How to store macarons at home

Requirements for raw materials

To make pasta products, only 3 types of flour are used:

  1. GOST 26574 describes wheat flour suitable for the manufacture of such products.
  2. GOST 31463 describes flour specially “invented” for the preparation of this product or pasta flour made from durum wheat.
  3. GOST 31491 describes flour specially “invented” for the preparation of this product or pasta flour (this time from soft wheat).

In addition to flour, you will also need additional products; flour alone is not enough to prepare the dough. In production you will have to use either egg products or eggs. They are described by 2 standards:

  • GOST 31464 describes the requirements for egg products;
  • GOST 31654 describes the requirements, but for chicken eggs.

Eggs are standardized by size, weight and yolk height. They must be clean (single spots of contamination are allowed), not chipped, and without signs of mold or decomposition.

If pasta with additives is made, only those vegetables that meet the standards can be used. To prepare pasta, you also need drinking water. It must comply with the requirements of Russian Federation standards describing the quality of water from a central water supply source.

How long can you store boiled pasta and pasta in the refrigerator?

Boiled pasta has a short shelf life even in the refrigerator. They are kept exclusively in tightly closed containers. It is not necessary to use plastic containers for these purposes. You can take any container of suitable size and cover it with cling film or foil on top. The dish must be consumed within 24 hours. Starting from the third day, you can eat it only after preliminary frying or boiling.

Navy pasta has its own storage features. The presence of meat in their composition significantly reduces the period for eating them. A maximum of 2 hours after cooking, the dish must be placed in the refrigerator. Pasta can be kept there for no more than a day, after which it becomes unfit for consumption.

Requirements for pasta

Pasta is made from wheat flour:

  • soft and hard varieties;
  • from general purpose flour, pasta and baking flour;
  • from flour of premium varieties (BC) and grades I-II.

The result is products of groups A, B and C and the highest grades I and II. Requirements for pasta products are described by the standard from 2012 - GOST 31743-2012. Requirements are put forward to the color and taste qualities of the product, their appearance, the content of microorganisms, harmful and toxic substances.

Figure No. 1. Color and taste qualities of the product

Figure No. 2. Microorganism content

The amount of fungal agents, toxic substances and bacteria is determined by the sanitary standards of the Russian Federation and technical regulations TS021/2011.

These documents even standardize the physical and chemical characteristics of the product, such as acidity, humidity, and impurities. Let's consider these characteristics in more detail.


The color of pasta is given by the ash content of the flour; the higher it is, the darker the product. Moreover, the surface affects the visual perception of the product. If it is smooth, the pasta will appear more vibrant.

The shade of the product is also influenced by the methods of preparation (drying, molding, kneading). High temperatures and rapid drying cause the pasta to become lighter in color. If the product is rough, it appears sprinkled with small white “specks of dust.”

The color of the products can be:

  • cream, brown or grayish;
  • for egg product yellow;
  • green, orange, red (for pasta colored with vegetable juices, or mixed with greens).

Figure No. 3. Semolina pasta

Figure No. 4. Durum wheat pasta, colored

Pasta should be plain, without dense pieces of unkneaded text.

If the products are prepared from premium-grade durum wheat (grains), the products are:

  • golden cream;
  • amber.

If you use semolina, but soft wheat with high glassiness, the product turns out to be light cream.

Figure No. 5. Premium quality durum wheat coils

Products made from semi-grain durum wheat are brown. The gray tint is given to pasta by grade I raw materials (bread flour).

High-quality pasta should be smooth. Only slight roughness is acceptable. If you produce products on a matrix with Teflon inserts, the pasta will be smooth. Rough products come out of the dies without inserts.

Figure No. 6. Whole grain vermicelli

Sometimes pasta is colored with octopus ink. Then they turn out black.

Figure 7. Pasta painted with octopus ink

It is possible that small inclusions of the grain shell will remain in the product. This is not a defect, but rather a sign of the quality of the product. The break in the pasta should be masonry and resemble a break in glass.

Figure No. 8. Interspersed fragments of the grain shell in the product


Pasta products come in all shapes and sizes. But all these forms are described by standards. Long pasta should be smooth, without tears, with evenly cut edges, without wrinkles.

