Sesame: beneficial properties and uses

Sesame (also called sesame) has been used since ancient times for culinary purposes. It is believed that the birthplace of this oilseed crop is South Africa. Later, the seeds became widespread in Asia, the East, and India. In these countries, sesame oil and world-famous tahini halva are made from them. In Japanese cuisine, sesame has also been used: it is used to make rolls. It is also customary to decorate many types of savory baked goods (loaves, rolls, bread, etc.) with these seeds. And as a remedy they are used to lower cholesterol levels. Today we will look in detail at how to store sesame seeds at home.

Which seeds to choose

  1. When buying sesame seeds, first of all, pay attention to its color and aromatic properties. A high-quality product has a light color and crumbly structure, and its smell should not be musty.
  2. You can also find unpeeled sesame on store shelves. In this form, the grains last longer, especially if they are in a closed package. Products packaged in sealed bags have a longer shelf life than those purchased in bulk.
  3. It is better to buy sesame in transparent packaging. You can examine the product and make sure of its quality. And the taste of the grains should not be bitter and have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Beneficial properties of sesame seeds

Thanks to its unique healing composition, sesame seeds have a beneficial effect on the entire human body, giving strength and health, especially in cases of calcium deficiency and potassium deficiency.

General medicinal properties of sesame seeds:

  1. Reduces blood cholesterol levels and helps thin atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates brain function.
  3. Restores mineral balance in the body, normalizes metabolic processes.
  4. Prevents the appearance of cancer cells and slows down the growth of existing ones.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. It has a laxative effect, removes toxins and toxic substances from the body.

Regular consumption of sesame seeds helps increase the resistance of the immune system to colds and viral infections. And the calcium content in the product makes it possible to strengthen bones and avoid the development of osteoporosis.

How is it beneficial for women's bodies?

Sesame seeds also have medicinal properties in gynecology. The product has a positive effect on the genitourinary system:

  • increases local immunity and prevents inflammatory processes in a woman’s reproductive organs;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • promotes normal metabolism in tissues;
  • increases libido.

Eating sesame seeds improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs in women

During breastfeeding, consuming sesame seeds helps increase milk supply and maintain the health of the mammary glands, preventing the formation of clots and further mastopathy.

The product is also useful for women during the decline of reproductive function. During menopause, hormonal imbalance occurs, and the use of sesame allows you to replenish hormone deficiency and smooth out the course of menopause, reducing unpleasant symptoms.

Women use sesame oil in cosmetology. It helps smooth out wrinkles, strengthen hair and nails, cleanse the skin and restore its elasticity.

Benefits for men

The high content of vitamin E, zinc and amino acids in sesame has a strengthening effect on the male reproductive system:

  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • increases potency and prolongs erection;
  • stimulates sperm production, improves the quality and quantity of seminal fluid;
  • maintains the health of the prostate gland, prevents the development of cancer cells in the reproductive system.

Sesame helps prevent prostate disease in men

Systematic consumption of sesame seeds saturates a man's body with argenine, which increases testosterone - improves mood, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction and depressive conditions.

Storing Unpeeled Sesame

Unpeeled seeds, which are in sealed factory packaging, must be kept refrigerated for the time indicated on the product.

It is advisable to place the weighed product in a plastic container of a suitable size or in a paper bag, and then close it as tightly as possible. The most suitable places for sesame seeds are:

  • a place near the back wall of the refrigerator;
  • on a shelf in a dry cellar with the lowest possible temperature;
  • a locker on an unheated balcony in winter;
  • a pantry that is dry and cold.

Chemical composition of sesame oil

All the beneficial properties of this oil come from the chemical composition. The oil contains vitamins A, C, D, E, K and group B.

The fat composition of this product is also impressive: omega-3 (less than 0.2%), omega-6 (45%), omega-9 (41%), saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic) (about 14%). But it should be noted that it is different in each package, as it depends on the fatty acids contained in the seeds. And this, in turn, is affected by the weather, storage conditions, and soil.

In addition, sesame oil contains lignans, which can fight cancer cells.

