greens can be dried whole sprigs, or chopped. The roots are cut into strips or wheels.

On the unit, turn on the special “For Herbs” mode or manually set the temperature to 40 - 45 degrees. With such heat exposure, parsley will quickly dry out, retaining all the beneficial substances and aroma in maximum quantities.

The drying time depends on the ambient humidity, the type of spice and the size of its cut. To ensure that food dries more evenly, trays with parsley need to be swapped every 1.5 hours.

A video from the Ezidri Master channel will show how to properly dry parsley in an electric dryer


Place the parsley on a flat dish covered with a napkin. You can use paper plates instead. The device is turned on at full power for 2 minutes. After the readiness signal, the plate is removed and the product is inspected. If additional drying is required, the procedure is continued. Control examinations are subsequently carried out at intervals of 1 minute.

In a convection oven

Chopped herbs or roots are placed in a convection oven. The unit door is not closed completely, allowing air to circulate. The heating temperature is set to 40 - 45 degrees, and the blowing power is set to the maximum value. It will take literally 20 minutes to dry the green mass. The roots take a little longer to dry – about 40 minutes.

Parsley root. Contraindications

In principle, the root does not have any harmful properties. However, in some cases, tinctures and decoctions cannot be used. For example, uterine tone during pregnancy, serious kidney disease. It is best to consult your doctor before using this product.

Now you know everything about the beneficial properties of parsley root. We hope that now you will not throw away such a useful product, but will take advantage of its healing qualities.

Most of us are familiar with parsley as a garden herb, spicy and aromatic, widely used in cooking in almost all cuisines of the world. But few people know that there is also root parsley, its use in food is also gaining popularity, it is very rich in vitamins and no less intense aroma than the greens themselves. The root vegetable has not only excellent taste, but also medicinal properties; its regular consumption helps to improve the health of the body.

How to dry parsley at home

Drying allows you to preserve vitamins and microelements in greens and does not require much time. In addition to the leaves, you can also dry parsley rhizomes; this is an excellent addition to soup.

For drying, tender leaves are selected, rough stems are removed. Greens with any degree of yellowness are also removed. After sorting, the parsley is washed in a bowl of water, then placed under running water. Finally, blot with a cotton towel.

The washed grass is either crushed or divided into leaves, and the rhizomes are cut into slices.

The easiest way to dry parsley is in an electric dryer. You just need to lay out the ingredients on the trays of the device, set the temperature to about 60 degrees and let it dry completely.

If you don’t have such a device, you can use an oven. Spread the parsley thinly on a baking sheet, place in a preheated oven at 60 degrees and dry until done with the door ajar.

An air fryer will also work - many models have a “drying” function, and you just need to lay out the parsley on a mesh, set the fan speed to medium or low (depending on the model) and wait.

If you are not in a hurry, you can simply lay out the greens and rhizomes on a tray and put them in the open air. But make sure that they are not exposed to sunlight, otherwise the parsley will turn yellow and lose most of its beneficial properties. During the drying process, it is necessary to stir the contents of the trays several times.

About parsley root

The root vegetable is visually similar to young carrots, only it has a light white or cream color.

Basic chemical composition

  • Vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, E, PP);
  • Micro- and macroelements (iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium);
  • Essential oils;
  • Tannins;
  • Organic acids;
  • Proteins and carbohydrates.

The root can be stored much longer than green shoots, so it is convenient to stock up on them for future use.

The root vegetable is used as a spicy and vitamin additive to dishes. It can be used raw, boiled, pickled, dried.

The root goes well with vegetables: carrots, potatoes, turnips, cabbage. It adds spicy notes to any meat, be it fish, poultry, beef or pork. Fresh grated fruit will be an excellent addition to salads. When canning vegetables for the winter, the root is also an ideal seasoning.

There are many options and recipes for using root parsley. It can even be served boiled as a side dish, stewed, fried, or steamed.

In folk medicine, tinctures, decoctions and other medicinal drugs are made from the root.

To use for food, the roots should be removed from the ground, separated from the stems, washed with water, peeled and the product is ready for use. If you don't grow parsley yourself, you can easily find the root vegetable at the market or supermarket.

How to prepare parsley for drying

Parsley with tender leaves and uncoarsened stems is suitable for drying.

If greens are bought at the market, they should not be wilted, yellowed, or with rotten stems.

Parsley that has stood in water is not suitable for drying (many sellers do this to give the greenery a marketable appearance). Such greens are heavily saturated with water and therefore will not dry well.

