Fermented apple juice how to make wine

If your apple harvest is ripe, jams and preserves are prepared, juices are rolled up, and the fruits on the branches are not running out, treat yourself to homemade apple wine. This drink is practically not inferior in aroma and richness of taste to grape wine, and since the wine is made with your own hands, it is superior to it.

Apple juice contains sweetness and acidity in ideal proportions, a pleasant aroma and rich taste. The color of the drink is amber, sunny. A bottle of apple wine will decorate any table, be it festive or romantic, casual or buffet.

Technological stages in preparing apple wine from juice

Like many wines, apple wine can be light, dry, dessert or fortified. You can also prepare apple champagne with natural carbonation at home. Whatever the wine, the technological scheme is similar in almost all recipes, so we will consider the important points in more detail.

The technology does not require special equipment. Common items will do:

  • Juicer
  • Fermentation container
  • Containers for settling
  • Sieve
  • Wooden spoon
  • Water seal device? at home, a thin rubber hose or dropper can serve for this. One end is placed in the lid of a container with wine, the other is lowered into a glass of water.

The main ingredients will be apples and sugar. Moreover, it is better to take different varieties of apples in order to balance the acid and the presence of tannins when preparing the drink.

Prepare the apples

Clean the fruits picked from the tree from the core, wormholes and rotten areas. Please note that you should never wash apples, as you can destroy the natural wild yeasts in the fruit. If necessary, remove dirt with a brush or cloth.

Summer varieties of apples do not require ripening, but after picking it is better to leave autumn varieties to lie for several days, winter ones? few weeks.

Prepare the juice

At home, the easiest way to extract juice from apples is with a juicer. If you don't have one, use a meat grinder or grater. Then squeeze out the crushed puree by placing it in cheesecloth or under a press.

Prepare the wort

Pour the drink into a large container, filling ? volume, and put it in a warm place. Within three days, fermentation will begin, as a result of which the juice will separate and the pulp will rise to the top. To prevent the drink from turning sour during this time, stir it several times a day. On the last day, let the pulp cap rise and compact, then scoop it out with a ladle.


The amount of sugar largely depends on how the wine ends up. For dry, 200 g of sugar is enough, dessert requires up to 400 g. Also, the strength of the drink depends on sugar? Every 2% granulated sugar gives 1% wine strength. In addition to the type of wine, the sweetness of the apples themselves is also important, and if they are sweet enough, then reduce the amount of sugar.

Quiet wine fermentation

Pour the wort for fermentation, filling the container to ? volume, and install a water seal. Make sure that the temperature of the room where the wine is kept is 20? 22 0 C. Active fermentation lasts up to 45 days. The end of fermentation of wine from juice will be the cessation of gas evolution from the water seal tube.

Wine maturation

The end of fermentation serves as proof that the drink is ready, but the taste of the wine will be sharp and tart. To improve quality, leave the drink to ripen. To do this, drain it from the sediment by pouring it into a clean container and tightly closing the lid, and put it in a cool place (10? 12 0 C) for 2? 4 months.

Wine made at home according to all the steps will clarify itself, becoming a golden, amber drink with transparency and an apple aroma.

What and how long should you store freshly squeezed juice?

  • This citrus has a smooth or porous, textured peel. The structure depends only on the variety and does not in any way affect the quality and beneficial properties.
  • First of all, the fruits should be quite dense. If they are soft, perhaps the citrus fruits are already overripe or frozen. Such lemons will not be stored for long.
  • Dark spots on the surface of citrus are a sign of the beginning of decay. Usually, they first appear in the area of ​​the stalk. If it is torn off, a damaged area remains, which is the first to begin to deteriorate. Therefore, you should not buy citrus fruits without stems.
  1. It is advisable to immediately send freshly picked or purchased citrus fruits to a cool, dark place.
  2. The optimal temperature for storage should be between 6°C and 8°C. Strong vibrations should not be allowed. Lowering the temperature will cause the citrus fruits to freeze (in such conditions they will become soft). And an increase can lead to rapid withering and drying out.
  3. Air humidity should be between 75-85%.
  4. These fruits are best stored in the fruit compartment of the refrigerator, but normal conditions for storing lemon can also be created in basements, subfloors and other places with low temperatures where sunlight does not penetrate.

