How to dry bell peppers at home?

Benefit or harm?

Dried sweet peppers are one of the opportunities to saturate our winter diet with vitamins from products that appear on our table fresh only in the second half of summer and autumn.
Paprika contains: B vitamins, carotene, vitamin E, folic acid, zinc, “heart vitamin” potassium, well-absorbed forms of phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iodine. Ripe peppers contain a lot of iron and copper, which we need for blood formation.

Dried paprika causes harm to human health only if the person who eats it has:

  • angina pectoris
  • severe hypotension,
  • any type of gastrointestinal ulcer,
  • gastritis,
  • liver problems,
  • problems with the urinary system,
  • hemorrhoids.

In the absence of the listed diseases, dried paprika can be safely added to suitable dishes to:

  • support the immune barrier,
  • improve the growth of nails, hair,
  • improve the quality of vision,
  • suppress hypertensive manifestations,
  • reduce the risk of vascular blockage,
  • stimulate appetite
  • reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes.

The energy value and calorie content of dried paprika is 10 times higher than that of fresh paprika and equals 390-400 kcal. The product obtained from green fruits has the lowest calorie content, since initially the pulp of green sweet pepper contains no more than 20 kcal. For comparison: the calorie content of yellow-sided and red fresh fruits is 30-40 kcal.

Use of dried pepper in cooking

Dried aromatic paprika goes perfectly with other vegetables, pork, beef, chicken, turkey and fish. It is used in stews, sauces, marinades, gravies, and fried for first courses.

Advice . Place the preparation in the cold for 20 minutes to swell and add to soups, borscht, and stewed cabbage at the end of cooking.

Dried paprika is added to bread dough along with flax seeds, sesame seeds and herbs. It is used to make homemade seasonings for a variety of dishes, combining them with ground black pepper, turmeric, dried parsley, dill, celery, basil, garlic, and bay leaf.

Dried ground bell peppers are actively used in Mediterranean, European, and Asian cuisines. For example, the famous Hungarian paprikash is difficult to imagine without aromatic paprika, where it is added in fresh and dried form. Feta cheese is rolled in ground pepper and marinated in olive oil.

How to dry bell peppers at home for the winter

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Number of servings: 16

  • calorie content – ​​26.82 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.29 g;
  • fats – 0 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.27 g.


  • bell pepper – 5 kg;
  • salt – 3 tsp.
  1. Turn on the oven to preheat to 50 degrees. Wash the vegetables, remove the stems and seeds.
  2. Chop the peppers. These can be slices, but they will dry faster when chopped into rings 2-4 cm wide.
  3. Place the vegetable on a baking sheet in one layer, add salt. Place in the oven. Close it. Maintain the temperature at 50 degrees. Check your workpieces from time to time. Drying bell peppers takes 12-14 hours, sometimes it takes longer. It should have a brittle consistency, and the elasticity is characteristic of a dried product.

Drying hot peppers or bell peppers is easy. The main thing is to be patient, because the result will be worth it. And “garlands” of pods hung around the kitchen are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also useful. Pepper essential oils will gradually saturate the air in the room and thereby reduce the risk of colds in all households. Try making this recipe using our recipe – it’s very simple!

How to dry bell peppers for the winter in an electric dryer? Algorithm for drying peppers in an electric dryer:

  1. Wash the pepper.
  2. Dry.
  3. Remove the fruits from the stems.
  4. Remove the core and seeds from each vegetable.
  5. Cut all the paprika into strips by hand or with a vegetable cutter.
  6. Spread the resulting mass onto trays in even layers.
  7. Select temperature mode.
  8. Turn on the device.
  9. After bringing the slices to the desired condition, turn off the device and allow the raw material to cool completely.
  10. Pour the strips of vegetables into a glass container or first grind the raw materials to a powder state, and then store them in a hermetically sealed jar.

