Albucid eye drops. Instructions, Indications, Reviews and Analogues

Use in children

Like adults, children can also contract eye infections while playing or interacting with infected children.
They may be susceptible to purulent conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Albucid is a universal drug for children, as it can also be instilled into the nose for rhinitis. For children, sodium sulfacyl is available in the form of a 20% solution.

Albucid can be used for babies starting from the first minutes of life in the maternity hospital. Sulfacetamide in children's drops is contained in small quantities, so it does not pose a danger to their body, so the drug can be given to all children.

Its standard dose is two drops under the lower eyelid no more than 5-6 times a day. First, it is instilled into a healthy eye, in which signs of inflammation have not yet been noticed, after which it is already applied to the diseased eye.

In this way, you can avoid transferring infection from the diseased eye to the healthy eye. The drug is highly effective against the causative agent of gonorrhea in babies, therefore it is used to prevent blennorrhea in newborns if the mother has been infected with gonorrhea.

Albucid is dripped into all infants, 2 drops into each conjunctival sac of the eye every 2 hours. Children may feel a burning sensation in the eye after instillation of Albucid. When there is a noticeable improvement in the condition, the number of instillations can be reduced to 3. Despite the harmlessness of the drug, you should not self-medicate without a doctor’s prescription.

Albucid has a substitute for children - this is the popular drug Vitabact. Apply it 1-2 drops 2-6 times a day. Prescribe drops to a child for a period of 10 days. If there is no improvement during this time, then you should consult an eye doctor about extending treatment.

The duration of the course is determined by the ophthalmologist, taking into account the symptoms of the disease, the age of the child, and the general health of the baby. Self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable in relation to young patients.

Only an ophthalmologist can prescribe the exact dosage and course of treatment with Albucid. Self-medication of a child can cause unpleasant side effects. In most cases, doctors prescribe the following treatment: 1-2 drops 6 times a day (for newborns and children under 1 year), 2-3 drops 6 times a day (for children over one year old).

Remember that the medicine should only be dripped into clean eyes. To do this, you first need to clean it with a weak tea solution or chamomile decoction. When washing the eye, a cotton swab is used, and the swab should be different for each eye (to prevent the spread of infection). In addition, sodium sulfacyl should not be used together with other antibacterial drugs.

The question often appears on various forums about how many days to give Albucid to a newborn baby. Often, treatment of purulent conjunctivitis lasts about 10 days. It is prohibited to exceed the duration of the treatment process, as the likelihood of side effects increases.

Children need to drip into their eyes using a special pipette. For proper treatment, you first need to slightly pull down the lower eyelid, and then drop a few drops into the corner of the eye.

Albucid as a prophylaxis for gonococcal infection is instilled into newborns in the first 10 minutes of life.

For children under one year of age, the drug is prescribed in case of inflammatory processes in the eyes, as well as for the treatment of a runny nose.

As a preventative measure, it is recommended to drop a drop into each eye of the baby after walking to avoid the development of infection.

Eye drops are safe for children and infants.

Are Albucid and Sulfacyl Sodium the same thing?

Previously, this drug was known as Albucid. In fact, this drug appeared long before modern antibiotics and became a kind of prototype of modern medicines. Now the drug, which was previously called Albucid, is produced under the name Sulfacyl Sodium and only in the form of drops. Doctors speak of the drug as a good antiseptic, which has a pronounced positive result in the fight against infections and inflammatory processes in the hearing organs.

Difference in drugs

Pharmacy chains may sell this drug under different names.

In this regard, many consumers have a logical question about what is the difference between Sulfacyl Sodium medications and Sulfacyl Sodium-DIA. Experts answer it unequivocally.

These drugs are no different from each other (neither in principle of action nor in composition). Both medications can be used for conjunctivitis, eye trauma, blenorrhea and other abnormalities.

The only difference between them is that they have different manufacturers. In particular, the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl-DIA” is manufactured, which explains its name.

Features of the drug’s effect on the body

Ear drops, which contain sodium sulfacetamide monohydrate, actively fight against infections and microbial cells that develop the inflammatory process. As a result of instillation, microbes stop developing and die after a short period of time. The result of the death of bacteria is the patient's recovery.

