Quality of confectionery products

  • Shelf life: 6 months
  • Shelf life: 6 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 2 months
  • Freezer life: 3 months

Storage conditions:
Store at a temperature not exceeding +15 °C This oriental sweet is well known to many for its excellent taste. As it turns out, there are a large number of types of halva, as well as recipes for making it. Nowadays, halva is made by hand only in Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan. Its taste is much different. The halva produced in industrial production is tasty, but very different from the one made by hand. It is also of low quality, it dries quickly and releases grease. Therefore, in order to eat a fresh product, it is worth knowing the shelf life of halva. This delicacy was loved many centuries ago, but even now it is loved by both children and adults. This is a wonderful dessert that is also a healthy sweet.

Halva begins its history in Iran in the 5th century BC. Its appearance in the countries of the USSR is still unknown. There are opinions that this product appeared in Odessa. It was produced by the Greek confectioner Kazi. A variety of types of halva were produced at his factory, from chocolate to nut. There is also a version that the merchant Sviridov, who learned the recipe from his Greek wife Medea, learned the recipe for halva. Only a few types of halva are currently produced in Russia. The recipe for this sweet is actually very easy. Nuts or seeds need to be crushed and then beaten with caramel into a homogeneous fluffy mass. The soap or licorice root makes the halva melt in your mouth. They are added to the syrup for this purpose. Halva contains natural ingredients, so it is considered a healthy product.

The benefits and harms of halva

Depending on its type, this sweetness has its own benefits. Therefore, it is important to know the shelf life of halva. Sunflower halva is one of the most common in Europe and Russia. It contains vitamins B1, PP and F1. Thanks to them, the condition of the hair and scalp improves, and their loss is also prevented. Halva protects the skin from free radicals and helps against aging. In terms of low calories, almond halva is in first place. It is low in oils and high in amino acids. It has a special and memorable taste. Those who want to strengthen their bones should consume it, as it contains a lot of vitamin D. Peanut halva can improve memory, calm the nerves and strengthen the neural connections of the brain. It contains vitamins and linoleic acid. Sesame halva will give you the taste of the East. All traditional Middle Eastern desserts are made using spiced sesame seeds. B vitamins, antioxidants, zinc, calcium, manganese are included in its composition. It is an excellent remedy for migraines, loss of energy and colds. Folic acid is included in almost all types of this product, so those who are planning a pregnancy should know the shelf life of halva.

This sweetness should not be eaten if you have cholecystitis, liver diseases and pancreatitis. It is also contraindicated for obese people.

Halva in medicine

For diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood due to decreased production of insulin by the body. To treat the disease, you should follow, in addition to the course of treatment, a strict diet. Many foods containing carbohydrates may be prohibited.

As for halva, it should also not be consumed if you have diabetes. However, if fructose was used in production instead of sugar, molasses or honey, then it is not only possible, but also necessary for diabetics to eat

In this case, patients will receive the same complex of vitamins and nutrients as if they consumed regular halva, which is important when undergoing a course of treatment and following a strict diet

For pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, the gastric gland practically does not perform its function, so it is strictly forbidden to consume halva during the acute phase of the disease. The body simply cannot cope with the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates. Also, nuts or seeds stimulate the production of pancreatic juice, which is extremely undesirable in case of illness. In this case, fiber also poses a danger.

During the remission phase, halva should be eaten in small quantities, as it is rich in various beneficial elements that are so necessary during this period. However, you need to be very careful and consult a doctor before consuming it, as halva can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and even hospitalization.

For gastritis

The term “gastritis” in medicine refers to a set of ailments that cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. If we talk about halva, then individually the products included in its composition do not cause any harm to the patient. However, together they cause irritation, which can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

For the intestines

The value of halva for the intestines lies in the presence of dietary fiber. For a long time, their value was neglected and considered a kind of unnecessary ballast. But then it turned out that dietary fiber has a positive effect on intestinal motility, and as a result, on constipation and diarrhea.

The peculiarity of dietary fiber is that it is not processed in the small intestine, but only in the large intestine, thus stimulating gastric motility. In addition, they satiate him, which dulls the feeling of hunger.

For constipation

Constipation in the body occurs mainly due to the consumption of easily digestible foods, which cannot be said about halva. Dietary fiber stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and acts as a laxative.

