Red caviar is a unique delicacy in terms of nutritional value and taste. To always be able to enjoy this product, caviar can be frozen, but you must strictly adhere to clear rules. This article will help you with this.

Caviar for freezing must be natural, high quality and fresh. The product must have a uniform color, crumbly structure, and the eggs, in turn, must be whole!

If you have purchased caviar in bulk, then it must be frozen for the first or second day after purchase.

If it’s in a jar, then it needs to be frozen for no more than 3-4 days after opening the jar. After opening the tin, be sure to pour the caviar into a glass container.

So, before freezing, caviar must be placed in a colander and the liquid allowed to drain. Some advise rinsing the caviar with drinking water, re-salting it and packing it in jars. But after this method of freezing, the caviar turns out to be more watery, and the eggs may burst, and the salting may turn out to be uneven. Therefore, I recommend simply draining the liquid from the caviar, carefully stirring it with a spoon in a sieve.

It is highly undesirable to freeze caviar in plastic containers or disposable cups so that the salted product does not react with the polymer material.

Carefully transfer the caviar into glass jars with a spoon, packing 50-80 or 100 grams. The smaller the volume, the easier it will be to eat it within 1-2 days after defrosting.

I advise you to have several jars with different volumes of frozen caviar for different occasions. If it’s a holiday (birthday, New Year, etc.), then you can defrost a larger jar; if you just want caviar for a sandwich on Sunday morning, you can defrost a jar with a smaller volume.

Pour odorless vegetable oil into each jar of caviar - 1 tsp for 50 g of caviar. Gently shake the jar so that the vegetable oil is distributed throughout the entire volume of the caviar. No need to stir with a spoon!!!

During freezing, vegetable oil will protect the walls of the caviar from ruptures and damage; such caviar will have the same appearance and structure after defrosting.

Close the jars of caviar very tightly with a lid, and additionally pack them in several bags, tying them tightly. Caviar is a very delicate product and if it absorbs foreign odors during freezing, its quality will be lost forever.

Label the jars of caviar, indicating the weight of the product, the type of caviar (chum salmon, pink salmon, trout, etc.), and the date of freezing.

Place the jar of caviar in the freezer at a temperature of -18 degrees.

You only need to defrost caviar in the refrigerator, where it will gradually thaw!

To do this, move the jar to the refrigerator and leave for 6-8 hours; the defrosting time will depend on the volume of frozen caviar and the temperature at which it was stored in the freezer.

Caviar frozen in compliance with all the rules after defrosting should be whole, without liquid in the jar, with a characteristic taste and smell.

You cannot re-freeze caviar! After defrosting, it should be eaten within 1-2 days.

The shelf life of caviar in the freezer is 4 months at -18 degrees. Make sure there are no temperature fluctuations in the freezer!

The appearance and taste of red caviar directly depend on the accuracy of storage conditions. A high-quality delicacy has a crumbly structure, uniform color, and consists of whole eggs. To ensure that the product served to the table looks the same after a few months, you must freeze red caviar according to the rules. Find out how to do this below.

You can freeze red caviar at home in the refrigerator in fast freeze mode

Red caviar should be frozen for storage in small containers

Salmon caviar, popularly called “red”, is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. Almost a third of it consists of easily digestible protein. Fish caviar is a source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are valuable for the body. It contains vitamins B and D, iodine, iron, tocopherols, and ascorbic acid.

Due to the delicate shell of the eggs, the product cannot be sterilized.

The best ways to process the delicacy are pasteurization and salting.

Is it possible to freeze red caviar for storage? In industrial conditions this is done, although the nutritional value of the product is reduced. To reduce the loss of nutrients to a minimum, enterprises use blast freezing technology. The caviar is first salted and pasteurized and packaged in sealed containers. It is then placed in the freezer, where it is subjected to extreme low temperatures (-18°C). Frozen caviar can be stored for up to two years.

How to freeze red caviar at home

Caviar in original containers should be stored in the refrigerator at sub-zero temperatures of –4−6°C. When closed, it can be used for a year. After opening the jar, it is advisable to eat the caviar within a week. If the product was purchased by weight, it should be stored in a closed plastic container for no more than 3 days. If desired, caviar can be kept in the freezer for up to six months.

