How long can condensed milk be stored in an open jar?

How to choose the right condensed milk

Long-term pasteurization (condensation) of milk with sugar takes place at a temperature of +60°C. This helps preserve a significant amount of beneficial substances found in fresh milk. The initial qualities of milk, of course, surpass the properties of condensed milk in some respects, but the nutritional value of condensed milk and its unforgettable taste are familiar to everyone since childhood. Although this product was not always available for free sale.

Unfortunately, these days many unscrupulous manufacturers sell various surrogates based on palm oil and other substitutes harmful to humans under the guise of condensed milk. Therefore, when choosing this product, you should pay attention to the label and composition.

  • If the label says “condensed milk” or “condensed milk product,” the can may contain a compound that has nothing in common with real condensed milk.
  • According to GOST, real condensed milk should contain only milk and sugar, which is what is written on the label. If any other components are indicated, such condensed milk is not worth buying.
  • Most often, the real product is sold in tin cans. Any other types of packaging containers (glass, plastic, polyethylene) are not practical from the point of view of further cooking of this product and may contain a surrogate.

Shelf life of condensed milk

  • Shelf life: 12 months
  • Shelf life: 12 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 12 months
  • Freezer life: not specified

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People owe the appearance of condensed milk to the Frenchman Nicolas Appert. This pastry chef made the discovery that milk can be stored in a tin for much longer. Later, in 1958, American Gail Borden improved this idea. He came up with a machine that could make sweetened condensed milk. So people who love condensed milk should be grateful to these pioneers. In 1881, a small factory opened near Orenburg, where they began to produce condensed milk. Since then, this product has been very popular among the people, and is still popular today.

Condensed milk is one of the most favorite treats for adults and children. It is often used in cooking to create various dishes and baked goods, and is also eaten just like that. In addition to its wonderful taste, condensed milk is also very healthy. It saturates the body with the beneficial substances it needs. This product is made as follows. Whole milk is evaporated with or without the addition of 12 percent crystalline sugar. Condensed milk that does not contain sugar is called concentrated. There is also condensed milk with chicory. For its production, normalized cow's milk, chicory and sugar are used. Sweetened condensed milk with added cocoa or coffee is also often found. To obtain boiled condensed milk, heat treatment of condensed milk is done. This product is thick and has a caramel flavor and is brownish-yellow in color. This delicacy is familiar to everyone, which is why it is important to know the shelf life of condensed milk. 100 grams of this product contains B vitamins, as well as PP and E. Among the microelements there are calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus. Since the main ingredients in condensed milk are milk and sugar, it is very high in calories. Therefore, not all people can eat it. Those who are prone to obesity or extra pounds should limit themselves to this product. But for others, it is still very useful, so before eating, it is worth checking the shelf life of condensed milk. During the manufacture of the product, a fairly large amount of vitamins and macroelements is preserved. This is due to the fact that the conversion of milk into condensed milk occurs at a temperature of 60 degrees. So condensed milk is no less useful than regular cow's milk. They differ only in fat content, the presence of sugar and the shelf life of condensed milk. Another very important point is that condensed milk is better absorbed by the human body than milk that contains lactose.

The shelf life of condensed milk is not short, so all the beneficial substances in it remain active for at least a year. You can replace dairy products and provide the body with vitamins and minerals if you eat real condensed milk. To improve the immune system, eat 1 or 2 tablespoons of condensed milk once a day. And thanks to vitamins and minerals, the body replenishes the missing reserves of the substances it needs. In this case, mental and physical work is much easier for him. Calcium, which is part of condensed milk, strengthens teeth, bone tissue, and also has an excellent effect on cellular metabolism. To choose real condensed milk, you should pay attention to the following points. The name of the product must begin with the word "Milk". If it starts with others, then it is worth checking the composition and shelf life of condensed milk. This product must contain only sugar and whole cow's milk. All other ingredients may indicate unnaturalness. So you should be careful when purchasing. The jar must be smooth and without damage; you should also pay attention to ensure that there is no rust. The shelf life of condensed milk in cans is 12 months. It should be stored at a temperature from 0 to + 10 degrees. In a transport container it can be good for 8 months. Canned condensed milk with sugar and fillers has a shelf life of 12 months. For them, the acceptable temperature is from 0 to + 10 degrees and the relative humidity is 75 percent. If the can is open, the shelf life of condensed milk in the refrigerator is no more than 5 days.

