Ready-made hair equipment for carp

One of the most popular baits for carp fishing is corn. Therefore, we will tell you in as much detail as possible about the various ways to use this plant bait for carp fishing. Naturally, we’ll also talk about how best to cook corn so that even a picky and well-fed carp will be tempted by it.

You can get a good carp bite if you fish with corn

Corn for carp fishing

Quite a long time ago, fishermen discovered that carp love the taste and smell of corn. Therefore, already in the last century, baits and baits made from corn were actively used by carp fishermen. And in a variety of options. Today we can even say about corn that it is the main “dish” on the carp table.

In confirmation, it is enough just to list all the options for this bait. So, it is customary to catch carp using:

  • fresh;
  • food (canned);
  • fermented;
  • steamed;
  • boiled;
  • artificial;
  • special and branded (in the form of finished fishing products).

You can use canned corn to catch carp.

So there can be no doubt that corn is the most common bait for carp fishing. Why? To answer this question, we simply list a number of its main characteristics:

  • characterized by accessibility and low price;
  • has a bright and rich smell, color and taste that fish like;
  • combines well with other components, which allows you to use corn in various bait options;
  • holds well on a hook or on a hair rig;
  • easily impregnated with various dips and attractants, maintaining an attractive aroma for a long time;
  • can be subjected to different cooking methods, each of which changes the degree of its softness and much more. etc.

At the same time, it should be noted that carp take well to corn at any time of the year. Even in winter, when they fish from the ice.

If necessary, you can use artificial corn

In addition, no matter what gear you choose for carp fishing, this attachment will fit perfectly. Whether it’s a float rod, feeder or carp gear, a masthead, a “nipple”, a spring, etc.

In addition to all of the above, corn grains are added to bait mixtures. A special porridge called mamalyga is also made from corn. It can be so dense in consistency that fishermen use it as a dough-like bait, or fill feeder and bottom feeders with it.


The use of fermented wheat and corn is a very common technique and, according to many anglers, extremely effective. My interest in this product gradually increased. For subjective reasons, in most cases my fishing trips turned out to be spontaneous; there was no way to prepare for the session in a few days. Apparently, the stars finally aligned in the sky, and for the first time in a long time, I had almost a week to prepare for fishing.

According to preliminary information, the reservoir that I planned to visit is densely populated with crucian carp and carp of various sizes. Fishing for carp is a higher priority for me and there couldn't have been a better time to experiment with fermented corn. A ready-made product from several manufacturers is available for sale, but I was interested in preparing such an exotic component of the bait diet myself.

PREPARATION PROCESS Not having my own experience in fermenting products, I consulted with comrades who have been interested in carp fishing for many years and know first-hand how to properly prepare and use this product. Having collected preliminary information, I slightly adapted the recipe, replacing some ingredients with those that were available, and began the procedure itself.

The event began with preparing the grain, which I separated from dry corn cobs. After rinsing thoroughly, I filled them with hot water in the evening and left them like that. The next day, after 12-14 hours, I drained the liquid, dissolved a full (heaped) tablespoon of honey in warm boiled water, poured this sweet syrup over the corn and set it to simmer over low heat. Not knowing the exact cooking time, I decided to navigate the situation, determining the degree of readiness myself. After boiling the dish for 45-50 minutes, I removed it from the stove. The grains remained hard, but pressing with a finger could crush them. I think this is the necessary condition.

Using a colander, I separated the corn from the liquid and placed it in a bottle. The resulting syrup with a distinct smell of honey and corn was cooled a little, diluted with water to increase the volume and two more tablespoons of honey were dissolved in it, as well as four tablespoons of beet molasses. Then I added 20 grams. dry yeast and began to rub the resulting lumps with a spoon. These ingredients will not only ensure the fermentation process, but will also give my corn a pleasant aroma for the carp. I poured the resulting solution over the grains so that they were completely covered with liquid. After shaking the entire contents of the bottle, I poured in a little vegetable oil, which spread in an even layer on the surface, which theoretically would reduce the access of oxygen and thus create more favorable conditions for fermentation. Closing the bottle with a nylon cap, I placed it on the windowsill. This is where the long-term process of magical preparation of fermented corn will take place. After three days, I drained all the liquid and poured the corn into a plastic container. The grains acquired a specific aroma, and the total volume increased significantly relative to their original appearance.

