How and where is it better to store honey at home, in what container? How correctly and for how long can you store honey at home in a honeycomb, refrigerator, glass jar, so as not to become sugary, at room temperature? At what tempo

Honey is a natural product that can not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve health in the shortest possible time, eliminating a number of diseases and ailments. As is known, at high temperatures its chemical compounds and microelements react and begin to break down, as a result of which the beneficial properties are partially or completely lost. But what happens if you freeze honey or, for example, put it in a refrigerator?

As a rule, lovers of the sweet bee delicacy are divided into two categories: those who keep it in a dark place like a pantry, and those who prefer to put it in the refrigerator. Let's figure out which storage method is most preferable. After all, the shelf life of the product depends on the chosen conditions.

To understand whether honey can be kept in the refrigerator, you need to analyze the conditions of the hive. In preparation for winter, bees insulate their houses with beebread and propolis. In addition, they live in large swarms, which allows them to maintain positive temperatures inside. Therefore, insects tolerate even severe cold well.

The optimal internal mode is from 4 to 15 degrees. This is the temperature that can be maintained in a bee hive.

Consequently, the answer to the question whether it is possible to store honey in the cold is strictly defined: no, it is not possible. It is best to keep the treasured delicacy in dark places: a pantry, a tightly closed closet, or in a non-residential and poorly lit part of the house. At the same time, storing honey in the refrigerator is still acceptable, but requires taking into account a number of additional factors.

Shelf life in the refrigerator compartment

It is impossible to give a definite answer as to how long honey can be stored in the refrigerator. The exact timing is determined by the degree of humidity, temperature conditions, and the type of honey. However, there are a number of recommendations that can prolong the shelf life of this unique natural dessert.

  • Regular temperature changes have a bad effect on the quality of the product, so it is not recommended to remove it from the refrigerator. If you store a large volume of treats, you should transfer the required amount into a separate container and put the main container back.
  • Honey should always be kept in tightly sealed containers. This not only preserves its taste, but also protects it from foreign odors and fragrances.

By following these tips, you can easily extend the shelf life of honey.

How can you not store honey?

Experts are convinced that it is better to avoid storing honey in a room that is too warm and especially in direct sunlight. The optimal condition is considered to be air temperature from +14 ˚C to +28 ˚C. The structure of honey is affected not only by high, but also by low temperature. Under the influence of cold, the product begins to slowly thicken and lose its valuable properties. Therefore, storing honey in the refrigerator is a grave mistake. If you follow the recommendations, you can keep honey for up to three years without worrying that it will lose its quality.

Temperatures of +60 ˚C pose a threat to enzymes. At +80 ˚C, according to experts, sugar in honey is destroyed and hydroxymethylfurfural is formed. Scientists are convinced that prolonged heating of a beekeeping product leads to a complete loss of its antimicrobial properties. Honey undergoes such undesirable changes when heated. Honey and bees are one topic that deserves careful study.

What happens if you freeze honey

Is it possible to freeze the product in the freezer? Yes, it is quite. A decrease in temperature is not capable of destroying beneficial substances and compounds and negatively affecting the healing properties. However, it should be borne in mind that a low degree causes the treat to harden.

In order to avoid difficulties in its further use, it is recommended to package honey in plastic containers or molds. Honey nectar can be stored in the freezer for a long time without losing its characteristic beneficial properties.

The key question is what to do with hardened frozen food? Experienced beekeepers recommend stirring the sweet cubes into a glass container, and then filling them with warm water (about 30-40 degrees). It is important that it is not hot, as this can destroy beneficial substances and microelements.

Important! Only single freezing of the product is allowed. Reusing the freezer will destroy the vitamins.

Optimal storage temperature

Most people are convinced that honey is an ideal natural preservative that cannot spoil. However, above we have already established the fallacy of such opinions. Although the product does contain enzymes that prevent the growth of bacteria, improper storage conditions can significantly reduce its shelf life.

To prevent spoilage of honey nectar, the following temperature conditions should be maintained:

  • The optimal range is from -6 to +20 degrees.
  • Higher temperatures can cause the destruction of vitamins, speeding up the fermentation process.
  • A lower one causes a loss of viscosity and changes taste.

Having chosen the temperature regime, try not to change it in the future.

Favorable conditions

Now let's look in more detail at what conditions must be observed when storing the product at home.