If parsley grows in your own garden, then it is collected in dry weather, since such parsley will be easier to dry.

Parsley stems are sorted and wilted and yellowed leaves are removed. Trim the bottom of the branches a little.

The greens are thoroughly washed in cold water: first in a bowl and then under running water.

Place the parsley on a cotton towel to dry thoroughly from the water. To speed up the process, blot the greens on top with a paper towel.

Interesting: How to Preserve Yalta Onions for the Winter

Recipes with root parsley

Stewed pork with potatoes


  • Pork fillet and meat on ribs – 400-500 gr.;
  • Potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • Onions - a pair of medium heads;
  • Garlic – 1 large clove;
  • Parsley root – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil – 5-6 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt, other spices to taste.

How to Use Root Parsley in a Recipe

  1. Chop the meat into small pieces.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes.
  3. Chop the onion as you wish.
  4. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan or other convenient container, first fry the meat for about 15 minutes, then throw in the onion, and when it turns golden, pour in enough water so that it is 3-4 cm above the meat. Close the dish with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.
  5. After the time has passed, open the lid and salt the meat. Chop the parsley root and garlic (you can grate it or pound it in a mortar) and add to the dish. At this stage you can add other seasonings.

Place the potatoes on top, cover and simmer over low heat for another 30 minutes. Keep an eye on the water level, there shouldn’t be a lot of it, but you shouldn’t let it boil completely, so add liquid if necessary.

Then, open the dish, stir and remove from heat.

Everything is ready, serve!


Liquid dishes made from root parsley are especially aromatic. You can add them to any soups and broths. The use of the root always enriches food with vitamins.


  • Meat (beef) – 400-500 g;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Carrots – 1 medium;
  • Potatoes – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Highly salted cucumbers – 4-5 pieces;
  • Rice – 4 tbsp;
  • Parsley root – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 1 clove;
  • A few sprigs of dill, tarragon, and other seasonings to your taste;
  • Vegetable oil – a couple of tbsp. spoons

How to cook

  • Rinse the meat, cut into small pieces, place in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for an hour.
  • Finely chop the onion and pickles into small cubes. In a small frying pan, lightly fry the onions and cucumbers in oil.
  • After an hour, add fried onions with cucumbers, grated or chopped garlic, parsley root, diced carrots and potatoes to the pan. Salt the broth; it is important to do this after adding the cucumbers, so as not to oversalt. Cook for another 20 minutes over low heat.
  • Rinse the rice and chop the greens. At the very end, add rice and herbs to the broth, wait until it boils, constantly stirring the broth so that the rice does not stick to the bottom. As soon as the soup boils, turn it off and let it sit for about 15 minutes, after which it is ready to serve.

Serve pickle with sour cream.

“Vitamin” salad with root parsley

The beauty of root parsley salad is that it can be made in winter, when fresh vitamins are so scarce.


  • Green apple – 1 more;
  • Onion (red) – 1 pc.;
  • Parsley root – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Apple or any other aromatic vinegar – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • Olive, sesame or sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill greens - to taste;
  • A pinch of salt and allspice.

How to make salad with parsley root

  1. Peel the apples and cut into medium cubes.
  2. Also peel the root vegetable and chop it into small cubes.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Chop the greens.
  5. Mix everything in a bowl, add salt and pepper, season with oil and vinegar.

It is advisable to consume the salad immediately without storing it in the refrigerator.

These are just the most popular and easy recipes for using root parsley. In fact, there are no restrictions on its use and you can put the root in any dishes at your discretion.

The product is ideal for dietary nutrition: the root can be steamed with other vegetables, it is tasty on its own. In its raw form, it is a little bitter, and not everyone can eat it just like, for example, carrots.

The spice is added to jellied meats, minced meats, pates, and sauces. Vegetable salads for the winter with root parsley, squash caviar, and lecho are especially tasty. You can come up with your own recipes, how to use them, experiment with dishes in accordance with your taste preferences.

The dried root will delight you with its spicy aroma all winter long if you prepare it correctly.

How to properly dry parsley root for the winter

  • Wash the fruits, dry and cut into thin slices.
  • Place them in one layer on a sheet. If you live in a private house and the weather is sunny outside, then you can put them directly outside, covering them with gauze. Under natural conditions, the root dries for a couple of weeks.
  • The pieces need to be stirred periodically so that they dry thoroughly on all sides.

In an apartment, drying is done in the oven: place a baking sheet with chopped rhizomes in the oven and keep for 60 minutes at a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Store the dried root in a clean glass or plastic container with a lid.