For gout

Gout is a disease that affects the joints due to the accumulation of uric acid salts

Therefore, for this disease, it is important to undergo not only a course of treatment, but also adhere to a certain diet

Sweets, in particular halva, are still the subject of debate among scientists, so there is no exact answer. If you are sick, it is not recommended to consume only chocolate and foods that contain purines.

For colitis

Due to the content of many useful substances and vitamins in halva, it can and should be eaten if you have colitis. In particular, in this case, insoluble dietary fiber has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

However, there are certain nuances here. Thus, to prepare halva, sunflower seeds are used, which can accumulate various carcinogenic substances. And with long-term storage, there are more harmful substances than useful ones, which is dangerous for a disease such as colitis.

For hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease associated with impaired blood flow in the lower rectum. As a rule, the disease occurs due to poor nutrition and consumption of hot and spicy foods, as well as alcohol. In addition to the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed a diet that should include cereals and foods containing dietary fiber. Therefore, halva must be included in the menu for this illness.

For the liver

Despite the fact that halva is a rather fatty product that can put pressure on the liver, in general it is very healthy. Thus, sunflower seeds help cleanse the blood vessels of the liver and prevent the formation of blood clots in it. Also, due to the presence of antioxidants, they protect its cells and reduce cholesterol levels.

For cholecystitis

If you have cholecystitis, when the gastric mucosa is damaged, you should absolutely not consume halva. This is a rather heavy product, and even a small piece can cause the disease to worsen.

How to properly store halva

You can buy halva packaged or loose. The latter is more convenient because you can see its condition and whether the production technology has been violated. The halva should be dry, crumble a little and have a layered fibrous structure. A dark coating indicates that the halva’s shelf life has come to an end. Packaged halva is more difficult to inspect. But she is protected from the outside world. The shelf life of packaged halva is longer. Halva can be stored in a vacuum container for up to 6 months.

. Thanks to the label, you can judge the freshness of a given product. Halva should be stored in a dry and cool place where the temperature is 12 degrees with a relative humidity of no more than 70 percent. The shelf life of halva depends on the temperature, so it should not fluctuate. It should not be kept near products that have a strong odor.

In general, the shelf life of halva can reach 6 months.

from the date of manufacture.

Storing halva in the refrigerator

You can store halva in the refrigerator for a long time without losing its taste. Such storage is the most optimal due to the favorable and stable temperature and humidity conditions.

To store halva in the refrigerator, if the package is opened, the sweetness should be transferred to a glass container with a lid. This will increase the shelf life of halva, as well as protect it from dampness and foreign odors. You can also use plastic containers. You should not store halva in a bag, it will spoil faster. You can store halva in packaging only if it is intact.

The shelf life of sesame halva and glazed halva is 2 months

at a temperature of no more than 5-7 degrees and a relative humidity of no more than 70 percent.
Peanut, sunflower and nut halva can be stored for 1.5 months
at a temperature of no more than 5-7 degrees and a relative humidity of no more than 70 percent.

Storing halva in the freezer

If there is a lot of halva, but there is no longer enough space in the refrigerator, you can freeze the halva. However, not all varieties of halva are suitable for freezing. You can store sesame or tahini halva in the freezer; they do not have a bitter aftertaste after defrosting.

Halva should be sealed before freezing if the integrity of the packaging is damaged. You can wrap the halva with cling film.

It is advisable to store halva in the freezer at a temperature no higher than -18 degrees, since the lower the temperature, the longer the shelf life will be. If your freezer has a quick freeze function, use it. Quick freezing will help prevent moisture in the product from crystallizing.

The shelf life of halva in the freezer is from 3 to 5 months.

at temperatures from -18 degrees and below.

When it's time to defrost the sweets, leave them on the refrigerator shelf for several hours to allow the defrosting process to occur gradually.

Storing halva at room temperature

Halva is a rather satisfying dessert, so the question of how to store halva at home is very relevant.

So, storing halva in its original packaging is not difficult, since it is sealed and protected from external influences. Therefore, you can store halva in packaging either in the horse closet, on the balcony or in the pantry. The main thing is that the storage place is cool (temperature no higher than +15 degrees), dry and protected from light.