Citrus fruits, if they are kept at a temperature of 20°C - 24°C, will remain fresh for no more than 7 - 14 days.
Without a bag, they will most likely dry out, and if they are placed in plastic bags, they will rot. To avoid rotting of lemons, they are kept in rooms with moderate humidity, protected from sunlight. In the bag in which citrus fruits are stored, you need to make several holes for air circulation. But it is best to choose a container with a loose-fitting lid for warm storage. And provide citrus trees with good air circulation.

If you keep lemons indoors, they will remain fresh for no more than 1-2 weeks. In most cases, they will begin to dry out, and if you place them in plastic bags, they will simply rot.

However, if you create optimal conditions for the fruit, the shelf life can be extended by several weeks or even months.

Fresh lemons do not lose their appearance and taste for a long time at a temperature of 6-8 ˚C. If it drops below, they freeze and become soft. They do not like fruits and exposure to direct sunlight; they are stored only in the dark. At home, a household refrigerator is ideal for storing citrus fruits, but you can do without it.

It is convenient to store a small amount of lemons in special containers or bags. They can stay fresh for 4-5 weeks. For this:

  1. Select fresh, healthy fruits with bright, glossy skin. They should be tight and free of damage and mold.
  2. Before storing fruits, wash them and allow them to dry in water.
  3. Place in storage containers, close and place in the refrigerator.
  4. You can also wrap each fruit in paper. It will help conserve moisture and prevent all the fruits from spoiling if some of them start to disappear.

If it is necessary to preserve lemons even longer, they are greased with vegetable oil. The film of fat prevents moisture from evaporating and prevents spoilage of the product. These lemons can be stored in zip bags or containers for up to 2 months.

Whole fruits can be stored in a jar of water for 2 to 3 weeks. Lemons are simply placed in a clean container and filled with cold liquid. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator. To prevent the product from spoiling, change the water every day or every other day. Lemons are also washed.

Where and how can you store lemons for the winter if there is no space in the refrigerator. Lemons intended for preservation can be treated with wax. This will keep them fresh for a long time. To prepare, you will need to melt natural beeswax and brush each fruit completely with a brush.

After the crust has dried, place the lemons in open plastic containers and store them in a cool, dark place.

Waxed paper is also used for storing fruits. Each lemon is wrapped in it separately. Place the blanks in a small convenient container. Store in a cool place with good ventilation.

No less successful is the method of long-term storage of lemons in boxes with sand or sawdust. For this:

  1. The fruits are washed and then allowed to dry thoroughly.
  2. Prepare clean, dry sand or sawdust.
  3. 3-5 cm of filler is poured into the bottom of the boxes, then lemons are laid out in one layer. The fruits should not touch each other.
  4. You can also wrap each fruit in paper.
  5. Next, the workpiece is completely covered with sand or sawdust to a height of up to 5 cm.
  6. If there are a lot of lemons, they are stacked in several rows.
  7. Store boxes of lemons on the balcony or in the basement.

Using these methods allows you to keep lemons fresh for 3-6 months. The timing can vary greatly depending on the accuracy of temperature and humidity levels.

It can be frozen, dried or preserved with sugar. In any case, the fruits are first washed and dried well. For freezing, the zest is obtained by grating the peel. Fresh shavings are placed in bags or containers. Immediately put into the freezer. Use for 1 year.

To dry the zest, remove it from the lemons with a sharp knife. Lay out in a warm room in a thin layer on paper or a plate. Wait 3-5 days until the product dries completely. Then the zest is ground into powder, placed in clean, dry jars, and the containers are covered with lids. Store in a cool place for up to 2 years.

Candied zest is prepared from grated base and sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2. Mix the ingredients well and put the mass into small jars. Keep covered in the main compartment of the refrigerator. The product is stored for up to 6 months.

How to store fresh lemon juice

pour the juice into a glass jar, and pour lemon juice on top so that it does not allow air to pass through. Then we close and store in the refrigerator for no more than 8 hours. It follows that lemon juice itself is, as it were, a “preservative” for other juices. Following the logic, it turns out that if the lemon juice itself is necessary to be stored, the top layer does not allow air to pass through and When using, you should simply drain some of it.

lemon juice is a preservative that does not allow air to pass through, for storing other juices

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is best not stored. Use it immediately, diluting it with clean water. Especially when you take lemon juice regularly for medicinal, preventive and dietary purposes...