The calorie content of sesame oil is up to 900 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and benefits of sesame oil for the body

  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened,
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • The body recovers well after overexertion;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • blood supply improves;
  • cell aging slows down;
  • wounds heal, cracks disappear;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and salts;
  • liver dysfunction is eliminated;
  • digestion is stimulated;
  • processes of bile formation and its release are stimulated;
  • the condition of the skin and hair improves;
  • pain during menstruation decreases.

Storing peeled seeds

Peeled sesame seeds will retain their original properties longer if you keep them:

  • in a hermetically sealed container,
  • in a cold place
  • at low humidity levels.

But one way or another, long-term storage of sesame does not contribute to its quality. Over time, the seeds become rancid. To prevent this from happening, during long-term storage, resort to freezing.

How to take sesame seeds?

For some reason, many people are interested in how to take sesame seeds.

There is no need to “accept” them in any special way. This is not a medicine. Simply a healthy food product. Include sesame seeds in your diet the way you want, when you want.

The seeds come in different colors: white, yellow, gold, beige, brown and black.

Black seeds have a more pronounced taste and aroma. But they are distributed mainly in China and Southeast Asia. In our country, in Europe and America, they usually sell white and beige seeds. They are just as useful as their darker counterparts. Therefore, there is no need to chase the rarer and more expensive black ones.


Sesame seed producers have noticed an interesting psychological phenomenon. The sesame harvest usually consists of seeds of different colors. They can be white, yellow, beige.

But buyers are willing to pay more for those packages in which all the seeds are strictly the same color, mistakenly believing that they are of higher quality. In fact, there is no difference.

Manufacturers now pack seeds using machines that clearly monitor the color of the seeds. This makes it possible to raise the price of products.

In most countries of the world (except Japan), sesame seeds are sold in already peeled form.

If the seeds are purchased raw, they are usually fried themselves in a dry frying pan. The roasting procedure should take no more than a few minutes, during which the seeds must be constantly stirred. As a result, they should emit a pleasant aroma and become slightly darker.

If during the roasting process the seeds become completely dark and have an unpleasant odor, you have burned them. Now you can throw them away - they have gone rancid and turned from healthy food into extremely harmful food.

A convenient way to eat sesame seeds daily is to prepare a paste based on them, known as tahini.

Tahini is a healthier alternative, even one made at home. And also many other nut butters.

Homemade tahini recipe



  • a glass of sesame seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

Under no circumstances should tahini be prepared using “regular” vegetable oils, such as sunflower. This sesame paste will no longer be useful. You can't add sesame oil either. Since sesame seeds already contain a lot of omega-6 fatty acids. And the oil obtained from them contains even more of this pro-inflammatory compound. And this is the main reason why.

Pour the seed into a dry frying pan with a thick bottom and place it on low heat. Fry the seeds for 4-5 minutes, constantly stirring them with a wooden spatula.

When you realize that the seeds have roasted to the desired state, transfer them to a plate. If left in a hot pan they may burn. Let them cool completely before cooking the pasta.

Then grind in a blender until it becomes fine crumbs.

Add 2 tablespoons of oil. And start the blender again. After 1-2 minutes you should have a paste.

If you want a thinner tahini, add more oil. Just a must.

Once you are happy with the consistency of the paste, add salt to taste (optional), stir again and transfer to a glass jar.

Store in the refrigerator.

How to use tahini?

Whatever you prefer. You can eat it plain, just like peanut butter.

You can also use it to make hummus and other dishes. Here are some of the healthy recipes using tahini.

Pumpkin hummus

Tahini-based Jordan sauce

chia and flax seeds.

Calorie content of sesame

Typically, each seed of any plant is unusually high in calories, since it contains a large amount of fat. For example, sunflower and flax seeds. In most cases, the amount of fat reaches 50% or higher per 100 grams of product. Sesame seeds are no exception. They are also high in calories, like most seeds of other plants. They contain oils, the percentage of which in sesame seeds reaches 45 - 55%. If we talk about calorie content, then per 100 grams of sesame there are about 560 - 580 kcal.

These are not absolutely exact numbers, only approximate calorie content. Each seed has its own substance content, which depends on its shape, size and other factors.