But how to store opened halva? The integrity of the packaging is compromised, which means the shelf life is decreasing every day. In order to preserve the freshness of the halva, you should transfer it to a glass or plastic container with an airtight lid. Then you should choose a storage location based on the following conditions: protection from sunlight, lack of moisture, temperature within 12-15 degrees. A pantry and an insulated balcony will do.

The shelf life of halva at room temperature is 2-3 months.

depending on storage conditions.

The first halva was made in Iran in the 5th century. BC e., and years later they began to make this sweet in other countries of the East and Central Asia. In those distant times, refrigerators did not yet exist. Therefore, halva was stored in the coolest places that were in the house. Nowadays, to keep food cold, there are various possibilities associated with technological progress. Therefore, storing halva at home is now much easier.

Homemade halva: recipe

Finally, we’ll tell you how you can prepare sweets at home, and what is required for this.

We will prepare the product using ingredients that can be found in any store, namely:

  • flour;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • sunflower oil;
  • sugar;
  • water.

We take two faceted glasses of seeds, and then fry them in a frying pan. It is worth remembering that the seeds are fried without adding sunflower oil. The pan must be dry.

After roasting, the seeds are passed through a meat grinder twice. It is better to use a fine mesh. There is no need to clean the seeds.

Next, we need to heat 1.5 cups of flour in a frying pan or in a convenient bowl until reddened. After this, the flour is mixed with the twisted seeds and passed through a meat grinder 2 more times.

Take a convenient container into which we pour a third of a faceted glass of water, and add one glass of sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat, then stir constantly. The syrup is considered ready if the taste of water is not felt.

At the final stage, you need to combine hot syrup, 150 ml of sunflower oil and a twisted mixture of seeds and flour. Mix everything thoroughly, then transfer it into a mold, place a press on top and place it in the refrigerator.

The product is considered ready the moment it completely hardens and becomes cold.

Did you know? If you tried Indian halva, you would never believe that this is the same product. The thing is that in India it is made from milk and vegetables.

This concludes our discussion of such a tasty and quite healthy product as halva. Do not forget that the presence of vitamins and minerals does not exclude the fact that the product is high in calories and can cause deterioration in your health if consumed in large quantities. Remember that sugar has no benefits for your body.

Types of halva

Halva comes in different types. Here are the main ones:

  • from sesame seeds (tahini);
  • sunflower seeds;
  • from nuts (peanuts, etc.)

Sunflower seeds, like nuts, tend to become bitter, especially when they are not in the shell. They are present in halva in a crushed state. Therefore, they can deteriorate even faster due to oxidative processes associated with the interaction of vegetable oils with light and warm air.

The manufacturer increases the shelf life of halva by adding various preservatives and sealed packaging that does not allow light to pass through.

How long this dessert will remain fresh depends on the amount of preservatives and storage method. But on average, halva can remain suitable for consumption from 2 months to 2 years.

What are the benefits of sunflower halva?

For women

The benefit of any product for women lies in the presence of vitamins and beneficial elements that are easily absorbed by the body. Sunflower seed halva has this quality.

  1. Thus, it contains dietary fiber, which promotes the absorption of food, as well as protein and youth vitamins.
  2. Due to the fact that halva contains substances that are directly involved in oxidative processes, it helps to achieve healthy and beautiful skin, as well as stimulate the growth of hair and nails. Regular use will promote skin elasticity, hair will become smooth and soft, and nails will stop breaking.
  3. It can be included in diets. Halva can replace many “harmful” desserts because it is not a source of extra calories.
  4. Vitamin E, which is sufficient in this dessert, will help cope with difficulties in conceiving. This feature was noticed in ancient times. Then many of the Sultan’s concubines tried to eat as much halva as possible in order to give birth to an heir.

Based on all that has been said, the best “snack” for every woman will be a small piece of halva

It will help improve your appearance, brain activity, attention, and improve your mood.

For men

Speaking about the benefits of halva for men, it is worth noting that it contains potassium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the human cardiovascular system. It is no secret that after 40 years, many representatives of the stronger sex have a risk of developing heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. By regularly eating halva in moderate quantities, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of these ailments and their consequences.

It also “nourishes” the muscles due to the presence of vitamin D, and vitamin E provides lush hair. In addition, halva is an excellent aphrodisiac, and men who regularly eat this dessert do not have problems with potency.

