The healing effects of sprouted grains

How to germinate wheat

Wheat is not capricious. It is easy to germinate at home. You need to take a small amount. You should not store sprouts for a long time; it is better to prepare fresh ones every 2-3 days.

  1. Disassemble the required amount of grain. Throw away damaged, unripe or moldy grains and remove the husks.
  2. Rinse with running water. We also throw away the grains that float to the surface. They still won't germinate. You can hold it for several minutes (3-5 no more) in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Soak for 6-10 hours, depending on the room temperature. If it's very hot, you can let it sit for 4 hours or put it in the refrigerator. Do not close tightly. Use filtered water, but not boiled.
  4. Rinse again. Place in a non-metallic container in a layer of no more than 1 cm. Cover with a cotton napkin or gauze.
  5. Pour in water until it just covers the wheat. And put it in a warm place. Make sure the water does not dry out and add more if necessary.
  6. Rinse every 12 hours. In hot weather it is possible more often.
  7. Also rinse the finished sprouts before use.

The most delicious and healthy sprouts are 2-3 mm. They can be added to porridge, muesli, salads, vegetable stew or even soup. Just don’t cook it, put it on a plate. Can be eaten separately.

Wheat germination technology at home

Let's look at two ways to germinate wheat

First way:

  1. Pour the grains into a bowl or cuvette so that they are approximately 1–2 centimeters high in it. Fill them with water, which should be at room temperature, preferably boiled or bottled drinking water.
  2. Cover with a cloth to prevent light from entering, leave until the next day in a warm room, preferably near a radiator.
  3. The next day we look at what happened to our future harvest. If any debris or seeds float to the surface, throw it away immediately.
  4. We wash the wheat seeds in water, wash them very well, then put them back into the bowl and pour in clean boiled or drinking water to cover them completely, but no more. Place damp gauze or cotton cloth on top and leave it overnight again.
  5. Now it's time to wait. The wheat will absorb water and germinate, the gauze will dry out - it must be moistened with water. It would also be a good idea to wash the grains, preferably once every 12 hours, so that the water does not have time to go rotten. Make sure that your future crop does not begin to sprout through the cells of the gauze.
  6. As soon as sprouts about 1–2 mm long appear, we can assume that we have completed the task
  7. Now we wash our grains with tender sprouts again, put them in the refrigerator to stop the growth and eat as needed. For medicinal purposes, you need to eat at least one tablespoon of wheat germ every day. It is better to use it with some vegetable oil for better absorption and preservation of vitamins. By the way, the water in which the seeds were soaked after the second washing is also suitable for consumption and contains useful substances.

If green sprouts appear in your bowl or cuvette, or they remain white but become longer than 5 mm, then such objects must be selected and planted in the ground. They will grow further and become raw materials for preparing natural juice from sprouts or vitamin supplements for your cat or dog.

Second way:

We repeat points 1–3 of the previous instructions. After this we do the following:

4. Wash the grains thoroughly.

5. Place cotton wool, generously moistened with water, in a bowl, and on top of it - damp gauze or cotton cloth folded several times. Pour the grains on top so that their layer is no more than 1.5 cm. The grains should not float in the water. Cover with the edges of gauze or fabric.

6. If the fabric dries out, add clean water. We wash the grains every 12 hours. In a day or two, you will have a harvest of sprouts 1–2 mm long, which we need for vitaminization. Do not forget to select unsprouted grains - they are unsuitable for food.

How to eat sprouted wheat

The value of wheat sprouts is that the beneficial substances in them at the very beginning of germination are transferred into an easily digestible form. With significant germination, most of the beneficial substances go into the sprouts, in which they are of no particular value to the body. Therefore, it is advisable to consume sprouts with sprouts no more than 2-3 mm.

To maintain health and provide the body with nutrients, it is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons (up to 50 g) of sprouts per day.

Before eating sprouted wheat, be sure to rinse it again with water.

Sprouted wheat is best eaten at lunch. The grains must be chewed thoroughly. Wheat can be chewed either alone or together with other sprouts, for example, mung bean. As you know, when combined, grains and legumes are better absorbed. Wheat germ, of course, is quite tough, but prolonged chewing is beneficial for better absorption, as well as for teeth and gums.

Sprouted wheat is added to ready-made porridges, mixed with honey, nuts and dried fruits. Sprouts significantly increase the nutritional value of salads.