In our country, seeds with a delicate but specific taste have not yet found wide distribution. They are used primarily in the manufacture of baked goods and confectionery products. But sesame has such valuable properties that it is simply unreasonable to limit its scope of use only to cooking.

Sesame cannot be called a dietary product, because it has quite a high calorie content. But this does not reduce its value for the body, because sesame has various beneficial properties:

  • The oil and seeds of the plant remove toxins, help normalize blood pressure and metabolism, and reduce the likelihood of joint diseases.
  • Sesame is used to prevent osteoporosis, because it has a high calcium content.
  • Regular consumption of sesame seeds helps strengthen the body and build muscle mass.
  • Sesame helps improve the condition of hair and nails, stimulates rapid growth due to its riboflavin content.
  • The phytosterol contained in the seeds reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and prevents obesity.
  • Sesame oil increases blood clotting and is an excellent laxative. It is recommended to drink it on an empty stomach for constipation, gastritis or ulcerative colitis.
  • Sesame is especially useful for women over 45 years of age. It contains a high content of phytoestrogen - a substitute for female sex hormones.

In order for the seeds to bring maximum benefit, they must first be warmed or soaked. But heating the seeds does not mean frying them. In the latter case, you will only get an aromatic seasoning from which almost all the beneficial substances have evaporated.

Sesame oil is used to make emulsions, ointments, patches, and fat-soluble preparations that are used to treat respiratory diseases. For pharyngitis and sore throat, sesame oil is recommended to be used internally. When heated, it is used for rubbing, massage and as ear drops.

The moisturizing and softening properties of sesame oil determine its wide use in cosmetology. It relieves irritation, increases skin protection and accelerates its recovery. It is used for massage and making makeup remover milk.

Traditional medicine uses many recipes based on sesame seeds and oil:

  • A mixture of sesame seeds with honey and boiled water helps normalize the functioning of the stomach.
  • To treat dermatitis, it is useful to rub the skin with a mixture of grape juice and aloe juice with the addition of sesame oil.
  • Roasted seeds are used to treat back pain of a neurological nature.
  • To treat mastitis, sesame seeds are fried, ground and mixed with vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the chest.
  • To get rid of toothache, you need to rub sesame oil into your gums.

Contraindications to the use of sesame-based products

Like most foods, sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been scientifically studied, are not recommended for everyone. Therefore, before including seeds in your usual diet, you should understand the “side effects” of the healing agent. Even such a useful and irreplaceable product as sesame seeds has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications primarily apply to people at high risk of thrombosis. For the simple reason that some ingredients included in the composition help increase blood clotting. So, if patients with hemophilia need sesame vitally, then people suffering from varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases of this category should better refrain from eating sesame in large quantities. And this is completely justified.

Sesame, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we are now discussing, is one of the rather strong allergens. Moreover, if previously only a few suffered from allergies to this product, in recent years the number of people with intolerance to this spice has increased significantly. In this case, the reaction can be either simple redness on the skin or anaphylactic shock. It is not recommended to consume sesame on an empty stomach. This can provoke attacks of nausea and thirst.

People suffering from urolithiasis should also avoid consuming the spice. Those who are carefully watching their figure and trying to lose weight should consume sesame with caution. After all, it is high in calories, which means it contributes to excess weight gain. In addition, sesame, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product also apply to patients with hypercalcemia. Due to its high calcium content, the product is simply an irreplaceable find for people with a deficiency of this element. However, if calcium is present in excess in the body, it is better to avoid sesame.

The use of sesame oil simultaneously with medications such as aspirin, any estrogen derivatives and oxalic acid is strictly prohibited. All this together can lead to the deposition of insoluble crystalline compounds in the kidneys.

How to choose and store sesame seeds correctly

Sesame seeds should be dry and crumbly, have an even, uniform color and in no case should be bitter. Unpeeled sesame lasts much longer than peeled sesame and has many beneficial properties. It can be stored in a simple container, in a dry and dark place, without creating any additional conditions, because one of the amazing qualities of seeds is the possibility of long-term storage. You will have to tinker a little more with peeled sesame seeds. It is better to leave it in the refrigerator or even the freezer to avoid changes in taste and the loss of beneficial microelements into harmful substances. Peeled sesame seeds can usually be stored for three months; in the refrigerator, perhaps more than six months.

