Recipes for preparing dogwood for the winter: what can be prepared from dogwood and how to preserve the preparations? How to make jelly and adjika?

Knowing how to preserve dogwood for the winter, you can provide yourself and your entire family with useful vitamins and microelements. Ancient people ate mainly fresh berries, so, based on their own observations, they could determine how the consumption of each type of product affected their well-being. They used dogwood as a medicinal remedy. Not only berries were used for these purposes, but also roots, bark, and leaves.

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How to choose dogwood when buying

Dogwood berries appear on sale at the end of summer. Depending on the variety, dogwood can ripen completely from the second half of August to October. Berries that will be immediately eaten are collected/purchased closer to September. And you can buy dogwood for harvesting at the beginning of summer. When purchasing, you should pay attention to:

  1. Variety
    . There is a wild dogwood with purplish-red, elongated fruits. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the garden dogwood also appeared. It can be pear-shaped or spherical, as well as strange in color: from white to blue-violet. This does not affect the taste, except that garden dogwood is a little sweeter and softer.
  2. Appearance of berries
    . They should be free of damage, cracks, rot, and traces of insects.
  3. Degree of ripeness
    . The darker and softer the berry feels, the sweeter it will be. Unripe dogwood has a tart, astringent taste, which not everyone likes.

Advice: you need to buy dogwood based on how you plan to use it further. Overripe berries are good for compote and sauce. Those who are not yet ripe will finish at home, and then they will be able to lie down longer.

How to store dogwood?

It is worth knowing that dogwood can be stored raw for no more than 2 weeks. You need to store it like this:

So that he ripens

In a dry place at room temperature. You can scatter the fruits on paper to prevent them from caking, and put a few apples between them. Apples emit ethanol gas, which accelerates the ripening of berries and vegetables.

To last longer

In the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, in a plastic bag with holes made in it for air circulation. Or in a plastic open bowl. In order for dogwood to last as long as possible, you need to choose light red fruits and not wash them in advance.

To preserve beneficial properties

In the freezer, this will preserve not only a large amount of vitamin C and beneficial microelements, but also the tart, rich taste. And when frozen, dogwood becomes a little sweeter.

Freezing: how to store dogwood for the winter

You will need:

  • dogwood – 1 kg;
  • sugar - to taste.

Before freezing, the dogwood is carefully sorted, removing leaves and twigs, and washed to remove dirt and insects. Next, you need to divide the dogwood into two piles: overripe, dark and normal fruits.

Light berries are scattered on a tray in one layer and frozen for about 3 hours. It is worth setting the temperature to -20 ° C, so they will freeze faster. After this, the dogwood is packaged in plastic bags and sent to the freezer. This must be done quickly so that the berries do not have time to thaw, otherwise they will stick together.

Tip: when pouring the berries into a plastic bag, you need to let the air out of it. To do this, if there is no vacuum sealer, use ordinary Zip-lock bags into which a drinking straw is inserted. After closing the bag, sharply draw in air, and then quickly pull out the straw and close the bag completely. There will be very little air left.

The soft berries are placed in a metal sieve with large holes and thoroughly ground until all the seeds are on the sieve, and the dogwood pulp is below, in a substitute container. Sugar is added to the dogwood pulp to taste. Now it can be frozen. It is convenient to do this in ice cube trays, all at the same temperature -20 °C.

Important: berries frozen in this way are stored for about 9 months, and puree - 3-4 months, at temperatures below -18 ° C.

How to freeze dogwood in the refrigerator for the winter at home and is it possible?

Dogwood is one of the healthiest berries. It contains a lot of vitamins, pectins, organic acids, essential oils, tannins and phytoncides, and even more vitamin C than black currants. If you freeze fresh dogwood for the winter, this will help you avoid vitamin deficiency, flu and colds, because it strengthens the immune system. It is enough to follow the preparation rules - and you will always have a tasty and healthy treat at hand.

Is it possible to freeze dogwood for the winter?

Freezing is the best way to store berries for a long time. It allows you to preserve the main medicinal properties, as well as almost all useful components. At the same time, taste qualities are not only preserved over time, but even improve.

In winter, frozen dogwood is perfect for preparing various compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, jams and preserves. It is also often used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. A frozen mixture of ground berries with sugar is convenient to add to tea, porridge, or simply eat as a sweet, vitamin-rich dessert.

Product selection and preparation

For freezing, only ripe berries are required - they become bright red, taste sweet and sour, slightly tart and astringent. The collection is carried out in the fall, a film is spread under the bush and it is lightly shaken - the ripe dogwood falls freely. If you purchased unripe berries, you should spread them out in a thin layer and wait a few days. Then you need to immediately begin preparing for freezing:

  1. Sort through the berries, remove bruised and wormy ones, as well as sticks, leaves and other debris.
  2. Place in a colander and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  3. Place on a paper towel and let dry for 15 minutes.