We recommend using Albucid in the ears at the first appearance of symptoms and discomfort in the hearing organs. This promotes the rapid restoration of hearing organs and reduces the inflammatory process. Only a doctor can prescribe the drug for children. It is worth noting that this drug is the first remedy at the initial stage of the disease. If the disease is already advanced, then these drops alone will hardly be enough. Also, when using drops, you need to make sure that there is no discharge from the ears. If there is even the slightest discharge, it is strictly prohibited to use the drug. It is also worth noting that the drops are intended specifically for the eyes. But otolaryngologists noted how easily and quickly Albucid relieves the inflammatory process specifically in the ENT organs.

Which Albucid drops should I use for otitis media?

To eliminate symptoms and reduce the activity of pathogenic microflora, 5 percent drops, 10 percent remedy and 30 percent solution are used. It is necessary to drip the drug at room temperature and without drafts, so as not to provoke an aggravation of the inflammatory process by treatment.

It is sometimes very difficult for children to instill drops of albucid. In this case, you need to moisten the cotton wool and place it in the child’s ear canal. In case of complications, cotton swabs can also be used by adults.

In any case, if you have problems with your hearing, we advise you to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Proper treatment with appropriate supervision will provide you with quick results in the form of healthy ears.

Sulfacyl sodium drops in the ear - instructions for use

Treatment of otitis media is often associated with the use of various bactericidal and antiseptic drops. Many of them were originally developed as an ophthalmic agent. When prescribing Sulfacyl sodium as a treatment for otitis, the patient must make sure that there is no perforation of the eardrum and carefully read the instructions, which indicate the rules for using the drops.

Use in adults, children and newborns

The pharmacy chain sells two forms of albucid: a 30% concentration for adult patients, and a 20% solution that is intended for children. Children's Albucid can also be instilled into adults for the purpose of prevention or for inflammation of a milder nature.

The dosage of the medicine is determined by the ophthalmologist, who prescribes this remedy, taking into account the degree of the inflammatory process and the severity of damage to the visual organs.

In the acute stage of the process, the product is instilled 2-3 drops into sore eyes 2 to 6 times a day, distributed at intervals of 2 hours. The medicine is active for 3 hours.

To instill Albucid, the lower eyelid must be pulled back, the bottle brought closer to the eye and carefully squeezed out the required amount of medicine from the bottle into the conjunctival sac.

In order for the drops to dissolve well and be absorbed into the tissues of the eye, you need to blink, then close your eyes for a while. The duration of treatment is usually from 7 to 14 days.

If treatment results are not visible, you should visit your eye doctor's office for a new prescription of eye drops.

Doses and method of administration

The scheme of use is set individually.

for adults

Patients in this age group can use the drug if there are indications for use. The drug composition is well tolerated, and adverse reactions appear extremely rarely during administration. Dose adjustment is not required for elderly patients, as well as patients with impaired liver and kidney function.

for children

The drug is actively used in pediatric practice. The drug is used to treat neonatal blenorrhea. Treatment of gonorrhea in newborns is carried out in the first days after birth. 1 drop of the drug is instilled into each eye of the child. In pediatric practice, only a solution with a 20% concentration of the drug can be used.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The medication can be used during pregnancy and lactation if there are indications for use in a woman. When determining a treatment regimen, it is necessary to take into account the woman’s condition and the risks to the fetus. The drug is not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Eye drops of 1.5 ml can be applied to the conjunctival sac every 4 hours, 1-2 drops. To avoid the occurrence of neonatal blenorrhea, you can drip 2 drops every two hours.

Albucid with methylcellulose and metabisulfate is also used as eye drops. They are used not only for eye damage. They are often prescribed for runny noses in children and adults. The drug helps with a runny nose because it has a drying effect. “Sulfacyl-sodium” is especially effective in the nose when the runny nose has become chronic and the snot has acquired a green tint. A drug is dripped into the ear for the treatment of otitis or for purulent sore throat, if there is a complication in the ear canal.

Use during pregnancy did not have a negative effect on the fetus. Therefore, you can use this drug, but only as prescribed by your doctor. During the period of breastfeeding and the simultaneous use of Albucid or Sulfacyl sodium eye drops, no negative health changes were detected in newborns.

