Pickled Green Peppercorns

Green salads are considered healthy foods. But the amount of nutrients that the body can receive depends on the type of salad used. Not all of them are equal in this matter. Among them, iceberg lettuce stands out as having the lowest nutritional value. Its plus is that it is the lowest calorie salad, only 14 calories per 100 grams, and contains less vitamins A, C, K and folic acid, less carbohydrates and fat compared to romaine lettuce.

One of the reasons iceberg has lost some of its popularity has nothing to do with texture or taste, but because of its lack of nutritional content. However, it certainly isn't bad and can be a great addition to a weight loss diet.

Plus it contains a lot of water, making it ideal for hot summer days.

Iceberg lettuce is a simple, pale green lettuce commonly used in salads, traditional Mexican tacos, and sandwiches. Although not as popular as escarole, spinach, and leaf lettuce, many consumers still prefer the crisp, mild flavor of iceberg lettuce.

Iceberg is one of the varieties of lettuce. It can be stored, unlike many other leaf salads, for several days and does not lose its beneficial properties. Sometimes rusty brown spots may appear on it during storage. They do not talk about the product being spoiled if mold has not appeared on it and the leaves have not acquired a sweetish taste.

Basic rules for storing iceberg lettuce

Since the main charm of this salad is its crispy, juicy taste, it is important to comply with all storage requirements. The best temperature for storing lettuce should be around zero degrees. Since lettuce contains a lot of water, in order not to lose it, the humidity during storage should be about 98-100 percent. Therefore, before storage, it must be placed in a plastic bag or container with a lid.

Before storing the salad in the refrigerator:

First you need to trim the stalk, if any.

Rinse the head well under running cool water and shake off excess water. Thorough washing can remove potentially harmful germs, dirt and pesticides.

Place it on a clean, dry towel or colander to drain. Dry the head of cabbage with paper towels.

If you want, you can disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves. They need to be blotted with a clean towel to dry thoroughly from moisture.

Wrap the head or leaves in dry paper towels. Place in a plastic bag or container with a lid and store in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

You don’t have to wash the salad first, but be sure to wrap it in paper towels or napkins. During storage, water will still evaporate, and paper towels will absorb it, preventing the leaves from rotting.

If all conditions are met, it can be stored for up to four weeks. If the storage temperature is above zero (no higher than 5 degrees), then no more than two weeks.

During storage, it is damaged by ethylene gas, which is released by foods such as apples, peaches, and tomatoes. Therefore, it must be stored separately from such products.

During storage, inspect the head of cabbage and promptly remove spoiled leaves.

Bacteria may begin to multiply on the leaves, which will be indicated by the presence of mucus on them. Leaves become soft and slippery. Mold may develop. Lettuce that has gone bad and is not safe to eat should be thrown away. If possible, remove spoiled leaves and use the rest to prepare stews or other cooked dishes.

If there is a head of iceberg in the refrigerator that may already be starting to deteriorate, it should be used as quickly as possible, removing and trimming all spoiled leaves and rinsing the remaining ones well.

When dividing lettuce into individual leaves, it is better to do this with your hands, without using a metal knife, so as not to accelerate oxidation on the cut. In general, it is recommended not to cut salads, but to tear them with your hands.


Also known as crisphead, which can be horribly translated as “crisphead.”

Reminiscent of white cabbage (if you know what it looks like). A weighty, medium-sized head of white-green leaves.

Masterfully stimulates the functioning of the circulatory and immune systems due to the high content of folic acid. The head of cabbage also contains the daily requirement of vitamins A and C.

Iceberg lettuce is perfect for you if you have a habit of climbing into the refrigerator every three weeks and screaming in surprise: “Oh, yes, it turns out I have it!” At zero temperature, iceberg can be stored for up to three weeks without losing its beneficial properties. But he feels worse in the warmth.

Californian farmers began growing iceberg in the 20s of the 20th century and, after the first tastings (tested on Indians), dubbed their brainchild “crispy lettuce.” To prevent the cabbages from becoming soft after delivery to other states, they were placed in wooden boxes and covered with crushed ice. Hence the name "iceberg".

Why does iceberg lettuce turn red when cut?

This question worries many housewives: can it be eaten and has it gone bad? Why does this happen, is it “stuffed” with nitrates or is the problem completely different and such a salad is quite suitable for further consumption. Let's take a closer look.

