How long do boiled eggs last?

Eggs are a popular tasty and nutritious product that is eaten in different parts of the world. The variety of recipes among the peoples of the world is determined by the excellent taste and dietary qualities of quail and chicken eggs. In particular, the protein and yolk contain a high concentration of vitamins, microelements, healthy cholesterol and proteins.

A boiled egg is one of the simplest and most popular food products, which can be seen in great demand during the Easter holidays. Also in connection with this event, there is often a need for long-term storage of boiled eggs, which can create some difficulties. However, even in the absence of refrigeration units, the product’s “life” can be extended and consumed at a more convenient time. To do this, you can always use instructions, tips and tricks.

How to boil an egg so it can last longer?

In the event that there are no special preferences in boiling eggs or culinary tasks associated with the cooking method, long-term storage can be ensured by proper preparation. And the one that is hard-boiled will retain its properties the longest.

For the procedure, you must use only fresh eggs (no more than five weeks from the date of production). If purchased from a farm, they should be stored for as little time as possible before cooking, making sure they are fresh. If the shells are difficult to separate from the protein after cooking, then they have been stored for less than a week.

Temperature treatment of chicken eggs not only changes the culinary properties of the product, but also disinfects it. The most dangerous bacteria and microbes die only with prolonged boiling, so before direct storage it must be boiled for eight to ten minutes. Eggs with a liquid center (soft-boiled, in a bag, etc.) should not be stored for longer than twelve hours.


Before cooking, chicken eggs must be washed with warm water. If they are purchased from a farm, it is advisable to treat the shells with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Temperature table

The refrigerator is a great place for eggs, especially boiled ones. It creates optimal conditions for food preservation. And the main indicator is temperature. It is necessary to take it into account and know under what parameters food acquires an optimal shelf life. These indicators are shown in the table.

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Type of egg preparation and productionTime spent in the refrigerator at the appropriate temperature
2…5°С5°C and above
Raw homemade, without cracksup to 90 daysup to 30 days
Homemade hard-boiled, without cracksup to 20 daysup to 5-7 days
Raw factory, no cracksup to 28-30 daysup to 14 days
Factory hard-boiled, without cracksup to 10-14 daysup to 4 days
Broken raw (regardless of type of production)1-2 days0 days
Cracked hard-boiled (regardless of type of production)up to 3-4 days1-2 days
Peeled boiledup to 3 days1 day

Eggs can be consumed boiled for quite a long time. But you should always be careful. Before starting a meal, you should make sure that the product is safe to eat.

08 Jul 2020 edypravilno 133

Storing boiled eggs in the refrigerator

When storing prepared foods in the refrigerator, you must observe the temperature regime: from two to four degrees Celsius. How long can boiled eggs be stored in this case? If all recommendations are followed and the product is fresh - within one week. During this period, frequent opening of the refrigerator is not advisable.

To reduce the risk of spoilage of a boiled chicken egg, it is recommended to place it in a container made of plastic, glass or metal, close it tightly with a lid and place it closer to the back wall of the refrigerator.

Video: How long do boiled eggs last in the refrigerator?

Storage tips

Poultry products are stored with the sharp end down. Thus, the yolk is in the center of the shell, without touching the air cushion of the blunt end. The storage period on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is three weeks; homemade ones can be fresh for up to five. To be sure, you should add 3-4 days to the production date so as not to expire the product’s shelf life.

It is not recommended to wash them before storing them for artificial cooling, or to clean them of feathers and droppings. You cannot freeze products, as this will deteriorate their quality.

An ordinary housewife prefers to have a dozen or two chicken eggs in reserve - fresh, boiled. Some keep them in the cellar, others in refrigerators.

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Chicken eggs are a unique product, rich in protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. However, not all housewives know exactly how long boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator. These products are indispensable for breakfast or a quick snack, and are also included in many dishes. Many people prefer to cook eggs with a reserve, but it happens that it is not possible to accurately calculate the required quantity. In such a situation, questions arise about the rules and shelf life of boiled eggs. According to SanPiN, the shelf life of boiled eggs is 36 hours.

We summarize the basic information on storing chicken eggs in the table:

Cooking levelShell integrityStorageShelf life
Hard-boiledWholeFridge14-20 days
Hard-boiledWholeRoom2-3 days
Hard-boiledCracked/No shellFridge4 days/12 hours
Hard-boiledCracked/No shellRoomtill 12 o'clock
Soft-boiledWholeFridge2 days
Soft-boiledWholeRoom12 hours
Soft-boiledCracked/No shellFridgeup to 8 o'clock
Soft-boiledCracked/No shellRoomup to 8 o'clock

Storing boiled eggs without refrigeration

There are situations when using a refrigeration unit to store food is impossible. Very often this is due to the conditions of activity and stay. At normal room temperature, a boiled chicken egg spoils after two to three days. In order for it to be stored longer when boiled, even in this case, certain rules must be followed.