The dosage regimen and regimen of Albucid depend on the percentage of the active substance, the patient’s age, diagnosis, and the degree of neglect of the inflammatory process. The optimal daily dosage is determined by an ophthalmologist. When using Albucid, you must strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen.

For adult patients, 2–3 drops of solution are instilled into the conjunctival sac up to 5–6 times a day, every 4–5 hours.

Infants from 2 months to 1 year, 1 drop into the affected eye 4 times a day. Children over 1 year old – 2 drops into an inflamed eye up to 5 times a day.

To prevent blenorrhea, newborns are given 2 drops in each eye immediately after birth, the procedure is repeated after 2 hours.

The average doses of use are:

  • 2-3 drops in each eye for adults 4 to 6 times a day;
  • children: 1 drop in each eye 3 to 5 times a day.

In a less inflamed eye, you need to drip less frequently.
How to instill Albucid correctly:

  • the substance must enter the lower conjunctival sac;
  • to do this, look up;
  • Using clean, dry fingers, carefully move the lower eyelid away from the face;
  • bring the bottle spout as close to your eye as possible;
  • press on the bottle;
  • make sure that the planned number of drops falls;
  • gently “return” the eyelid to its place;
  • cover your eyes;
  • slowly move your eyeballs in a circle or figure of eight 3-5 times so that Albucid is evenly distributed throughout the eye.

Stop putting drops into your eyes only after you are sure that the inflammation has really stopped:

  • the itching in the eyes completely disappeared;
  • no more burning sensation;
  • one instillation is missed - a healthy environment is maintained in the eyes (that is, inflammation does not renew).

Please note that Albucid causes a tingling sensation immediately after instillation. But it can be tolerated, and it passes quickly. The list of contraindications looks like this:

  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug;
  • It is unacceptable to combine Albucid with medications that contain silver salts;
  • the drug often causes undesirable reactions in patients who have a strong sensitivity to thiazide diuretics, as well as to furosemide or glibenclamide;
  • wearing soft contact lenses directly during the period of using Albucid.

It is not recommended to wear soft lenses while using Albucid.

Patient reviews

This drug has a large army of fans. The medicine has been tested, its composition does not affect the internal processes of the human body. Minimal stinging in the eyes is a small thing compared to the benefits you get from using Albucid.

Use during pregnancy

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question of whether Albucid can be used during pregnancy to treat eye diseases.

Albucid has a therapeutic effect in the treatment of:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • corneal ulcers;
  • gonorrhea of ​​the eyes.

If before using Albucid there was no reaction to sulfonamides and no individual intolerance to the components in the medicine, then you can confidently treat your eyes with Albucid.

Absorbed after application, it has a therapeutic effect on the organs of vision. The number of drops for a pregnant woman is prescribed by an ophthalmologist depending on the stage of pregnancy and general health.

A course of treatment lasting from one week to two weeks is prescribed. If a woman wears contact lenses, it is recommended to replace them with ordinary glasses during treatment.

In the pharmacy chain, eye drops are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, but the drug should be used only after consultation and prescription by an eye doctor.

If there is an excess of sodium sulfacetamide (the active substance of the drug), the use of eye drops may be accompanied by an allergic reaction:

  • a feeling of intense burning;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • increased lacrimation and itching;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

These signs of allergy cannot be ignored; you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Ophthalmologists prescribe Albucid to pregnant women, since the medication does not have a negative effect on fetal feeding.

During lactation, when breastfeeding (BF) the baby, Sulfacetamide is not prohibited. But a nursing mother should use the drug according to the recommendations of the attending physician and under constant supervision.

Alcohol compatibility

Is sodium sulfacyl compatible with alcohol? This question interests many people who are treated with drops for inflammatory eye diseases. The instructions for the medication say that sodium sulfacyl acts predominantly locally, and only a small part of it is absorbed through the conjunctiva into the bloodstream . That is, the concentration of antibiotic in the blood will be minimal. This means you can drink alcohol without fear that it will interact with the medicine.

On the other hand, inflammatory eye diseases are a manifestation of decreased immunity. And, as you know, excessive doses of alcohol further suppress the immune system. Drinking strong drinks can slow down the elimination of the inflammatory process and the healing of the conjunctiva. Based on this, it is still not worth abusing alcoholic beverages when treating conjunctivitis or blepharitis, so as not to slow down the healing process.

