Why you can't use alkaline batteries in watches

Is there an expiration date?

Each battery has its own expiration date. The duration will depend on the type of battery and the conditions under which it is stored. The minimum period is for saline (from 2 to 4 years), and the maximum for alkaline (from 5 to 7 years). The battery is a galvanically independent source of direct current.

There are two types:

  • rechargeable (battery);
  • disposable (classic battery).

They serve as a source of energy, but due to the inevitable loss of charge, and many other components: material of manufacture, method of operation, storage temperature, capacity, they have limitations on their service life.

How does it differ depending on the species?

There are several types of batteries and each has its own expiration date. But for elements of the same type, it is the same for all manufacturers. The most popular are salt and alkaline batteries.

They are the same, but differ in the type of electrolyte. Therefore, the prices are slightly different.

Reference! Alkaline ones (which have alkaline written on them) are stored longer than salt ones, and have a larger capacity and are less discharged. At the same time, they have a higher cost.


Used for low energy consumption (alarm clock, clock, remote control). They are considered the simplest in terms of production technology. Manufacturers use manganese or zinc electrodes connected by a salt bridge. The electrolyte is ammonium chloride.

A salt battery holds a charge for no more than two years. Storing batteries for a long time leads to a loss of charge of up to fifty percent. If stored at low temperatures, the charge may disappear before use.


Alkaline - have high quality. They are very popular among other energy sources. Known to consumers as alkaline, containing an electrolyte based on potassium hydroxide. The electrodes are made of zinc or manganese.

High-performance batteries have a long service life, which is at least five years when used correctly. If the product is not used for a long time, the capacity gradually decreases.

It is important to know! In the description of the designation on alkaline batteries, the letter L is added, for example, the battery will be LR6 size.


Instead of aqueous electrolytes, current sources with higher energy characteristics and a wide range of operating capabilities have been developed. The greatest progress has been made in the development of lithium cells with organic and solid electrolytes.

Lithium battery has high energy density. Resists high loads (lightning, music system), and the charge lasts much longer (self-discharge 1-2% per year). Stable for 10 years or more due to the lack of water in the battery. Good tolerance to low temperatures.

Lithium power supplies are designed for devices operating at high power. The main component in its production is lithium. Manufacturers make the anode from different materials. Thanks to sophisticated production technology, the shelf life can be increased to 10–12 years.


Silver-zinc batteries, in terms of their technical indicators, prevail over similar devices of other types. They have high energy intensity, constant voltage and no toxicity.

The voltaic cell contains a zinc anode and a silver oxide cathode. The design uses an alkaline solution as an electrolyte. These may be potassium or sodium hydroxides.

These batteries are very small. Applicable in:

  • key rings;
  • hours;
  • calculators;
  • laptops.

Shelf life is from two to four years.

There are several manufacturers of silver-zinc batteries in the world . Main brands:

  • Sony.
  • VARTA.

Zinc air

Zinc air seals are characterized by high efficiency at low load. They are most often used in low-power, long-running devices such as hearing aids.

Advice! To keep the battery longer, you must keep the protective sticker to prevent air from entering before use.
Shelf life up to three years.

This section contains answers to questions about zinc air batteries for hearing aids.

1. How to properly replace the battery in a hearing aid?

Remove the protective film and WAIT 1 - 2 MINUTES. This is necessary to allow air to get inside the battery - only after this the battery will “gain” operating voltage (1.4 V). Air in this case serves as an electrolyte activator.

. Otherwise, follow the instructions for your hearing aid.

2. What is the service life of a zinc air battery?

It is impossible to accurately indicate the service life in days, since too many factors influence: the condition of the hearing aid, the duration of use of the device per day, temperature and humidity, and the level of background noise. For ZA675 the service life can be 8 - 21 days, for ZA10 4 - 8 days. It is important to remember: once the protective film is removed, the discharge process cannot be stopped! Gluing the film back will not do anything; use the device until the battery runs out.

3. How to store unused zinc air batteries?

It is optimal to store batteries in their original blister packaging at room temperature. Do not store batteries in the sun or in the refrigerator. Separate, unpackaged batteries cannot be stored together (in a pocket, bag, purse, etc.) - a short circuit may occur even with a protective film! Individual batteries should also not touch paper clips, keys, or other metal objects.

4. What is the operating voltage of the zinc air battery in the hearing aid?

Operating range under load: 1.1 - 1.4 Volts. When the voltage reaches 1.1 Volt, the device stops working, and it can emit a sound signal.

5. Why have many manufacturers stopped producing batteries for hearing aids? For the consumer, batteries were cheaper.

Perhaps the low price is the only advantage of the batteries. The fact is that the battery voltage constantly drops during operation (unlike a ZA battery, in which the voltage remains at approximately the same level until the battery is completely depleted). It is necessary to constantly adjust the device to achieve the necessary sound correction - this is often forgotten, which can lead to further hearing loss. This is why reputable hearing aid manufacturers recommend using zinc air batteries.

6. Many manufacturers indicate their capacity on battery packaging. It turns out that the higher this number, the better the batteries?

In theory yes, but in practice everything is a little different. The capacity value, measured in milliampere-hours (mAh), truly shows the estimated service life at strictly defined discharge parameters. When announcing the increased capacity of their batteries, some manufacturers do not disclose the method (standard) for calculating it, thereby misleading the consumer. Today, the most common international standardization systems are the American ANSI and the European IEC.

