(Based on H. Schilcher. Effects and side-effects of essential oils. from Essential Oils and Aromatic Plants. Proc. 15th Int. Symp. on Essential oils. Eds. A. Baerheim. S. & JJC Scheffer. Divis

Is it possible to use expired cosmetic oil?

On the shelf in the bathroom I found hair oil and massage oil that had expired. Can they be used or will they no longer be useful and should they be thrown away?

As a rule, the composition of oil and many other substances in cosmetics changes when the expiration date expires and its properties are destroyed. This may not only not bring the expected benefit, but also cause harm. Sometimes in such cases there are allergic reactions and irritation. It is advisable to always check the expiration date and not risk your beauty.

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In general, it's better not to use it. But I don’t throw it away and use this oil for my heels - I suffer with hard heels, I don’t buy expensive peels and scrubs, but use improvised products and then use a foot file.

Oils for massage and hair also have their own expiration date - it is always indicated on the packaging. But personally, I am in no hurry to throw away such products if the composition of the product is natural and does not contain chemical fragrances and other ingredients that can affect the shelf life of the product. After all, as a rule, even oil that has expired can be beneficial: olive oil, jojoba oil or almond oil can continue to be used for massage.

Also, based on such oils, you can make various scrubs or masks for hands, feet, and nails. The expiration date will not matter. Add fine salt to the oil and an excellent scrub is ready. You can also add ground coffee or steamed oatmeal at your discretion.

What I would not do is use expired essential oils. In this case, there is a high risk of allergic reactions. It is better to throw away essential oils after the expiration date, because our own health is more important to us.

Also, based on such oils, you can make various scrubs or masks for hands, feet, and nails. The expiration date will not matter. Add fine salt to the oil and an excellent scrub is ready. You can also add ground coffee or steamed oatmeal at your discretion.

Storage periods and rules

Olive oil is in demand due to its beneficial properties, especially since this product, once considered a delicacy, is now available in any store .

Its shelf life is limited to one year . Some manufacturers also indicate a shorter period - 6 months . But with proper storage, you can safely use it for a year, following the following rules :

  • the optimal storage temperature is 12 - 15 degrees (otherwise sediment will appear at the bottom);
  • Do not store near the stove, microwave, or window;
  • do not leave in the light (otherwise antioxidants and vitamins are destroyed);
  • keep the bottle tightly corked (oxygen serves as an oxidizing agent for olive oil);
  • store only in glass or porcelain containers;
  • pour into small containers to the brim - this will prevent access to oxygen , it is harmful to the oil;
  • Do not store in the refrigerator .
  • Although some sources indicate a possible shelf life of up to 18 months . If you put the bottle in the refrigerator for a while, and white flakes , it means the oil is real and not fake.

    Butter is one of the main dairy products. It is made from heavy cream by whipping. There are several types according to the manufacturing method:

  • sweet cream , made from pasteurized unfermented cream (this includes the famous Vologda);
  • sour cream - from pasteurized cream fermented with lactic acid bacteria;
  • sandwich with reduced calorie content;
  • Ghee is milk fat rendered from butter;
  • creamy with fillings and flavorings.

Oil is a perishable .

At home, it is stored at a temperature of 10-12 degrees in a dark place (refrigerator).

The storage duration depends on:

Sweet cream and sour cream are stored packaged:

  • in parchment 10 days ;
  • in foil for 20 days ;
  • in boxes and cups made of polymers for 15 days ;
  • in briquettes 8 days .

Sandwiches and those with fillings can be stored for 15 days, baked ones for up to a year.

Butter can be stored in the freezer for much longer; that’s where it is stored in the store’s warehouse.

Vegetable oil, the most popular food item, is now sold in bottles. Best before date:

  • refined 4 months;
  • unrefined 2.

Bottles of imported products may indicate a shelf life of up to 1 year . This is an excessive period and violates the GOST standards adopted in the Russian Federation.

Sunflower is stored in a dark place at a positive temperature not exceeding 18 degrees. If the bottle is not left open, the shelf life after opening the package remains the same.


Essential oils must be stored in accordance with the requirements of the standards prescribed by the International Pharmacopoeia organization:

  • the bottle must be tightly closed ;
  • storage temperature from -5 to +30 ;
  • the container should only be darkened glass ;
  • Do not store near open fire - the oil may catch fire .

The shelf life is not limited ; many, for example, those contained in wines, are “ennobled” with long shelf life. But citrus fruits are stored for 2-3 years at temperatures from -10 to +15 degrees.

Companies that produce this product from cultivated plants set a shelf life of 1 to 2 years for them.