Valeria Grigorova, doctor, medical columnist

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Features of the medicine

Albucid drops cannot be used simultaneously with other drugs containing silver salts.

Also, ObaGlaza notes, you should not use Sulfacyl sodium with Dicaine and Procaine, because this reduces the bacteriostatic effectiveness of the droplets.

Albucid is one of the powerful antibacterial medications for the treatment of eye diseases, which differs from antibiotics in that it is made synthetically. It is based on sulfonamide.

Although the drug is not considered an antibiotic, it acts on pathogenic bacteria locally, penetrating into the mucous membrane and eye tissue.

In addition to therapeutic purposes, Albucid is also used for prophylactic purposes, since it acts mildly, the drug has few contraindications and side effects.

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Harm from Albucid can occur in the following cases:

  • if contraindications are not taken into account;
  • if the dosage of the drug is increased;
  • if you are intolerant to one of the components.

The drug can be harmful if used without prescription from an ophthalmologist.

It is necessary to take into account the concentration of the solution when using the drug. Eye drops, like any medication, enter the bloodstream through tissue and can cause harm to the human body.

Women during pregnancy and lactation should use Albucid with caution.

This medicine is antibacterial and has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it inhibits the growth of bacteria. Most often used in ophthalmology for pathologies such as conjunctivitis. The medicine is quite effective, has a low price, and therefore is very popular both among doctors and among the population. Eye drops for conjunctivitis are well known. You can find them in almost every home, car first aid kit, and industrial first aid station.

Albucid is a sulfonamide drug. Consequently, this medicine began its history in the first half of the twentieth century, when the Austrian chemist P. Helmo first obtained sulfonamide in 1908, and the German scientist G. Domagk discovered its antibacterial properties in 1934.

The action of sulfonamides is based on the bacteriostatic effect. It consists of competitive inhibition of sulfonamides and components of the bacterial enzyme system. Also, sulfonamide drugs interfere with the process of bacteria obtaining the nutrients necessary for growth. This makes it impossible for the bacteria to synthesize nucleic acids and nucleoproteins, and therefore disrupts the process of division and reproduction of bacteria.

The composition of eye drops includes:

  • sulfacetamide;
  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • purified water.

Available in the form of a 20% or 30% solution in bottles.

When to use

These eye drops should be used 4 to 6 times a day by instillation into the conjunctival sac.

The duration of treatment is individual for each patient.

Some experts allow the use of this drug not only for ophthalmological diseases, but also for rhinitis caused by a bacterial infection. There is considerable experience in pediatrics with this use of this drug. The feasibility of such treatment is currently a controversial issue, since there are special medications for this. Instillation of Albucid into the nose causes discomfort, itching and burning on the mucous membrane.

DiseaseMode of applicationDuration of use
Conjunctivitis, blepharitisInstillation of 1-2 drops into the conjunctival cavity 4-6 times a dayDepends on the dynamics of disease symptoms during therapy
Blennorea in newborns2 drops in each eye immediately after birth and 2 drops 120 minutes after the first instillationDouble instillation
Rhinitis1-2 drops in each nasal passage every 6-8 hours, after rinsing the nasal passages or using vasoconstrictorsFrom 5 to 7 days

It is strongly not recommended to use Albucid for rhinitis without consulting a doctor.

The drug is prescribed to patients with infectious and inflammatory eye diseases caused by microflora sensitive to sodium sulfacyl.

Indications for use:

  • acute bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • chronic conjunctivitis during exacerbation;
  • different types of blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelids) caused by Staphylococcus aureus - ulcerative, meibomian, angular, scaly, rosacea;
  • purulent corneal ulcer;
  • chlamydial, gonococcal inflammation of the eyes in adults.

Albucid drops cannot be used simultaneously with other drugs containing silver salts.

Also, ObaGlaza notes, you should not use Sulfacyl sodium with Dicaine and Procaine, because this reduces the bacteriostatic effectiveness of the droplets.

Instructions for use

Albucid eye drops 30% are intended for use in adults, 20% solution is used in children.