Preparing the Freezer

Before freezing, you must also prepare the chamber. You should make room in it, and wash it if necessary. If your refrigerator has a pre-freezing function, you should turn it on a day before placing the berries. After another 24 hours, you need to turn it off and activate the storage mode. It is recommended to set the temperature in the range from -18 to -23 degrees.

How to freeze dogwood at home

You can freeze the berries directly with the seeds. However, you need to do it correctly in order to preserve the maximum of vitamins and other nutrients. Freezing should be quick, so it is better to place the dogwood in the chamber in small portions.

The prepared berries should be scattered on a tray in one layer and placed in the freezer for 15-20 minutes, setting the temperature to -12 degrees. Then you need to take it out and package it, but you need to do it quickly to prevent it from thawing. Containers and bags are suitable for storage - regular cellophane or special for freezing. After filling the container with berries, you need to release all the air from it and close it tightly.

You don’t have to package the dogwood, but freeze it and store it directly on a tray. However, less berries will fit this way, and the shelf life will be reduced by 2 times.

Another way to freeze dogwood involves using sugar. Simple recipe:

  1. Pre-washed and dried berries need to be rubbed through a sieve with small mesh - all the seeds and skin will remain in it.
  2. Add sugar to taste to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a container or ice-freezing compartments, or roll into balls, wrapping them in cling film.

The berries, ground together with sugar, need to be frozen at a temperature of at least -12 degrees for 1.5-2 hours. Then they need to be removed from the mold, put into bags and sent for long-term storage.

Storage rules

When storing, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The date the product was prepared should be written on each package. This will help maintain the shelf life.
  2. Frozen dogwood should not be placed next to meat, fish and other strong-smelling foods, otherwise it will absorb foreign odors.
  3. In bags, berries can be kept in the freezer for 9-12 months at a temperature of -18 degrees. Unpackaged dogwood, scattered on a pallet, can be stored for no more than six months.
  4. Dogwood, ground with sugar, should also be kept at -18 degrees. However, its shelf life is shorter - only 4 months.

How to defrost dogwood

The berries need to be defrosted gradually, avoiding sudden temperature changes. First, it should be moved to the lower section of the refrigerator. There it will thaw in a few hours, after which it must be used as soon as possible, since re-freezing is not allowed. Compotes and porridges can be prepared from frozen dogwood by adding it during cooking.

If you regularly eat dogwood, your appetite will improve, heartburn will go away, vascular walls will strengthen and your blood pressure will normalize. To always have this healthy berry on hand, you can freeze it - and you can prepare vitamin compotes and other dishes all year round.

Dogwood preparations: ingredients and recipes

How to prepare and store dried dogwood

For drying, you need ripe, elastic berries with a pit. To begin, the berries are washed and dried at room temperature. Then you need:

  • cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, sprinkle dogwood on it in one layer;
  • place in a dry, well-ventilated place;
  • check that the berries are not exposed to direct sunlight - they will destroy the vitamins;
  • Stir the dogwood periodically so that it dries evenly;
  • if the berries are dried outside, they need to be taken indoors at night and during rain;

When the dogwood becomes firm and wrinkled, it is ready. You need to pour it into wooden boxes or linen bags. In a dry place at room temperature, dried dogwood can be stored for up to a year.

How to make and store dogwood jam

You will need:

  • dogwood – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 350 ml.

First you need to prepare sugar syrup. While it is boiling, the dogwoods are sorted (you need to choose the ripest fruits), washed and blanched for 1 minute in boiling water. It is not necessary to remove the seeds, but you need to remember that seedless jam will last longer. After this, the berries are poured into boiling syrup and cooked for 5-7 minutes, skimming off the foam. After which the jam is set aside, allowed to cool and boiled again. The procedure is repeated several times, the more, the thicker the jam will be.

The finished jam is stored in the refrigerator in glass jars, or rolled up. It is stored well (1 year - with a stone, 2 years - without), even an open jar does not need to be put away in the cold. It gels during storage.

How to prepare and store dogwood compote

For 1 l. compote you will need:

  • dogwood berries – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • water – 2.5 l.

The berries are sorted, washed and left to drain. Bottles for sealing are sterilized at this time, and the caps are boiled. Dogwood is poured into the bottom of the bottle, then boiling water is poured in and left to brew for half an hour.

Now the infused water is poured into a saucepan and boiled again, after which the infusion is poured into a bottle. This is repeated three times. Then you need to pour sugar into the bottles and roll it up.