During pregnancy

Any doctor will tell you that during pregnancy it is necessary to include in your diet as many foods as possible that contain beneficial substances. This is why halva as a dessert will be so useful for expectant mothers due to the presence of many important vitamins, macro- and microelements in it. A special role will be played by folic acid, which is so necessary for the normal development of the unborn child.

However, as with everything, there are some features that should be taken into account:

  1. You should not eat halva if your mother has an allergic reaction to the products included in its composition.
  2. It is worth remembering that halva is a fairly high-calorie product, and you cannot eat a lot of it. It should also be alternated with other desserts and not consumed every day.
  3. In the later stages, you should abstain from halva, as well as from other sweets, as it can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, excess weight gain and bloating.

When breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, foods that are beneficial to the mother's body will have a positive effect on the baby's health. In particular, halva has healing and health-improving properties, and it also increases the energy value of breast milk. However, sunflower seeds contain an allergen, so you should be careful.

Doctors recommend introducing halva in small quantities into the diet during breastfeeding and monitoring the baby’s condition. If allergy symptoms appear, you should stop eating it immediately. It is also worth remembering that the product is quite “heavy” for a child in the first months of life.


Is it possible for a nursing mother to have sweets?

For children

Halva for children is an excellent treat; it can be given both as a dessert and a snack. There are many opinions about at what age you can give halva to a child: some parents begin to include it in the child’s diet starting from the age of 2, others - much later. However, pediatricians recommend giving it as food starting from 3 years of age.

Benefits of halva for children:

  • quite easily digestible;
  • contains many useful elements and vitamins;
  • increases brain function and alertness;
  • restores energy;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels and heart function;
  • renews cells;
  • improves the general condition of skin, hair and teeth;
  • improves mood and energizes;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and removes toxins.

What to consider when purchasing

The main criterion for the freshness of halva is its bright, persistent aroma. In addition, this product must have a crumbly fibrous structure and color corresponding to its grade.

  • Halva made from sunflower seeds has a dark, gray color. A sesame product, on the contrary, should be light.
  • Nut sweets, for the production of which peanuts, hazelnuts, etc. were used, should be beige and have an appropriate smell.
  • In stores and on the market, this sweetness is purchased by weight or already packaged in sealed packaging.

When halva is sold by weight, unpacked, and its release date is unknown, you need to pay attention not only to its aroma, but also to its structure. A dark coating indicates that the halva’s shelf life is already running out, and it is better not to buy it.

A high-quality confectionery product, when cut, forms a clear cut and does not have various foreign inclusions (pieces of husk, etc.). The aroma of halva should be fully consistent with the smell of the main product from which it is made, with a slight hint of caramel aroma. And the taste should be rich and not leave an unpleasant rancid aftertaste.

If such signs are present, it is better to refuse to buy halva (it is stale or made with violations of technology).

A product sold in packaging cannot have a shelf life of more than 80 days (by weight no more than 40 days). If the manufacturer indicated a longer time, the product is not natural. In addition, the packaging itself must be completely sealed. Violation of tightness will lead to a reduction in storage time. This is especially important if the sweetness was not planned to be used soon.

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The sales period for packaged confectionery products should not exceed 6 months. This must be taken into account when purchasing it.

The long shelf life of this dessert indicates its unnatural composition with a large number of preservatives.

General storage table

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

There are quite a large number of varieties of halva, which must meet their own standards. That is why below we will tell you how to choose a quality product.

The first thing you should look at is the composition of the product. The fact is that for halva to be well preserved, it is not necessary to use dyes, flavors, preservatives, or other artificial additives. All this is added in order to improve the taste, reduce the price, or give it a marketable appearance. There is no benefit from such additives, but there is harm, so the shorter the composition, the healthier the product.

It is advisable to buy halva in transparent packaging so that you can visually assess its condition. If you notice caramel streaks, it means that the manufacturer has added too much caramel, which will increase the calorie content of the product, but you will not feel any additional benefits. Also, such halva has a sickly sweet taste, which many will probably not like.

If you notice drops of fat, it is better not to buy such halva at all, since technological issues were violated during its production.

A problem that is typical for halva by weight: if you notice dark spots on the product, or it seems to be smeared with soot, it means that the sweetness has long expired. This may also indicate that the temperature or humidity level was disturbed during storage. You cannot buy such halva.