The freezer increases the shelf life up to a whole year. But all this does not apply to sesame oil, which can be stored for several years without any changes. Sesame is one of the universal remedies that has a unique taste, as well as the possibility of its use for cosmetic and even medical purposes.

The list of contraindications for consuming seeds is quite small; they can be used by a wide range of people, but still, it is worth remembering about their safety for the body. Everything is good in moderation, this applies to both seeds and sesame oil, the abundance of which will not help achieve a stronger positive effect. Therefore, it is worth using sesame in small quantities to achieve visible results without any unexpected complications that can harm your health.

By consuming sesame, you can not only diversify your daily diet, but also get rid of many diseases in a short time and improve the general condition of the body. It is equally useful in both grain and oil form. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the benefits and harms of sesame seeds, how to take this product, and when it is better to stop using it.

How long do sesame seeds last?

The shelf life of sesame will depend on the conditions in which it is located:

  • In a closed container (at temperatures up to +5°C) – up to 3 months.
  • In the freezer (-18°C and below) – up to 12 months.
  • Ground sesame can only be stored frozen at -18°C and below. However, it must be in a hermetically sealed bag.
  • The frozen shelf life of ground sesame is 12 months.

Proper freezing of seeds prevents them from sticking together. When you need to use a certain part of the stock, the grains or powder in the required quantity are poured into a dry container, and then kept in the middle part of the refrigerator for 6 - 8 hours.

Storing sesame oil will not cause problems. It maintains quality even at room temperature and under the influence of bright light. The oil of these seeds can be used for its intended purpose for several years.

Use of the product for various diseases

Depending on certain pathologies in the body, the rules for how and in what forms to take sesame vary. Let's consider the main cases:

  • For type 2 diabetes mellitus. This disease requires limiting the amount of sesame to 2 tsp per day. In this case, it is desirable that the intake is not one-time, but evenly included in food (with the exception of baked goods, which it is generally advisable to limit). It is also useful for diabetes to prepare salads with the addition of sesame oil. You can learn more about the benefits of the product from the article “Benefits and contraindications: we reveal all the secrets and refute the myths about sesame oil.”
  • For anemia. For this problem, it is recommended to use sesame in combination with other beneficial ingredients. Sesame fried with palm sugar is considered a very healthy mixture.
  • For bone fractures. Consuming 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds daily will help speed up the restoration of damaged bone tissue. It is advisable to consume the product on its own or as part of other dishes containing calcium. Regular consumption of this amount of product will also be beneficial for joints during incipient inflammatory processes.
  • For a hangover. Daily consumption of 1-2 tsp of seeds in their pure form increases the efficiency of the liver, helping to cope with the consequences of alcohol intoxication.
  • With bradycardia. For this heart rhythm disorder, sesame oil has proven itself to be excellent. In combination with walnuts, honey and lemon juice, an effective remedy is obtained.
  • For osteoporosis. For this pathology, it is recommended to divide the use of sesame into 2 times, 1-1.5 tsp each. and use the seeds alone or in combination with a glass of warm milk. This way the product is better absorbed and brings more benefits to the bones, strengthening their mineral part and slowing down regenerative processes.
  • For weight loss. When losing weight, sesame is actively added to various dietary dishes. If you need to get rid of slagging and toxins in the body, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of powder from the plant seed three times a day.
  • For vitiligo. For white spots on the skin, it is recommended to eat 1-1.5 tsp of sesame in its pure form before bed.
  • To cleanse blood vessels. As follows from the composition, sesame and cholesterol are mutually exclusive concepts. For more successful cleansing of blood vessels, you should combine the use of plant seeds with dietary dishes low in fat. The seed rate is standard - up to 3 tsp per day.

Black sesame

Black sesame seeds are considered a separate variety of this crop. Their taste is also rich, like ordinary seeds. But they are used exclusively for decorating baked goods, sushi, rolls, salads, etc.