BAIT Of course, I plan to focus on corn in this unusual form. The faith in the success of the experiment is so great that I went fishing without my usual canned corn. In case my treat is not as effective as they say, I will use other baits from the available assortment, including large maggots, red worms and boiled pearl barley with a distinct citrus aroma. I am sure that by combining the above baits with each other, I will be able to find that very treat that local fish will not be able to refuse!

PURPLE TREATS The highlight of today's bait program will be fermented corn, but the traditional bulk mixture should also be given due attention. Choosing bait for an upcoming fishing trip is always difficult, but interesting. On the one hand, the hand reaches out to positions that have previously shown themselves to be successful, but at the same time, new, untested ones attract attention. This time I opted for products. Perhaps this company represents the widest range in a variety of price categories. As the main component, I took two packages of Protein Carp Purple Gold series. First of all, I was captivated by the incredibly rich fruity aroma. When I supplement the mixture with other positions, soil and other components, this smell will still dominate the bait. I also couldn’t help but notice the original color of the mixture; I had never seen anything like it before. In the same quantity I added the Big Fish position from the more budget Pro Competition series. This composition has a less intense citrus aroma, which will serve as an excellent complement, and the content of large pieces of red and yellow crackers will be a good attracting factor for curious carp.

Having mixed these two items, I began to gradually add water from the pond to the bait, refusing to use additional flavorings. In order for the large components of the mixture to be saturated with water as efficiently and evenly as possible, moistening was carried out in three stages, with an interval of 15 - 20 minutes. As expected, the aroma fully developed, becoming more intense and rich, and the total volume of bait increased significantly. Having rubbed the mixture through a sieve with a four-millimeter mesh, I crushed all the lumps that formed during moistening and additionally saturated it with air, making it fluffier and more “breathable.”

EQUIPMENT Once again I give the palm to the match fishing rod. This is a technically complex, but extremely effective tackle that you cannot get bored of or dislike. I find accurate depth measurement to be the most difficult to master. In cases where the fish is not picky and equally actively attacks the bait in different layers of water, this nuance is not noticeable, but in other situations, when every five centimeters are important, the importance of accurate “depth sensing” is fully revealed. I have repeatedly had the opportunity to sit for precious minutes waiting for a bite, while the fish stood firmly on the spot and happily absorbed the bait without touching the bait. The result was achieved only after the depth was properly adjusted. For all its intricacy, the match is very effective. If you need to make long casts on a still body of water, it is difficult to find an alternative.

For today's fishing, I prepared a Milo Gold Valley Toledo Carp match rod, consisting of three sections with a total length of 4.2 meters. This is a fairly strong, reliable blank that allows you to easily cope with the resistance of strong fish. Under high loads, the rod reveals its full potential, starting to bend almost at the very handle. Expecting to make long casts (40 m or more), I was forced to replace the spool with a line with a diameter of 0.22 mm, usual for carp fishing, with a more delicate option - only 0.16 mm. This will reduce the strength of the equipment, but will allow you to reach such a considerable distance.

I tied the leashes from 0.14 fishing line with lengths of 20, 27, and 35 cm. I will start fishing with a medium size, and if necessary, I will change it. I use Katana 1130 No. 12 hooks from Maver. The float was 14 grams, with an antenna on a thin graphite leg. Most likely, such sensitivity is not needed here, moreover, it is likely that it will be a little excessive. But this will give me the opportunity to change antennas during fishing, allowing me to select the color to match the shade of the water surface and adjust the thickness of the antenna depending on the bait used.

