How long does sugar last?

Shelf life of sugar according to GOST

Compared to other food products, sugar remains suitable for consumption for a long time.

However, it is not stored forever; it also has an expiration date, the expiration of which may serve as a reason to refuse to use the expired product.

The shelf life is not affected by the raw material from which the product is obtained - cane or beets.

There are also rarer types of sugar (grape, coconut, malt and others), but all of them, without exception, have sucrose as their main substance, and therefore, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they have an identical shelf life.

The danger for sugar is moisture, strong-smelling products or other means and lack of ventilation - factors that can have a direct negative impact on the consumer qualities of the product.

Sugar can indeed be stored for a long time, up to 8 years. But you will never see such a date on the packaging. There are generally accepted terms that determine the storage time of the main component - sucrose.

Common types of sugar (cane, beet) last equally long. Rare varieties of sweet sand (grape, coconut, palm, sorghum and others) are recommended to be kept no longer than the time specified in GOST.

GOST standards No. 26907-86 establish that granulated sugar and refined sugar must be stored in warehouses at air temperatures up to 250C and humidity up to 70%.

When storage conditions change (low temperature, poor humidity), shelf life also decreases.


  • Bulk sugar can be stored in containers for 1.5 to 4 years,
  • refined sugar – up to 5 years.

You should also consider the storage location and container. These are important points on which the quality of the product and taste depend.

Place. The room must be heated no higher than 250C and no lower than 110C (for silos). As for air humidity, the optimal values ​​are between 70% and 60% without packaging.

Tara. Sweet sand is stored in production in 50 kg bags, which are stacked on pallets in a certain quantity. The bags are covered from dirt, moisture and foreign odors.

Sugar storage

Category: Flavoring products (tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, etc.)

To ensure the preservation of the quality of sugar during storage, the relative air humidity in the warehouse at the surface level of the bottom row should not exceed 70% for packaged granulated sugar, 60% for unpackaged granulated sugar in silos (GOST 21-94 “Granulated sugar. Technical conditions” ); for refined sugar - no more than 75% (GOST 22-94 “Refined sugar. Technical conditions”). When storing sugar in warehouses with cement and asphalt floors, it is placed on pallets covered with clean tarpaulin, matting, burlap or paper, and in multi-storey warehouses and warehouses for short-term storage - directly on the floor covered with tarpaulin, plastic film or paper in one layer. In warehouses with wooden floors, tarpaulin, matting, burlap or polyethylene film is laid directly on the floor with the bedding wrapped in two laid bottom rows to protect it from contamination and moisture. Granulated sugar and refined sugar are stacked in the warehouse. The height of the stack should be as follows: - granulated sugar in fabric bags - 46 rows; — granulated sugar in wooden boxes — 5 m; — granulated sugar in cardboard boxes — 2 m; - refined granulated sugar and sucrose for champagne, packed in bags - 36 rows; - pressed refined sugar and refined powder, packed in bags - 1.8 m; — crushed cast refined sugar, packed in bags — 2.5 m; - refined sugar packed in wooden boxes - 5 m; - refined sugar, packed in cardboard boxes - 2 m. Stacks must be composed of sugar of uniform quality, packed in containers of the same type, having the same mass. For each stacked stack, a stack label is placed, which must indicate: - name of the product; — name of the manufacturer; - type of container; - number of seats; - Net weight; — production date; — designation and name of the product standard; — quality document number; — main indicators of product quality.

Storage conditions for long-term storage sugar must be maintained in accordance with GOST 26907-86 “Sugar. Long-term storage conditions." Granulated sugar and refined sugar, packaged in containers or without packaging, are subject to long-term storage. Shelf life - for packaged granulated sugar: - in heated warehouses - up to 8 years; — in unheated warehouses — from 1.5 to 4 years, depending on climatic conditions and type of container; for refined sugar: - in heated warehouses - up to 8 years; - in unheated warehouses - up to 5 years. The shelf life of granulated sugar and refined granulated sugar in silos is no more than 2 years. For long-term storage of packaged sugar, heated warehouses are used, and silos are used for storing unpackaged sugar.

Warehouses for storing sugar must meet sanitary requirements. Before storing sugar, warehouses must be thoroughly cleaned, ventilated and dried. The internal surfaces of silos must be covered with paints, varnishes or synthetic films approved by the Ministry of Health for contact with food products (List of materials, products, equipment approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia in 1998 for contact with food products and environments) that do not have an odor that can be transferred to sugar . To prevent moisture condensation on the internal walls of silos and moistening of sugar, their external surfaces should be thermally insulated. To create and maintain optimal air conditions in silos, conditioned air must be used. The relative air humidity at the surface level of the bottom row of bags of sugar in heated warehouses should not exceed 70%. The relative air humidity in silos should be from 55 to 65%. The air temperature in heated warehouses for storing packaged sugar should not be lower than 11°C. The air temperature in the silos should be from 20 to 22°C.