Rolled bottles are stored for about a year or two, in a cool, dry place.

How to store dogwood ground with sugar

You will need:

Ripe dogwood and sugar in a ratio of 1:2.

  1. The berries are sorted, washed and dried. The bone must be removed.
  2. The dogwood is poured into a tall saucepan, covered with sugar, and left to brew for half an hour.
  3. Grind - with a blender or meat grinder - into a puree.
  4. Place in dry glass jars that need to be sterilized and close with a lid.

Dogwood ground with sugar can be stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator for up to a year.

How to preserve dogwood in sugar syrup

You will need:

  • dogwood – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 5 l.

The berries are washed, prepared, and poured with cold water for half an hour. Then they are laid out in sterilized bottles, filling ¼ of the space. Water is boiled, poured into jars, and drained after 20 minutes. Using this water - it will already have acquired a characteristic reddish tint - sugar syrup is prepared, and the berries are re-poured with it. After which the dogwood is rolled in sugar syrup.

Important: do not top up to the very edge of the bottle, but leave at least 2 cm.

Like other preserves, it is stored for a year or two, depending on whether the seeds were removed.

How to dry dogwood correctly?

Dried dogwood has even more beneficial properties. This is explained by the removal of excess water from the berries, which increases the concentration of nutrients. Dried berries are not as sour as fresh ones. Another undoubted advantage of drying is the absence of large financial and time costs.

First you need to select the fruits, it is advisable to use ripe and healthy ones with a rich color. They can be collected either from a wild tree or from a garden one. Then they need to be washed with cold running water, to which you can add vinegar or soda. After washing, remove the stems.

There are three drying methods. Berries with seeds should be laid out on cloth or cardboard outdoors in a place with low humidity. In order for dried fruits to be preserved for a long time, they need to be boiled in boiling water for no more than five minutes. The berries should not be exposed to direct sunlight or moisture; they should be mixed. After 4–5 days, dried fruits are obtained.

How to choose berries for drying?

Drying is the best option for preserving dogwood for the winter.
This way it retains maximum nutrients. You can dry the berries the old-fashioned way, in the open air. But it’s better if you have a dryer for Isidri berries. It will significantly speed up the process and make it more comfortable. Both cultivated and wild dogwood berries are suitable for drying. It is best to take healthy, ripe fruits that are bright red in color. However, they should not be overripe or soft. The berries must be whole, without damage. The fruits are carefully sorted, spoiled specimens are separated. Next, the dogwood is thoroughly washed with running water, you can add vinegar for disinfection. Remove the stalks. Usually dogwood is dried along with the stone. If used, then drying berries will not become a tedious job, but an exciting process. Any amount of dogwood will be qualitatively dried, which will make it possible to preserve a large amount of vitamins for the winter.

Store the finished product in linen bags, for example, you can sew them yourself from linen or cotton. Place in a dry, dark place. If desired, you can store dried fruits in cardboard or wooden containers. We recommend storing dried dogwood in glass jars under. This way it will retain its beneficial properties longer and will not become moldy.

Product selection and preparation

The most important rule to follow when freezing is the correct selection of dogwoods.

  • It is best to prepare freshly harvested. The fruits are collected in early autumn. The berries ripen gradually, so the harvest will take several days. Only fully ripened fruits are suitable for winter harvesting. If you come across some that are not ripe, you need to spread them on a dry cloth in one layer and wait until ripe.
  • A quick way to harvest ripe dogwood is to spread a blanket under the bush and shake it. All ripe berries will fall off, and unripe ones will remain on the plant. The disadvantage of this method is possible damage to the fruit. If they fall, they may become wrinkled, which is unacceptable for freezing.

  • You can determine the degree of maturity by color. Ripe fruits are bright red, similar to ripe cherries. The taste acquires astringency and becomes sweet and sour.
  • After collection, do not delay with the workpiece. The fruits spoil very quickly.
  • Before freezing, the berries are sorted. Only suitable specimens are retained. Remove all debris. Only fruits that are fully ripe, elastic to the touch, and should not be damaged or darkened, are frozen.
  • The sorted dogwood is transferred to a colander and washed. Then pour it onto a paper towel and dry it. You can speed up the process using another drying method. To do this, place the dogwood on a cloth and carefully wipe each berry, removing excess liquid. Removing moisture prevents subsequent icing of the fruit.

See also

How to properly freeze milk mushrooms, fresh and processed for the winter at home, recipes


If frozen with sugar, then it is allowed to use slightly overripe fruits, but only without signs of rot.

What can be prepared from dogwood berries?