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People owe the appearance of condensed milk to the Frenchman Nicolas Appert. This pastry chef made the discovery that milk can be stored in a tin for much longer. Later, in 1958, American Gail Borden improved this idea. He came up with a machine that could make sweetened condensed milk. So people who love condensed milk should be grateful to these pioneers. In 1881, a small factory opened near Orenburg, where they began to produce condensed milk. Since then, this product has been very popular among the people, and is still popular today.

Shelf life of condensed milk

Condensed milk can be stored for no more than 1 year. This must be taken into account when purchasing. Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture, take the jar with the latest date.

The shelf life of condensed milk is also affected by the size of the container in which it is located.

A standard-sized tin can guarantees the safety of this product for 12 months from the date of release. Packages with dispensers (“Doy-pack”) can be stored for 6 months. The exact shelf life is indicated on the packaging. This type of packaging is convenient because the top layer of its contents does not dry out. In addition, the product is stored equally well in the refrigerator and at room temperature.

You can also find condensed milk in plastic containers and packages with clamps. The shelf life of such a product usually does not exceed 3 months. There is also a high probability that this condensed milk is not real.

If the product contains various flavor enhancers and preservatives, this indicates that the jar contains a surrogate. But it happens that manufacturers add coffee, cocoa or chicory to real condensed milk. These components do not affect its shelf life in any way.

Shelf life of condensed milk in a jar

As a result, condensed milk lost not only its taste parameters. But the main thing is that she lost her benefit. And in some places, this is now a really dangerous product. Broadcasts often contain information about the discovery of dangerous dyes and stabilizers in condensed milk. They also report that the microflora of the product is disturbed.

The correspondent learned how to choose the right condensed milk and what, in addition to milk and sugar, some manufacturers add to the sweet dessert,” after studying research by Roskachestvo.

This tasty and nutritious product has been familiar to us since childhood. We use it both as a delicacy and as an ingredient in culinary masterpieces.

At room temperature the drink can be stored for no more than 4–6 hours, at +15 degrees – up to a day. Freezing will help significantly increase the shelf life; it is advisable to consume frozen milk within 3–6 months. To freeze, pour the drink into sterile containers, close them tightly and place them in a freezer drawer with a temperature below -18 degrees.

Microbiological changes most often occur during storage of confectionery products, including creams: sweets with additives, pastries and cakes with cream, fruit and berry fillings.

To reduce the cost, many manufacturers add soy, palm oil, flavor enhancers, thickeners, etc. Therefore, we recommend reading the characteristics of condensed milk on the label before purchasing the product. Only GOST marking indicates the quality, beneficial properties and nutritional value of condensed milk.

Large and reputable factories are more scrupulous about the quality of their products, they are checked more strictly, and it is for them that the “tarnishing” of their reputation is most dangerous. Therefore, on their cans the composition of condensed milk will more accurately describe the contents. And in most cases, their twisting technology is organized a little better.

While we have already talked about the label and its design, we haven’t talked about the can itself yet. When you choose condensed milk, there is no need to find fault here. Most cans for condensed milk are the same type. Recently, by the way, milk began to be sold in plastic packs, similar to those for ketchup and mayonnaise. This is a plus, and here's why.

And today condensed milk has become a favorite delicacy for many. The shelf life of condensed milk, if all conditions are met, can be up to 12 months. How to store condensed milk? An open jar should be kept in a cool place at a temperature of 0°C to +10°C.

If you don’t know how to choose the right condensed milk, first of all, carefully read the name. Thus, “Dairy product with sugar,” which may not contain butter at all, can be bottled in cans with labels that have a very similar design to regular “Condensed milk.” In this case, manufacturers take advantage of the inattention of buyers.

Constant air temperature is about 18 degrees. Permissible humidity should not exceed 75%. Tip of the day Store hygroscopic products (cereals, flour, pasta) away from products that emit a specific odor. Bulk The group of bulk goods includes those that customers use every day.

At home, place the bulk in a dry place where the temperature does not rise above 25 degrees, with humidity up to 70-75%. Select storage containers with tight-fitting lids.

In 2012, the largest Russian dairy producers promised not to use vegetable fats, including palm oil, in the production of condensed milk.

I recognize condensed milk only in tin containers, as has always been the case. And just yesterday I saw condensed milk on sale in plastic bottles (!) 0.35-0.5-1 liter. I couldn’t even read the label; I wouldn’t buy such a product under any circumstances. Thank you for the article! Tweeted.