It is worth paying attention to the structure of halva. It should be layered, porous, easily removable

The product should not be an oily, dense piece of something unknown that cannot be broken by hand. This indicates that the manufacturer has decided to increase the dose of sugar significantly, which will clearly affect your figure.

Remember that loose sweets can be stored for no more than 2 weeks, given unfavorable conditions. Vacuum packaging allows you to extend the shelf life up to six months, but no more. If you see that the expiration date is a year or even more, then the product is, to put it mildly, unnatural.

Learn more about the benefits and making protein bars at home.

Storing halva without refrigeration

Usually this dessert is not eaten immediately, and many housewives are interested in how to store halva at home without a refrigerator.

Sweets in factory packaging are stored only for the time indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. After the expiration date, no one can be sure of the quality of the product. Storage usually takes place in cool places: in pantries, on balconies, and not too damp cellars. The optimal storage temperature for halva is +7°C -+12°C.

After the packaging has already been opened, storage of this sweet must be continued in another sealed container. Note! Do not allow the sweetness to be exposed to direct sunlight. It is better to choose packaging that does not allow light to pass through.

The sweetness is placed in a glass or food-grade plastic container, tightly closed, and stored in a dark place at +12°C (not higher). Halva should be stored at a relative humidity of no higher than 75%.

At room temperature, the shelf life of halva is 2 – 3 months.

Cold storage

A refrigerator with a temperature regime not exceeding +7°C is considered a good place to store this dessert. In such conditions, halva can be stored for the entire time until the expiration date.

Due to its structure, this product quickly absorbs environmental odors. Therefore, it is not advisable to store it simply wrapped in paper, but it is better to store it in the following containers:

  • sealed bags without air access;
  • glass, tightly closed containers;
  • closed food containers made of plastic.

This product should not be kept open or in plastic bags. Factory-packed sweets can be stored if the packaging has not been damaged.


Only sesame halva can be frozen. It will not have a bitter taste after defrosting, like nuts or sunflower seeds.

  • The sweetness is hermetically packaged, after which, using the quick freezing function, a dessert ready for long-term storage is obtained.
  • You need to store halva in the freezer at -18C° (and below) for about 3 – 5 months.
  • You need to defrost gradually - without unpacking. First, move the sweets to the top shelf of the refrigerator for several hours. And only then at room temperature.

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of this confectionery product, but in order to always enjoy fresh sweetness, you need to store halva correctly and not exceed the shelf life specified by the manufacturer.

Flaxseed oil for hair

Using flaxseed oil for hair Due to its unique composition, flaxseed oil is extremely beneficial for hair. Women who regularly use this product experience the following improvements: hair loss decreases, hair becomes stronger, the fat balance of the scalp is normalized, and dandruff disappears. Flaxseed for hair can be taken internally or used as a mask. We offer recipes for effective masks made from linseed oil for hair: Flax mask for dry hair. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of flax oil, 1.5 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka. The ingredients for the mask must be mixed, applied to damp hair and rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes. After this, wrap a towel around your head for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair well with shampoo and warm water. The mask should be applied once a week. After 3-5 weeks, the hair becomes stronger, hair loss decreases, and shine appears. Flax mask for severely damaged hair. Weakened, split hair and prone to hair loss require long-term treatment. Flaxseed oil hair masks can significantly improve the situation if applied for 6-8 hours, preferably at night. Flaxseed oil should be rubbed pure into the hair roots. Overnight, the beneficial substances from flax seeds will be absorbed into the scalp and provide more effective treatment. Flax mask for hair growth. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil, 2 tablespoons of grated onion, 1 tablespoon of honey. All components of the mask must be mixed well and applied to the hair. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair well with shampoo and conditioner to get rid of the onion smell. How to choose linseed oil?

Flaxseed oil can be purchased at pharmacies, markets and supermarkets. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following characteristics: color. Fresh and high-quality linseed oil has a yellow color without turbidity or impurities; smell. High-quality linseed oil has virtually no odor. If there is any bitterness in the smell, this indicates its low quality; best before date. Flaxseed oil should have a good shelf life. Products with suitable deadlines should not be purchased. Before you buy linseed oil, you need to make sure that the manufacturer has a good reputation. Its effectiveness directly depends on the quality of linseed oil. Modern women are increasingly turning to nature's recipes in search of beauty. These include hair masks made from such an amazing product as flax oil. And using it for the benefit of the beauty of your curls is not at all difficult, especially if you listen to our advice.

