Is it possible to remove unripe bell peppers?
Peppers at the period of technical ripeness have not yet acquired the color corresponding to them, but are quite suitable for consumption. Can such fruits ripen? Yes, if you keep them in a warm place. If you add other ripe vegetables along with green peppers, ripening will occur faster.
Why film
Unripe vegetables are removed from the beds when they face long transportation or are expected to freeze. During transportation and being on store shelves, peppers reach biological ripeness. If you pick and transport them when ripe, the fruits will quickly begin to deteriorate.
In summer cottages, vegetables are harvested before they are fully ripe so that new ovaries are formed. This increases the amount of harvest from each bush.
How to store unripe peppers
The task of any vegetable grower is to preserve the harvest for a long time. Bell peppers in technical ripeness have the same beneficial qualities as in biological ones, while in a cool place the shelf life increases to 2 months.
Attention! Only whole fruits with an intact surface are subject to long-term storage. Therefore, vegetables are picked along with the stalk.
Terms and conditions of storage
Intact fruits at the stage of technical maturity are kept in rooms at a temperature of 0...+3°C and a humidity of about 80% for 60–90 days.
In a cellar or basement at low temperatures, peppers do not lose their presentation for 70–90 days.
In freezers, vegetables remain fresh for 5-6 months.
Where is the best place to store
The conditions for keeping ripe and green peppers are significantly different. Ripe vegetables will not last long at room temperature and will rot within a few days. Therefore, they are consumed immediately.
Important! Before storing vegetables, ripe fruits are separated from unripe ones.
Unripe vegetables in the refrigerator spoil quickly. They are kept at a temperature of +10...+12°C and high humidity (80–85%), preferably in a cellar or basement. The room should be darkened, since in bright light the vegetables will begin to be damaged.
For better shelf life, use wooden boxes or cardboard boxes with side holes. Each fruit is wrapped in paper and placed in rows in containers. Sometimes vegetables are sprinkled with sawdust or placed in sand.
In rare cases, when there is a large amount of harvest, it is treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate (copper sulfate).
Under the right conditions, unripe fruits will not spoil for 2-3 months.
In the refrigerator, each fruit is wrapped in paper or packaged in a plastic bag. Lubricating the skins of vegetables with sunflower oil gives good results: it forms a protective film and prolongs the freshness of the fruit.
If the peppers begin to rot, cut off the damaged areas, remove the core with seeds, chop the fruits into strips, put them in bags in small portions and place them in the freezer. Such vegetables retain their beneficial and tasteful qualities for up to 6 months.
Some housewives dry bell peppers in a vegetable dehydrator or oven. To do this, the cored fruits are cut into strips and dried on a baking sheet at a temperature of +45...55°C for 8 hours. This pepper is stored in airtight jars.
By the way! Vegetables are dried in the sun for 4-5 days.
How to properly store hot peppers?
Many gardeners grow bitter varieties. This is a popular variety that has a specific tart taste and is used for preparing various dishes, spices and ketchups.
Initially, growing such bitter varieties presented some difficulty. However, today cold-resistant hybrids have appeared that have a short growing season. This allows you to get an excellent harvest when using seedling methods of growing vegetables, even in the conditions of central Russia.
It must be remembered that picking hot peppers ahead of time is prohibited. Unlike sweet varieties, it does not ripen in the sun, so if you pick the fruits while they are still green, the harvest will not ripen and will spoil. That is why a properly ripened bitter vegetable should have a yellow, orange or bright red color, depending on the variety.
The chemical composition of these varieties of this vegetable contains a special substance that gives red pepper its hotness and pungency. This alkaloid is a natural preservative, which allows the harvested crop to be stored fresh for a long time. The amount of this burning substance is directly proportional to the ripeness of the vegetable. This is why unripe green hot peppers rot literally a few days after harvest. Properly ripened fruits can be stored for six months or more.
Dried hot pepper
Hot peppers can be stored in various ways. So, for example, you can dry the collected fruits and transfer them to a cool, dark place. You can also dry the vegetable, grind it and store the resulting mass in a plastic bag or glass container. In this processed form, the vegetable retains all its excellent taste and can be used for dressing salads and in preparing all kinds of dishes.
In the homeland of the vegetable in Latin America, the following storage method is popular. Each pepper is tied by the tail with a strong thread and tied into a bun. This bundle should be stored in a cool, dark place. Vegetables will retain their original appearance for a long time, and their taste will not change.