Bacteria enter through pores or cracks in its shell. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid damaging the shell, and close the pores by treating with vegetable oil. In this way, you can add another four to five days to the shelf life of the product.

It is not recommended to keep the cooked product in the heat. On the road, it must be consumed within twelve hours. You can buy special cooling containers in stores. They can be used even outdoors at high temperatures. However, they need to be protected from direct sunlight.


You should not pack boiled eggs in plastic, this will only speed up the rotting process. If packaging is necessary, it is better to use aluminum foil or paper for these purposes.

After cooking and cooling, it is important to dry the shells thoroughly. Excess moisture promotes the growth of microbes and the product should not be left in water either.

The rotting process is usually accompanied by a characteristic unpleasant odor. If it appears, consumption is prohibited. This may also be indicated by a change in the hue of the protein to gray or bluish.

Video: How long can eggs be stored without refrigeration?

Storage Features

When preparing boiled eggs for future use, it is worth considering the following features of their storage:

  • Before putting them in the refrigerator, the eggs are cooled and wiped dry - moisture provokes the development of pathogenic bacteria;
  • specimens with cracked shells are eaten first - even in the refrigerator they will spoil in a couple of days;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor is a clear sign of a spoiled product; eating it is dangerous to health;
  • a freshly brewed product contains the maximum amount of useful substances, so try not to prepare large volumes for future use unless necessary;
  • pay attention to the yolk: if it has a color or structure that is not typical for it, refuse to use such a product;
  • The hard-boiled product lasts the longest in the shell;
  • the shell of specimens sent for long-term storage must be intact, without cracks or damage;
  • If you grease the shell of a boiled egg with a small amount of sunflower oil, this will create an additional protective layer and extend the shelf life.

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Storing Raw Eggs Before Cooking

Chicken eggs freshly purchased at a farm or in a store with a holding period of no more than seven days from the date of manufacture can be considered ideal for cooking. But if additional storage before cooking is necessary, the holding period may depend on how it is done.

How long can raw food be stored in the refrigerator? In the refrigerator it is better to keep it at the back wall and the use of special cells is not recommended. Keep in packaging away from foods with strong odors. A temperature of four degrees Celsius can be considered optimal. Keeping the product in the freezer or freezer can damage the shell and cause the yolk and white to freeze.

Outside of refrigeration, one day of a protein product at room temperature can equal seven days in the cold. But keeping it at +20 is also acceptable.

Shelf life in the freezer

The freezer is not the best place to store eggs, because due to prolonged exposure to very low temperatures, this product loses almost all of its beneficial properties. If you find eggs among your supplies that are approaching their expiration date, it is better to freeze them so that you can use them later for cooking, rather than throwing them away now. You can freeze both raw and boiled eggs; the shelf life of both types in the freezer is up to one year. To freeze raw eggs you need:

  1. Break them one by one into a deep plate, remove the remaining shells, and shake a little with a fork.
  2. Add a pinch of salt or sugar and stir so that after defrosting the consistency of the egg mixture remains homogeneous and does not become grainy.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into a clean, dry container of a suitable size, without adding 1-2 cm to the edges - it will expand under the influence of negative temperatures.
  4. Write the freezing date on the lid of the container and store it in the freezer.

If you want to freeze boiled eggs, use only the yolks, and use the boiled whites now, because once defrosted, their grainy texture is unlikely to remain suitable for cooking. To freeze boiled yolks:

  1. Place them in a deep saucepan, cover with cold water, and place over high heat.
  2. Once boiling, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Then remove the yolks with a slotted spoon, remove any remaining liquid, place in a container and freeze.

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  • When handled and stored correctly, hard-boiled eggs stay fresh for about 1 week.
  • Hard-boiled eggs should be stored on the inside shelf of the refrigerator and refrigerated within 2 hours of cooking. For best quality, store them unpeeled in an egg crate or airtight container.
  • This way, you can reap the many benefits of this nutrient-rich food.

Tags: Eggs

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What affects the shelf life of eggs

One or two dozen - this is the quantity that a housewife usually buys for one family. They spoil quite quickly, so it is better to understand the shelf life of eggs before stocking up in large quantities. In our case, everything depends on two points:

  • how long did it take to prepare them;
  • exactly how they were cooked.