The lettuce may have discoloration or spots that do not indicate disease or spoilage. The tips of lettuce leaves may have reddish-brown spots. The same spots can be on the leaf veins and the leaves themselves. This is caused by oxidation and destruction of enzymes during storage.

Brownish-red spots in the middle of the head may be caused by too much carbon dioxide exposure.

Pink spots on the veins are the result of exposure to high temperatures. Lettuce with such spots is quite edible and safe.

Any product is a “living organism”. This means that it contains active enzymes that are beneficial and important for our body and health.

The lettuce may turn red when cut with a metal knife. For such cases, get a ceramic knife or one with a silicone coating.

How to choose the right iceberg lettuce when purchasing

Like any head lettuce, a “correct” iceberg should be symmetrical, “knocked down” and not fall apart into separate leaves. The ideal weight for salad is a little less than 0.5 kg. The leaves should look fresh and juicy and light green in color. Limp, dry, damaged, and even more so rotten leaves are a reason to put the head of cabbage back on the store shelf. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the color of the stalk when cut: if it is darkened, the salad is stale.

Important! The density of a head of iceberg lettuce indicates its maturity, but the measure is important here: if the lettuce is so “woody” that it cannot be distinguished from winter cabbage, it means that the harvest was harvested too late, such a lettuce has already lost its taste.

Iceberg lettuce, like other lettuces, is often sold pre-cut and vacuum-sealed. Of course, this option is very convenient for those who are constantly short of free time, and this product can be stored a little longer. And yet, when purchasing “cuts”, you cannot be sure of the original quality of the product, in particular that the fresh-looking leaves were not cut from a half-rotten head of cabbage, and it is completely unrealistic to examine each leaf through the packaging. The risk of purchasing a stale product thus increases greatly, so this option is only possible when you know the brand well and completely trust it.

Why is iceberg lettuce bitter?

There's nothing better than fresh, crisp lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is a very early ripening crop and can be planted very early. As the heads of cabbage ripen, questions arise on gardening and women's websites about why lettuce is bitter, why there is bitterness in the lettuce, what to do about it and whether it is possible to somehow reduce it.

One of the main reasons for bitterness in salad is hot weather. Most salads like cool weather and short daylight hours. Iceberg is no exception in this regard.

When the temperature rises, the plant goes into ripening mode and can send out flower shoots and bloom. This process produces a bitter salad. This is a natural process that cannot be stopped, but it is not the only answer to the question of what causes bitterness.

Too dry weather and not regular watering can also give the lettuce a bitter taste.

Iceberg lettuce needs plenty of watering. Brown leaf edges are a sure sign that it is not getting enough moisture. Do not allow the soil in the garden bed to become dry.

Another answer to why lettuce turns bitter is nutrition. The lettuce should grow quickly. Without the right nutrients, growth becomes slow and the result is a bitter tasting lettuce. Fertilize it regularly, but don't get too carried away.

Some research suggests that bitter taste may also result from too much nitrogen.

And finally, the bitterness of lettuce can cause plant disease. This can be determined by the condition of the leaves: they become pale, may become deformed and look wrinkled and withered.

Some causes can be dealt with and prevented, but others cannot. Is it possible to tell nature in the summer not to be so hot? Therefore, measures must be taken to reduce bitterness in the future harvest.

  • Mulch the plant's roots to avoid overheating;
  • Plant summer lettuce crops among other, taller plants to provide shade;
  • Water the lettuce bed in a timely manner to prevent the soil from drying out;
  • If you think the cause is high nitrogen levels in the soil, add a small amount of wood ash to the soil.

Is it possible to reduce the bitterness? Yes. To do this, take the head of cabbage into leaves and soak them in cold water, adding a small amount of baking soda to it. Leave for about 10-15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool running water or soak them in plain water for a few minutes.

The bitterness in the salad is felt less if it is cooled in the refrigerator for a day or two before cooking.

In addition to the above reasons for the bitterness in iceberg, its taste may be influenced by additional factors, such as the growing region, growing conditions, etc. In this case, you just need to remember which manufacturer the bitter salad was from and choose another one the next time you buy it.

