Recipes for plum compote with pits for the winter

The best recipes and delicious selections

Classic cranberry compote

Most often, compote is prepared from frozen cranberries, having previously prepared them in the summer or bought them in a store. To prepare a classic compote you need:

  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 450 g fresh or frozen cranberries;
  • 1.5−2 liters of water.

Frozen cranberries
Preparation steps:

  1. Bring water to a boil in an enamel container, then add sugar.
  2. Rinse the berries and place in boiling water.
  3. Switch the burner to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

The resulting drink must be infused, cooled and poured into a decanter or other glass container.

Cranberry juice

There are other ways to cook cranberry compote. The drink without boiling is very useful. It will require:

  • 750 g berries;
  • 450 g sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 g cinnamon.

Cooking steps:

  1. Sort the berries thoroughly, wash them, and treat them with hot water.
  2. Then rinse again with cool water.
  3. Mash the product with a large spoon and add a glass of water.
  4. Squeeze out the resulting mass using gauze.
  5. After squeezing the juice, put the mass in a container and add a glass of boiling water, then repeat the squeeze.
  6. All the resulting juice must be collected in one pan, then diluted with cold water.

Cranberry juice
In cranberry juice, sugar and cinnamon are added to taste, which make the drink even more refined. There is no need to boil the berries. The preparation method is a little more complicated, but allows you to preserve the maximum of nutrients.

Cranberry compote for the winter

You can prepare cranberry compote for the winter to improve your appetite. It is better to pour the drink into convenient cans that can be opened at any time of the year. To improve the taste of compote, fruits and other berries are added to it. For preservation you need (composition for a 3-liter jar):

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.5−1 kg granulated sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and dry the berries.
  2. Pre-sterilize the jars and place the cranberries in them.
  3. Boil water in a container and add sugar.
  4. Fill the jars with the resulting syrup.

To prevent the drink from being too concentrated, it is better to distribute the cranberries into several small jars with lids that can be rolled up with a key. You can also carry out additional sterilization by placing the jars in a small saucepan of hot water, with a wooden circle placed on the bottom. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. This compote can be stored for several years at room temperature. The properties of the vitamin drink do not lose their benefits, the compote remains tasty. The cooking time is longer than when cooking a classic compote, but the result justifies the effort spent.

Cranberry with apple

Cranberry compote with apple

Healthy cranberry compote can be prepared with apples, which add aroma and pleasant taste to it. Necessary:

  • 350 g cranberries;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • orange zest;
  • sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare a container with water, add sugar to it.
  2. Core the apples, peel the apples themselves and cut into large pieces.
  3. Once the water has boiled, add all the ingredients.
  4. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.

As soon as the apples become soft, the compote is ready and can be turned off

It is important to let it sit for about an hour, then strain

Spiced cranberry compote with cherries and lemon or tangerine zest

Cranberry drinks and compotes will have a piquant and refined taste if you add cherries and citrus zest to them. One such recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • a glass of cranberries and cherries;
  • tangerine zest;
  • half a lemon;
  • 3 liters of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Separate the cherries from the pits, cut the lemon into small cubes without peeling.
  2. Add sugar to a container of water and bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. After boiling, place all the fruits and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. 5 minutes before cooking, add a little vanillin to give the drink an unusual aromatic accent.

Citric acid adds sourness to the drink and allows you to quickly quench your thirst.

Plum compote for the winter: simple recipes, without sterilization, with seeds

A good harvest simply obliges you to make plum compote. For the winter, there is always the opportunity to prepare several versions of this sweet delicacy, even if only one variety of plum tree grows in the garden. Recipes differ both in the method of preparation and in the composition of ingredients. They have only one thing in common: the simplicity of the process.

How to make plum compote

There are two main options for preparing plum compote for the winter: with and without sterilization. Sterilization involves heat treatment of a jar filled with fruits and syrup in boiling water.

This method is used to seal compotes in small glass containers (up to 1 liter) and the recipe contains a complex composition of products that require special cooking conditions: wine, spices, hard fruits. Without sterilization, close the 3-liter bottle.

