TOP 5 reasons why you should not drink sea water

Our planet is almost 70% water, which, along with air, is an essential condition for life. Without oxygen, a living creature dies in a few minutes, and without water - in a few days. The balance of fluid in the human body, which, by the way, also consists of 70% water, must be maintained constantly. But this does not mean that you can drink whatever you want. The ideal option is water from a spring or well, or, in extreme cases, from the tap, passed through a purifying filter. If necessary, you can drink rain and melt water, use mineral water and even distillate to quench your thirst. But the question of whether it is possible to drink sea water still remains open.

History knows examples when it helped people avoid death. But there are other facts indicating that water from the sea was the cause of death. Answering the question whether it is possible to quench thirst with such a liquid, scientists are categorical: no, and again no. But sea water is quite capable of maintaining the vitality of the body for a short time.

Salt liquid phenomenon

If you dilute table salt in drinking water and try to drink the solution, then this procedure will definitely not bring pleasure.

Try replacing your usual drinks with this liquid during the day, and by the evening you will feel not only thirsty, but also unwell.

Everything is correct, because your body, along with moisture, has received salt, which significantly complicates the work of internal organs. Its presence in the body can be fatal to humans if measures are not taken in time. That is, do not reduce concentration. This can be done using ordinary water.

It has been proven that for the normal functioning of the human body it is necessary to drink at least 2-3 liters of liquid per day. This means water or drinks that do not contain salt. They are needed in order to dissolve those microelements that entered the body with food and remove their excess along with urine. It is not surprising that after salty and spicy food a person always wants to drink: this is how the protective mechanism “works”, which regulates the level of chemicals in the blood.

Now imagine that instead of pure water, your body receives a saline solution, which leads to an increase in the concentration of substances. They are not excreted along with urine and accumulate in organs that are responsible for a wide variety of processes. Naturally, disruptions in their work will begin, which over time can lead to serious disorders. The result is death.

Sea water is no exception in this regard, but it has its own characteristics. This is not just a saline solution, it is a concentration of a wide variety of chemicals.

There is a theory that salty seas and oceans were formed on our planet from rivers, which, flowing into the lowlands, washed away all sorts of minerals from the soil along the way.

Thus, sea water today contains almost the entire periodic table, so drinking such liquid at first gives unexpected results. In particular, sea water:

  • nourishes the brain;
  • supports metabolic processes in the body;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • supplies microelements to the blood that are necessary for synthesis processes.

It would seem that such a liquid is very useful, and it can safely replace spring water. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It has been proven that drinking sea water instead of fresh water without serious damage to the human body is possible only during the first 24 hours. Then the concentration of chemical elements in the blood begins to exceed permissible limits, which leads to general intoxication. And this is against the backdrop of thirst, which such liquid cannot quench.

What are the harms of salt water?

To explain the harm of sea or ocean water, it is necessary to know its chemical composition and the characteristics of the human body. It is capable of processing no more than 20 grams of salt per day. Therefore, salt solutions of high concentration cause significant harm to the body.

Salt concentration

An increased concentration of the salt composition of sea water (up to 40 grams in 1 liter) causes increased work of the kidneys and sweat glands. If consumed, only fresh water ensures the removal of salts from the body. If this is not possible, then the body rebuilds itself and begins to take fluid from the tissues. This situation causes dehydration, resulting in a malfunction of all organs and systems in the body. This is the first and main reason why you should not drink liquids with a high salt composition.

Chlorides and sulfates

Sea water contains nutrients (metals, sulfates and chlorides). In a minimal dosage they are beneficial, but in large quantities they become poison for the cells and tissues of the body. Intoxication is the second reason why you should not drink liquids with a high concentration of micro and macroelements.

Sodium sulfate

This component is used in medical practice as a laxative. In this case, it increases dehydration, and irreversible processes will occur in the internal organs that disrupt their functionality.

What happens if you drink sea water regularly

The answer to this question is given by numerous experiments, the results of which can be interpreted in two ways. Of course, a liquid rich in chemical elements is very important for the human body, as it allows you to easily and quickly solve the issue of saturating the blood with necessary substances. After all, their lack is just as dangerous as their excess.

It has been proven that sea water strengthens teeth, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a beneficial effect on vision and the brain. But only until the concentration of the substances contained in it reaches a critical level in the human body. Therefore, it is impossible to completely replace fresh water with sea water, as a person will die. But this gift of nature should be used from time to time to prevent various diseases. Such water is no less useful than mineral table water, which also contains an increased concentration of various substances and is taken 100-200 ml before meals to affect certain organs.