INTRODUCTION TO THE RESERVOIR Despite its small area, the reservoir turned out to be quite wide - eighty meters separate me from the opposite bank. The shore is flat, densely overgrown with grass, and ends in a steep approach to the water. I positioned myself in the shallower part of the pond, at the fishing spot the depth is approximately 2 m, it gradually decreases to the left, reaching 4-5 m at the dam itself. Getting ready to catch larger specimens, I was afraid to bet on the close range and decided to fish at the far end. By making a mark on the line with a white marker, I determined the distance to be 38 m. The thick, bright red hollow antenna provides excellent control of the float. I measured the depth in such a way that a light saddle with a swivel lay at the bottom.

UNDERWATER FIRE had at its disposal more than 9 liters of ready-made bait and 2.5 liters of fermented corn. It was necessary to set a sufficiently high-quality and appetizing bait table for fish. I decided from the start to send 6 liters of “bulk” and about 2 liters of corn to the fishing point. It is not possible to deliver grains in bulk from a slingshot over such a distance (at least my slingshot does not allow me to do this), so I mixed them with bait and shot standard “sausages” at the fishing point. It is worth noting that this activity is very tedious and slow. Of course, for carp, a well-known lover of a hearty meal, this food will be enough for a matter of minutes, especially if the pleasant aroma is seduced by large-sized individuals, and I will not be able to keep the trophy fish at the fishing point. But there is every chance that the fish will be suitable for bait.

EXPECTATIONS AND HARSH REALITIES Having baited two large grains of fermented corn on a hook, I sent the equipment to the baited place. The float froze on the smooth surface of the pond. The minutes of waiting drag on agonizingly... 10 minutes passed, 15... Obviously, the inhabitants of the pond have already forgotten about the hype created by active feeding, and serenity reigns under the water again. But the float does not show the slightest hint of a bite, and it is increasingly difficult for me to maintain a pause between recasts. I change the number of grains, the method of attaching them, add boiled pearl barley - still no result. I put five maggot larvae on the hook - after a few minutes the float squatted for a moment and then rose high. A hundred grams of crucian carp scored this classic bite. Such a catch brings neither joy nor peace. I re-bait the maggot, and there’s a bite again. This time it’s single, there’s no doubt about it – it’s a crucian carp again, so you should forget about the bunch of maggots. Not believing in success myself, I bait three small worms and, of course, I get a crucian bite again. This was quite expected, and I took such a step, rather, for peace of mind - to know that in search of success I had tried all the available baits.

If there is a crucian carp at the point, obviously there is no more respectable fish there, since large carp would instantly drive away their small relatives. I try to look for the desired trophy away from the bait table, casting either to the sides or a little further than the feeding point. All manipulations are unsuccessful. It's time to look for fish in the water column. I reduce the depth by 7-10 cm, wait for a bite, then reduce it again, and so on... At that moment, when my hook was 15-25 cm above the bottom, the float suddenly disappeared under the water. Not immediately, after about 10 minutes of waiting, but it happened - the long-awaited fish was on the hook!

The carp was not particularly large, but quite playful, so we had to tinker with it a little. But these are pleasant chores. Inspired by hope, I send the rig back into the water with a couple of new grains of corn. After all, it happened to me that a carp refused to bite from the bottom, and it was necessary to present it with bait, lifting it higher. After 10-15 minutes, a bite follows - another golden carp of the same size appears on the shore. There was confidence that the correct fishing horizon had been found and now the bites would become stable. But, to my chagrin, a new bite did not follow either immediately or after half an hour. All my changes in the location of the pellets, changes in depth and other tricks did not bring success. It turns out that I didn’t pick up any “key”, and the fish I caught turned out to be random. I decided to supplement the feeding by sending half of the remaining food into the water, and again there were agonizing minutes of no biting.