The easiest way to consume wheat germ is to grind it in a blender along with fruits or vegetables. For example, mix wheat germ, apples, honey and sweet spices (cinnamon, nutmeg). It's good to add wheat germ to green smoothies.

It is not recommended to consume wheat germ along with dairy products, as this leads to increased gas formation in the intestines and can cause diarrhea.

To avoid losing the beneficial properties of wheat sprouts, you should not subject them to heat treatment.

Properties and functions of sprouted wheat

Sprouted wheat is a valuable product that is an ideal source of nourishing the body with everything it needs. That is why the basis of almost all raw food diet dishes and some dietary programs are wheat sprouts and other grains.

Wheat germ contains:

  • up to 70% carbohydrates in the form of dietary fiber, starch, disaccharides,
  • up to 14% proteins (12 essential and 8 nonessential),
  • up to 3% fiber,
  • up to 2.5% fats and fatty acids,
  • the mineral composition is represented by calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, sodium, selenium, iodine,
  • vitamins are represented by vitamins of group B, as well as C, D, E, PP,
  • enzymes that are actively involved in the breakdown of grain proteins (converting them into amino acids), fats (converting into fatty acids) and carbohydrates (converting them into easily digestible sugars - maltose).

Main functions of sprouted wheat:

  • The first thing that people who start eating sprouted wheat every day notice is an improvement in the appearance and structure of their hair, it becomes stronger, thicker, its natural color returns, in addition, nails are strengthened, the skin is rejuvenated, and teeth are strengthened.
  • Cleansing function. Our body does not completely absorb the fiber from sprouts; as it swells in the gastrointestinal tract, it attracts toxins and removes them. Plus, motility and intestinal microflora improve, which means it is quite possible to get rid of constipation.
  • Wheat germ is beneficial in the treatment of gallstones and kidney stones, as well as increased gas formation and diarrhea, and inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  • This is an excellent antidepressant. The composition of sprouted grains allows you to resist stress and improve the condition of the nervous system.
  • Magnesium in sprouts will help eliminate cholesterol and lower blood pressure. In addition, the blood is saturated with oxygen.
  • Helps solve problems with anemia. If there is a deficiency of iron in a woman's body, this can lead to serious health problems. It is enough to eat 100g of wheat germ per day to compensate for iron deficiency. After all, sprouted wheat contains 3 times more of this mineral than beef, which, by the way, is very attractive for vegetarians.
  • Improves brain functioning, gives muscle tissue energy due to its rich protein composition.
  • An infusion of sprouted grains helps get rid of jams caused by the activity of yeast-like fungi or streptococcus.
  • Many note the positive effect of sprouts on the thyroid gland and on vision (there is an opinion that regular consumption of wheat sprouts throughout the year in some cases helps to completely restore vision!).
  • Wheat germ normalizes metabolic processes, blood sugar and helps reduce insulin (which is especially important for weight loss, because an excess of these substances contributes to the accumulation of fat cells).
  • The benefits of wheat sprouts have also been proven as an antitumor agent: it is recommended for malignant and benign formations, cysts, lipomas, fibroids, and polyps.
  • The antioxidant function of wheat germ will rejuvenate your body, help remove poisons, restore the body after exposure to synthetic drugs, give you energy and stamina, and make the body resistant to diseases.

Where can I buy wheat for germination?

The place of purchase of grain is not particularly important. Now this can be done in different places:

  • Supermarket;
  • Shop;
  • Can be ordered online;
  • Market;
  • It is best to buy in the village from people who sow for themselves.

At the market or in the village you can buy wheat that is not entirely pure. Other grains may also be found there. But in stores and on the Internet you can order branded grain, purified, which was specially packaged for germination. The price of such grain will be 5-10 times more expensive. Suppose the price on the market can be 15 rubles per kilogram. In the online store you can buy 1 kg of wheat for germination for 100 - 150 rubles, but you won’t have to go anywhere, the courier will bring it straight to your home.

