Shelf life of acrylic paints

Storing PF paint - why can’t it be stored in the cold, because it doesn’t freeze?

Each manufacturer indicates on the label of the paint container the storage conditions for this paint. This is, as a rule, a guaranteed shelf life, during which, subject to storage conditions, the paint does not lose its technological properties, and the coating retains its performance properties. Storage conditions different from those indicated on the label may change the properties of the paint itself and the properties of the coating or film after drying. For example, an anti-corrosion coating will not protect the metal from corrosion.

  • For example, one manufacturer indicates that paint can be stored in a tightly closed jar in a temperature range from -40 to +40 Celsius, of course.
  • Another manufacturer indicates that at temperatures from -40 to +40, the paint can be stored for only 6 months without losing its properties. At temperatures from -30 to +30, PF enamel can be stored for 12 months.
  • If it is indicated on the can that paints cannot be stored in the cold, in general, this means that when exposed to low temperatures, the components of the paint are destroyed or the paint itself forms a coating after application and drying, the performance properties of which will not correspond to those stated in the documentation.

Each manufacturer indicates on the label of the paint container the storage conditions for this paint. This is, as a rule, a guaranteed shelf life, during which, subject to storage conditions, the paint does not lose its technological properties, and the coating retains its performance properties. Storage conditions different from those indicated on the label may change the properties of the paint itself and the properties of the coating or film after drying. For example, an anti-corrosion coating will not protect the metal from corrosion.

Technical characteristics of water-based paint

  • Compound. It is usually made of latex, filler, thickener and antiseptic.
  • The consumption of water-based paint is calculated per one coat of paint. As a rule, this is 150-250 ml/m2, depending on the absorbency of the surface.
  • Viscosity indicates how much the paint mixture must be diluted with water in accordance with the type of tool used for application to the surface. The viscometer measures viscosity, which should be within 40 -45 stokes when using a brush or roller and 20 -25 st. for a paint sprayer, but this is usually done by eye.
  • Specific gravity is approximately 1.35 kg/l.
  • The drying time of water-based paint cannot be specified precisely because it depends on factors such as temperature and humidity, ranging from 2-24 hours. The temperature during painting with water-based emulsion should be +20° C, and air humidity not lower than 65%.


No matter how many times I've encountered, the varnish can still withstand frost, but when you take a putty that's frozen, you can immediately feel it starting to crumble.

Temperature differences are also undesirable for hardeners, mainly due to gyroscopicity

I have a place, but the hucksters don’t always have it at the market, and materials sit in the cold for weeks.

you need to somehow try to find one point that satisfies you and trust it, be a regular customer and then you shouldn’t push bullshit, it’s been checked!

Well, don’t tell me, the seller at least knows about it, I assure you of this, what is normal and what is a little outdated in his opinion, it’s like in a grocery store!

Interesting: How long can yeast dough be stored in the freezer?

Yes, I forgot about the truck. It’s behind the cordon of special trucks, but with us it’s always the same as always. I had a case when a neighbor in a field picked up another neighbor in tow, and the cable broke and this canoe hit him right in the backside! He comes to me and brings a vetch in acrylic Mobihel primer and Novol putty. I asked him where I bought it? At the market and it was winter, it was just 10 degrees below zero. I painted it and looked at some points. I immediately panicked! Starting from the compressor and ending with all the filters! In short, I rubbed and on a new and again point like dirt. That’s when I realized that the paint had been exposed to the cold and had frozen in the market. I polished it and called my neighbor, and it turned out great. I suggested that he change the paint, and he made me happy, and the joker said, let’s better celebrate this thing! .So this is how things are in the cold.

And the heat, what do you mean, intense heat, it’s simpler here, nothing dangerous!?

I can’t say anything about the varnish, I didn’t notice anything about the pigment and DX acrylic

I noticed that after freezing the varnish is less susceptible to polishing.

Why store paintwork materials in the cold? I just can’t understand that there is no place to store them? Definitely not.

agree. No one is immune from this. Even when buying material from a specialized selection, you cannot be clearly sure that it was not frozen, for example, in a truck at the border. I stepped on such a rake a couple of times. But what can you do.

The question here is not that they can sell bullshit, since the seller does not see the condition of this material through the metal can. And about the permanent point, you are right, if you are a regular customer, it will be easier for you to come and change it. I once encountered frozen paint only in a cylinder, so they changed it without problems, they themselves did not know that this batch was spoiled..

