Do you know how to store bee pollen correctly?

Bee pollen is known to many beekeepers as a unique and healing product. Recently, this beekeeping product has become firmly established in medical circles. After many studies, it was found that pollen actually has a composition that can be used to heal a huge number of different ailments.

Bee pollen is used not only to destroy ailments, it is also excellently used in culinary arts, as well as in cosmetology. But it is always important to remember that any product will be especially beneficial for health if all the necessary and important rules and storage conditions are followed. The shelf life of bee pollen also depends on what will be provided to the human body: benefit or harm.

You can buy bee pollen in Ukraine at our apiary by ordering it by phone

How long does bee pollen last?

Before properly storing a product, it must be subjected to the necessary quality harvesting. The bee product consists largely of water, and in order for its beneficial qualities and properties to last as long as possible, excess water must be dried. For this purpose, specialized drying cabinets are used. The shelf life of bee pollen will directly depend on the temperature conditions in the drying cabinet. For this purpose, special technical documentation has been developed.

Experts in their field pour the product into a container, set the required temperature, maintain a certain amount of time for drying. And only after this a unique product is obtained that saves human health. Accordingly, a properly prepared product will be stored much longer.

How long does bee pollen last? If all the conditions described above are met, plus the product is stored in a glass or food-grade plastic container with a tightly sealed lid, then the aging period will be 2 years.

Of course, during this time all enzymes, minerals, active substances and vitamins will be in the required quantities.

But it is important to remember that the longer a product is stored, the less beneficial it becomes for the body. Therefore, if bee pollen is used to treat any serious disease, it can be used for about one and a half years.

The shelf life of pollen also depends on whether it contains any harmful insects. A sweet dish attracts many pests, and if the container with the medicine is kept open, then it is likely that various microorganisms will grow in it, which will harm human health. It is strictly forbidden to keep this natural medicine in a warm and unventilated area.


You can buy bee pollen in Ukraine at our apiary by ordering it by phone +38-096-83-44-687, 099-058-51-35

The most optimal option for containing the active substance is a dry and darkened basement. It maintains the temperature that is desirable for most medicinal substances. Low illumination also does its useful job - all active components do not interact, and when consumed they have maximum impact on a person.

Properly maintained pollen storage is a quality medicine and an excellent means for preventive purposes.

Among the popular beneficial medicinal beekeeping products, bee pollen should be noted. It has beneficial properties and contains a large number of useful ingredients. The list includes proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Taking the product as a dietary supplement allows you to prevent and treat many diseases, strengthen the body, and prolong life. Bee pollen is considered the final product.

Storage conditions are completely dependent on the consumer and determine the shelf life of the natural product without changing the healing properties. Fresh flower pollen contains a lot of moisture, which leads to the emergence of pathogenic flora, mold, rotting processes, and damage to the precious beekeeping product. Internet users find useful information on how to properly store bee pollen at home.

QUESTION: How long can pollen be stored?

Prudent Princess! A rigorous answer to this question seems to me rather difficult. And the point here is this... This is what the book “Tips for Beekeepers” says in the chapter “Canning and Storing Pollen”:

“...we studied the loss of biologically active substances in pollen during its storage for 6 - 9 months after preservation... The dominant influence of the plant type on the loss of biologically active substances was established. For example, the loss of ascorbic acid over 9 months of storage ranged from 10% (cherry) to 62% (apple), catechins - from 3.4% (apple) to 49.5% (dandelion). Therefore, the shelf life of pollen must be set taking into account its species and intended use.”

In the book, we are most likely talking about pollen preserved by drying and placing it in pasteurized, hermetically sealed jars, stored in semi-darkness under normal temperature and humidity conditions for storing most products. This is the most common way.

Obviously, if the species affiliation (from what type of plant the pollen was collected) is not determined, or there is a mixture in an indefinite ratio, if the purpose of using the pollen is not clear, or this purpose is to obtain the maximum full effect from consuming pollen for food, then in this case the fresher it is, the better. Modern technologies for preserving pollen probably extend the shelf life, but they are not widely available to ordinary beekeepers. Therefore, after all, FRESHNESS should become the motto of both the seller and the buyer.