How to ripen pepper
Various methods are used to ripen bell peppers. How to store peppers so they turn red faster? To do this, place several red or yellow ripe vegetables between the collected fruits and place them in a warm, dark place for 4-5 days.
Temperature and storage conditions
For long-term maintenance, peppers are picked at the stage of technical ripeness. They are placed in 3 layers in small containers, which are left in a room with a temperature of +10...+12°C and an air humidity of 85–90% . Under such conditions, the fruits fully ripen in 1 month. After this, the temperature is lowered to 0°C to prevent the development of diseases. In room conditions, ripening is much faster.
How to ripen hot peppers
Such fruits begin to be harvested when they turn brown. They are picked as they ripen. There is an opinion that the redder the fruit, the spicier it is. Hot peppers for drying are collected in a state of biological ripeness. Its walls are thin, so the fruits dry out quickly when dried. Ripe pods are picked for seeds or storage.
For storage, select vegetables without damage, leaving 2 cm of the stalk. How to make hot peppers turn red faster? To do this, they are strung on a thick thread, piercing the bases, and hung in the kitchen or on the balcony. When dried, the fruits ripen and change color, becoming rich red. After this, they are transferred to a cool, dry room.
Hot peppers are also ripened on a sunny windowsill for 3-4 days. Turn the vegetables periodically so that the sun warms all sides evenly. During this time, the fruits gain the necessary pungency.
Important! Green vegetables are not suitable for ripening. Collected in this form, they begin to rot.
Brown peppers in a plastic bag with holes made are placed in the refrigerator. After a week the fruits turn red.
How to store and ripen peppers for seeds
Many gardeners grow proven varieties of bell peppers and collect seeds from the resulting harvest. To do this, vegetables are harvested at the stage of biological ripeness, but if the crop is not ripe before the onset of cold weather, it is ripened at home. Seeds obtained from artificially ripening vegetables have higher germination rates and germination rates than those collected from fruits grown on bushes.
The duration of ripening of the crop depends on the size of the peppers, their degree of ripeness and storage conditions. Vegetables are placed in a warm, dry room with a temperature of +28…+30°C. Thin-walled varieties are kept for 3 days, thick-walled ones - 6-7 days. The stalk with seeds is removed from ripe peppers and dried for another 3 days at +35...+40°C. After this, the seeds are freed from pulp and kept at +55°C, placed in paper bags and stored in a dry place at a temperature of +18...+25°C.
When and how often to water peppers in open ground
Regardless of the area in which the garden is located, there are general agricultural technology requirements.
How to water peppers in open ground:
- It is necessary to water the plants in the morning, so all the moisture is absorbed into the ground. Sprinkling during the day will lead to damage to the leaves from the sun's rays, since the drops remaining on the pepper will act as a magnifying glass. If irrigation occurs in the evening, excess liquid will not penetrate into the deeper layers of the soil to the tips of the roots. The upper part will dry out and crack, which will lead to the death of the sprout or adult plant.
- You need to water from a watering can with a nozzle or from a special shower. Then the water will be evenly distributed around the plant without eroding the roots due to strong pressure.
- Room temperature water is optimal for watering peppers. Too cold will upset the balance in the root system, creating a contrast between the heated soil and the incoming streams. Hot water will burn the roots, stopping their normal functioning. This will negatively affect the uptake of nutrients from the soil and the development of the plant.
Additional Information! If the humidity is above 65%, you need to reduce the amount of water or increase the interval between irrigations.
Watering the pepper
How to water bell peppers in hot weather
In dry weather, it is recommended to water the peppers at least once every 2 days. The amount of water should be sufficient to ensure that it reaches the very roots. In order not to make a mistake and not to ruin the plant with excess moisture, you need to loosen the soil around the bush. After this, when watering, you need to pay attention to the formation of a puddle. If the water does not continue to flow to the roots, then you should stop.
At temperatures above +30 degrees, when watering, it is necessary to treat not only the area around the pepper, but also the ground between the bushes. Then each plant will have a supply of moisture remaining underground in order to be saturated with water when needed.
Important! Before such irrigation, it is necessary to loosen the soil throughout the entire bed. Pour water gradually, while making sure that no puddles form.
During landing
When planting pepper, for the proper development of the plant, you must do the following, following the sequence:
- Dig a hole and put purchased fertilizer or coal at the bottom.
- Plant the sprout in a hole, filling it ¾ with soil.
- Sprinkle a little fertilizer on top.
- Water the pepper generously.
- Fill the remaining space in the hole.