You didn’t understand the very essence, I’m not talking about outdated materials, but about frozen materials, I already wrote here that the supplier’s truck stood for, say, two days at -25 below zero, at the border and those boxes that were closer to the walls were frozen. After this, the truck was unloaded into a warehouse store, from where the storekeeper, and even more so the final seller, can know that these boxes are frozen, unless of course they are clairvoyant

Yes, frost is an unpleasant thing for paintwork materials, sometimes it also happens that frozen paint flies out of the paint pad in pimples like gravitex.

there are a couple of points. you will yawn. then you throw away the gun. and the supply setting is radically different from autumn-winter coloring, when there is high humidity and average temperatures.

And the heat, what do you mean, intense heat, it’s simpler here, nothing dangerous!?

Types of paint poisoning

Poisoning is divided into 2 forms: chronic and acute; in addition, intoxication is distinguished depending on its type.

Poisoning by paint fumes

Occurs when evaporated substances from paints and varnishes enter the lungs. Symptoms of vapor poisoning depend on the substances in the paint. Heavy metals: lead, chromium, mercury, arsenic, nickel cause severe disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. In addition, they can accumulate in organs, causing signs of chronic poisoning. Vapors of copper sulfate and copper cause nausea, vomiting, sore throat, blurred vision, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Formaldehydes cause disturbances in the reproductive, respiratory, nervous systems, and organs of vision. Phenols cause allergic reactions ranging from a common rash to pulmonary edema. Toluenes act primarily on the central nervous system and eyes. Xylenes cause dermatitis. In severe cases, poisoning with these substances can cause hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells).

Poisoning by the smell of paint

Intoxication occurs mainly during repair work and in paint factories, but there are frequent cases of vapor poisoning with the aim of obtaining an intoxicating effect and suicide. The components in the composition affect the central nervous system, causing a state similar to alcohol intoxication.

Substances penetrate through the respiratory system into the blood, increasing carbon dioxide levels. The result is hypoxia and oversaturation of the blood with carbon dioxide. Oxygen deficiency causes acidosis and disruption of blood pH, which can lead to convulsions, low blood pressure, heart failure, respiratory arrest, and coma.

Oil paint poisoning

Oil-based paints are used more often for painting floors that contain drying oil. In combination with other substances, persistent toxic complexes are formed. Oil paints have a strong odor, so you can be poisoned not only by the fumes, but also by the smell. Its components act primarily on the central nervous system. In case of severe poisoning, hallucinations, delusions, and loss of orientation in space are possible.

Enamel poisoning

As a rule, the composition includes 5 main components: functional additives, pigments, film-forming substances, fillers, solvents. All depend on the components, they are all toxic. Also, lead is often added to the enamel, which causes severe intoxication when ingested. In case of chronic poisoning, that is, with the systematic entry of enamel substances into the body, visual acuity may deteriorate, and the function of the cerebellum and brain stem may be impaired.

Acrylic paint poisoning

It is practically odorless, but its esters have a high degree of volatility and danger. The ability to evaporate increases when it is heated or worked in a hot room, and accordingly, the degree of poisoning will become more pronounced. Methacrylic paint (analogous to acrylic), which has a pungent odor, is also dangerous. The industry also produces resins and solvents made from acrylic paints.

Hair dye poisoning

They contain brighteners, coloring chemical compounds, and solvents. According to research results, heavy metals were found in some low-quality hair dyes. When dyeing hair with such dyes, in combination with hypersensitivity to the components in its composition, allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, are possible.

Therefore, the instructions always indicate that before applying to the hair, it is necessary to do a sensitivity test. Hair dye poisoning is a rare occurrence and is most often associated with inhalation of ammonia fumes during prolonged hair dyeing indoors. It manifests itself as headache, dizziness and sometimes nausea.

Defrosting power tools

Also keep in mind that you cannot immediately start using power tools in a warm room after frost. You need to wait several hours. This is due to the fact that when temperatures change, condensation forms, which takes time to evaporate. Plus, the frozen lubricant should restore its properties.

Another way to defrost is to place the “frozen” unit in a plastic bag. It is important that it is not full of holes; everything needs to be sealed tightly. It is also recommended to store them in sealed bags in cold weather, so moisture will not get inside and settle on the parts of the power tool. Just put it in a bag in dry frost. And do not place a warm instrument in polyethylene - it must be cooled first.

In cold weather, plastic hardens and is more susceptible to mechanical damage. To prevent the plastic on the instrument from cracking, fold it carefully, do not pile it in a big pile, and do not put anything on top.

In general, if there is a warm place, it is better to store a power tool there, but situations arise when this cannot be avoided, for example, a cold dacha, where the tool is in a workshop without heating, or a garage in winter. Again, it is often necessary to carry power tools in the trunk of your car during the winter.

How to make an order?