Already in despair, not hoping for success today, I lost my vigilance, my attention was dulled... Thinking about the reasons for the low activity of the fish, I completely forgot about the float, and then suddenly, from an energetic jerk, my rod almost flew off the stand. Grabbing it in panic, I felt the powerful resistance of the fish. I had never seen anything like this before, and against my will, I had to believe the stories about the missing fishermen’s fishing rods.

The opponent behaved with unusual energy, showing no signs of fatigue. Due to the small safety margin of the equipment, it is impossible to force the fishing, so I had to bring the fish to the shore several times and then remove the line from the reel again. I finally caught the fish, the trophy turned out to be grass carp. The specimen is not particularly large, but incredibly strong and persistent. The long minutes of waiting were compensated by an exciting fight. It was worth it.

No longer knowing whether to count on a second bite, I cast and began to wait. As expected, it did not come soon. The next few hours turned out to be quite boring and unproductive. During this time I received only a few empty crucian carp pokes. Another contact with a large fish again took me by surprise, but even despite the late hooking, it was hooked. The most powerful resistance instantly made me feel tired and drowsy. A strong opponent quickly moved to the side, pulling the fishing line from the spool. I decided to slow it down a little, tightened the friction brake of the reel and... got a break!

Even more distressing was the fact that it was the main line that failed, which led to the loss of not only the trophy, but also the entire equipment, including the float and its fastening. I can’t guess at what point the fishing line got damaged, but there was definitely some kind of abrasion on it if it wasn’t the leash that broke. Approximately, the area above the float mount gave the slack. A very annoying circumstance... There is still time to fish, but there was no desire to re-mount the equipment and measure the depth. Well, that means it’s time to slowly get ready to go home.

RESULTS In general, the overall positive impression of fishing was slightly overshadowed by the final cliff. Besides, frankly speaking, I wanted more bites. It was not possible to get a stable, systematic bite; every trophy seemed to be random. Of course, the main lesson of today's session is that the state of equipment should be more responsibly monitored in order to avoid such incidents with the loss of trophies and equipment elements.

As for fermented corn, this is definitely a working bait; the fish are interested in it. The only thing was that it seemed to me that my corn was a little tough, so in further experiments I will try to cook it longer. I hope that my first experiments in corn fermentation will be interesting and useful for readers. I will continue my experiments. See you on the shore, friends, and more good fishing to you!

Corn without additional processing

Carp fishing does not always require expensive baits in the form of boilies or pellets. For catching carp with corn, canned, fresh and fishing corn are suitable. All of these options can be purchased at the store without spending a large amount of money.

However, it is worth considering some nuances. For example, a jar of canned corn often contains damaged and small grains that are difficult to place on a hook. At the same time, such food attracts the picky carp little, but rather attracts relatively small fish - roach and crucian carp, which begin to actively peck, interfering with constant bites.

You can also use fresh corn for fishing without processing it.

Finished fishing products, on the contrary, are often large in size. When catching small fish, such corn has to be cut and crushed. In addition, corn kernels from carp food companies have a fairly tough skin. Only trophy carp can handle them.

Fresh corn is not always available in the store. Usually only in season - late summer and autumn. At the same time, young and milk grains require additional processing - fermentation or cooking.

Fermenting corn

The fermentation process requires yeast and sugar. The easiest way is to buy dry baker's yeast at the rate of 10 g per 1 kg of mixture. You can do less by prolonging the fermentation stage. But it’s no longer possible, so as not to ruin everything.

To prevent the yeast from floating on the surface, you need to stir it separately in warm (40 degrees Celsius) sugar syrup. Then the resulting mixture is added to the corn, which has cooled to the same temperature.

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After the grains are mixed with yeast, you can add honey or jam to the container for taste. The only question that remains is how to make the corn ferment? The peculiarity of this process is that the access of oxygen must be limited.