How to freeze red caviar correctly? Here are some tips to preserve the quality of the product:

  • Before freezing, the eggs should be placed in a colander and rinsed, allowing excess liquid to drain. Next, the caviar is salted, a little vegetable oil and sorbic acid are added to it.
  • The prepared delicacy is placed in small glass jars or plastic containers. The container must be clean and dry. The containers are hermetically sealed.
  • The caviar is placed in the freezer of the refrigerator, and the “fast freeze” mode is set.

During the storage period, make sure that there are no temperature fluctuations.

When purchasing loose caviar, do not forget about its shelf life: for packaged caviar it is no more than 4 months. Everyone knows that salmon spawning occurs in July-August, so the freshest caviar is sold by weight until November. Its main advantage is the ability to examine the eggs from all sides, and it is possible to even take a taste test.

Optimal conditions and temperature for storing red caviar in factory jars

In stores and markets, red caviar is stored in factory jars. According to the established standard GOST 31794, the permissible storage temperature for the delicacy is from 2 to 4 ° C - in this case, the shelf life of caviar is one year. In wholesale warehouses it is also stored for no more than a year at a temperature of -6 to -4°C.

In a household refrigerator, the temperature ranges from 2 to 5°C, in a freezer - from -18 to -24°C. Owners of modern refrigerators with a dedicated freshness zone are recommended to store caviar in this zone, setting the desired temperature there. General data on storage conditions for red caviar are given in the table.

What to store inAt what temperature (°C)How long to store red caviar
Airtight tin can0 … 6up to a year
In plastic containers without air-4 … 4no more than six months
Sterile container with tightly closed lid-4 … 4up to a month
In the freezer-24 … -14maximum year
In an open tin can-4 … 4no more than a day
If you transfer from a tin can to a sterile container-4 … 4about a week

Those who have modern refrigerators are much more fortunate - they have a special “freshness zone”, and then you can select the desired temperature for storage. But then the whole shelf will stand empty for the sake of one jar of caviar, and other products may simply spoil if they are placed next to each other.

Interesting! There is another way to store caviar that has already been opened and transferred to a clean, non-oxidizing and airtight container - this is a large container filled with ice. But constantly monitoring the condition of the ice for the sake of preserving a small amount of caviar is simply absurd, and even if sterility and tightness are maintained, the caviar is unlikely to deteriorate in a week or two.

Of course, the shelf life of the product will depend on the quality of the caviar, and on the degree of its salinity, because salt acts as a preservative, as well as on whether other preservatives were added to it during production, for example, vegetable oil or sorbic acid.

Pros and cons of freezing

Like any procedure, freezing caviar has objective pros and cons.

Pros of freezingCons of freezing
Allows you to increase the shelf life of the productRequires compliance with certain rules and, accordingly, time investment
Under the right freezing conditions, beneficial vitamins and microelements are preserved (their loss is no more than 15%, while during heat treatment as much as 30% is lost)If defrosting technology is violated, it may become unsuitable for consumption.
Possibility to stock up on caviar in advance, purchasing it, for example, during a period of price reductionDuring the freezing process, the structures of protein compounds change, which affects the taste of the product.
The nutritional value of the product does not changeFreezing technology allows unscrupulous producers to store caviar for as long as possible and slip it to us as fresh
When frozen, vitamins B and E are lost; they do not tolerate low temperatures

An open jar of caviar should not be stored in the refrigerator for a long time; it is recommended to eat it within 3-5 days.

Caviar, like all seafood, is beneficial for our body:

  • caviar is a storehouse of proteins and easily digestible protein;
  • it contains a large amount of calcium;
  • caviar is taken to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • The phosphorus contained in the product normalizes blood pressure, strengthens bones and tooth enamel;
  • magnesium, interacting with potassium, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Vitamin A improves skin condition and also has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • riboflavin, contained in eggs, helps with liver function;
  • tocopherol prevents premature aging and helps prevent the appearance of tumors;
  • Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, improves the body's immunity;
  • vitamin D is indispensable for bones and hard tissues;
  • Omega 3 is good for the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, as well as skin, hair and bones.