How to dry sweet peppers at home in the oven? Algorithm for drying paprika using an oven:

  1. Wash the pepper.
  2. Wipe dry.
  3. Cut out the cores.
  4. Divide each fruit into quarters and then into strips.
  5. Place the workpiece on a baking sheet lined with parchment (layer no more than 1 cm).
  6. Turn on the oven at 50C°…60C°.
  7. Place the tray in the oven.
  8. Do not close the oven door completely (you can use a fork, holding it between the door and the body of the oven).
  9. Stir the mixture periodically using a spoon.
  10. After a couple of hours, turn off the oven and do not close the door.
  11. The next day, after mixing the pepper, turn on the oven again and follow the steps listed above.
  12. Repeat the procedure until the slices are dry.

How to cook dried bell peppers for the winter in the microwave? Algorithm for drying sweet paprika in the microwave:

  1. Wash 3-4 paprikas.
  2. Wipe the fruits.
  3. Cut out the cores.
  4. Cut the pulp into equal strips or cubes.
  5. Place the mixture on a plate so that the bottom is slightly visible between the pieces.
  6. Turn on the oven for 2 minutes, selecting the 200-300 W mode.
  7. The process should not be left unsupervised.
  8. After turning off the oven, open the oven to ventilate and stir the slices.
  9. If the slices are still wet, repeat the procedure.
  10. If a burning smell appears, reduce the power level.

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Well, very tasty! || Salad with omelet and meat How to air dry peppers? Pepper dries well in air:

  1. The crushed fruits are scattered on a tray, after which they are kept in partial shade, putting them away in a dry room at night.
  2. The cored fruits are strung on a rope, after which it is pulled between supports under a canopy or in a dry room.

If there are few fruits, then after chopping them you can dry them on a windowsill previously covered with parchment. The mixture should be stirred once a day.

Preserving red hot peppers at home is quite easy. Dried seasoning is suitable for pickles, canned preparations, and fresh salads and snacks.

One option for preparing peppers for storage is a regular kitchen oven. Before starting the process, the pods are thoroughly washed under waste water and moisture is removed using napkins. It is also necessary to cut the hot pepper into halves, and if it is large enough, into 4 parts and remove the stalks. It is better to perform all procedures with rubber gloves, otherwise you may burn the delicate skin of your hands.

The baking tray in the oven should be covered with baking paper. Place the chopped peppers in a single layer. Then heat the oven to 50°C, insert a baking tray and leave the appliance door slightly open. It is in such conditions that everything will be as it should be - the sharp pods will not be baked, but rather dried out.

Our grandparents also used the following option for drying peppers. We are talking about the natural drying of pods strung on a rope. Pepper dries best in a ventilated area where it is warm enough and has low humidity. Wash the pepper pods, dry them a little and attach them to a thread or thin rope with a needle.

Capsicums can be preserved by drying them on a wire rack. There are even special dryers for vegetables and fruits. If your dryer is not electric, then you can use grates and the heat of gas burners. In this case, it is important to fold the pods in one layer and turn on the burners to medium heat.

If you decide to use an electric dryer, then in this case everything can be done as easily as possible. True, the process will take a fairly long period of time - about a day. It is better to place the contents of the dryer in the daytime to warm up the contents, since in this case your participation will be needed - the vegetables will need to be stirred from time to time.

The easiest option for those who don’t have time to fuss is to dry vegetables at home on the window. To do this, you will need wide window sills and the absence of inquisitive children. So, put the washed peppers on parchment and leave them to dry for about 2 or 3 weeks. Turn and stir the pods from time to time.

For those who have used our options and drying methods, let us add that the resulting blanks do not like moisture. It is better to transfer such a product to fabric bags, paper bags or glass jars. In the latter case, there is no need to cover the container with a lid; just cover the neck with gauze.

If you intend to use red pepper in the future not in pods, but in the form of crushed powder, then the dried pods can simply be ground in a regular food processor or even a coffee grinder. Once your hot powder is ready, be sure to transfer it to an airtight, and most importantly, dry container for bulk ingredients. And, of course, rinse the coffee grinder!

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Know that the spiciness of your red pepper will depend on the correct type and drying period. The pungent notes are best produced by pods that have not been damaged, harvested on time, and watered regularly. However, in chili peppers, a lot depends on the amount of a compound such as capsaicin. It is he who affects the nerve endings of a person. Different varieties have different levels of this substance.