A large volume of hot syrup retains heat for a long time, provided that the finished canned food is wrapped in a warm blanket, so self-sterilization occurs.

For compotes for preparing for the winter, choose berries with dense pulp, not overripe, without wormholes or damage. The best varieties for preservation for the winter are Renklod and Vengerka with all their varieties. Small fruits are placed whole, and large ones are cut in half, removing the seeds.

Advice! The amount of sugar in the recipe can be changed depending on the sweetness of the fruit, but not less than 150 g per 1 liter of water.

Plum compote with pits for the winter

If you use large plums with bright yellow or red pulp for this recipe, the contents of the jar will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful. The winter preparation recipe is designed for a liter jar:

  • 500 g sugar;
  • plum - how much will go in;
  • 1 liter of water.

For beauty, you will have to work hard - blanch the washed fruits in boiling water for 5 minutes. and remove the skins from the plums.

  1. Fill a clean glass container with whole plums to the top.
  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Pour boiling liquid into a jar of fruit.
  4. Cover with a boiled lid and place in a container with hot water to sterilize for 20 minutes. from the moment bubbles appear in the jar.
  5. Roll up the container with a lid, turn it over and wrap it for a day. Store in a pantry or cellar for the winter.

You can decorate a cake with the fruits from such a compote, and use the concentrated syrup for a jelly recipe, or simply dilute it with water to taste and drink the sweet and sour drink with pleasure. with this recipe is below.

Plum compote for the winter without sterilization

The simplest recipe, the preparation of which will take a minimum of time. Suitable for varieties with difficult pitting, as well as cherry plums, peaches and sloe. For 1 3 liter bottle you will need:

  • 500 g plums with pits;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • water.

First, the compote container must be washed with soda and sterilized. Sort the fruits and wash them in plenty of water.

  1. Place plums in a jar (1/3-1/2 of the volume).
  2. Boil water and fill the container to the top. Leave covered for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour hot water into a saucepan and add sugar to it. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  4. Pour boiling syrup over fruit raw materials and roll up.
  5. Turn the jar upside down and cover with a warm blanket. Leave for a day, then store.

Compote cooked for the winter according to this recipe can be kept in the pantry or on the mezzanine without any problems.

Compote of plums and apricots

These fruits are similar in consistency and skin density, so assorted compote with them is prepared according to the recipe without sterilization. Remove the seeds, but if they separate poorly, it is better to cover them entirely. For a 3 liter jar you will need:

  • 300 g each of plums and apricots;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • water.

Advice! If the fruits are sickly sweet, then simply reducing the amount of sugar is not enough. Adding citric acid will balance the taste.

  1. Place plums and apricots with pits in a container washed with soda and sterilized.
  2. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. cool under the lid.
  3. Drain the water through the leaky nylon lid and add sugar to it. Gradually bring to a boil.
  4. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit flush with the neck of the jar, leaving no room for air. Roll up the boiled lid.
  5. Turn over and cover with a thick blanket or blanket for a day or two.

Assorted compote is good for its wonderful aroma and wonderful taste. This preparation is stored at room temperature for the winter.

Compote of plums and apples

For a similar winter recipe, it is good to use late-ripening or autumn varieties of apples so that they are not too tough. Remove the pits from the plums and cut the apples: small ones into quarters, and large ones into smaller slices. Cut out the seeds and stalks. According to the recipe you need:

  • 0.5-0.7 kg of plums and apples;
  • up to 400 g of sugar;
  • 2-3 g citric acid;
  • water.

Advice! Large jars do not need to be sterilized before adding fruit, because... the process of initially pouring boiling water over fruits is essentially the same as sterilization.

  1. Place washed berries with seeds up to half the volume of a 3-liter bottle.
  2. Pour boiling water up to the shoulders and close with a lid. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Drain the water into a large saucepan and immediately return it to reheat. Add sugar and citric acid.
  4. Fill the remaining space in the jar almost to the top with apple pieces.
  5. Fill the container with the fruit with boiling syrup to the brim.
  6. Cover with a boiled lid and turn over, wrap for a day or more.

Compote for the winter according to this recipe turns out to be concentrated and with a bright, rich taste. It can be diluted with water 1:2 or in another proportion as desired.