Red caviar is one of the most favorite delicacies among men and women of all countries. It is served on the table, placed on bread and used as the main component in making tartlets. Naturally, you want to periodically pamper yourself and your loved ones with such a dish, so the question arises whether it is possible to freeze red caviar for storage.

Is caviar frozen?

Red caviar can be frozen in two ways


  1. Short-term freezing is carried out in the refrigerator at a temperature of -1 degree. To store it, you need to put it in a jar and place the container on a shelf open. This way the product can remain fresh for up to three days
  2. Long-term freezing is carried out in the freezer at a temperature of at least - 18 degrees. The product should be placed in a glass jar and secured tightly with a lid. The shelf life can be up to 12 months

A frozen spark will retain all its beneficial properties, pleasant taste and smell. Its color shade will remain the same.

Storing loose caviar

You can buy loose caviar at the market and in the store. To preserve it for as long as possible without loss of quality, you need to place the delicacy in a sterilized glass container, carefully seal it, put a sheet of paper moistened with vegetable oil on the neck and close the container.


Such packaging should be stored on the refrigerator shelf with the lowest temperature, moving it as close to the back wall as possible.

If all conditions are met, you can expect that the shelf life of this delicacy will be at least a week. In order to extend it even further, you can place the container in a bowl with crushed ice poured into the bottom - it needs to be renewed periodically as it melts. It is not recommended to store caviar in plastic containers, because the delicacy may acquire a foreign odor.

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Basic rules for freezing

If you want caviar to have a pleasant taste even after long-term storage, you need to properly

There are several features

  • If it is necessary to freeze a large amount of caviar, it must be divided into several small portions and placed in containers;
  • It is not recommended to repeat this procedure several times, as the delicacy will suddenly begin to lose its original appearance;
  • It is advisable to use glass jars or food containers to store caviar;
  • The product can be frozen for no more than one year, so the date it was placed in the freezer should be indicated;
  • If it is necessary to store caviar for more than 12 months, then an antiseptic is added to the container in which the product is located; it can be sorbic acid
  • You can add a small amount of glycine to the container, it will prevent the eggs from sticking together.

You need to pay close attention to each point of the freezing rule; only in this case can you preserve the freshness of the delicacy for several months


In a refrigerator'

The conditions for transportation and storage of salmon granular and sturgeon caviar are regulated by GOSTs. In accordance with them, such cargo must be transported and stored at a temperature of 2 to 4 degrees.

We recommend that you be careful when preserving this delicacy at home. The main rule: always keep purchased goods in the refrigerator. It is better to place the packaging closer to the back wall or in a special compartment, where it is colder than in the general chamber, since the mode of the refrigeration unit rarely meets the established requirements.

By weight

After purchasing, it must be transferred to a plastic container, well greased with vegetable oil, and placed in the refrigerator. The container must be clean, dry and tightly closed.

In glass

In accordance with GOST, products are packaged in tin or glass jars.

Glass containers are the safest option, as you can carefully examine the contents.

This applies to hermetically sealed jars that have not yet been opened.

Requirements may differ for other varieties. For example, pike caviar remains fresh for 15 months at -2 to 4. Under the same conditions, cod or capelin eggs will be fresh for six months.

There is an opinion that raw materials of dubious quality are packaged in tin cans, since there is no way to evaluate it before opening it and you have to trust only the manufacturer’s information. Thus, the “Red Gold” trademark showed poor results when tested by Roskontrol, but this does not mean that all products packaged in metal cans are of low quality.

Chum salmon caviar is best preserved in this form. After opening, you cannot leave the contents in the same container, since the air will oxidize the metal and the treat will spoil much faster. It must be transferred to a plastic or glass container, stored at a temperature of -5 to 4, and consumed within 3 to 5 days.

Imitated caviar is very popular among consumers. This is a product that in appearance and taste only resembles an expensive delicacy. It is made from protein and gelatin. Many thrifty housewives use imitation to decorate sandwiches or as a filling for homemade tartlets.

The optimal containers for luxury delicacies at home are plastic containers or bags. In this case, the time depends on the presence of air in the package.

You can extend storage from 1 to 3 weeks by lining the container with ice cubes and sterilizing:

  • douse the plastic container together with the lid with a highly salted solution;
  • wipe dry with a paper towel;
  • lubricate the inner surface with vegetable oil;
  • carefully arrange the treats;
  • Add oil until a thin layer forms on top.