Recipes with the addition of sprouted wheat

  • Kissel . Jelly made from sprouted wheat grains is very useful. Pass the grains through a meat grinder and fill with water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then let sit for half an hour. Strain and enjoy the healthy drink.
  • Cookie . Pass sprouted grains, dried fruits and nuts through a meat grinder. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and roll them in poppy or sesame seeds. Place in the oven for 15–20 minutes.
  • Infusion of sprouted wheat grains . The infusion can be added to soups and porridges; it is very beneficial for the skin of the face and hands; you can also make hair masks with it. A mixture of infusion with honey is a good remedy for respiratory diseases. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of sprouted grains into a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, boil the infusion for 15 minutes, then strain.
  • Rejvelac . This Italian “kvass” is prepared from half a glass of ground sprouted wheat and 6 glasses of clean water. Fill the sprouts with water in a glass decanter or jar, cover the decanter with gauze and leave for 2-3 days. When the kvass is ready, strain it from the grains. For the next serving, use the same grains.
  • Bread . Pass the sprouted wheat through a meat grinder and add a little water. You can add ground seaweed, sautéed onions or nuts. Form the loaves and fry them in a frying pan with a little olive oil.
  • Wheat milk . Pour one glass of sprouts with 4 glasses of clean water and stir the mixture in a blender. You can add raisins or nuts to the milk. Strain the liquid. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Sprouted grains are not a panacea: limitations and contraindications

Connoisseurs of healthy eating are sometimes confused about the healing power of sprouted seeds. They are useful, but are not a complete replacement for medications and other products.

Once the sprout reaches 3 mm, starch in its composition begins to break down into fast carbohydrates, including sugar. All this is very harmful for people with diabetes and a number of other diseases. It is for this reason that it is recommended not to buy store-bought overgrowths, but to germinate the crops yourself.

Contraindications include acute stages of gastrointestinal diseases, gluten allergies and children under 12 years of age.

The norm for consuming sprouts per day for a healthy person is 60-70 g.

How to choose grain for germination

Before preparing and germinating grain, you need to find where to buy it. And you need to approach the choice of place of purchase with all responsibility. You can do this:

  1. On the market. Not the best option, despite the fact that you can properly see, touch and even smell it. But they are unlikely to tell you how it was stored and whether it was treated with chemicals.

  2. In a store or pharmacy. The price tag here is a little higher, but there is a guarantee that the grain has not been treated with chemicals and can be eaten. It is better to give preference to transparent containers. This way you can see the amount of debris and crushed grains that are not suitable for germination.
  3. In online stores. The idea is dubious and instead of a quality product you can buy a pig in a poke. It is advisable to read the reviews before purchasing. And it’s even better if friends recommend the store.

Typically, people who adhere to a healthy diet do not skimp on it. And if possible, it is better to grow grain yourself or buy from personal plots.

The main thing you should pay attention to when purchasing is the integrity of the grains. This determines whether sprouted wheat will be beneficial.

Sprouted wheat: benefits, reviews

For more than 5 thousand years, people have known about such a health remedy as sprouts. These can be seeds of different plants that can have a general positive effect on the body, help cope with many ailments, eliminating the likelihood of relapse (return) of the disease.

Sprouts are often used in folk medicine, but scientists still cannot say for sure what the benefits and harms of sprouted wheat are. The unique composition of wheat seeds can help a person, but if there is an allergy or intolerance to some elements, it can cause harm. Treatment should be carried out according to the rules for taking such drugs after consultation with a doctor.

The chemical composition of seeds does not affect caloric content in any way; the presence of living active substances in the product affects the digestibility of nutrients. According to people's reviews, the following benefits of sprouted wheat for the body are observed:

  • stabilization of the circulatory system;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treatment of skin diseases;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • obtaining missing nutrients (vitamins, amino acids, etc.).

It is recommended to use wheat germ as a general tonic. After starting the treatment, visual changes will be noticeable, for example, hair will become shinier, more voluminous, nails will become less likely to break, and the skin will take on a healthy, radiant appearance. The chlorophyll contained in the composition has a beneficial effect on the health of the body at the cellular level.

There is no consensus on the harm of sprouted wheat to humans. Different scientists have different opinions about this product, but the truth is somewhere in the middle.

The benefits of wheat sprouts were described above; below are some points that can be harmful to the health of some people.

Sprouted wheat, like any cereal crop, contains substances that can have a negative effect on the body. Below are the conditions under which sprouts should not be consumed:

  1. This product should not be used by children under 12 years of age.
  2. If a duodenal ulcer is diagnosed, discard sprouted sprouts.
  3. This product should not be used after surgery.
  4. You should not eat sprouts with fermented milk products or milk. This will lead to increased flatulence.
  5. Sprouted sprouts are dangerous for those who are allergic to gluten.
  6. The following side effects may be observed at the beginning of use: loose stools, dizziness, general weakness.

