What does aging wine in a barrel provide?

Storing wine in an oak barrel is a difficult process, requiring knowledge of certain principles and winemaking technology. A novice winemaker must carefully study the entire process and pay attention to many little details in order to obtain a high-quality product that is safe and enjoyable to drink as a result of the winemaking process.

To give the wine a special quality, it is stored in barrels.

What you need to know about capacity?

The history of storing wine in an oak barrel consists of thousands of years of trial and error, disappointments and successes, and the perfection of technology. The alcoholic beverages market rarely offers wine stored, as tradition dictates, in a barrel. And if the buyer is lucky enough to find such a product, then its cost is quite high. That is why connoisseurs of good alcohol prefer to make it themselves. And only good wine can become a magnificent family tradition.

Barrels are also necessary for proper transportation of wine.

An oak barrel is perfect not only for storing wine, but also for proper transportation and preparation. This remark is true not only for a wine product, but also for cognac, brandy, chacha, whiskey, grappa or moonshine.

In order to successfully produce alcohol using oak barrels, the wood must go through a preparatory stage. If the preparatory stage is not carried out, the barrel swells, a leak forms in it, or it simply crumbles. New barrels impart bitterness and darkening to the wine; before pouring alcohol into them, it is necessary to fill them with drinking water. If this requirement is not met, the barrels will simply ruin the wine.

The first preparatory step is to pour boiling water over the container. It should be noted that this is not an infusion, but a short-term scalding. A small amount of boiling water is needed, which is poured into the container, then the barrel is plugged with a stopper and shaken well. Open the plug and drain the boiling water. This must be done immediately. Next, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times, but the water needs to be cold. If you rinse an oak barrel with cold water for the first time, it will deteriorate and become unusable.

All this is done so that the wood, having swollen, fills the rivets. This guarantees protection against leakage.

Practice shows that the washing procedure requires 3-4 rinses. But according to all the rules, it is necessary to rinse the barrel until the water becomes clear. Also, the liquid poured from the barrel should not have the taste or smell of wood. Next, you need to rinse the container again with boiling water, then rinse with warm water with the addition of soda. After that, another wash, a control wash. If the barrel is not used for a long time, it is fumigated with sulfur, which helps to avoid the appearance of wood pests and fungus.

Preparation for use

To get aromatic, aged wine, you need to be patient and perform the following operations on the barrel:

  • soaking;
  • scalding;
  • washing with soda;
  • rinsing with hot and cold water.

In order for the wood in the new product to swell and the gaps to be removed, it is necessary to fill the barrel with cold water. Usually 2-4 weeks are enough for the soaking process. It is recommended to change the water at least every other day. If you see a leak at this time, do not be alarmed, this is not a defect. Add water and observe. After the wood swells, all leaks will stop.

Next, drain the cold water, fill it with boiling water (not completely) and roll the barrel to scald its walls. Then mix soda ash in new hot water (about 200 g per 10 l) and rinse the wooden product again. This operation is carried out in order to extract excess oak aromatic components from the wood.

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After cleaning the barrel with soda, you need to rinse it thoroughly with hot water. You can rinse thoroughly several times until you see a completely clear, clean liquid. To cool the wooden product, it is filled one last time with cold water. Having pulled out all the plugs and opened the tap, its remains are drained. Only after this can the natural container be filled with wine. This oak barrel is now a powerful weapon in the fight for new harmonious tastes.

Features of using oak barrels

Initially, oak wood has qualities that help create optimal conditions for storing and maturing wine. It has been proven for centuries that oak wood has the following characteristics:

  • The ability to allow air to pass through, which allows you to saturate the alcohol with oxygen;
  • Enrichment of the drink with tannins, which give a special aroma and color to the drink. You can even study reviews where wine, prepared according to the same recipe, but in different containers, has a different flavor bouquet;
  • Dissolving compounds that give a distinctive odor to strong drinks or natural cleansing. This applies to fusel oils, which are difficult to remove when distilling alcohol with your own hands. That is why oak barrels are often used to store cognac. When decomposed, new aromas are obtained that are more pleasant and do not spoil the taste of alcohol;
  • Antiseptic properties transmitted by natural wood. This is valuable for preventing fermentation of already prepared wine and its acidification;
  • Color stabilization. Red wines acquire a rich color; a similar effect is achieved when cognac is stored;
  • Maintaining a temperature optimal for fermentation, which is actively used by professional winemakers to prepare aromatic wine drinks;
  • Exceptional environmental friendliness, which is important when making alcoholic beverages with your own hands. No toxins, harmful chemical compounds or other substances that adversely affect the quality of the drink or human health.

