Why did foam appear in the jar of compote? Cherry compote for the winter

In the summer months, the kitchens of many housewives essentially turn into mini-canning factories, where everything is steamed, boiled, boiled, and sterilized. Jars are lined up in even rows on the shelves of cellars and basements, and in winter they delight with their contents, but how to ensure that none of them “explodes” and survives until they are opened?

One way is to turn the cans over after they have been rolled up. This is what our grandmothers did, this is what our mothers do, and this is what we do. But why do this and is it even necessary to turn over cans of preserves after twisting? This is what we will talk about.

Why do jars of jam and preserves turn over after twisting?

  • The taste of the contents of the jar and, most importantly, safety, as well as shelf life, depend on how hermetically sealed the jar is. It is by turning the jar upside down with the lid that you can make sure that the brine, juice or compote does not leak out of it.
  • bubbles may appear in the preservation over time And if you notice a similar phenomenon in any of the cans, you should immediately open it and throw away the contents, since it is already spoiled and can be harmful to health.
  • In addition, while the jar is upside down, its lid and neck are additionally sterilized with freshly boiled brine, compote or juice, which increases the reliability of canned food storage.

It is necessary to turn the cans over

  • In culinary textbooks, a similar process is called self-sterilization . And if you did everything correctly when preparing the pickles, the marinade in the jars will remain transparent , but if you made a mistake somewhere, it will become cloudy, and the lid may swell.
  • And one more aspect - when the filled jar is turned over, it presses on the lid, preventing the rubber in the lid from becoming distorted or pulled back during the cooling process.

Canning methods

There are two most popular recipes with which you can pickle and preserve any mushrooms step by step. You can boil the mushrooms together with the marinade or separately from it. To understand which method to choose, you should familiarize yourself with each of them in detail.

Boiling in marinade

This method can rightfully be called the most popular among skilled housewives. This is due to the fact that when mushrooms are cooked together with the marinade, they receive all the necessary properties from the latter. In this way, you can achieve high taste and aroma characteristics for future preparations.

To prepare the marinade in this way, you will need to prepare the necessary ingredients. These include:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms of the selected variety.
  • 0.5 liters of drinking water.
  • 60−70 ml table vinegar.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.
  • 5-6 pieces of allspice.
  • bay leaf or cloves.
  • a drop of citric acid for each jar.

After preparing all the necessary ingredients, you will need to take an enamel bowl and add vinegar, water, salt and, of course, cooked mushrooms. The resulting mass is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat.

The cooking time directly depends on the type of mushrooms that the housewife has chosen. Thus, the caps of champignons, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and boletus are boiled for 20-30 minutes. Their legs should be cooked for no more than 20 minutes. If we are talking about honey mushrooms, then the cooking time will be about half an hour.

During cooking, it is recommended to collect the resulting foam using a slotted spoon. If you neglect this, you may end up with a cloudy marinade. If the mushrooms have sank to the bottom of the container and the foam has stopped releasing, then the cooking process can be completed.

Now you need to add allspice, sugar, bay leaf or cloves , as well as citric acid to the container. You need to give the mixture a little time to cool. All that remains is to place the remaining dish in previously thoroughly washed jars and fill to the top with marinade, then close the lids tightly.

Cooking separately from marinade

As the name implies, in this method the mushrooms will be cooked separately from the marinade in slightly salted water. Moreover, the cooking process itself is practically no different from what was presented in the previous method.

First of all, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.
  • 4−6 bay leaves.
  • 10 black peppercorns.
  • 6 peas of allspice.
  • 3-4 buds of cloves.
  • 2−3 grams of dry dill.
  • 3 teaspoons of 80 percent vinegar essence. Can be replaced with 9 percent vinegar.

Naturally, you will need mushrooms. They are placed in a container with water and salt. For every liter of water you will need approximately 35-40 grams of salt. It is necessary to cook until the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the container. Don’t forget to regularly remove the foam using a slotted spoon. By the end of cooking, the water should become clear.

At the same time, the marinade is being prepared. To do this, all prepared components are mixed in one container with water, stirred and brought to a boil.

Now you can load the cooked mushrooms into jars, and then fill them to the top with the prepared marinade. The jars are tightly closed with lids. It is not recommended to use metal lids for this, as they can cause botulism in the dish.

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Do jars with screw-on lids need to be turned over?