One form of consuming sprouts is juice. In liquid form, this product retains all its properties. Wheat germ juice is rich in vitamins, nutrients, minerals and fatty acids.

The cause of a negative reaction to the drink may be individual intolerance to gluten and fiber.

A harmful effect from sprouts is observed extremely rarely; in tea it is associated with violation of the rules of cultivation and storage.

How to germinate wheat

In order for beneficial elements to be preserved in wheat germ, it is necessary to follow the rules of the germination process. First, you should stock up on dry grain, from which sprouts will appear. Wheat for germination is sold at the pharmacy; buy a bag to be sure of the quality. The germinator must perform the following steps:

  1. First, rinse the grains with cold water, then place them in two layers in a glass container.
  2. Next, pour warm water over the seeds until it completely covers them.
  3. Cover the container with double-folded gauze or a clean rag and leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, rinse the seeds again with water and place them again on a plate covered with a damp cloth.
  5. For germination to occur, the grains must be exposed to indirect light.
  6. Sprouting wheat at home will be more successful if you use cotton cloth rather than gauze (the sprouts get tangled between the threads and are difficult to remove later). After 4-5 days, small stems will appear, which means the sprouts can be eaten.

How to use

If you want to preserve all the beneficial substances, then there is only one option to eat sprouted wheat - raw.

There is no need to further process the sprouts; you can put them in boiling water for 1 minute to make it easier to chew without destroying the vitamins.

If you don’t like just a raw dish, you can mix it with lemon or honey to taste. Housewives often add sprouted grains to salads and mashed potatoes.

Eating wheat germ brings maximum benefits only with controlled treatment. Before starting treatment, you should consult a specialist. Not every body is ready to digest such food well; the lectin contained in the composition complicates the digestion process. Before adding sprouts to your diet, you need to make sure that you do not have any contraindications.

Dishes made from sprouted wheat

The vast majority of reviews say that wheat grass is good for consumption. The taste of the seeds in their raw form is not the most pleasant, so more often people add them to another dish as an additional ingredient. To make healthy eating more enjoyable, you can use the recipes described below. This is one of the options for preparing wheat sprouts.

Plum breakfast


  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • prunes – 8 pcs.;
  • sprouts – 2 tsp;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak prunes in water at room temperature.
  2. Drain the water into another container and grate the apple there.
  3. Using a blender, puree the prunes.
  4. Mix it with sprouted seeds.
  5. Add the resulting mass to the apple.

Exotic salad


  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • sprouts – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • kiwi – 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate seeds - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Grind the sprouts and mix with the cheese mixture.
  3. Finely chop tropical fruits. Place as top layer.
  4. Pour honey on top of the treat to taste and stir.
  5. Garnish the treat with pomegranate seeds.

Sprouted wheat - composition

Initially, all useful elements in the grain “sleep”; their increased growth begins when the seed “awakens”.

All accumulated nutrients are transferred to the sprout, which a person processes for consumption. You can drink sprouts in the form of juice, add grains to porridge, muesli.

This is a great breakfast option for those who count calories and want to lose weight. The composition of sprouted wheat is as follows:

  • fatty acids, fats – 2.5%;
  • carbohydrates (disaccharides, starch, dietary fiber) – 70%;
  • proteins (8 nonessential, 12 essential) – 14%;
  • fiber – 3%;
  • minerals contain: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, silicon, sodium, iron, copper, manganese, iodine;
  • there are vitamins of groups C, D, E, B, PP;
  • enzymes that help break down proteins into amino acids, fats, and carbohydrates, which simplifies the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

What does sprouted wheat treat?

It is impossible to treat any disease with this product alone; sprouts can act as an additional remedy in complex therapy.

The medicinal properties of wheat germ help with many problems in the field of metabolic processes, increase overall tone, immune defense, and energy reserve of the body.

If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to use this product for preventive purposes. Sprouted wheat helps cope with the following diseases:

  1. Long-term depression, stress. The beneficial effect of the product on the nervous system helps to get out of such conditions.
  2. Decreased immunity, exhaustion, post-illness period. The product helps restore strength and increase the body's resistance to infections. You can drink sprout juice for preventive purposes in winter, during an epidemic.
  3. Decline of sexual function. Long-term consumption of sprouts sometimes helps to cope with this problem.
  4. Increased cholesterol in the blood. Magnesium contained in sprouts helps lower blood pressure and remove cholesterol from the blood.
  5. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Insoluble fiber stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of toxins, relieves constipation, removes toxins and radionuclides. Soluble fiber helps restore microflora, absorbs remaining bile acid, and removes cholesterol.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the body of different nature.
  7. Diabetes. There are no sugars in sprouts, which makes this food safe for people with this disease. The product helps normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  8. Decreased vision. According to people's reviews, after several months of constant use of sprouts, improvements are observed. By performing special exercises, some people managed to completely restore their vision within a year.
  9. Neoplasms. Wheat sprouts are considered an excellent preventative against cancer.