There are 2 simple methods:

  1. Pour a couple of teaspoons of sunflower oil on top. Simple, cheap and cheerful, but dirty. Everything will be greasy and slippery: dishes, hands, and bait.
  2. Prepare a check valve. This is a cleaner but time consuming solution. To do this, the container is sealed with a stopper with a flexible tube inside. The tube is led into another container with water. Gases will escape, and oxygen will not be able to enter.

You must wait until a persistent sour aroma appears, and the liquid in the container tastes like mash. After this, the corn is placed back on the stove. The fermentation process is stopped simply: the grains are brought to a boil and the gas is turned off. The yeast all dies, and the finished bait can be stored in vacuum bags in the refrigerator or frozen. It will retain its freshness for up to 2 months.

Fermented corn is especially attractive to fish. Such grains are used both as bait and as groundbait. The main objects of fishing are carp, carp, bream, roach, crucian carp - the most numerous species of non-predatory fish in our reservoirs.

Why fermentation is effective for catching fish

Fermentation is the transformation of a product by bacteria and fungi with the appearance of new protein structures, the creation of special odors and tastes that signal to the fish that this product (corn) is most easily digestible, and therefore preferable over all others. The fish will pay attention first of all to the soft fermented grain.

Stores sell so-called “dips” and “liquids”, which contain special enzymes that attract fish, as well as a considerable price. But enzymes with similar effects can be obtained at home almost free of charge.

But during production it is necessary to fit into technologies that have received positive experience in use, because each new portion will be unique. For example, it is not difficult to transform corn with yeast. Let's look at how this fish delicacy is made.

Fermentation of corn with bread yeast

It is better to pre-boil the corn than to keep the mash in an alcohol solution for too long to obtain the desired softness.

  • The corn is washed and soaked for 24 hours. Boil in boiling water for 40 minutes.
  • For 5 liters of corn filled with warm (30 degrees) water, add 20 - 30 grams of baker's yeast and 200 grams of sugar. Yeast and sugar are first dissolved in the water drained from the corn, then added to the fermentation container.
  • It is better to do fermentation in a bottle, on the neck of which you just need to put a punctured medical glove on it so that carbon dioxide comes out. If you use a wide container, then to stop the access of oxygen (mandatory), you will have to pour a layer of vegetable oil on top.
  • The bottle is placed in a warm place, after 2 days of fermentation with the release of gas without oxygen, the solution is drained, the corn is sometimes washed to remove excessive harshness or placed in other solutions...
  • To make it sweeter, more sugar is added during the fermentation process so that it remains undeveloped, to taste...
  • Store refrigerated; for long-term storage, freeze.

Fermentation of corn

Lactic acid bacteria also transform corn quite well. The result is fermented grains with a different smell and taste that fish are able to distinguish.

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Everything is done first, as in the previous case - the corn is soaked and boiled, then the water is drained, the grains are dried a little.

  • Warm 30 degrees kefir is added to the corn at the rate of 0.2 - 0.3 liters per 5 liters of grains, the rest is added with warm water so that it covers the grains. Fermentation is carried out for 2 days using conventional technology in a bottle.

Lactic acid bacteria transform grains, further soften them, and new amino acids are formed that are accessible to carp fish for perception.

Afterwards, the liquid is drained, but the grains are not washed, they are usually dried a little and in this form are used as an attachment.

Wine fermentation

You can add wine mash, the so-called “sourdough” in the language of winemakers, to the warm water with corn. Based on half a kilo of grapes or a kilo of plums + 200 grams of sugar per 5 liters of corn. As you know, wild wine yeast lives on grapes, which should begin fermentation.

But the timing of fermentation and its intensity may be different. Typically, pre-boiled grains are allowed to ferment actively for 3 to 5 days, after which the corn softens. According to some fishermen, the wine preparation of grains is the most attractive in taste and smell (but whether the fish think so is not known for sure...)

Using the EM drug

Various strains of bacteria are sold in finished form, for example to transform garden heaps. Can be used instead of yeast or wine fungi using the following technology

10 - 20 grams of EM preparation per 200 grams of sugar, pre-dissolved in a small amount of water, used for 5 liters of grains.