It's a completely different matter if you intend to often use lemon juice for culinary purposes. Then I will share with you my method of long-term storage of lemon juice.

I keep lemon juice for about a year, sometimes longer. I don’t squeeze the juice out of lemons - they generously give it away themselves. )

• I thoroughly wash a couple of kilograms of lemons. • Then I scald them with boiling water to remove any excess bitterness. • Dry with a paper towel. • With a well-sharpened knife, I cut the lemons into the thinnest triangular slices. • In a spacious container, sprinkle the lemon slices with granulated sugar in layers. For 2 kg of lemons – 3.5 kg of sugar.

You can store this lemon juice: in the refrigerator, on the balcony, or at room temperature...

Fruit pomace often contains a lot of sugar, which is bad for you. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute them with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to drink acidic liquids (orange, lemon and others) through a straw to protect tooth enamel from destruction.

The best time to enjoy a vitamin drink is between meals. Many juices (especially sour ones) should absolutely not be drunk on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After a glass of juice, eat food 30–40 minutes later.

Nutritionists advise drinking only 200 ml of fresh juice daily.

It is advisable to add a few drops of olive oil and cream to carrot juice - these components will help the vitamins be better absorbed by the body.

I am interested in what container, how long can it be stored and where should it be stored?

It is necessary to exclude oxidation of the product and interaction with sunlight, as well as exposure to high temperatures. All these factors, affecting the juice, can lead to irreversible chemical processes.

Therefore, you can pour the juice into a glass container, tightly close the lid and place it in the refrigerator. You can also add sugar to the product, because sugar is a natural preservative.

For short-term storage of lemon juice, I always use glass containers with a lid; it is advisable that the container is filled almost to the edge and there is no air left. so that the oxidation process does not occur.

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If you need to preserve lemon juice longer, I prefer to freeze it.

I freeze it either in a ziplock bag, not filling it too much, so that you can break off pieces of the desired size from the frozen mass, or in silicone ice molds, and after freezing I transfer the lemon juice cubes into a container, it also turns out to be very convenient to use in cooking and in home cosmetic recipes.

But, of course, fresh lemon juice is better.

Frozen lemon juice may taste slightly bitter.

By the way. I prefer limes. and not lemons, lime juice has a more pronounced taste, it is much smaller in size, half or a whole lime is always enough at a time, I wrap the other half in cling film and store it in the refrigerator on a shelf.

Lime, moreover, lasts much longer in the refrigerator than lemon. I recommend it.

Apple-pear wine

  • Apple juice ? 6 l
  • Pear juice? 700 ml
  • Sugar ? 550 g
  • Raisin ? 100 g
  1. Pour freshly squeezed warm fruit nectar into a large container, add sugar and unwashed raisins. Stir the ingredients and wait for the sugar to completely dissolve. The volume of the filled container should be no more than 2/3? ? containers.
  2. Close the neck of the container loosely with a lid or waffle towel. Place the wort in a dark place with a temperature of 20? 22 0 C for 2 weeks. To prevent the wort from turning sour, it must be stirred every 2? 3 days.
  3. When the fermentation process subsides, remove the pulp and strain the drink into a clean container.
  4. Close the wine tightly with a lid and put it in a cool place to ripen, which will last about 2? 3 months.
  5. Pour the finished homemade apple and pear wine into bottles. Leave a few bottles to age and evaluate the taste of the wine after a year.

Wine from fermented juice

It happens that juice stored for future use begins to ferment. Prepare apple cider vinegar or fortified wine from it, following the suggested recipe. The drink will ripen quickly, and after 2 weeks it will be possible to take the first sample.

  • Fermented apple juice? 6 l
  • Sugar ? 1 ? 1.2 kg
  • Vodka? 0.7 l
  • Raisin ? 50 g
  1. Heat the drink that has begun to ferment a little and pour it into a large saucepan or bucket. Add 500 g of sugar, which is well dissolved.
  2. Pour the rest of the sugar into the drink, stir, close the lid with the water seal installed and put it in a dark corner for 2? 3 weeks. If fermentation is slow or sluggish, add unwashed raisins.
  3. After fermentation subsides, filter and pour the drink into a glass container. It is better to pour slowly, in a thin stream, to saturate the wine with oxygen. Add vodka. If there are several containers, it is better to first pour in the alcohol and then pour it into jars. With alcohol, the wort will stand for about 5 more? 7 days.
  4. The finished wine will have strength and an apple aftertaste. Pour it into bottles and put it in a cool place.