In accordance with GOST, the optimal storage temperature for honey is considered to be from +6 to +20 degrees. That's why it's best to leave the product in the kitchen cabinet, pantry or bottom compartment of the refrigerator. What happens if you store the bee gift at other temperatures?

  • From +1 to +5 degrees

Honey will not lose its beneficial properties. But it will crystallize within a month or a little earlier (depending on the variety).

  • Below 0

The product will simply freeze. At the same time, vitamins, minerals and antimicrobial enzymes will remain in the composition. The taste and aroma will not change. However, once defrosted, the treat cannot be stored for long.

  • From +20 to +30 degrees

Honey will lose some of its vitamins and rich aroma. Its taste will change for the worse.

  • From +30 to +40 degrees

The bee gift will lose valuable substances. From a healthy product it will turn into an ordinary treat - a mixture of sugars.

  • Above +40 degrees

The product will acquire the properties of a carcinogen, that is, it will become harmful to health. This is why a spoonful of dessert should not be added to hot tea (coffee) instead of sugar.

If the moisture content of honey exceeds 21%, then it should be stored at a temperature below +10 degrees.

Honey does not tolerate temperature changes well - it crystallizes unevenly and loses some of its vitamins. Therefore, always store it in the same place, do not rearrange the dishes. If you choose a refrigerator, maintain a constant temperature.

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Honey absorbs moisture well. The optimal humidity in the storage area is no higher than 60–65%. The product should be kept in a tightly closed container. If excess moisture gets into the honey, it will begin to ferment, turn sour and quickly deteriorate.


The product is UV resistant. If you leave the container in direct sunlight for 48 hours, the inhibin enzyme in honey will be completely destroyed. As a result, the bee gift will lose its antibacterial properties. This means that its shelf life will be reduced. In addition, UV radiation destroys some vitamins. Store dessert only in dark corners or in containers made of material that does not allow light to pass through.

How to store honey in the refrigerator

The average temperature in the refrigerator compartment ranges from 2-6 degrees, while the places on the door shelves are traditionally considered warmer. It is recommended to place containers with honey nectar on them.

We must not forget that a refrigerator is a household appliance designed for storing food products. Emitting a wide variety of odors, they can reward honey with uncharacteristic flavors and aromas. However, you can easily avoid this by simply pouring the bee treat into airtight jars and containers. They allow you to preserve sweet fresh nectar in its original form.

Rules for storing honey in honeycombs

Honey in combs can also be stored at home, following a number of rules. They are not too different from the conditions for a liquid product, but before placing them in containers, the honeycombs must be cut into small pieces.

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This will be easy to do, since bees make honeycombs from wax.

If liquid honey after a certain time begins to lose its density and disintegrate into two layers of different composition, then the delicacy in the honeycomb does not lose its quality throughout the entire shelf life.

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It is best to compact honeycombs cut into pieces into clean, sterilized glass jars. Close the jars tightly with a clean lid and leave in a cool, dark place. The shelf life of such a jar is up to 10 years.

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Honey will be stored as close to natural conditions as possible if it remains directly in the honeycomb. This storage method is also good because in addition to the beneficial properties of honey, you can also consume the natural substances contained in the honeycombs.

Proper storage includes the following criteria:

  • the optimal temperature at the storage location is from 3 to 10 degrees;
  • absence of foreign odors;
  • suitable humidity level not exceeding 60%.

It is convenient to keep honey in honeycombs in a cool, dark place, wrapped in cling film. It has been proven that honey remains liquid in this form for up to 12 months.

General recommendations

To summarize all of the above, we list the key tips and recommendations for storage:

  • Correct container. It is best to keep the product in glass sealed containers.
  • Single temperature. Try to avoid sudden changes.
  • Humidity. It is advisable to keep honey in a relatively dry place, out of direct sunlight.

By following these rules, you can extend the shelf life as much as possible.

The main question for all honey lovers is whether this wonderful product can be stored in the refrigerator? After all, this is not only a tasty, but also a healthy delicacy. And it will be a great pity if it loses some of its beneficial properties if stored improperly. The optimal place to store this product is, of course, honeycombs. Honey will be stored in them for a long time and will definitely not spoil. But few people store honey for years, but it’s still worth knowing how to properly preserve it for a couple of months. So, can you store honey in the refrigerator? It's worth looking into this issue.

Scientists about heat treatment of honey

The debate surrounding the question of to what temperature honey can be heated continues in scientific circles. According to some researchers, honey should not be heated above a temperature of +20 ˚C. At a temperature of +3 ˚C, the product loses vitamins. At +50 ˚C, honey loses its bactericidal properties and unique aroma, experts say.