Cooking in a plastic bag

For fermentation, you can simply use a dense whole bag. It is enough to moisten the grains with a concentrated solution of microargonisms (without diluting with water) and spread them in a thin layer in a bag, for example, on a frying sheet that is placed horizontally so that the liquid does not flow into one corner. The bag is tied to prevent air from entering...

Improving Fermented Corn

Many experts believe that it is a good idea to sweeten the modified corn kernels additionally, or add flavors at your discretion. Honey is considered one of the best converters.

  • The finished fermented corn is poured with a minimum amount of warm water (+30 degrees), just enough to cover all the grains on top, then the water is drained, a teaspoon of honey is diluted in it per 1 liter and the grains are poured in again. Let stand for at least 6 hours. But more honey is never superfluous.

How to catch and feed

Fermented corn grains are used with any gear; they are popular both among float fishing lovers and feeder fishermen. Also in carp fishing, 2 - 4 pieces are selected for bait on the hair. the largest grains.

  • Catching carp with a fishing rod and feeder - corn is tied on a hair to a hook, 1 - 3 pieces each. In fact, hair installation is done.
  • Fishing for bream - corn is put on 1 - 2 pieces on a hook or tied with a thread to the fore-end.
  • For roach - one corn on a hook No. 14 - 16.

It is recommended to grind some of the fermented corn in a meat grinder and add it to the bait (up to 1/10 of the total volume) when fishing for crucian carp, roach and bream. Also, ground fermented grains are mixed with any dough and semolina. This bait is especially good for catching crucian carp.

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To feed carp, kilograms of whole fermented grains are usually used mixed with other grains, cakes, mixed feed...

Fermentation is the most common fermentation. Let’s immediately clarify the most important question - why do fish respect drunken (scientifically called “ fermented ”) corn ? There are two main, and one less important, factors of advantage over regular or even canned corn.

  1. Fermentation factor . The thing is that fermented foods are easier for the body to absorb. Accordingly, for example, carp can eat much more drunken corn than ordinary corn, which means it will stay longer at the feeding point.
  2. Naturalness factor . Acidified drunken corn causes less suspicion among fish, because anything edible that gets into the water can remain there for several days, or even weeks, before the fish notices it, and naturally becomes acidified. River inhabitants are already accustomed to stale food.
  3. Extra smell . Many people use attractants in their fishing trips, trying to lure fish with a tasty smell . Fermented or drunken corn will a priori already contain the natural attractant. The sour smell may not be pleasant to the human nose, but carp love it .

What is the best way to cook corn for carp?

Anglers are not limited to using only fresh or canned corn. Increasingly, carp anglers are fishing using steamed or fermented grains of this cultivated plant. Also, many carp fishing enthusiasts boil corn, soak it in dips and other aromatic liquids.

But it is impossible to say for sure which option for processing and preparing this nozzle is the best. After all, in each body of water, the taste preferences of carp are completely different. On one pond, he prefers fresh corn kernels, just picked and taken from the cob, while in another, the fish regularly bite only on corn that has been steamed or fermented.

Depending on where the carp is caught, it can bite on different types of corn.

Therefore, every carp fisher needs to know various ways to prepare corn for fishing.

Corn on the cob storage options

Most often, corn is stored on the cob for the winter. This approach allows you to preserve its sweetness, although it requires much more space, especially with an impressive harvest. The exposure option is selected depending on how long you plan to store the product at home:

Fridge. We clean the cobs from leaves and fibers and distribute them unwashed into plastic bags. We put the packages in the refrigerator using a separate tray or shelf. This corn is best eaten within three days. They will retain their freshness longer, but the desired sweetness in the beans will no longer be present.

Advice: This approach is absolutely not suitable for storing corn for making popcorn. Even with suitable humidity, the seeds will swell slightly and their skin will soften. This will negatively affect the cooking process and the final result.