The following conditions are essential for the shelf life:

  • Product processing method (sterilization, pasteurization, etc.);
  • Packaging (plastic bottle, bag or tetra pack);
  • Storage conditions (temperature).

Storing condensed milk at home

Despite the fact that this product undergoes a long-term condensation process, condensed milk must be stored according to certain rules. Only by observing the storage standards specified by the manufacturer can you count on the contents of the jar being of high quality.

The optimal conditions are those under which:

  • the temperature will be between 0°C and +10°C,
  • air humidity – 75 – 85%.

Note! Condensed milk in hermetically sealed packaging, and after opening, have different expiration dates.

How long can you store opened condensed milk in a metal can?

If the product contains various flavor enhancers and preservatives, this indicates that the jar contains a surrogate. But it happens that manufacturers add coffee, cocoa or chicory to real condensed milk. These components do not affect its shelf life in any way.

The optimal conditions are those under which:

  • the temperature will be between 0°C and +10°C,
  • air humidity – 75 – 85%.

Compound. “Honest” condensed milk, which can turn into a delicacy called “boiled condensed milk,” contains only two ingredients: milk and sugar.

According to GOST, sweetened condensed milk should contain no more than 26% moisture, no less than 43.5% sugar (sucrose), no less than 28.5% fat, proteins, milk sugar and minerals, including fat - no less than 8.5%. “Condensed milk” with sugar should contain more than 2 times more dry substances (not counting sugar) than in natural milk. So, if you want to purchase condensed milk produced using traditional technology (the composition includes only raw milk and sugar), you must first make sure, at least by the label, that the product is made in accordance with GOST (in Ukraine - in accordance with DSTU).

Storage in closed containers

  1. Factory sealed containers are stored on a refrigerator shelf or in a cool basement. Iron cans should not touch each other so that rust does not form at the points of contact.
  2. It is better if the cans of condensed milk are in cardboard boxes. Sometimes the cans are coated in a special lubricant that prevents corrosion. There is no need to wipe off such lubricant during storage. This is done before using the product.
  3. Before storing condensed milk, cellars or basements must be equipped with a good exhaust hood and the humidity level in these places must be monitored.
  4. If condensed milk is in a plastic container, it should not be exposed to sunlight. Therefore, it is better to store such a product on the refrigerator shelf.

How long to store opened condensed milk

Condensed milk in an open can will be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Before putting the condensed milk in the refrigerator, pour it into a glass jar and close it tightly with a plastic lid. This is necessary so that the oxidative reactions that are triggered when the metal comes into contact with air do not have time to affect the taste. In addition, a metal can cannot be hermetically sealed. The product will quickly become thick and begin to sugar.

The shelf life of condensed milk in the refrigerator after opening the can and pouring it into a glass container is no more than 5 days.

What to do with candied condensed milk

When this product shows signs of sugaring, we can say that the condensed milk’s shelf life has already expired. This product should be thrown away.

If the contents of a recently purchased jar are already candied, and there is still a lot of time before the expiration date of this product, this indicates that the temperature regime was violated during transportation or storage in the warehouse. In this case, the manufacturer is not responsible for the quality of the product, so it is useless to make claims against it. You should also not eat such products.

In order not to harm your health and the health of your children, you should carefully read how long condensed milk can be stored. Carry out an audit of the cellar, refrigerator, and pantry in order to get rid of expired products in a timely manner.

Condensed milk is a delicacy that everyone has enjoyed since childhood. With proper storage of the product, you can enjoy its taste for a long time, adding it to tea, baking or eating it in its natural form. And if the conditions are violated, you will get a candied mass.

General storage conditions

Milk with sugar first undergoes a pasteurization process, which preserves the benefits and taste of the product throughout its shelf life. The length of the period of possible consumption of condensed milk depends on several factors:

  • type of packaging;
  • the container is closed or opened;
  • air temperature;
  • the presence of preservatives and ingredients other than milk and sugar;
  • That’s why the milk inside is whole, reconstituted or normalized powder.

The general condition for storing condensed milk in any package is the humidity level - it should not exceed 85%.

Depending on the type of packaging, the shelf life of the product also varies. The following periods are established for closed containers:

  • at a storage temperature of 0-10°C - approximately 12-15 months;
  • at 11-20°C – about 6-10 months.