For those who want to get ground red pepper with a little heat, we advise you to remove the seeds before grinding, then you will definitely feel the difference. Don't forget that in addition to dried chili, you can also prepare salted chili. Good luck in getting the hottest and hottest ingredient for your kitchen delights!

Hot pepper is a product applicable in many areas of human life. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. This spice comes from Central America. In Mexico and Guatemala, where the largest number of species grow, mention of it dates back to the 15th century. In the Old World, the plant became widespread at the beginning of the 16th century. It was brought to Russia from Turkey only at the end of the 16th century.

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Contains vitamins, carotene and essential oils

Hot pepper is most often used in powder form. Today this spice is one of the most common. In almost every home there are pepper shakers with red powder on the table.

You can season almost any dish with red pepper. It will not lose its taste, but will only gain some piquancy. The main thing is not to overdo it. Liquid sauces based on red pepper have become especially popular today. In medicine, most natural warming ointments are prepared on its basis.

Pepper extract is widely used in anti-inflammatory ointments.
It is not inferior to other valuable plants in the amount of useful substances. Vitamins A, B, C; magnesium, iron, potassium - this is just an incomplete list of them.

In order to dry a vegetable at home, it must first be prepared. First, you need to sort the pods.

Only specimens with uniform color are suitable for drying. The absence of damage and any inclusions guarantees the best result when drying.

It is better not to dry or store spoiled pods. Secondly, the selected pods must be washed under running water and dried with a cotton towel. Thirdly, after a couple of days, when the pepper is slightly wilted, it needs to be cut into small pieces.

If you decide to dry the whole thing, then there is no need to do this; small pods dry completely. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves when cutting, since the vegetable, if it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, can simply corrode them.

To prevent burning of the skin of your hands after processing the vegetable, use gloves during preparation.

How to dry bell peppers at home: a guide


There are several ways to dry bell peppers. All of them are simple and do not require much effort.

On open air

Drying time : 3-12 days.

There are two options for preparing peppers for air drying. In the first, they are left whole and strung on a harsh or nylon thread or fishing line. In the second, they are cut into thin strips and placed on trays, sieves or grates covered with paper. The pieces should not touch each other.

  • Place drying trays in a dark place with good air circulation. Some recommend installing a drying box above the hob, then the process will go faster. You can dry it under a canopy, on the balcony or in the attic, opening the dormer windows and vents.
  • Turn the strips over once or several times a day.
  • In the evening or in the rain, bring the pepper indoors, otherwise it will become damp.

The duration of drying depends on the juiciness of the fruit and the humidity of the surrounding air. Readiness is checked experimentally: the pieces should be hard and crunchy when broken.

In the oven

Drying time : 12-16 hours.

This method will reduce drying time. Peppers after the oven turn out more tasty and aromatic.

  • Line baking sheets or racks with baking parchment.
  • Place the pepper slices in a single layer so that they do not touch.
  • Set the temperature to 45-55°C.
  • Dry for 3 hours with the door tightly closed.
  • Raise the temperature to 60°C.
  • Open the oven door slightly (gas by 15 centimeters, and electric by 5) and dry until done.

Every 2-3 hours, take out the baking sheets, turn the pieces over and let them cool completely.

In an electric dryer or dehydrator

Drying time : 10-12 hours.

How to dry bell peppers in an electric dryer? It's much easier than in the oven. The device will do all the work for you.

  • Place the pepper strips on the grates in a single layer, 1 to 2 millimeters apart. In a dryer this is done with the inside facing up, and in a dehydrator it is done with the inside facing down.
  • Set the temperature to 55-60° or the “Vegetables” mode.
  • Change the grilles every 2-3 hours.

If after the allotted time the pepper does not become crispy and brittle, then the procedure can be extended until cooked.

Tips for choosing an electric dryer Rating of the best dryers for vegetables and fruits

In the microwave

Drying time : 10-25 minutes.

This method is much faster than drying bell peppers in an electric dryer. But small batches are obtained, so you have to tinker.