Now you know how useful root parsley is; the use of this fruit in food has no restrictions. But do not forget that the spice has a rather strong and specific aroma.

If you have never used this root before, start with minimal doses as you may not like the taste. Despite all the benefits of the product, it is not recommended to consume it in large quantities at once due to the high content of esters and oxalates.

Everyone is accustomed to eating the greens of the plant and undeservedly ignores parsley root. After all, it contains many valuable substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

Good tradition - harvesting in natural conditions

It’s good, if possible, not to resort to using kitchen appliances, but to dry the parsley in the fresh air. The result exceeds all expectations. Greens retain not only a wonderful aroma, but a bright green color.

On air

It is better to spread the paper in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight. The first measure will prevent the parsley from becoming moldy during the drying process, and the second will prevent it from turning yellow and retain its beneficial substances and aroma. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a bale of hay.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash freshly picked bunches well to remove soil lumps and other debris.
  2. remove yellow damaged leaves
  3. chop the grass together with the stems
  4. spread thinly on paper
  5. stir the greens periodically for 3-4 days
  6. collect in any hermetically sealed container.

On a note! Ready parsley does not require special storage conditions. The main thing is to avoid dampness or foreign odors.

Drying in bunches

This method is interesting because as a result the housewife receives raw materials without rough stems - only leaves.

A simple task is to collect and tie 7-15 branches of parsley into neat, loose bunches and hang them by their tails outside in the shade of trees or in a ventilated room.

After about a week (and if the weather reaches 30°C, then much earlier), the bunches are removed from the rope and threshed - the leaves are separated from the stem. Parsley drying is complete. The grass is put into a jar and stored until the next harvest.

In the oven

How to dry parsley in conditions of a catastrophic lack of free time or bad weather? You'll have to turn to kitchen appliances.


  1. line a baking sheet with parchment
  2. put parsley into bunches
  3. remove stems without leaves
  4. Coarsely chop remaining tops
  5. spread the raw materials thinly on a baking sheet
  6. preheat the oven to no more than 40°C
  7. dry the herbs, stirring the leaves often

Increased fragility indicates the readiness of the raw material. This means it’s time to take out the dried parsley and put it in bottles and bags.

Important! A closed oven door can cause the greens to steam! A higher processing temperature will lead to burning, unsightly changes in color and odor. It's not worth the risk.

By the way, the aroma of parsley dried in air and in the oven (microwave) is different. In the second case, the smell will almost always contain spicy notes. And all the same, homemade spice cannot be compared with a store-bought product.

In an electric dryer

A device specially designed for this purpose – a vegetable and fruit dryer – will help you stock up on parsley for future use.

The principle of preparing raw materials for laying out on grates is similar. The parsley needs to be washed, random weeds removed, shaken to remove excess water, or better yet, spread out on a towel for a couple of hours.

On a note! Do you harvest herbs and greens on an industrial scale? Pay attention to the centrifuge. The process of removing excess water will become much easier!

Next, you need to carefully study the instructions for the electric dryer model. There, the manufacturer points out the operating features of the equipment, in particular, the time required for drying greens. Typically, the indicators vary between 2-4 hours at a temperature of 25° - 45°C, or even higher.

In the microwave

Why buy special equipment when you can use a microwave? Drying time directly depends on the amount of raw materials. It is quite possible that you will have to undergo one procedure in 2 stages.

The steps are as follows:

  1. preparing greens, as usual, involves washing and removing weeds and damaged branches
  2. the plate is covered with a paper napkin
  3. Towel-dried parsley is placed loosely on top
  4. the plate with raw materials is covered with a second napkin
  5. The power is set to 450 W, time to 3 minutes.

Dried parsley is manually chopped in any convenient way and placed in glass jars.

Important! While the microwave is operating, the plate becomes very hot; you need to remove it with an oven mitt!

Chemical composition of parsley root

The composition of the plant is valuable and endowed with beneficial properties.


  • organic acids;
  • iron;
  • B vitamins (9,6,2,1,3);
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • monosaccharides;
  • potassium;
  • flavonoids (have an antioxidant effect);
  • beta-carotene;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium (endowed with anti-cancer properties);
  • disaccharides;
  • vitamins (PP, E, A, C);
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • starch;
  • calcium.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

The root vegetable helps fight many diseases:

  • helps reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • with constant use, blood sugar is normalized;
  • a strong aphrodisiac that helps treat prostatitis;
  • helps fight heart and vascular diseases;
  • relieves digestive problems;
  • a strong diuretic, thereby cleansing the body and blood of toxins;
  • used to preserve vision;
  • used in the complex treatment of obesity;
  • has a bactericidal effect. Due to this, it is used to treat inflammatory processes of the gums, tongue and oral mucosa;
  • increases immunity;
  • root tea helps fight measles and scarlet fever;
  • corrects liver function;
  • an indispensable remedy for diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • prophylactic against constipation;
  • helps cure arthritis and rheumatism;
  • eliminates pigmentation, bags and circles under the eyes, swelling.