Dried dogwood is used to make compotes, jelly, jelly, and simply eaten like candy.
If the taste is very sour, you can mix the dried berries with honey or sprinkle with powdered sugar. For diet lovers, dogwood is the most suitable dessert. Its use stimulates metabolic processes, removes toxins, and this is all very useful for weight loss. Dried dogwood berries, which have been pitted, can be added to milkshakes, ice cream, cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt. It is excellent as an additional ingredient for fruit salads, especially if you season such a salad with cream.

And of course, if you soak the dried berries for several hours and then grind them in a blender, you can come up with a huge number of recipes for sweet pastries in which these berries will serve as an excellent layer or filler, setting off the excessive sweetness of other products.

It’s great when you have a device like the Ezidri dryer at hand. Then you can create culinary masterpieces at any time of the year.

The sour taste of dried dogwood makes it possible to experiment with its use for meat and fish dishes. If crushed dogwood berries, add to fish or meat broth, mix with spices (for fish, lemon, black, red pepper, marjoram or Provençal herbs are suitable, for meat - a mixture of peppers, hops-suneli, utskho-suneli), and then simmer for half an hour on fire, you will get an excellent sauce. If desired, you can add dry red wine to the sauce for a meat dish, and sour cream or mayonnaise for fish. Lovers of good and tasty food will definitely not refuse such a culinary innovation.

In addition, you can create your own recipes for gravies and sauces that are suitable not only for fish and meat, but also for a wide variety of poultry. The sauce with sour dogwood berries will perfectly highlight the taste of meat, making it juicy and spicy.

For little sweet tooths and for adults, you can prepare and. In this case, dried berries can be boiled in sugar syrup and allowed to brew for 24 hours so that the syrup acquires the rich taste of dogwood. Any child is unlikely to refuse manna, pudding, casserole with such a sauce. And dogwood syrup will make porridge the favorite dish of a little sweet tooth, even one who previously categorically refused to eat it.

Dogwood berries are simply a storehouse of vitamins. And if there is an opportunity to make preparations for the winter from dogwood, then you should definitely take advantage of it! During the period of vitamin deficiency, when most people are saved by medications, you can calmly chew “dogwood sweets” and fill your body with pure energy of health and longevity. And the Ezidri vegetable and fruit dryer will help you with this.

Dry and enjoy!

Knowing how to preserve dogwood for the winter, you can provide yourself and your entire family with useful vitamins and microelements. Ancient people ate mainly fresh berries, so, based on their own observations, they could determine how the consumption of each type of product affected their well-being. They used dogwood as a medicinal remedy. Not only berries were used for these purposes, but also roots, bark, and leaves.

The value and benefits of dogwood

The uniqueness of dogwood is the high content of vitamin C in the pulp of the berry. There are about 50-150 mg per 100 g of product. Therefore, these fruits are in no way inferior to lemons or rose hips in terms of the presence of vitamin C. The berries also contain antioxidants and carotene.

The fruits of the plant bring many beneficial substances to the human body:

  • salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • pectin;
  • essential oils;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • organic acids (including rare succinic acid);
  • huge amount of vitamin C.

Knowing how to properly prepare this berry for the winter, you can preserve dogwood with the entire complex of vitamins. Which will come in handy for the body during a period when there are no other sources of vitamin supplementation.

The medicinal properties of berries are manifested in the following positive effects on functions in the human body:

  • increases hemoglobin;
  • normalizes digestion, is a stimulant for the production of gastric secretion;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves appetite;
  • improves general blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • has a choleretic effect.

100 grams contain about 15% sugar.

Like many other berries, dogwood is a low-calorie product. There are only 40 kcal in 100 g. Only half of the calories are present in the broth. Also, fresh and dried fruits are used to prepare various alcoholic beverages. Often wines, tinctures, and liqueurs are prepared from them.

Recipe for five-minute dogwood jam

The uniqueness of dogwood is the high content of vitamin C in the pulp of the berry. There are about 50-150 mg per 100 g of product. Therefore, these fruits are in no way inferior to lemons or rose hips in terms of the presence of vitamin C. The berries also contain antioxidants and carotene.

The fruits of the plant bring many beneficial substances to the human body:

  • salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • pectin;
  • essential oils;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • organic acids (including rare succinic acid);
  • huge amount of vitamin C.

Knowing how to properly prepare this berry for the winter, you can preserve dogwood with the entire complex of vitamins. Which will come in handy for the body during a period when there are no other sources of vitamin supplementation.

The medicinal properties of berries are manifested in the following positive effects on functions in the human body:

  • increases hemoglobin;
  • normalizes digestion, is a stimulant for the production of gastric secretion;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves appetite;
  • improves general blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • has a choleretic effect.

It is recommended to add dogwood to the diet if there is swelling in the body, anemia, problems with blood vessels, or atherosclerosis.

