Celandine juice beneficial properties and contraindications

For health and medicinal purposes, people use celandine all year round. It is suitable not only for patients. Even a completely healthy person can use this plant to treat various abrasions and scratches. Celandine helps improve immunity and relieve nervous tension. There will be no need to run to the pharmacy if you yourself stock up on this wonderful medicine. Herbal infusions, juice and tinctures will help. In this article we will tell you in more detail how to prepare celandine, dry it and store it so that the home remedy has the most beneficial effect.

How to recognize celandine?

Before stocking up on celandine, you need to know this plant by sight. Let's get to know him better. It is not difficult to recognize celandine among the variety of herbs; it has many distinctive features. What are the most basic?

Celandine belongs to the poppy family. The height of this perennial reaches one meter. The stem is branched, straight, hollow inside, and has a dark red color. The ribbed surface is covered with short hairs. When the stem is cut or broken, a bright yellow juice is released. This is the main distinguishing feature of celandine, thanks to which the plant cannot be confused with any other.

Before you prepare celandine for the winter, you first need to learn to recognize it. The leaves of the plant are very characteristic: they are light green on top and bluish below. The structure is deeply pinnately divided, petiolate, with ovoid round lobes. The lower the leaves are to the ground, the longer their petiole, while the upper ones sit tightly on the stem.

Celandine flowers are yellow-golden inflorescences with several flowers, there can be from four to eight. The inflorescence is an umbrella, the flowers sit on elongated pedicels. If you are interested in how to prepare celandine, you need to take into account that the flowering period lasts from May to July. If the flowers are cut, the second wave of flowering can last until the end of August. After flowering, fruits appear in the form of a single-locular pod. Fruits are produced from July to September inclusive. Celandine has an unpleasant, repulsive smell and taste.

The plant can be found throughout the European territory of Russia, the Caucasus, and the North. Celandine does not make high demands on soil and weather conditions. Favorite places of growth are summer cottages and vegetable gardens. It also grows in ravines, swamps, forests, plains, and mountains. Celandine contains many medicinal components that help against many diseases.

Celandine for oncology

The orange milky sap in the plant is very healing; it is a cure for cancer in the early stages, effective due to its antitumor properties.

There are ways to treat cancer with medicinal herbs:

  1. Place the stems of the plant in a 1 liter jar and fill with medical alcohol, then leave for 3 weeks, strain the finished tincture and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
  2. Powder from the stems and petroleum jelly will help with skin cancer; the ingredients should be mixed until smooth, and the ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin.
  3. An enema from the infusion will help with rectal cancer, pour 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs into 1 liter of boiling water, let it cool, do enemas with the solution once a day.

The power of celandine

Knowing how to prepare celandine, you can provide yourself with medicine all year round. The range of medicinal effects of celandine is very wide, all thanks to the presence of alkaloids; there are about twenty of them in the plant. These chemicals affect the body in different ways. Most of them are in the root - up to 4%, in the grass - only up to 2%. Young plants contain fewer alkaloids than adults, so they have a gentler effect on the body. The following are considered the most powerful alkaloids:

  • chelidonine;
  • methoxychelidonine;
  • homochelidonin;
  • chelerythrine;
  • sanguinarine;
  • oxyzelidonin;
  • protopine;
  • oxysanguinarine;
  • scaretin;
  • allocryptonin;
  • sparteine;
  • berberine;
  • chelidamine;
  • coptisine;
  • chelirubin;
  • helilotin;
  • defillin.

The action of chelidonine is similar to papaverine, which can lower blood pressure, and morphine, which can slow the pulse and depress the action of the central nervous system. In large doses, this alkaloid can completely paralyze the nervous system.

Homochelidonin is a strong anesthetic that has an analgesic effect. An overdose is extremely dangerous; this alkaloid is a strong convulsive poison.

In gardening, celandine grass is used as a phytoncide that defeats aphids, scale insects, copperhead, and other pests. To spray plants, prepare a solution from dry celandine grass: one kilogram of dry raw material is poured with a bucket of water and left for two days.

The alkaloid sanguinarine in large doses is dangerous and can cause seizures. In small quantities it acts like strychnine - it enhances the secretion of saliva, intestinal motility, and stimulates digestion.

Protopin is able to reduce the excitability of the nervous system, also tones the smooth muscles in the internal organs, and relieves spasms.

In addition to alkaloids, celandine contains many useful substances that have a medicinal effect. These are carotene, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, bitterness, saponins, organic acids. The juice of the plant helps restore metabolism. It can be used for various purposes all year round. We will tell you below how to prepare celandine juice for the winter.