Temperatures of +60 ˚C pose a threat to enzymes. At +80 ˚C, according to experts, sugar in honey is destroyed and hydroxymethylfurfural is formed. Scientists are convinced that prolonged heating of a beekeeping product leads to a complete loss of its antimicrobial properties. Honey undergoes such undesirable changes when heated. Honey and bees are one topic that deserves careful study.

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Shelf life of honey

The product can be stored in the hive itself for quite a long time. This is easily explained by the fact that favorable conditions have been created for this:

  • low humidity;
  • high sugar content;
  • high acidity of products.

In such conditions, no bacteria can survive. But if the product is not stored correctly, then all the beneficial substances in it are destroyed and turned into useless carbohydrates. the fermentation process begins in honey . But you can still try and create the necessary conditions for high-quality and long-term storage of the product.

Important! It is correct to store honey in barrels soaked in propolis, where it will retain all its beneficial properties even after ten years. This cannot be achieved in home storage conditions.

But I really want to keep honey in my apartment for at least a couple of years. This can be achieved if the right conditions are created for it. Therefore, this series of conditions should be considered.

Correct temperature

The optimal temperature to preserve the benefits of liquid amber is the one present in the hive. It is with this that the product lasts the longest. The ideal temperature for storing honey is 5–20 degrees above zero. If it increases even a little, the honey may darken and begin to taste bitter, and all the vitamins in the product will be completely destroyed.

If you have to store honey, it is best to do this in the cellar in a wooden tub with a lid or in a clay pot. This way it can stand for a long time without changing its properties. If you do not have a basement, then you can store the product in a room, but it should be maintained at an optimal temperature. But still, even in an apartment, you need to put a vessel with honey in a dark closet or drawer .

Can honey be stored in the refrigerator?

Storing honey in the refrigerator is only allowed when the room becomes hot enough. But the period of such storage should not exceed two weeks . After all, no expert can call the refrigerator the ideal place to store this useful product. And the reason for this is the low temperature, which can significantly spoil the beneficial qualities of the product and change its taste. In addition, condensation in the refrigerator can significantly affect the quality of honey. Therefore, it is very important to set the correct temperature before adding honey. And don’t forget that this delicious product easily absorbs odors from the refrigerator.

The question inevitably arises: how can you store honey in the refrigerator if there are so many negative aspects? But if there is no cellar, then the refrigerator will be just the perfect place for this. All that remains is to figure out how to properly place the treat in it. If the bee product is packaged in small containers, then they can be placed freely on the refrigerator door, and they will not take up much space, and will always be in sight.

If you have a three-liter jar of honey, it will be more convenient to place it on the shelf above the fruit.

It is equally important to ensure high-quality sealing of the container in which the product is stored. This must be done in order to avoid moisture and foreign odors getting into it. It is optimal if your refrigerator has a dry freezing function. This will greatly simplify the task of storing the product safe and sound. And, in addition, this will save you from the task of checking the humidity level in it every day.

What conditions are needed to store honey?

To preserve the structure of the substance and its beneficial properties, it is necessary to maintain stable temperature and humidity. The refrigerator is the most preferred place, especially if it supports a dry storage system.

The refrigerator is the most preferred place to store honey, especially if it supports a dry storage system

Taste, richness, and shelf life depend on proper storage. The optimal temperature for long-term storage is from -10 to 6 degrees.

Temperatures below the permissible level affect the structure of the mass. The honey begins to thicken and gradually hardens, and also acquires a light shade. The beneficial properties are preserved.

Room temperature above 6 degrees has a worse effect on the condition of the tasty delicacy. Honey indoors quickly darkens, begins to separate, acquires a bitter taste and can even cause poisoning.

The main thing is to stick to one temperature setting. The settings on the refrigerator panel are usually suitable for storage by default. Changing them frequently will not benefit the sweet treat, or other products either.

Storing honey in the refrigerator

Bright light sources pose one of the greatest dangers. Light destroys natural components and enzymes, depriving the substance of its beneficial properties and sugaring the product.

If you keep honey in the refrigerator in a suitable container, it will be protected and retain its value as a medicine and treat.

Air humidity in the storage area should not exceed 75%. A cool, dry place meets this requirement, especially refrigerators.

If a small amount of water collects on the walls of the refrigerator, it is best to wipe them down as needed.