Cold storage

If the quantity of fruit is small, then send them in trays or bags to the refrigerator. They will be fresh for 4 to 5 weeks.

  • Prepare the fruit. Select only healthy, tight ones. They have bright, glossy skin.
  • Wash it. Let them dry.
  • Place in container. Cover with lids and place in the refrigerator.

They also save each fruit separately in paper. This way moisture is saved.

  • Do they need to sit longer, about 2 months? The vegetable oil you lubricate them with will help. The moisture will not evaporate and therefore the food will not spoil for a long time.
  • Jars of water help the fruit stay intact for 2 - 3 weeks. Fill with cold water. Cover with lids and put in the refrigerator. Change the water once a day and rinse the lemons.

The method of wrapping each fruit in a paper napkin will help increase the shelf life of lemons in the refrigerator. The paper will absorb excess moisture, preventing the development of rotting. You can use paper towels or napkins, or regular parchment paper for these purposes.

Citrus fruits can remain fresh for more than two months if their peels are coated with sunflower oil. Such fruits can be kept in the freshness zone of the refrigerator. It is better to use zip bags or plastic containers with lids as containers.

Freshly squeezed juice can be kept in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid. The shelf life of this drink is 24 hours. It is believed that the maximum benefit from home-made nectar can be obtained in the first 10 to 30 minutes after pressing. There is an exception to this rule - beet juice, which will have to be refrigerated for some time before use.

If you plan to take freshly squeezed juice on a picnic or a long walk, you will have to take care of having a thermal bag and a portable refrigerator.

To extend the life of fresh juice, add a few drops of lemon.

Apple fresh

The apple drink can be stored for only 4 hours in a cold place. The vitamins in this product are destroyed extremely quickly and the taste quickly changes. To extend the shelf life to 60 minutes, add lemon juice to the drink. In addition to increasing storage time, the described technique allows the drink not to darken due to its high iron content.


Freshly squeezed orange drink retains its properties for 48 hours. It is extremely important to store the orange liquid in a tightly closed glass container on the refrigerator shelf.

Despite the fact that lemon is considered a natural preservative, lemon juice cannot be stored for longer than 3 days in the refrigerator. At room temperature, fresh juice spoils after a few hours. Frozen lemon drink retains its benefits for six months.

Fresh carrots are useful for almost all people. But the huge disadvantage of this drink is that it is extremely poorly stored - it is not kept in air for more than 30 minutes. It needs to be squeezed out exactly in the volume that a person can drink right away. Being in the cold does not affect the shelf life.


This variety is not stored for more than 48 hours. Before use, fresh juice must be kept in the refrigerator for 40 minutes - harmful compounds will evaporate.

Celandine is a herb that is used to treat certain skin ailments. Its juice is not used for food - only externally. For proper effect, the pressed extracts are fermented and then stored for a year in a cold place. This freshly squeezed juice has the longest shelf life.

Fresh spring birch sap is stored for three days. It is important to keep the drink in a glass container under a tight lid. After 72 hours after receiving the nectar, it should be poured out and not ingested!

The drink squeezed from ripe tomatoes is extremely rich in folic acid and iron. You need to drink it as quickly as possible after preparation. Storage is possible for 12 hours in the refrigerator, placed in a ceramic or glass container.


The drink made from pomegranate seeds is drunk immediately after preparation. Storage deprives it of almost all useful substances.


Juice from the healthiest grapefruit is considered the lowest in calories. It is recommended to keep fresh grapefruit no more than a day in the cold. But it’s better to enjoy the taste immediately after spinning.


Adults and children like grape juice. This vitamin drink can be stored for no more than 12 hours in a cool place.

Many people underestimate the value of squeezing cabbage leaves. It contains all the useful microelements of the vegetable, which are very easily absorbed by the body in liquid form. To improve the taste of cabbage, you can make a mix of cabbage and carrot juice. This drink should not be stored in air for more than 20 minutes.

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This type of juice is often mixed with other fresh juices, but it can also be consumed as an independent drink. It is necessary to prepare cucumber juice immediately before use, without subjecting it to long-term storage.

