How to make lazy cottage cheese dumplings: ingredients, recipes, useful tips


The filling for dumplings is cabbage, cottage cheese, potatoes, cherries, apricots, some even make dumplings with meat. The benefits of the prepared dish depend on the chosen filling, because all its beneficial properties are preserved due to the method of preparing the dumplings. Since the dumplings are boiled, the dish is quite dietary, unless, of course, it is accompanied by fatty sauce or fried onions. They are easily digestible and for this reason will not cause any digestive problems. The dumpling dough contains amino acids that are actively involved in digestion and the smooth functioning of internal organs.

Of course, the calorie content of a product largely depends on the filling, so fruit dumplings are the lowest in calories, and therefore can be chosen as the main dish for a diet.

Step-by-step preparation of freezing lazy dumplings, recipe with photo:

1. Place cottage cheese in a container for kneading dough. It should be of moderate humidity, because... You will have to add more flour to very watery cottage cheese, which will make the dumplings floury. Therefore, if the curd is watery, then remove excess whey first. Hang the cottage cheese in gauze for half an hour to drain off excess moisture.

The fat content of cottage cheese is not important. You can take any one. This only affects the calorie content of the dish.

2. Add flour and a pinch of salt to the cottage cheese.

3. Next add eggs and honey.

4. Stir the dough until smooth and homogeneous.

5. Divide the dough into parts and roll each into a thin sausage about 3 cm thick.

6. Cut the cottage cheese sausage into small portions.

7. Wrap a baking sheet or board with cling film so that frozen dumplings can be easily removed from it. Place the dumplings on a board and place them in the freezer, turning on the “fast” freezing mode and the temperature -23°C.

When the lazy dumplings are completely frozen, remove them from the baking sheet, put them in a bag, sprinkle them with flour to prevent them from sticking together, and place them in the freezer for further storage. When you cook them, place frozen dumplings in boiling water, without defrosting them first.

Watch also the video recipe on how to freeze lazy dumplings with cottage cheese.

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  • The dough will be light if a small amount of flour is added to it. The more flour, the harder the dough and the lightness will disappear.
  • If desired, you can add vanilla extract, vanilla sugar, pieces of fruit, berries, poppy seeds, etc. to the dough for dumplings.
  • Dip the dumplings into very boiling, bubbling water. They are lightly stirred and cooked over medium heat. If you put them in just hot or boiling water, they will spread out and turn into an unappetizing mass.
  • Cook the dumplings for 1-3 minutes at a low boil.
  • Ready dumplings are served immediately, because... Cooled and heated are not tasty.
  • It is better to freeze dumplings in small portions, so that one portion is enough for one time.
  • To freeze, you will need a cutting board, a tray or baking sheet and plastic cling film.

What harm is there from dumplings?

Despite the fact that this product is very healthy, we should not forget that it contains flour, a simple carbohydrate, which, if consumed in excess, is harmful to the figure. For this reason, nutritionists recommend preparing the dough for dumplings from whole grain coarse flour.

Dumplings that are not prepared at home, but are a food product, can cause harm. You should not rely on the integrity of manufacturers, because improperly prepared filling of dumplings can lead to an upset stomach and even intestinal diseases, especially for dumplings with meat.


In the homeland, songs are dedicated to dumplings with cottage cheese. Let us at least remember the one where the Cossack is ready to give his maiden for “cheese pies.” Each region and even locality of Ukraine has its own recipe for delicious dumplings with cottage cheese. In the east of the country they are made large, almost like chebureks, so you can eat two or three of them. And in the west they are small, with a neat “pigtail” along the edge. The recipes differ in both the method of preparing the dough and the composition of the filling. But whatever they are, they all have the same requirements for products. So, what do we need for the dish? The flour should be finely ground. Only this type produces a lot of gluten. The dough is molded from it well, holds the filling inside, does not tear or unfold during cooking. The cottage cheese should be fatty, not very liquid and not dry. Before preparing the filling, it should be rubbed through a sieve to break up any lumps. There is a dough recipe where the flour is steamed with boiling water, but most instructions for making dumplings call for the water or milk to be very cold. The list of ingredients also includes eggs, salt, and in dessert versions – sugar.

Curd delicacy: prepare it correctly

You undoubtedly know how to make homemade dumplings. You also know that you can add fresh or frozen fruits, vanillin or raisins to cottage cheese. But human imagination will never stop at the knowledge gained. Therefore, we offer you another option - salted dumplings with tender cottage cheese and fresh herbs.


  • 1 ½ tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 400 g salted cottage cheese;
  • greenery.


  1. First, start preparing the dough: mix one egg with water, add a little salt, and then flour. Knead the dough thoroughly, wrap it in cling film and leave for 20 minutes.

  2. In a separate bowl, mix cottage cheese with the second egg. It is better to take cottage cheese of medium fat content.
  3. Then add finely chopped herbs, pepper and your favorite spices.

  4. After 20 minutes, divide the dough into parts and roll each of them into a thin layer.

  5. Using a cut glass, cut out circles of equal diameter from the dough.

  6. Place the filling in each circle, secure the edges of the dough and lower the dumplings into boiling water.

  7. How long to cook salted dumplings with cottage cheese will depend on the serving size. It’s better to add a maximum of 15 pieces at a time, and then the cooking time will be only 8 minutes.
  8. At the end, don’t forget to add butter to the dumplings and sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs. Bon appetit!