It is worth saying that Russian peasants widely used a decoction of celandine in their households. To prevent the milk from turning sour, housewives scalded clay jars with a decoction of herbs. The juice was used to dye wool.

Super Celandine

Super Celandine is a liquid necessary for the removal or localization of warts, papillomas, keratomas, calluses, condylomas

Super Celandine is a liquid necessary for the removal or localization of warts, papillomas, keratomas, calluses, and condylomas. The components included in the medicine are celandine juice, sodium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate. It is not advisable to use the medication in the presence of moles at the site of use, during breastfeeding, when the patient is young, or in the presence of burns and open wounds. Side effects include swelling of the eyelids, burns if the liquid ends up on an unaffected area of ​​the skin. Having identified the above phenomena, dispose of the drug from the skin and immediately notify a specialist. You can find out more in the full instructions.


alkalis – potassium and sodium alkali. Indications: Used to lubricate warts and papillomas. Mountain celandine has a pungent odor and can cause burns to the mucous membrane due to the alcohol it contains, so it can only be used for application to the skin.


Children under 5 years of age, pregnancy. Do not apply on the face, mucous membranes or genital area.

Directions for use and doses

For papillomas: use the applicator to apply 1 (only one!) drop of super celandine to the papillomas. Once a day.

Duration of treatment: 3-5-7 days depending on the size of the papilloma.

After this, we stop treatment and let the skin heal. After a week we check - if the papillomas remain, we carry out repeated treatment. For warts: exactly the same scheme. For dry calluses: the scheme is approximately the same, only the treatment period may be slightly increased to 10 days. Also, the treatment surface may be larger, which will require not one, but two drops of the drug.


Increased side effects.

Side effects

In some cases, the following side effects have been observed:

  • Chemical burn to surrounding skin.

In this case, you should immediately place your hand under a stream of warm water for 15 minutes. Attention: do not treat with acids (vinegar, etc.). You will simply waste time, the burn will have time to become deeper, and you will aggravate the chemical effect on the affected skin with acid. Scars on the skin (pictured below). This is a consequence of a chemical burn to the skin. There is nothing that can be done here except to perform plastic surgery. Prevention of complications: strict adherence to the instructions for use of the drug.

Use during pregnancy


How to prepare celandine for medicine?

Not only the grass and roots of celandine, but also the juice are harvested for future use. It can be canned and stored in the refrigerator.

So, when to harvest celandine grass? The best time is sunny, dry days when the plant blooms, optimally from May to August. To cut grass you need to arm yourself with a sickle. Having found thickets of celandine, look carefully to see if there are any diseased plants; they are not suitable for drying. Don't choose limp bushes with pale leaves. They lose useful substances. You need to collect plants with bright green leaves without any lesions. Remember that during treatment you need to squeeze out the maximum beneficial substances.

How to prepare celandine for medicine? You need to cut the stem about ten centimeters from the ground. You can break off the plant with your hands, but you need to be very careful - the juice should not get on your skin or clothes. It is dangerous to get juice on the mucous membranes of the eyes. Be careful. It is better to protect your eyes with goggles and your hands with gloves.

How to properly harvest a plant

Celandine is an unpretentious plant that can be found everywhere.

In the shadows of houses, near roads, behind garages, if celandine has penetrated into the ground, it will fill the entire area. This availability of raw materials does not mean that it is necessary to collect and prepare them. You should approach the issue of environmental cleanliness very carefully. It is necessary to collect raw materials only away from roads and enterprises. Only celandine that grows in a safe area will be beneficial. The plant should be collected at the beginning of its flowering: from mid-May. The collection continues all summer, throughout the flowering period. All parts of the plant are useful, but the maximum amount of useful components is contained in the root. The root system of celandine needs to be harvested in the fall. The optimal months for this are September and October.

Gloves should be used when collecting the plant. The plant is very fragile, when its integrity is violated, a large amount of bright yellow liquid is released, which leaves a mark on the skin. The bush breaks easily, so there is no need to use force. You should pull out the bush by the roots and carefully shake off the soil, remove damaged leaves. The plant is washed with water and dried, after which processing can begin to prepare a medicinal product.


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Since anyone can prepare celandine for treatment, we advise you to take into account the rules not only for proper collection of the herb, but also for drying. After the plants are cut, immediately send them to the attic to dry. You can do this in a barn, the main condition is good ventilation and warmth. The grass needs to be spread out in a thin layer; it must be stirred periodically, this will prevent rotting from starting. If brown spots are noticed on some plants, it is better to throw them away so that the rot does not spread to others.