Watermelon juice is stored for no more than 30 minutes, then it loses all its positive qualities. To extend this short period, it is frozen in a sterile container. The frozen product can be stored for 90 days.

Sea buckthorn

The juice from these bright red berries is very sour, so it is usually prepared with sugar. In addition to improving the taste, sugar helps preserve the juice in its original form for several months. The drink is poured into a glass container and kept in a cool, dark place. To increase the shelf life of sea buckthorn extract, you can boil it for 5-10 minutes. As a result, the drink will lose some of its vitamins, but it can be stored for 6 months.


This aromatic fresh juice can be stored in the refrigerator for three whole days. The container must be glass and the lid must be tight. Before pouring juice into a storage container, it must be sterilized by any available method.

This type of juice can be stored for no more than 12 hours in the refrigerator. To extend the shelf life, the following technique is used: The juice is poured into a clean glass bottle, lemon juice is dripped on top, and the lid is immediately closed. The container is put into the refrigerator. This drink has a shelf life of 24 hours.

This fresh green juice is always consumed diluted with water. This drink can be stored refrigerated for 24 hours, but it is better to prepare it once and consume it immediately.


Red fresh can be kept in a cool place for no more than 12 hours. It has a thick consistency, which can be diluted with water acidified with lemon - this will slightly increase the shelf life of the liquid.


Apricot squeeze retains its properties for only a few hours. Prepare the drink for one time only.

The juice made from plums is stored for a day. Choose a glass container with a lid.

It is possible to increase the short shelf life of fresh juices only by canning or freezing. But after these procedures, a completely different product with a different chemical composition is obtained. It is acceptable to store freshly squeezed juice for no longer than a day in the refrigerator, but it is better to prepare the drink for 1 time - immediately when you are ready to drink it. Thus, the body will receive 100% of the benefits from freshly squeezed juice.

Fresh vegetable juice can last for several hours, and fruit juice even less.

  • Juice obtained from fresh cabbage cannot be stored without refrigeration at all. Fermentation processes begin to occur in it too quickly.
  • Beet juice, on the contrary, should not be consumed immediately after extraction. Before use, it is kept in a warm place for about 40 minutes, or sent to the cold for 2 - 3 hours.
  • Fresh apple juice quickly becomes dark. It oxidizes when oxygen reacts with iron, which is very abundant in apples. Therefore, it is advisable to drink it immediately.
  • How long juice can be stored will depend on the raw materials. Drinks with high sugar content begin to ferment faster. Those. The shelf life of such drinks is short.
  • The shelf life of juice with a large amount of acid (vitamin C) is longer due to the preservative properties of this component.

I mean, which I squeezed out myself

We're somewhere around two days max.

I got it)) thank you! But so far everything is fine for me!

What kind of mask is this? very interesting!

for oily hair. sour cream. honey. Apple vinegar. then rinse with lemon juice (diluted with water)

It seems to me that such juice should last no more than two days. even in the refrigerator. he's natural.

Low alcohol wine made from juice

Low alcohol apple wine is called cider. It has a strength of 6.5? 8.7% and is wonderfully refreshing on summer evenings.

  • Are apples sour? 3 kg
  • Are apples sweet? 6 -7 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Raisin ? 100 g
  1. Remove rotten areas, tails and cores from unwashed fruits, and grind through a meat grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting puree into the prepared container, note that it should not occupy more than 2/3 of the volume. Add sugar and stir. Take sugar from the register 150 g per 1 liter of applesauce. Stir and add unwashed raisins.
  3. Cover the container with the wort with a lid or a thick layer of gauze and put it in a warm place for 3 days. Stir the wort 2? 3 times a day to prevent the cider from turning sour.
  4. Strain the resulting grounds with obvious signs of fermentation through a sieve or cheesecloth, squeezing the cake well. Pour the juice into a clean container, preferably glass.
  5. Leave under a closed lid with a water seal until fermentation is complete.
  6. Fermentation will last about 45? 60 days.
  7. The drink will give sediment and become lighter and more transparent. When gas evolution ends, wait another 2? 3 days and filter the drink, preventing cake and sediment from penetrating the cider.
  8. Pour the finished drink into bottles or roll it into jars and put it in a cool place. Ripening will last about 90 days.


Think back to your childhood. What did your mother give you to drink when you had a fever? That's right, sour cranberry compote. The beneficial properties of cranberry juice have been well studied. Let us tell you what healing effect this wonderful drink has on the human body.