Walnut halva Ingredients for making walnut halva:

250 g honey - half a kg of walnuts

Preparation of walnut halva:

In order to prepare walnut halva, fry the peeled walnuts, peel them, rubbing them with your hands. Melt the honey. You can check the readiness of honey like this: pour a drop of honey into cold water, if it thickens, then the honey is ready. Remove honey from heat, add nuts, stir. While the halva is hot, quickly put it in a bowl, having previously greased it with oil. Walnut halva is ready!

A SOFT AND NUTRITIONAL TONIC with milk and cucumber will help your eyes get rid of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Ingredients: Cucumber 1 piece Milk 100 ml Essential oil 2 drops Method of preparation: 1. Boil the milk. 2.Slice the cucumber into thin slices. 3.Put them in boiling milk. 4. Bring to a boil. 5. Cool the mixture. 6. Beat with a blender 7. Add rosemary oil. 8.Mix thoroughly. — Apply toner every morning and evening before bed. Shelf life: 7 days —


Cosmetics should only be stored in a cool, dry place, next to the radiator - under no circumstances, therefore, the window sill is not suitable, the cooler the better, again, of course, there is no place for it in the refrigerator. What kind of trouble can happen, for example, to lipstick near a battery - will it melt? Not only! The composition of preservatives and dyes changes. Remember one thing that heat+humidity=germs. Never leave your cosmetics bag in a closed car in the summer and do not take cosmetics with you to the beach; extreme heat destroys its composition in the same way as strong cooling.

Always make sure to wash and disinfect your brushes. There is a special one for disinfection. means, but if you don’t have such a means, then be sure to wash your brushes, because tomorrow you will definitely start picking up shadows with them. Do not skimp and still purchase this special disinfectant, which cleans and disinfects brushes within literally 5 minutes, and at the same time remains dry. Then you won't need to wash your brushes every day and you won't have a serious headache. A pleasant surprise: sponges are a wonderful breeding ground for germs if you don’t wash them. After each use, be sure to wash them in warm water and soap.

Never lend lipstick to a friend or anyone else, herpes has not yet been abolished, and even if it does not appear visually in a friend, this does not mean at all that it does not exist.

About the expiration date. Here are some reactions to expired foods:

Lipstick: redness, peeling of the labial mucosa, dryness, itching. — Eye shadow: eczema of the eyelids. — Nail polishes: eczema on the eyelids, chin, neck, mouth (where there is direct contact of the fingers with the face). — Mascara, pencils, blush: dermatitis of the eyelids and cheeks.

About how long a particular product should be stored. Firstly, the rule that is indicated here is not general for everyone; you yourself must adjust the period in accordance with how the smell, color, and texture of the product changes during use. Any changes indicate that the product is going on a further journey to the trash.

Eye shadow, blush, concealer - from 12 to 24 months - Pencils, eyeliner, lipsticks - from 9 to 12 months - Foundation, fluids, bases - approximately 6 months - Powder - approximately 9 months - Mascara - 3 Months Maximum (due to being used directly near the eyes)

Herbal tooth powder This powder perfectly cleanses plaque and helps with periodontal disease and bleeding gums.

Dip a wet brush into the powder and massage your teeth and gums.

Ingredients: chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, peppermint, nettle leaf, horsetail, yarrow inflorescences, wood ash, white clay.

Shelf life: at least a year


How to choose the right products?

Milk. On the counter: you need to distinguish between several types of milk in order to choose the one that suits you best in the store.

Pasteurized milk - its preparation involves heating the milk to 60-70°C for 15-30 minutes. In this case, all beneficial microorganisms are preserved, but the fermentation process is inhibited. The shelf life of pasteurized milk is short - only 36 hours.

Sterilized milk is mechanically processed under pressure and heated to a temperature of 115-135°C. With this treatment, vitamins are preserved, but living spores and bacteria, including those beneficial to the body, die. For this reason, sterilized milk is much more valuable and healthier than powdered milk, but is significantly inferior to pasteurized milk.