The shelf life of black sesame is longer than that of light sesame, even in factory packaging. But it would still be more correct to keep it in a glass or ceramic closed container. It should be remembered that black seeds are more susceptible to sunlight and high humidity levels.

  • Black sesame can be stored on a refrigerator shelf (not higher than +5°C) for up to 3 months. However, it must be in a tightly closed glass container.
  • It can also be stored frozen (below -18°C) for 12 months.

Now you know how to store sesame seeds at home. And, if necessary, you will do it right.

How to choose sesame oil?

Modern manufacturers offer consumers two main types of sesame oil: light and dark. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the buyer.

Light sesame oil is perfect for those who want to add it to their diet, but are not delighted with its taste and smell - in the light version they are minimal. It is obtained by cold direct pressing from seeds that have not undergone heat treatment.

Before producing dark oil, sesame seeds are roasted. It is considered to be more concentrated. Unlike the light one, in this one the taste and smell of sesame are felt clearly and can be felt even when mixed with other products and oils. It is not suitable for heat treatment, so it is most often used as a salad dressing.

Both types are equally useful, but you should know that heat treatment will not only reduce all beneficial properties to zero, but also make them harmful to health.

Contraindications to the use of sesame-based products

Like most foods, sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been scientifically studied, are not recommended for everyone. Therefore, before including seeds in your usual diet, you should understand the “side effects” of the healing agent. Even such a useful and irreplaceable product as sesame seeds has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications primarily apply to people at high risk of thrombosis. For the simple reason that some ingredients included in the composition help increase blood clotting. So, if patients with hemophilia need sesame vitally, then people suffering from varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases of this category should better refrain from eating sesame in large quantities. And this is completely justified.

Sesame, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we are now discussing, is one of the rather strong allergens. Moreover, if previously only a few suffered from allergies to this product, in recent years the number of people with intolerance to this spice has increased significantly. In this case, the reaction can be either simple redness on the skin or anaphylactic shock.

Those who are carefully watching their figure and trying to lose weight should consume sesame with caution. After all, it is high in calories, which means it contributes to excess weight gain.

In addition, sesame, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product also apply to patients with hypercalcemia. Due to its high calcium content, the product is simply an irreplaceable find for people with a deficiency of this element. However, if calcium is present in excess in the body, it is better to avoid sesame.

It is strictly prohibited to use sesame oil simultaneously with medications such as aspirin, any estrogen derivatives, and all this together can lead to the deposition of insoluble crystalline compounds in the kidneys.

The benefits and harms of sesame seeds for women and men

white and black sesame seeds (photo)

The benefits of sesame seeds have been confirmed in numerous scientific works; they are endowed with truly mystical characteristics. In ancient times, it was believed that sesame was one of the important components of the elixir of youth.

Today it is known for certain that the seeds have medicinal properties that allow them to cope with many diseases of the human body.

Useful properties of seeds:

  • Immunomodulatory (the inclusion of sesame seeds in the diet increases the body's resistance to various infections);
  • Expectorant (sesame oil is used to treat colds accompanied by cough);
  • Cleansing (the product helps remove accumulated toxins, carcinogens, heavy metals, metabolites and toxic substances from the body);
  • Anticholesterol (omega-3 PUFAs in the seeds help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood);
  • Hematopoietic (seeds improve blood composition);
  • Metabolic (inclusion of seeds in the diet normalizes all types of metabolism, primarily phosphorus-calcium);
  • Sedative (the product has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and helps resist stress);
  • General strengthening (vitamins and microelements prevent the development of hypovitaminosis and microelement deficiency in the body).

In addition, it has been proven that the systematic consumption of small portions of seeds is a powerful prevention of malignant cell degeneration, and therefore the development of cancer.

The product is indispensable for the health of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems.

The benefit of sesame seeds for women is to improve the condition of the genital area. In addition, the biologically active phytonutrients of the product have a beneficial effect on the female body during hormonal imbalances and menopause, prevent the development of mastopathy and prevent the leaching of calcium from the bones (prevention of osteoporosis).

Sesame is also a powerful remedy for maintaining beauty, since its components significantly improve the condition of the skin and skin appendages (nail plates, hair).