For those who value aesthetics, oak barrels are also suitable, since pouring a drink from such a wooden container is visually more pleasant than from bottles.

Pickle barrel

Barrels for pickling must be treated so that they do not dry out. The initial stages of the process are no different from those used for “wine” barrels.

  1. rinse with cold water;
  2. rinse with hot soda solution;
  3. get rid of soda with hot water;
  4. cool again;
  5. dry, leaving for a while.

The oak structure does not need fumigation. Leave it in a cool corner where there is good air humidity and no direct sunlight. As a last resort, use the following methods:

  • Fill the barrel with a solution of sulfuric acid (0.1%) and store it, this will help protect the wood in case of insufficient humidity in the room. Periodically add water.
  • By simply filling an oak barrel with ordinary water, you will temporarily maintain the necessary humidity, but it is worth remembering that the water can become rotten, so rinse and replace with new water monthly. To be sure, you can add a piece of flint.


Wood, without an additional protective layer (oil, paint, varnish), especially oak, is very sensitive to the sun, dryness and unstable temperatures, so you should carefully select a comfortable place where storing oak barrels will be as appropriate as possible. We choose only high-humidity rooms with good ventilation; air humidity should reach 75% or higher. You can store it in a basement or cellar, the main thing is that it is regularly ventilated and there are no hidden mold formations on the walls.

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We place the barrels on an additional wooden stand or flooring. It is unacceptable if they come into direct contact with the concrete floor.

Why protect an empty oak barrel? - everything is very simple. The wooden structure in which the alcoholic drink was stored is quickly depleted due to the properties of alcohol. Leaving an oak barrel empty for several days exposes it to rapid drying, after which the container will lose its practical properties. If pickling was stored there, the effect will be almost the same. In addition, the barrel may harbor parasites or fungal organisms.

Storage recommendations

In order for a wine to retain (ideally improve) its qualities over time, certain conditions must be met:

  • Maintain temperature within 12 °C.
  • Monitor the relative humidity in the room - it should be 75%.

If the wine is sealed with a natural cork, the bottle should be in a horizontal position or at an angle that ensures the cork is wetted so that it does not dry out.

In places where the temperature rises to 27 °C or more in summer, it is recommended to store wine in special wine refrigerators or cellars, since temperature changes can accelerate the aging and natural oxidation of wine by 4 times.

Conditions for storing wine in barrels

Barriques filled with precious liquid are stored in basements or air-conditioned rooms. If there are a lot of them, they are stacked or placed on racks - the latter option is more convenient for monitoring the drink.

The optimal temperature is 10–15° C. At higher temperatures, evaporation increases, and therefore aging accelerates. Low temperature, on the contrary, slows down all processes.

A prerequisite for aging wine in barrels is regular monitoring of their contents. At first, the barrel is checked and topped up every two weeks, then once every 2-3 months.

The standard service life of a white wine barrel is 6–7 years, and a red wine barrel is 5 years. Once the oak ceases to enhance the taste of the drink, the barrique becomes a neutral storage container. Sometimes after this they are sold to producers of strong alcohol.

Features of using oak barrels

Initially, oak wood has qualities that help create optimal conditions for storing and maturing wine. It has been proven for centuries that oak wood has the following characteristics:

  • The ability to allow air to pass through, which allows you to saturate the alcohol with oxygen;
  • Enrichment of the drink with tannins, which give a special aroma and color to the drink. You can even study reviews where wine, prepared according to the same recipe, but in different containers, has a different flavor bouquet;
  • Dissolving compounds that give a distinctive odor to strong drinks or natural cleansing. This applies to fusel oils, which are difficult to remove when distilling alcohol with your own hands. That is why oak barrels are often used to store cognac. When decomposed, new aromas are obtained that are more pleasant and do not spoil the taste of alcohol;
  • Antiseptic properties transmitted by natural wood. This is valuable for preventing fermentation of already prepared wine and its acidification;
  • Color stabilization. Red wines acquire a rich color; a similar effect is achieved when cognac is stored;
  • Maintaining a temperature optimal for fermentation, which is actively used by professional winemakers to prepare aromatic wine drinks;
  • Exceptional environmental friendliness, which is important when making alcoholic beverages with your own hands. No toxins, harmful chemical compounds or other substances that adversely affect the quality of the drink or human health.