Pine nut oil is obtained from pine nuts. When storing it, the following must be observed:

  • store in a glass container with a narrow neck (to reduce the flow of oxygen);
  • in a dark place;
  • at positive temperatures, but not higher than 15 degrees ;
  • To avoid rancidity, put a few dry beans and add a little salt .

Unopened, it is stored for 1 year , in open bottles up to 10 months . The sediment that forms at the bottom of the bottle is good for your health.

Burdock oil is a valuable product used in medicine and cosmetology, obtained from the roots of the burdock plant. The shelf life of the pure product is up to 18 months in a cool, dark place.

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But now they produce large quantities of burdock oil with additives.

For example, with red pepper, nettle and so on.

As a result, the time frame is reduced to a year . Storage conditions remain the same.

Experts advise adding the necessary components to the product no more than three hours before use.

Flaxseed oil has many beneficial properties, but it is quite difficult to preserve. Even if it is in a cold place, it gradually begins to go rancid and release harmful substances.

You cannot fry on it , because when heated, the process of accumulation of free radicals and other harmful substances increases like an avalanche. In France, due to difficulties with storage, its sale was banned.

Sea buckthorn oil is produced from sea buckthorn berries. Used in cosmetology and medicine. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life is one and a half years. If you do not follow the terms and storage rules, it will lose its medicinal properties.

Argan oil is one of the most expensive. It is obtained from the rare Argan spiny plant. To prepare 1-2 kg of butter, 100 kg of grains are required, so it is one of the most expensive .

It was known and used back in the 8th century in the Middle East. Now it is used in cosmetology, medicine, and cooking. It has the smell of nuts and almonds and is widely used in oriental cuisines when preparing various dishes, including frying .

Real argan oil is produced only in Morocco . It has a shelf life of 18 months .

Black cumin oil is a still little-known product that has preventive and therapeutic properties. In cooking, it is used to season salads, add to soups, and gradually drip into tea for flavor.

It was known and widely used in Ancient Egypt.

It is stored in a glass or tin pharmaceutical bottle at a temperature of approximately 25 degrees .

When sealed, it can be stored for up to 24 months in a cool, dark place.

Open ─ half as much.

Ethiopian black cumin oil is considered the best .


Vaseline oil is widely used in cosmetology; it is poured into lamps in Orthodox churches, used in veterinary medicine, and coated fruits and vegetables to prevent rotting.

It is made on the basis of liquid paraffin , therefore it has a long shelf life, up to 60 months , both hermetically sealed and open. No special conditions are required, just store in a cool, dark place.

Coconut oil is valued in cosmetology and is found in recipes for making sweets. It is prepared from fresh coconuts. Store:

  • in a thick darkened glass container;
  • well closed ;
  • on the top shelf in the refrigerator .

There is refined and unrefined, the expiration dates are the same. Store for 1 year . If stored correctly, the shelf life remains the same even after the packaging has been sealed. The spoiled product acquires a poisonous yellow tint.

Castor oil is also used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Especially useful for skin rejuvenation and getting rid of age spots. It is stored in capsules for 2 years, and in bottles for 5 years.

Cocoa butter , obtained from cocoa beans, ranges in color from light yellow to brown. Used in cosmetics. Has a smell typical of chocolate. Keep:

  • at air humidity up to 75% ;
  • in a tightly sealed bottle;
  • temperature from 5 to 19 degrees.

Before use, it is heated to 40-50 degrees.

Shelf life up to three years .

Johnson Baby oil is liquid paraffin.

Used for baby massage and moisturizing baby's skin.

Store in a dark place at a temperature of 2 to 25 degrees . Shelf life 2 years .

It is so short compared to its analogue, Vaseline oil, due to the fact that Johnson Baby contains aromatic additives . The shelf life and use after opening the package are the same.

Crude oil is produced through the process of primary steam from raw materials. It is used to obtain a product in cosmetology and cooking.


As a rule, the expiration date of the essential oil is indicated on the bottle. But, it should be remembered that this period of time refers to the unopened bottle. As soon as the bottle is opened, air begins to enter it and the shelf life decreases.

On average, citrus oils last about a year. The only exception is bergamot essential oil - but this is understandable; it contains much less limonene than other citrus oils - approximately 40%, and in some varieties of bergamot oil only about 20%. Well, on average, depending on the type, essential oils are stored for 2 to 5 years.

But it should be understood that the shelf life indicated by the manufacturer is quite arbitrary. They can be significantly reduced if stored incorrectly, and extended if stored correctly. And some oils, such as sandalwood, rose, patchouli, myrrh, benzoin, vetiver, jasmine, frankincense can be stored for decades and even millennia, if you remember the oils found during excavations of Egyptian tombs; and therefore, some foreign manufacturers do not indicate an expiration date for these oils at all.

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