Advice! If you are preparing compote for the winter from hard apples and plums, then pre-blanch all the fruits in a saucepan. Then they are placed in a container, and the syrup is once again brought to a boil and poured into a container with fruit raw materials.

Compote of plums and pears

For this winter preparation recipe, you need to take hard varieties of pears - they will better retain their shape in the finished product. It would not be superfluous to use synthetic acid or lemon juice in the composition, because The pear taste is a bit bland. For a 3 liter jar you need:

  • 0.7-0.8 kg of plums and pears;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid;
  • water;
  • vanillin.

When using acid in powder, you must first dilute it in a small amount of water. Wash the fruit. Cut the pears into halves, remove the seeds. If the peel is rough, it is better to cut it off. Remove the pits from the plums.

  1. Boil water in a large saucepan. For 5-7 minutes. Immerse the pear halves in it. Take it out.
  2. Next comes the drains, 2-3 minutes are enough for them.
  3. Fill the container 2/3 full with fruit.
  4. Bring the water in which the pears and plums were blanched to a boil, add sugar, acid and vanillin.
  5. Fill the jar to the brim. Roll up, turn over and wrap for a day.

Advice! To make the compote beautiful, it is better to take plums with brightly colored pulp and skin, and pears should not be overripe. And then the sweet preparation for the winter will have a rich color.

Spicy plum compote for the winter

An ordinary compote will turn into a perfect delicacy if you add spices to its recipe. The set of spices depends on personal preferences, but the combination of cinnamon, cloves and star anise is considered classic. Spicy compote for the winter is prepared in liter containers, the calculation in the recipe is appropriate:

  • plums;
  • 3-4 buds of cloves, 1 star anise, half a stick of cinnamon, 2-3 peas of allspice;
  • 150-200 g sugar;
  • water;
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife.

Advice! If you prick each plum with a toothpick or a hairpin in several places, then when you pour boiling water over it, the skin will not burst.

  1. Place washed fruits in jars to the top.
  2. Add sugar and spices to the water for syrup and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Pour syrup into a jar of fruit raw materials for 5 minutes.
  4. Repeat boiling and pouring three times.
  5. Before the last boil, add citric acid. It is needed in the recipe to preserve the color of brightly colored varieties of plums.
  6. Roll it under the lid and, turning it upside down, wrap it for a day or two.

If you heat this aromatic compote and add a little red wine or a few drops of cognac, and also a spoonful of honey, you will get a recipe for a warming spicy drink for the winter.

Plum compote with wine for the winter

The recipe is prepared for the winter, although it can be successfully tried as an idea for a summer cupochon. Prepared with sterilization in 1 liter jars.

  • plums – dense and large;
  • 250 g each of water and dry red wine;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • spices: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice.

Prepare the plums: wash and remove pits.

  1. Heat water with wine for syrup, add sugar and spices to it, boil for 5 minutes. and strain.
  2. Pour hot liquid over the plums placed in the jar up to the shoulders.
  3. Place the covered jar in a pan of water for further sterilization.
  4. After bubbles appear in the container, keep on fire for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Finally close the lid and turn it over and leave it to cool, after covering it with a blanket.

Advice! You can prepare such a compote for the winter from plums with pits, but then the sterilization time in the recipe increases to 20 minutes.

Plum compote with honey for the winter

Sometimes sugar in the recipe for compote with plums is replaced with honey. When heated, it loses some of its beneficial properties, but the aroma and taste will not go away, and if you enhance them with spices and add a citrus note, the drink will turn out magical. For a liter container you need:

  • 500-600 g plums;
  • 300 g water;
  • 200 g honey;
  • ½ lemon;
  • ginger and cardamom (powder) - 0.5 tsp each.

Advice! Small, yellow-fruited varieties of plums are ideal for this winter recipe.