Small curvatures that do not negatively affect the appearance of the product are allowed for “short-bodied” goods (noodles, feathers and vermicelli).

Figure No. 9. Acceptable defects

But crumpled products that have lost their shape are considered defective. Unacceptable defects include chipped ends, broken pasta and crumbs.

Figure No. 10. Chipped ends of pasta

Scrap includes not only broken or deformed products, but also goods that do not meet the standards in size (length, diameter).

Crumbs are fragments of pasta no more than 5 cm in length; for feathers this figure is 3 cm, and for vermicelli or noodles it does not exceed 1.5 cm. If we are talking about horns or a figured product, any damaged elements are considered scrap.

Such defects arise when the technological process is disrupted, the presence of burrs in the mold, the position of the liner is not correct, or when cutting wet products is not accurate enough.

Smell and taste

The taste and smell of pasta should be barely noticeable, without a bitter or moldy aftertaste. The less protein the raw material contains, the more pleasant the taste and aroma. The taste of the product changes if it contains juice or herbs.

physical and chemical indicators

Products that will be in special conditions (travel to the North, sail by sea) should be drier (up to 11%). If pasta is made for children, a moisture content of no more than 12% is allowed. All other products can have a humidity of 13%.

The acidity of products is clearly standardized and should not exceed 4 degrees Turner. When cooking, if you follow all the standards, the acidity of the finished product does not increase significantly, by a maximum of 10%. The exception is pasta with tomato. In this case, the acidity reaches 10oT.


When making pasta industrially, metal chips may get into the product, which appears when the metal parts of the machines rub during operation. No more than 3 mg/1 kg of such impurities is allowed. The presence of pests and rodents in the finished product, as well as in raw materials, is unacceptable.

§ 7. Conditions and periods of storage of dishes and side dishes from round, legumes and pasta

Ready-made porridges are stored on a steam table at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C for several hours without deteriorating their taste. The smell of porridge weakens during long-term storage. Storing cereals in a cold state is accompanied by their “aging”. Organoleptically, “aging” is characterized by the staling of the porridge, the thickening of its consistency due to a change in gelatinized starch. In viscous porridges, staleness is expressed more sharply than in crumbly ones. After heating chilled porridges, their organoleptic characteristics are restored. Buckwheat and rice porridge are restored better and more completely, so these porridges can be used for sale in culinary stores. Viscous porridges, cutlets and cutlets made from them, legume dishes, cereal casseroles are sold within 3 hours after preparation, pasta dishes - 2 hours, crumbly porridges - 6 hours.


Vegetable dishes are valued for their content of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and organic acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Fiber and bactericidal substances (phytoncides) have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Vegetables, especially greens, contain substances that have an anti-sclerotic effect. Vegetable proteins are mostly incomplete, but the combination of vegetables with meat and fish increases the biological value of prepared dishes.

A variety of main courses and side dishes for meat and fish dishes are prepared from vegetables. Depending on the type of heat treatment, there are boiled, poached, fried, stewed, and baked vegetable dishes.

After mechanical cooking, vegetables intended for cooking are immediately subjected to heat treatment, since during storage they become lethargic and vitamin C is quickly destroyed in them. When vegetables are cooked, the following changes occur.

In raw vegetables, plant tissue cells are connected to each other by an adhesive substance - protopectin.

During heat treatment, protopectin turns into a soluble substance -
so the connection between cells is weakened and the vegetables soften. The cooking time of vegetables depends on the stability of protopectin. In an acidic environment, vegetables soften poorly, since the process of converting protopectin into pectin slows down.

The starch contained in vegetables gelatinizes.

Starch grains at a temperature of 55-70 ° C absorb water present in vegetables and form a gelatinous mass -
When starch is heated above 120 ° C, dextrinization

It consists in the fact that starch breaks down, forming water-soluble substances -
which are brown in color. Therefore, when frying vegetables containing starch, a golden brown crust forms on the surface.

In vegetables containing sugar, when heated, the sugar breaks down deeply - caramelization.

Dark-colored substances are formed -
carmelene, carmelan
, etc. As a result of caramelization, the amount of sugar in vegetables decreases, and a crispy crust forms on the surface.

In vegetables, during heat treatment, a melanoid formation reaction occurs ,

in which simple sugars react with nitrogenous substances and form
- dark-colored compounds. They play an important role in the formation of a crispy crust.