If you eat beebread, you can eat it for any period of time (I store it in honeycombs for a whole year or more), since its very natural purpose is to store pollen for future use in a natural way.

And if you eat pollen, do it as fresh as possible. How fresh? I think this period should be determined by the duration of the period of “activity” of pollen of a particular plant species, but the duration of the period of activity - I don’t know, I don’t know...

probably by the lifespan of an individual flower or the entire flowering period of a plant. In the first case, the count is in days, in the other - in weeks and months. This duration varies for different plant species.

Nowadays, the information and transport infrastructure have become so developed that there is an objective opportunity to get truly FRESH pollen on your table and from the type of plant you need.

However, this possibility has not yet been realized, and if realized, it has not yet been distributed on a large scale. In order for this to happen, it is necessary, neither more nor less, to build an All-Russian People's Beekeeper. And apparently, this is the only way that gets rid of all sorts of obscurantism.

The People's Beekeeper in questions and answers (old site) About the People's Beekeeper (video recording from 2012) The People's Beekeeper from a bird's eye view. In pictures! (General diagram) Invitation of Well-wishers (video recording)

  • 1. Pollen collection and preparation for storage
  • 1.1. Pollen storage
  • 2. Methods for extending shelf life

If the peduncle of an orchid has dried up, why did this happen and what to do?
The healing properties of bee pollen are much higher than those of honey. Due to the fact that bees treat it with their own enzymes during collection, it is the least allergenic of all beekeeping products. But the beneficial qualities of pollen can quickly be lost.

Amino acids and vitamins are lost especially quickly. This is due to the fact that after collection, biochemical processes continue to occur in pollen for a long time, as a result of which beneficial substances are lost. In order for this product to remain medicinal for a long time, it must be properly prepared and stored.

Rules for collecting and drying the product

The best time to collect flower pollen is spring and summer. The use of a special pollen trap allows you to reduce labor costs when collecting the product every day before dark, while achieving high profitability. To properly remove moisture, which makes up up to 30% of the total mass of pollen, it is necessary to dry the collected product.

  • clean parchment paper;
  • special drying cabinets of different types.

The flower pollen is scattered in a thin layer on the paper. Its thickness should not exceed 1 cm. With periodic stirring, in a well-ventilated area, with humidity not higher than 10% and a temperature not exceeding 40 ºС, drying is carried out within 3 - 4 days. Such conditions for removing moisture are optimal for obtaining a valuable beekeeping product and meet the established requirements for properly storing bee pollen.

Drying cabinets are designed for high-quality removal of moisture from pollen. The equipment reduces drying time and eliminates human participation in mixing the product, as well as the risk of changes in temperature and humidity, which, if increased, will cause the pollen to lose its healing properties. Drying cabinets can use infrared radiation and heat from heating elements. The manufacturer provides information on how long moisture should be removed from pollen. A properly dried product looks like dense small lumps. They cannot be crushed. The sound of pollen falling onto the surface from a height of 25 cm should resemble the sound of metal. There are no glued lumps of several grains.

After moisture is removed, bee pollen undergoes a stage of purification from foreign debris. The event is carried out using a hairdryer, fan or sieve with the smallest cells, the diameter of which does not exceed 2 mm. This treatment will extend the shelf life of a natural, healthy beekeeping product without losing its beneficial properties.

Pollen collection and preparation for storage

Bee pollen is collected using pollen traps. It is necessary to remove the product from pollen collectors before evening. Leaving pollen overnight can cause dampness.

The composition of pollen consists largely of water. To preserve its beneficial qualities during storage, it must be thoroughly dried. Usually beekeepers use drying cabinets. In the future, the shelf life of the pollen will directly depend on the temperature conditions set in the cabinet.

If drying is carried out in a special room, then the following conditions must be met:

  • darkness;
  • ventilation;
  • humidity not higher than 10%;
  • temperature within 20-40 °C.

The collected pollen is scattered on sheets. The layer thickness is about 1 cm. Drying takes three days. It must be stirred periodically.