  1. Prick the washed fruits in several places using a toothpick.
  2. Place them for 2-3 minutes. into boiling water, drain in a colander and immediately rinse with cold water.
  3. Boil syrup from honey and spices, strain and pour it over blanched fruits. Leave for 5-6 hours.
  4. Strain the syrup and bring to a boil.
  5. Place the plums in a container, adding thinly sliced ​​lemon on top.
  6. Pour boiling syrup over and sterilize for 10 minutes. from the moment air bubbles appear in the jar.
  7. Roll up and put away “under a fur coat”, turning it upside down.

This compote will decorate the New Year's table for the winter or help out during a seasonal cold.

Advice! Compotes with seeds are not stored for longer than a year due to the risk of formation of harmful substances from the kernels in them.

Plum compote in a slow cooker

Fans of this kitchen device will love the recipe for a liter jar:

  • 400 g plums;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;

Those who don't like cinnamon can replace it with vanilla or do without the spices altogether.

  1. Heat water in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Add spiced sugar and let simmer for another 2 minutes.
  3. Dip the washed plums into boiling syrup and boil for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Remove the fruits from the multicooker and carefully transfer them to the prepared jar.
  5. Roll up the boiled lid and put it “under the fur coat” upside down.

According to this recipe, compotes made from other types of fruits are also closed for the winter: apricots, peaches, cherries, sloe, etc.


Plum compote for the winter can be prepared without much effort. The main conditions in the preparation process: cleanliness of the jars, careful sorting of the fruits and adherence to the recipe. And then not only will you have a supply of canned food for the winter, but also a piece of your summer mood.


How many years can canned cherry compote be stored?

I found a jar of cherry compote in the pantry, but it was definitely made more than two years ago. Is it possible to use this compote?

I remember reading a long time ago in several magazines, everywhere the same advice. Homemade peach or cherry compotes, especially if they contain seeds, are not recommended to be stored for more than one year. This recommendation is present almost everywhere. It is now more convenient to search for answers to questions on the Internet. Here's what I found on this issue.

If cherry compote is stored for more than one year, then hydrocyanic acid begins to be released from the seeds into the compote. And she is a real poison. Therefore, after 1 year there is no need to store the compote. However, if the berries in the compote are seedless, then such a drink can be stored for two or three years. But why is this necessary? Every year you need to drink compotes from fresh berries.

Simple recipes for making plum compote with pits for the winter

Summer is short. And the time when we can prepare fruit and berry compotes for the winter is even shorter. Nowadays, stores and supermarkets have a good selection of various fresh fruits and berries all year round.

But summer berries and fruits have a completely different taste and aroma than “winter” ones. And sometimes, on cold winter days, you really want to feel the aroma of hot summer, the taste of summer berries that have absorbed the warmth of the summer sun.

Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to prepare plum compote with pits for the winter. Moreover, such a compote can be prepared by any, even the most inexperienced housewife. There is more than one recipe for making plum compotes. Plums are prepared in syrup, in marinade, with or without spices. Here, for example, are a couple of recipes that are simple, quick and yet delicious.

Benefits of plums

This is a recipe for those who love simple and quick recipes and “no-fuss recipes.” Plum is absolutely wonderful. And she is underestimated by many.

Meanwhile, in addition to being delicious, it is also very healthy .

If one of your family members has atherosclerosis or the kidneys, liver are not completely healthy, or the intestines are not functioning well, it must be present in the diet. Both in summer and winter.

This berry contains a lot of sugars and pectins. It is rich in vitamins such as:

  • C, A (retinol), E (tocopherol), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinic acid), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid).

The mineral composition is also far from poor:

  • Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, silicon. According to nutritionists, plum is a natural complex of not only minerals and vitamins, but also valuable macroelements that help reduce the acidity of gastric juice, which means it facilitates the treatment of gastritis and ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.

Plum helps get rid of excess cholesterol , excess water in the body, helps normalize salt content, has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological health, nervous system, blood pressure, etc., etc. But all this information does not have to be dumped on the heads of your loved ones. Just prepare a “super drug” using a super simple recipe – plum compote.