Like many other berries, dogwood is a low-calorie product. There are only 40 kcal in 100 g. Only half of the calories are present in the broth. Also, fresh and dried fruits are used to prepare various alcoholic beverages. Often wines, tinctures, and liqueurs are prepared from them.

Once the dogwood is cooked, place it on an open surface until it reaches room temperature. Do not pour out the water from under the berries! Make a puree from them (it is better to use a sieve with large holes for this). Next, combine the puree with the broth again. Add sugar (about 0.7-1 kg per liter of mixture).

After this, cook the mixture again over low heat. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir and remove the fat. This must be done until the amount of mixture in the pan is reduced by two-thirds. Vanillin can be added if desired.

Then place the prepared mixture in jars and seal for the winter.

Place the washed berries in a cooking container.

Add water and sugar.

Start cooking over high heat.

After boiling, reduce heat.

During further cooking, remove the foam.

After five minutes, remove the jam from the heat and put it in sterilized jars for the winter.

Cover with a blanket until the jars cool. An excellent source of vitamins in winter!

Hello dear readers. Autumn will come soon. Summer has flown by so quickly, I just can’t believe it. I really love this wonderful time of year. But summer is still going on and we will enjoy the last warm summer days. Today I want to talk about unusually healthy berries, we will talk about dogwood.

Surely many people are familiar with this berry, and many prepare delicious preparations for the winter from bright red berries. We are no exception; we prepare jam, compote, dogwood sauce, and partially freeze dogwood. If this berry is not familiar to you, then you probably want to know the benefits and harms of dogwood for the body. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

We buy dogwood at the market; at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn, the bright red berries ripen en masse. In appearance, the berries are very similar to cherries, but their shape is oblong. Inside the berries there is an oblong seed.

Taste of berries. The taste of dogwood is sweet and sour, quite a bit tart, peculiar, but quite pleasant. I don’t know about you, but we always come across not very sour dogwoods, since we try to buy ripe berries. If you take unripe berries, then most likely their taste will be very sour. Choose ripe dogwoods and feel free to taste the berries before purchasing.

Previously, dogwood could only be found in Moldova, Central Asia, Crimea, and the Caucasus. But now many people grow dogwood on their plots. Since you can use not only berries, but also bark, leaves, and tree roots.

Dogwood is used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. They also make dogwood preparations for the winter; the recipes are quite original, which I will share with you below.

Having a fairly wide spectrum of action, dogwood is used to treat many diseases and as a preventive measure. And all thanks to the presence of vitamins and nutrients.

If we are talking about vitamins, then it is worth mentioning that dogwood holds the record for the presence of vitamin C. Lemon and black currant are much inferior to this berry.

Contained in dogwood 46 ml. vitamin C per 100 grams of berries. In addition to vitamin C, dogwood contains vitamin PP, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, glucose, fructose, phytoncides, and organic acids. The berries contain a fairly large amount of pectin.

We don't grow dogwood, but we buy berries at the market every year. When choosing berries, focus on their appearance. Take only ripe berries.

Dogwood calorie content

The calorie content of dogwood is 40 kcal per 100 grams, which cannot be said about dried berries. The calorie content of dried berries is 200 kcal per 100 grams.

Now you can take a closer look at the benefits of dogwood.

  • The benefits of dogwood are undeniable for strengthening and maintaining the immune system. Dogwood has a tonic effect.
  • The berries have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antipyretic properties.
  • Dogwood is included in the diet with reduced hemoglobin in the blood, as useful products containing iron.
  • Increases blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Dogwood has astringent properties, so it is used for diarrhea.
  • Berries increase appetite and improve metabolic processes occurring in the body.
  • Enhances the activity of pancreatic enzymes.
  • Dogwood is useful for loss of strength and vitamin deficiency.
  • Thanks to the presence of pectins, it is very beneficial for the intestines. Removes waste and toxins from the intestines.
  • Dogwood berries and sauces help digest food.
  • It is very important to mention the choleretic effect of dogwood.
  • Due to the content of phytoncides, dogwood is noted to be beneficial in the fight against microbes.

It is very useful to use dogwood for colds and viral diseases. Drinks made from berries help lower body temperature. In addition, they restore and strengthen the body’s defenses.

Possessing this kind of medicinal properties, one cannot help but mention the dangers of dogwood for the body.

  • Berries should not be consumed in case of high acidity, stomach ulcers and gastritis during exacerbation.
  • Since the berries have astringent properties, do not consume them if you are constipated.
  • If you have insomnia and nervous fatigue, you should also not eat dogwood.

Is it worth eating dogwood during pregnancy and breastfeeding? To avoid harm to your health and the health of your baby, consult your doctor about consuming dogwood.