After opening

Opened red or black caviar must be kept in a cool place.

Opened packaging containing preservative-free products must be consumed within 1-3 days. The shelf life of opened containers containing preservatives is 5-7 days. So, the shelf life of lightly salted caviar, for example, pollock, after opening is 1-2 days, and a well-salted delicacy will last up to 7 days.

Let us remind you that you cannot store an iron can open. For this purpose, it is better to choose plastic or glass dishes.

It is necessary to take into account the storage mode:

  • In iron packaging, the product is stored for up to a year at temperatures from 0 to 6 C.
  • In a plastic container without air - up to six months, from -1 to 5 C.
  • In a disinfected container - up to a month, from -5 to 5 C.
  • In a disinfected container or in a plastic bag - from six months to 10 months, from -24 to -14 C.

Note. If the shelf life has expired, the delicacy cannot be used. Possible severe poisoning.

If the jar has been opened, then do not exceed the storage time:

  • When outside the refrigerator, it can remain fresh for half a day.
  • In an iron container in a cool place - no more than a day. The unused part must be moved to another vessel. In an open iron can, an oxidative reaction begins, rendering the delicacy unusable.
  • The delicacy transferred from a tin can to another container is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-4 days. You should be careful that nothing foreign gets into the delicacy, in the form of leftovers from other food. Use a separate spoon for the eggs.

In order not to compromise the value of the delicacy and preserve it for a long time, it is worth knowing how to store red caviar at home. A prerequisite is low temperature, which can only be in the refrigerator and freezer.

It is worth keeping in mind that you need to select the coolest area in the refrigerator. After removing the delicacy from the freezer and completely thawing, you cannot reuse the product for defrosting.

Unopened packaging must be kept only until the date indicated on it:

  • for a tin can - no more than 12 months;
  • for glass and plastic containers - up to six months.

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How long can red caviar be stored in a plastic container in the refrigerator:

  • after packaging - no more than six months;
  • in an open container - up to 3-5 days.

Store red caviar at home in a plastic jar in bulk, hermetically sealed. To extend the shelf life of the delicacy, you need to place the jar in which it is located in a container with pieces of ice. Wrapping it in a sheet of foil or wrapping it in food grade film also helps.

After purchasing caviar in bulk at home, it cannot be stored for a long time. It is advisable to use everything within a few days. Or put it in the freezer for a long time.

How to defrost red fish caviar?

You need to know one more, no less important aspect, how to defrost it

red fish caviar. If you make a mistake at this stage, then instead of an exquisite delicacy you can get a homogeneous mass consisting of stuck together eggs.

  1. A portion of the delicacy must be carefully removed from the freezer and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The first defrosting stage can last from 10 to 12 hours;
  2. Next, you need to place the delicacy in a place with a higher temperature, for example, several shelves higher or on a windowsill. There, the caviar should defrost within one hour;
  3. Now the caviar can be completely defrosted at room temperature.

Of course, not everyone has the time or desire to defrost the product for almost a day. In this case, you can perform accelerated defrosting

, taking the caviar out of the refrigerator and placing it in a warm room. But at the same time, the delicacy may turn out to be liquid and unusable.

Beneficial and harmful properties of red caviar

The table below describes the beneficial properties and disadvantages of this product:

1. If you consume caviar periodically, for example, once a week, you can significantly improve your vision and strengthen your immune system.1. Red caviar can cause allergies. It can appear either a few hours after the product enters the body or a week later. It manifests itself in the form of itching, rash and red spots.
2. The delicacy improves blood circulation in the body, therefore reducing the risk of blood clots and various other diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.2. It contains cholesterol, so it is contraindicated for some people.
3. What is an egg? First of all, this is a fish embryo, which contains the genetic material for the full development of the individual. A person who eats this product prolongs his youth by several hours. 3. Caviar contains salt, which can disrupt the water balance in the body. You can do a small test, as soon as a person eats a few eggs, he will instantly want to drink.
4. The delicacy strengthens bones and nails.4. The delicacy itself is not an excessively high-calorie dish. But, if you periodically consume it with white bread, tartlets and butter, you can greatly harm your figure.
5. Red caviar increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so pregnant women should consume it in small quantities.5. Caviar is a common dish, especially before the winter holidays. At this time, poachers waste no time and create counterfeits with food additives that do not have the best effect on the human body.
6. Eggs give vitality to a person; if he eats such a sandwich for breakfast, he will do more things than he had planned.6. Large amounts of food eaten may cause vomiting.
7. This is truly an incredibly tasty delicacy that is a source of good mood.

