Hawthorn: types, planting and care features

How and when can you collect hawthorn?

Hawthorn is a useful medicinal plant, widely used as an effective folk remedy for a variety of diseases. Its fruits not only have medicinal properties, but are also used for culinary purposes .
To get the maximum benefit from it, you need to strictly follow the recommendations on how to collect and store. In this article we will look at ways to harvest and store hawthorn for the winter at home.

Hawthorn during pregnancy

Separately, we should talk about the benefits and contraindications for using hawthorn during pregnancy. Women suffering from late pregnancy gestosis can use berries as an effective sedative, since at this time they have to deal with insomnia.

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Fruits that normalize blood circulation provide oxygen to the baby and his brain cells, which counters the development of intrauterine hypoxia.

At the same time, hawthorn can provoke premature birth or miscarriage, since due to its high vitamin C content it increases the tone of the uterus.

Therefore, before using the presented plant, you should consult with your pregnancy gynecologist. A specialist may completely prohibit the use of berries, but if there is no danger, he will tell you about the maximum permissible dosage.

When can you collect hawthorn fruits, flowers and leaves for future use?

All parts of hawthorn are useful in one way or another:

The fruits are used for food and medicinal purposes, the remaining parts are used only for medicinal purposes. The collection of hawthorn fruits in central Russia is carried out during their ripening period. Hawthorn begins to ripen in the fall, around the end of September. Fully ripe, it has the highest concentration of vitamins. It is important to do this before the first frost, otherwise the cold-damaged berries will be unsuitable for further storage . When overripe, they begin to become moldy. It is undesirable to collect hawthorn from bushes located near busy roads or near an industrial zone - they may contain a high content of harmful substances.

Hawthorn bush with fruits

The best weather for collecting is dry and calm, during the daytime, when the dew has dried. Ripe berries are an attractive treat for birds, so you need to collect them quickly. Maturity is determined by the color of the fruit - it should be bright red . The berries are not picked individually, but cut in clusters, after which they are carefully placed in baskets or trays. Damaged, unripe, rotten, and overripe fruits are rejected on site.

Collection of leaves begins before the flowers appear and is carried out during the entire flowering period, starting in mid-May and ending in early June. Leave only clean leaf blades undamaged by pests, carefully tearing them off with the remainder of the petiole . For convenience, you can take scissors with you.

harvest hawthorn flowers at the initial stage of flowering, which occurs in different bushes at different times, from May to June. You need to finish collecting within 5-6 days from the moment a particular bush begins to flower. The inflorescences are carefully cut with pruners or torn off by hand, then placed in a dry container in such a way as to prevent their deformation.

Hawthorn flowers

The bark is collected during the period of active sap movement in early spring. If liquid begins to ooze from the cut made on the trunk of the plant, the timing is correct and the bark will be easily separated from the wood. Raw materials are collected from young bushes, the age of which does not exceed 4 years . Transverse annular cuts are made on the surface of the trunks, connecting them with a straight longitudinal one. Then the bark is carefully removed. It will not be possible to carry out this operation in the summer, since during this season the movement of sap in the plants is slow.

How to store for the winter?

Long-term storage is carried out in one of 4 states:

  1. Sushen
  2. Frozen
  3. Canned
  4. In the form of water or alcohol tinctures

In the first case, the hawthorn is thoroughly dried , after which it is stored in clean, dry containers, in a ventilated area inaccessible to moisture and sunlight. Storage is carried out in canvas bags or glass jars. In the second case, it is washed well, placed in a food container and frozen . Procurement for future use can also be done by canning - in the form of jam or marmalade . It is also stored in the form of various kinds of tinctures , sealed in airtight containers.

Harm and contraindications of hawthorn

Despite the benefits of hawthorn, there are contraindications to its use. These include:

  • allergies and individual intolerance to hawthorn or its constituent components;
  • interactions with drugs used to treat heart disease;
  • planned operation. Hawthorn may slow blood clotting and increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.

Hawthorn can cause harm if consumed excessively. It manifests itself as indigestion, nausea, dizziness, excessive sweating, headache, insomnia, nosebleeds and increased heart rate.14

Storing dried fruits

A popular way to store hawthorn is drying. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Natural (slow)
  2. Artificial (fast)

The first method takes much longer, but at the same time allows you to preserve more vitamins, due to the absence of heat treatment, which destroys some of the nutrients. Thoroughly washed and sorted raw materials are laid in a thin layer on paper or fabric. After which it is left for several days in the attic or in another clean, ventilated place, protected from moisture and sunlight. During the drying process, the hawthorn is periodically turned over to ensure uniform drying . It is especially important to do this for berries to avoid rotting. Completely dried fruits are light and wrinkled, do not stick to each other when squeezed, have decreased up to 4 times compared to their previous size, and have a specific bitter smell and taste.

