Chinese cabbage is in great demand, this plant is considered almost the most useful in the cabbage family, it is a dietary product containing many valuable substances, including iron, magnesium, iodine, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, zinc, fiber, B vitamins , as well as vitamins A, E, C, K and choline. However, this cabbage has one significant drawback: if stored improperly, it spoils very quickly. To prolong its freshness and pamper the body with vitamins longer, you should know some specific nuances.

Varieties for long-term storage

There are a large number of varieties of Chinese cabbage, which can be divided into three groups: early, middle and late. If a vegetable is required for quick consumption, that is, it will not be stored for a long time, you can choose absolutely any variety that meets your taste preferences. If you want to preserve the harvest for as long as possible, you need to plant mid- and late-ripening varieties of cabbage. These varieties are:

  • Turquoise,
  • Mojito,
  • Nika,
  • orange heart,
  • Market,
  • Asten,
  • Wineglass,
  • Russian size,
  • Monument,
  • Yuki F1,
  • Roller coaster F1.

It is best to choose domestic hybrids and varieties of Chinese cabbage that are specially adapted to your climate. Thus, the number of full-fledged heads of cabbage that will be suitable for long-term storage will increase.

Chemicals for cabbage pests

​2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;​

​150 g canned corn;​


​If necessary, daylight hours​

​The early spring method is more suitable for warm climates or for sowing in heated greenhouses. Seeds are sown in greenhouses in early March; 50–70 days are required before technical ripeness begins. The sooner cabbage is planted, the better.

​nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which ensures vascular elasticity;​

​Many vegetable growers prefer to grow it instead of lettuce. In recent years, heads of cabbage with tender, juicy, yellow-green, elongated leaves have been sold in stores, especially in winter. This is Chinese cabbage, which is sometimes popularly called “headed winter lettuce.” This cabbage is attractive because its leaves do not become bitter, do not become coarse from heat, and do not lose their pleasant taste for a long time. In addition, it has no equal in terms of early ripening and the rate of harvest growth. Chinese cabbage contains a lot of easily digestible protein (2 times more than white cabbage), mineral salts, and vitamins. In particular, it contains carotene (provitamin A), which is not found in white cabbage, and vitamin C in 2...​

Cabbage caterpillars

Chinese cabbage is a relatively new crop in the domestic kitchen. This vegetable is usually consumed raw in salads dressed with olive oil.​

​You can spread nettles on the area with cabbage. These cabbage enemies will not climb stinging nettles. But it will need to be changed often, as this plant dries out.​

​Make the dressing using oil (a couple of teaspoons), black pepper and lemon juice. Pour it over the salad. Decorate the top with chopped herbs (parsley, cilantro or dill). Our delicious and healthy salad is ready. Bon appetit!​

​juice obtained from half a lemon.​

​9 quail eggs;​

​taste and healthy qualities​

Snails and slugs

​should be reduced by 3-4 hours​

​Many consider the autumn method to be more productive, because the time when cabbage ripens and the forks gain density is in September - a still warm month, rich in rain, but not hot.​

​Vitamin K, which is responsible for improving blood clotting.​

​00More details15​

Caring for Chinese cabbage is as follows: abundant watering, high-quality fertilizers, and hilling.

​We can talk about the benefits of Chinese cabbage for a long time. Moreover, the white cores of the leaves are the healthiest, they are also tastier, so it is better to grow a head of cabbage. Although leaf lovers can also enjoy it if they cut off their favorite part of the plant in time.

​You can sprinkle crushed egg shells or shells around the cabbage. Mollusks will not spoil their delicate bodies.​

​Preparing the dish is only half the battle. You still need to present it to the table correctly. Place the salad in a special bowl - a salad bowl. Then you can start decorating. For example, sprinkle with grated cheese or chopped herbs.

Some people like to eat the salad fresh, that is, immediately after preparing it. But even if it sits in the refrigerator for a while, nothing bad will happen. The fact is that Chinese cabbage, which is one of the main components of such a salad, does not release juice and does not spread.