Dried pollen, ready for storage, has certain properties:

  1. It becomes like lumps that are difficult to crush.
  2. When poured onto plywood from a height of 20 cm, it produces a sound similar to a light metallic ringing.

After this, you need to clean the pollen from the debris.

There is a faster way to dry the pollen. To do this, use a vacuum in which the product is dried for 2 hours at a temperature of 120 °C.

Pollen. Storage

Pollen storage

To ensure that the useful bee product has a shelf life as long as possible, dried pollen must be preserved immediately. It is best to use a pre-sterilized jar, closing it with a seaming machine.

At home, you can use another sealed container, for example, a jar with a ground-in lid or a bag. It is important that insects do not get inside. For the same purpose, you should not store the pollen in a warm and humid place. To create optimal storage conditions, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Dark and dry room.
  2. Temperature up to +14 °C.

Under such conditions, pollen can be stored for two years. The best place for storage is a dark, dry basement.

But it should be remembered that even if all storage conditions are met, the healing properties of pollen decrease over time. Thus, it is recommended to use pollen stored at home as a medicine only for 1.5 years. When purchasing it at a pharmacy, you need to check the date of manufacture. If you notice that the expiration date is ending, it is better not to buy this product.

Flower pollen in a jar

Proper storage of medicinal product

Strict adherence to the rules for storing a useful beekeeping product at home determines its shelf life without loss of healing properties. They provide:

    • The room for storing pollen should be warm, dry, clean, without obvious foreign odors. In addition, it is recommended to maintain a temperature balance, which is an important factor in the proper storage of valuable grains. The optimal room temperature is considered to be 20ºC with a relative air humidity of no more than 75%. It is convenient to monitor these room indicators using a psychometric hygrometer. You can also store pollen in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Freezing the product is not recommended. Warm and humid storage conditions lead to the proliferation of insects that pose a threat to its quality.
  1. Packaging pollen in airtight packaging prevents moisture from entering the dried pollen. For these purposes, it is recommended to use glass jars of various capacities with ground or regular lids for preservation. Dark glassware is considered ideal. Before packaging the product, it is recommended to sterilize the dishes with steam or alcohol, dry them, and only then place pollen in them. This action allows you to remove pathogenic microflora on the inner surface of glass containers.
  2. Canning pollen is carried out at the request of consumers and can significantly extend the shelf life of pollen. To do this, professional beekeepers recommend mixing it with honey or powdered sugar in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. Honey is considered a natural preservative. Mixing it with pollen allows you to extend the shelf life of pollen up to five years without losing valuable qualities.


The process of storing strands is simplified by the fact that it is immediately sold in glass jars with an airtight lid. This is the first step to extending the shelf life of the product. Please note: the lower the percentage of honey in the strand, the stricter the conditions for its storage should be. If the product in proportions of approximately 1:1 can be kept at temperatures up to +20 degrees, then jars containing little honey should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Article on the topic : What is a bee fence?

After 3 years, the timber does not deteriorate and can still be eaten. But the power of its healing properties is reduced by about 15-20%.

Brief instructions:

  • store at a temperature from +1 to +20 degrees
  • do not leave in direct sunlight
  • Do not store in a place with high humidity levels
  • store in a glass container with an airtight lid
  • Shelf life: up to 3 years

Description and characteristics of the Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety, growing regions and planting rules

You can purchase timber directly from our apiary “Sviy Med”:

Benefits of Canning

Preserving pollen with honey deserves praise from consumers. The method allows:

  • eliminate slight bitterness;
  • improve taste characteristics;
  • enhance the healing effect;
  • bring even greater benefits to the human body.

Following these simple rules is the key to benefiting from this wonderful beekeeping product!

As you can imagine, collecting and subsequently storing pollen is a rather complicated and labor-intensive process. The “unpleasant” feature of this apiary product is that the valuable properties of pollen disappear quite quickly even with seemingly high-quality storage of pollen. This is especially true for the vitamins and amino acids it contains. Experts attribute this fact to the fact that even in collected bee pollen, various biochemical processes continue to occur, which lead to the loss of nutrients from it.