Sprouted wheat for weight loss

The task of a person who wants to lose weight is to reduce the number of calories in his diet.

Sprouts help in this matter because the caloric content of sprouted wheat is very low and they can replace one meal.

Simply adding grains to your regular meals will not help you lose weight, you should seriously reconsider your diet. Wheat does not have a direct effect on the process of losing weight; it helps indirectly.

One of the properties of sprouts is cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, getting rid of waste and toxins, and improving metabolic processes. All this is very important for the proper functioning of the body, processing incoming elements into energy, and not fat deposits. Replacing one meal with wheat germ will help you eat less, cleanse your intestines, improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract - all this will contribute to weight loss.

During pregnancy

If a woman does not have specific contraindications from a doctor, then sprouted wheat during pregnancy will be an excellent, low-calorie source of vitamins and nutrients.

The female body is greatly weakened during pregnancy, so an additional influx of nutrients and minerals is necessary. Wheat sprouts are rich in folic acid, which is critically important during the development of the fetus (first trimester).

If you regularly consume sprouted seeds, the risk of impaired intrauterine development of the child is greatly reduced.

It is not always easy for a woman to choose a diet during pregnancy, especially a healthy and correct one. Even after childbirth, the beneficial elements of sprouts will help stimulate lactation and strengthen the immune system. This product will help saturate the body with nutrients; you should eat no more than 2 tablespoons per day. Optimal intake would be in a crushed state early in the morning.


The medicinal properties of sprouted seeds help improve human health, but in some cases they can be harmful. Wheat germ should not be taken, for example, by people with acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or a tendency to diarrhea. Sprouts are beneficial for most people, but there are some contraindications and side effects:

  1. You should not add wheat germ to recipes if you suffer from celiac disease (gluten intolerance).
  2. When you start eating wheat germ, you may experience digestive upset. This is a side reaction to the body’s adaptation to a new type of food. If the symptoms do not go away after some time, then you should discard the sprouted seeds.
  3. You should not suddenly introduce recipes for dishes with sprouts into your child’s diet; add a quarter teaspoon to the puree at first. Then the quantity can be increased. It is not recommended to give this product to children under 12 years of age.

How to store sprouted wheat

To avoid side effects and negative reactions from the body, proper storage of wheat sprouts is necessary. All recipes for dishes with this product involve the use of fresh sprouted seeds. You can store the ground seeds in the refrigerator for some time (no more than 4 days), but if they have darkened (oxidized), then it is no longer worth eating.


Alena, 28 years old

I decided to try this miracle folk remedy for weight loss. The task was to replace one of the meals with healthy sprouts. I bought a bag of grains at the pharmacy, filled them with water according to the instructions and left them in the light. After 5 days they swelled and small sprouts appeared. They taste sweet, are easy to chew, but have a short shelf life.

Natalya, 30 years old

I have bitter experience in obtaining sprouts (I ruined the grains at the soaking stage), I am unable to maintain the desired temperature and humidity level, so I found an easier option - ready-to-eat grains. Sold in many supermarkets, they are stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.


Germination methods

You can germinate seeds either at a simple, amateur level or do it professionally. For professional germination, special seed germinators are used, which have types and classifications.

If germination is carried out for the first time and at home, a little instruction, patience and available items are enough:

  1. It is necessary to select seeds suitable for germination, pour them into a deep bowl, fill with water and leave for 8–10 hours.
  2. After the specified time, the water should be drained and the seeds should be rinsed thoroughly.
  3. The washed seeds should be placed in a shallow, wide dish (dish), leveling them.
  4. Now you should prepare the gauze - it needs to be folded in several layers and moistened. It should be wide enough to cover the entire dish. Cover the seeds with this gauze.
  5. To maintain moisture, the gauze must be constantly moistened. On average, grains should be kept under gauze for 12 to 24 hours.
  6. As soon as white sprouted sprouts are detected, the grains must be thoroughly washed and can be eaten.
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