Dried hawthorn

The second method is very fast, but at the same time reduces the beneficial effect of hawthorn. The prepared raw materials are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven or electric dryer. The temperature is maintained at 40-60 degrees, or 30-40 degrees if better but longer drying is required. It is not recommended to increase it above the specified threshold, otherwise the hawthorn may burn or bake. If drying is carried out in the oven, it is important not to forget to open the oven door from time to time to remove moisture from the cabinet. It would be a good idea to stir the fruits regularly, thereby ensuring that they dry evenly. The whole process, unlike using the first method, takes several hours rather than days.

Freezing berries

Another popular way to store hawthorn, which allows you to preserve its beneficial properties, is to freeze its fruits in the refrigerator. Frozen berries are used in the same way as dried ones - they are used as flavoring additives for dishes, for preparing compotes, tea, and medicinal infusions. The process is carried out quickly - washed and sorted raw materials are placed in food-grade plastic containers and placed in the freezer. The optimal temperature range is from -20 to -25 degrees . At temperatures above 20 degrees, fruits can produce juice; at temperatures below 25 degrees, vitamins and other nutrients will begin to be destroyed.

Frozen pitted hawthorn berries

Cellophane bags can be used as containers, but in them the product often wrinkles and loses its attractiveness. Their walls should not be wet so as not to stick to the inside of the chamber. You can freeze the fruits not only whole, but also twisted in a meat grinder or ground in a mortar . The resulting pulp is stored in the refrigerator in jars or bags. This puree is used similarly to whole berries - for culinary and medicinal purposes. The recommended shelf life of frozen hawthorn is 6 months .

Step-by-step instruction

Now that we have dealt with the question: “Is it possible to freeze hawthorn for the winter?”, Let’s move on to the process of preparing the berries.

How to prepare?

Hawthorn has been known to the Russian people since ancient times. Many people made drinks from hawthorn and drank them just like kvass. Some people ate hawthorn.

This seemingly small and inconspicuous berry can prevent various types of heart and vascular diseases, which is why it is incredibly popular. It is also necessary to remember that hawthorn is common in central Russia, but it can be found in the Urals and in the south.

The berry is quite popular. All kinds of alcoholic drinks are made on its basis . Hawthorn helps alcohol to be more easily absorbed when it enters the bloodstream and is also quickly eliminated from the body.

But how to prepare hawthorn for use after many months? How to preserve its taste? There is always a way out and that is freezing. When frozen, hawthorn loses its beneficial substances, but not completely , but the taste when defrosted remains the same. So let's get started.

Berries must be carefully inspected when purchasing or picking. They should not contain rot, dry fruits, or crushed berries. Also, if you pick berries that are not quite ripe, throw them away.

Sort through the berries several times and, when you are sure that there are no branches or leaves left in them, you can begin the first stage of preparation. Fill a saucepan with running water and boil it. As soon as the water starts to bubble, turn off the heat and wait for the water to cool slightly under the lid.

Now put the berries in hot water and leave them there for fifteen twenty minutes . All dirt and debris will leave the berries and remain afloat. The rest of the contents of the berries will be untouched. Now put the berries in the drushlak and rinse them under running water .

Next, place the berries that have been blotted with a towel on a tray. Try to place the berries so that there is some space for them. Leave them to dry. Now that the basic hawthorn preparations for freezing have been made for the winter, you can move on to the next stage.

What to freeze in?

Pack the hawthorn in small batches in bags. Be sure to tie the bags , having previously released all the air from it.

Next, check your freezer settings. The degree of freezing in it should be medium, so that vegetables and fruits do not lose their nutrients due to hypothermia.

Carefully check the freezer. The berries should not be allowed to come into contact with meat or fish. Place them in a separate compartment with the vegetables.


Hawthorn is frozen at temperatures ranging from minus twenty degrees to minus twenty-five . This is the optimal temperature. At a lower temperature, hawthorn can produce juice, and a higher temperature will cause the berry to simply lose its beneficial properties. Therefore, before putting the berries in the freezer, check the temperature settings.

Storage methods

Frozen hawthorn must first be packed in bags. Choose durable polyethylene that will not tear from freezing.

Also make sure that the plastic bag is not wet . Otherwise it will stick to the refrigerator.

Only vegetables and fruits should share the neighborhood with the hawthorn, but in no case meat. Hawthorn should be packaged in small batches to prevent re-freezing. In this case, the berry will definitely lose everything it needs.


Hawthorn can be stored in the freezer for no more than six months. Unfortunately, the following months are disastrous for this berry and can lead to the fact that the hawthorn simply gives up all its beneficial substances to the cold. Therefore, in order not to forget, attach a reminder to the freezer about the expiration date of the berries or write it on the bag itself.