How is it determined?

The shelf life of sugar may vary, it all depends on the raw material. Cane and beet products, which make up 99% of the world market, have the same shelf life.

Such unusual types of sugar as palm, sorghum, malt, coconut, grape, maple are in demand in many countries. Their shelf life is determined according to Russian laws, since they have the same active ingredient - sucrose. The storage period is affected by storage conditions and containers.

Is there an expiration date: influencing factors

Compared to other food products, sugar remains suitable for consumption long time

However, it is not stored forever ; it also has an expiration date, the end of which may serve as a reason to refuse to use the expired product.

The shelf life is not affected by the raw material from which the product is obtained - cane or beets.

There are also rarer types of sugar (grape, coconut, malt and others), but all of them, without exception, have sucrose as their main substance, and therefore, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they have an identical shelf life .

What do GOSTs say?

In this case, GOST 26907-86, adopted back in Soviet times (1987), is taken as a basis.

The standard, which is still relevant today, considers all options for storing sugar.

Long-term sugar storage in heated warehouses requires maintaining a temperature regime with a maximum of 25°C, as well as a humidity regime with a maximum relative humidity of 70%.

If these requirements are met, the product is able to retain its consumer properties for up to 8 years.

If storage occurs in warehouses that are not heated in cold weather, a decrease in the shelf life of the product is observed.

Thus, for refined sugar it will be 5 years, and for granulated sugar – 1.5-4 years, depending on the container and storage conditions (according to GOST 21-94).

The duration of silage storage of the product is a maximum of 2 years.

According to GOST

According to GOST No. 26907-86, the shelf life of granulated sugar and refined sugar in bags in heated warehouses at a temperature not exceeding +25°C and humidity not exceeding 70% is up to 8 years.

If the product is stored in warehouses that are not heated in winter, the shelf life is reduced:

  • for refined sugar - up to 5 years;
  • for granulated sugar - up to 1.5-4 years, depending on the container and storage conditions (GOST 21-94).

The shelf life of sugar without containers (in silos) is 2 years from the date of manufacture.

What is the shelf life of different types of beer? Read about it here.

Storage in warehouses

In production, sugar has the same shelf life as at home. Product storage in warehouses must be carried out on the basis of GOST rules:

  1. Relative air humidity is up to 70% if granulated sugar is in containers, and up to 60% if it is in bulk silos. Refined sugar – 75%.
  2. The temperature is within 20-22 degrees in silos, and from 11 to 25 for heated warehouses.
  3. For long-term storage, the product is placed on pallets covered with tarpaulin.
  4. For fabric packaging, the weight should be 50 kg.
  5. It is not advisable to store granulated sugar with other products, as it picks up odors.
  6. Sugar in containers is stacked.
  7. The walls of the silos are thermally insulated on the outside so that there is no moisture in the product.

In many cases, warehousing involves storing sugar in bags, fabric or made from combined materials.

In this case, the package must weigh 50 kg.

Such storage also requires strict compliance with GOST requirements regarding storage conditions, i.e. the temperature is maintained between 11-25°C.

The maximum humidity level is not higher than 70% (for rooms with heating).

Due to increased sensitivity to odors, sugar, as a rule, is not stored next to other products, especially those that may have a strong odor. It is stacked in stacks consisting of homogeneous goods and limited in height and number of bags.

Keeping at home

At home, you should also consider the shelf life of granulated sugar. Products should not be moistened or exposed to low temperatures. If the storage rules are followed, the product retains its properties for the stated period or more.

If you plan on long-term storage, it is best to choose a fabric bag that will protect from moisture. If the product will be stored for up to 1 year, it is advisable to place it in a plastic bag, since long-term storage may cause an unpleasant odor.

Containers made of plastic, tin, ceramics, glass and other materials are excellent for storage. It is advisable to leave refined sugar in cardboard packaging.

Granulated sugar is easy to store in a home environment, subject to basic requirements, in particular restrictions from the influence of low temperatures and high humidity.

Long-term sugar content is allowed:

  • in fabric bags, especially if long-term storage is expected;
  • in plastic bags for no more than a year, otherwise there is a high probability of a bad smell;
  • in closed containers made of ceramics, glass, food-grade plastic, etc.

It’s easy to recognize a delay

There are several signs to look out for:

  • the color has changed,
  • there was an unpleasant smell,
  • Large lumps began to form.

But don’t despair: even with these signs, sugar is suitable for preservation or fermentation products. Heat treatment or canning neutralizes all unpleasant consequences.