The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. In the acute phase of inflammation, Albucid is used up to 6 times a day, 2-3 drops in each eye; as the condition improves, the frequency of instillation is gradually reduced until the symptoms of inflammation completely disappear.

Albucid 30% solution is prescribed for adults, and 20% for children.

The drug is instilled up to 6 times a day, 2-3 drops into the conjunctival sac. Depending on how you feel and the symptoms of the disease decrease, the frequency of instillation is reduced.

Albucid is a sulfonamide drug. Its international non-proprietary name is sulfacetamide, but commercially it is called sodium sulfacyl.

Albucid is a colorless transparent liquid, may have a slightly tinted color, and is available in plastic bottles of 5 and 10 ml, hermetically sealed with stoppers adapted for instillation of the drug.

It has bacteriostatic antimicrobial properties, does not kill pathogenic bacteria, but blocks their reproduction. Albucid began its history in the first half of the last century, when the Austrian chemist P. Helmo first obtained sulfonamide in 1908, in search of a new type of dye.

And the German scientist G. Domagk after him in the 30s revealed the presence of antibacterial properties in this substance. Since then, sulfonamide drugs have been successfully used to relieve patients from inflammatory processes.

Albucid fights against all types of cocci, chlamydia, actinomycetes, suppressing their growth and preventing bacteria from multiplying.

Many patients wonder whether Albucid is an antibiotic? The package insert for the drug states that Albucid is a remedy used against pathogenic microbes, is used topically, and effectively treats diseases of the organs of vision.

These drops are prescribed for infectious and inflammatory problems identified in the anterior parts of the visual organs, caused by pathogenic bacteria.

The active substance of the drug, sulfacetamide, suppresses the proliferation of streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci and chlamydia, toxoplasma and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Being highly soluble in water, the albucite solution penetrates the mucous membranes and tissues of the organs of vision and blocks foci of infection.

A drug is prescribed to combat purulent foci of the conjunctiva:

  • blepharitis;
  • gonorrheal eye lesions;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • gonoblennorrhea in babies after childbirth,

Albucitic drops do not help enough with:

  • viral infections;
  • allergies.

Albucid is used when dust and sand, as well as other small splintered particles, get into the eyes.

Albucid has proven effective in the treatment of ocular stye, which appears in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelid in the form of a small abscess.

To get rid of barley, you need to use Albucid drops, which are available without a prescription. This remedy is considered the most affordable, fast-acting drug for the treatment of eye stye.

Thus, Albucid is a medicine used to combat pathogenic bacteria.

Sulfacetamide is used in ophthalmology for the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases, as well as in the treatment of purulent inflammation of the eyes. The medication has a positive therapeutic effect in cases of eye disease and infection, when the diseases are caused by:

  • streptococcal bacillus;
  • staphylococcal bacillus;
  • chlamydia;
  • Escherichia coli of various etymologies, sensitive to the active substance of the drug.

Sulfacetamide is used as one of the main medications for a number of eye diseases:

  • conjunctivitis. The initiators of the inflammatory process are streptococci and staphylococci. The drug destroys their viability and relieves the inflammatory process;
  • barley. An abscess on the outer or inner side of the eyelid, which is formed as a result of an infection entering the eye. Sulfacetamide copes with infectious agents, blocks their development and destroys harmful organisms
  • hyperemia. Bacteria of this disease respond well to sulfacetamide solution;
  • ulcerative processes of the cornea. In this case, the drug is used as part of complex therapy and as prophylaxis after surgery;
  • blepharitis. The medicine can be used as the main medicine. So it is as part of complex therapy. The choice of treatment depends on the form and stage of the disease.

Albucid is used to prevent infections and diseases, such as:

  • infectious and inflammatory processes in newborns;
  • for chronic eye fatigue syndrome in adults;
  • as a remedy for runny nose in infants;
  • for the prevention of eye infections in schoolchildren;
  • for smallpox and chickenpox of the eyes, as an adjuvant to alleviate the course of the disease.

You do not need a prescription to purchase sulfacetamide.

The drug is freely available and can be used as a prophylactic without a doctor's prescription. Before using it yourself, you must read the description of the medicine in detail and follow the instructions, which indicate how to use it.