Making tinctures at home

Any parts of the plant can be used as raw materials - fruits, bark, flowers, leaves. It is used for medicinal purposes - this is an excellent folk remedy that cures many diseases, with almost no contraindications. Hawthorn tincture can be made in two ways:

  1. On the water
  2. On alcohol

Hawthorn tincture can be prepared with water or alcohol

The washed raw materials are poured with boiling water in a ratio of one to one, after which they are rolled into a sterilized glass jar with an airtight lid. In the case of alcohol tincture, vodka or food alcohol is used as a base, and the resulting liquid is filtered and sealed in clean bottles with tight-fitting lids. The tincture is stored in a dark place , protected from direct sunlight, at an air temperature of 10-14 degrees. This could be a cellar or a cool pantry.


When canning, hawthorn loses some of its beneficial properties as a result of heat treatment. We use carefully selected fruits from which we make:

Hawthorn jam is made in the following way . 1 kg of washed berries is poured into a glass of water and 500 g of granulated sugar are added, after which the resulting composition is boiled on the stove until it thickens completely. The finished jam is allowed to cool and rolled into sterilized glass jars.

Hawthorn jam

Hawthorn juice is also well suited for long-term storage . 1 kg of fruits are washed and boiled in a small amount of water for 1-2 hours. After that, the berries are ground into a paste, the consistency of which resembles puree, 1 liter of water and 500 g of sugar are added to the resulting mixture, everything is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. The juice is rolled into jars immediately, while hot.

Hawthorn juice

Hawthorn jam is prepared using sour apples . Apples and berries are boiled for some time in a small amount of water, then crushed into puree. Place 1 kg of both types of puree into the pan, pour in 1 liter of water and add 1500 g of granulated sugar. The resulting mass is boiled to the required thickness and rolled into small jars.

Hawthorn and apple jam

Hawthorn compote is characterized by increased labor-intensive preparation . The fruits are cleared of seeds, filled with 30% sugar syrup, and then infused in this form for 10 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered from the berries, put on fire and brought to a boil. After which it is poured into a sterilized glass container with an airtight lid, at the bottom of which the soaked fruits are placed.

Hawthorn compote

Hawthorn jam is prepared similarly to the methods for preparing jam from other types of berries . Either a five-minute or a long cooking process can be used. The fruits can be peeled or not, left whole or used in crushed form.

Hawthorn jam

Ways to use hawthorn

Compote is made from sweet and sour soft fruits in combination with apples. The dried fruits are used for tea. Hawthorn has found its use not only in medicine - wine drinks, jam, jellies, and jams are prepared from it.

For medicinal purposes

Almost all components of the bush are used for medicinal purposes - berries, leaves and stems. The plant is used as a medicine in various fields of medicine. The berries are used for therapy:

  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmias;
  • myocardial infarction.

The pharmacological effect of hawthorn is highly valued due to the fact that the plant is low-toxic. Antioxidants in the composition can cleanse blood vessels and normalize heart contractions.

Hawthorn fruits are rich in natural mucus, which envelops the walls of the stomach - this effect is useful for people with gastrointestinal ulcers. The plant is used to eliminate liver colic - it treats patients with cholelithiasis. The flowers and leaves of the plant cleanse the blood and alleviate skin diseases. Hawthorn stops the activity of pathogenic bacteria and accelerates the excretion of bile from the body.

Hawthorn decoction

The healing decoction of hawthorn contains useful antioxidants, malic acid and other minerals. This drink improves body tone. Cooking at home consists of simple steps:

  • Place the fruits of the plant in boiling water. The ratio is 1 tablespoon of fruit per 200 ml of liquid.
  • Boil for 9-10 minutes.
  • Leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Filter the liquid, removing the hawthorn fruits from the decoction.

To treat arrhythmia, angina pectoris, and to lower cholesterol levels, drink the drink before meals in a volume of 50 ml three times a day. The drink should not be consumed by people with constipation or gastritis during an exacerbation.

Hawthorn tincture

Dried berries are used for the tincture. Alcohol must be strong: vodka, alcohol, moonshine, cognac, gin. Instead of alcohol, you can take apple cider vinegar, but then the beneficial effect of the plant will not be as pronounced. One dose of tincture should not be more than 15 drops. For a tasty and aromatic tincture you will need:

  • dried hawthorn – 250 gr.;
  • vodka or alcohol (40-50 degrees) – 800 ml;
  • one small cinnamon stick;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vanillin - a third of a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. mix the fruits in a container with cinnamon and alcohol;
  2. keep the tincture for about 20-25 days in a darkened room at room temperature;
  3. when the fruits acquire a dull yellow tint, the tincture is filtered and strained;
  4. lukewarm honey is mixed with vanillin and added to the tincture;
  5. the resulting mixture must be shaken and kept for another 7-10 days;
  6. Before use, drain off the sediment and filter again.