Choux pastry with milk

Here is another interesting recipe for dumplings with cottage cheese. Sift two cups of flour into a large bowl. Mix it with a teaspoon of salt. Boil a glass of milk and immediately pour in the flour. Stir until the lumps disappear. Gradually stir in another glass of flour. This remainder needs to be added a little at a time. Knead constantly with your hands until a smooth, elastic dough forms. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and leave it at room temperature for half an hour. After this, the dough can be rolled out to begin making dumplings. Culinary experts claim that this type of base does not weather or dry out. And the dough stretches very well and does not tear. When using it, you can roll it out thinly and add more filling.

How to cook lazy dumplings?

Squeeze the required amount of dough directly from the pastry bag and cut off.

Place the dumplings immediately into salted boiling water. Cooking time depends on the size of the dumplings - from 20 seconds after floating to a minute. Be sure to stir the gnocchi occasionally to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

You can serve lazy dumplings with anything: butter, sour cream, jam, honey. If you want to surprise your guests with an unusual presentation of the dish, decorate the dumplings with fresh fruit and powdered sugar.

With starch and flour

People who do not eat eggs should take note of another interesting and very simple recipe. Sweet lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, prepared without using this product, turn out no worse than those made from classic dough. To verify this from personal experience, you will need:

  • 150 g plain flour.
  • 500 g wet cottage cheese.
  • 100 g white sugar.
  • 60 g potato starch.
  • Salt and water.
  • Combine all bulk ingredients, including granulated sugar, in a deep, clean container. All this is supplemented with pureed cottage cheese and thoroughly kneaded by hand. The resulting dough is divided into several parts, rolled into a sausage and cut into pieces. The products formed in this way are boiled in salted boiling water until ready, caught with a slotted spoon and served with any sweet sauce or sour cream.

    With flour

    Any modern housewife should be able to cook these classic dumplings. They have an extremely simple composition and are suitable even for children’s diets. To make them yourself, you will need:

    • 200 g plain flour.
    • 600 g soft cottage cheese.
    • 70 g white sugar.
    • 1 raw egg.
    • Salt and water.
    • Even a teenager with basic culinary skills can prepare lazy dumplings with cottage cheese:

    1. The cottage cheese is poured into a deep, clean bowl and kneaded thoroughly with a fork or masher.
    2. At the next stage, salt, raw egg, sugar and pre-sifted flour are added to it alternately.
    3. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed by hand and divided into parts. Each of them is rolled into a sausage and cut into small pieces. Products formed in this way are boiled in moderately salted boiling water or stored in the freezer.


    The main difficulties in preparing lazy dumplings are that they can fall apart during cooking and turn out tasteless - rubbery, too floury.

    Features of preparing lazy dumplings


    • To make the dough more tender, add a little cream to it.
    • After introducing each ingredient, the cottage cheese must be thoroughly rubbed - then it will turn out more tender, but it is not necessary to rub the cottage cheese.
    • Always sift the flour - this is done quickly, and the products will turn out fluffier and more tender.
    • There is a widespread belief that it is better not to add sugar to the dough, because... this contributes to the loss of shape of lazy dumplings during cooking, however, in practice, sugar is very often added to the dough for dumplings.
    • The less flour you add to the cottage cheese, the more “curdish” the lazy dumplings will taste, and vice versa.

    Recipes for making lazy dumplings


    Although the ingredients are the same, there are many recipes for making lazy dumplings that differ from each other, primarily in the proportions of the products. When choosing a recipe, be guided by which taste is closer to you - more or less pronounced curd.

    Of course, the taste of lazy dumplings is greatly influenced by cottage cheese - the higher quality and tastier it is, the tastier the dumplings will be.

    Recipe for homemade lazy dumplings (with a less pronounced curd taste)

    You will need: 200g cottage cheese, 1 egg, 8 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. sugar, vanillin, a pinch of salt.

    How to cook lazy dumplings. Mix the cottage cheese with the egg, sugar, half the flour and salt, pour the rest of the flour onto the table, place the dough on it, knead it with your hands until it stops sticking, divide the resulting ball of dough into 4 equal parts, roll each into a sausage about 2 cm thick, cut sausages into pieces of the desired thickness, cook the dumplings by placing them in boiling salted water and boiling for 5 minutes after surfacing. Serve with jam or sour cream.

    Recipe for cottage cheese lazy dumplings

    You will need: 500g cottage cheese, 1 egg, 3 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. flour, ½ tsp. salt, flour for dredging, vanillin.

    How to make cottage cheese lazy dumplings. Beat the egg into the cottage cheese, add vanillin, salt and sugar, add flour, knead into a homogeneous mass, thoroughly stirring and grinding all the ingredients together. The thickness of the dough should be the same as the cottage cheese, sticky. Sprinkle the work surface very generously with flour, take the dough little by little (otherwise it will be inconvenient, because it will be quite sticky) and roll it, sprinkling flour on all sides as needed, into a sausage about 2cm wide, quickly cut into pieces 1cm thick and roll them in flour. Next, the dumplings can be cooked - put into boiling salted or sweetened water and boil for 2-3 minutes after floating, or put on a floured board and put in the freezer to freeze.

    As a rule, lazy dumplings are served for breakfast or lunch; they are quite high in calories - 100g contains about 260 calories.

    During the preparation of the dough, you can add greens to lazy dumplings - parsley, for example, or other ingredients, but this can complicate the work with the dough, so it is better to add additional ingredients to already cooked dumplings. They can be prepared either sweet or savory, and sprinkled with cheese or other savory foods when serving. Lazy dumplings are usually served with butter and sugar, jam, sour cream, condensed milk, whipped cream, fresh berries and fruits. Choose an addition to this delicious dish to suit your taste and enjoy! Bon appetit!


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