Baked milk is a feature of its production in heat treatment (heating to 95-99°C), which determines the color and taste of the product: the taste and smell are clean, without foreign impurities not typical of fresh milk, with a well-defined taste of pasteurization. The color is white with a cream tint. At home:

When purchasing milk, it is easy to determine whether water has been added to it or not. Drop a drop of such milk onto your thumbnail and observe: if the drop immediately spreads, it means that there is water in the milk; if it is held in place by a whole drop, it means that the milk has not been diluted.

Sour cream on the counter: when choosing sour cream, you should pay attention to the expiration date and shelf life of the product. Natural sour cream in a sealed package can be stored for 5-7 days at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees, and in an unsealed package (for example, in a plastic cup with a lid) - 72 hours. And the fewer natural ingredients a product contains, the longer the shelf life (2-4 weeks) and the higher the storage temperature (from +2 to +20 °C). At home: it should have a homogeneous mass of even white color, without sour odor, watery separation and hard lumps. The presence of liquid on the surface of sour cream indicates a violation of its production technology.

Cheeses that have cracks, even partially covered with mold, can be classified as substandard products. Exceptions are cheeses in which such signs indicate maturity (for example, white moldy cheese like Roquefort) and good quality.


7 important rules for storing medicines that every housewife should know!

3. Medicines with liquid consistency should not be frozen during storage. Storage in the refrigerator should only be as recommended in the instructions for the medicinal product.

4. It should be remembered that tinctures, tablets and ointments deteriorate when exposed to direct sunlight or high temperatures.

5. Do not store tablets and capsules in paper packages in the bathroom, as dampness can lead to their destruction.

6. To store medicines, you should allocate a separate box in a dry place, next to which there should be no heat sources.

7. Medicines that have expired should be destroyed. To ensure safety, throw them down the drain.

USEFUL HEALTH TIPS How long after the expiration date can medications retain their therapeutic effect? According to research by the American Food and Drug Administration, approximately 85% of medications retain their therapeutic effect long after the expiration date—some for up to 15 years. At the same time, their effectiveness may decrease slightly over time, but most of the original potential remains. Exceptions to this rule include nitroglycerin, insulin, and some liquid antibiotics.

How to choose milk chocolate? So as not to be disappointed in your favorite delicacy since childhood.

Everyone loves chocolate, regardless of age. Experts from the Test Purchase project told us how to choose the right milk chocolate.

Chocolate bars, sweets and cakes, looking at us from the windows of kiosks and shops, beckon us with their sweet taste. According to statistics, a person consumes an average of 7-8 kilograms of chocolate per year - and this is not surprising: in addition to its taste, it generally improves mood. However, it can be very upsetting for the buyer if it suddenly turns out that what was sold to him as “milk chocolate” is not actually such. Where to start choosing chocolate?

Price. This is an important point: if it is significantly lower than the price of similar products from other companies and the content of cocoa products is not indicated on the wrapper, it is useless to hope for the high quality of such chocolate.

Package. Chocolate is a delicate product; it easily absorbs foreign odors and loses its pleasant aroma. This is why chocolate should not be stored near strong-smelling foods such as fish, meat or lemons. In addition, chocolate is susceptible to temperature changes, and upon contact with air and light it oxidizes. So make sure that the treat is well packaged. Moreover, it is better if the tile is wrapped in foil, and only then in a colorful cover.

Best before date. The rules clearly state that the shelf life of chocolate without filler is 6 months, chocolate with filler is 3 months. The shelf life of chocolate from foreign producers is 12-18 months. However, a long shelf life is not an indicator of low quality chocolate products and the presence of preservatives. Natural cocoa butter is an antioxidant that prevents fat oxidation. Therefore, chocolate, which contains natural cocoa butter, can be stored for up to 2 years.

Appearance. High-quality chocolate has a glossy, shiny surface. Dullness is a sign of a product that contains cheap confectionery fat, which means this is not chocolate, but a confectionery bar, no matter what the manufacturer writes on the label. In addition, high-quality chocolate, when broken, produces a characteristic crunch and melts in the mouth. If the chocolate turns grey, it means that the storage conditions were violated. But on the other hand, only natural chocolate behaves this way; you should not be afraid of a whitish coating.