Hawthorn infusion

The infusion is made from fresh fruits. Place 1 tablespoon of crushed berries in a glass of boiling water. The liquid should infuse for a couple of hours. After this, the infusion is filtered and the berries are squeezed out. You should drink the infusion depending on the strength of the resulting liquid and the purpose of use.

For insomnia, it is recommended to drink 40-60 ml of infusion before bed. During menopause, to relieve negative symptoms, the dosage of the infusion is 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. For stress and fatigue, take 2 tablespoons of infusion before meals 3 times a day.


Hawthorn nectar is a tasty, pleasant and healthy way to prevent many diseases. It is drunk for vitamin deficiency, intestinal disorders, and to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract during periods of intoxication. The juice requires ripe, recently picked berries. To prevent the juice from turning into a puree, it is mixed with a small amount of clean filtered water.

For 1 kg of fruit you will need 50 grams of sugar and one liter of water. A thoroughly washed kilogram of berries is poured with 300-400 ml of water and cooked on low power. Cook until the fruits become soft. The boiled mixture is rubbed through a fine sieve. The result is puree, which is diluted with water and sugar. The diluted puree with water is brought to a boil again. After boiling, the liquid is poured into sterilized bottles and pasteurized at 90 degrees. 0.5 bottles - 20 minutes, liter bottles - half an hour.

How to properly brew hawthorn for the heart

Central rules for taking medicinal drinks for the cardiovascular system:

  • do not drink with cool water;
  • consume before meals;
  • The treatment is carried out in a course - the result is not immediately noticeable.

Almost all people with hypertension can drink hawthorn for high blood pressure. Even those who have diabetes. Required ingredients:

  • 100 grams of natural black tea;
  • 2 tablespoons of rose hips and 2 tablespoons of hawthorn;
  • 1 tablespoon mint leaves;
  • half a tablespoon of dried chamomile.

Mix all ingredients. One tablespoon of the dry mixture is poured into a liter of boiling water. Drink as tea 3 times a day.

In cosmetology

All components of the plant are relevant for making hair balms - they are suitable for people with oily hair and dandruff. Leaves and flowers tone and refresh the scalp and face. Hawthorn activates cell renewal processes and moisturizes the skin. The plant helps eliminate itching and skin irritation. Useful for swelling of the eyelids and weakened thin hair.

For face

The plant extract successfully copes with acne - it cleanses the skin, removes inflammation, and tightens pores. For swelling of the eyelids, it is necessary to crush the parsley root and mix with the pulp of hawthorn fruits. Component ratio 1:2. A mask is made from the mixture - it is applied to problem areas and washed off after 15 minutes.

To eliminate excessive oily facial skin, use crushed berries mixed with lemon juice. The ratio of ingredients is 1/4 teaspoon of lemon and 1 tablespoon of hawthorn puree. Leave the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, after which you should wash with water at room temperature.

To treat acne, the leaves of the plant are mixed with calendula flowers. The mixture is poured with 130 ml of boiled water and left for an hour. You should wash your face with the strained liquid 2 times a day - in the morning and evening.

For hair

The following recipe strengthens weak hair:

  • 1 teaspoon of hawthorn juice;
  • 1 teaspoon of quality cognac;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock root decoction.

The mixed components are rubbed into the hair roots. The head is wrapped in a warm cloth. The mixture is thoroughly washed off after an hour and a half.

2 tbsp will help cope with dandruff. spoons of hawthorn flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow and 2 tbsp. spoons of alcohol solution. All components should be poured with a liter of water and left for three days in a darkened room. The mixture should be strained and stored in the refrigerator. Rinse your hair after washing and rub the mixture into your scalp.

How and when to collect hawthorn

The healing properties of hawthorn have been known to people for a long time. Even modern medical preparations use raw materials obtained from the inflorescences and fruits of this medicinal plant. For those interested in medicinal collections, it will certainly be useful to know when to collect hawthorn.

Scientific research has proven that hawthorn fruits, the so-called “false apples,” contain valuable organic acids, flavonoids, pectin, fructose, vitamins and minerals. But not all varieties are recognized as valuable and useful. The most accessible species, which is recognized by official medicine, is C. Sanginea (blood-red hawthorn, photo above). It is quite often found in nature in the wild. But the subspecies C. Oxicantha, or prickly, is most often cultivated in garden plots.

It should be noted that inflorescences and fruits are used to prepare medicinal raw materials. Therefore, the question of when to harvest hawthorn is especially acute during the period of flowering and ripening of the berries. Flowering begins in regions at different times, but lasts only 3-4 days. Therefore, it is important to catch the buds not yet fully opened, at the very beginning of flowering. To collect, you need to choose a warm day without precipitation. Only dry inflorescences are suitable for harvesting. Moisture has a detrimental effect on hawthorn harvesting; raw flowers immediately begin to rot. Buds that are too open are also unsuitable because they can quickly fall off and the collection will be of no value.