The different colors of vegetables are due to the presence of pigments (coloring substances) in them. The green color of vegetables (sorrel, spinach, lettuce, green peas, etc.) is due to the content of the chlorophyll pigment.

During heat treatment, the organic acids of the cell sap react with chlorophyll, forming a new brown compound. Green vegetables containing volatile organic acids are placed in rapidly boiling water to preserve color, while the acids evaporate along with water vapor and the color of the vegetables does not change.

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The yellow, orange, and red colors of vegetables (carrots, turnips, pumpkins, tomatoes, red peppers) are due to the content of a group of pigments - carotenoids.

They are resistant to heat, acids, alkalis and do not change color during heat treatment. Carotenoids are insoluble in water, but soluble in fat, so when vegetables are sautéed, the pigments pass into the fat, turning it orange.

Beets contain coloring substances - anthocyanins,

which are two pigments - purple (betanin) and yellow. Purple pigment is easily destroyed by heat treatment, while yellow pigment is more resistant to heat. Beet anthocyanins are well preserved in an acidic environment. Therefore, when cooking beets, add vinegar or citric acid.

The white-yellow color of vegetables is due to the content of pigments - flavones,

which upon hydrolysis acquire a yellow color. Therefore, when potatoes and cabbage are cooked, they turn yellow. Flavones, when interacting with iron salts, give a dark color.

When cooked, the weight of vegetables decreases. Changes in weight depend on the type of vegetables, the method of cooking and the form of cutting.

Vitamins (with the exception of vitamin C) are resistant to heat treatment and remain almost unchanged. When cooked, some of the water-soluble vitamins turn into a decoction, so it is recommended to use vegetable decoctions for making soups and sauces. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid - is less stable and is easily destroyed during heat treatment. In order to preserve it, it is necessary to: avoid long-term storage of peeled and chopped vegetables; use dishes made of non-oxidizing metal (by volume in accordance with the number of servings); when cooking, place vegetables in boiling water in such a sequence as to simultaneously bring them to readiness; cook vegetables in a container with a closed lid so that there is no access to air oxygen; Do not stir vegetables frequently during cooking; do not allow them to become completely boiled; observe the terms of heat treatment of vegetables; Do not allow long-term storage of prepared foods in a hot state. Preservation of vitamin C during heat treatment is facilitated by the presence of acid in vegetables. It is preserved much better when steamed and fried, since fat protects vegetables from contact with oxygen in the air.

Vegetable dishes are valued for their content of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and organic acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Fiber and bactericidal substances (phytoncides) have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Vegetables, especially greens, contain substances that have an anti-sclerotic effect. Vegetable proteins are mostly incomplete, but the combination of vegetables with meat and fish increases the biological value of prepared dishes.

Production requirements

Lines for the production of pasta and other similar products can be very large and fit on the table.

Figure No. 11. Pasta production line

There are even manual machines for preparing products.

Figure No. 12. Manual pasta making machine

There are modular workshops that are ready to be put into production. But if you purchase or rent premises and equipment, you will have to comply with all the basic requirements for such enterprises regarding sanitation and fire safety. All legal formalities must also be observed (the enterprise is registered, the OKVED code is selected). For the pasta business it is 15:85 – pasta production.

The workshop for the production of these products must meet standards both in terms of dimensions and microclimatic conditions (it must be possible to create the necessary conditions). The height of the production room should be from 3 meters. The remaining geometric parameters (width and height) must correspond to the dimensions of the production line. The premises must ensure the flow of the process (raw materials and finished products are not “taken out through the same doors”).

The enterprise must have a warehouse for finished products with racks. You also need space to store spare parts and equipment. The administrative part must meet sanitary standards (the number of people and area must comply with the requirements of the SES).

The workshop and warehouse must comply with food industry standards and fire safety requirements. These requirements are extensive and require a separate article for description. We do not consider them here.

Packaging requirements

Pasta and similar products are not stored or transported in bulk. They are immediately packaged in consumer containers of various sizes.

Materials that are approved for use, that is, contact with food, are suitable for packaging the product:

  • carton boxes;
  • combi packaging;
  • synthetic materials;
  • paper bags (bags).