​150 g ham;​

Cabbage aphid

​Peking cabbage makes its cultivation in private plots popular and, as it turns out, quite affordable.​

​. You should protect from the sun with a special dark covering material.​

​Taking into account the peculiarities of growing cabbage, experts advise sowing leafy varieties in the spring and cabbage varieties in the fall.​

​The mineral composition is also very diverse. Chinese cabbage is rich in potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. In addition, it contains magnesium, which is beneficial for heart function and vascular health;

​Growing Chinese cabbage is considered accessible to every gardener, be it a “green” beginner or an experienced gardener with experience. This unpretentious vegetable grows well and quickly, it is easy to get two harvests per season, it is stored perfectly, it is tasty and extremely useful, but it has three troubles: bolting, cruciferous flea beetle and slugs.​

​Peking cabbage is the leader among cabbages in terms of vitamin C content, and its daily consumption helps restore strength, prevent vitamin deficiency and excess weight.​

​Beijing cabbage​

​These cabbage pests hunt only at night​

​Now you know what salads with Chinese cabbage and corn can be prepared, spending a minimum amount of time and ingredients. It turns out incredibly delicious.​

Harvest Tips

In order for Chinese cabbage to be preserved as long as possible, it must not only be stored in appropriate conditions, but also collected from the beds on time.

As a rule, heads of Chinese cabbage are harvested before they are fully ripe, that is, at the stage of technical ripeness. Overripe cabbage will begin to rot and will be stored worse. Practice has shown that heads of cabbage cut in mid-October or a little later are best stored. Only in this case you need to carefully ensure that the cabbage does not fall under frost. Such a crop will spoil very quickly.

How to store the harvest

Strengthened Chinese cabbage seedlings can withstand slight changes in temperature. Its resistance is possible at –4C. At the same time, you don’t have to rush to harvest unripe heads of cabbage in the open ground; it can be left until the beginning of October. A head of cabbage that feels firm to the touch will be suitable for harvesting.

Cabbage planted in early spring is not suitable for storage; its cultivation is necessary only for summer consumption. Seedlings planted in early July in open ground can be stored until December or longer. Storage temperature should be +5-7°C. To preserve the heads of cabbage, they are wrapped in film or newspaper and then placed in plastic bags. In such packaging, the heads of cabbage can remain for 10-20 days without loss of nutritional properties. To avoid rot, transfer paper should be changed more often.

Basic rules for storing Chinese cabbage

  • When storing Chinese cabbage, it is important that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. You also need the storage location to be dark and cool.
  • Chinese cabbage is susceptible to rapid wilting, so the place where it is stored should be maintained at high humidity - 95–98%. It cannot be increased to 100%, otherwise the reserves will quickly deteriorate.
  • In order for the heads of cabbage to remain fresh for a long time, they must be completely dry. Otherwise, moisture will significantly speed up the decomposition process.
  • During storage, stocks should be periodically checked and, if signs of rotting or wilting appear, spoiled leaves should be removed immediately.
  • Do not store Chinese cabbage near products that produce ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of the fruit. These products include apples, bananas, apricots, pears, potatoes, tomatoes and beets.
  • Peking cabbage must be cooled before wrapping it in cling film - then condensation will not form under the film.
  • The storage location must be maintained at the required temperature. If it is lower than recommended, the vegetable will freeze, and if it is higher, it will begin to bloom. In both the first and second cases, cabbage will quickly become unfit for consumption.

Harvesting a real Asian harvest

Harvesting Chinese cabbage is possible within 55-60 days after planting. Its heads of cabbage at this moment weigh approximately 300 grams and this is their optimal size. In one season you can get 2 or even 3 harvests.

Interesting: Rizhiki can be frozen for the winter

But when should you harvest Chinese cabbage for winter storage? In this case, the harvest should be harvested no earlier than the end of September. True, there is one exception, but it concerns more Chinese cabbage. At home, it is dried (then you can make an excellent soup) and stored for the long cold months. Since ancient times, direct sunlight has helped to do this. Therefore, it is logical that summer harvests are more suitable for drying, unless special dryers are used. I would recommend using electric dryers, as they will preserve the maximum of nutrients during drying.

There are several subtleties that should be observed so that storing Chinese cabbage (already about it) is possible for up to 4 months. Don't be intimidated, they are very simple and even contribute to a pleasant work experience. And here they are:

  1. The cabbage should be completely dry. Therefore, clean only when the dew has left the ground and the effects of the rain have evaporated under the influence of the wind and the rays of the sun.
  2. It’s better not to tempt fate and wait for frost. If Chinese cabbage survives even -2°C, its “safety margin” will sharply decrease. October is an unpredictable month in this regard, so it is better to hurry than to be late.
  3. Only store young, firm heads of cabbage. Check them carefully for damage, brown spots or mucus. If there are leaves with wounds, then remove them, but Chinese cabbage, like white cabbage, must have protective “clothing”. This way the plant will not dry out.

Well, harvesting Chinese cabbage is not a tricky business. There are no difficulties with cleaning the Chinese. But preparing them for the winter is science and creativity at the same time.

Methods for storing Chinese cabbage

Cold storage:

  • Remove any loose cabbage leaves.
  • Wrap each head of cabbage in cling film. There is no need to wrap the stalk in film.
  • Place the cabbage in the special vegetable compartment.