The reason may also be a specific variety of lettuce. Change it to another one. Selection does not stand still, and breeders are constantly working on new varieties. There are varieties that do not produce bitterness.

Those who grow leaf lettuce on their property know that sometimes its leaves become bitter. However, this happens not only with salad. A similar problem plagues one of our gardeners’ favorite vegetables – cucumber. We also once talked about why cucumbers are bitter. Now let's deal with the salad. It’s not in vain that you raised it, you need to know the reasons why it turned out to be bitter in order to prevent this from happening later.

Cutting and storage

45-90 days after sowing , when the diameter of the heads reaches 5-10 cm , cutting occurs.

To better preserve the juiciness of the leaf blade, the harvest is harvested early in the morning. Choose heads of cabbage of medium density. Young and loose ones are poorly stored, and dense, overripe ones are inferior in taste.

  • Plastic container and close.
  • In a damp cloth and in a bag.

Interestingly, after cutting the crop continues to grow . At the cutting site, new ovaries grow on the root neck. If desired, you can leave one for further growth.

Small heads of cabbage with tasty, crispy leaves of Iceberg lettuce are increasingly winning our taste preferences. Easy care, good preservation and the ability to grow this product from spring to late autumn make it suitable for planting it on your own plot.

If the salad is bitter. Main reasons

Usually, all the failures that haunt us in the garden are caused by us ourselves, that is, we will do something wrong somewhere, overlook it, or even forget to do it. And from this the plant does not receive the care it needs, and therefore the fruits and taste may be completely bad. Here the salad has no fruits, but only leaves.

If the salad is bitter. Main reasons

Too little water can also cause the salad to taste bitter. These large, flat leaves need plenty of water to stay full and sweet. Do not allow the bed to become dry. Another answer to why lettuce turns bitter is nutrition. Without the right nutrients, growth becomes stunted and the result is bitter-tasting lettuce. Fertilize regularly, but don't get carried away. Some research suggests that bitter lettuce may also be the result of too much nitrogen.

One of the reasons for the bitterness of lettuce is that you watered it poorly (when it was actively growing), that is, there was not enough water for it. Often this is precisely why he is bitter.

It is possible that you didn’t make a mistake with watering and watered the salad correctly, but you didn’t remove it at the right time. If this is the case, then the lettuce leaves gradually begin to coarse and again bitterness appears. So only cut the lettuce at the right time if you don't want to eat the bitter leaves. 4-50 days will pass after it is sowed and it will all need to be cut off. Usually at this time there are already 5 or 7 leaves on the lettuce. It is precisely in this phase that it needs to be cut off. So that the moment of leaf ripening comes a little later, the bed will need to be thinned. When the shoots appear, you should not leave them all. You should have 5-6 centimeters between adjacent lettuce shoots. Everything unnecessary is simply pulled out. When lettuce grows freely like this, it ripens later and, accordingly, the appearance of bitterness can also be delayed.

Lastly, yellow aster phytoplasma, commonly called, is a disease that can cause bitter lettuce. With this infection, the inner leaves lose color and the outer leaves become stunted. The entire plant may become deformed. Most likely, your bitter lettuce is the result of the ripening process. You can't stop Mother Nature completely, but there are ways to delay the results.

Your salad to keep the roots healthy and trick the plant into thinking it's still spring. Move your lettuce with taller crops to provide shade as the weather warms. Planting sequence will also help extend the season. If you think this may be the cause of your bitter tasting lettuce, add a small amount of wood ash to the soil.

In addition, bitterness usually appears in green salad, so you can experiment with varieties and plant several of them. Also, if the beds with lettuce are constantly illuminated by the sun, then the appearance of bitterness in the leaves is also quite possible. It is better to shade the beds or sometimes change the location of these beds.

What to do if lettuce leaves are still bitter?

It is possible that you have already made some mistakes, and you were not able to save the lettuce leaves from bitterness this year. What to do then? That's it, just throw away the entire harvest?

Some people have found it helpful to use their bitters lettuce before use. If you want to try this, separate the lettuce leaves, place them in a bowl of cold water and add a small amount of baking soda. Let the leaves sit for about 5-10 minutes, rinse them thoroughly in cold water, and then rinse them again for a few more minutes.

Note. While the biggest cause for bitter lettuce is temperature, along with the other possible causes listed above, additional factors such as region, current growing conditions, and even variety may play a role in lettuce plant bitterness.