The packaging of pasta must ensure its safety, integrity, and prevent contamination during loading and unloading, during storage and during transportation of goods. Product packaging can be vacuum.

Figure No. 13. Pasta in vacuum packaging, packaged in a mini-production workshop

Consumer packaging includes packaging:

  • up to 5 kg;
  • from 5 to 30 kg

The container is marked according to GOST. If pasta is delivered not by road, but by rail or by water, and shipped to the North, the packaging rules will be specific. They are described in separate standards.

Storing pasta in

Unlike plastic, glass containers for storing pasta have a number of advantages, such as durability, environmental friendliness, the ability to see the products stored in this container, and the density of the material guarantees tight closure. But it is the advantages that also provide some disadvantages. Thus, the tightness of the vessel will not allow storing products that require ventilation, and transparency will not allow storing products that are afraid of direct sunlight. The fragility of the glass and the rather large weight of the container itself can also be considered disadvantages.

Storage requirements

Store pasta and similar products in a clean room that is safe from the point of view of microbiological hazards (without pockets of mold) and does not allow the penetration of pests (rodents and insects).

“Pasta storage” should be dry and well ventilated. Measures for deratization and disinfection of warehouse premises are described in separate standards. In this article, we do not touch on these points, but we will describe the requirements for the microclimate.

Figure 14. Rules for storing prepared pasta

The main requirements for humidity and temperature conditions are:

  1. Air humidity is maintained at 70%, fluctuations are unacceptable. Exceeding this indicator can lead to waterlogging and damage to the product (mold formation). Its decrease leads to pasta drying out and damage (formation of scrap).
  2. The temperature is maintained stable, without fluctuations (fluctuations cause damage to the goods). Products can be stored at 5-15°C. The maximum temperature at which such products can be stored is 30°C. If pasta is stored with temperature changes, the product will crack, break and crumble.

Egg pasta and other similar products can be stored for 365 days from the date of release. Of course, subject to the storage conditions described above. For vegetable products without additives, the period is 2 times longer.

If products are enriched with protein components, vegetables or milk, they must be stored at the lower specified minimum and their shelf life ranges from 2 months. up to 6 months

Conditions and periods of storage of dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta

Ready-made porridges are stored on a steam table at a temperature of 70.80°C for several hours without deteriorating their taste. The smell of porridge weakens during long-term storage. Storing cereals in a cold state is accompanied by their “aging”. Organoleptically, “aging” is characterized by the staling of porridge, the thickening of its consistency due to changes in gelatinized starch. In viscous porridges, staleness is expressed more sharply than in crumbly ones. After heating chilled porridges, their organoleptic characteristics are restored. Buckwheat and rice porridges are restored better and more completely, so these porridges can be used

available for sale in grocery stores. Viscous porridges, cutlets and cutlets made from them, legume dishes, cereal casseroles are sold within 3 hours after preparation, pasta dishes - 2 hours, crumbly porridges - 6 hours.

Test questions and assignments

1. How to prepare cereals?

2. What is the importance of cereals, legumes and pasta in human nutrition?

3. How are porridges divided according to consistency?

4. List the rules for cooking crumbly cereals.

5. What methods of cooking crumbly rice porridge do you know?

6. Name the dishes that are prepared from viscous porridges?

7. Make a diagram for cooking viscous rice porridge.

8. Mark in the table. 8.2 sign x products included in porridge dishes.

ProductsRice ballsMillet casseroleKrupenik
Rice cereal
Sour cream
Wheat crackers
Cottage cheese

9. Calculate the amount of products for 80 servings of semolina cutlets, using a collection of recipes.

10. Determine the name of the dish based on the set of products: buckwheat, milk, water, cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, wheat crackers, margarine, sour cream.

11. How to cook legumes?

12. What methods of cooking pasta do you know?


9.1. Changes that occur during heat treatment of vegetables

Vegetable dishes are valued for their content of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and organic acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Fiber and bactericidal substances (phytoncides) have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Vegetables, especially greens, contain substances that have an anti-scleretic effect. Vegetable proteins are mostly incomplete, but the combination of vegetables with meat and fish increases the biological value of prepared dishes.