For reference: the capacity of RENATA zinc air batteries is calculated according to the IEC No 60086-2 . If desired, the obtained values ​​can be double-checked.

Don’t forget that the battery life depends on the condition of the device, the noise level, air temperature, etc.

In general, you shouldn’t fall for the inflated capacity numbers on the packaging.

Service life of battery products

Rechargeable batteries do not hold a charge for long compared to a battery, but everything is balanced by the ability to recharge. The service life can be determined by the number of cycles (charge-discharge). The shelf life depends on:

  • battery type;
  • material;
  • shelf life and operating conditions.

Batteries from mobile phones have a one-year warranty, and for cars from two to four years.

Battery life is reduced:

  • when operating on cars, tracked vehicles;
  • with summer air temperatures above 40 ° C (by 15%) and in the far north (by 50%);
  • on airfield service vehicles that are used directly for airplanes or helicopters (by 10%).

Can it be charged?

It is impossible to charge a salt or alkaline battery; moreover, it is life-threatening; the battery may explode if you try to do this. The only thing that can be done is to increase the service life. In the case of salt ones, they are beaten against each other, which allows the elements inside to move and slightly increase the charge. You can try swapping alkaline batteries by changing power sources. But there is no need to try to charge - it is useless.

Important! Conventional batteries contain dangerous elements - therefore, for the purpose of recharging, they cannot be disassembled, opened, or made cuts on the case.

There are ways to “reanimate” an alkaline battery - but they can only be done by specialists with a certain level of knowledge and skills, and also subject to the availability of certain tools, including a voltmeter.

Service life of finger blades by manufacturer


Duracell alkaline AA batteries last longer than salt batteries, so the buyer does not have problems deciphering the symbols of the electrochemical system. Thanks to them, your favorite computer gadgets, headphones or smart home control systems will always be in working order.

Shelf life if properly stored is up to 10 years. They are fully recyclable and recyclable to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Available in sizes AA and AAA.


Energizer batteries have the following characteristics:

  • maximum operating time of AAA batteries in high-tech devices;
  • weigh one third less than conventional alkaline batteries;
  • operate at temperatures from −40 °C to 60 °C;
  • shelf life up to 12 years if properly stored;
  • sealed design with protection against leaks.


GP alkaline batteries are made from advanced materials and are an excellent and reliable source of energy for energy-consuming devices. Customers can enjoy using portable devices every day. Under the right conditions, the shelf life reaches seven years.

Shelf life of Duracell batteries

The power supplies from this manufacturer are considered a real breakthrough in this area, since the manufacturer itself claims that the service life is as much as 10 years, which was made possible thanks to the unique production technology of these power supplies. The company states that this period was obtained experimentally as a result of laboratory studies.

The actual state of affairs is slightly different from the stated deadline. As practice shows, the maximum service life of such batteries is no more than 5 years. The above figure was stated because laboratory studies were carried out under artificial conditions. It is worth noting that the same situation is observed with the expiration date of Energizer batteries.

Where to look?

To find out the shelf life of a regular battery, carefully examine the packaging and the product itself. The description is provided in the form of numbers and letters. The first one or two digits are the month and year until which the product can be stored. The month is sometimes indicated by letters. All information is written in black.

Note! It is not advisable to purchase goods without a specified service life. Most likely it is a fake and will not last long.

To understand how long a coin cell battery needs to be stored, you should look for the corresponding date on the packaging. The manufacturer does not indicate this information on such small items.

  • For Duracell, the production date is indicated on a light brown background next to the plus sign (the numbers are embossed).
  • The Energizer's production date is stamped below the name, and the expiration date is written on the right on a black background.

How do you know when it's done?

There are three types of information about the release date

  • on the package;
  • on the batteries themselves;
  • in the form of a cipher.

Carefully read the description of the batteries on the packaging; many manufacturers encrypt the date information.

Depending on the company, the code may be different, but the basic principle is as follows : the first digit is the year of manufacture, the next letter is the serial designation of the month in the English alphabet, the last digits are the date itself, for example:

  • Y4C05 – March 5, 2014;
  • J6B21 – February 21, 2020.

If there is no date on the battery or on the packaging, it is highly recommended not to purchase the product: in 99% of cases, it is either a cheap counterfeit with a low charge, or a thing that is directly dangerous for your equipment.

What is the shelf life of winter, summer and truck tires according to GOST? Read about it here.

Storage conditions

When purchasing a battery, sometimes you find that the product has not been used for some time. To preserve its performance properties as much as possible, you must follow simple rules during storage:

  • do not open the package;
  • Do not place near other batteries;
  • keep away from chemicals, avoid contact with metal;
  • the ambient temperature should be room temperature;
  • humidity in the room should not exceed permissible values.

Only with proper care can you preserve the product without losing its basic functions.

Self-respecting companies try to provide clear information on their batteries about the shelf life and storage conditions of the product. If this is not the case, it is better not to buy such batteries. Most likely it will be a fake.

Each type of product has its own expiration and storage dates. We invite you to find out all the information on this topic on products such as cosmetics, medicines, gas cylinders, gas masks, fire extinguishers, cement and safety helmets. You can also read articles about the validity period of USE results and a medical certificate for a driver.

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