Harm and contraindications to the use of dried parsley

Despite the large number of useful substances in its composition, dried parsley is not suitable for everyone because of the possible harm it can have on the body.
Who should avoid using this spice:

  • Patients with problems of the genitourinary system
    . This seasoning has a diuretic effect, so it is worth limiting its use in case of diseases of these organs.
  • Patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during exacerbation
    . Dried parsley is still a spice, and it should not be used without a doctor’s permission if you have such problems.
  • People with individual intolerance
    . Dried parsley can cause allergic reactions, like any other product, especially in those whose bodies do not take vitamin C.

What is good for children

The healing properties extend not only to adults, but also to the little ones. It is useful to include the root vegetable in the diet of children. It helps strengthen their immune system. An infusion of the root fights measles and scarlet fever.

The decoction is useful for chickenpox. Helps relieve discomfort, increase the body's defenses and speed up recovery after illness.

Even for small children, an infusion of root vegetables helps overcome stomach upsets.

The use of parsley root in folk medicine

The root vegetable is used fresh for treatment. Juice is also made from the plant. The dried root is suitable for preparing tinctures and decoctions.

  1. If dried roots (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (480 ml) and left for a quarter of an hour, you will get an infusion that has a beneficial effect on women. It will help normalize the menstrual cycle. Regular use eliminates mood swings during menopause and saves from pain syndrome during critical days.
  2. You can make juice from the roots and greens. Ratio 2:1. This mixture is suitable for the prevention and treatment of heart disease. The juice will help lower blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels, and normalize heart rate.
  3. The infusion will help cleanse the liver. Removes waste, salts and toxins. To do this, grate the root (25 g) and add water (270 ml). Leave for a day.
  4. For those who suffer from bladder inflammation or urolithiasis, root vegetable tea is suitable. It will increase urination, help break down stones and remove them from the body. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over the chopped roots (20 g) and let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  5. An infusion of the root vegetable helps reduce stomach acidity. And with regular use, it normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract. To prepare, root (45 g) crushed in a blender is poured with boiling water (320 ml). Then leave for about an hour. It is recommended to consume three times half an hour before meals (80 ml).
  6. If you want to get a diuretic effect, remove excess fluid and eliminate swelling, prepare a decoction. To do this, boil the chopped root vegetable (50 g) for seven minutes in water (520 ml).
  7. In folk medicine, tincture is used to treat prostatitis and cystitis.

Parsley root

- part of a herbaceous plant. Its taste is somewhat similar to carrots and celery. Externally, the root is quite branched and fleshy, it is colored yellow-white. The plant has a strong aroma, which is due to the presence of essential oils.

Beneficial features

Parsley root helps cope with various diseases, for example, if you drink tea with it, you can get rid of scarlet fever and measles

It will be useful for men to know that this plant will help in the treatment of prostatitis
, since it is an aphrodisiac.
Parsley root is used to get rid of various digestive problems
The substances that are in this plant act as a diuretic
, which means it helps cleanse the blood and the body as a whole of toxins.

Regular consumption of parsley root helps normalize blood sugar

This plant contains apigenin, which can reduce the manifestation of allergic reactions

Since parsley root contains quite a lot of selenium, it resists the development of certain heart and vascular diseases

As a preventive measure, the plant is recommended to be used to preserve vision
The root also has bactericidal properties
, which makes it possible to use it for inflammatory processes of the gums, oral mucosa and tongue. In addition, the plant will help get rid of bad breath.

Use in cooking

In all cuisines of the world, parsley root is used mainly as a spice. It is used in various dishes, for example, in soups, side dishes, and the root is also added to meat and fish dishes. The crushed root is added to stews to improve and diversify the final taste. Dried and chopped parsley root is ideal for various sauces. In addition to being used raw, the root is also baked and fried.