To prevent inflammatory processes in the eyes, the dosage must be selected based on the patient’s age:

  • newborn children need to instill 2 drops into each eye;
  • adults need to instill 6 times a day, 1 drop in each eye;
  • for conjunctivitis, adults need to instill 2 drops of the drug into the inflamed conjunctiva every three hours during the first 24 hours. During subsequent treatment, instillation must be repeated three times a day.

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For infectious rhinitis, it is necessary to instill 2 drops of medicine into each nostril of the child 3 times a day after using drops that dilate blood vessels.

Albucid is an antimicrobial drug. Many consider it an antibiotic. It's a delusion. It is widely known for its bacteriostatic, antimicrobial effect. Very soluble in water. It begins to act actively when applied topically. Known for good permeability to the tissue and fluid of the eyeball.

Its main function is to stop the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, reduce their number, and further spread. Actively opposes:

  • coli;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococcus;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonococcus.

The list can go on and on, but the most important thing of all is that this remedy is still widely used thanks to the active counteraction of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Simply put, it destroys harmful pathogenic cocci.

What does it treat?

Albucid eye drops are prescribed by a doctor and no one else! Despite its widespread use, it is a medicine. Prescribing for yourself without advice, recommendations, or a doctor’s prescription is tantamount to an irresponsible attitude towards your own health!

Diseases that albucid treats:

  1. eye inflammation (bacterial conjunctivitis);
  2. corneal ulcer (with pathogenic microbes);
  3. blepharitis (redness of the edge of the eyelid);
  4. gonorrhea affecting the organ of vision;
  5. barley;
  6. infection of eyelid wounds.

Effectively fights purulent eye infections in children. For preventive purposes, drops are prescribed after surgery.


The exact dose will be indicated by the attending physician after examination. It depends on many factors:

  • phases of the disease (how far the disease has progressed);
  • general condition of the patient;
  • test results;
  • given diagnosis.

Drops are applied three to six times a day in the amount of 2 drops for the lower eyelid of each eye. On average, the course lasts a week until the symptoms of inflammation are completely relieved.

Albucid drops for newborns are used along with penicillin solution for the prevention and treatment of blenorrhea. This disease is caused by gonococci, which infect a newborn during childbirth in the mother's birth canal.

The first clinical symptoms in infants usually begin to appear on the 2-3rd day from birth, so prevention of blenorrhea is given to all children without exception immediately after birth, two drops in each eye.

Is it possible to give albucid to infants in other cases? It is possible if a “children’s” dosage is used and there is a clinical need.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated by instilling 2 drops into the affected eye 4-6 times a day. How many days should this procedure be performed? The number of instillations can only be determined by the attending physician, depending on the response to therapy and elimination of symptoms.

Self-prescription of these drops by parents is unacceptable. Albucid can enter into interactions known only to a specialist and cause adverse effects. For example, this drug should not be used simultaneously with drops containing silver ions.

Another frequently diagnosed disease in a child in the first month of life is dacryocystitis. In such children, at birth, with the first cry, the special film blocking the nasolacrimal duct does not break through. This defect does not allow tear fluid to flow through the physiological path into the nasal cavity.

Albucid for dacryocystitis is one of the main means of eliminating inflammation, due to its pronounced antibacterial effect and good tolerability in children. Eliminating the cause of constant inflammation is possible only after unblocking the nasolacrimal duct using massage or surgery.

The drug successfully inhibits the growth of the following microorganisms:

  • gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • pathogenic cocci;
  • chlamydia;
  • Escherichia;
  • actinomycetes.

Ophthalmologists prescribe this medicine for the treatment of blepharitis, purulent conjunctival ulcers, and inflammatory diseases caused by gonococci. Conjunctivitis of any etiology is sensitive to treatment with Albucid. Albucid is prescribed to children and adults. For newborns, drops are used as a prophylactic against gonococcal infection.

There is no special solution for children or newborns. Drops of low concentrations are used. For the treatment of adults, a 30% solution is used, for newborns - 20%. Place 2-3 drops into the conjunctival sac. The frequency of instillation and duration of treatment depend on the severity of the inflammatory process.