Caviar is one of the healthiest foods for humans, but you need to eat it in small quantities, a maximum of five teaspoons per day.

How to distinguish real caviar from fake

In addition to the question of whether red caviar can be frozen for storage, no less important is the ability to distinguish a natural product from a fake

. There are several characteristic signs:

Of course, first of all you need to pay attention to the cost. You don’t need to believe in promotions and various lucrative offers; a quality product cannot be cheap. If a suspiciously low price appears on the label, then most likely the buyer is faced with an ordinary fake.

Video about freezing salmon caviar

In this video, culinary specialist Olga Pogolerova will tell you whether red caviar can be frozen and give advice on how best to do it:

Red caviar is one of the most popular delicacies that is sure to appear at a festive feast. Since caviar is an expensive product, good housewives buy it in advance and for future use in order to please all their relatives and guests for the holiday, but not everyone knows how to store red caviar.

Choosing the right container for storing loose delicacies

The product will be stored differently in different containers. The best option is a glass jar, into which you must transfer caviar from a metal jar immediately after opening it. Metal containers contribute to the impregnation of caviar with a specific odor, oxidation and a decrease in shelf life.

The jars in which baby food is sold are perfectly sized; wash and sterilize them before storing.

Let's consider which jars and boxes are suitable for long-term storage of the delicacy.

Plastic containers

You can choose plastic jars and boxes with or without a tight lid - in this case, the container is covered with cling film, this storage option is allowed. It is recommended to pay attention to the packaging labeling: some types of plastic are not suitable for heating and freezing. There is also a material that is absolutely not suitable for storing food.

When examining the appearance of the container, pay attention to the PVC icon (PVC-polyvinyl chloride) or the number 3 in the triangle at the bottom of the package - these markers indicate toxicity and unsuitability for storing food.

Food grade plastic is marked with the letters:

  • PE (PE) - polyethylene;
  • PETF (PET) or PET (PET) - polyethylene terephthalate;
  • PP (PP) - polypropylene;
  • PS (PS) - polystyrene (its code is number 6);
  • Safety is confirmed by the image of a plate and fork, as well as the numbers 5 and 1.

Choosing a delicacy

It is best to buy from official points of sale and supermarkets to avoid counterfeiting this delicious product. Signs of fresh and tasty caviar:

  • wet;
  • transparent;
  • integrity of the eggs (there should be almost no damaged shells);
  • there should be no liquid in the jar (this is a sign that the delicacy has been frozen).

Signs of depravity:

  • cloudy consistency;
  • turbidity of the liquid inside the shells;
  • bitter taste;
  • uncharacteristic smell.

To understand whether the caviar in a jar is real or artificial, you just need to turn the container over. This product sticks and cannot be easily transferred to another container.

How to store red caviar at home?

These products are perishable goods, so you need to know how to store red caviar at home in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil earlier. Even if you have chosen tasty and fresh caviar, this does not guarantee that it will be stored for a long time in the absence of conditions that fall under the requirements for how to preserve red caviar. This delicacy can be purchased at:

  • tin can;
  • hermetically sealed plastic container;
  • open container (by weight).

This will determine how long red caviar can be stored in the refrigerator and the storage conditions for the caviar. The refrigerator compartment should be around -5 degrees.

In a tin can

Most often, manufacturers package pasteurized and canned caviar in tin. This can be determined by reading the composition of the product; it should contain preservatives. Storing red caviar, if it remains in a sealed jar, can be simple; leave it on the refrigerator shelf. No additional manipulations are required, since the manufacturer has added preservatives. If the tin container has already been opened, then it must be immediately transferred to a glass container. You cannot store this delicacy in tin, as the process of oxidation will begin, and this will cause the product itself to deteriorate. Before opening the jar, you should pour boiling water over the bottom to make it easier to transfer the caviar into a glass container.

