What to do with expired yeast

What types are there?

Yeast is different from all other dough ingredients in that it is alive. Doughs rise and rise thanks to their unique ability to convert the sugar found in flour into carbon dioxide and alcohol. In order for this ability of yeast to remain, it is necessary to properly preserve it at home.

Yeast can be purchased at a store or pharmacy in this form:

  • pressed - blocks of different weight packaging, wrapped in special paper (fresh yeast has a delicate cream color);
  • dry active - granular, packaged in a special bag (30 g dry is approximately equal to 100 g pressed);
  • instant (fast-acting) - seemingly dry small sticks, added directly to the dough;
  • beer (wine) - sold in vacuum packages in dry form, can be in the form of tablets, powder or flakes, can be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies.

Types of yeast

Live pressed yeast. These are living fungi themselves. They were multiplied, removed from moisture in a centrifuge, compressed and wrapped in paper or foil.

Dry instant yeast. These are small granules. The shell of these granules is made from the same yeast. They are made using modern sublimation methods.

Dry active yeast. They are just as small and come in bags, but in shape they resemble microscopic worms. They are obtained through the process of drying fungi. This yeast is slightly less active than instant dry yeast.


This is a semi-finished product that is obtained by multiplying yeast in sourdough. Liquid baker's yeast is prepared as a water-flour mixture. Various additives are used to accelerate cell reproduction.

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Store the yeast product in liquid form, covered with a piece of gauze or cloth folded in several layers. Add natural preservatives, such as 1-2 teaspoons of honey or brown sugar. Liquid yeast can be stored in a cool place for no more than a month.

How to freeze yeast

Fresh yeast, unlike dry yeast, does not last long. And this is one of their main disadvantages. But you can still buy them in reserve and store them in a regular freezer. Once thawed, yeast does not lose its properties.

Fresh yeast, unlike dry yeast, does not last long. And this is one of their main disadvantages. But you can still buy them in reserve and store them in a regular freezer. Once thawed, yeast does not lose its properties.

How to store yeast in the freezer?

Storing yeast in the freezer eliminates the need to go to the store before each bake. But it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. Before putting the pressed briquettes in the freezer, they must be cut into small pieces so that one piece is enough for one batch of dough.
  2. It is important to ensure safe defrosting. If you plan to bake the next day, it is recommended to remove the pack from the freezer the day before and put it in the refrigerator so that there is no sudden temperature change.
  3. Before mixing the product with the dough, it is necessary to dilute the yeast in water with sugar and flour, wait until a foamy head forms, and only then add it to the flour and knead the dough.

By following simple instructions, you can prepare fluffy and soft baked goods.

How can you tell if your yeast has gone bad?

You can identify a spoiled product using a proven folk method. To do this, you need to dissolve a little yeast in warm water with sugar and flour, and then leave for a few minutes in a warm place.

If after a while a foamy cap appears above the cup, then they are suitable for use.

Attention! If sticky dark insoluble lumps float in the water, the product is spoiled. It is prohibited to add such a mixture to the dough.


Yeast is a perishable substance; the manufacturer is obliged to put on the packaging the date of manufacture, as well as the end date when this product will no longer be suitable for consumption.

Often, a substance retains its beneficial qualities longer than the date specified by the manufacturer, but the warranty is automatically canceled. The packaging must indicate the conditions under which it is recommended to store this product.

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Frozen yeast

I bought frozen live yeast “Gradus”, defrosted it in the refrigerator, overnight it turned out to be a plate of slurry, in the sense of a puddle from a briquette, please tell me guys, I don’t think this is normal, I didn’t dare to make mash from it (my wife made pancakes, she says the dough came up fine) , the actual question is “Is a puddle normal, or should they keep the briquette shape after defrosting?” Moonshine Babaevich, 12 Dec. 14, 16:46

Last ed. 12 Dec. 14, 17:15 from Samogon Babaevich

I bought frozen live yeast “Gradus”, defrosted it in the refrigerator, overnight it turned out to be a plate of slurry, in the sense of a puddle from a briquette, please tell me guys, I don’t think this is normal, I didn’t dare to make mash from it (my wife made pancakes, she says the dough came up fine) , the actual question is “Is a puddle normal, or should they keep the briquette shape after defrosting?” Moonshine Babaevich, 12 Dec. 14, 16:46

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Is it possible to use expired yeast?

Sometimes expired yeast is added when making alcoholic beverages:

beer, wine, champagne. If the expiration date set by the manufacturer has expired, the properties of the product weaken.