Hard-cooked eggs have a shelf life of 5 to 7 days. When preparing the product “in a bag” or soft-boiled, the period is reduced to 2 days. Eggs with shells cracked during cooking also have a short shelf life - 2-3 days.

For eggs with Easter coloring, the shelf life does not change only if natural dyes are used, such as onion peels, beet juice, turmeric and others. They are suitable for consumption for a maximum of a week. The use of thermal film for decoration reduces the shelf life by two days, since heat exchange is disrupted. In addition, if the decorating procedure is carried out incorrectly, water accumulates under the film. After about a day, an unpleasant odor appears.

How many days can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator if they are shelled? The question is also relevant for housewives. There are also deadlines for such cases. By placing the eggs in a container and putting them in the refrigerator, you can expect the product to be safe for three days.

The shelf life of boiled eggs is influenced by a number of reasons. Among them are:

  • what degree of freshness the product was at the time of its purchase, what were the conditions of its storage;
  • whether the technology for preparing eggs was followed - a product cooled in the refrigerator should not be immediately immersed in boiling water, this way you can prevent the appearance of cracks on the shell, which cause their premature spoilage;
  • Have the eggs been inspected before the end of cooking? If there are cracks, the shelf life is reduced.

It is imperative to avoid contact of eggs with raw meat and fish products. It is better not to leave them for storage in refrigerator compartments, since temperature changes occur when the doors are opened. A container is more suitable for storage. It will protect against odors from other foods in the refrigerator.

Some sources contain information that boiled eggs can remain in the refrigerator for up to twenty days. But you shouldn’t really trust this. Such shelf life is realistic for products with antibiotics. For many producers, it is the norm to add them to poultry food. This increases the shelf life of eggs and protects against animal diseases.

Thus, how long raw eggs can be stored in the refrigerator must be determined taking into account the listed conditions in each case individually.

As many people know from personal experience, a fresh egg lasts longer than a boiled one. Why is this happening? The reason is obvious: according to its intended purpose, an egg is an egg cell, a potential living organism. Therefore, nature has provided it with immune system proteins that suppress pathogenic microflora.

In addition, the product contains a substance called avidin. It binds the vitamin biotin, which is important for the development of any organism.

But heat destroys all these compounds, so that boiled eggs become more vulnerable to microorganisms that penetrate the porous structure of the shell.

Therefore, the raw product is best suited for long-term storage. Here are some more facts about storage conditions:

  • Washed eggs have a shorter shelf life - only a couple of weeks.
  • Optimal humidity should be no higher than 85%.
  • For storage, it is best to place them with the sharp ends down, positioning them so that they do not touch.
  • This product can also be stored in the freezer. It will not spoil for a whole year, but, unfortunately, it will lose taste and consistency.

To understand exactly how long boiled chicken eggs are stored, you need to familiarize yourself with certain factors that influence this.

Note! Chicken and quail eggs are good for human health. Therefore, their regular use will only benefit him. But such a result should only be counted on if a high-quality product is present in the diet.

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Every person should know that raw and boiled eggs are stored in the refrigerator much longer than at room temperature.

Without refrigeration, homemade eggs cooked according to a recipe can be stored for no more than 12 hours. Afterwards they will have to be thrown away, as consuming the product becomes hazardous to health.

The shelf life of chicken and quail eggs depends on how they were prepared:

  • Hard-boiled – 14-20 days.
  • Soft-boiled – 2 days.

To understand exactly how long boiled eggs are stored in the refrigerator or without it, you need to consider a number of factors:

  1. Ensuring correct storage conditions.
  2. Origin of the product (factory or non-factory).
  3. Shelf life of eggs.

The condition of the eggshells is taken into account, as this is also an important factor. If it is damaged, the shelf life of the product is reduced. Eggs without shells can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. If it has not been cooked, then the period is reduced to 1-2 days.

How to store eggs

For several days they can be stored either in the refrigerator (0-5 degrees) or in any other place at room temperature (20 degrees). By the way, that compartment on the refrigerator door where manufacturers usually provide a special container for them is not the best place. It's too warm there, and temperature changes are inevitable.

Over many centuries, people have come up with many ways to maximize the shelf life of a product if it is not possible to maintain the temperature regime. For example:

  • Grease with vegetable oil. This method is often used for Easter eggs, to which the oil gives not only durability (about 7 days), but also a beautiful shine.
  • Brush with egg white.
  • Immerse in a solution of slaked lime, diluted based on a ratio of 300 grams per bucket. This radical measure allows you to preserve them for six months, however, after this procedure they acquire a not very pleasant aftertaste.