Packages with a dispenser (doy-packs) – approximately 12 months.

  • at a temperature of 0-10°C - on average 12 months;
  • at 11-22°C – 8 months;
  • at above 23°C – no more than 6 months.

Opened packaging should only be stored in the refrigerator . The period of possible use for cans is 1-5 days, for doy-packs and plastic containers - no more than 24 hours. Specific dates must be clarified from the information posted by the manufacturer on the container, as well as by recording the date the package was opened.

Expired shelf life

This is another dairy product that can be consumed after the expiration date. An open jar of yogurt will spoil faster than a closed one, so in an airtight container it can last 1-2 weeks

after the date recommended on the packaging.

Pay attention to the smell and presence of mold in the yogurt, and if everything is fine, it is safe to eat.

Chips may also become stale after the expiration date, but they may be quite safe to eat.

Since this product is subject to intensive processing, it can be stored for quite a long time. If the package was opened, the chips will be fine for several more weeks, and if closed, then for several months.

Have you ever noticed a white coating on a chocolate bar? This is not mold, but what is called "chocolate bloom", and is associated with fat or sugar content, but is safe to consume.

If you store chocolate in a cool place below 20 degrees Celsius, it will outlive its expiration date.

Many seasonings have a long shelf life due to their high sugar and salt content. Here's how long these seasonings last after opening:

Ketchup can be stored for about a month in the kitchen cupboard and 6-8 months in the refrigerator.

Mayonnaise 2 months in the refrigerator

Jams and confitures for about 1 year in the refrigerator

Mustard – 6-8 months in the refrigerator

Salad dressing - 3 months in the refrigerator

Most eggs stay fresh for about a month after the expiration date if stored in the refrigerator.

How to store in a closed container

Condensed milk is stored longest in a closed container, when the sweet contents are not affected by external factors.

  • Sealed packaging should be placed in cool conditions - a refrigerator, cellar or basement, and should be well ventilated.
  • Transparent plastic containers should be placed out of sunlight.
  • Iron cans should be placed at a distance from each other, otherwise chips and dents may form, which will lead to rust. Also, a special lubricant that some manufacturers coat tin containers will help protect against corrosion. It should not be deleted.

If condensed milk in any closed package will be stored in the basement, the jar should be placed in a cardboard box.

Is it possible to eat candied condensed milk?

If the milk mass has turned into an abundance of sugary lumps, this means that the product was stored incorrectly or its expiration date has expired. This condensed milk should not be eaten, even if it was possible to dissolve the sugar when heated on the stove. It is best to dispose of the jar containing the candied mass.

After opening the package, condensed milk can be stored from 1 day to several days, depending on the conditions of storage, composition, tightness of the package, as well as the material from which it is made. More precise requirements for air temperature, humidity, and expiration dates can only be found on the product label.

If previously condensed milk was produced exclusively for the army, now the delicacy has become generally available. Despite the preservation process, its shelf life has a strict time limit. This fact must be taken into account when choosing a product in a store. From the article, you will learn how to choose high-quality condensed milk and how long it can be stored open and closed.

How to store condensed milk

Once upon a time, the French pastry chef Nicolas Appert came up with a new way to store milk for a long time by placing it in a tin can. A little later, American Gail Borden improved his idea by adding sugar to milk. And just think, most people now cannot imagine their lives without this discovery! Condensed milk is one of the most favorite delicacies of adults and children. It was, is and will remain so forever! They stock it for future use in the same way as canned food, but not everyone knows where to store condensed milk. Surprisingly, open condensed milk may still be unused or uneaten, so the question of how to store open condensed milk is also very relevant.

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Shelf life in different containers

The process of condensing milk with sugar takes place at 60 °C, which allows you to preserve most of the nutrients. The composition of whole cow's milk and condensed milk are slightly different, but in terms of nutritional value, the favorite delicacy of those with a sweet tooth is much superior to the original product.

This quality is especially valuable due to the ability to supply residents of the Far North with whole milk, which is worth its weight in gold. Unfortunately, the stock has to be rotated annually, because the shelf life of condensed milk does not exceed 12 months, subject to the storage conditions specified by the manufacturer.