We offer to buy acrylic paint for walls in Moscow with the possibility of delivery to other cities of the Russian Federation. To order paints and varnishes, add the selected compositions to the cart indicating the volume and fill out the electronic form. Need more detailed product information? Contact the manager for help at the specified phone number. A specialist will advise on all questions and clarify current prices. Orders are delivered throughout Russia.

What is the shelf life of acrylic paint?

Acrylic paints come in different varieties. Therefore, the shelf life may vary within reasonable limits: somewhere less, somewhere a little more. Let me give you an example: for example, if acrylic paint is facade, then I heard that its shelf life is twelve months, and if acrylic paint is sand and not facade, then its shelf life is much longer and is as much as three years.

In regulatory documents for consumer goods, the concept of “shelf life” is increasingly being replaced by the term “shelf life,” and this case, alas, is no exception.

Acrylic paint belongs to water-dispersed liquids, and according to the interstate standard, adopted back in Soviet times, 28196-89 Water-dispersed paints. Technical conditions, its shelf life is one year.

For some reason, there is completely no information about the methods and duration of storage in the modern Russian GOST 52020-2003 Water-dispersion paint and varnish materials. General technical conditions, which on this issue recommends referring to GOST 9980.5-86, and state standard 9980.5-2009 Paint and varnish materials. Transportation and storage speaks only about the rules for the content of these substances, which are identical to the requirements for storing drying oil.

True, there is also the Ukrainian national standard DSTU EN 13300:2012 Paints and varnishes. Water-dispersed paints and coating systems for interior walls and ceilings, but only in a paid version.

Exposure to temperature changes

Now let's look at temperature changes when it is necessary to use a tool in the cold. At what temperatures can power tools be used? Answer: for any, but following simple rules.

During operation, the tool heats up, and according to the laws of physics, when heated, everything expands and increases in size. In cold weather, a hot instrument will absorb moist air around it as it cools, because the air is lower than the temperature of the cooling instrument. In general, it is better not to leave a hot instrument in the cold.

If after this you bring it into a warm room, it is also strictly forbidden to turn it on, even if it is still warm. You need to wait several hours until the “absorbed” moisture evaporates.

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In the opposite situation, when working first in heat and then in cold, there are no restrictions. You can continue to work in the cold with a hot tool brought from a warm room.

Also pay attention to power tool cords. With a cheap tool, it can become stiff and burst. If the cable is made of rubber, it is not afraid of frost and will easily withstand the test of low temperatures.

Another possible problem when using a tool in cold weather is that thick grease makes the rotor more difficult to rotate. This threatens the power tool brushes with freezing and burning. But again, when using normal lubricants there should be no problems: the tool warms up and the lubricant restores its capabilities, similar to starting a car in winter.

If the tool is equipped with a commutator motor, it may begin to spark in the cold. This threatens to damage the terminals and collector counters. Although they are essentially considered consumables for collector engines and their replacement is not a rare occurrence. But it’s up to the owner of the tool to decide - you can wait for warm days if you want to slightly extend the life of the manifold components.

How does paint vapor poisoning occur?

The most dangerous paint components are solvents (toluene, dimethyl ketone, butanol, butyl acetate, etc.). Possessing high volatility, they have a local irritating effect on the skin, mucous membrane of the eyes, nasopharynx and oropharynx. Penetrating into the respiratory tract and then into the lungs, these substances can cause a number of acute respiratory diseases, a relapse of chronic pathology or an allergic reaction in persons with a predisposition. Toluene is able to penetrate not only through the respiratory organs, but also through intact skin, causing damage to the central nervous system of varying severity, including irreversible ones.

Once in the body in large quantities, solvents cause acute general intoxication.

The maximum permissible concentration, which characterizes the degree of harmfulness of the solvent, is individual for each chemical substance.

Most often, paint vapor poisoning occurs during painting work:

  • painting large surfaces;
  • working with paints in a room where there is no adequate ventilation;
  • Carrying out painting work in a room with high temperatures, when increased evaporation of solvents occurs;
  • work without personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves);
  • use of low-quality material with excessively high content of heavy metals and solvents;
  • independent dilution with solvents of paints that have lost their performance characteristics.

What do the statistics say?

A study of specialized forums on this problem showed that a fairly large number of craftsmen not only store their tools in the cold, but also regularly use them at low temperatures. And statistics show that this mode does not lead to rapid failure of the power tool.

There is only one important factor: when the temperature changes from low to high, you must “dry” the instrument! Condensation inside a working unit is certain death. Also pay attention to your climate. If the humidity is high, still think about a warm room, or heating the garage to at least +5 degrees.


You should not store regular paint in the garage during the winter. Almost no one makes this room heated. Of course, the temperature there is much higher than outside. However, the paint may still freeze and turn into a solid phase. This will change its performance forever. Even after thawing, the use of such coloring material is strongly not recommended.

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