Therefore, beekeepers are constantly developing various ways to preserve the benefits of pollen. Today, the best preservation and longest shelf life of pollen is ensured by its conservation.

It all starts with proper pollen collection. Pollen pollen should be removed from the pollen trap daily before it gets dark. It is important not to leave the pollen overnight, as this will quickly dampen it. After collecting pollen, it is necessary to dry it: this process is carried out in a darkened room, with sufficient ventilation and a temperature of 20 to 40 0 ​​C. The collected flower pollen is scattered on sheets of paper in a layer preferably no more than one centimeter thick and dried for 3 days. It needs to be stirred periodically. The process can be accelerated by increasing the temperature to 40 0 ​​C, only in this case the humidity in the room should be no more than 10%. In such conditions, pollen drying occurs at an accelerated rate - the duration is reduced to several hours. Next, we determine the readiness of our pollen by the following signs:

  1. The pollen on your fingers feels like dense lumps that are difficult to crush.
  2. If you sprinkle dried pollen on a sheet of plywood, it should make a sound similar to metallic ringing when it falls.

There is also a way to dry bee pollen in a vacuum for 2 hours at a temperature of 120 0 C - this allows you to destroy the bee moth while maintaining the benefits of the product.

The next step is to remove impurities from the pollen. This is easy to do using a sieve with cells of about 2 mm. And only after this can we place our valuable product in a dry glass jar and seal it. Long-term storage of pollen is possible if it is placed in a dark, dry place with a temperature of 0 to 12 0 C.

But as with storing bee bread, the best way is to mix pollen with natural honey in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 - this will significantly increase the shelf life of pollen and enhance its beneficial properties. The method is simple and reliable, and in addition, storing pollen in this way improves its taste))

I took a course for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. I did it as recommended at the “Jolly Hornet” apiary - 2 courses with a break. In the first month of taking it, I felt some changes in the prostate, but the inflammation did not completely go away. After taking the second course, I began to feel much better. It's been 8 months now that I haven't had any problems with my prostate. I am very grateful to you for your products and for the advice provided.

Ignatenko Vladislav


Thank you Dmitry and Olga for your products, and especially for the eye drops. I have been suffering from glaucoma for many years. The disease is progressing, but thanks to your drops I feel that the progress has decreased and I can see a little better. It’s a pity that they don’t cure this disease, but that’s a big thank you.

Larisa Ivanovna

For a long time I was looking for suppositories for hemorrhoids on a natural basis, since in the pharmacy very often the suppositories include some kind of chemical preparation. I saw that at the family apiary Vesely Hornet the composition included only cocoa butter and propolis. I was very happy and ordered it immediately. I was pleased with the candles - the problem was not completely solved, but the progress was significant.

Raisa Pavlovna

I have been switching to natural cosmetics for many years now. I do some of it myself, getting information on the Internet, and I buy some of it. But I am simply delighted with your nourishing cream. I use it constantly on both my face and hands. And now our family has the same honey soap all the time. We wouldn't exchange it for a supermarket.

Hook Valentina


Thank you very much, Olga, for recommending a delicious product – wax moth infusion. My child (a girl of 7 years) was constantly ill with inflammation of the bronchi and we often spent many hours in medicine, in which they did not give anything other than antibiotics. I started looking for folk ways to treat bronchitis and found you. My child began to feel less sick and to cope with illness more easily. Also apply this kind of bee bread for immunity.

Kanonenko Olga

He suffered a serious crisis and suffered a stroke. My daughter found information that wax moth helps with this problem for recovery. Having called, we received advice that it is better to take a course of wax moth with tincture of deadwood. And so they did. I've been taking it for 4 months now. Changes on the face. But for complete recovery I want to take it for another 2-3 months. Thank you and your bees for the good products.

Ivan Fedotovich


As a nursing mother, while feeding her child, a problem with lactation appeared at 6 months. I read that Apilak based on royal jelly helps very well, but pure royal jelly has an even stronger effect. We ordered this product from the family apiary. And after 4 days of taking it, milk resumed in the required volume, and after 2 weeks of taking it I had to express the excess. I really liked your product. Now I’m thinking about a course to boost immunity. Thanks for the help.