  • Place pepper slices on a paper plate, silicone, ceramic or glass dish.
  • Set the “Defrost” mode. Rotate the pepper for 2-4 minutes.
  • Open the door and let the moisture escape.
  • Set the power to the lowest mode (80-100 W). Dry until ready.

Open the oven every 4-6 minutes to get rid of excess moisture that has evaporated from the pepper.

To make a delicious seasoning from dried paprika, grind it in a coffee grinder, blender or mince it. If desired, you can add salt, pepper, various spices and herbs, dried garlic and onions, and vegetable oil to the finished powder. Sun-dried or sun-dried tomatoes and apple cider vinegar will help add sourness.

Basic Rules

We have previously talked about how to dry hot chili peppers at home. Now let's talk about how to dry bell peppers for the winter.

Peppers are dried using electric or gas appliances or by resorting to free ancient methods of preparing food for future use using the sun and fresh air.

How to prepare sweet peppers for drying? Having thoroughly rinsed the fruits under running water, each one is wiped from excess moisture and freed from signs of spoilage, tail and core. The crumbled seeds stuck inside the vegetable are shaken out by tapping the wide edge on the palm or table surface.

But even if a few seeds remain, the taste of the finished product will not deteriorate, and the cooking time will not increase. After peeling a batch of vegetables, they are cut into quarters and then crumbled into strips 3-4 mm thick.

What to dry sweet bell peppers in? Dried crushed pepper:

  • in electric dryers,
  • in electric and gas ovens,
  • in the microwave,
  • on pallets placed in a shaded area.

At what temperature should you dry bell peppers? Raw materials can be dried in air at any positive temperature, in the absence of high humidity (at night, trays with pepper should be covered or brought into a dry room).

In the oven and electric dryer for peppers, select a fifty-degree mode, maintaining this temperature until the slices are brought to the desired condition

How long does it take to dry? When drying under natural conditions, when the air warms up to 30 degrees Celsius or more during the day, it will take 3-4 days. At lower temperatures – 5-7 days. At 50 degrees Celsius, chopped pepper will reach the desired condition in 12-24 hours. The cooking time depends on the volume being processed and the thickness of the slices.

How to determine readiness? Well-dried paprika strips break easily rather than bend. If the flesh of the pieces is in the same condition as dried dates, then the raw material still needs to be dried.

How to dry bell peppers

Dried sweet peppers are widely used. It is added to soups, side dishes and baked goods. Therefore, it is useful to know how to dry bell peppers.

For ripe fruits, remove the seeds and stem. Rinse well. Then cut into pieces 2 cm thick or into circles 5 mm thick. Pieces or circles should be blanched in a 1% solution of table salt for one to two minutes. Cool and place on a drying tray. The total drying time depends on the thickness of the pulp. The process lasts from eight to eleven hours. The finished pieces should be crispy and dry. They should be placed in a glass container and covered with linen. You can also dry the peppers in the oven or leave the baking sheet in the sun. Dried vegetables, when properly stored, retain all their beneficial qualities for up to two years.

When making soup or stew, the dried pieces can be thrown directly into the water. If you need to restore dried pieces, you can first soak them in water.

How to dry red hot peppers - recommendations from farmers

Dried red pepper can be ground in a coffee grinder. Then for the winter it can be compactly distributed into pre-prepared jars. It is important that the container is tightly closed, otherwise the powder may become damp. Whole pods, on the contrary, are recommended to be stored in containers covered with several layers of gauze or cloth. Such peppers must have a constant flow of fresh air, then they will not become moldy.

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The jars should not be tightly closed so that whole peppercorns do not become moldy.

The prepared spice is suitable as a spicy and healthy seasoning for many dishes. It is often used in recipes for preparing various salads, stews, canned food and other numerous pickles.

We also recommend reading articles about drying delicious bell peppers and crispy carrots at home.

Sushi storage

Glass or metal jars, fabric bags and paper bags are used to store dried paprika.

If you plan to store the product in a glass container, choose a place protected from direct sunlight. Linen bags are used if the humidity level in the kitchen is low.