To prevent the raw materials from souring, they are collected in cardboard boxes, and then laid out in a thin layer on a sheet of paper and dried. You cannot compact flowers into dishes or collect them in plastic bags - the delicate petals will stick together, begin to turn brown and deteriorate.

Despite the abundant flowering, the bush does not always bear fruit abundantly. The reason for this may be heavy rains, lack of pollinators, temperature fluctuations during flowering. Those who are interested in when to pick hawthorn should know that the berries do not ripen simultaneously, but gradually. Moreover, different types of this plant bear fruit in different months. Some of the earliest produce a harvest already in July-August, others ripen only in October.

Almost all varieties of berries have a strong specific smell. This must be taken into account when planting bushes in your summer cottage. To some, this aroma resembles sour herring brine. Therefore, when to pick hawthorn will be determined by this unpleasant fishy smell, which is possessed not only by the berries, but also by the flowers of the plant. The prepared collection is kept in special dryers, ovens or well-ventilated areas with low humidity. The smaller the harvested fruits, the easier they are to process.

Glass containers, cardboard boxes, and rag bags are suitable for storing dried berries. The shelf life of dry berries is 2 years. Having such a valuable collection on hand, you can prepare decoctions following proven recipes. But you should always remember that these drugs are strictly contraindicated for pregnant, lactating women and infants. You should also be wary of hawthorn preparations purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor’s recommendation!

For what diseases is hawthorn used?

The use of fruits and flowers of the plant in the form of medicines benefits the entire body and affects its organs and systems. The beneficial properties of the plant help in the treatment of many serious diseases. But you should always discuss taking medications with your doctor to avoid side effects.

Heart and blood vessels

Heart disease today affects every fifth person. A sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, bad habits (smoking, alcohol) - as a result, myocardial overstrain, high blood pressure.

The benefit of hawthorn lies in its cardiotonic effect. Medicines from the plant enhance myocardial contractions. For functional disorders of the heart, as well as for hypertension, complex therapy based on drugs is carried out. Useful acids improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, eliminate headaches associated with vasospasm, and relieve pain in the heart area.

The medicinal composition and its beneficial properties are a good preventive effect. They reduce the symptoms of heart disease. Such as: angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the heart and brain.

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Hawthorn decoctions and infusions stabilize blood pressure. The beneficial properties of the plant help to cope with a hypertensive crisis, which is dangerous due to complications associated with the development of heart disease.

After consulting with your doctor and making sure there are no contraindications, you can purchase at the pharmacy or prepare your own healing infusions based on the plant to lower blood pressure.

Here is one of the recipes: Based on 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried hawthorn flowers 200 ml of boiling water. Brew flowers in a glass container or thermos. Infuse (usually leave overnight). Take this decoction for 1 month, three times a day before meals, one glass.

Collections that include other herbs help well: motherwort, chokeberry, sweet clover.

Nervous system

Useful remedies and preparations made from the plant help with chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous tension, irritability, anxiety, and insomnia.

Hawthorn tincture has good sedative properties; its benefits are obvious, and harm is unlikely, unless there are serious contraindications.

For a full, sound sleep, tea made from crushed berries of the plant, brewed with a glass of boiling water in a thermos, will be useful. It is good to steep this tea for 8 hours, and it is better to drink the healing decoction with honey.


Hawthorn infusions will be useful in treating the digestive system. You can brew tea from dried fruits and flowers for gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, or simply to improve digestion.

The simplest recipe. Grind dried hawthorn and brew 1 tbsp. l. a glass of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the healing tea is ready. It can be taken 1/3 cup an hour before meals three times a day.

There are many useful recipes; you can brew whole berries and leave them in a thermos overnight. But so that hawthorn does not lose its medicinal properties, you cannot boil the harvested parts of the useful plant. In most cases, even a water bath will not work. It is still better not to neglect the instructions in order to receive benefit and not harm from the healing properties of hawthorn.


Hawthorn is one of the best natural remedies for diabetics. Its beneficial property is to maintain the required concentration of key substances in the blood. Substances that fruits, flowers, and plant bark are rich in are absorbed by the body of a diabetic patient very easily, having a clearly positive effect and improving well-being.

Biologically active nutrients of the plant:

  • Removes bad cholesterol, waste and toxins from the body.
  • Improves immunity and metabolism.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure, improving blood circulation.
  • Helps in the treatment of hyperglycemia.
  • Improves liver and kidney function.

It must be remembered that before starting treatment and using medications and beneficial tinctures, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to select the right medicine and determine the dosage of the healing agent.