The shelf life of condensed milk depends on the container in which it is packaged:

  • In a tin can, the delicacy is guaranteed to retain its beneficial qualities for one year.
  • Packages with doy-pack dispensers will retain the contents for several months (the specific period is indicated by the manufacturer).
  • The same is true with plastic containers with condensed milk. But there is one caveat: if the plastic container is packaged not at the factory, but in the store, the contents must be consumed within 5 days.

Plastic containers have a number of advantages over the usual tin can - light weight, convenient format and method of dispensing contents, unbreakable material. But the risk of purchasing a counterfeit product increases many times over. Carefully read the composition of the purchased product.

Additional ingredients (cocoa, coffee, chicory) do not affect the safety of condensed milk in a tin can; the shelf life will remain the same - 12 months.

Boiled condensed milk: how long can you store

It happens that bad condensed milk in a jar with the “correct” composition at first glance and a well-established brand is a banal counterfeit. Unfortunately, you can only guess if it is a fake by trying the product. Classic “Soviet” sweets: Anthill cake and nuts are made not with ordinary condensed milk, but with boiled milk. Until recently, it was prepared in kitchens, and the main thing in this matter was to keep track of the water level in the pan, otherwise the entire contents of the treasured jar could end up on the ceiling. Today experts do not recommend doing such things.

Homemade milk should be stored in glass containers in the refrigerator. It can also be rolled up in tin cans, the shelf life will increase to several months.

According to GOST, vegetable condensed milk cannot be called milk, so manufacturers shorten its full name and write on the label “Condensed Milk,” “Special Condensed Milk,” or simply “Condensed Milk.” Having purchased such a product, do not be surprised that your favorite delicacy turns out to be watery, with a grayish tint.

If the contents of an opened jar are candied, most likely you forgot about it and the expiration date has expired. This product must be discarded immediately.

Now you know how long condensed milk can be stored in a tin can or other types of packaging, and how to choose a quality product. If the storage conditions are observed, the delicacy will not cause harm to health. Don’t forget to periodically inspect your pantry and promptly dispose of expired jars.

Remember that even real condensed milk made in accordance with GOST can deteriorate even before the end of its shelf life due to improper storage conditions. The type of packaging does not affect the taste of the product, if it is manufactured using technology. The packaging must be without damage, dents, swelling or deformation; if there are any, then such a purchase should be abandoned.

Plastic containers have a number of advantages over the usual tin can - light weight, convenient format and method of dispensing contents, unbreakable material. But the risk of purchasing a counterfeit product increases many times over. Carefully read the composition of the purchased product.

GOST legalizes antioxidants (E300, E301, E303, etc.) and stabilizers (E331, E332, E339 and E340) in condensed milk.

Choosing condensed milk correctly

It doesn’t cost a careless manufacturer anything to falsify the date of manufacture or to pour inside a product that has nothing to do with real condensed milk.

Of course, low-quality contents can also be found in tin containers. Under the usual blue and white label on the can there may be canned milk containing milk. In addition to milk, such products contain vegetable fats, which significantly reduce the cost of production technology.

Most often, one should only blame one’s own carelessness for purchasing a counterfeit product. The following tips will help you choose a good quality product:

  • The label with real condensed milk bears GOST and the inscription “Whole condensed milk with sugar” (the set of words may be slightly different, for example, “Whole condensed milk with sugar” or “Skinned condensed milk with sugar”, “Partly skimmed condensed milk with sugar” ).
  • Canned milk products have various inscriptions on the packaging - “Condensed milk”, “Special milk”, “Condensed milk product with sugar”, etc. We have already mentioned the composition of canned milk products above.
  • The container must be airtight without chips, cracks, dents, deformation, leaks, signs of swelling and rust. The integrity of the packaging will protect the contents from infection by pathogenic microflora, and you from possible poisoning.
  • You can recognize real condensed milk by the solid stamped markings on the tin can. In the first row, the industry code M and several numbers must be indicated, among which you need to find the marking 76, indicating the absence of components in the product that are not provided for by GOST.
  • The second row of markings indicates the production date and shift number. To stock up on your favorite treat, purchase freshly prepared product.

How to properly store at home: place, conditions, timing

Although condensed milk has undergone a long pasteurization process, it should be stored correctly. Only compliance with storage conditions guarantees the quality of the contents. How long condensed milk can be stored is indicated on the packaging.

Optimal conditions for storing canned condensed milk:

  • temperature background from 0 to 20 °C;
  • relative humidity not higher than 85%.

Let's look at how to properly store canned milk before and after opening the package.