How to close compote for the winter

For the compote that you open in winter, you can take plums of any variety and any color. It is only important to remember that you need to take berries that are not overripe, otherwise you risk finding in the jar in winter not compote, but jelly with seeds. The hot syrup will simply turn the plums into mush.

jams, preserves, and confitures from overripe berries . Something that can be put into porridge on a winter morning, spread on toast. It is no less tasty and healthy than plum compote, but it requires more time and effort. But he was promised “no problems.” This means that it will be possible not only not to remove the seeds, but not even to sterilize the compote!

So, you’ve decided on the plum – take any hard plum, maybe even a slightly unripe one. But! Unripe plums will require more sugar and will be less fragrant in compote.

Sort through the plums, remove the crushed and too soft fruits, put the fruits with spots aside, wash, put in a colander and leave the excess water to drain.

A little advice: wash the plums with warm, almost hot water and keep them away from the refrigerator . Then you won't have to blanch them. And this is done so that the plum skin does not burst too much in the hot syrup.

Preparing jars

The jars in which the plums will be prepared can be of any size. The smaller the plums, the smaller the jar can be. The larger the plums, the larger the jars should be. You can also focus on the size of your family.

If your family is small, take smaller jars; if your family is larger, then you can take larger jars. The main thing is that there is enough compote for everyone who wants to taste plums with pits.

And also, so that you consume the entire contents of the container at once, in its entirety - it’s better to have a little bit missing than some part left over.

wash, sterilize, and dry jars for compote without boiling . It is good to use tea soda for washing. It cleans jars well and is also washed off well and quickly enough with water, unlike other cleaning products.

Housewives sterilize canning jars in different ways. Many people like to sterilize them in the oven. Because a large number of jars can be sterilized at the same time. And it doesn't take much time.

Clean jars with a volume of up to 1 liter and a little more are placed in a warm oven and sterilized for 10 - 15 minutes over medium heat, placing them on a wire rack, and be sure to place a container with a small amount of water .

And they don’t rush to take the hot jars out of the oven and let them cool a little. Banks up to three liters are placed sideways on a wire rack for 15 minutes. No special skills are required for this method of sterilization. Just be careful not to burn yourself when removing sterilized containers from the oven.

Be sure to wear gloves or use oven mitts.

Preparing the Lids

Screw caps can be used. If you plan to sterilize the compote, then you can use the lids of the second and sometimes third year of service. If the jars are simply filled with hot syrup or hot brine (without sterilizing), then use new lids. Then they will close the unsterilized jar tightly. The lids are boiled in boiling water .

Lids for preparing compote can be taken either “turnkey” or “screw-on”. You just need to remember that preservation with a “turnkey” lid is stored longer than with a “screw-on” lid.

However, experience says that if the jar is well washed and sterilized, and the screw cap is new, “boiled” in boiling water and still warm at the time of screwing, then the compotes will be stored for up to two years, and without a cellar or refrigerator.

But compotes with seeds are best consumed within one year.

Jars and lids are ready. The plums are washed. Let's start preparing plum compote with pits for the winter, which will be stored until it runs out.

Usually, when using plums for compote, the quantity is taken “by eye”. But, if you want compote to be on your winter table, fill no more than half or two-thirds of the jar . If you fill the jar almost completely with plums, the plums will look like jelly. Especially if you take medium-sized plums.

Before filling the plum, do not be lazy, prick each fruit deeply with a toothpick in three or four places. Then even if the plums burst, it won’t burst too much.

Place the plums with pits in jars.

Carefully pour boiling water into the jars. Remember that there is no need to rush to pour boiling water into the jar, it may burst.

Fill the jars with boiling water in several stages: first the first one by about a third, then the next ones in order. And then add the missing boiling water to the jars, starting with the first one.

By this time, the first jar will already be warm enough not to burst. After filling the jar with boiling water, immediately cover it with a sterilized lid.

Let the filling cool slightly . Then carefully pour into the pan. Add sugar to the water. Boil again. And fill the jars with the resulting syrup. Now seal the jars tightly with sterilized lids.

Preparation of syrup

  • 100 gr. sugar per liter jar
  • 200 gr. for a two-liter
  • 300 gr. for a three-liter

A little advice: in order not to make a mistake with the amount of syrup, when pouring boiling water into jars with plums for the first time, pour enough boiling water so that the boiling water just covers the plum a little.

