Lightly salted herring in plastic packaging

Preserved herring in oil

During a fan study of herring preserves in oil, the quality and safety indicators of 29 samples of the following brands were studied: Your Choice, Captain, GLOBUS, D, Theseus, Norly, Red Price, VICI, RIK, OK, Just What You Need! , Baltic Coast, Meridian, Ocean TRC, Every Day, Ketus, HoReCa Select, FINE LIFE, A'more, Soyuz-Billion, Billa, Morflot, Big Catch.
All products presented were of Russian origin. Preserved fish “herring in oil fillets” and “herring in oil fillet pieces” were selected for the fan study. The products were studied according to 26 quality and safety parameters. The cost of the selected samples of preserves ranged from 65 to 300 rubles per package at the time of purchase (in the fan study, products with different weights were presented - from 150 to 900 grams). Russian quality system standard

The standard of the Russian quality system for herring preserves in oil, in comparison with the current GOST, establishes more stringent requirements for the consistency of the fish (it should be slightly dense), the mass fraction of table salt (it should be less), as well as the number of tailings, that is, less nutritious pieces in a package. According to the Roskachestvo standard, in contrast to GOST, preserved herring in oil is additionally studied according to the color of the fish and the condition of the oil. Only those samples in which the herring shows no signs of oxidation and the oil has a characteristic transparent color can be considered high-quality products. The level of production localization for a product to be awarded the Russian Quality Mark must be at least 90%.

Recipe for preserved herring at home

Required Products:

Anti-rust oil

When purchasing a package of herring preserves in oil, consumers quite naturally want to get as much pure weight of the actually edible product as possible. According to the current GOST, the mass fraction of fish in 100 grams of preserves should be at least 75%, and oil - no more than 25%. Almost no manufacturer now provides such a ratio of fish to oil, and this is not due to their greed. The reason has historical roots: the current state standard dates back to 1986, and then the most popular container format for herring was a can weighing 500 grams or more. Over time, the consumer preferences of our citizens have changed, and today Russians are more willing to buy small packages of herring weighing 150–200 grams. Due to the design features in small jars, the ratio of fish and oil established by GOST is almost impossible to maintain: oil in such proportions will not completely cover the fish, which means it will begin to weather, acquiring a “rusty” color. In the updated GOST, which is currently under development, this fact was taken into account and other proportions were established: fish - no less than 65%, and oil - no more than 35% per 100 grams of product. These updated parameters were included in the requirements of the Russian Quality System standard. During laboratory tests, 14 samples of preserves were able to meet the increased standard of Roskachestvo in terms of the mass fraction of fish and oil.

It is worth noting that only one sample participating in the study was labeled as complying with GOST - these are preserves under the VICI brand .

However, in fact, they could not meet the stated standard due to the actual mass fraction of fish, which was only 65% ​​instead of the required 75 per 100 grams

According to uniform product labeling requirements, manufacturers are required to indicate the amount of actual product in the can. Samples of preserves from the following brands did not correspond to the declared mass fraction of fish: Your choice, Captain, Norli, VICI (500 g), RIK (500 g), What you need!, VICI (430 g), Ocean TRC, Every day, Ketus , FINE LIFE, OK.

The least amount of fish was found in two samples of products from retailers’ own brands:
Every Day
(48%) and
Red Price

How to choose fresh fish

In order not to get confused in the variety of types of this product, you need to remember a few simple rules that will help you choose a quality product.

  • Fresh fish should have a silvery skin without damage or red spots.
  • When you press on the stomach, you should feel elasticity, and its surface should immediately return to its original position.
  • High-quality fresh-caught fish is distinguished by bright red gills, which are covered quite tightly.
  • It is not advisable to purchase this product without a head. Otherwise, it will not be possible to determine the degree of its freshness. How fresh a product is is usually determined by the condition of the fish’s eyes, and also pay attention to the gills.
  • Freshly frozen herring should be without damage or deformation.

Shelf life

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Outpacing growth

During laboratory tests, experts studied the consistency of the fish. The requirements for this parameter in the Roskachestvo standard were almost identical to GOST: high-quality fish should be tender and juicy. But in the standard of the Russian quality system, this formulation was supplemented with the phrase “slightly dense”. This significant remark was included by experts based on the peculiarities of preserve production. The fact is that an impressive part of manufacturers in the manufacture of this product use ingredients that accelerate the ripening of products. Sometimes for this purpose, manufacturers use food additives E575 (glucono-delta-lactone), pyrophosphates, citric, lactic, malic acid and their salts. By the way, it is thanks to these additives that the bones in fish become soft. The additives used are approved for food use and are not harmful to consumers, but the downside of their use is the launch of a continuous process of accelerated ripening. If stored improperly, herring can become overripe, that is, turn into “porridge” before the end of its shelf life. It is gratifying that, according to the results of laboratory tests, the consistency of all samples participating in the study met both the requirements of GOST and the increased standard of Roskachestvo.

In a refrigerator

The duration of storage of herring in the refrigerator at home is influenced by temperature, cutting, type (Pacific, Atlantic, etc.), degree of salting, and container format.

Without brine

Place the product in a glass or plastic container and close with a lid. This will slow down moisture loss and further drying out and weathering. This method is advisable to use if the fish will soon be used as an ingredient for preparing dishes with a side dish or served as an independent appetizer. Then, indeed, there is no need to waste energy on creating a special brine.

In brine

For convenience, the carcass should be cut into several parts and placed in a food container. After cleaning, the resulting pieces must be filled with brine from the packaging. If it is not enough, then you need to prepare brine yourself using water and salt in a ratio of 5:1. After mixing the components, boil the liquid and then let it cool.

In oil

Sunflower oil is a natural preservative and, unlike salt, allows you to preserve the natural taste. Place the herring in a glass bowl and close the lid tightly. If you don't have a lid, you can use foil or parchment.