For those who value aesthetics, oak barrels are also suitable, since pouring a drink from such a wooden container is visually more pleasant than from bottles.

Is it possible to make an oak barrel with your own hands?

If you plan to take advantage of the valuable properties of an oak barrel, then it is better to purchase a ready-made product, since not everyone can make it themselves. In the absence of experience in such work, all these activities may generally result in unnecessary material costs, as evidenced by numerous reviews of novice inventors.

In the process of collecting barrels, it is important not only to follow the technology, but also to understand the specifics of the material. For example, wood burning is increasingly practiced and, depending on its degree, the barrel will impart a light aroma of vanilla, almond or chocolate to the drink. If logs are used as blanks, then you will also need certain woodworking skills and appropriate tools.

Assembling a barrel exclusively with your own hands requires experience in stuffing hoops onto blanks. In this matter, you will need an assistant, since it will be difficult to do everything at the same time alone. It is necessary to feel the wood so as not to bend it and, as a result, defects such as cracks do not form. All shortcomings and deviations from the technology will lead to unpleasant situations; they may not arise immediately, but there is a possibility of leaks, and therefore the entry of air and bacteria. Naturally, the quality of the product in this case will deteriorate, and perhaps such wine will not be suitable for drinking at all. Such consequences threaten unnecessary labor and material costs.

To eliminate unforeseen situations, and not to doubt the safety of wine, cognac or other drink, it is better to purchase a ready-made oak barrel. It will only at first glance seem that it is more economical to do everything yourself, in fact, such a purchase provides the following advantages:

  • A wide selection of volumes, that is, there are practically no restrictions on the displacement of a barrel. If you just want to try your hand at winemaking, you can choose compact barrels, but for large-scale storage and production there are options for larger products;
  • Wood quality confirmed by a professional manufacturer. During production, wood is initially carefully selected to eliminate various defects. The growth of oak, the general conditions of ripening are also important, since the porosity of the material depends on this, as well as other equally important indicators;
  • Guarantee. Manufacturers provide a guarantee to confirm the high quality of the product and related components. Basically, professional craftsmen have such a streamlined production that unforeseen situations are excluded;
  • Equipment. A ready-made barrel made of oak or other wood has everything you need, the main thing is to choose the right model. If the barrel is assembled with your own hands, then shaping or cutting out the tap, handles or other elements will require additional time and certain skills;
  • Long service life. Regardless of whether you purchase a barrel for cognac, wine, rum and other noble drinks, with proper use oak surfaces will last for many years. The reliability of the coverage will not change, and even with a new batch of alcohol, the unique properties of oak, the addition of aroma and color will not be violated;
  • Aesthetics. An oak barrel can become not only a functional container, but also a decoration for the room. There are designs with an original stand, attractive ornaments, practical carved handles and, in general, be an original addition to the design;

Buying, rather than trying to assemble an oak barrel with your own hands, is the optimal solution for novice winemakers. It is better to do this from trusted trading companies that work directly with the manufacturer. To choose a model, as well as capacity, you can consult a specialist or read reviews. Products on the market can be domestically produced or imported, which is mainly reflected in the cost. As for quality, safety and practicality, these parameters are at a fairly high level, and they are strictly observed by many manufacturers of paraphernalia for the preparation of wine, cognac and other alcoholic beverages.

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In the process of collecting barrels, it is important not only to follow the technology, but also to understand the specifics of the material. For example, wood burning is increasingly practiced and, depending on its degree, the barrel will impart a light aroma of vanilla, almond or chocolate to the drink. If logs are used as blanks, then you will also need certain woodworking skills and appropriate tools.

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