Sun-dried peppers must be heated in a hot frying pan or oven for disinfection before packaging. To do this, heat the oven to a temperature of 100°C, then turn it off and leave the pepper in it until it cools completely.

How and in what to store dried bell peppers? In hermetically sealed glass, ceramic, metal stainless steel jars.

If the humidity level in the storage/kitchen is constantly low, then dried bell peppers can be stored in tied canvas bags.

If the pepper was air-dried, then before placing it in jars it must be “disinfected” - calcined in the oven.

To do this, the oven is heated to a temperature of 90C°...100C° and turned off. Immediately place the dried pepper in the oven and keep it there until it cools.

Dried pepper can be used not only as a vitamin supplement for dishes, but also as a product for “killing a worm” for those who are forced to go on a diet.

Unlike store-bought chips and crackers, paprika will definitely not harm your health or affect your weight.

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Benefits of harvesting dried sweet peppers

The method of preserving vegetables and fruits for the winter by drying is especially popular due to the fact that the product preserves vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Sweet peppers, unfortunately, cannot be stored fresh for a long time, so this method of preparation is best suited.

The chopped and dried pieces are placed in plastic or glass jars and added to food as needed. During the cooking process, the flakes swell under the influence of moisture.

Dried paprika can be ground into powder. The result is an environmentally friendly product, no worse than store-bought seasonings.

Dried aromatic paprika goes perfectly with other vegetables, pork, beef, chicken, turkey and fish. It is used in stews, sauces, marinades, gravies, and fried for first courses.

Dried paprika is added to bread dough along with flax seeds, sesame seeds and herbs. It is used to make homemade seasonings for a variety of dishes, combining them with ground black pepper, turmeric, dried parsley, dill, celery, basil, garlic, and bay leaf.

Dried ground bell peppers are actively used in Mediterranean, European, and Asian cuisines. For example, the famous Hungarian paprikash is difficult to imagine without aromatic paprika, where it is added in fresh and dried form. Feta cheese is rolled in ground pepper and marinated in olive oil.

Benefits of dried sweet peppers

Due to the high content of vitamins (especially vitamin C), micro- and macroelements in pepper, it is recommended to eat it with low immunity, vitamin deficiency and impaired metabolism . Vitamins A and E contained in the dried product strengthen nails and hair, improve skin condition and accelerate its regeneration.

Dried pepper seasonings have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improving and speeding up digestion. Therefore, paprika is useful for weight loss. It helps with indigestion, stomach colic, accumulation of gases in the intestines, and flatulence.

Sweet pepper is recommended for use by people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, radiculitis) and the cardiovascular system. It strengthens blood vessels, is important in the prevention of blood clots, and helps with bleeding gums and anemia.

Beneficial features

Dried pepper, however, like fresh pepper, has a lot of beneficial properties that its rich chemical composition gives it.

Product contains:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP;
  • minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese.

Ascorbic acid makes it easier to tolerate viral diseases in winter. Vitamin A improves the condition of skin, hair, nails, and has a beneficial effect on vision. B vitamins are indispensable for the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. Fiber promotes rapid digestion of food and removal of toxins from the body.

Dried paprika has a beneficial effect on the body when:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • periodontal disease;
  • anemia;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • memory impairment, loss of strength, constant fatigue due to stress;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Moderate consumption of the seasoning relieves flatulence, colitis, cramps, speeds up metabolism and reduces weight. Sweet paprika, unlike hot pepper, does not cause inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it can be consumed in larger quantities without fear.

Tags: dry, hot, winter, pepper

About the author: admin4ik

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The benefits of sweet pepper

• Content of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP; • the composition includes potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese; • due to the high content of vitamin C, dried pepper can be considered a means of increasing immunity (the red vegetable contains the most vitamin C); • vitamin A strengthens hair, improves skin condition, and is important for the quality of vision; • drying pepper makes it possible to prepare aromatic seasonings that not only improve taste, but also speed up the digestive process; • has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, helps strengthen blood vessels, and is important for the prevention of blood clots.

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