  • Drying. We sort the corn, remove the fibers, do not cut the cobs, just open them. We hang the blanks in the attic or in another dry and well-ventilated room. You can place them separately or weave several braids, saving space.
  • Freezing. This approach allows you to store corn at home from a year to a year and a half. Before freezing corn for the winter, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations aimed at processing it. If you simply put the fresh product in the freezer, you will end up with tasteless rubber grains.

In addition, corn can be canned. There are many recipes that allow you to roll grains in their pure form or as part of ready-made dishes. Particularly popular today are preserves made from small ears of corn, which are even eaten together with the base.

Boiled and steamed corn

Every fisherman sometimes decides to test his culinary skills and prepare his own bait or bait. In our opinion, the simplest thing is to boil or steam the corn. After all, both cooking and steaming are simple procedures that any of us can do. Let's look at the features of preparing corn for successful carp fishing.

Let's start with how to cook corn bait.

  1. First of all, soak the grains in water. The longer, the softer it will become. It can even be for 2-3 days. Be guided by how large and hard the corn is.
  2. Next, cook in the same water in which the grains were soaked for 25-30 minutes. During the cooking process, we recommend adding sugar, honey, cinnamon, and vanilla. You can even have a little jam. All such ingredients will give a sweet smell and taste, which has a good effect on carp’s appetite.
  3. Let the corn cool. Essentially, your attachment is ready to use.

Before cooking corn, soak the kernels

Of course, this recipe can be changed in every possible way by introducing something new into it. For example, some fishermen practice boiling in milk. Other carp fishermen cook it together with cake. Some people add bran to boiling water with corn kernels. In general, it all depends on the fisherman’s imagination.

The steaming procedure is also simple. To do this you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Soak the corn for about a day. At the same time, in warm, but not hot water, which needs to be changed periodically. About every three to four hours.
  2. After soaking, put the corn kernels in a thermos. Only so that they do not occupy more than 1/3 or 1/4 of the total volume of the container.
  3. Next we add attractants or flavors. Just keep in mind that their taste should be sweet. After all, corn grains are a vegetable bait, so fruit, berry, chocolate, and other smells are more combined with it.
  4. Pour boiling water into the thermos. Let's close it. After a couple of hours the nozzle is ready.

You can either buy steamed corn or cook it yourself

Recipe 3 for any bait

You can ferment anything. Igor shares his fermentation recipe:

  • 1 kg of dry food is mixed with 300 ml of EM solution (12 ml of EM preparation, 8 ml of molasses and 280 ml of warm non-chlorinated water).
  • The mixture is placed for 5-10 days under anaerobic conditions* (for example, in a plastic bag) for fermentation.
  • The finished feed is mixed with regular feed in a ratio of 1:5.

*Anaerobic conditions are a process in which oxygen does not take part.

Fermented food is better digested by fish, resulting in a faster increase in live weight. Fermented food can be stored in an airtight container for up to one month, but it is best to use it as it is prepared.

Find out how to catch carp with boilies - choice of bait, correct equipment, fishing technique.

Recipes for preparing carp bait, which are also suitable for catching carp, tips on flavoring and the best ingredients in the video.

Share your recipes and experience in fishing with fermented corn and other baits, we will be happy to discuss this interesting topic.

Fermented corn

Not every angler has heard of what fermentation is. Therefore, first we will talk about this process, which, to put it simply, is fermentation. As a result, corn grains acquire a sour taste, which, oddly enough, is liked by carp.

At the same time, fermented corn emits a richer and brighter smell. That is, it is easier and faster for fish to find the bait on the bottom. The skin also becomes softer. Finally, another advantage of fermentation is that corn with high acidity is digested faster in the carp’s body. It turns out that he cannot get enough, but only begins to catch and feed even more actively.