  • Today, screw and screw caps are especially popular because they fit tightly to the jar , thereby ensuring a tight seal. And the ability to use, in particular, screw ones repeatedly is also of great importance.
  • But no matter how tightly, in our opinion, the lid fits, the process remains unchanged. The sterilized lid is rolled up or screwed tightly, after which the hot jar is turned upside down.
  • If no leaks appear on the surface under the lid within a few hours, it means that the jar is screwed tightly and airtight and can be stored for quite a long time.

Screw caps also need to be turned over

Do I need to turn jars with plastic lids?

  • Plastic lids are not intended for long-term storage of jams or pickles. They are used, as a rule, after the tin lid on the preserve has been opened, and there is still jam or pickle left in the jar. It is then, before putting the jar in the refrigerator, that the plastic lid comes in handy.
  • There are also several pickling methods that use plastic lids: as a rule, cold water is used for the marinade in such cases. Such jars are not turned over after the lids are put on them , since the shelf life of such preservation is shorter than that of ordinary preserves, and most often such jars are immediately placed in the refrigerator.

With these lids there is no need to turn over

Do I need to turn over jars of compote and juice?

  • It is necessary to turn over the jars of compote. It is when closing compote and juice for the winter that it is easiest and quickest to make sure that the jar is completely hermetically sealed.
  • The liquid contained inside will immediately begin to appear under the lid or on its rim if the seal is broken.
  • Problems may appear in the form of smudges , gradually accumulating puddles or bubbles that appear on the rim of the lid itself. If nothing like that for 10-15 minutes. does not happen - that means everything is in order, and the jar is closed tightly and securely.

This way you will protect your preservation from leaks

Ways to store summer gifts

In order to enjoy a piece of summer in the cold, there are many ways to store vegetables and berries. Since ancient times, two methods have been used to preserve fruits: various processing or canning in airtight containers. The most commonly used methods are drying, sterilization, pickling, pickling, salting, smoking, adding salt, sugar, spices and acids, which are natural preservatives:

  1. Freezing and cooling. Vegetables, berries and other fruits are put in the refrigerator. With this method, harmful microorganisms are not completely destroyed, but the fresh appearance of frozen products is almost preserved.
  2. Drying. During drying, a lot of moisture is lost and the concentration of dry substances increases. At high humidity, products become moldy, so you need to use moisture-proof containers to store them.
  3. Salting and fermentation is based on the preservative effect of lactic acid, which kills harmful bacteria. It is formed during the process of lactic acid fermentation of sugars contained in vegetables. Salt is added to improve the taste of products.
  4. Pickling is based on the beneficial effects of acetic acid, which is part of the solutions with which the fruits are poured. It is more toxic to bacteria and microorganisms than lactic acid.

Many people, seeing how their mother or grandmother turns over jars of pickles, wonder why they turn over the jars after seaming. This is done to check the tightness of dishes with preservatives. If liquid leaks from an inverted jar or there are bubbles near the lid, the jar is not closed tightly. Air will pass through such places - and the preservatives will quickly deteriorate. They may even explode during storage. If weak spots are found, it is necessary to boil the jars again and repeat the rolling process so that the products do not spoil.

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After the jars are rolled up, they are turned over onto the lid and left in this position for a day or overnight.

Now that you understand the technology, you can try some great pickling recipes:

Do I need to turn jam jars over after twisting?

  • Using a large amount of sugar when making jam allows the product to be preserved without the additional sterilization provided by turning. That is why the jam, especially if the classic recipe for its preparation was used, does not need to be turned over after rolling.

They can't be turned over

  • In this case, checking the tightness will also not work, since the jam usually has a viscous and thick consistency and will not leak out from under the lid.
  • In addition, classic culinary recipes advise covering the jam with lids after it has cooled down - this way you can avoid the appearance of mold on top of the sweets during storage.
  • It should be taken into account that jars of jam should be turned over after spilling if it is cooked without sugar or with a small amount of it. With this recipe, there is no main preservative - sugar, and additionally sterilizing both the jar and the lid by turning the container over will be very useful.

Why do jars of cucumbers become cloudy and explode?

When pickling or pickling cucumbers, every housewife fears that the jars will explode, their contents will become cloudy, and an unpleasant odor will arise. Such incidents happen often. The reason why jars of canned cucumbers explode can be due to various conditions, which are based on the carelessness of the cook or poor-quality containers where the preserves were placed. To avoid misfortunes and not have to redo everything, you need to carefully follow the recipe and take precautions when selecting containers.