However, it should be noted that this rule does not apply to all living organisms.

While studying whether birds can drink seawater to survive, scientists came to an unexpected discovery. It turns out that a whole group of birds that live on the sea coast have completely abandoned fresh water. The body of the same gull or cormorant has become so adapted to salt that birds have no need for fresh moisture. Moreover, if such birds have problems with nutrition, sea water helps them satisfy their hunger and support the body at the chemical level.

Is there any harm from sea water?

There are opinions that due to sea water, dry skin can occur, as well as allergies and can even cause burns. There is some truth in this, but not too much.

Sea water has the ability to dry out the skin. This occurs due to droplets remaining on the body. The droplets work on the principle of a lens, concentrating the sun's rays, which is why the skin dries out. The droplets cause burns. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to wipe your skin with a towel after swimming.

Sea water makes the skin more sensitive, so many people are familiar with the discomfort from sea salt. How to eliminate the discomfort and itching that remains after bathing? The discomfort goes away after a shower, washing away traces of salt.

Swimming in the sea can be harmful only if you have an allergy to sea water (which, as a rule, is caused by waste products of various aquatic inhabitants dissolved in water) or hypersensitivity to sea salt. In all other cases, if the salt remains on the skin, it helps strengthen its immunity as a kind of mask.

So why shouldn't you drink sea water?

There are at least five reasons that should give pause to anyone who decides to include this liquid in their diet. 1 liter of sea water contains approximately 35 g of salt, which is 10 g more than a person’s daily need for this substance. It is not difficult to guess what will happen if you systematically exceed this norm. For those who are far from medicine and biology, it is necessary to decipher the processes that occur in the body clogged with salt. Here are the main reasons why you shouldn't do this:

  • sea ​​water, paradoxically, dehydrates the body. It would seem that this is impossible if you drink the same 2-3 liters of liquid per day, but only salty. However, our body needs it in order to break down and remove excesses of a wide variety of substances. When the concentration of salt in the body increases, and the volume of fluid entering the body remains approximately the same, the process of drawing water from various organs begins, which inevitably leads to disruption of their functioning;
  • digestive system disorder. One of the first symptoms that sea water has begun to destroy the body is the development of diarrhea. This is explained by the fact that salt in a short period of time (no more than one week) can completely destroy the microflora of the stomach and intestines. This means that not only pathogenic bacteria die, but also microorganisms that participate in the process of digesting food. As a result, the process of its breakdown and absorption slows down, a liquid substance with signs of fermentation enters the intestines, which causes not only diarrhea, but can cause progressive peptic ulcers;
  • development of kidney dysfunction, which acts as filters for the whole body. Salt entering the blood from the fluid “clogs” the kidneys, in which salt stones form. As a result, the body's filters simply stop working;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system, which is expressed in hallucinations, mental disorders, aggression. Drinking exclusively salt water for several days is the shortest path to madness;
  • fatal outcome if sea water is consumed for more than 5-7 days.

Does sea water have healing properties for human health?

What is sea water - its physical properties and composition

Today, sea water treatment is called thalassotherapy, but even before such fashionable terms appeared, its abilities were known and widely used by people.

Even the famous Hippocrates prescribed marine procedures to his patients. But over time they forgot about it.

The amazing power of sea water became popular again in the 18th century in Germany.

Then, regardless of the complaint, the patient received a ticket to the sea and, what was most surprising, there was almost always a significant improvement in health.

Sometimes they say about harmful foods that they contain the entire periodic table. They also talk about sea water, but only in this case the meaning is exclusively positive. The minerals it contains are in ionized form. This is precisely what explains the alkalizing effect it has on the body, because there are already more than enough oxidizing agents that destroy the body’s cells.

The positive effect of sea water on the body is explained by the content in it:

  1. sodium chloride, which helps normalize the acid-base balance in the body, rejuvenates and strengthens the skin;
  2. calcium, which prevents depression, fights negative moods, and also improves blood clotting, restores the condition of connective tissues, destroys infections and harmful bacteria;
  3. magnesium, which copes well with swelling, has a relaxing effect on muscles, helps normalize metabolism, and prevents the development of allergies;
  4. potassium, which cleanses cells and ensures they receive enough nutrients;
  5. chlorine, which is involved in important processes such as the formation of blood plasma and gastric juice.

Noteworthy is iodine, which rejuvenates cells and regulates cholesterol levels in the blood; chlorine, which is great for calming; sulfur, which destroys fungi and generally has a positive effect on health; zinc, which prevents the development of cancerous tumors, as well as manganese, copper, iron and other substances, thanks to which sea water has a truly magical effect on the body of any person.