Where does hawthorn grow and when can you pick the berries?

People began collecting hawthorn a long time ago, not only berries, but also flowers, bark and leaves. The fruits of the plant have an excellent taste and contain a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements that have medicinal properties.

Hawthorn is used in folk medicine as a plant that helps with the following diseases: insomnia, digestive disorders, problems with the functioning of the heart. Also, infusions and decoctions are prophylactic agents in the treatment of neuroses, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, tachycardia, cardiovascular diseases and many other diseases.

The fruits contain sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, sucrose, organic acids, pectins, fatty acids, oils, vitamins, and tannins.

Depending on the type, the crop can be formed in the form of a tree or shrub. Seedlings are often used to create decorative fencing on a site, and are also widely used in landscape design.

Benefits of hawthorn

Hawthorn is used as a medicine in various fields of medicine. The berries, leaves and stems of the plant are useful.

For joints

Hawthorn extract is useful for arthritis and gout. It helps retain protein and collagen in the body, which protect joints from damage and allow them to move easily. Eating hawthorn will prevent and prevent these diseases.3

For the heart and blood vessels

The heart and blood vessels receive the greatest benefit from hawthorn. Thanks to hawthorn extract, you can cope with heart failure, chest pain, arrhythmia, normalize blood pressure, get rid of atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol levels.4

Chest pain is sometimes mistaken for a heart attack, but it can also indicate angina. Hawthorn will reduce pain and prevent its recurrence. The antioxidants and organic compounds in hawthorn have a positive effect on heart health. It is useful for both hypotension and hypertension.5

In heart failure, the heart cannot pump enough blood to supply nutrients and oxygen to the internal organs. Hawthorn will cope with this problem - it will improve heart function, strengthen the heart muscles and eliminate shortness of breath. Berries dilate blood vessels, improving circulation.6

For the nerves

The enzymes in hawthorn affect hormones in the body. This allows you to fight depression, chronic fatigue and the effects of stress.

Where does hawthorn grow in Russia?

The plant belongs to the rose family and has about 250 species; more than 50 species are found in Russia. The most popular varieties of hawthorn are:

  1. Siberian. Distribution area: Siberia, Transbaikalia.
  2. Altaic. Grows in eastern Siberia in single or group plantings.
  3. Daurian is found in southern Siberia and the Far East.
  4. The large-thorned one is grown in the Moscow region, the Urals, and also in the regions of the northern part of Russia.
  5. Maximowiczii (Crataegus maximowiczii) grows in the Far East and eastern Siberia.
  6. The common one is distributed throughout Europe, as well as in the central and southern parts of Russia.
  7. Prickly has good winter hardiness, which is why it is grown in the Moscow region. It is used in landscape design when growing hedges.
  8. The green-meat is found in the wild on Sakhalin, Kamchatka, and also on the Kuril Islands.

The given species and varieties are the most common, but far from the only ones grown in Russia.

When to collect hawthorn leaves and flowers

Due to its beneficial properties, hawthorn is used not only in folk but also in traditional medicine.

Hawthorn flowers provide:

  1. A rapid vasodilator effect, tone the muscles of the heart, and also saturate the body with oxygen, normalize blood pressure.
  2. Calming effect, reduce excitability, irritability, relieve insomnia, anxiety and fear, therefore they are often used for diseases of the nervous system.
  3. They help with disorders of the digestive system, they are prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, they help get rid of intestinal gases, belching, heartburn and diarrhea.
  4. Strengthening effect on the body, restore immunity, regulate blood sugar levels, remove cholesterol from the body.

In cosmetology, plant flowers are used to restore skin moisture, they have tonic properties and relieve swelling.

With all the advantages, decoctions and infusions from flowers should be taken with caution by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering, that is, from the end of May to the beginning of June.

To collect flowers and leaves, choose dry, sunny weather after the dew has dried.

Hawthorn leaves are also used in folk medicine. Their collection begins even before flowering begins.

When harvesting, only green, clean leaves that are not damaged by insects and diseases are picked. You can tear off the leaves with your hands or with scissors, leaving the petiole.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of hawthorn

Scientists are still studying the beneficial properties of the plant, and perhaps people can expect more interesting discoveries in the field of the healing properties of hawthorn. Medicines for many diseases have been created based on this useful plant.

Different parts of the plant have medicinal properties - flowers, fruits, leaves, bark, and hawthorn root. Nutrients accumulate in them in different ways, some more in the roots, others in fruits and leaves, and others in flowers. To preserve their properties, the time of harvesting the plant, its proper preparation, and processing are taken into account. Only then are they used to prepare medicinal remedies, infusions, and decoctions.