Many thanks to the bees and the Happy Hornet. I have been suffering from diabetes for many years. Apart from medications and special nutrition, nothing helps in life. But I’m an optimist and I’m still trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. When buying acacia honey from Dmitry, he advised me to purchase a tincture of dead bees to lower sugar. I bought it with little confidence. And she didn’t do it in vain. After 1 month, sugar began to rise less frequently (more often it was her own fault, since she did not follow the diet). I've been drinking for 3 months now. I feel much better. Some kind of efficiency even appeared. Dmitry, thank you so much.

Lakuta Valentina

Dmitro, thank you very much for the delicious dormouse honey and for the weeding honey. We lived from afar and throughout the winter our entire great homeland was not ill. Only a little onuk. For the coming season, I will definitely start again from afar.

Dashko Ivan

I have been suffering from sinusitis for many years. As soon as he got through, he became a regular “client” of the hospital. While ordering honey at the “Veselyi Shershen” apiary, I saw Stop Sinusitis ointment and decided to try it, since the price was quite affordable. And after 2 weeks of use I saw improvements. I began to feel better with my chronic advanced sinusitis. I recommend.

Pakhomov Sergey

He underwent treatment at the family apiary “Vesely Hornet” for the treatment of prostate adenoma. There was severe inflammation from hypothermia and the prostate became very inflamed. And the doctors diagnosed an enlarged adenoma. After 2 weeks of taking the course, I felt that the inflammation had partially gone away. And after 2 months of taking it, the inflammation disappeared. The adenoma did not decrease after an ultrasound scan at the end of the course, but no increase was observed either. Thank you for the advice and help provided. I plan to take another course in the near future.

Igor Marchuk

After a year of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and drug resistance in the hospital, the doctor himself recommended trying wax moth tincture. I searched the Internet for a long time and settled on the family apiary “Vesely Hornet”, where I received a full consultation and, after receiving the products, were given instructions for use. I was also interested in the treatment regimen for wax moth tuberculosis with propolis tincture, since I had never heard of this anywhere else. After only 3 months of treatment, the disease became a closed form and by the 7th month the holes disappeared. Now, being already healthy, I drink it prophylactically 3-4 times a year. Thanks for the second life.


My son has been suffering from psoriasis for many years and we have probably already tried half a pharmacy of drugs for this disease. Almost all of them either have no effect or cause allergies. I read that propolis ointment helps a lot. Having received advice from Olga that 40% propolis ointment copes well with this disease, we ordered it and were very pleased. Now we are only saved by her. And most importantly, there is an effect and there are no side effects of this product.

Kramarenko Irina


I constantly work outside and in the garden. Hands often become chapped. I tried using Kremlin ointment as a cream. And I really like it. Now I periodically order this ointment from Olga.

Zhanna Ignatievna

All beekeeping products have unique medicinal properties, and bee pollen, also known as bee pollen, is no exception. This product is very popular among connoisseurs, but is not popular enough among the general population. Meanwhile, it is a storehouse of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It has high nutritional value and is a natural antibiotic. Regular consumption of bee pollen in the off-season will help avoid frequent colds for adults and children. In addition, in complex treatment, taking this product will be a good help in drug therapy.

Bee pollen - what is it?

Among beekeeping products, bee pollen is in particular demand because, like honey, it is a unique product as a symbiosis of plant and animal origin. What pollen is is known from school botany lessons - it is the sperm of plants, thanks to which fertilization occurs.

Bees themselves do not produce pollen, so the name “bee pollen” rather corresponds to the origin of this product. The starting material for obtaining pollen is pollen, because bees collect nectar and simultaneously dip their paws into pollen. Moreover, the bees collect this pollen consciously, since they immediately ferment it with saliva. On their hind legs they form two balls of fermented pollen, which they carry into the hive in the hope that it will become their food. It is no coincidence that beekeepers call bee pollen bee bread.