000 The makeup bag of many girls and women is bursting with ()
Little tricks for using cosmetics

The makeup bag of many girls and women is bursting with various lipsticks, glosses and shadows. Most of them never even open - they exist as a backup option, “in case you need it.” First of all, remember: any eyeliner, liner or gloss has an expiration date. Therefore, you should not store such funds longer than the specified date. Below we provide a list of shelf life of some makeup items, hope these tips will help you further. Foundation – up to 12 months. Powder – about 2 years. Lotions and gels – up to 1 year. Eyeliner - should be sharpened regularly, then it will last you up to 3 years (however, there is a small caveat: there are different pencils for eyes and eyebrows, their shelf life varies, so you should pay attention to the label). Brushes and sponges should be changed every 3 months. Makeup bases - the shelf life depends on the main composition, for example, a water-based product can be stored for up to 1 year, an oil-based product - up to 18 months. Remember that you may need two shades of the product: a darker one for the summer season and a lighter one for the spring-winter season. A little practical tip: if your water base has dried out before the expiration date, dilute it with a water-based toner. Lip pencil – up to 3 years. Some trick: save money on lip liner, the fact is that it does not have special properties, so it is not worth spending much. The money saved is better spent on a good foundation or corrective product. Lipstick – expert opinions differ here: some say that the shelf life is up to 2 years, others – up to 4. However, if you feel that its smell is rancid, you should get rid of such lipstick. To make it last longer, you should store the lipstick in the refrigerator. Mascara is the most finicky product, and besides, mascara should be stored for no more than 4 months. If you want to prevent it from drying out prematurely, do not keep the brush in the open air for a long time. Nail polish – up to 12 months (depending on quality and frequency of use)


We have known this oriental sweetness since early childhood. And its history goes back many centuries. Even now, in the territory of modern Afghanistan and Iran, it is made by hand, and there are extremely many recipes for making it and each type differs in its taste. The minerals, vitamins, and phytosterol contained in halva help get rid of bad cholesterol, sharply lowering its level, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and plaque formation in blood vessels.

Golden Age halva (zolotoi-vek.ua) can be sesame, it contains the largest amount of phytosterol, then, in descending order, this valuable plant cholesterol is found in peanut and sunflower.

Useful properties of halva

Our most common is sunflower halva. It contains vitamins B, PP, F1. Peanut halva contains a lot of vitamin D and linoleic acid. The most common sesame halva in the countries of the Middle East contains B vitamins, zinc, manganese, calcium, and antioxidants. In general, natural ingredients are used in the production of all types of halva, which is why it is so useful. But you need to know that halva is a high-calorie product, so it should be used as a sweet dessert, since it contains more than 500 Kcal.

How much halva can you eat per day?

It’s quite difficult to name the exact norm, but you should understand that the product is not only high-calorie, but also quite fatty, so you definitely shouldn’t get carried away with it.

When answering the question whether you can gain weight from halva, you should take into account not healthy fats, but fast carbohydrates, which are also found in baked goods

The high energy value is also important, so yes, you can gain weight if you eat a large amount of the product daily. The calorie content of a person's daily diet should be approximately 2500 kcal

This is the total calorie content of foods consumed during the day. Now let’s take the calorie content of halva and think about how much of it you can eat without gaining weight. Roughly speaking, half a kilo of halva gives us a daily caloric value, that is, 2500 kcal - accordingly, if you eat such an amount of sweetness, then you cannot eat anything else during the day. Although it is more likely that you will simply vomit from such an amount of a very sweet and quite fatty product. And if you have problems with sugar, you will have to inject a “horse” dose of insulin

The calorie content of a person's daily diet should be approximately 2500 kcal. This is the total calorie content of foods consumed during the day. Now let’s take the calorie content of halva and think about how much of it you can eat without gaining weight. Roughly speaking, half a kilo of halva gives us a daily caloric value, that is, 2500 kcal - accordingly, if you eat such an amount of sweetness, then you cannot eat anything else during the day. Although it is more likely that you will simply vomit from such an amount of a very sweet and quite fatty product. And if you have problems with sugar, you will have to inject a “horse” dose of insulin.

To make it easier, we divide the above daily calorie content into 3 meals. Although we do not consume the same amount of calories throughout the day, such division will help formulate an acceptable dose of halva. We get about 830 kcal. Now it’s worth considering that halva is a dessert - accordingly, about a third of the calorie content of one meal is allocated to it. As a result, it turns out that you can eat about 50 g of the product at a time, without fear for your figure and general condition of the body.

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