  1. Hawthorn fruits are used mainly for heart diseases (they tone the heart muscle, increasing its contraction). The beneficial properties of the fruit are aimed at strengthening blood vessels and increasing blood circulation. There is a hypotensive effect, blood clotting indicators improve. Berries also have a calming property, which improves the oxygen supply to brain neurons.
  2. The flowers of the plant are no less effective than the berries and act on the human body, just like the fruits of hawthorn. Flowers are rich in organic acids; their properties will be useful for those people who are actively fighting excess weight.
  3. It is better to collect hawthorn leaves while they are young, since the concentration of nutrients in them is maximum during this period. There are slightly fewer nutrients in the leaves than in the flowers. They are good for making teas. Drinks from the leaves have a calming effect on the body and reduce blood pressure. When the leaves and flowers of the plant are combined, healing infusions are made that are used for heart diseases.
  4. Hawthorn bark is also designed to combat certain problems. Its composition is dominated by tannins. Tannins, which are part of tannins, when used correctly, enter the intestines and successfully cope with dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, eliminating unpleasant symptoms. The beneficial properties of tree bark stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Hawthorn root has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. It has general strengthening properties and is very useful for older people. Preparations and infusions based on the root are prescribed for heart failure, which is often diagnosed in older people.

Hawthorn is a diuretic and has a unique feature. As a diuretic, the plant removes harmful toxins from the body, but does not remove calcium. This useful plant saturates the body with vitamin C and relieves swelling. And for hypertensive patients, removing excess fluid from the body is a guarantee of normalizing blood pressure.

People who experience heavy physical activity and athletes can take infusions of dried flowers before meals. This useful remedy will restore strength and help you become more resilient.

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The importance of the beneficial properties of hawthorn for men has been proven by doctors. The complex of biologically active substances in acceptable concentrations does not allow dangerous diseases to develop. The beneficial substances of hawthorn support the functioning of the circulatory system, improve heart function, and normalize blood pressure.

Retinol contained in the plant stimulates the production of testosterone, increases libido and potency in men. In addition, hawthorn is included in herbal preparations for the treatment of prostatitis, as one of the main beneficial components.

Pregnancy is a complex physiological process. Often women feel constant fatigue, irritability, and are bothered by insomnia. A light drink made from hawthorn berries will help with this. 1 tablespoon of dry concentrated infusion of the plant, 2 tablespoons of kefir, 1 banana, half a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Beat all ingredients in a blender until foamy and drink with pleasure.

Of course, it is not recommended for pregnant women to take alcohol tinctures. In any case, before using herbal medicines, a woman needs to consult her doctor.

Hawthorn for children

Useful remedies based on hawthorn have a pronounced effect on the body of an adult. But in children under 12 years of age, the body is not fully formed, this also applies to the work of the heart, the blood vessels of the brain, and metabolic processes occurring in the body. For children under the age of 12 years, preparations containing hawthorn are contraindicated. Ready-made tinctures are allowed to be taken by children from 12 years of age - up to 10 drops per 0.25 glass of water, 3 times a day.

In terms of medicinal and beneficial properties, hawthorn fruits are not much inferior to rose hips. They contain from 4 to 11% sugar, mainly fructose, so they can be eaten even if you have diabetes, as well as a complex of biologically active substances - triterpene acids (oleanoic, ursolic and crategoic), choline and acetylcholine, quercetin, tannins, phytosterols, tartaric and citric acid, vitamins A, C, P.

The vitamin content reaches: vitamin C - 31-108 mg%, vitamin P - 330-680 mg%, carotene 2-4 mg%. There is quite a lot of pectin, which, when processed, not only forms jelly, but also removes heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the body.

The healing and beneficial properties of hawthorn have been known since ancient times. For example, in surviving ancient manuscripts one can find references to the fact that hawthorn was widely popular and was used in the treatment of a number of ailments, especially in cases of cardiac dysfunction.

During the Great Patriotic War, hawthorn fruits were used as a substitute for heart medications that were in short supply at that time.

A decoction of its leaves improves coronary circulation and enhances contraction of the heart muscle. Hawthorn fruits contain substances that affect heart rate. Hawthorn extract is low-toxic and has a stimulating effect on the heart.

The use of hawthorn is especially indicated for elderly people who, with age, experience cardiac dysfunction caused by a weakening of the contractile function of the heart muscle, as well as circulatory failure in the coronary vessels of the heart.

Hawthorn is useful for young people whose hearts are stressed due to illnesses and stress.

Preparations made from hawthorn are not intended to directly lower blood pressure, but taking them normalizes heart contractions and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, which helps normalize blood pressure. Hawthorn is also prescribed to patients who have had a myocardial infarction and to all heart patients.

The astringent properties of the plant are also used for diseases of the biliary tract and liver. The medicinal properties of hawthorn berries also have a positive effect on the human excretory system. In addition, it normalizes the functions of the thyroid gland and relieves shortness of breath.