Freezer storage:

  • Wash the cabbage, dry and finely chop.
  • Place in plastic bags or plastic containers and place in the freezer.

Frozen Chinese cabbage can be used for soups, stewing and baking (pre-defrosting is not required).

Winter storage

To preserve Chinese cabbage for the winter, you need to use a cellar. There are 2 ways to store this type of cabbage in the cellar:

  • Chinese cabbage is best stored if you do not cut it, but pull it out along with the roots, and then bury it in slightly damp sand.
  • It can also be stored in wooden boxes. In this case, each head of cabbage should be wrapped in 3-4 layers of cling film. It is advisable to place the cabbage in a box so that it does not lie, but stands, and the heads of cabbage should not be placed close to each other.

When storing Asian culture in the second way, be sure to inspect the heads of cabbage every 2-3 weeks. Remove unsuitable leaves. After this, the cabbage should be wrapped again in cling film.

How to store Chinese cabbage at home

Of course, there are specific storage principles.
For example, only fully formed and whole dried cabbage heads are selected. And in order to make the shelf life of Chinese cabbage even longer, the cabbage is harvested along with its roots and buried in damp sand. At the same time, she is lowered into the cellar or basement. It should be added that this type of cabbage also really needs significant air humidity. And in order to prevent the heads from withering, they are still stored in plastic bags. Before this, they are kept in cold, well-ventilated areas. After this, the filled bags are hermetically sealed and placed on shelves or in boxes. For long-term preservation, only Chinese cabbage ripened before frost, around mid-October, is suitable.

Under no circumstances should cabbage that is damaged or damaged by pests be stored for storage. Spots of mucus, black spots and slight damage indicate that the fruit should be consumed as soon as possible or frozen. It won't last long.

The shelf life of Chinese cabbage will be optimal if the temperature is maintained: 0-2 C. Air humidity is best to be 95-98%. Humidity above these values ​​will lead to rapid rotting of vegetables.

There are also certain other aspects that need to be taken into account. If the cabbage is in the cellar, then it is better to beware of the close proximity to apples

In a refrigerator

How to store Chinese cabbage in the refrigerator? If you store Chinese cabbage in the refrigerator, then its shelf life there will be 10-15 days. In general, autumn cabbage harvested in mid-October, almost before frost, is suitable for long-term preservation. If the harvest is to be harvested, then the heads of Chinese cabbage must be cleaned of outer, and also damaged, loosely adjacent leaves. At the same time, it is still necessary to retain a number of “security” leaflets. Since they will prevent the heads of cabbage from drying out excessively. As for the heads of cabbage, they are cut right under the leaves. There is no need to damage the main veins. After this, you need to transfer the cabbage to the freezer as soon as possible and cool everything to a suitable temperature.

When storing Chinese cabbage in the refrigerator, you need to wrap it in paper, this way it will last longer.

It is best to keep cabbage in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment or on a shelf in a food container.

For long-term preservation, Chinese cabbage can be sealed in plastic bags. Due to protection from external influences, cabbage will be able to last a little longer. Most importantly, do not forget to control the presence of moisture inside the bag. If there is too much moisture, the fruit will rot instantly.

Until the new Year

The picked heads of cabbage are slightly dried in the open air and wrapped in plastic cling film, while keeping the top and base of the head of cabbage open. In this option, provided that the temperature is maintained at approximately 1 °C and the air humidity is between 80-90%, the harvest can last until the New Year.

Have you ever managed to save Chinese cabbage until the New Year?

No, it didn’t work Yes, it worked

For the winter

The cellar is the best place for long-term storage of Chinese cabbage. It maintains optimal high humidity and also prevents the development of harmful bacteria. Before storing, any head of cabbage should be packed in cling film or an airtight bag, and then placed in the basement.

In order for the cabbage to last for an extremely long time, suitable conditions should be maintained in the cellar:

  • Humidity no more than 97%.
  • Temperature no more than +2°C.
  • Lack of fruits, mainly apples, in the room, as they stimulate the process of deterioration of Chinese cabbage.

If the conditions in the cellar are dry enough to humidify the air space, you should place a container of water near the cabbage storage. It is impossible to allow a sudden drop in temperature in the cellar. If the temperature there drops below 0, move the cabbage to the warmest place, otherwise it will freeze and begin to rot.

Under the best storage conditions and following the temperature and humidity conditions, Chinese cabbage will be stored for at least 3-4 months.

Beijing cabbage has a number of advantages and distinctive features. First of all, such a culture can be very useful for a person’s well-being, as it includes a variety of micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins.

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