  • When body temperature rises, cranberry juice miraculously refreshes, relieves thirst, and most importantly, helps lower the temperature. It tastes good, even small children drink it with pleasure.
  • The antitumor effect of cranberry juice was noted due to the presence of polyphenol, salicylic acid and proanthocyanidins in it. Systematic use of drinking cranberries prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and reduces the risk of oncology in organs such as the lungs, mammary gland, prostate, and colon.
  • The ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the body, dissolve plaques and calcium deposits that have already appeared on the walls of blood vessels, and increase the elasticity, strength and permeability of blood vessels is given to the sour drink by the flavonoids present in it. With their help, the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, varicose veins is reduced, and the treatment of existing pathologies is facilitated.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of fruit juice are successfully combined with antiviral properties. This makes it possible to use the drink in the treatment of influenza, colds, respiratory diseases caused by viral infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, and sore throat. The non-dialyzable material (NDM) found in cranberries makes it difficult for viruses to enter the human body, which allows the drink to be used as a protective agent during influenza and ARVI epidemics.
  • Special substances found in cranberry juice - phytonutrients - will help improve the functioning of brain cells and prevent their destruction, maintain excellent memory and coordinated coordination of movements.
  • A freshly prepared drink will come to the rescue for joint diseases and salt deposits. It must be drunk warm.
  • Guipureic acid found in cranberry drinks will help with gynecological problems and kidney diseases, pyelonephritis.
  • If the doctor has prescribed antibiotics, it is worth considering the tendency of fruit drinks to enhance their therapeutic effects.
  • Promotes liver health. A special organic substance found in cranberries, betaine, protects against fatty hepatosis.
  • Cranberry juice promotes the sanitation of the oral cavity and works as a means of protecting against the development of caries, periodontal disease and periodontitis.
  • Cranberry juice contains quite a lot of potassium and organic acids that break down fatty deposits. This makes it possible to include a pleasant drink in a set of weight loss measures to treat hormonal imbalance.
  • The undoubted benefits of healing drinking for the digestive system, for indigestion, low acidity, pancreatitis, and stomach ulcers have been proven.
  • For diseases of the bladder and urinary tract caused by pathogenic microorganisms, cranberry drinking is also indicated. Relief comes thanks to the strongest antioxidants found in berries.
  • The benefits of cranberry juice are great for women, especially those aged forty years and above. Its systematic use will enrich the body with vitamins, minerals, help prevent infections of the genitourinary system, cystitis, and speed up recovery after operations, including gynecological ones.
  • For men who pay sufficient attention to health, fruit juice with characteristic antibacterial properties will help prevent inflammation of the prostate gland and the development of bacterial prostatitis.
  • Cranberry drink has also proven itself to be a strong anti-aging agent. The antioxidants included in its composition fight free radicals and protect cells from destruction. Regular consumption of the drink, 1 to 2 glasses a day, improves the condition of the skin, prevents its premature fading, the formation of wrinkles, and age spots.
  • In winter, diluted cranberry juice serves as an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency and bleeding gums.
  • Vitamins, pectin substances, organic acids, which are contained in abundance in cranberry juice, will help cope with insomnia, headaches, and loss of appetite.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Used as a tonic for any stress, both physical and mental.

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Apple champagne

Sparkling wine or apple champagne is best made from the juice of autumn or winter apple varieties.

It is better to use green or yellow fruits, or a mixture of both. For a more pleasant taste, take sour and sweet varieties in equal quantities, or give preference to more sour apples.

  • Apple juice ? 5 l
  • Chokeberry? 100 g (to give the wine a pink tint)
  • Sugar ? 1.5 kg
  • Vodka or cognac? 0.7 l
  • Water? 7 l
  • Wine yeast? 5 g
  1. Prepare juice from sour and sweet unwashed and peeled apples. To give a beautiful pink color, add 100 ? for every 5 liters of juice to the juicer. 150 g chokeberry.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup by boiling all the sugar in water. After boiling, boil the syrup for about an hour over low heat, stirring. Cool to a temperature of 22? 24 0 C.
  3. Mix apple juice with syrup. Add yeast according to instructions.
  4. Close the container with the drink with a lid with a water seal and put it in a warm, dark corner (22 × 24 0 C). Fermentation will last 2? 3 weeks.
  5. Strain the apple wort into a clean container. A keg or liter bottles are suitable for this. In the first case, add vodka to the entire volume of young wine, in the second? Do not add liquid to the top by 4-5 cm and add 20-30 ml of alcohol (vodka) to each bottle.
  6. Close the container tightly with a lid, or better yet, fill it with wax for safety. Place the bottles in a semi-tilted position in a cool place for 2? 2.5 months.
  7. If you used a barrel, strain the contents and bottle the sparkling wine.

