Preparations from unripe bell peppers

Yesterday I removed sweet pepper plants from the beds. Along the way, I collected several kilograms of fruits that had not even reached technical ripeness. It's a shame to throw it away. How can you use them?

Yes, in the fall there are a lot of unripe peppers left. I do this: I wash them, put them through a juicer and make juice; you need to drink at least one glass of juice a day regularly. The silicon contained in bell peppers, unlike iron and other trace elements, is very well absorbed by the body. There is little of it in our blood, but when there is not enough of it, the nervous system begins to suffer first. The condition of the hair worsens, it becomes thin and brittle, it begins to fall out, even to the point of baldness. Bell pepper will lower blood pressure, prevent the formation of blood clots, thin the blood, and in general it’s just a storehouse of vitamins for anemia. It will just replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. If you don’t have enough juice, you can store for 3 days in the refrigerator, if you freeze a lot into briquettes. Bell pepper juice can be used in a mixture with other juices, for example, carrot, tomato, apple, beet, broccoli, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, this mix is ​​great for losing weight. If there are contraindications for chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, patients with hypertension, hemorrhoids, colitis, those suffering from gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, and you don’t like drinking it, you can try it as a face mask, I make it this way frozen bell pepper juice 1 tbsp. l, thawed, mixed with beaten egg 1 pc. and sour cream 1 tsp. I apply it to my face, leave it on for 15 minutes, wash it off with warm water, apply a moisturizer to my face, the skin becomes lighter, more even, smooth and pleasant to the touch.

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Buying bell peppers in the fall is now no problem! But why then do we suffer and plant it in our gardens? Yes, because they always have different tastes! The pepper ripens on the vine, acquiring a certain color, aroma and richness of taste! And the market one is cut green in order to deliver it to the consumer intact, because the ripe one will rot (unless, of course, you live in the south!). It ripens in boxes on the way, so the taste is not the same! That’s why they don’t collect theirs all at once, but as it matures. And if you collect exactly as much as you do today, you can recycle it tomorrow. After three weeks, the pepper begins to dry out, wrinkle and lose vitamins. And I only collect unripe peppers just before frost.

When to collect bell peppers for storage and winter preparations?

When to harvest bell peppers?

The first fruits of bell pepper can be harvested after 60-70 days. How to determine ripeness is mainly by fruit color and size. You can pick peppers as they are ripe; as soon as the pepper reaches the desired size and color, you can harvest it, make preparations for the winter, eat it, and cook it. Once a week, you can do a full harvest. It is best to cut the fruits with the stalk, so they will be stored better and longer. Before the onset of frost, all the fruits are collected, sorted by ripeness, and then ripened indoors. If you store the fruits correctly, and for this you need to select well-ripe and undamaged fruits, then the pepper can be stored for up to a month.

It makes sense to collect bell peppers after about two months; on average, this period is 60 days or more. Of course, this is not done all at once with the same brush; some fruits are ready for picking a little earlier than others, others arrive a little later. And that means you need to visually assess ripeness and collect once every two days, picking the best and ripest ones. Well, then you can do whatever your heart desires with it, you can eat it right away, or take it to the market to sell, or prepare it for the future, for the winter.

Green peppers for the winter: recipes of the Hungarian people

The main vegetable here will be surrounded by a company that is somewhat unusual for us. One kilogram of green pepper is cut into thick strips along the pod. Celery root with parsley and cauliflower (about 150 grams each) crumble into small pieces. All this is laid out, alternating, in jars, at the bottom of which whole garlic cloves are poured. They are placed on top, under the lid. Vegetables are sprinkled with pepper and pressed to release juice. The vessels are filled with hot marinade: per liter of water - half the amount of vinegar, bay leaf and two tablespoons of sugar and salt. After half a day, the marinade is drained, boiled and poured again. The containers are sterilized for a third of an hour and rolled up.

How can you freeze unripe bell peppers? what are the recipes? green pepper

Wash the pepper, cut it lengthwise with three cuts, blanch for 3-5 minutes in a solution with the addition of apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and honey. The solution should completely cover the pepper.

Place the pepper in a three-liter jar, pour in the solution in which it was blanched, and roll up.

1 glass of water, 1 glass of apple cider vinegar, 1 glass of vegetable oil, 1 glass of honey, salt to taste.

Place the sweet pepper pods in the boiling marinade for 1-2 minutes. Place the cooled peppers in dense rows in jars, topping each row with garlic and coarsely chopped celery and parsley.

Place a weight on top and pour over the marinade in which the pepper was cooked.

After some time, when the marinade is absorbed into the pepper pods, seal the jars using a seaming machine and place in a cold place.

For the marinade: for 4 liters of water - 2 liters of vinegar, 1/4 liter of sunflower oil, about 500 g of salt, 2-3 bay leaves, 5 grains of black and allspice, several cloves.

Yesterday I removed sweet pepper plants from the beds. Along the way, I collected several kilograms of fruits that had not even reached technical ripeness. It's a shame to throw it away. How can you use them?

Methods to combat the problem and save the harvest

To prevent fruit rotting, you should take basic measures: destroy weeds, immediately remove diseased plants, do not overwater the beds, and loosen them in a timely manner. Peppers in hot weather (above 30 ° C) can rot simply due to improper watering (cold water on the foliage). In this case, the diseased fruits must be destroyed; after normalization of watering, if the plants did not get sick, everything will return to normal. If diseases occur, if the outbreak is small, you will have to treat the bushes with one or another preparation. However, it must be taken into account that if there are only 2-3 weeks left before harvest, chemicals cannot be used.