Air getting into cucumber twists

Before planting cucumbers, you need to select them. Small, strong and fresh fruits without cavities inside are suitable for preparations. This is an important rule, since large cucumbers tend to accumulate air and bacteria. Microorganisms, once preserved along with vegetables, continue their activity, emitting gases. The volumes of gaseous substances and air that are released from the cucumber cavities grow, gradually filling the jar. As a result, the vessel explodes. To prevent this from happening, experienced housewives recommend soaking cucumbers for several hours.

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Violation of cooking technology

When rolling cucumbers for storage under iron lids, the sequence and technology for preparing canned food must not be violated. It is important to thoroughly rinse the cucumbers and all the seasonings needed for pickling. Otherwise, along with contaminants, microbes will get into the jar, which can cause jars of cucumbers to explode in a few minutes. The leaves of the necessary plants, dill umbrellas and garlic should be thoroughly washed.

Poor preparation of canning jars

A common reason why jars of pickled cucumbers explode is poor preparation of the container. This factor can affect the safety of homemade preparations in 2 cases:

  • In case of improper sterilization. Sterilize the jars over steam and the lids in boiling water for as long as indicated in the recipe. There is no need to shorten this period, it is better to increase it a little, since insufficient treatment can leave many microorganisms alive. After steaming the jars, you must immediately add the ingredients into them. This needs to be done as quickly as possible. You should roll up the lids that have just been removed from boiling water.
  • If the container is not clean enough. Be sure to keep the jars clean and intact. A lot of dirt accumulates on the neck and must be completely removed. The upper part must be intact, otherwise air may enter during rolling, which causes fermentation.

Violation of the recipe

The reason why jars of cucumbers explode may be the neglect of the proportions described in the recipe. Substances that are necessary to preserve cucumbers in winter must be added strictly following the recipe. Otherwise, you risk getting an unexpected taste or starting the fermentation process. Add vinegar, salt, sugar and citric acid in the amount prescribed by the recipe, and not at your own discretion, so as not to harm homemade preparations and do not re-twist.

What should I do if the can leaks after being turned over?

  • It may happen that liquid appears under the lid of an inverted jar. This means that the seal is broken in some place , which is why leaks occur.
  • In this case, you need to open the jar and re-boil the liquid in it, including the jam.
  • If the jar contains cucumbers, tomatoes or other whole pickled vegetables, the brine should be boiled.
  • By following this procedure, you will avoid damage to the contents of the jar, swelling or tearing off the lid during subsequent storage.

How to properly turn the jar over after twisting?

  • This must be done taking all precautions: handle the hot jar from the sides only with a towel or special oven mitts , and in no case with bare hands, so as not to get burned.
  • All movements should be leisurely and smooth, so as not to create sudden tension on the neck of the can, which can simply burst.
  • Before placing the jar on a table or other surface, you need to make sure in advance that it is completely flat.
  • And don't knock on the bottom of the jar after you put it upside down.

Main features of mushrooms

Many housewives have their own homemade signature dish with which they can surprise their guests. Therefore, many people refuse to buy food in supermarkets and cook it themselves. One such product is canned mushrooms. Step-by-step recipes for canning mushrooms for the winter will allow you to make the necessary preparations and stock up on them for future use.

Many scientists have argued and discussed for a long time the question of which kingdom mushrooms belong to. The fact is that they have both proteins, which are characteristic of the animal world, and carbohydrates with minerals, characteristic of plants. As a result, it was decided to allocate a separate kingdom for them. This happened in 1960.

Before storing mushrooms for the winter, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with popular tips that will allow you to carry out this process more efficiently:

  1. When choosing containers for mushrooms, you should give preference to enamel or tinned dishes. It will not be corroded by the vinegar used in cooking.
  2. It is recommended to choose aromatic, Rhenish, bread or fruit vinegar for preservation.
  3. If we are talking about boletus, then it is necessary to remove the skin before the preservation procedure.
  4. It is better not to cut small mushrooms, but to preserve them whole. Larger specimens are recommended to be cut lengthwise or crosswise according to the owner’s wishes. It is best to cut large mushrooms into 3 or 4 pieces, depending on their size.
  5. The caps of porcini mushrooms, as well as boletus caps, are best preserved separately from their roots.
  6. If we are talking about valuya, then they need to be prepared for the cooking and preservation procedure. To do this, they are soaked in water for several hours.