The compartments for vegetables and fruits are suitable for storing honey in the refrigerator. They are usually designed so as not to come into contact with other odor-emitting products and are protected from moisture.

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Surprisingly, honey in honeycombs has no expiration date. The product can sit in bee hives for hundreds of years without spoiling. Of course, when it is removed from the honeycomb, it loses this property. At home, a sweet delicacy can retain its original qualities for one to two years.

The storage location for honey must meet certain criteria. In winter, it is unacceptable to keep the product on the balcony or in a cold corridor, otherwise it will suddenly become unusable. It is also not advisable to store the treat in a heated room, otherwise it will lose many of its beneficial properties.

If the optimal temperature regime is not observed, honey quickly deteriorates. If the ambient temperature drops below -20 degrees, it hardens and crystallizes. If the room temperature exceeds 20 degrees, it loses its structure and nutrients. The optimal storage temperature is from -5 to 10 degrees.

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Humidity level

Make sure that the humidity level in the storage area does not exceed 60%. Honey has hygroscopic properties, so it actively absorbs moisture from the air. A room that is too damp is not suitable for storage.

Foreign odors

It is not advisable to keep containers with honey near strong-smelling foods and substances. Pesticides, flammable and caustic substances can affect the taste of honey even in a short time. So do fish, vegetables with a strong smell, spices, bananas or vinegar.

Effect of light

Honey should not be exposed to light, be it the rays of the sun or diffuse lighting. The fact is that light triggers certain chemical processes in the molecules of a substance, as a result of which enzymes and other useful components are destroyed. Be sure to keep the jar of treats in a dark place, otherwise they will spoil in just a few days.

Storage conditions for this product are determined by parameters such as temperature, humidity and exposure to light. Each of them deserves separate consideration.

We are accustomed to thinking that honey itself is an excellent preservative and cannot spoil. Indeed, it contains enzymes that prevent bacteria from multiplying. Moreover, during the first year, fermentation processes continue. But! Only if it is stored at the optimal temperature.

So at what temperature is it best to store honey?

  • The optimal range is considered to be from minus 6 to plus 20 degrees;
  • If it is higher, the vitamins contained in the product will begin to be destroyed. And as a result of accelerated fermentation, the toxic substance hydroxymethylfurfural will begin to form in it;
  • If you store honey in the refrigerator, it will quickly lose its viscosity and its color and taste will change. But the beneficial properties will remain;

Photo of fresh honey, stored in a cool place for several weeks

  • At temperatures above plus 40 degrees, most vitamins are destroyed immediately. And you get a tasty, but practically useless product. We often make it this way with our own hands by heating the frozen delicacy in a water bath;
  • Having chosen the storage temperature, it is better not to change it. This will adversely affect crystallization - it will be uneven.

Thus, we can conclude that too high a temperature is much worse than low temperature. This means the answer to the question whether honey can be stored in the cold will be positive.

The best place is the refrigerator door, where the temperature stays around 5 degrees

Moreover, the answer to the question whether honey can be frozen will be just as affirmative. It will become hard, but will hardly lose its beneficial qualities. Another thing is that this is simply not necessary.

Condition 2. Light

Sun rays are very harmful to this product, as they destroy inhibin, the enzyme responsible for its antimicrobial properties.

Honey should not be exposed to light

In addition, they heat the container. We have already talked about the effect of high temperatures. Therefore, the instructions recommend keeping this delicacy in a light-proof container or simply in a dark place.

Humidity is one of the indicators of maturity.

  • For a mature product it is less than 21%!, and it can be stored at a temperature of 10-20 degrees;
  • Unripe honey has a humidity level above 21%!, and it is stored only in a cool place with a temperature of up to 10 degrees.

This parameter is measured by a special device - a refractometer. If you are a true connoisseur of honey and buy it in large quantities with a year's supply, then it is advisable to purchase such a device. It will help you choose a high-quality mature product that is guaranteed not to ferment.

The price of a refractometer for measuring humidity is about 3,000 rubles

But honey can also absorb moisture from the environment, which leads to a deterioration in its quality and shelf life. Therefore, it must be tightly closed. This is necessary for another reason: in addition to moisture, the product also perfectly absorbs foreign odors.

Is it possible to freeze honey?

If the product is so difficult to store, then maybe it should be frozen? As most professionals in this field say, nothing bad will happen to the product when frozen. If you keep the product in the freezer, it will only crystallize and will not lose its healing properties. So the answer to the question: is it possible to freeze honey is unequivocal - you can.