Freezing dogwood

When using this method, all the benefits of the berry are preserved. Before freezing, all fruits should be carefully sorted, selecting damaged and rotten ones. Afterwards, wash with cool water and be sure to dry completely.

Only ripe fruits should be frozen.

As soon as the dogwood has dried well, you can freeze the ready-to-eat product. It would be more advisable to place the fruits on a tray or other flat forms in one layer, having previously spread parchment or cling film. After a while, when the berries are completely frozen, you can transfer them to a convenient container for compact storage in the freezer. These can be bags or boxes that are hermetically sealed to prevent foreign odors and substances from getting inside.

Drying dogwood

In this form, adults, and especially children, will enjoy the delicacy. When the season of fresh berries and fruits is behind us, dried aromatic fruits will certainly come in handy. They preserve the taste and smell of fresh dogwood, making them richer and sweeter. This occurs due to lack of fluid.

Before preparing dried dogwood, you need to thoroughly wash 1 kilogram of berries and remove the seeds from them. Then add 100 g of sugar. In this form they should stand for a day. During this time, juice will be released, which must be drained. Afterwards, the berries are poured with hot syrup. Its temperature should be about 80° C. The syrup is cooked from equal amounts of water and sugar or from previously drained juice.

Allow the prepared liquid to stand together with the berries for five minutes. At the end of the time, the dogwood should be thrown into a colander. As soon as the syrup has drained, the fruits can be dried in the oven on baking sheets twice for 20 minutes. With a break for the berries to cool completely. Permissible temperature is 65-70°C.

Closing the dogwood for the winter

Naturally, you can simply dry the berries and store them as long as you need. However, in this form they lose some juiciness. But sealed in jars, they remain juicy and have a somewhat piquant taste. Pickled dogwood, the preparation of which will not take you much time, requires the following components:

  • 1 kg dogwood,
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 300 ml water,
  • 80 ml vinegar (9%),
  • 1 tbsp. salt,
  • peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves.

Preserving dogwood for the winter

    Rinse the berries well, remove all excess (tails, leaves, twigs). To prevent the berries from bursting in hot water, it is better to pierce them with a toothpick before processing.

    The marinade will consist of water and vinegar with the addition of salt and sugar. Place berries in this liquid. Place the pan on the fire and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Sterilize jars in a way convenient for you. You can do it in a large saucepan on the stove, or in a slow cooker, or in the oven.

    Place a bay leaf, cloves and peppercorns in each jar. Pour the boiled liquid and roll up the jars, and then put them in a warm place. And in winter you will be pleased with healthy dogwood with a slight taste of olives.

Making marshmallows

For this method, it is better to choose overripe berries. After removing the seeds, puree 0.5 kg of fruit. Afterwards, grind through a fine sieve, removing any hard remaining peel. For 15-20 minutes, evaporate excess moisture over very low heat. Be sure to stir all the time to avoid burning. The cooled mass should be placed on parchment greased with vegetable oil, 0.5 cm thick. This layer will dry to the desired consistency in the oven in 2-3 hours at a temperature of 150°C using a special blowing mode.

When finished, dogwood pastille is similar in consistency to chewing candy. It can be cut into portioned cubes and sprinkled with a little starch to reduce stickiness. Or roll it into tubes and then form portions. This delicacy is often served with meat. If desired, add nut-honey paste inside before rolling. Makes an excellent confectionery treat.

Drying dogwood

This method is a less expensive preservation option if the process occurs with the help of sun and air. All that remains is to periodically turn over the thin layer of berries, which should be placed in the shade. Good ventilation is required. And after 5 days it will be possible to remove the fruits to a place of permanent storage.

Dried dogwood fruits do not cause allergic reactions.

There are several more ways to dry dogwood using either an oven. At first, the temperature is set at 50°C, and then increases to 70°C. Drying occurs much faster, but there are financial costs.

Usually, ripe, but not soft fruits are chosen for this method. You need to wash them first. You can disinfect it by adding a little table vinegar or a pinch of soda to the water. If desired, remove the seeds or dry them whole.

Dried dogwood will be of great benefit to the immune system. This is very important in the cold season, when colds attack and you need to support your body. The phytoncides present in the berries have an antiviral and antibacterial effect.

Eating such berries helps in the fight against weight loss. This is possible due to the ability of dogwood to accelerate metabolic processes in the human body.

Drying dogwood in a dryer - video

The beneficial properties and healing abilities of dogwood in dried form have been known for a long time. Fruits, which contain a lot of vitamins, nutrients and microelements, are widely used in folk medicine. Due to its extraordinary taste, dogwood is also widely used in cooking. Dogwood berries are used to make jams, jams, compotes, puree them fresh with sugar, and also dry them and cure them.