Instructions for eye drops

"Albucid" is used in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of the visual organ:

  1. Adult patients are prescribed a thirty percent solution - one or two drops must be instilled three times a day. After eliminating acute purulent inflammation, use one or two drops three times a day.
  2. For children, Albucid eye drops can be used from one year of age; a twenty percent solution is prescribed - eight to ten drops per day. After the acute illness disappears - three drops per day.

For newborn babies, for preventive purposes against blenorrhea, after birth, two drops of a twenty percent solution are dripped into each eye, the procedure is repeated every two hours.

Indications for use

Albucid is used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the anterior parts of the eye (purulent

, blepharitis, purulent ulcers

), which were caused by bacteria sensitive to the action of sulfacetamide. The drug is also used to prevent purulent inflammation of the eyes in newborns.

Albucid eye drops are prescribed to combat infectious and inflammatory eye pathologies:

  • purulent conjunctivitis (including bacterial infections in children),
  • blepharitis,
  • purulent corneal ulcers,
  • when foreign bodies get into the eye,
  • chlamydia, ocular gonorrhea in adults,
  • for the prevention of blenorrhea in newborns,
  • etc.

According to ObaGlaza, this drug is used to prevent purulent inflammation of the eyes of bacterial etiology in newborns quite often.

The ophthalmic drug Sulfacyl sodium should not be used by people who have hypersensitivity to components from the sulfonamide group.

Albucid is considered the simplest but most effective drug for treating various diseases of the organs of vision and providing first aid for mechanical damage to the eyes (ingress of sand, small fragments, etc.).

It is characterized by a small number of contraindications and side effects. However, like any medicinal drug, Albucid also has contraindications.

Every body is built differently and treats medications differently. The drug is not prescribed to patients with known hypersensitivity to the substances of the medicinal product.

The use of eye drops with components containing silver salts is contraindicated. The presence of individual intolerance to the drug in some patients is also a reason to discontinue Albucid.

For patients with kidney problems, Albucid is prescribed in extreme cases, only after consultation with an eye doctor. The same contraindication is for people suffering from pathology of bone marrow hematopoiesis.

Albucid substitute "Tobrex" is not recommended for use while driving or performing essential work.

When combining Albucid with other drugs, for example, with tetracaine and procaine, a several-fold decrease in bacteriostatic properties is observed.

"Albucid" is contraindicated for children who have individual sensitivity to certain chemical components of the drug. In addition, the product is contraindicated for use together with drugs based on argentum (silver).

Side effects during or after therapy with Albucid occur extremely rarely, and often only when the rules and regulations for the use of drops are violated. Some of these are:

  • swelling and/or hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
  • increased watery eyes and itchy skin on the eyelids;
  • allergies of various types and severe burning sensation.

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If any of the above side effects occur, immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary. Most likely, in the future the patient will be prescribed Albucid with a lower concentration of sulfacetamide in the composition. In extreme cases, the drug will be prohibited from being used for further therapy.

Be that as it may, you need to remember that treating children yourself is a rather risky idea. Do not implement it; it is best to get advice from an experienced specialist, and then your baby will not experience unpleasant side effects and other pathological changes.

The main contraindication for the use of sulfacetamide is individual hypersensitivity to sulfacetamide, which is part of the drug, and wearing contact lenses.

If treatment with sulfacetamide is prescribed, lenses must be removed during instillation and put on no earlier than 40 minutes after the procedure, since thiazide groups negatively affect the lens material.

In rare cases, an allergy to Albucid is possible, which is expressed in intense lacrimation and redness of the eyeballs.

An overdose of a drug manifests itself in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which goes away without additional manipulation when the dose of the drug is reduced.

Albucid should not be used by people with allergic reactions to any component contained in the composition. It is strictly forbidden to use it together with other medications containing silver salts or local anesthetics.

During the use of drops, patients reported the following side effects:

  • eye irritation;
  • burning sensation;
  • tears begin to flow profusely;
  • the skin itches at the site of penetration of the drops;
  • the eyelids and eyes itch from the inside (it feels like someone is tickling the inside of the eyeball);
  • redness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • photophobia;
  • short-term loss of vision.

If you have at least one such sign after using the drug, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor. Individual intolerance to components is possible, which a person did not even suspect. Depending on the severity of the side effects, it will be recommended to take the drug in smaller quantities or replace it with an analogue.