Drain the water from the jars into a separate pan in which you have already added the sugar. Boil until sugar dissolves. At the same time, boil additional water. It is convenient to do this in an electric kettle. Pour the resulting syrup evenly into the jars with a ladle and then add boiling water to the jars .

This way you will never go wrong with the amount of syrup.

Once the jars are sealed, turn them upside down, make sure the jars are truly sealed, and leave them to cool, covered with something warm, such as a blanket, to help the jars cool more slowly. It is better if the jars with winter preparations cool down within one and a half to two days.

All. Compote of plums for the winter with pits is ready. Easily. Just. And most importantly - quickly. Ready for winter!

What did it take? A simple recipe, and with it you just need plums with pits, sugar, water and a little patience.

Two recipes were promised, but so far only one has been given.

Well, here is the second recipe. Just as simple. The cooking technology will not change, but the taste will change.

Before and after autopsy

Jam and marmalade have different shelf life before and after opening.

The store-bought product is prepared under industrial conditions, using autoclaves, which ensures a longer shelf life.

In addition, at the enterprise the preparation process is controlled by a technologist, and the deadlines are printed on the packaging.

The quality of jam produced at the enterprise is assessed according to GOST 7061-70, jam - according to GOST 7009-71. Jam in a glass container is good for 2 years, jam - 3 years (jam takes longer to boil and is less susceptible to spoilage), and when packaged in plastic containers - no longer than 6 months.

Opened tubes should be consumed as quickly as possible - within a week, and glass jars - 2-4 weeks.

Jam made at home can be preserved for different periods of time, depending on the type of berries and technology:

  1. With bones. If the fruits are small and the seeds are not separated from the pulp, make jam from apricots, plums, cherries with seeds. The seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, which imparts bitterness and is poisonous, so this product should not be stored for longer than 7-12 months. and must be consumed first. It is risky to eat an opened product after 2-3 weeks of storage.
  2. Seedless. At home, a sweet dish prepared from berries, fruits and sugar can be good for 1.5-2 years. Once opened, such a product should be kept in the refrigerator, but no more than 1 month.
  3. "Five minutes." “Five-minute” is a mixture of berries or fruits passed through a meat grinder with added sugar, brought to a boil and boiled for about 5 minutes. This brew retains more vitamins, but the sealed jars should only be kept in the refrigerator, and then for up to six months.

Having uncorked the “five-minute bottle”, it must be consumed within a few days, otherwise the mass will ferment.

Raspberry. Raspberry jam costs well, but this is not a reason to store it for a long time: 1-2 years is the maximum shelf life. Once you open the jar, you can keep it for up to 1 month. (in a refrigerator).

Strawberry. Strawberry jam, prepared in several steps, has a decent shelf life - up to 2 years. After opening at refrigerator temperature, this food is quite suitable for consumption for 1 month.

Apple. In a sealed state, apple jam, cooked with enough sugar, will last for 2 years without any problems. Once you open the container, you should try to use up the contents within 3-4 weeks.

Currant-banana. Jam or preserves made from these berries and fruits should not be tested for suitability: such jam must be stored for 1 year. Once opened, the packaging must be emptied within 10 days.

How to choose fresh marshmallows in the store? Find out the answer right now.

How to properly store jam? Tip in this video:

What to do if you are poisoned by hydrocyanic acid?

If you suspect hydrocyanic acid poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance. First aid before the ambulance arrives is to lavage the stomach.

40% glucose is used as an antidote (20-40 milliliters administered intravenously). At home, you can give the victim very sweet tea.

It is also necessary to give the poisoned person activated charcoal (if the victim is conscious and able to swallow pills).

Medical care consists of gastric lavage with a 0.5% sodium thiosulfate solution, intravenous administration of glucose and sodium thiosulfate, and oxygen therapy.

Inhalations with amyl nitrite can be performed.

Intramuscular administration of cyanocobalamin and intravenous administration of riboxin and vitamin C are also recommended.

Read further:

How to use sodium thiosulfate to cleanse the body?

Oxygen cocktail: benefits and harm for the body of children and pregnant women

Donormil overdose

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