The benefit of sesame seeds for men is to activate the process of building muscle mass, which is especially important during intense training. Sesame is also useful for male menopause, which is accompanied by insomnia, irritability and decreased sexual activity.

About harm and contraindications

To date, the benefits and harms of sesame seeds have been studied quite well, and despite their value, nutritionists recommend including them in the diet in limited quantities. Firstly, the product is high in calories, and secondly, excessive consumption of seeds can lead to the development of allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching, flushing, urticaria) and digestive disorders (constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region).

You should not get carried away with oriental sweets made from sesame, the main of which are kozinaki (grains pressed into plates in sweet molasses syrup) and tahini halva. The combination of sesame and refined sugar is contraindicated in diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis, and exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Women should not forget about the calorie content of such a delicacy.

Sesame is harmful for patients who are prone to the formation of blood clots and have increased blood clotting.

It is also undesirable to consume the seeds if you have a history of urolithiasis. Experts do not recommend eating sesame on an empty stomach, as it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to take sesame seeds?

We eat and benefit!

To get the maximum benefit, nutritionists recommend consuming seeds and oil in the first half of the day, when calcium and other microelements are maximally absorbed.

Eat sesame seeds in the amount of 1-3 teaspoons per day. They are added to salads, vegetable dishes, and baked goods.

Healthy dishes with sesame seeds

A very healthy drink for both adults and children

The easiest way to consume the seeds is raw (not roasted). To diversify the menu, experienced housewives recommend trying to prepare savory and original dishes from sesame seeds - I will give several recipes below.

Sesame milk

Sesame milk is considered one of the healthiest sesame-based dishes. This is an amazing remedy that is useful for children and adults. Just one glass of this milk a day can satisfy the body’s daily need for calcium and improve the functioning of all organs and systems.

The drink is especially popular among vegetarians, anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance and cannot drink cow's milk, as well as Orthodox Christians who observe long fasts.

A glass of seeds is poured with water overnight. In the morning, filter the swollen seeds, place them in a blender bowl, add 15 ml of sesame oil, 2-3 dates (without seeds), and a pinch of sea salt. The mass is ground, gradually adding drinking water (a total of 0.8 liters is required) until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The drink should acquire a characteristic milky color.

  • Before use, the liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze, removing the cake. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days without loss of quality.

Vitamin salad with sesame seeds

This salad is an excellent cold appetizer, served before main courses for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You will need washed lettuce leaves (1 bunch), celery root (100 g), a medium apple, sesame oil, herbs for decoration, a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-3 teaspoons of sesame seeds.

A person uses many seeds in his life, consuming them as food after processing and even without it. All these plant substances benefit the body, saturating it with useful elements, vitamins and minerals. Seeds such as sesame are not very popular in the vastness of our country, although their benefits are simply incredible. Consumption of this product helps eliminate or prevent diseases and brings significant benefits to women's health.

Sesame is better known in cooking than in folk medicine. However, there are many recipes using it. Now you can find many varieties of seeds of this plant, most often it is grown in India.

This crop is considered an oilseed, so it is commonly used to obtain oils. But the taste and healing properties of the seeds are used quite widely. Sesame has an oily, slightly sweet taste with a bit of a nutty flavor. The fruit of this plant looks like a box containing many small seeds. Each of them contains up to sixty percent oil.


In order to understand the benefits of sesame, you should first understand the specifics of its chemical composition. The seeds of this product are high in calories, but they cannot cause weight gain, because to achieve this effect, you need to consume kilograms of them.

So, sesame is a source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It contains dietary fiber, as well as sugars and starch. These seeds are a wonderful source of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins. They are especially rich in vitamins E and PP, and also B vitamins. Sesame is also rich in minerals, especially calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium.

The fatty oil contained in the seeds is rich in phytosterols. This is the name given to special active substances of plant origin. They are able to maintain normal cholesterol levels in the body, stabilize the activity of the endocrine system and normalize the immune system. Phytosterols also have a rejuvenating and cleansing effect. Those women who consume them in sufficient quantities maintain reproductive function much longer.