In a plastic jar

This product should only be kept in the refrigerator, making sure that the delicacy is sealed in a vacuum package made of polymer materials. In this form, caviar can be stored for quite a long time, because the access of oxygen to the eggs is blocked. If the container is opened, you will need to carry out some manipulations that will allow it to be stored further. The walls and bottom will need to be greased with oil, and the top of the caviar will need to be covered with an oiled napkin. This way you can limit the access of oxygen to the eggs.

By weight at home

The advantage of such a purchase is that you can try and evaluate it, but the shelf life of red caviar in this case will be minimal.

Weighed caviar is best packaged in:

  • plastic containers;
  • glass jar;
  • earthenware container.

Regardless of which container you choose, you need to treat it with oil and cover the top of the caviar with an oiled napkin. Before doing this, scald a clean container with boiling water.

Can caviar be stored in the freezer?

Storage conditions for caviar include slightly low temperatures. At the same time, storing red caviar at home in the freezer is possible, but this is an extremely unpopular method. The fact is that during such storage the delicacy loses all its beneficial substances, as well as its consistency. When this product is defrosted, everything turns into mush, which will be far from appetizing in appearance and taste.

How to determine quality when purchasing?

It is not in vain that consumers always pay increased attention to this product. An excellent source of easily digestible protein, essential amino acids and vitamins, red caviar combines the properties of a dietary product and a delicacy at the same time. Development and restoration of muscle tissue, cell regeneration, strengthening of skin, hair, nails - few products have such properties in such a concentrated form.

Since the main place for storing red caviar is the refrigerator, you need to remember that it retains the beneficial properties of the products stored in it, but is not able to restore the lost freshness. That is why such attention is paid to the quality of purchased caviar, especially since it belongs to the category of perishable goods.

The following factors influence the shelf life:

  • the period between catching fish and cutting it up;
  • the amount of time spent on processing and preserving caviar;
  • compliance with sanitary standards during all technological operations;
  • optimal temperature conditions observed when transporting caviar from producer to consumer.


If you want to determine by eye the authenticity of the purchased product and eliminate the possibility of mixing artificial caviar: turn the container with the delicacy upside down for a short time - natural red caviar is not so easy to shake out of it.

Caviar, which has high gastronomic qualities, must be moist and transparent, each egg retains its integrity, and there are practically no damaged caviar shells. There should be no excess liquid in the jar - this sign indicates that the product has already been frozen.

Cloudiness of the eggs, a bitter taste while eating is evidence that the oxidation of fish oil, the decomposition of the shells and the breakdown of animal protein have begun. This product poses a great health hazard.

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Shelf life of red caviar

This indicator directly depends, first of all, on where you bought it and how it was packaged. The following factors influence:

  • how quickly the fish was cut after it was caught;
  • how the processing took place;
  • whether the technical conditions and state standards were observed during its manufacture;
  • were the temperature conditions observed during transportation of the delicacy?

Of course, it will not be possible to verify such data 100%, so it is best to buy products packaged in cans. On the jar you can find out the shelf life of the caviar and the date it was packaged.

Shelf life in a tin can

To understand how long red caviar can be stored in the refrigerator, you need to look at the bottom or lid of the package. Typically, the shelf life of caviar in tin is a year. But this is subject to compliance with the temperature regime. It is best to buy a product that was packaged no later than a month ago.

Please note that if the storage temperature is not maintained, the shelf life of red caviar will decrease several times.

Shelf life in plastic container

This tasty product is stored in a vacuum-sealed plastic container for a little less time than in a tin container. The shelf life of caviar in a plastic container is about 5 months, unless otherwise written on the packaging.

If the seal of the package is broken, the delicacy should be consumed within a week.

How long can you store red caviar in the freezer?

Storing eggs in the freezer is a last resort method that should be resorted to in case of emergency. In this case, the quality of the product deteriorates significantly. The shelf life of caviar will be extended from several months to a year. The temperature in the freezer should be from -12 to -20 degrees.

In addition, the product is best packaged in small containers. The fact is that re-freezing is impossible at all.