Answering the question of how to properly prepare celandine for the winter, it is worth saying that drying will be more effective if the grass is hung. You can do this outdoors, but there must be a canopy. The sun should not be allowed to fall on the grass; it destroys chlorophyll and negatively affects the medicinal composition. You can use special dryers, ovens, where the drying temperature reaches 60 degrees. How to determine the readiness of raw materials? Dry stems should not bend, but break immediately.

How to prepare and store celandine

You can buy plant juice at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. It is not advisable to buy the solution directly from the market; it is not known where the herb was collected or how it was prepared. It is best to make the medicine at home yourself to do everything according to technology. To obtain juice, it is necessary to prepare a large amount of raw materials. The juice is made from stems, leaves, and roots. Let's look at how to prepare celandine juice.

Celandine juice

The components of the herb are crushed using a blender or meat grinder; the mixture resulting from grinding is stored in a cold place for three days. After standing for thirty-six hours, the mass is thoroughly squeezed out, the cake is disposed of, and the juice is kept for another two or three weeks. At this time, it ferments; from time to time, the container with the solution is opened and the accumulated gases are released. After time has passed, when fermentation stops, the juice is removed to a place protected from direct sunlight. To make the drug last longer, add alcohol or vodka to the solution at a ratio of two to one herb juice to vodka.

Preparing celandine juice is a simple process, but you need to follow the rules:

  • to collect juice, the grass is collected at the beginning of flowering, at this stage the plant contains more juice and useful components;
  • There are two known ways of preparing juice: from all parts of the plant - roots, leaves, stems and only from the above-ground parts of the plant;
  • the collected raw materials are sorted and washed several times, after which they are dried;
  • the plant is crushed to a mushy state.

Freshly squeezed celandine juice has a short shelf life, so the drug must be fermented or preserved. Juice without preservatives can be stored for no more than six months. Prepared juice concentrate is a natural product with a short shelf life.

You can dry the plant. It is recommended to dry the celandine in the shade, turning it over periodically.

If possible, it is better to hang the plants in the attic or in any other room, so there is no danger that the plant will rot. You can tell that the plant has dried out like this: when bent, the stem does not bend, but breaks. After the raw materials have dried, they are put into fabric bags and stored in a suspended state, this is done so that the raw materials do not spoil. What is better - making juice from celandine or drying the plant? There is only one answer - depending on the need. Let's consider how to make the use of the plant effective.


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How to prepare celandine for the winter is now clear, but how to properly preserve medicinal raw materials? Dried herbs should be stored in paper or linen bags, preferably in a dark place in a suspended state. This storage method is ideal. The plant will be ventilated from all sides. If this is not possible, well-dried raw materials can be placed in wooden boxes, bags or boxes. You need to lay the grass loosely in them, without packing them tightly. Also store away from light. If all these requirements are met, then celandine can retain its medicinal properties for three years.

In some cases, celandine is harvested along with the root. You can also make useful alcohol tinctures, decoctions, and infusions from it. With this option of harvesting, the plant must be dug up by the roots, cleaned of soil, and washed well. As soon as the water has evaporated, the plants are tied together several at a time and similarly sent for drying. How to prepare and store celandine along with the root? After the plant has completely dried, the roots must be wrapped in a canvas rag or thick paper. Hang the raw materials in a dry, dark place for storage. In this form, celandine retains its beneficial properties for about five years.

Preparation and use of celandine tincture

Celandine (Chelidonium) is a plant from the poppy family, which has long been used in folk medicine in different countries. For its healing properties, the Romans called it “The Gift of God.”

Attention! Anyone who is going to be treated with celandine tincture should know that the plant is very poisonous. An overdose can cause nausea, convulsions, and hallucinations. Therefore, you need to accustom the body to the medicine gradually, gradually increasing the dose, and if the condition worsens, stop taking the tincture and consult a doctor.

Healing properties of celandine

Celandine contains about 20 alkaloids, in particular, chelidonine, chelerythrine, sparteine, sanguinarine, protopine, homochelidonine, berberine. Some medicines are made based on chelidonine.

The substance anesthetizes, lowers blood pressure, reduces heart rate, and relaxes smooth muscles. Sanguinarine is an analgesic, normalizes intestinal function and increases salivation. Homochelidonin inhibits tumor growth.