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As for the types of mushrooms that are suitable for the process, you can use any representatives of the kingdom . Naturally, with the exception of poisonous individuals that can harm the human body.

The mushroom kingdom is the most diverse in terms of the number of species. At the moment, there are about two million varieties of mushrooms, of which only about 100 thousand have been fully studied.

Champignons, fat mushrooms, russula, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, fly mushrooms, row mushrooms, goat mushrooms, saffron milk caps, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and so on are best suited for preservation.

Why cover upside down jars when canning?

  • By covering inverted cans of preserved food with a blanket, blanket, or terry towel , we thereby create favorable conditions to maintain the high temperature inside the cans for as long as possible.
  • Thus, the contents of the jar undergo a stage of additional sterilization, which helps to better preserve the preservation. In addition, the product itself turns out to be more tasty due to the fact that it is additionally simmered in the marinade , soaking in it and acquiring a rich and piquant taste. And spices, which housewives, as a rule, put not only at the bottom of the jar, but also on top of the main products, are additionally steamed and release the aromas of essential oils.

This way you will ensure uniform cooling and simmering of the preserved food.

  • And one more thing, the slower the jar cools, the greater the likelihood of the integrity of the glass from which it is made. Sudden temperature changes are harmful to glass, so if a hot jar that has just been filled with boiling marinade or juice immediately comes into contact with a cold surface, it may crack.
  • Sometimes the inverted jars are not covered, but placed in a hot water bath or pan where they have undergone a sterilization process. In this case, cold water is gradually added to the hot water, thereby reducing the temperature in the jars. When it reaches 35-40°C, the jars can continue to be cooled simply in air.

Why are banks wrapped?

In the technologies for preparing canned cucumbers it is written that after turning over, the jars need to be wrapped. There are several opinions on the question of why to do this:

  • Replacement of sterilization of preservation. The vessel takes longer to cool down and is treated with heat for more time. This means that a more intensive disinfection process is obtained.
  • The products turn out tastier. It is believed that with such simmering, the cucumbers will infuse, become better saturated with the marinade and acquire a richer and piquant taste.
  • Secure banks. Another explanation is that slow cooling preserves the integrity of the glass. It may crack if, after sterilization and pouring boiling water, you immediately place the vessel on a cold surface.
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How long should the cans stand upside down after seaming?

  • As a rule, jars are turned over when canning and kept under a blanket until completely cooled. It is important that they are not in a draft, which promotes faster cooling.

Typically, small jars need 15-25 minutes to cool, half-liter jars need up to half an hour, liter jars will need up to 3 hours, and two- and three-liter jars will need at least 6 hours. If you are canning in the evening, you can safely leave the jars upside down overnight.

  • After cooling, the jars are transferred to their storage location. At first, it is better to periodically check all canned food to see if bubbles appear in the jars, if the brine becomes cloudy, and if the lids swell.

Do housewives turn over banks: reviews

  • Natalya, 30 years old: When I can, I always turn the jars over after rolling them. I don’t even know why this is done, but this is exactly what my grandmother and then my mother did. The main thing is that the preservation is stored for a long time and successfully, without exploding.
  • Svetlana, 44 years old: At first I turned over the jars, like my mother did, but recently I stopped doing it. I just thoroughly sterilize both the jars and the lids. And everything seems to be fine, not a single can has exploded.
  • Irina, 23 years old: I mostly cover the jam, since we all have a sweet tooth in the family. I don’t turn the jars over - I wait until the jam in them has cooled and a hard crust appears on top. This is what I cover with an alcohol-preserved piece of paper and then close the jar with a sterilized dry lid. I only turn the jam for five minutes, because it is liquid and there is less sugar in it.
  • Olga, 52 years old: I always turn over any twists: jam, pickles, and drinks. I got used to doing this and have been doing it for many years now. I think that this is a tradition that should not be broken, because the preservation is stored well, even though it is in an apartment and not in a cellar.

All housewives turn the jam over
Tip: If you find that the marinade in an inverted jar becomes cloudy, bubbles appear or the lid begins to swell, then immediately boil the contents and close it again, following all the rules.

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