Refined sugar888

Refined sugar, cane and vanilla sugar

Theoretically, it is possible and even acceptable, subject to the requirements and recommendations for storing the product.

But in practice this is not so easy to do, because even on a glazed and insulated balcony, changes in temperature and humidity are possible.

The fact that sugar can be pressed into cubes and obtained as refined sugar does not in any way affect the change in storage conditions compared to ordinary granulated sugar.

Cane sugar essentially has no differences from regular sugar, which is obtained from beets, and therefore the storage requirements are the same.

In the case of vanilla sugar, it’s a completely different matter. This product is obtained by mixing regular granulated sugar with vanillin, which is stored for no more than 1 year.

Mixing the two products does not increase the final shelf life, and therefore the consumer suitability of vanilla sugar, like vanillin, is no longer than 1 year.

The balcony, unfortunately, is not a suitable place to leave supplies of granulated sugar or boxes of refined sugar. The fact is that the conditions there are too unstable: the humidity is constantly changing, the temperature can drop to sub-zero levels, which will lead to the formation of condensation in the packaging, and spoilage of the product will not be long in coming. If the balcony is glazed and insulated, then the situation changes radically, and it is quite possible to store granulated sugar there.

It is advisable to place a product such as refined sugar, which is stored in cardboard packaging, in a kitchen cabinet. There should be no products with a strong smell near it, for example, spices, vegetables, fruits.

Refined sugar purchased by weight must be placed in boxes, sealed containers, or cloth bags. It is important that the products are stored in a dry room where there are no household chemicals.

How does a product change over time?

Sugar is almost unaffected by pests. Dangers include:

  • water;
  • products;
  • lack of ventilation.

If there are no these unpleasant factors, then sugar can be stored according to the expiration date specified in GOST.

Long-term storage of sugar can only be damaged by excessive moisture, foods with strong odors and immobility. To prevent it from suffocating, it needs to be shaken periodically. This, in its own way, also prevents the formation of lumps.

If the storage requirements for sugar are not met, it may spoil. Changes in color, foreign odors, and stone piles are the main signs of an expired product. Do not use such sugar, it may cause discomfort.

By complying with all the conditions of GOST when storing sugar, you can extend its shelf life to 8 years. You can store shelled walnuts for a long time at home in an airtight container even if, Meat belongs to the category of perishable products, and it can be stored for up to two years. ,When too many dishes have been prepared and it was not possible to cope with them at once, it is necessary, Flowering plants are designed to decorate a person’s life, but they themselves are short-lived. How to make chrysanthemums


How to determine if a product is spoiled? The main signs include changes in color, unpleasant odor, and lumps. Damage is indicated by the presence of large monolithic pieces. You should not consume such granulated sugar, but you should not throw it away either.

Such sugar is excellent for preserving and preparing fermented products, since high temperature and canning help prevent the negative consequences of product spoilage. Granulated sugar is practically unpretentious. The main thing is to follow the basic rules, and then you won’t have to worry about its safety.

Expiration does not mean that the product is hopelessly damaged.

In the absence of obvious signs of spoilage, after the expiration date the product is often still suitable for consumption.

Moreover, if all relevant recommendations were strictly followed during its storage.

Expired sugar does not have to be added to tea; it can be used to preserve food or prepare homemade alcohol by fermentation.

If they sold you an expired item in a store, you have the right to return the item back. In case of refusal to return or exchange, write a claim addressed to the manager, the law is on your side (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation).

Further use of the product is not recommended if:

  1. the sugar began to turn yellow;
  2. an unpleasant odor appeared;
  3. Numerous lumps appeared.

How to recognize a delay?

How can you tell if sugar is spoiled? The main signs that sugar is spoiled are a change in the color of the product, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, lumpy granulated sugar or the formation of large monolithic pieces.

It is not recommended to eat such sugar , but this does not mean that the product is hopelessly spoiled and will have to be thrown away.

Such sugar can be used to make homemade preserves or fermentation products (homemade alcohol), since exposure to high temperatures or canning allows you to avoid the unpleasant consequences of sugar spoilage.

Thus, sugar is one of the most unpretentious food products in terms of storage conditions.

The main thing to avoid is exposure to moisture and unfavorable temperatures.

If these conditions are met, sugar can be stored much longer than the stated shelf life, which is 8 years in heated home premises.

What is the shelf life of kefir and what does it depend on? Read about it in our article.

You can learn how to choose quality sugar from the video:

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Sugar is an essential ingredient for the production of sweets, baked goods, and canning of fruits and berries.

Those who are accustomed to storing it in reserve must comply with the conditions and permissible storage period. The article is designed for an initially high-quality product.

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