The product will begin to lose its beneficial properties only at a temperature of minus 35 degrees. Therefore, it cannot be frozen to this temperature. Yes, this is impossible at home. And freezing honey to minus 20 degrees is completely safe for the product. It is worth remembering that the optimal temperature for honey to freeze is six degrees below zero. At this time, the crystallization processes in it slow down. And this should be done in small containers that will be hermetically sealed.

When the treat is needed, it will be enough to melt it in a water bath and can be used for food. The main thing is not to overheat it, otherwise the sugar will caramelize. And remember that honey cannot be re-frozen after defrosting.

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Even minor little things can cause a spoiled product and wasted effort on preserving it:

  • Honey absorbs all surrounding odors well. A container that is not tightly closed or close proximity to odorous foods (for example, fish, onions, fresh herbs) significantly spoils the taste and natural aroma.
  • If a container of product is exposed to direct sunlight for more than 40 hours, it can most likely be thrown away as it becomes available for microbial growth.
  • Sudden temperature changes negatively affect the color and structure of the mass. This is fraught with rapid sugaring and loss of taste. If the refrigerator is chosen as the storage location, it is best not to change anything.
  • If the container is not covered with a lid and left for a long time, the delicacy will begin to absorb moisture from the air and ferment.
  • After a certain time, the natural process of crystallization begins in honey; it may thicken or darken. This does not mean that the product is spoiled. If all storage conditions are met, then you can simply stir the mass to restore the structure.

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Why does honey foam?

Bubbles or foam that suddenly appear on the surface of liquid honey are alarming and make you doubt the quality of the product.

There may be several reasons for such surprises:

  • The beekeeper's dishonesty. Not everyone can distinguish natural honey from fake honey. Some sellers dilute good bee nectar with sugar syrup to increase sales. The beneficial properties are lost, but the appearance and taste are preserved. Over time, it becomes foamy, heterogeneous and unsuitable for medicinal purposes. This product can only be used for making desserts.
  • Poor filtration. If a white coating with small particles of bee products appears on the surface of the treat, do not be alarmed. This is an indicator of the naturalness of honey and does not affect the quality and taste. This foam is removed with a spoon and the product is left for further use in the refrigerator.
  • Fermentation process. Dense white foam, similar in consistency to soap, means advanced fermentation processes. This is facilitated by violation of storage rules - a loosely closed container, high humidity, failure of the temperature regime. Such honey becomes unsuitable for human consumption and absolutely unhealthy.
  • A variety with high glucose content. Some types of delicacies collected from different apiaries differ in their qualities. A porous white layer on the surface means that the variety is saturated with glucose, this does not affect the quality and taste of the product. This honey just needs to be mixed well from time to time and stored only in a cool place.

What is the shelf life of churchkhela, how to transport the delicacy without a refrigerator?

To reduce the risk of receiving a low-quality product, it is better to contact proven apiaries with good recommendations. Conscientious beekeepers have certificates and value their reputation.

Delamination occurs at different periods of storage at home, even if the product is in the refrigerator. The separation of the mass into two layers begins due to the high glucose content.

It settles at the bottom in the form of crystals, and a liquid layer of fructose remains on top. The crystallization process does not affect the quality; the mass returns to its normal state after thorough mixing.

Also, the thickness and viscousness of candied honey can be restored by heating it in a water bath. If there is a lot of product in the container, then you only need to heat up the amount of treat that is needed at the moment. The remaining mass is stored in the refrigerator or other suitable place.

Wooden barrels are an excellent option for storing honey.

Why does honey foam?

After a certain time, the natural process of crystallization begins in honey; it may thicken or darken.
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Correct containers are the key to successful storage

When choosing containers for laying out the product, you should be especially careful. First of all, it must be completely safe for humans and not react with the treat. It is ideal to store the product in glass jars or containers. Such dishes are completely safe for storage and the delicacy will be stored in it for a very long time. But the cost of such packaging is quite high, and during transportation or careless movement it can easily break.

How long is a cellular product stored?

Most often, it is the honey in the combs that is placed in the refrigerator so that it does not leak out. After all, there is nothing tastier in the world than a delicacy in a honeycomb. And storing them is quite simple; all you have to do is cut the honeycombs into large pieces and place them in containers. After closing the lids, you can safely place the containers in a dark, cool place , where the product will last for quite a long time. You should not put such a delicacy in the refrigerator; it will not lose its properties, however, it will lose its charm.



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