Instructions for use prescribe the dosage of Albucid eye drops depending on the severity of clinical manifestations and the duration of the disease.

Acute inflammation with conjunctivitis requires 2-3 drops of albucid to be instilled into the eyes quite often - up to six times a day at regular intervals.

If the process becomes chronic or symptoms subside, the frequency of administration can be reduced to three times.

Indications for prescribing drops will be inflammation of the eyes of a bacterial nature. For conjunctivitis, blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), stye on the eye (inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash), gonorrheal, chlamydial or other bacterial infection, Albucid is instilled into the eyes based on its bacteriostatic effect.

For viral conjunctivitis, this drug will be ineffective, since its mechanism of action does not affect the viability of viruses. However, viruses often weaken local immunity on the surface of the eyes, and bacterial conjunctivitis can develop as a complication of a viral infection. In this case, along with antiviral drugs, the doctor may prescribe albucite drops.

One of the most common diseases for which the drug is prescribed is conjunctivitis. In the early stages, conjunctivitis manifests itself with the same symptoms - burning, itching, redness, and a feeling of sand in the eye. Next comes mucopurulent discharge. The mucous membrane is reddened and swollen. The vessels of the conjunctiva are full of blood and can be damaged.

Albucid is no less effective for barley. Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland, the hair follicle of the eyelash. To cope with this disease, it is recommended to instill the product into the eyes up to 5-6 times a day. Especially in the first days of symptoms. It is often prescribed in combination with other antibacterial agents.

Before using any medicine, it is extremely important to read the instructions. Instructions for use will tell you in detail who is contraindicated with Albucid eye drops. Fortunately, it has few contraindications. Do not use Albucid eye drops if you have allergic reactions to sulfonamide drugs. The medicine is incompatible with silver preparations.

When using drops, it is important to place eye drops correctly. You need to throw your head back. Look up. Bring the bottle closer to the eye, avoiding contact. Place the required number of drops into the gap formed between the lower eyelid and the eyeball. Close your eyes and lightly press with clean fingers on the inner corners of your eyes.

The use of eye drops may cause a local reaction in the form of burning, itching, and local redness. Therefore, be prepared that the child will object. The same symptoms are likely with long-term treatment.


Albucid eye drops should not be used if the patient has previously demonstrated increased individual sensitivity to sulfonamides or is allergic to any component of the drug.

Very rarely, when using Albucid eye drops, a patient may develop signs of eye irritation - redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, burning, lacrimation, itching of the skin of the eyelids. If such symptoms occur, patients should stop using the drug and seek advice from an ophthalmologist - in some cases complete discontinuation of the drug is required, sometimes it is enough to use a solution with a lower concentration of the active substance.

Price and reviews

The cost of the medicine ranges between 80 and 100 rubles, depending on the percentage of the active substance: a 30% solution is slightly more expensive than a 20%. The price differs when compared in the regions of the country, but no more than 15 rubles upward or downward.

An analysis of patient comments shows that the overwhelming majority are satisfied with the results obtained.

Many mothers with infants use the drug not only for purulent eyes, but also as a preventive measure for a runny nose.

As a prevention of visual fatigue, albucid is an indispensable assistant, especially for people who work a lot at the computer.

The cost of the medicine varies from 25 to 75 rubles.


Marina: Albucid is the most inexpensive but effective remedy that I remember from my childhood. When the eyes turned sour, it was enough to apply the drops three times a day, and literally after a few days everything went away. The only negative that I also remember well was the way the medicine stung, but I thought that was how the microbes died. I still use these drops to this day.

Nastya: Albucid was first prescribed to our child in the maternity hospital when the nasolacrimal duct became inflamed. Then they dripped a couple more times at kindergarten age, when he liked to rub his eyes with dirty hands. The drops always helped, and I was lucky that the baby tolerated them well. I can recommend them as an effective and safe remedy.

Oleg: I treated barley with Albucid. It dripped onto the sore itself and into the eye. The downside is that the drops sting, tears immediately well up and almost everything leaks out. On the plus side, despite this, I managed to overcome the inflammation in two days. Albucid coped with his task.

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