You will always have time to throw away these “inedible” greens, but there is no need to rush here. It is quite possible to get rid of this bitterness.

To remove bitterness, cut off all the roots of the lettuce leaves. Next, wash the leaves themselves thoroughly and place them in a pan. You should already have salted water in this pan. For it you only need a tablespoon of plain salt per liter of water. In addition to salt, you will need to throw several ordinary ice cubes into this water, which many people have in molds in the freezer. Wait about half an hour, and then you can remove the leaves from this water. Next, blot them gently with a paper towel, and then dry them for about five minutes. Then you can use these leaves for various dishes.

Lettuce is one of the easiest plants to grow in the garden, but it can also easily go from sweet and juicy to bitter. The subtropical climate does not help this cool climate loving plant. If you can prevent your salad from becoming bitter, so much the better. But if it really is a bolt, there are some things you can do to minimize the bitterness.

There are several situations that can cause a salad to taste bitter. Lettuce loves regular feeding - stress feeding will also make it bitter. However, too much nitrogen is also not good. That's okay—it means less work. Occasional meals are enough.

If you still have enough time before you start collecting lettuce leaves, and they are already bitter, then you can try to drive all this bitterness away from the leaves themselves, namely into the roots. To achieve this, the bunches are simply placed in a jar, into which cold water is first poured. Let them stand there for 2 or even 3 hours. After this, we take out the bunches and again cut off all the roots. It would also be better to cut out the stems themselves from the leaves, especially if these stems are thick. So you will generally only have the most delicious and tender parts of the leaves, which will no longer taste bitter.

Another factor is age - the older the plant, the more bitter it grows. I like to pick just a few leaves here and there for my salad, but eventually you need to pick the whole plant or leave it to seed because the older it gets, the less palatable it becomes.

Therefore, to prevent bitter lettuce, grow in partial shade or during cooler months in hot climates. You can also choose varieties that are best suited to your climate. Mulch it well to keep it cool and moist, and feed it regularly and regularly.

And so that your mistakes when growing it don’t become the cause of the lettuce’s bitterness, be sure to watch this video. Here you will be told the basic details of its cultivation and care. Let's see.

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There are also some tricks to choosing your salad to minimize bitterness. Grab your salad in the morning after recovering from the hot sun overnight. Giving him some water in the evening will also help. Soak your leaves in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes or so, then dry and place in the refrigerator for a few hours.

Iceberg lettuce in cooking: what it goes with

Iceberg is practically tasteless, which nevertheless does not prevent the leaves of this salad from being widely used in cooking. Most often they act as the “green part” of vegetable, meat or fish salads, but there are also more exotic options.

For example, you can put a prepared appetizer into a whole leaf of iceberg lettuce, using the leaf as a utensil (due to its firmer structure than other lettuces, iceberg copes well with this role). As a “packaging” material, lettuce leaves are also used to make original rolls, diet pancakes (an excellent solution for those watching their figure) and even cabbage rolls, in which iceberg replaces cabbage leaves.

In main dishes, iceberg usually plays the role of decoration when serving and at the same time serves as a light garnish.

Benefits of using iceberg in salads:

  • iceberg makes the portion visually larger, filling the dish not with calories, but with vitamins;
  • iceberg is denser than regular leaf lettuce, so it can replace cabbage while maintaining a neutral taste and without overpowering the main ingredients;
  • Iceberg is suitable for appetizers with mayonnaise or sour cream dressings, while most other salads are too light for such a sauce.

Did you know? The basis of the famous Caesar salad in the original recipe is Roman lettuce leaves. However, recently more and more chefs are beginning to replace this seemingly essential ingredient with iceberg lettuce leaves. This decision, they say, is not motivated by the desire to save money, but by the fact that iceberg leaves, soaked in dressing, retain a crispy taste, while Roman lettuce withers and “floats”, as a result the dish loses its taste and visual appeal, which is not what you want allow no restaurateur.

Thanks to its neutral taste, iceberg lettuce is absolutely universal in terms of combination with other products. It goes equally well with vegetables, boiled eggs and cheese (especially Parmesan and cheddar), mushrooms, any type of meat and poultry (including smoked), as well as fish (raw, salted, smoked, boiled, canned) and seafood.