In original (vacuum) packaging, you can keep it in the refrigerator until the expiration date.

In the marinade

Often, to give a more delicate and piquant taste, seafood is placed in special marinades and fillings. Made from oil, vinegar, saline solutions with the addition of mayonnaise, various sauces, spices, onions, lemon juice. These ingredients allow you to preserve the pickled product, since they act not only as a flavoring agent, but also as a natural preservative. The marinade, like the brine, should cover the herring completely, not allowing it to dry out.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the age for a home mortgage

An impressive part of the products made from raw materials of the herring family are preserves. Chopped herring preserves are produced mainly from frozen raw materials, without subjecting the fish to heat treatment, but adding preservatives, for example, sodium benzoate, for preservation. The carcass is cut into fillets or smaller pieces and placed in round plastic or iron cans, which can often be found on store shelves.

Milk and caviar

Herring milt and caviar are sources of biologically active food additives with a wide spectrum of action. Caviar is more popular among consumers and is easy to find on sale. In a closed container, it retains its taste according to its expiration date.

Once opened, it must be consumed within 3 days, transferring from a metal jar into a glass or ceramic container to prevent oxidation.

Get more benefits

Herring used for making preserves must contain at least 12% fat. Herring fat contains a full range of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including a significant amount of essential fatty acids of the omega-3 family - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. Consequently, when consuming lightly salted herring, the need for polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 family will be satisfied. In addition, herring contains easily digestible protein, as well as vitamins A, D, E, B12, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, sodium, zinc, and fluorine. The most valuable, rich in nutrients and at the same time the most delicious part of the fish is, of course, the fillet. The Roskachestvo standard, in contrast to GOST, has reduced the maximum permissible amount of tailings, less nutritious pieces in preserves such as “fillet pieces” from 20 to 15%.

In preserves made from herring fillets, the number of tail pieces was not counted, since by definition they could not be there.

In the marinade

This method allows you not only to preserve the product for a longer period, but also to prepare a complete, tasty dish of salted herring. The fish needs to be cleaned, cut into portions and placed in a jar.

The marinade is prepared from mayonnaise, mustard, herbs and onions. Adjust the proportions to your taste. To preserve the product better, add a little vinegar to the sauce. Pour the resulting marinade over the fish and pack well.

Should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Any fish, including herring, is a perishable product. Its taste and beneficial properties depend on how and how long the herring is stored in the refrigerator.

Herring contains a large amount of vitamins necessary for humans (D, B12, E) and microelements (phosphorus, selenium). In addition, it contains organic acids that slow down the aging process of cells.

Do you use expired food for cooking at home?

Yes, the main thing is to process it if it is meat or expired kefir for pancakes.


No, it is very dangerous and not useful.


If the products have fungus or mold, then we throw them away; if they are a couple of days past their expiration date, we use them for food, even without heat or other treatment.


Voted: 133

Herring, which most often comes to our table in salted form, is saturated with salt that is harmful to the body. Therefore, experts recommend eating it no more than once a week. This way you will get the benefits and not harm yourself with too much salt.

Inappropriate conditions

When purchasing preserves, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date and storage temperature of the product. It is believed that preserved herring in oil should be stored at a temperature of 0 to –8 ° C, and the shelf life from the date of manufacture should be 4 months. It is worth noting that today retail chains ask manufacturers to ensure the ability to store preserves at positive temperatures. In retail outlets there are practically no refrigerators that maintain negative temperatures; in fact, subzero degrees are not provided at any part of the chain from the store to the home refrigerator. That is why preserves produced using modern technologies are presented on the market. Such goods can be stored at temperatures from +2 to +6 °C for 45–60 days.

The purchase of all samples that took part in the study was carried out in strict compliance with the actual shelf temperature and the stated storage conditions.

How to choose salted herring

Salted herring can cause serious poisoning, so the choice of this product must be taken with full responsibility.

  • First, pay attention to the appearance of the fish. Her skin should not have red spots (this is the first sign of a stale product). Their appearance is caused by oxidative reactions that occur from prolonged interaction of fish with air and light. This product partially loses its taste and nutritional value, so you should not buy it.
  • When you press on the herring's gills (they should be dark red), no blood should come out. This may be an indicator of poor-quality salting, which was carried out with violations of the recipe or technology.
  • The carcass should be elastic and have a clean, undamaged skin.
  • Fish that has been in brine for less time has red eyes. Eating it will be dangerous.
  • A factory-packaged product usually has a sticker with information about it. It is important to look at the expiration date and ensure that the fish is not at the end of its expiration date. You also need to check the condition of the packaging: it must be sealed.

One to one

Not the least role in the issue of aesthetics and presentation of preserved herring is played by the order of its placement in the jar. Even this parameter is standardized by the current GOST. According to the state standard, fillet pieces should be placed in a jar flat with the outer side towards the lid or with a cross cut towards the bottom, in one or two rows with the outer side facing the body of the jar. Most of the samples presented in the study met these requirements, but not all manufacturers were so careful.


The technology for the production of preserves is canning, which involves the use of table salt and preservatives - sodium benzoate and/or sorbic acid. Almost all manufacturers used preservatives quite carefully, but there were also those who “went too far” with these substances. The total content of benzoic and sorbic acids exceeded the values ​​recommended by Roskachestvo in two samples. It is interesting to note that the increased amount of preservatives did not prevent the formation of mold in these products - its amount, like the preservative, turned out to be higher than the norm established by sanitary requirements. This fact may indirectly indicate both the low quality of the original raw materials (it is worth saying that the content of mold and yeast is not standardized for either herring raw materials or oil), and a violation of storage conditions at one of the stages in the chain from the manufacturer to the store shelf.

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