You should not defrost it suddenly, it will ruin the product. It is necessary to move the container from the freezer to a regular compartment of the refrigerator so that the eggs slowly thaw. This process will take about a day.

If you opened the package or bought the delicacy by weight, the shelf life will not be long.

When the storage temperature of red caviar is in the range from 0 to +5 degrees, the storage period will not exceed 3 days. If the refrigerator can maintain from 0 to -5 degrees, then caviar can be stored for up to 5-7 days. It is better to place a jar of delicacy in the chamber near the wall. There is a product that has been stored in the refrigerator for more than a week, it is dangerous to health, you can get poisoned.

Methods for extending shelf life

If you don’t want to freeze open caviar, then it’s not a problem, you can try other methods:

  1. Brine. You need to rinse the jar in which you plan to store the delicacy with a steep solution of salt. Wait until everything is dry, and only then put the eggs in it more tightly.
  2. Ice. It is necessary to freeze the water in the form of a container so that later it is possible to place the bone with caviar there. If it is difficult to make such a mold, then simply freeze the water into cubes and place the jar around and underneath.
  3. Oil. Some housewives fill the delicacy to the top with vegetable oil. The secret is that the oil does not allow air to pass through and slows down the oxidation process, which means the product does not spoil longer.
  4. Canning. To do this, you need to have clean jars, which should be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water. Afterwards, you should lubricate the walls with oil, maybe olive oil, with a thin layer, and then you should immediately tamp the caviar tightly into the container. You just need to pour a thin layer of oil on top and close the container. Caviar can be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator for up to six months.

If you have the opportunity to buy this product in large quantities, you are probably interested in the question - can caviar be stored in the freezer? After all, it tends to deteriorate quickly. Do you really have to throw it away? In fact, you can “save” the product, but to do this you need to follow certain freezing and thawing rules.

Is it possible to freeze red caviar or not?

If you are lucky enough to acquire a large amount of this delicacy, you need to familiarize yourself with its storage conditions. After all, you are unlikely to be able to eat a lot of caviar in a couple of days.

Is it possible to freeze red caviar? Yes, you can freeze it in the freezer, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the product will lose some of its beneficial properties and taste. But it's still better than if it goes bad and you have to throw it away. In addition, many producers practice freezing caviar, which allows it to be transported over long distances.

How to store frozen caviar? First of all, you need to choose a suitable container; a plastic container with a lid is ideal. Every home has such containers. Take a small container and place 1-2 portions of the product in each container. If you don't have small containers, you can replace them with compact glass jars with lids. It is important that there is not a lot of air in the container, so choose jars and other containers of a compact size.

Check out our article Can you freeze cheese in the freezer?

How to freeze correctly? Since the caviar may contain liquid, drain it before placing it in the container. Carefully place it in the container without crushing the eggs. You can freeze the product only once; you cannot freeze it again.

Thawed caviar must be eaten no later than within the next 4-5 days after thawing, otherwise it will spoil. In any case, after being in the freezer, the eggs will no longer be so elastic and their shape will change. This cannot be avoided, since freezing is a rather aggressive process.

Helpful advice: eggs tend to stick together when left in the freezer. To prevent this from happening, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the container with caviar and mix carefully.

Temperature regime

The lower the temperature in your freezer, the better the caviar will be preserved. It is desirable that the temperature regime be maintained at a level of -16 to -18 degrees Celsius. When deep frozen, it retains its properties and taste much better.

How to defrost red caviar?

The secret to preserving the taste and shape of eggs is not only in freezing, but also in thawing. This is a delicate process that requires compliance with certain rules. Place the container with the product in the refrigerator, preferably on the bottom shelf. Many people make a huge mistake - they defrost caviar indoors, at room temperature. This cannot be done; the product loses its properties due to a sharp temperature change. The same goes for defrosting in warm water or even in the microwave.

How long can caviar be stored in the freezer?

Low temperatures allow the product to be stored for several months (6-12). Agree that this is not such a short period of time. Now you can defrost several servings of caviar for holiday feasts. But if we talk about storing it in the refrigerator, it will spoil in 10 days.

Even if certain storage rules are followed, red caviar will lose some of its properties, and freezing can negatively affect its appearance and consistency. Therefore, we still advise you not to buy the product in large quantities.

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