For satiety, you can add boiled rice, crispy croutons or mushrooms to salads with iceberg, and fruits (pear, apple, canned or fresh pineapple, citrus fruits) for originality. Pine nuts will add piquancy to the salads, and cherry tomatoes will add brightness. In a word, there are no restrictions for imagination here, and it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

As for the dressing, as already mentioned, iceberg can easily “withstand” mayonnaise, but if we care about our health and waistline, it is better to use something lighter instead - yogurt or olive oil (which can be “beaten up” by adding lemon juice, soy sauce, French mustard, wine, balsamic, crushed garlic, herbs and other goodies).

Important! To avoid oxidation and to make the dish more authentic, cooks recommend casually tearing the lettuce leaves into not too small pieces with your hands, instead of cutting them with a knife.

Causes of bitterness in lettuce leaves

  1. Variety Salad varieties: Iceberg, Romaine, Moscow Greenhouse, Ballet, Zabava - crispy, juicy and without bitterness. Leaves of such varieties as: Frisse, Radicio, Lolo Rossa, Arugula, Watercress - are a little bitter.
  2. Age. Young lettuce has a mild taste. Overgrown lettuce has a more pronounced herbaceous taste and is capable of accumulating a small amount of the alkaloid lactucin in its leaves. Its presence can be determined by the milky juice on the break and bitterness in the taste. Alkoloids are part of many medications, and in nature they are found in the poppy, nightshade, legume, and ranunculaceae families.
  3. Season. In spring, even bitter varieties will have a pleasant taste. In summer, especially in hot sunny weather, the leaves quickly accumulate bitterness.

Planting an early crop of lettuce as soon as the soil is working in the spring will help ensure a longer growing season. Because lettuce can tolerate light frost, and they are usually best harvested during the spring rather than the summer. You can plant a late harvest of lettuce in late summer for a late fall harvest. For a summer lettuce harvest, you may have a shorter harvest period, as the plant can succumb quickly in high temperatures.

Planting lettuce in a location that receives some shade can help cool soil temperatures and extend the harvest period, especially as summer temperatures rise. When trying to use summer lettuce, consider planting a companion plant with taller, sun-hungry plants such as tomatoes or corn. These plants will provide additional shade that can help extend the growing season for your lettuce. Mulch your plants to further reduce soil temperatures.

Many believe that the cause of bitterness is insufficient watering of the salad. Practice shows that watering is more important for the growth and formation of the plant, but has almost no effect on the taste.

Calories and Nutrition Facts in Raw Iceberg Lettuce

Calories and Nutrition FactsContent per 100 gContents per 72 g (1 cup, ground)
Energy value14.00 kcal10.08 kcal
protein0.90 g0.65 g
carbohydrates2.97 g2.14 g
sugar1.97 g1.42 g
dried1.20 g0.86 g
fat0.14 g0.10 g
Saturated fats0.02 g0.01 g
Monounsaturated fats0.01 g0.00 g
Polyunsaturated fats0.07 g0.05 g
cholesterol0 mg0 mg
Vitamin C2.80 mg2.02 mg

What to do if lettuce leaves are bitter

  1. Choose varieties without bitterness.
  2. When exposed to direct sunlight, lettuce leaves quickly accumulate bitterness, so it is better to place the beds in partial shade or between rows.
  3. A week before harvesting the lettuce, cover the plant with a thick cloth that will protect it from the sun. This method will allow you to get rid of the bitterness characteristic of many varieties.
  4. Collect lettuce early in the morning, preferably before sunrise. At this time, the salad has a more delicate taste.
  5. When collecting young lettuce leaves, make sure that the lettuce does not overgrow or shoot arrows. Lettuce can be planted throughout the entire summer season with an interval of 2-3 weeks, although spring plantings will still be the least bitter.
  6. To get rid of bitterness, you need to hold the leaves, preferably together with the roots, in cold water. For varieties with thin, delicate greens, the dry method is suitable: cover the leaves with salt for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
  7. Eating lettuce with bitter leaves will not harm your health. If you want to soften the bitter taste, mix the leaves with cottage cheese, feta or ricotta, eggs, yogurt or sour cream.