A variety of main courses and side dishes for meat and fish dishes are prepared from vegetables. Depending on the type of heat treatment, there are boiled, poached, fried, stewed, and baked vegetable dishes.

After mechanical cooking, vegetables intended for cooking are immediately subjected to heat treatment, since during storage they become lethargic and vitamin C in them is quickly destroyed. When vegetables are cooked, a number of changes occur to them.

1. In raw vegetables, plant tissue cells are connected to each other by an adhesive substance - protopectin.

During heat treatment, protopectin turns into a soluble substance -
so the connection between cells is weakened and. vegetables soften. The duration of heat treatment of vegetables depends on the stability of protopectin. In an acidic environment, vegetables soften poorly, since the process of converting protopectin into pectin slows down.

2. The starch contained in vegetables gelatinizes. At a temperature of 55.70°C, starch grains absorb water present in vegetables and form a gelatinous mass - a paste.

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3. When starch is heated to a temperature above 120 °C, dextrinization occurs. It consists in the fact that starch breaks down, forming water-soluble substances - pyrodextrins,

having a brown color. Therefore, when frying vegetables containing starch, a golden brown crust forms on the surface.

4. In vegetables containing sugar, when heated, a deep breakdown of sugar occurs - caramelization. Dark-colored substances are formed - carmelene, carmelan

etc. As a result of caramelization, the amount of sugar in vegetables decreases, and a crispy crust forms on the surface.

5. When vegetables are cooked, a melanoidin formation reaction occurs, in which simple sugars react with nitrogenous substances and form melanoidins.

They play an important role in the formation of a crispy crust.

6. The different colors of vegetables are due to the presence of pigments (coloring substances) in them. The green color of vegetables (sorrel, spinach, lettuce, green peas, etc.) is due to the content of the chlorophyll pigment.

During heat treatment, the organic acids of the cell sap react with chlorophyll, forming a new brown compound. Green vegetables containing volatile organic acids are placed in rapidly boiling water to preserve color, while the acids evaporate along with water vapor and the color of the vegetables does not change.

The yellow, orange, and red colors of vegetables (carrots, turnips, pumpkins, tomatoes, red peppers) are due to the content of a group of pigments - carotenoids.

They are resistant to heat, acids, alkalis and do not change color during heat treatment. Carotenoids are insoluble in water, but soluble in fat, so when vegetables are sautéed, the pigments pass into the fat, turning it orange.

Beets contain coloring substances - anthocyanins,

which are two pigments - purple (betanin) and yellow. Purple pigment is easily destroyed by heat treatment, while yellow pigment is more resistant to heat. Beet anthocyanins are well preserved in an acidic environment. Therefore, when cooking beets, add vinegar or citric acid.

The white-yellow color of vegetables is due to the content of pigments - flavones,

which upon hydrolysis acquire a yellow color. Therefore, when potatoes and cabbage are cooked, they turn yellow. Flavones, when interacting with iron salts, give a dark color.

7. When cooked, the weight of vegetables decreases. Changes in weight depend on the type of vegetables, the method of cooking and the form of cutting.

8. Vitamins (with the exception of vitamin C) are resistant to heat treatment and remain almost unchanged. When cooked, some of the water-soluble vitamins turn into a decoction, so it is recommended to use vegetable decoctions for making soups and sauces. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid - is less stable and is easily destroyed during heat treatment. In order to preserve it, it is necessary:

do not allow long-term storage of peeled and chopped vegetables;

use dishes made of non-oxidizing metal;

the volume of dishes must correspond to the number of servings;

When cooking vegetables, place them in boiling water;

cook vegetables in a container with a closed lid so that there is no access to air oxygen;

rarely stir vegetables during cooking;

observe the terms of heat treatment;

Do not allow long-term storage of prepared foods in a hot state.

The vitamin is preserved much better during steaming and frying, since fat protects vegetables from contact with atmospheric oxygen. Preservation of vitamin C during heat treatment is facilitated by the presence of acid in vegetables.

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Beets contain coloring substances - anthocyanins,

which are two pigments - purple (betanin) and yellow. Purple pigment is easily destroyed by heat treatment, while yellow pigment is more resistant to heat. Beet anthocyanins are well preserved in an acidic environment. Therefore, when cooking beets, add vinegar or citric acid.