Planting pepper
After this, you do not need to water the plant again. It is better to carry out the next irrigation every other day or 2, depending on weather conditions. During the development of the sprout, it is necessary to water it less frequently than an adult pepper. This will reduce the risk of rotting.
Note! Water should be taken 3-4 degrees warmer than room temperature.
During and after flowering
It is necessary to water once every 2-3 days before the heat begins. In this case, the following proportion should be observed: 10 liters per 1 square meter. With this volume, all planted plants will receive a sufficient amount of water.
When watering with cold water, the stage of fruit ripening may not occur. To understand how comfortable its temperature is for peppers, you need to pay attention to external signs. If the flowers have slowed down their growth, do not form at all, or quickly fall off, you should take warmer water for watering.
Watering peppers with warm water
Watering peppers during fruit ripening
When vegetables ripen, plants are watered with less water. On average, it is necessary to sprinkle 2 times a week. To make the fruits sweet, the liquid must be 2-3 degrees warmer than room temperature. To obtain bitter pepper, it is recommended to use colder water.
Advice! When watering, the watering can must be tilted closer to the base, then the stream will not accidentally knock the ovary or a grown plant off the branch.
How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes
1. Water the bushes with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 days.
2. Spray the plants on the leaves with iodine solution (30-35 drops per 10 liters of warm water). Once a week, water the tomatoes at the root with iodine (20 drops per 10 liters of water), mixed with 1 liter of fermented milk whey. Consumption per bush is about 2 liters.
3. Using a pointed wooden stick, make 2-3 punctures (to a depth of 2-3 mm) near the stalk. The fruits will ripen faster, but will not be stored for a long time.
4. Place the banana peel in a plastic bag and tie it directly on the bunch of green tomatoes. After 2-3 days, remove the bag.
5. Reduce watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
6. To quickly ripen tomatoes in a greenhouse, close it for a day. And after this time, ventilate in the evening to get rid of condensation.
7. Pull the tomato bush towards you so that the roots of the bush are slightly torn. Then the plant will send all the nutrients to the fruits.
8. Remove newly formed buds from fruit clusters. They still won’t have time to form fruits.
9. Pinch the tops of the tomatoes above the fifth bunch.
10. Spray clusters with newly set fruits with superphosphate extract. For this, 2.5 tbsp. superphosphate, pour 1 liter of hot water, leave for 24 hours, then strain.
11. In cool weather, cover the tomatoes with plastic wrap at night.
12. To prevent the fruits from touching the ground, place supports under the lower clusters and rotate them so that the tomatoes are illuminated by the sun.
13. If the temperature at night drops below 10°C, remove the unripe fruits along with the stalk and place them for ripening.
14. If signs of late blight appear on the leaves, pull out the bushes by the roots and hang them in a warm room, top down. The fruits will quickly turn red due to the influx of nutrients from the leaves and stem.
15. Wrap the stem at a height of 3 cm from the ground with thin copper wire. However, try not to cut it completely. Thanks to this technique, less nutrients will flow to the roots, and more to the fruits.
16. Place thick plastic bags with a slit at the bottom on the green tomato trusses. Inside such a cap the air temperature will be higher, and the fruits will ripen faster.
How to speed up the ripening of peppers at home. How to speed up the ripening of peppers in a greenhouse?
For good ripening of peppers in a greenhouse, you need to pay attention to the following points:
Now, in order.
When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, be sure to consider the distance between the bushes. It cannot be the same for all varieties. The variety is tall, so to ensure good lighting, the plants must be located at a sufficient distance. For very tall hybrids, the bushes should be 50-60 cm apart from each other. Otherwise, their leaves will obscure the neighboring bushes, and their crop will remain green. For low-growing varieties, this distance can be reduced. Too frequent planting has a bad effect on ventilation, which leads to increased humidity and the appearance of associated diseases. Closely planted plants often wither, and their fruits do not ripen, but turn black.
For accelerated maturation, plants in a greenhouse require proper watering. In hot and dry weather, peppers in the greenhouse are watered twice a day. This is especially true during the flowering period, when a dry climate can destroy all the sweet pepper buds. Of course, this does not mean that you need to fill the peppers with a huge amount of water. It’s better to do it little by little, but more often, otherwise the roots may rot.
Pepper is a plant that is very demanding in terms of shaping the shape of the bush. At the very beginning of plant development, it is necessary to eliminate the crown bud. This will allow the plant to develop in different directions without spending all its energy on growing in height. This should be done at a time when the pepper is strong and has taken root well in the greenhouse. The formation of a weak bush can destroy it.