Late blight

The first signs of the disease are the appearance of dark spots on the leaves, then blackening of the leaves and stems, and rotting of the fruits. Diseased specimens must be immediately destroyed. If the foci of the disease are small, tear off the affected areas (leaves, shoots) and burn them.

When late blight is advanced, both the crop and the bushes themselves die

The bushes must be immediately treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture or Fitosporin. In the case of Bordeaux mixture, prepare its 1% solution according to the instructions on the package. Fitosporin is available in both powder and liquid form. The powder is taken in a dose of 5 g per 10 liters of water, the liquid is first diluted three times, after which 1.5 tbsp is taken per bucket of water. spoons of the resulting concentrated solution. Both solutions are used immediately after preparation, spraying the plants with them. Among folk remedies, garlic tincture with the addition of potassium permanganate is effective (take 2-3 heads of chopped garlic per bucket of water, after 2-3 days add 1 g of potassium permanganate). After the end of the season, the bed is dug well, spilled with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, and the walls and all buildings in the greenhouse are disinfected.

Alternaria and anthracnose

Alternaria is a fungal disease that sometimes appears early, but usually attacks in the second half of summer, especially with fluctuating temperatures and high humidity. Watery, angular spots appear on the leaves, quickly turning brown or almost black in color. On the fruits, large dark spots appear closer to the stalk, then in other places, after which they rot and mummify. The disease progresses in dry weather and most often manifests itself in open ground.

Alternaria blight is also called dry rot.

The treatment is not easy; Quadris or Polyram, as well as various copper preparations (for example, Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride) can help. Several applications may be required, but the last one should be carried out no later than three weeks before harvest.

Anthracnose manifests itself in a similar way, but usually already on ripening fruits. Treatment is the same as in the case of Alternaria.

Apical rot

This non-infectious disease occurs when improper watering is combined with temperature fluctuations, especially against the background of an excess of nitrogen and a lack of calcium. Dark-colored spots appear on the tops of unripe fruits, this provokes their premature ripening, but ripened-looking peppers are tasteless and dry out right on the bushes. To prevent this from happening, watering should be carried out only with warm water at the root, without waterlogging the soil.

Top rot always begins at the crown, but then affects the entire fruit.

The disease is treated by spraying the bushes with lime milk (200–300 g of freshly slaked lime is diluted in 10 liters of water, the bushes are sprayed 2 times at weekly intervals). Instead, you can take a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water), and you will also have to repeat the spraying after a week. Wood ash, scattered under the bushes in a thin layer, also works well.

How can you use unripe bell peppers?

Yesterday I removed sweet pepper plants from the beds. Along the way, I collected several kilograms of fruits that had not even reached technical ripeness. It's a shame to throw it away. How can you use them?

Yes, in the fall there are a lot of unripe peppers left. I do this: I wash them, put them through a juicer and make juice; you need to drink at least one glass of juice a day regularly. The silicon contained in bell peppers, unlike iron and other trace elements, is very well absorbed by the body. There is little of it in our blood, but when there is not enough of it, the nervous system begins to suffer first. The condition of the hair worsens, it becomes thin and brittle, it begins to fall out, even to the point of baldness. Bell pepper will lower blood pressure, prevent the formation of blood clots, thin the blood, and in general it’s just a storehouse of vitamins for anemia. It will just replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. If you don’t have enough juice, you can store for 3 days in the refrigerator, if you freeze a lot into briquettes. Bell pepper juice can be used in a mixture with other juices, for example, carrot, tomato, apple, beet, broccoli, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, this mix is ​​great for losing weight. If there are contraindications for chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, patients with hypertension, hemorrhoids, colitis, those suffering from gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, and you don’t like drinking it, you can try it as a face mask, I make it this way frozen bell pepper juice 1 tbsp. l, thawed, mixed with beaten egg 1 pc. and sour cream 1 tsp. I apply it to my face, leave it on for 15 minutes, wash it off with warm water, apply a moisturizer to my face, the skin becomes lighter, more even, smooth and pleasant to the touch.

You can prepare bell pepper preparations for the winter in combination with the most unexpected products. For example, prepare pickled sweet peppers with gooseberries. This snack is very rich in vitamins, has a delicious aroma and unusual taste. Sweet and sour berry and vegetable snack is perfect with meat or fish dishes. For pickling, you should take large and hard, slightly unripe gooseberries.

Green peppers for the winter: recipes of the Hungarian people

The main vegetable here will be surrounded by a company that is somewhat unusual for us. One kilogram of green pepper is cut into thick strips along the pod. Celery root with parsley and cauliflower (about 150 grams each) crumble into small pieces. All this is laid out, alternating, in jars, at the bottom of which whole garlic cloves are poured. They are placed on top, under the lid. Vegetables are sprinkled with pepper and pressed to release juice. The vessels are filled with hot marinade: per liter of water - half the amount of vinegar, bay leaf and two tablespoons of sugar and salt. After half a day, the marinade is drained, boiled and poured again. The containers are sterilized for a third of an hour and rolled up.



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