Corn can be fermented in different ways. However, we will present the most popular:

  1. Fresh corn kernels are taken. Preferably from a young cob. They are then soaked in purified water for several hours (10 to 24).
  2. Let's move on to preparing the corn for further cooking. This procedure involves thoroughly rinsing the grains (again, purified water is best).

    You can use fermented corn to catch carp.

  3. The next step is to pour water into the pan. Pour corn and sugar into it (at the rate of 1 tbsp per liter).
  4. Cook for about an hour. It is ideal that the grains become soft, but do not fall apart and look like porridge.
  5. Drain the water from the pan. Transfer the corn into a plastic bottle with a narrow neck. Fill it with water and add flavorings. Honey is a great homemade product.
  6. To improve fermentation processes, add yeast (10 grams per liter). You can also have a glass of kefir.
  7. Mix everything thoroughly and shake the bottle several times. Then carefully pour vegetable oil on top. It will not allow air to pass through. There is no need to close the bottle - it is necessary for the gases from fermentation to escape. Just don’t forget about the storage conditions. A good temperature range is 16-22°C.
  8. The fermented corn bait will be ready in 3-4 days. That's when you can remove the grains from the bottle and use them for fishing. Believe me, this fermented version of the bait will rightfully be appreciated by carp, delighting you with confident bites.

If you don’t want to cook fermented corn yourself, you can buy it ready-made

Which corn to choose

Some anglers prefer not to bother with this process and use store-bought canned corn, which we often use for salads or as a side dish.
Its effectiveness in attracting carp is quite high, but carp, being a true gourmet, is not “led” to cheap products. For some reason, his favorite brand is Bonduelle.

Fermentation is achieved by fermenting grains and adding various attractants (flavors). Sour corn produces a powerful effect on carp, causing it to have a truly brutal appetite.

It is considered the best of baits, surpassing even boilies.

In addition to canned and fermented corn, carp can also be caught using raw corn. But they should only be of milk maturity. Of course, such bait is less effective, but it can still be useful.

The choice of corn depends on the fishing method and individual preferences. You can use the following types:

  1. Canned.
  2. Boiled.
  3. Raw.

Canned corn

To make your time on the pond a success, you can use the following grain options:

  • canned product;
  • boiled cobs;
  • unripe milk grains.

Canned corn

Even if fishermen all over the world start preparing bait, the result will be different for everyone. This is explained by the fact that for cooking everyone uses a variety of grains, which vary in quality, type of manufacturer and price category. The difference also lies in the size of the bait, its hardness and integrity.

This all applies to the canned foods you can buy at the grocery store.

In addition to store-bought canned corn, there is another one.

So, fishing stores sell special grains that are intended specifically for fishing. The composition contains special dyes and flavors that attract the catch.

Boiled cobs

Although stores offer a wide range of canned products, some fishermen still prefer to prepare their own bait.

There are simple explanations for this decision: many fishermen do not count on a successful purchase, but rely on their own culinary abilities.

Also, this method significantly saves money, because sometimes the volume of the nozzle is 10-15 liters.

Milk grains of unripe corn

Such grains have a delicious smell and piquant taste that attracts carp. This bait is placed on a hook, since it is not recommended to add raw bait to the mixture.

Once the corn is ready, it should be divided into two parts. One, much larger part, will be used as bait, the other will be used for bait.

Ideally, carp should be fed in the same place

within 2-3 days

to catch on the third or fourth. Why? The idea is to attract fish to the area you have chosen. It is advisable to feed the fish in this area even longer, for several days. It all depends on how much time you have to fish.

Most people go to work and only have a couple of days off to fish, only on special occasions having the opportunity to spend the night for a few days. If you're in this situation, it's a good idea to go two or three days early before you fish, find a good spot to fish, scout it, and drop most of your corn there.

I also can’t resist and, perhaps off-topic, will give a link to the two best ways and simplest recipes for preparing porridge - this is “Salapin porridge” and 2 more ways to cook porridge for fishing.

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