Bee pollen

Bringing it to the hive, they clean it off their legs, and this is food for the queen and worker bees. In this way, bees not only satisfy their hunger, but also protect themselves from infectious diseases from which they are not immune. Depending on where pollen is collected, bee pollen or bee bread has a different color and composition:

  • Linden pollen is green in color, and its use protects against colds and reduces body temperature.
  • Willow pollen is yellow in color and is recommended to be taken for infectious diseases because it is an excellent natural antibiotic that destroys pathogenic bacteria without side effects.
  • Bee bread made from dandelion pollen has an orange color and is indispensable for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bee bread from blooming clover is pinkish-cream in color and is very useful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and for restoring cerebral circulation.

Bee pollen

How beekeepers collect pollen

A bee, loaded with nectar and beebread, returns to the hive with a sense of accomplishment. This is where enterprising beekeepers adapt special bags for collecting bee pollen to the entrance, the hole becomes narrower, and the bee, making its way into the hive, dragging its hind legs with bee bread balls, loses them , and they fall into the bag. Further:

  • Beekeepers-healers sort the balls by color so that the purpose of the bee bread is targeted.
  • Beekeepers, who do not particularly delve into the intricacies of traditional medicine, collect it en masse and sell it, packing it in small plastic bags.


The benefits of taking such bee bread will invariably be, but pollen is more valued - pollen, sorted by color.

Composition of bee pollen

Flower pollen, by virtue of its purpose, is the quintessence of any plant, because it is designed to continue the existence of this species. Therefore, it concentrates all the best and most useful of what this or that plant has. In addition, enzymes contained in bee saliva play an important role in the benefits of bee bread. That’s why the composition of this product is impressive with its richness of biologically active substances:

  • The proteins contained in bee bread are rich in essential amino acids, which the human body itself does not produce and which come only with food. In terms of their amino acid composition, beebread proteins are superior to animal milk protein, which is considered the champion among animal proteins in this indicator. This means that taking bee bread in the postoperative period will reduce the process of regeneration of damaged tissues significantly.
  • Bee pollen contains phospholipids, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 groups, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-9 group. Taking bee bread will make cell membranes impermeable to free radicals, which means bee bread is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Flavonoids and phenolic acids contained in bee pollen have a wide spectrum of effects on the human body. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have antitumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects.
  • Phytosterols contained in pollen, especially methylene cholesterol and 3-phytosterol, help maintain healthy blood vessels.
  • Phytohormones, which pollen is rich in, have a beneficial effect on the human hormonal system as a whole, ensuring the stability of hormonal levels.
  • In terms of vitamin content, beebread is much superior to pharmaceutical vitamin complexes, and they are completely absorbed by the body, unlike pharmaceutical preparations. B vitamins are very widely represented - B1,2,3,6,8.9. It is known that vitamins of this particular group ensure the stability of the central and peripheral nervous system. Vitamin E - tocopherol and tocotrienol, indispensable for the skin and reproductive organs, A - retinol maintains the organs of vision, hair, and nails in a healthy condition.
  • Micro and macroelements in bee bread are represented quite widely. These are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, silver, gold. Perhaps, if you put all the elements of the periodic table, you won’t go wrong. This property of bee bread allows you to restore the deficiency of microelements in the human body after a long illness or serious physical exertion.

With this composition, bee pollen simply must be medicinal, and it copes with this function brilliantly.

Honey with pollen

How and where bees collect nectar, its properties

Bees collect nectar from flowering plants and fill their crops with it - one of the compartments of the bee's stomach, designed specifically for collecting nectar. It is there that there are special glands that:

  • ferment nectar;
  • break down the glucose contained in it;
  • enrich nectar with dextrins.

Upon returning to the hive, the bee loads the cells with nectar, and the worker bees sort it:

  • part of the nectar is used to feed the larvae;
  • the other part is placed in the honeycomb for maturation;
  • When laying nectar in honeycombs, worker bees also enrich it with enzymes.