Methods for harvesting dogwood for the winter

Dogwood is a shrub or low tree that migrated to us from the Caucasus and seriously took root in the lands of Ukraine, Moldova and Russia.

Kizil means “red” in Turkic. Its scarlet berries contain a huge amount of anthocyanins, vitamin C and pectin.

The content of the article


  • The benefits of dried dogwood
  • How to dry dogwood at home
  • What are the benefits of dried dogwood?
  • How to cook dried dogwood
  • Frozen dogwood

The benefits of dried dogwood

Dogwood is a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. It contains about 10% fructose and glucose, vitamins A, C, P. Dogwood is rich in ascorbic acid. Richer than even blackcurrant. In the cold season, when our body needs vitamins, dogwood is a faithful helper.

Important! Dried dogwood contains more concentrated beneficial substances than fresh dogwood.

The antifever, antipyretic effect of dried dogwood can save during periods of weakening of the body. It is recommended to use for dizziness, gout, measles, sore throat, rheumatism, and also for digestive problems - it improves metabolic processes in the body. The healing properties of dogwood also include the prevention of sclerosis. Therefore, a couple of dogwood berries a day - and you are healthy, protected and full of strength. After all, dogwood is a tonic that will always help you stay in shape.

Did you know? These red berries are a good preventive measure during flu epidemics.

How to dry dogwood at home

Drying dogwood is the easiest way to preserve all its medicinal properties. In addition, the procedure is not labor-intensive and will not take much time. You just need to select whole, undamaged berries and rinse thoroughly under running water.

Important! You need to douse the berries with water diluted with vinegar to disinfect.

So, the easiest way to dry berries is to dry them in the fresh air, but without direct sunlight. Find a dry place and place the berries with seeds on thick paper. Leave the dogwood for 3-5 days, then collect for further storage. A faster way is oven drying. You need to place the berries on a baking sheet, keep them at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, then increase to 75 degrees. Do not forget that all good things are good only in moderation. Excessive consumption of berries can lead to undesirable consequences.

What are the benefits of dried dogwood?

Dried dogwood also has medicinal properties. It contains a lot of pectin, which helps remove toxins from the body. The diaphoretic property of dogwood also helps to cleanse the body of excess water.

Did you know? Those losing weight are advised to pay attention to red berries. After all, dogwood improves human metabolic processes.

How to cook dried dogwood

The recipe is quite simple, but long-lasting. First you need to select whole berries, wash them and separate them from the seeds. Then add sugar and leave for a day. Drain the resulting sugar syrup and place the dogwood on a baking sheet. Place in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. Remove and cool the berries. Repeat the procedure twice.

Frozen dogwood

We will look at the easiest way to freeze dogwood. After freezing, dogwood does not lose its taste and medicinal qualities. And some say that it even improves their own performance. To freeze, select ripe berries, wash them, let them dry and place them in a freezer tray. Then we pack them into bags and put them in the freezer again. A fairly simple procedure provides us with a year-round source of vitamins.

Did you know? From dogwood you can make jam, jam, pastille, marmalade, all kinds of compotes, syrups, and even add wine during fermentation. And seeds sometimes replace coffee beans.

Take care of your body - in autumn and winter you will be vigorous, healthy and full of strength.

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Berry growing Harvesting dogwood for the winter Dogwood Dried dogwood Dried dogwood

Methods for drying dogwood

Of all types of preparations, drying is considered the most favorable method, since during drying, dogwood retains all its beneficial properties. It is also very important that dried fruits are much sweeter than fresh ones, so they can be eaten by both adults and children who cannot eat a fresh sour product. After drying the berries

acquire a sweet and sour delicate taste.

Dogwood can be dried and dried in several ways, both with seeds (which also have healing properties) and without them:

In all cases, transfer the finished product into a glass jar, close tightly and store in a dark, cool and dry place or in the refrigerator . If dried berries

purchased in a store or market, they are most likely treated with chemical additives to increase shelf life and protect against various pests.

Dried dogwood can be used on its own or in preparing fillings, sauces, jelly and compotes.

Useful properties of berries

When determining the value of fruits, it is necessary to note the content in them of a large number of microelements, vitamins, acids and many other biologically active substances. They contain a very large amount of vitamin C and have diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. That's why dogwood is popular among the people

used for the prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases.

Useful properties of berries:

  • increase immunity;
  • are an effective means for preventing diabetes mellitus;
  • normalize blood pressure and blood sugar.

Infusions and teas made from dried fruit tone the body and stimulate appetite. So, dried dogwood is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a healthy product.