What was the most challenging part of your week last week? While you think about it, let me share my opinion: watching a teacher take cabbage away from a preschooler and make him cry. One of the boys was so excited to try the smoothie that he started eating one of the raw cabbage leaves that were passed around the classroom for the children to touch and explore.

After biting into the cabbage, he enjoyed it so much that he continued to chew his way through most of the leaf. Of course, the child snacking on the embryonic kale caught the attention of one of the teachers, who quickly snatched it away from him. Which actually seems pretty fair, because if someone tries to take my cabbage away, I'll probably cry too.

Many summer residents love to grow juicy and crisp lettuce on their plots. With the right agricultural technology, you can get a good harvest several times a season.

Lettuce is demanding on soil, watering and lighting. Lettuce is planted on loose, soft soils, after applying fertilizer. Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to water the beds with lettuce every other day, and when the rosette is actively forming, it is necessary to organize abundant watering. Lettuce is best planted in partial shade; in shady areas and under the scorching sun it will not be able to develop properly, which means it will not be as tasty and healthy. Lettuce does not develop well even in close quarters. For full growth, a distance of 15-20 cm must be maintained between plants. Space is especially important for head lettuces, so seedlings need to be thinned out.

Its best time is in the spring and because of its delicacy it goes well with soft dressings. Also called French salad. Lettuce: They are also known as “donkey ear” or “mule ear” due to the elongated shape of its leaves, which are clustered around a thicker stem. This is the most typical Spanish salad and usually the cheapest. We can find it all year round and it's the most nutritious variety for everyone, so it's always a good choice.

Oak Leaf Lettuce: This is the one you see in the photo above and has leaves that are wavy and range in color from green to brownish-purple. It has a sweet flavor and leaves leaves that are thin and crisp, so it pairs well with light dressings.

Causes of bitterness in lettuce leaves

  1. Variety Salad varieties: Iceberg, Romaine, Moscow Greenhouse, Ballet, Zabava - crispy, juicy and without bitterness. Leaves of such varieties as: Frisse, Radicio, Lolo Rossa, Arugula, Watercress - are a little bitter.
  2. Age. Young lettuce has a mild taste. Overgrown lettuce has a more pronounced herbaceous taste and is capable of accumulating a small amount of the alkaloid lactucin in its leaves. Its presence can be determined by the milky juice on the break and bitterness in the taste. Alkoloids are part of many medications, and in nature they are found in the poppy, nightshade, legume, and ranunculaceae families.
  3. Season. In spring, even bitter varieties will have a pleasant taste. In summer, especially in hot sunny weather, the leaves quickly accumulate bitterness.

Its best time is winter and is very suitable for thinning diets to be more diuretic than lettuce. The best known are those of Tudela, with outer leaves of very green and yellow hearts. Intense and slightly acidic flavor that pairs well with anchovies, bonito and blue vinaigrettes. And you, do you use the same variety of salads for everything? Or do you change according to the recipe?

If you like salads, we give you some practical tips for preparing them. Pay attention to making them very rich and different. Green color means it is bitter. It is enough to cut them, with a knife cut into a small cone in the center, to take away their bitter taste. You can also carve and fry them with a little oil and lemon juice. Sprinkle with walnut oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. If you've already done this, you may have problems; wash them quickly in very hot water.

Many believe that the cause of bitterness is insufficient watering of the salad. Practice shows that watering is more important for the growth and formation of the plant, but has almost no effect on the taste.

What to do if lettuce leaves are bitter

  1. Choose varieties without bitterness.
  2. When exposed to direct sunlight, lettuce leaves quickly accumulate bitterness, so it is better to place the beds in partial shade or between rows.
  3. A week before harvesting the lettuce, cover the plant with a thick cloth that will protect it from the sun. This method will allow you to get rid of the bitterness characteristic of many varieties.
  4. Collect lettuce early in the morning, preferably before sunrise. At this time, the salad has a more delicate taste.
  5. When collecting young lettuce leaves, make sure that the lettuce does not overgrow or shoot arrows. Lettuce can be planted throughout the entire summer season with an interval of 2-3 weeks, although spring plantings will still be the least bitter.
  6. To get rid of bitterness, you need to hold the leaves, preferably together with the roots, in cold water. For varieties with thin, delicate greens, the dry method is suitable: cover the leaves with salt for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
  7. Eating lettuce with bitter leaves will not harm your health. If you want to soften the bitter taste, mix the leaves with cottage cheese, feta or ricotta, eggs, yogurt or sour cream.