The temperature in the hive is quite high. While working to create reserves, worker bees use their wings to ventilate the air in the hive, helping the ripening honey get rid of excess moisture and acquire the necessary viscosity. Nectar itself consists of 50% moisture, while honey contains no more than 20% moisture. The viscous honey in the combs is sealed with wax and ripened in an airtight package.

Bee bread granules are placed in adjacent honeycombs and are also filled with nectar. The entire fermentation process is the same as when placing honey in a honeycomb. Honeycombs containing beebread differ from regular honey in color:

  • honey with bee pollen - yellow;
  • pure honey is dark, almost brown in color.

A variety of bee pollen

How to use honey with pollen, how to prepare it

It is completely impractical to take honey and pollen collected by bees from the hive:

  • This is an excellent winter food for bees, the best. Therefore, depriving them of this preparation means dooming them to a state of half-starvation. No feeding with sugar can replace beebread with honey.
  • Bee bread is an excellent antibiotic, because bees that feed on it in winter do not get sick and tolerate wintering well.

Therefore, experienced beekeepers try not to “rob” their breadwinners, trying to prepare beebread with honey for medicinal purposes on their own:

  • It is necessary to grind the bee bread - this can be done in a blender or coffee grinder. The finer the bee bread is ground, the more homogeneous and healthy the original product is.
  • Heat the settled honey in a water bath until liquid.
  • Mix honey and ground bee bread in a ratio of 20% bee bread and 80% honey. This is the ideal ratio for obtaining a medicinal product.

The mass prepared in this way should be poured into dry, sterile jars and rolled up.

The mixture should be taken according to the following scheme:

  • For preventive purposes in the off-season, 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before breakfast.
  • For medicinal purposes, 3 times a day, 1 dess. spoon 0.5 hour before meals.

Bee bread and pollen

Method of use

How much pollen can you eat per day? The dose for an adult is approximately 10-15 g per day. Take the substance 2 times a day: morning and evening half an hour before meals.

It is advisable to take the second dose 4 hours before bedtime. The granules must be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved. The course lasts 1 month and is repeated 3 times a year.

Children should be given pollen after consulting a doctor. The daily dose at 3 years is approximately 4 g.

Contraindications for use are allergies, diabetes, frequent bleeding.

How to store bee pollen at home

The shelf life of bee bread in its pure form depends on the quality of the bee bread itself and its storage conditions:

  • It is very important that the bee bread is well dried and packaged in hermetically sealed bags. Because air access promotes the oxidation of fatty acids and the breakdown of proteins contained in bee pollen.
  • The storage location must be protected from moisture, since pollen quickly becomes moldy in high humidity.
  • Storage temperature should not exceed 14 °C.
  • If the packaging is sealed, storage in the refrigerator is quite justified.

If these conditions are met, bee pollen can be stored for 1 year.

Breadbread with honey prepared in the above manner in hermetically sealed jars can be stored for up to 5 years without compromising quality.

Storage at home

Not everyone knows what bee bread is. Not everyone knows how to store this substance at home. This apiproduct is created from pollen. After collecting it and delivering it to the hive, the bees place the pollen in the honeycomb. There, under sealed conditions under the action of a natural preservative, fermentation and preservation begin. In the end you get bread.

Under ideal conditions, beebread will be stored in a preserved honeycomb for years, but when removed, it will spoil within a few days if it is not stored correctly. In the natural environment, bread is stored by bees until the next season.

Bee bread powder and granules

It is most convenient to consume the bee product in dry form, but today you can often find bee bread granules. They are a hexagonal dried cylindrical shape.

You need to know the intricacies of how to store beebread in granules or powder. This API product is kept in an airtight, opaque container.

where it will be isolated from:

  1. Ultraviolet rays
    . With prolonged exposure to light, bee products lose their beneficial qualities.
  2. High humidity
    . In case of prolonged contact with air with a humidity of 15% or more, bacterial activity begins to increase. Bee bread becomes moldy and decomposes.
  3. Strongly flavored products
    . Dry beebread absorbs foreign odors.