Berberine has a choleretic effect, and protopine has an antiarrhythmic effect.

Celandine is rich in vitamin C and carotene. Thanks to this, the plant has wound-healing and anti-scorbutic properties. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and flavonoid that strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Celandine preparations provide a powerful bactericidal effect.

Diseases for which celandine tinctures are used:

  • psoriasis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • dermatitis, acne;
  • warts, papillomas;
  • insect bites;
  • bleeding gums, toothache;
  • colds and flu;
  • jaundice and other liver diseases;
  • joint inflammation;
  • menopause;
  • BPH;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers, pain in the intestines;
  • oncological diseases.

Recipes for celandine tinctures with vodka

Celandine can be infused with vodka, high-quality double-distilled moonshine, medical alcohol, white grape or apple wine. For internal use for gastrointestinal diseases and menopause, medications (celandine tincture or canned juice) containing vodka or good moonshine are preferable.

Celandine has the most powerful healing properties during the flowering period: in May and June. But if time is lost, the plant can be harvested until September.

Tincture of dried celandine


  • 250 g of crushed dried celandine;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka, moonshine or alcohol.

Recipe: celandine is placed in a glass jar, filled with alcohol and left for 15 days in a dark place. Shake the container with the tincture every 2-3 days. After 15 days, the tincture is filtered and stored in a cool, dark place.

Canned celandine juice


  • 500 ml celandine juice;
  • 500 ml of vodka, alcohol or moonshine.

Recipe: freshly harvested celandine along with the roots are washed, dried and ground in a meat grinder. The pulp is squeezed out. Juice and alcohol are mixed in a glass container and stored in a cool, dark place.

Tincture of celandine with wine


  • 100 ml white grape or apple wine;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 15 g of crushed dry celandine.

The wine for the tincture must be chosen carefully: it should not contain chemical additives. It is best to use good homemade dry wine from white grapes, but you can replace it with apple wine.

Recipe: wine is mixed with water and heated to a temperature of about +70 ºC (the liquid should be hot, but not boiling). The celandine is placed in a thermos or thick-walled ceramic dish, filled with hot liquid and covered with a lid. Leave for 2 hours. The medicine should be taken within 2-3 days.

The use of celandine tincture

For most of the diseases listed at the beginning of the article, drink celandine tincture with vodka, alcohol or moonshine, or canned juice of the plant 3 times a day, 15–30 drops, half an hour before meals. The medicine is mixed with 50 ml of water.

Unless another regimen is indicated, for the first time you need to start with 5 drops per dose. After 7 days of use, the dose is increased by 2-3 drops, then a little more, experimentally determining the optimal dosage. After each week of use, take a break for 2 days. The medicine is taken until you feel better or completely recover.

Liver diseases

For jaundice and other liver diseases, take 50 ml of celandine tincture with wine 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days, then a week break. 2-3 courses are carried out in a row.

Psoriasis, dermatitis, acne

For psoriasis, internal pork fat is melted in a water bath and the lard is separated from the greaves. Lard is mixed with celandine tincture in alcohol, moonshine or vodka in a 1:1 ratio and heated in a water bath to a temperature of about +80 ºC, without bringing to a boil. When most of the alcohol has evaporated, the ointment is ready.

It is stored in the refrigerator and the affected areas are lubricated every day. At the same time, take 15–30 drops of tincture or concentrated juice 3 times a day (according to the basic scheme described at the beginning of the section).

Instead of ointment for external use, it is allowed to use wine tincture. You need to make lotions out of it.

Warts, papillomas

Warts and papillomas are cauterized 1–2 times a day with canned celandine juice. At the same time, juice or tincture is taken according to the basic scheme.

Insect bites

Insect bites are burned several times a day (with an interval of 3-4 hours) with canned celandine juice. The medicine relieves itching well, it is suitable for both adults and children.

Bleeding gums, toothache

If your gums are bleeding, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of tincture or canned juice in 100 ml of water and rinse your mouth 2 times a day. A lotion is made from the tincture on a sore tooth.

Joint inflammation

Compresses from the tincture are applied to sore joints. Compresses should be kept overnight or at least for at least 2 hours. At the same time, the tincture or canned juice is taken orally according to the basic scheme.

Cold, flu

It is recommended to drink tincture or canned juice with honey (if you are not allergic). When you have a runny nose, you should instill 3-5 drops of fresh or fermented celandine juice (without alcohol) into each nostril.