A substance such as sesamin has antioxidant properties and maintains optimal glucose levels in the body. If necessary, it helps to lose excess pounds.

Sesamolin is also present in sesame seeds and is also an antioxidant that has a protective and rejuvenating effect on cells. It helps the body fight the effects of stress and strong emotional tension.

Sesamol also has fairly strong antioxidant activity. Thanks to this substance, the oil that is extracted from sesame seeds can be stored for quite a long time and does not undergo oxidation.

Naturally, each seed contains very small amounts of these substances. Much more of them are already present in the pressed oil, because they are more concentrated there. Accordingly, we can pretend that systematic consumption of both the seeds and oils themselves can significantly slow down the aging process. And this feature of this product is very important for women, because they are much more concerned about their appearance than men.

Sesame seeds are able to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful particles, including decay products that appear as a result of metabolic processes. In this matter, it is also better to resort to consuming oil, again because it contains much more beneficial components than the seed, and to obtain maximum benefits you need to take it in a smaller dosage.

In Asian countries, sesame seed oil is used as an additive to many dishes; meat is often cooked with it, thereby somewhat reducing the harmfulness of meat foods.

The unique smell of sesame oil is formed by the compounds that arise during its production. Chemists call them aroma-forming components.

Since sesame is rich in calcium, it will be especially useful for women, because many representatives of the fair sex suffer from a deficiency of this mineral. In order to get the daily requirement of calcium, just one hundred grams of seeds or a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil is enough. The researchers came to the conclusion that people living in areas with the traditional presence of sesame in their daily diet have bones that are an order of magnitude stronger than those of representatives of European countries.

Sesame can also be used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and bronchial asthma. It relieves shortness of breath well and treats blood problems, including anemia and poor clotting. Consumption of the seeds of this plant helps relieve constipation and helps with diabetes.

Using sesame in your daily menu can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing mastopathy. In addition, in women it also regulates the level of hormones in the blood. Representatives of the fair sex often suffer from problems with the thyroid gland; sesame seeds will help here too. This product is also an excellent aphrodisiac.


We talked about sesame seeds, the beneficial properties of these seeds for women. So, we can conclude that sesame can bring great benefits to the female body. Include it in your diet and after a fairly short period of time you will be able to notice the effect of its consumption.

Sesame seed is not only a valuable food product used in confectionery and baking, but also a medicine that helps a person cope with various health problems. The medicinal effect of sesame seeds is based on its rich chemical composition, which has a beneficial effect on various body systems.

Composition and calorie content of sesame

The benefits and harms of sesame seeds depend on its composition and method of use. The calorie content of the grains is quite high due to the presence of fatty sesame oil. 50 g of sesame contains about 300 kcal. The fat concentration exceeds 50% of this volume.

A unique substance called sesamin was found in sesame: it is this substance that has properties beneficial to human health.

Sesamin is considered a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process and fights free radicals.

The benefits of sesame or its harm to the human body are explained by the high content of fatty oil, which contains acids:

  • oleic,
  • linoleic,
  • palmitic,
  • stearic,
  • peanut,
  • lignin.

The seeds are also rich in beneficial microelements, among them the highest calcium content. Vitamins B 1 and C give sesame properties beneficial for the human body.

Attention! In the process of slightly heating the seed, compounds are formed that add usefulness to the grains: these are furylmethanol and Seoul guaiacul.

How to properly store sesame seeds

It is important to know the fact that sesame, which is unpeeled, can be stored much longer than peeled sesame.

As long as the sesame seeds have not been shelled, they can be stored in a small container in a cool, dark, dry place. It is recommended to choose an airtight container for storage.

If the sesame seed is already peeled, then its shelf life becomes much shorter. In this case, the product should be stored in the refrigerator, or in the freezer.

If you store sesame seeds in a dry, dark place in an airtight container, the shelf life

and is equal to approximately three months.

When sesame is stored in a place that is cooled (in the refrigerator), the shelf life increases to six months. And if you store sesame in the freezer, it can last for close to one year.

This only applies to sesame seeds. This does not apply to oil, since oil can retain its beneficial properties for several years.

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