Pre-dried granules are often doused with honey to make them attractive. This product can last no more than a year. If you do not dry the bee bread or use unripe honey, the product quickly loses its beneficial properties. That is why, immediately after purchase, it is better to place the jar in the refrigerator and periodically check for changes in appearance.

Storing in honeycombs with honey

This storage method is the most natural. The active active compounds are preserved with honey and wax. In this form, the vitamin complex can be stored for up to 2.5 years. Of course, during this period the activity of the components decreases somewhat, but the key properties will remain unchanged.

Such storage involves the following actions:

  • pieces of honeycomb are placed in an opaque container;
  • pour honey over everything;
  • carefully seal the dishes;
  • put in the refrigerator.

The volume of the dishes is selected based on one treatment course. You shouldn’t constantly expose all the bee bread to changing conditions; it’s better to open one small jar of the product each time.

Ground honeycomb with honey (paste)

Honeycombs with beebread are difficult to pack, and therefore beekeepers often grind them into a paste. Then they mix them with honey and sell them.

This remedy copes well with stomatitis, sore throat, and skin damage. To preserve biological capabilities, the shelf life of bee bread should not be exceeded. The necessary conditions are provided by:

  1. Temperature - up to 12 degrees, but not less than 0 degrees. If the indicators increase, bacteria will actively multiply.
  2. Tightness is the main condition limiting the free access of air.
  3. Humidity - this indicator should not exceed 15%.

Wax honeycomb (frames)

It is better to store honeycombs in frames at a temperature of 5 - 10 degrees. The main enemy of honeycombs is considered to be moths, and therefore the following conditions must be observed:

  • frames are placed vertically;
  • air circulates freely between the rows;
  • once a month the temperature drops to -1 degree. This is necessary for the death of moth larvae.

How to eat pollen granules for adults, contraindications

First of all, it is worth clarifying why you need to take bee pollen. Knowing about its composition and beneficial properties, it is easy to understand that beebread is used for the following purposes:

  • maintaining immunity at the proper level;
  • restoration of strength and in depressive states;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • treatment of the reproductive system;
  • stimulation of regeneration processes in case of injuries, after operations and burns;
  • prevention and treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and ENT diseases;
  • improving the rheological properties of blood.

Adults can take pollen for medicinal purposes according to the following scheme:

  • Pure pollen in granules for medicinal purposes - 1 tsp. spoon 3 times a day 0.5 hours before meals.
  • For preventive purposes, take 1 teaspoon twice a day in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, dissolving the granules until they are completely dissolved in the mouth.

Even such a super product as bee pollen may have contraindications, and this should be remembered:

  • Individual intolerance to the product is possible, which is extremely rare. Therefore, the first time you take bee bread literally on the tip of a teaspoon. Dissolve it and monitor your body’s reaction.
  • People who have poor blood clotting should not take it. Because beebread thins the blood, and any bleeding for such people can be fatal.

In other cases, every person can be treated with beebread or take it for preventive purposes without any side effects. You can treat serious diseases as part of complex therapy or engage in monotherapy, but it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.

Drying process

To preserve the beneficial properties of pollen, drying must be carried out according to all the rules:

  1. We lay out the collected pollen on clean paper sheets, making sure that the layer is not thick, up to 2 cm.
  2. Provide good ventilation and optimal humidity in the room.
  3. The temperature regime suitable for drying should not exceed 45 degrees Celsius.
  4. Avoid exposure to ultraviolet light on the pollen.
  5. To avoid dust contamination of pollen, to protect it from insects, cover the product with a thin cloth.
  6. For uniform drying, it is necessary to stir the pollen several times a day.

Drying lasts on average five days, depending on the degree of humidity. The dry product is determined by sound; it should be similar to metal. To do this, you need to sprinkle pollen on a hard surface and listen to what the sound will be.

Using a drying cabinet will give a higher quality product. This way, the process will happen quickly and there will be no need to disturb the pollen. The entire procedure will take no more than two days. The capacity of the cabinet is about 15 kilograms. The pollen is dried using infrared radiation, the desired temperature is set automatically.

When drying is complete, the product should be sifted, removing debris and dust, using a fine sieve, hair dryer or fan.

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