It is important! Sea water is very similar in composition to human plasma. Perhaps this is what explains its positive effect on the body.

How is sea water useful and for what diseases is it useful?

Sea water treatment is very effective, beneficial and pleasant.

You just need to plunge into it and relax.

In just a couple of minutes, tension will begin to go away, pain will decrease, the skin and muscles will receive tone and additional energy, the heart rate will return to normal, and changes in blood and intracranial pressure will no longer bother you.

The beneficial substances contained in sea water enter the body through the skin. Therefore, there is no need to wash immediately after bathing. On the contrary, it is better to lie down, lie down, take a nap, and take a shower no earlier than 5-8 hours later.

Sea bathing is indispensable in the treatment of wounds and bruises, fungal diseases, exhaustion, gout, colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, osteochondrosis, arthritis, colds, dental and gynecological problems.

Note! Sea water is one of the best remedies against toxic poisoning, including those caused by excessive alcohol consumption.

For the fair sex, the ability of sea water to combat cellulite is very valuable.

It is indispensable for the skin, perfectly cleanses it at the cellular level, increases elasticity, and removes toxins and waste from the body. There is also a significant strengthening of nails, improved hair growth, elimination of fine wrinkles, etc.

Even professional cosmetologists admit that just half an hour of bathing replaces a full-fledged SPA session.

The role of the massage therapist is performed by waves that gently knead the muscles, stimulate the regeneration of tissues and vessel walls, and cause blood flow to the internal organs.

Each bath is equal to a professional hydromassage session. Literally immediately the muscles begin to tighten, the body spends energy much more actively, which means that excess calories are lost faster and without any difficulty at all.

Yes, yes, and this despite the fact that you can just lie in the water and do nothing!

Alas, not everything is as good as it might seem at first glance. All of the above abilities of sea water simply cannot be preserved in it if a couple of dozen people are swimming in an area of ​​several square meters at once.

It should also be taken into account that sea water is different.

There is a lot of water on the globe, but not all of it is useful.

Which sea is useful?

Let's say right away that swimming in any sea water is useful, unless it is contaminated with toxins and various harmful substances. But at the same time, each sea has its own characteristics.

This sea has always been and remains the best in terms of treating diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Few people know, but even Anton Chekhov, who was not only a great Russian writer, but also a doctor by training, regularly traveled to Yalta, and in his memoirs he described the amazing effect of sea water and air filled with the aromas of salts and pine trees.

The healing abilities of the Black Sea water are explained by the combination of a moderate amount of salt, an abundance of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide and a huge number of negatively charged ions, which, by the way, are what pine waters saturate it with.

It is recommended to go to the Black Sea for those suffering from problems with the nerves and cardiovascular system.

  • Sea of ​​Azov

Few people will believe it, but this sea is considered one of the most useful in the world. As many as 92 elements of the periodic table are present in its water.

The main active ingredients are iodine, bromine and hydrogen sulfide. The main positive effect is on metabolism.

And the fact that there are steppes around the sea explains why it is so easy for those suffering from pulmonary diseases to breathe here.

How to desalinate water while camping

Of course, no one is immune from unforeseen situations, and each of us may be faced with a choice - to die of thirst or try to quench it with salty liquid. Both options are unacceptable, as they will lead to death. But trying to desalinate sea water using available means is still within the power of any person.

This can be done at home by simply evaporating the liquid and then collecting the distillate. But while traveling, if you suddenly find yourself without a source of drinking water, you can resort to a very simple procedure.

In order to obtain life-giving moisture from sea water, you will need two containers of different diameters. Ideally, regular camping bowls and cauldrons are suitable. But in their absence, you can use whatever is at hand, including halves of coconut shells. So, you need to pour water from the sea into the larger container, and put a smaller container inside. So that it does not float to the surface, but is approximately half immersed in the liquid, a pebble should be placed at the bottom of a small container. The result is a very simple and convenient design for distillation under natural conditions.

How does it work? Quite simple, you just need to cover both containers with a lid so that moisture does not evaporate into the atmosphere, and then place the entire structure in the sun. Under its influence, salt water will gradually begin to turn into steam, which, in the absence of other options, will settle on the surface of the second container. Thus, in a few hours in hot weather you can get about 1 liter of fresh water suitable for drinking. Don't expect it to have a great spring taste. But in extreme situations you can quench your thirst with such liquid without harm to your health. The distillate obtained in this way is suitable for consumption for several days, after which it becomes an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms.

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