Oncological diseases

For oncological diseases, tincture or canned juice is drunk according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1 – 5 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • 2nd day – 6 drops;
  • 26th day – 30 drops;
  • 27th day – 29 drops;
  • Day 51 – 5 drops.

The break between courses is a month. 2-3 courses are carried out in a row, then you need to take a break for 3-6 months.

The medicine facilitates rehabilitation after radiation and chemotherapy.

Contraindications to taking celandine tincture

Celandine tincture and canned juice are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for epilepsy;
  • for bronchial asthma (only drugs containing alcohol are contraindicated; celandine is part of the herbal collection from which an aqueous infusion is prepared to treat the disease);
  • with the gallbladder removed (tincture of celandine is a strong choleretic agent);
  • with individual intolerance;
  • children and adolescents under 16 years of age.

Treatment with celandine preparations can only be started after consultation with a doctor. Patients with cancer are prohibited from self-medicating.

Source: https://alcofan.com/recept-primeneniya-nastojki-chistotela.html

How to properly prepare celandine juice?

Celandine juice is used to treat many diseases; it is a medicine in itself, and is also added to various formulations in various proportions. If you have an allergic reaction to iodine, then celandine juice will be an excellent alternative. It is considered a strong antiseptic, perfectly disinfects wounds, and does not sting the skin like iodine. Perfect for use with children.

Fresh celandine juice saves throughout the summer. But you can prepare it for future use, for the winter. Let’s take a closer look at how to prepare celandine juice for storage.

For these purposes, young, healthy plants are needed. They must be dug up along with the roots, which are thoroughly washed and cleaned. Cut the entire plant (including leaves, roots, stems, flowers) into small pieces and pass everything through a meat grinder. The result will be a dark green mass, which will need to be squeezed out well through gauze folded in several layers. The resulting liquid must be poured into dark bottles and placed in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. After five days, the fermentation process will begin. You will need to open the lids and release the gases. Repeat this several times until the fermentation processes stop.

When figuring out how to prepare celandine in the form of juice, it should be noted that the finished raw material must be stored in tightly sealed bottles in a cool place. The juice does not lose its healing properties for three years.


Numerous reviews say that, despite the fact that the use of the plant is very extensive, it is better to start taking it with the smallest doses, gradually increasing them. However, this plant is poisonous. If you correctly calculate the dosage to be taken orally, the benefits for treatment will be simply incredible. There are especially many reviews about the use of the juice of this herb for the treatment of skin diseases, warts, papillomas and polyps on the mucous membrane. You can take and drink it for colds and for prevention. It is also good for hair, strengthens and improves its condition. You will not face any difficulties in preparing it at home. Still wondering whether it is possible to take/drink celandine milky juice for medicinal purposes? The answer is: you can take it, just be careful!

Ointment for calluses, warts

Ointment for calluses and warts based on celandine should be in every home medicine cabinet. After all, no one is immune from these skin troubles. This remedy can help even with such serious diseases as psoriasis, diathesis, eczema. The ointment is also suitable for cosmetic purposes. It allows you to get rid of skin pigmentation and freckles.

So, to prepare a wonderful ointment you will need celandine juice and Vaseline. Mix the components, maintaining a 1/4 ratio. How to prepare and preserve celandine juice was described above. Instead of juice, you can also use dry herb, first grind it into a fine powder. Mix with Vaseline in the same proportions. The ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for two years.

Contraindications for use

Treatment with celandine juice is not allowed for everyone, given that the plant is poisonous; before starting treatment, you should consult a doctor. If you exceed the permissible dose, severe poisoning may occur, aggravated by indigestion, headache, severe pain in the stomach, and in severe cases, fainting, disorientation, and hallucinations.

The doctor's consultation

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. There are stomach disorders in which the use of celandine for therapeutic purposes is strictly contraindicated:

  • serious mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • the period of waiting for a child and during breastfeeding;
  • child's age up to three years;
  • allergic manifestations.


Useful properties of elecampane root

In order for celandine treatment to be beneficial, it is necessary to take into account the basic principles of treatment:

  • starting to use the drug begins with small doses;
  • the amount of the drug should be increased very gradually;
  • The use of the drug should also be stopped in stages, gradually reducing the dose;
  • You cannot lengthen the course of treatment on your own, as this may negatively affect your health;
  • You should not take celandine more than two courses per year;
  • if unpleasant and incomprehensible symptoms are felt, the drug should be discontinued.

Treatment with the drug is not suitable for everyone. Some people note allergies - skin rashes appear, in especially severe cases a serious allergic manifestation occurs - Quincke's edema, allergic shock. Before starting treatment, you should check your home medicine cabinet for anti-allergy medications.