Rules for home winemaking

When choosing containers for winemaking, prefer glass or enamel containers. Hardwood products are allowed. Fill the volume two-thirds full. Use yellow sugar rather than white.

During fermentation, the wort releases carbon dioxide; it is heavier than air and accumulates in the vessel, protecting the product from interaction with oxygen. Do not open the lid unnecessarily, avoid drafts - this will violate the gas protection. If the vessel is opaque, then monitor the fermentation by leaning your ear against it: rustling sounds can be clearly heard.

Maintain a constant temperature around the clock. Choose a place away from heating devices - the process will go quickly, and you will get a low-quality product. Make sure that fruit flies do not breed near containers. Cut off all access to the wort for them.

Is it possible to make wine from birch sap?

Birch sap must be fresh; keep in mind that if it is hot, it can spoil within a day. Such raw materials cannot be boiled - they will curdle. Three days before cooking, prepare the starter using black raisins. Pour unwashed dried fruits with two glasses of water and place in the sun to form a starter.

Let's look at how to make wine from birch sap. We take a bucket of raw materials and boil it by a third. Add two kilograms of granulated sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid. After cooling, add raisin starter. We pour everything into a bottle and place a thin rubber glove with a small hole on top. We place the bottle in a dark place where it is warm, but not hot (the optimal temperature is about twenty degrees).

If you have collected birch sap and don’t know how to make wine with yeast, then there is no need to worry, everything is prepared even easier. Replace raisin starter with wine yeast. When fermentation ends and the wort becomes lighter, it is poured into a container for infusion (two weeks). After this you can taste it.

How to make wine from apple juice

Pour the freshly squeezed product, which has not been boiled, into an enamel tank and leave for three days. Natural yeast that came from the surface of the apples begins to multiply. After three days, remove the pulp from the surface. Add granulated sugar according to your taste. After mixing, pour everything into a bottle, leaving free space for fermentation. Beginners who don’t know how to make wine from apple juice forget to attach a pierced glove to the neck. This is a dangerous situation: you will end up with vinegar, not wine.

We leave the bottle for a month in a dark place without temperature changes. The time limit has expired - pour the clear liquid, preferably using a siphon method (through a tube), into another container. We do everything carefully so that the sediment remains at the bottom. We put it in a dark place for two months.

How does juice poisoning occur?

The main cause of juice poisoning is violation of sanitary standards during its production and storage. At the same time, you can get food intoxication after consuming both industrially produced juices, packaged in sealed packaging, and fresh juice (freshly squeezed juice).

The fact is that vegetables and fruits contain sugars: glucose, fructose. They are an excellent environment for numerous pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, shigella, salmonella, E. coli, etc. Once in the juice, the bacteria are active, multiplying and producing toxins. When drinking low-quality juice, bacteria along with toxins enter the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation of the mucous membranes and increased peristalsis. These pathological changes lead to the development of symptoms of gastritis, enteritis and colitis. Toxins have the ability to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and penetrate into the general bloodstream. This causes general intoxication of the body, which is manifested by a sharp deterioration in well-being.

How to make wine from grape juice

If you have freshly prepared raw materials (and the grapes have not been washed beforehand), then sourdough is not necessary. We cover the container with the wort with multilayer gauze: oxygen should flow, but dust and insects should be retained. Maintain at room temperature for a week without access to light. With the addition of wine yeast, the process speeds up.

Is it possible to make wine from store-bought juice? For a purchased product, take sourdough. This can be wine yeast or obtained from country berries (they cannot be washed to preserve the fermenting bacteria).

Next, everything is poured into a sterile bottle with a tight lid and a gas outlet tube. We seal the junction of the tube with the lid with plasticine. Place the free end of the tube in water. We observe the process: fermentation will be completed when air ceases to form and the wort becomes clearer. After this you can bottle it for storage.