You can also store it in the refrigerator wrapped in newspaper, or you can store it in a sealed plastic bag and leave it in a cool place. If the discoloration is very noticeable, it means it has gotten worse. This way you won't have to cut it later with a knife.

This will prevent the edge of the knife from turning red and appearing on the table. Select the whitest part and peel it in very thin strips. You can add the same to your salad. In addition, it is not as indigestible as when boiled. Take a bowl, fill it with hot water and add a splash of vinegar.

Garden lettuce is a leader among other leafy vegetables. The salad is especially tasty and pleasantly aromatic in spring. But what is a summer barbecue without lettuce or sandwiches? You can wrap meat, vegetables in salad and, of course, make all kinds of salad dishes even in summer. The benefits of salads are a separate topic. The leaves contain a large amount of vitamins: C, K, carotene, B vitamins, as well as a number of minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iodine and others. Leaf lettuce has a beneficial effect on the liver, pancreas, kidneys and cardiovascular system. It will help maintain good vision and can even protect against Alzheimer's disease. Lettuce leaves have a lot of fiber and, in general, lettuce is a low-calorie product. Therefore, salad improves metabolism in the body and helps to lose excess weight. In addition, salad is included in the diet for diabetes, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers and high blood pressure. However, overripe leaves acquire a bitter taste and lose their pleasant smell. There are also some varieties of lettuce that are bitter in themselves. It is better to grow varieties that have green juice, those with milky juice usually taste bitter. Varieties without bitterness include: Frillac, Bacardi, Critz, Embrace, Remus, Iceberg, Lollo Rossa. To prevent the salad from becoming bitter, it is necessary to water it regularly and generously. Fertilizing with fertilizer high in magnesium also helps produce sweet, non-bitter lettuce. And one more secret: you need to cut the lettuce not in the heat of the day, but in the early morning or late evening. If you still feel bitterness, such a salad must be bleached. To do this, place it under non-transparent dishes - a saucepan, a bucket and leave it like that for 3-5-7 days before cooking. During this time, the bitterness completely disappears, and the bleached crispy rosette of lettuce becomes tastier and healthier. You can also remove bitterness from overripe lettuce. Before you remove the bitterness of the lettuce, you need to wash it and trim the roots. After this, the leaves are placed in a deep plate or bowl and filled with cold water. For the best effect, you can add additional ice to the bowl and leave everything to stand until the ice melts. After this, the lettuce leaves must be removed and placed on a towel to dry thoroughly. This helps get rid of half of the bitterness and gives the leaves a fresh taste. In addition, after this treatment, the lettuce leaves begin to crisp well. Another method allows you to distill the bitterness from the leaves themselves into the roots. For this you need a glass of water. Lettuce leaves are placed in it, roots down. So they should stand for at least two hours. After this, the leaves must be removed and everything except the leaves themselves must be cut off. The roots and stems will be bitter, but the leaves will not. And also, we cut the leaves into salad in advance, and let them stand separately for 15 minutes, and then mix them with other ingredients.

Dip the onions for 15 minutes and then cut them as usual. It's best to leave them in a container at room temperature. This way your salads will get flavor. You can also rub the sides of the salad bowl using a serrated clove. The salad will have a mild garlic flavor. First add salt, then vinegar and finally oil. You can also dilute the salt in vinegar before sprinkling the salad and adding oil.

And remember that to avoid remaining lacy over time, it's best to straighten it when you eat. Add some soy sauce and chopped garlic to the sunflower oil. There will be a rich sauce with a slight oriental touch.

How it is

Remember that any cooked spinach dish can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Otherwise, spinach will begin to release toxic nitrate salts.

Finely chop one onion and two cloves of garlic and fry it all in a frying pan for 4 minutes (oil to taste, but do not overdo it). Then mix the contents of a can or package of canned chicken soup (also called consommé) and 300 g of fresh spinach in a saucepan. Add the fried onion and garlic and bring the mixture to a boil. Then pour it into a blender, mix until smooth, pour it back into the pan (by the way, you don’t have to wash it) and bring it to a boil again. You can add a spoonful of cream.

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