Infusion of celandine

Knowing how to properly prepare celandine, you can provide yourself with medicine all year round. The infusion can be prepared not only from a fresh plant, but also from dried herbs and roots. This infusion is used for both preventive and medicinal purposes. It perfectly improves immunity, restores strength, supports the body in stressful situations and during nervous tension. The infusion contains a storehouse of useful substances.

Preparation of the infusion:

  1. Dig up the celandine bush along with the roots, clear it of soil, and rinse it.
  2. Cut the entire plant into small pieces. Place in a half-liter jar up to half the volume.
  3. Pour boiling water over the raw material, close the lid and wrap it in a towel.
  4. Leave until completely cool.

The infusion is prepared from dried raw materials in the same way, only the volume of the jar is filled 1/4. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Adults take it as follows: 1 tablespoon is diluted in half a glass of water and drunk three times a day, half an hour before meals. For children under seven years old, it will be enough to dilute one teaspoon in a third glass of water and also drink three times a day.

For general health and for preventive purposes, this infusion is taken for a week, then a break of five days is necessary and taken again for a week. Taking breaks, you can take the infusion for a month, after which you need a break for two months.

If the infusion is used for treatment, the regimen should be discussed with your doctor. Usually a two-week appointment is prescribed, then a two-week break, followed by a repetition of the course.

Instructions for use of Celandine herb: method and dosage

According to the instructions, Celandine herb is used externally.

To prepare the infusion, about 6 tablespoons (20 g) of raw materials are placed in a container (glass or enamel), poured with 1 glass (200 ml) of hot boiled water and, covered with a lid, kept for at least 15 minutes in a boiling water bath. The infusion is cooled for 45 minutes at room temperature, filtered through a double layer of gauze, after which the remaining raw material is squeezed out. The resulting volume is brought to 200 ml with boiled water.

Apply the infusion externally in the form of lotions (without dilution), baths (1-2 glasses per bath).

Fees for medicinal baths

Harmless baths based on celandine can improve your health and well-being. Water procedures themselves are a calming and relaxing event, and with the addition of tonic herbs there is a double effect. It is best to use herbal preparations for such purposes. Different properties of plants enhance the benefits and complement the healing effect. Fees for such purposes must be prepared in advance and stored separately. For a therapeutic bath, only the above-ground part of the plant is used; the root is not needed here. At the same time, herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, string, sage, and valerian are being harvested. Once all the plants have gone through the drying stage, they are crushed and mixed, including celandine. Everything is taken in equal parts. How to prepare celandine for treatment is described in detail above.

The mixture should be distributed into storage bags containing two glasses. In winter, you just need to take out the bag, brew the herb - and the healing bath is ready.

The bath infusion is prepared as follows: 2 glasses of the mixture are poured with boiling water (4 liters), covered with a lid and infused for 40 minutes. The mixture must be filtered and added to the bath, where the water temperature should be +37°C. It is recommended to take herbal baths twice a week for 20 minutes.

Celandine for respiratory diseases

Celandine is used for the following respiratory diseases:

  • Runny nose and sinusitis. Acute rhinitis can be perfectly treated with freshly squeezed celandine juice. Place a whole pipette of juice into each nasal passage 3 times a day for a week - this will eliminate a runny nose and prevent the development of sinusitis. If complications cannot be avoided, you need to combine instillation of celandine into the nose with taking an infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water, wait an hour, strain and take during the day in three doses. Treatment of sinusitis with celandine usually lasts 7-14 days.
  • Angina. Take equal parts of dried celandine, chamomile, sage and St. John's wort. Prepare an infusion in a water bath (10-15 minutes) from a tablespoon of this mixture and one glass of boiling water.
  • With this infusion, while it is warm, you need to gargle at least six times a day to achieve a good effect: the pain will subside, and purulent plugs with follicular sore throat will disappear on their own in a week.
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia. To relieve an exhausting cough, you need to take 1 part of dried celandine, 2 parts of licorice root and 2 parts of pine buds. Place a heaping tablespoon of this mixture in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid, wait 5 minutes, then remove the lid, sit over the saucepan, cover your head with a blanket and breathe in the steam for 10-15 minutes, adding boiling water as needed. In addition to inhalations, for severe bronchitis and pneumonia, it is recommended to take a decoction of celandine orally (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water). Remember that inhalations cannot be performed if the patient has a fever!

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