Dried dogwood has the same properties as dried dogwood. One of its important properties is its beneficial effect on metabolism, which is very important for regulating fat metabolism and preventing obesity. It is also very important that dogwood helps in the treatment of anemia and other blood diseases, since its consumption increases the hemoglobin content in the blood, and therefore prevents the development of diseases such as anemia.

These berries are also necessary for expectant mothers , as they compensate

lack of potassium, eliminate heartburn. Using the product strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure, which means that pregnancy will take place in favorable conditions. Moreover, the ascorbic acid they contain helps prevent viral and colds that negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Taking into account all the listed advantages, the benefits of fruits for the developing child’s body are obvious.

Useful properties of dogwood

The benefits of dogwood for our body are its following properties:

  • strengthens and supports the immune system;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • tones the body;
  • cleanses of poisons and toxins;
  • has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antipyretic properties;
  • increases blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • effective for diarrhea;
  • increases appetite, promotes better digestion of food, normalizes metabolic processes;
  • improves the functioning of the pancreas;
  • cleanses the skin, heals wounds;
  • significantly reduces the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
  • has choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • good for vision.

Dogwood berries are especially valuable for women. They have “fat burning” properties. To lose weight, dogwood must be taken raw. It normalizes the functioning of the stomach and removes unnecessary substances.

Ginger will also help you lose extra pounds. Read about this in detail in the article Tea with ginger and lemon - losing weight without problems!

Contraindications for use

However, it must be said that any product is useful when used within reasonable limits. Eating dried fruit in large quantities can lead to unpleasant consequences. Dogwood should not be consumed by people with high stomach acidity and individual intolerance, people with increased nervous excitability and existing sleep disorders, as well as during constipation, since the berries have fixing properties.

The contraindications that dried dogwood berries have are very minor. And, taking into account all the beneficial properties of this product, you can safely enjoy this healthy delicacy all year round.


  • Dogwood

How to properly dry dogwood at home

Since ancient times, people have known that dogwood is a very useful healing plant. Dogwood berries are a source of vitamin C. Dogwood berries contain more of this vitamin than rose hips and lemons. It is not for nothing that dogwood berries have been used as an antiscorbutic remedy for a very long time. Dogwood berries have a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar, which is why they are used in the treatment of diabetes. In addition, scientists have proven the anti-inflammatory, restorative, tonic, and choleretic properties of dogwood.

Dogwood is not only healthy, but also tasty, so housewives make jam from it, prepare jams, sauces, compotes, and jellies. An excellent way to prepare dogwood for the winter is drying. This harvesting method does not require much time or physical investment. There are several ways to dry dogwood at home - in the air, in well-ventilated areas, in the oven and in an electric dryer.

For drying, choose bright red, large, ripe, but not overripe berries without defects, stains or damage. Dry dogwood berries along with the seeds, as they contain many useful substances. Store dried dogwood in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place. Dried dogwood can be stored without losing its properties for 1 year.

How to freeze dogwood at home

Depending on the degree of maturity, various methods are used to freeze dogwood.

in bulk

  1. Collected or purchased berries are sorted, removing debris, twigs and damaged fruits. Only strong dogwood is left without damage. Soft specimens are set aside. In this option, fruits with seeds are harvested.
  2. Dogwood is washed and dried. Pour into a tray in one layer and store in the freezer.


  1. The berries are sorted, washed and dried. Only strong and mature ones are left.
  2. Properly prepared dogwood is placed in any container: a plastic cup, container or plastic bag. The container is closed with a lid and the bag is tightly tied.
  3. The easiest way to package slightly frozen dogwood is. To do this, the berries are placed on a tray in one layer and frozen for a quarter of an hour. Then quickly distribute in separate portions into prepared containers. Ziploc bags are suitable for winter preparation.
  4. It is recommended to package it in small portions so that only the required amount of product is defrosted in winter.


  1. After the dogwood has been picked, a lot of overripe and soft berries remain. You can't freeze them whole. Therefore, dogwood is ground through a sieve.
  2. Small cakes are formed from the resulting pulp, wrapped in cling film and frozen. This method is convenient to use for portioned consumption. Thaw and use immediately without any leftovers as intended.

See also

How to freeze green onions for the winter at home in the freezer and is it possible?


With sugar

  1. The amount of sugar is chosen based on taste preferences.
  2. The prepared berries are placed in a sieve and ground. All the pits and skins will remain in the sieve.
  3. The ground pulp is covered with sugar and mixed. Transfer to any container designed for freezing. You can use ice trays. Pour the resulting slurry into the cells and place in the freezer for an hour and a half. Then pack into bags. The portions are neat and convenient to add to porridge or tea.

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