In order to get only the benefits from your favorite foods and dishes, it is important to monitor the expiration dates of the ingredients. Don't take unnecessary risks with your health by eating stale food.

There are several factors regarding the shelf life and safety of eggs:

  • quality of processing - hard-boiled or in a bag (poached);
  • shell integrity - processing only clean and whole specimens, which must be immersed in boiling water after they have been out of the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes;
  • production date, freshness;
  • storage.

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Boiled eggs can be hard-boiled or poached. The greatest chance of lasting the longest is for hard-boiled products with intact shells, which are stored in the refrigerator. In this case, the shelf life will be from two to three weeks. A whole hard-boiled egg at room temperature will last much less, only 48-60 hours.

A cracked specimen with a hard-boiled yolk will last in the refrigerator for four days, but without a shell – only 12 hours. At room temperature, the period of use with any condition of the shell should not exceed 12 hours.

The storage standards are as follows. A product with a whole shell, but in a bag, will “live” no more than two days in the refrigerator and 12 hours outside its cool, dark walls. A soft-boiled product with a cracked shell or without it at all in any space will be suitable for only 8 hours. Then the spoilage process will begin.

If the goal is to extend the shelf life of a boiled egg, it is important to properly treat it with hot water. Just 10-11 minutes of cooking is enough to change the structure, taste and destroy pathogenic microbes and bacteria, including salmonella. All of the above is a guarantee of maximum long-term storage.

The product, boiled in a bag, that is, kept in boiling water for 5 to 8 minutes, should be eaten within two days after heat treatment. Even if it was stored in the refrigerator.

Storing boiled eggs in an apartment and in a private house differs.

  • The choice of storage options is small when it comes to a city apartment. The main task is to choose any dark and cool area, preferably without strong odors and unexpected temperature changes. It is unlikely that a balcony or loggia can be used for storage purposes due to the abundance of UV rays. The living room and the kitchen are also not suitable - it’s too warm there.

The best storage option is in the refrigerator. The more power the unit is endowed with, the better for all products, including boiled chicken eggs. Every refrigerator has a special compartment for eggs. However, it is designed for only a couple of dozen. In addition, it is located in a place that is not very favorable for the product - on the door. It constantly opens and closes. Thus, the products are subject to temperature changes.

The best solution would be to place them in the fruit compartment, after placing them in a container or other container.

  • A private house is a different matter. There are many more opportunities to find a suitable dark and cool place. A canopy, subfloor, basement and other utility rooms where the rays of the sun do not penetrate are suitable as a space that meets the listed requirements.

And since we’re talking about a private home, it’s worth adding that farm products last longer and better than store-bought ones. Especially if the latter did not arrive at the retail facility immediately, but after some time.

In shell or without, soft-boiled or with hard-boiled yolk? These are the questions asked by housewives who want to extend the shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator. Experts' answer: the longest preservation can be achieved if boiled eggs are placed in the refrigerator in a cool form in a whole shell.

To do this, it is important to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • cook for at least 11 minutes;
  • cool after heat treatment in cold running water for 5-6 minutes;
  • wipe dry, otherwise bacteria will perceive the increased humidity as a signal to actively multiply.

After this, the boiled eggs are placed in an airtight container. It is better if the container is plastic or glass. These materials prevent the penetration of specific odors from the refrigerator that the eggs may absorb. Indicate the date of placement on the package. The control knob sets the heat mode from 2 to 4℃.

It is recommended to place the containers closer to the back wall of household appliances. It's cooler there. But it’s better to store raw ones in the door - they will last longer unspoiled.

Without shells, in optimal refrigerator conditions, boiled eggs will last no more than half a day. Then they will become dangerous to eat. And chicken egg poisoning, according to statistics, is one of the three most popular. Mushrooms are in second place, smoked meats, meat and fish products are in third place.

Russia is an Orthodox country where residents traditionally celebrate great church holidays. Easter is one of the main Orthodox events. And its important symbols are Easter cakes and boiled colored eggs.

It is not always possible to consume all boiled and prepared eggs in one day. In 70% of cases, housewives wonder how long boiled products will last. Answer: about two weeks, 10 to 15 days. But only if they are colored with natural substances like onion peels and beet juice.

You can save boiled specimens at room temperature without refrigeration. But not for long. Room temperature is one of the favorable conditions for the active growth of pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the shell and trigger the process of product spoilage. In the kitchen, shelled eggs will last a maximum of three days at a temperature no higher than 19 degrees.

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In practice, such indicators on the thermometer are not easy to achieve. Often the rooms are much warmer. Consequently, boiled eggs will begin to spoil 11-13 hours after they are boiled.

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