In a closed container

The optimal temperature for storing condensed milk can be achieved in the refrigerator or basement:

  • Do not place jars close to each other to avoid chipping and rust.
  • For basement storage, place the containers in a cardboard box.
  • If there is a special lubricant on them, do not wipe it off, it will protect the tin from corrosion. Wipe off the protective layer before opening the container.
  • Monitor the humidity level in the room and ensure good ventilation.

In an open container

The shelf life of condensed milk when opened does not depend on the packaging. After opening, the container should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

  • Be sure to close doypacks and plastic bottles to minimize the entry of microflora.
  • Pour the contents from a metal can into a glass jar with a nylon lid or a plastic container.

After opening, the metal quickly oxidizes, your favorite delicacy is saturated with oxidation products, which affects the taste and healthiness.

Can condensed milk be frozen?

For those with a sweet tooth, the likelihood of condensed milk deposits appearing in the refrigerator is very small, but what about those who use the delicacy only for culinary purposes or drink coffee with it from time to time?

Can condensed milk be frozen? Should not be doing that. Violation of the temperature regime during storage leads to sugaring.

Condensed milk in cans: how to store it correctly?

The shelf life of condensed milk when opened does not depend on the packaging. After opening, the container should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

Note that boiled condensed milk has the same shelf life as regular condensed milk - 1 year, subject to similar conditions.

If we have a natural industrial product, its shelf life should also not exceed 1 year. Any methods that prolong it mean that the composition contains preservatives and additional ingredients. And classic boiled condensed milk in a can, as we remember, should consist only of milk and sugar.

All these types of vessels have certain pros and cons, but this does not mean that the contents inside are different. Therefore, do not try to buy items with beautiful packaging, since beautiful things are not always useful. It is much better to pay attention first to the composition of the product, and only then to the packaging.

It is easy to obtain and use from early spring to late autumn. But what to do in winter? Everything is very simple. Take advantage of different ways to store greens so that you can have them on your table all year round. Storing Fresh and Frozen Produce in the Refrigerator The refrigerator is a great place to store supplies of greens all winter long. Both the main chamber and the freezer compartment are suitable for this.

All other ingredients may indicate unnaturalness. So you should be careful when purchasing. The jar must be smooth and without damage; you should also pay attention to ensure that there is no rust. The shelf life of condensed milk in cans is 12 months. It should be stored at a temperature from 0 to + 10 degrees. In a transport container it can be good for 8 months.

Milk processing technologies Equipment for the industry. State and development trends of the dairy products market.

In this case, mental and physical work is much easier for him. Calcium, which is part of condensed milk, strengthens teeth, bone tissue, and also has an excellent effect on cellular metabolism. To choose real condensed milk, you should pay attention to the following points. The name of the product must begin with the word "Milk". If it starts with others, then it is worth checking the composition and shelf life of condensed milk.

Conditions and periods of storage of boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is also very popular. This product is especially good for preparing various desserts.

  • Regardless of whether you cooked it yourself or bought ready-made factory-made canned food, they are subject to the same storage conditions as for regular condensed milk.
  • Do not forget about the need to transfer the contents of cans after opening to a chemically inert container.

What kind of condensed milk is real?

Have you probably noticed that some packages say “Condensed Milk”, and some simply say “Condensed Milk”? So in the second case, this is a direct hint that there is no milk in the composition.

Next, we proceed directly to studying the composition on the label.

Real condensed milk should contain only two ingredients - sugar and milk. Sometimes lactose, milk sugar, is also added.

If on the packaging you see a long list of incomprehensible words and letters, immediately put such a product aside, because this is what is called “condensed milk”. As a rule, an artificial product contains:

  1. Milk fat substitutes.
  2. Dry serums.
  3. Dairy products.
  4. Skimmed milk.
  5. Preservatives.
  6. Flavor enhancers.

If you open two cans - real condensed milk and a fake one, you will immediately see the difference even in color and consistency. They will also taste very different.

High-quality condensed milk has a dense texture, rich color, and its taste is pleasant and full. But condensed milk from substitutes will be liquid and loose. Its taste will have pronounced notes of artificial vegetable oils. Drinking tea with such a dessert can greatly spoil the mood of you and your child. By the way, this product is also quite harmful to health. Therefore, always choose a quality product.

And finally, a little about the price. Real condensed milk is expensive. Its analogues are two times cheaper. The choice is yours.

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