Parsley root benefits and treatment

The benefits of parsley root are also taken into account in traditional medicine recipes. For example, the juice of this plant is used for cystitis, edema, kidney spasms, as well as during inflammation of the prostate gland and menstrual irregularities

This root helps to improve the condition of decompensated heart defects
Another useful traditional medicine is an infusion of parsley root, which will help cope with colic in the intestines, flatulence and in case of gastritis with high acidity

Parsley root is also used for cosmetic purposes; for example, together with lemon, this plant can be used to get rid of freckles and vitiligo spots.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases should be combined with the use of parsley root, as this plant
improves blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract and helps get rid of indigestion
You can use this plant to treat constipation, as parsley has a mild laxative effect

Harm to parsley root and contraindications

Pregnant women may experience harm from parsley root, as it increases the tone of the uterus, which can cause premature birth and even miscarriage.


Parsley has long been used in cooking in the preparation of many dishes, giving them a unique spicy aroma. In addition to its special taste, the plant also has beneficial properties, due to which it is successfully used in the field of medicine. The root of this plant has the greatest medicinal value. It is consumed in its pure form and used to make medicines intended for internal and external use. There are many folk recipes that were known to our grandmothers.

Parsley root. Benefits and harms

When using parsley, it is important to consider the benefits of the plant root. The rhizome contains vitamins (A, groups B, E, P, C, PP, K). The components help improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, have a general strengthening effect on the body, stabilize the immune system, and improve metabolic processes.

The mineral complex is represented by the following components:

  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • molybdenum;
  • magnesium;
  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • vanadium;
  • selenium.

The plant also contains chloride salts, organic acids, tannins, folic acid, fiber, flavonoids, starch, proteins and carbohydrates, and water. Per 100 g of product there are up to 50 kcal.

Due to its chemical composition, root parsley is not recommended for children under 1 year of age and people who are sensitive to the product to prevent an allergic reaction.

The rich nutritional value of the root allows it to have a lot of beneficial effects on the human body.

Parsley roots have beneficial properties due to the rich chemical composition of the product:

  • relieving spasms, preventing seizures;
  • stabilization of disturbed intestinal microflora, preventing the development of bacteria;
  • strengthening tooth enamel, improving bone tissue;
  • normalization of the activity of the cardiovascular, nervous and hormonal systems;
  • improvement of blood supply processes to organs;
  • toning the body, improving performance, physical activity, memory;
  • preventing the development of bacteria, fungi, viruses in the body;
  • improving the body’s protective characteristics, reducing the likelihood of catching colds in the autumn-winter period;
  • elimination of flatulence, stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • rejuvenation of the body by launching cell regeneration processes;
  • antipyretic effect;
  • cleansing the blood and removing excess water from the body, removing swelling;
  • reduction of headaches;
  • stabilization of the menstrual cycle;
  • decrease in blood glucose levels.

there are many recipes for preserving parsley root for the winter

Composition of parsley root

Parsley root, like its greens, contains many vitamins and nutrients, which is successfully used in the field of official and traditional medicine. Root sugar parsley is especially popular. This plant has less greenery than the others. In order to harvest full-fledged root crops, use not seedlings, but parsley seeds and do not pick off the leaves until the root is completely ripe. Otherwise, it will grow small, branchy and gnarled. The root crop of the plant resembles carrots in appearance and taste, only its color is white. With its help you can get rid of many diseases, and very serious ones.

The benefits of the plant are due to its unique composition.

The lower part of the plant contains almost all vitamins B, A, E, C and K, as well as organic and fatty acids, saccharides, essential oil, starch, flavonoids, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and a large amount of manganese. It is known that parsley root contains carotene, and it contains more ascorbic acid than lemons.

The calorie content of 100 g of product is 51 kcal, with proteins being 1.5 g, carbohydrates - 10.1 g and fats - 0.6 g.

Composition and calorie content of dried parsley

This seasoning has a high calorie content, but it is used in small quantities, so it cannot significantly affect the energy value of the finished dish.
The spice contains a huge amount of various vitamins and minerals that have a healing effect on the human body. Calorie content of dried parsley is 292 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 26.63 g;
  • Fats - 5.48 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 50.64 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 26.7 g;
  • Water - 5.89 g;
  • Ash - 11.36 g.

Vitamin composition of dried parsley per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A, RE - 97 mcg;
  • Alpha Carotene - 17 mcg;
  • Beta Carotene - 1.152 mg;
  • Beta Cryptoxanthin - 4 mcg;
  • Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 2428 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.196 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 2.383 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 97.1 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 1.062 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.9 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 180 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 125 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 8.96 mg;
  • Beta Tocopherol - 0.02 mg;
  • Gamma Tocopherol - 1.53 mg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 1359.5 mcg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 9.943 mg;
  • Betaine - 1.7 mg.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • Potassium, K - 2683 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 1140 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 400 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 452 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 436 mg.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron, Fe - 22.04 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 9.81 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 780 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 14.1 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 5.44 mg.

Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:

  • Glucose (dextrose) - 2.76 g;
  • Sucrose - 4.09 g;
  • Fructose - 0.42 g.

Essential amino acids per 100 g:

  • Arginine - 1.756 g;
  • Valine - 2.021 g;
  • Histidine - 0.718 g;
  • Isoleucine - 1.546 g;
  • Leucine - 2.794 g;
  • Lysine - 2.098 g;
  • Methionine - 0.596 g;
  • Threonine - 1.193 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.475 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 1.712 mg.

Essential amino acids per 100 g:

  • Alanine - 1.778 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 3.169 g;
  • Glycine - 1.756 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 3.688 g;
  • Proline - 2.01 g;
  • Serine - 1.159 g;
  • Tyrosine - 1.159 g;
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.298 g.

Saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-3 - 1.86 g;
  • Omega-6 - 1.264 g;
  • Palmitic – 1.223 g;
  • Stearic acid - 0.058 g;
  • Arachina - 0.005 g;
  • Begenovaya - 0.028 g;
  • Lignoceric – 0.063 g;
  • Oleic (Omega-9) - 0.761 g;
  • Linoleic acid - 1.248 g;
  • Linolenic – 1.876 g.

Medicinal properties

The root vegetable has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, strengthens the immune system, removes salts from the body, lowers blood pressure, has a pronounced diuretic, analgesic, choleretic and wound-healing effect, and is also successfully used as an antifungal and anti-pediculosis agent.

Parsley root decoctions are included in the treatment regimen for diseases of the digestive system. They help with gastritis and high acidity, improve the production of gastric juice, increase appetite and stimulate digestion. Due to its laxative effect, the product is used for constipation.

The root vegetable is used for inflammatory processes of the kidneys, bladder and for the prevention of urolithiasis.

Juice containing a large amount of selenium is effective against cardiovascular pathologies. The root vegetable is also used for sexual dysfunction in men and women: uterine bleeding, painful periods and prostatitis. Parsley root stimulates the sex glands.

A decoction based on it is used as a mouth rinse. It kills germs, relieves gum inflammation and freshens breath. The white root helps restore visual acuity and serves as an excellent preventative in the treatment of eye diseases.

Parsley cleanses the blood well and removes harmful toxic compounds and salts from the body. The root vegetable is included in weight loss diets: it helps get rid of obesity and activates metabolic processes.

Parsley root is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in cooking and cosmetology. Parsley root can be added to various dishes to improve their health benefits. It is added to soups, salads and meat dishes. Based on the plant, products are made to care for problem skin and are used to eliminate pigmentation and freckles.

Folk recipes

There are a large number of folk remedies that include white parsley root. Their effectiveness is due to the presence of active components in the composition of medicinal raw materials. Here are some recipes:

  • Medicinal collection for rheumatism. To prepare, you need to take in equal parts: willow bark, stinging nettle leaves, black elderberry flowers and parsley root. Art. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection and leave for two hours. Strain and drink twice a day, one glass at a time.
  • Medicine for inflammation of the prostate. Prepare like this: 2 tbsp. l. dry root is poured with half a liter of boiling water. The potion must be poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and placed in a dark place for 10 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. four times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Infusion for rheumatism. Cooking recipe: freshly dug parsley root must be peeled and chopped. Porridge in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. Brew 250 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to infuse until completely cooled. The medicine should be filtered using gauze. Drink 75 ml three times a day. A cold cooking recipe allows you to preserve all the ingredients. One tbsp. l. crushed root vegetables are poured with cooled boiled water and left to infuse for 15 hours.
  • Medicinal tea for high acidity, exacerbations of gastritis and the presence of kidney stones. It is brewed as follows: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with boiling water in a volume of half a liter. The tea is filtered before use. Take 125 ml three times a day. The drink is indicated for bloating and flatulence, and is used to improve skin health.
  • A medicine intended to improve visual acuity and restore the retina. To obtain it, you need to mix the root juice of parsley and carrots in equal parts. Pure parsley juice can be used as a wound healing agent.

This is not a complete list of folk recipes that have found their use thanks to the medicinal properties of parsley. All of them are very effective, and in some cases they help cure quite serious diseases.

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