Transportation requirement

Pasta can be transported by all types of transport, subject to the conditions of transportation on these types of transport. The main condition is that the transport must be covered. The goods are packaged for transportation in accordance with GOST 23285. The transport used to transport the goods must meet several conditions.

It should be:

  • intended for transportation of food products (household chemicals, meat and pasta cannot be transported in the same vehicle);
  • clean;
  • without strong foreign odor;
  • free from rodents and barn pests.

Pasta products for transportation are placed on special transport racks in several rows or also, but on pallets:

  • bags of paper can be laid out in 7 rows;
  • Corrugated cardboard boxes can be installed in 6 rows.

There are conditions under which you can increase the number of rows. This possibility must be indicated by the manufacturer. But in any case, you can transport pasta if pressure of up to 130 g/cm is applied to the bottom row.

Containers for storing macarons

It is known that any product lasts the longest in its original, unopened packaging. But it is more important to find out what to store macarons in after “depressurization”, as well as those prepared at home.

The most important thing is not to let the cakes dry out. Excessive moisture is also not needed for almond dessert.

Glass containers or a plastic container with a lid are best for storing macarons. It is recommended to place macarons in storage containers so that they touch as little as possible. If you still have to pack the cakes tightly into a container, then it is better to arrange them in rows rather than in a slide. If this is not possible, the pasta layers are layered with parchment paper (in a hermetically sealed container).

Sales requirement

The rules for accepting goods for sale are written down in GOST 14849. The document stipulates the rules for product control. It requires that each shipment of goods be accompanied by documents confirming its authenticity and safety. You cannot accept goods if they contain barn pests in the packaging, and the packaging should not show signs of damage to the goods by insects.

Figure No. 15. Products containing insects

If there is a lot of fine flour dust and pieces of pasta in the package, even if the bugs are not immediately noticeable, most likely they have eaten the product.

Figure No. 16. Bug-scarred products with flour dust

They sell goods in a grocery store or grocery department of a store. In a small store, a shelf is allocated for such products; in a medium and large store, they are displayed on racks for self-service.

Figure No. 17. Display of products in the store

Products are listed by manufacturer and cost (cheap at the bottom, expensive at the top), each type of pasta must have a label indicating the manufacturer, net weight of the product, release date and sell-by date.

Sometimes trays with bulk products are installed. Such trays must be equipped with spatulas for the buyer to pick up products and bags for packaging.

Figure No. 18. Trays with bulk products

Most often, such trays are installed in large supermarkets. Small stores sell goods in consumer packaging. Or the seller himself picks up the goods from such a tray (when selling over the counter).

It is not allowed to sell expired, pest-damaged, moldy goods or pasta in damaged packaging. Such products must be immediately confiscated and disposed of.

How to store macarons in the refrigerator

After opening the original packaging, filled macarons are stored on the refrigerator shelf for 5-7 days. Don't forget about airtight containers!

Halves of the cake, which are still without filling, will keep in the refrigerator for about 1 month. The only condition: there should be no sudden temperature changes on the shelf (it should remain within +3 +5 degrees).

In general, cakes filled with cream become most delicious on the 3rd day, and they should spend this period on the refrigerator shelf. The “correct” macaron will have a crispy crust and a juicy center.

Macarons bought at a pastry shop are usually already filled. Sellers pack the cakes in a container or vacuum bag. In this case, the macarons are kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

After the product is removed from the cold, it is kept for 20 minutes before use.

Retail storage requirements

In a small store, goods should be stored in a dry, ventilated area. Requirements for storage conditions will be the same as in production.

Figure No. 19. Storing goods in consumer packaging in a store warehouse

If your warehouse has a stone, concrete or tiled floor. And there is no underground floor with ventilation; goods must be placed on pallets raised above the floor by at least 15 cm. There should be a distance between the racks that allows free movement.

How to properly store pasta and is it possible to buy these flour products for future use?

Pasta is a hygroscopic product. This means that pasta is able to absorb odors, moisture and other impurities that can affect the quality of the product. It is necessary to store pasta in a dry, dark place, despite the fact that pasta is insensitive to low temperatures and can be stored in outdoor pantries, temperature changes should still be avoided. It is not recommended to store pasta on the top shelves in the kitchen, as fumes and high temperatures can spoil the product.

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