How to Preserve Cut Lemons

How to store cut lemons? To do this you will need a refrigerator, or rather a freezer.


The tips below will help you preserve lemons in the refrigerator for a longer period:

  1. Lemongrass. Place the cut fruit in a special storage container, which is then placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2ºC to 4ºC.
  2. Place the cut lemon in a container, cut side down, covering the top with a lid or cling film. Store in the refrigerator at a temperature between 2ºC and 4ºC. This will reduce the loss of moisture from the fruit.
  3. Lemons keep well in the refrigerator, cut side up, if they are placed halfway in a container of water that does not come into contact with the cut pulp.
  4. Use salt or sugar (depending on the further purpose of use) as a preservative. Place the cut lemon, flesh side down, on a previously sprinkled surface.

Remember that, regardless of the method chosen, it is recommended to store cut lemons for no more than a week.


In addition, lemon slices are also used for freezing:

  1. Cut the lemon into wedges.
  2. Place them on the bottom of an open container (container) covered with a paper towel. Make sure that the slices do not touch each other, otherwise this will lead to them freezing to each other.
  3. After a few hours, remove the finished slices and place them in an airtight package (zip bag) for further storage in the freezer at -18ºC.
  4. Do not refreeze fruit.
  5. Shelf life: 4 months.

With sugar

  • Prepare the lemons: wash, dry, cut.
  • Pour sugar into jars, place lemons and make several layers.
  • Important! For 1 kg of fruit - 1 kg of granulated sugar.
  • Let them sit and let out the juice.
  • Place in the refrigerator, covered.

Such citrus fruits can be stored for six months.

Instead of cutting into rings, you can instead grind the fruit through a meat grinder. Then the amount of preservative must be increased to 2 kg.

Salt for storage

For preparations for second courses:

  • cut lemons into pieces;
  • Place tightly in jars, sprinkling with salt;
  • store in the refrigerator.

Some housewives also add bay leaf and pepper to such preparations. But this is not for everyone.


If you like frozen foods, then wash, dry and thinly slice them. First, lay everything out in one layer and place it in the freezer for 4 to 5 hours. Then, take it out and put it into prepared bags. They don't need to be defrosted for a whole year.

  • Whole frozen lemons are good for shavings. It can also be stored in the freezer in any container.
  • Lemon juice can be frozen into cubes. And then transfer them from the molds into bags and use them gradually for a whole year.
  • If you have a cut lemon left, place it cut side down on a plate, after sprinkling salt or sugar on the bottom. Cover the top. Can be used: cup, jar, glass. The lemon will stay fresh for 3 to 4 weeks.
  • To increase the shelf life of cut lemons, lemongrass is used. It will help the citrus stay fresh for up to 1 week. Typically, lemon slices can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2 - 3 days.
  • A good option is to sprinkle a plate with granulated sugar or vinegar, and then place parts of the fruit on it so that their cuts are at the bottom.
  • Some housewives coat the cut portions of lemons with egg white and store them cut side down on a plate.
  • The fruits are also lowered into the water with the cut side up, so that drops of water do not fall on the cut areas.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with How to store garden tools: ideas

Lemons in sugar

How to make wine from fermented juice

While inspecting household supplies, housewives discover jars with swollen lids. Many people ask: “If apple juice has fermented, how to make wine?” If it is unsweetened, add sugar to feed the yeast that is already there. Be sure to limit oxygen access with the glove. Then we do everything as usual.

If fermentation is sluggish, add a handful of raisins (unwashed). After a week, pour into three-liter jars, add vodka, and leave to ripen (one week). After this, the fortified alcohol is ready, you can help yourself.

Now you know how to make homemade wine from juice. After drinking it, you won’t get very drunk, but you will get a set of useful substances. Prepare homemade alcoholic drinks and invite guests.


Taking the healing drink on an empty stomach is contraindicated for patients with gastritis or stomach ulcers. The acids contained in cranberries can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum and lead to heartburn and other unwanted complications.

People prone to allergies also need to be careful. Certain substances included in the berries can lead to a relapse of the disease.

Be careful if your doctor has prescribed antibiotics - fruit drinks increase the intensity of their effects.

Tasty drinks should be excluded from the diet of people receiving blood thinning medications. The flavonoids it contains have a blood thinning effect.

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