Ursolic acid, which is part of hawthorn, has antimicrobial, vasodilating, and anti-inflammatory effects. Medicinal products with hawthorn also have an antitumor effect.

Hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the entire circulatory system.

The fruits are recommended to be consumed as an excellent sedative, as well as providing cells and blood vessels with useful substances and microelements.

The pectin content ensures the timely removal of accumulated salts and other harmful substances from the body - waste and toxins.

The benefits and harms of hawthorn fruits are best studied separately according to the systems of the human body.

  • Heart. The vital organ should “thank” the hawthorn fruits for the normal and timely supply of oxygen. The benefit of the plant also lies in restoring the functioning of the heart muscle, due to which the tone and number of contractions are normalized, and coronary blood flow is improved - this is necessary for people with heart disease and other serious pathologies. If consumed correctly and in a timely manner, the fruits of the presented plant can become an effective treatment for tachycardia and arrhythmia.
  • Vessels. If we consider the benefits of hawthorn from the point of view of helping with the condition of blood vessels, then we can highlight the improvement of blood clotting and the reduction of cholesterol levels. The last beneficial effect prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques - blood clots, which reduces the risk of developing deadly diseases.
  • Nervous system. Hawthorn helps reduce the excitability of the nervous system, as it acts as an effective sedative “drug” on a plant basis. The benefits of using this plant for general calm include the absence of drowsiness. But at the same time, drinks or teas with the addition of hawthorn are recommended to improve sleep and treat insomnia.
  • Digestion. Using tinctures or infusions of hawthorn, you can get rid of constipation or diarrhea, reduce flatulence and improve digestion. Infusions are recommended for the treatment of children if they have loose stools caused by the development of dysbacteriosis.
  • Genitourinary system. Hawthorn fruits and flowers help in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary system; for example, it is recommended to use it in the treatment of cystitis. Gynecologists recommend using this plant for women to prevent the formation of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. Men should use this plant on the advice of urologists to avoid the development of prostatitis, the formation of a benign prostate tumor.
  • Among other things, normalizing blood circulation in the brain allows you to get rid of dizziness, headaches, high blood pressure and migraines. The same normalization of blood circulation helps provide cells with oxygen, which is useful for newborns with brain hypoxia and asphyxia.
  • Hawthorn is recommended for use as a preventive measure against increased blood glucose levels in cases of suspected or presence of type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus.

How to properly collect hawthorn for the winter

The time for harvesting hawthorn fruits begins when they are fully ripened and must be done before the onset of the first frost. 4

When collecting hawthorn fruits, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Fruit harvesting is carried out in dry, windless weather in the middle of the day, so that the morning dew has time to dry on the berries. Choose dry, not overripe fruits.
  2. Before you start collecting, you need to wear thick clothing to protect yourself from sharp needles on the bushes.
  3. It is recommended to collect from trees and shrubs located away from busy highways and industrial zones.
  4. They start picking berries from the bottom tier and gradually move up.
  5. A basket is best used as a container for collecting berries.
  6. You cannot pick all the berries from the tree; some must be left on the tree (shrub) for birds wintering in the region.
  7. Only whole and fresh berries are collected, avoiding unripe, rotten or damaged fruits by insects and birds.
  8. You should not pick the berries one by one from the bush; they are cut off in whole bunches along with the scutes.
  9. Place in a convenient container where the berries will not be crushed.
  10. It is best to collect fruits after the leaves have fallen, so the fruits are better visible.

Fruit pickers can be used to collect hawthorn fruits.

How to store hawthorn

You can store hawthorn dry, frozen, canned, or in alcohol/water tincture.

There are two ways to dry berries: naturally or artificially.

In the natural method, prepared hawthorn berries, flowers or leaves are placed on a baking sheet covered with cloth or paper. Dry thoroughly in sunlight in a well-ventilated area, for example, in an attic.

With the artificial method, the prepared fruits are sent to dry in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50⁰C or in a dryer at a temperature of no more than 40⁰C.

Dried berries are light, wrinkled, do not stick to each other when squeezed and have a bitterish specific taste.

Dried hawthorn fruits are stored in glass containers, fabric bags, paper bags, wooden boxes, and also in cardboard boxes. The shelf life in this form is 2 years. After the specified time, the fruits lose their beneficial properties.

Pre-washed and sorted berries are placed in plastic containers (you can also use plastic bags, but the berries may lose their attractive appearance in them) and sent to the freezer until completely frozen. You can also freeze twisted or mortared fruits.

Canned hawthorn is prepared in the form of preserves, jams, marmalade, compotes and other sweet preparations.

Also, water and alcohol tinctures are made from the fruits, which are stored in a hermetically sealed, dark container in a cool and dark place.

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