In order to productively use the vital forces of the plant and speed up the ripening of fruits, you need to remove excess shoots. For normal development of pepper, 2-3 main shoots are enough. For the rest, the growth point must be removed. This will allow shoots of the next order to develop. When removing (pinching) the growing point, you need to leave the top leaf of the shoot with the bud. It is necessary for the normal development of the immediate fetus.
As the bush grows in the greenhouse, barren shoots may form in its lower part. During the formation of the bush, they must be removed along with the leaves. Such shoots do not contribute to the rapid ripening of peppers, consuming the resources of the entire plant. In addition, it is more susceptible to disease than others due to high humidity and proximity to the soil.
In addition to the formation of pepper shoots in a greenhouse, some of its leaves should be removed. This applies to those leaves that are on the same shoot as the fruit that has reached maturity.
- Distance between bushes;
- Timely watering;
- Shape of bushes;
- Condition of the soil in the greenhouse.
Sweet pepper fruits do not need leaves to fully ripen. But don’t be overzealous; removing a large number of leaves at once can be harmful.
For timely ripening, peppers need proper feeding. As the plant develops, it is necessary to change the composition of mineral and organic fertilizers. At the initial stage of cultivation, it is recommended to fertilize with phosphate fertilizers. This will help the plant shoots gain strength. You can use bird droppings in combination with ash. At the stage of flowering and the formation of the first ovaries of sweet peppers, you can feed the plants with potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Such fertilizers are usually sold in granular form. To feed them, pour the required amount into the hole.
Various diseases and parasites can interfere with rapid growth in a greenhouse. If the leaves turn black and wither, then you need to take urgent action. To treat peppers from viral diseases, you need to remove damaged leaves and shoots. This will preserve healthy parts of the plants. Various chemicals can be used to control insect pests. But you shouldn’t get carried away with them, especially during the period of fruit development. Because some of the chemicals will be absorbed by the roots, stems, leaves and fruits. You can try to do without chemicals. To do this, the leaves and stems of plants are sprayed with such agents as infusion of onion or tobacco. You can try a combination of ash and regular soap.
Briefly, the solution to the problem can be described in the following words: for the timely ripening of peppers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to create healthy conditions for them to grow, and to direct the development of the plant in the right direction through the formation of bushes.
How to speed up the ripening of peppers and eggplants
17. To allow the roots to “breathe”, regularly loosen the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm.
18. Remove all fruits that have reached the desired size and place them in a warm place to ripen.
19. On a tall stem, using a sharp knife or blade, make a through longitudinal cut 7-10 cm long, 15 cm above the soil surface. Insert a wooden chip 4-5 mm thick into it. Then the plant will direct nutrients not to the leaves, but to the fruits.
20. Treat the leaves of the plants with infusion of ash (2 cups per 10 liters of water).
How to speed up the ripening of onions
27. Dried onions ripen faster and do not rot, so stop watering them for about 10-14 days. And in rainy weather, cover the bed with transparent plastic film.
28. Rake the soil away from the bulbs until about half of them are exposed. This way they will ripen faster, since they will be warmer in the air than in the soil.
After breaking out the arrows, the garlic must be tied into a knot. This will serve as a signal for him to direct nutrition not to the tops, but to the bulb. You also need to rake the soil away from the bush so that the bulb is slightly exposed. That's what my grandmother did. (Alevtina Zamaraeva)
What effective ways do you use to speed up the ripening of vegetables?
There is no clear opinion on when to harvest bell peppers. Some gardeners wait for the fruits on the bushes to turn red, while others pick them green and put them away to ripen at home. Let's figure it out - when can you pick peppers from the bush and how to ripen (ripen) vegetables at home?
I made sure that the peppers are not ripened in the usual way
I grow peppers in open ground. And only the second year I learned to grow them so that they ripen on bushes. I learned how to choose zoned varieties:
Sweet pepper: two very good varieties for Siberia
But still, everything doesn’t have time to ripen until September (when we already have the first frosts). We have to ripen.
I am already convinced that peppers do not ripen in the usual way, like tomatoes on a windowsill. Even if they ripen, they wither at the same time. It is impossible to eat them fresh, only add them to soup.
I started looking for ways on the Internet. I tried everything: placing it next to a banana skin, laying it on the windowsill on top of foil, etc. The result was the same - the peppers, even half-colored, withered.