You can’t add them to the dough, but you shouldn’t throw them away either.

The product is often used in cosmetology. There are many recipes for face masks containing yeast. This mask smoothes out facial wrinkles, refreshes the complexion and tightens the skin.

Non-standard solution

This product can be used not only in cooking, but also for other purposes. For example, fertilize plants in a garden bed or garden. They are able to activate microflora in the soil, which promotes the growth of the root system. This feeding must be made with ash, because the yeast absorbs a large amount of calcium. The best period is late summer or spring, when young plants are replanted. For 5 liters of water use 1 kg of yeast; both wet and dry are suitable for these purposes.

You can also use them in cosmetology, namely in face masks, this will help improve the condition of the skin.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to use expired yeast is simple - we check it for activity. Only after this do we make a conclusion: baking, face mask or fertilizing plants.

Rules for storing fresh yeast

It is thanks to this ingredient that especially airy baked goods are obtained. But fresh yeast spoils in an opened package at normal room temperature the very next day. The life cycle of fungi can be extended by several days by sprinkling the briquette with salt and flour.

A universal method is to store yeast in the refrigerator or freezer. This is done like this:

The product is wrapped in foil or paper and placed in the general compartment of the refrigerator. Polyethylene is not used for these purposes: the fungi will simply suffocate without air. The product will remain fresh at a temperature of 0−4°C for 12 days;

The product, packaged in pieces of 25-30 g, wrapped in a breathable casing, is placed in the freezer and stored without harm to microorganisms for several years. Repeated freezing is not recommended, and defrosting is carried out at a temperature of 8°C;

Your compressed yeast will be fresh for six months if you dry it. To do this, they are crushed by hand into small flakes, placed on a baking sheet and left to dry at room temperature. Then sprinkle with flour and place in a linen bag or glass container covered with a cloth on top.

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Important: It is recommended to test yeast that has been stored for a long time for germination by dissolving a small amount of the product in a warm liquid along with sugar and flour. If foam appears on the surface of the mixture, the fungi are quite viable and baking will be successful.

Using expired yeast as fertilizer

Yeast is a fairly popular and effective fertilizer for plants. The fact is that this product is not used directly to fertilize plants, but to fill the soil with beneficial microflora.

Opinions vary widely regarding the use of expired product. Thus, many owners of summer cottages claim that only fresh products are allowed.

At the same time, numerous studies confirm the positive impact and improvement of soil quality indicators even when using expired yeast.

The positive results of using yeast as a plant fertilizer are presented:

  • stimulation of vegetation processes;
  • stimulating the development of root structure;
  • stimulating seedling growth;
  • rapid growth of green mass;
  • increasing the immunity and endurance of plants planted on the site.

Immediately before use, it is recommended to dissolve the yeast in warm water, which can be used to water the plants after an hour. Experts still insist that one should focus not on the dates indicated on the packaging, but on the degree of activity of the product. So, you can safely use expired yeast for any purpose if it remains active.

A sign of product suitability will be the formation of foam after mixing yeast with a small amount of warm water and flour. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to use the product.

Signs of product spoilage

Yeast cells require a liquid environment, but are unable to retain water or prevent it from evaporating. If there is little moisture, then the yeast loses up to 10% of its mass. The pressed cube dries out, cracks and darkens when stored for a longer period of time than recommended by the manufacturer. Over time, a light cube or block becomes covered with a white coating, then with gray mold. The smell becomes unpleasant and the taste becomes bitter. Moldy yeast is thrown away.

Important! Yeast that has expired loses its potency.

It is not necessary to throw in the trash a product that has dried only on the surface. Dry pieces of yeast are cut off, and the remaining mass is used as usual. If you are not sure about the activity of the cells, then prepare a small amount of test for testing.

How to store alcoholic yeast: beer and wine?

Alcohol fungi are used during moonshine brewing. This type of microorganism is resistant to alcohol. Ordinary mushrooms die if the mash concentration exceeds 18%.

The product is made from:

Compressed yeast contains moisture, so when storing it it is important that the water does not evaporate. The expiration date depends on the manufacturer.

If the product has been in the refrigerator for a long time, its suitability can be checked by cutting off the top layer and mixing with warm water, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. flour. If the composition has foamed, then the remaining part can be used.

Important! Wine yeast is used in the preparation of wine and champagne. To store them, it is better to choose a dark place with an air temperature no higher than +15. Sourdough can retain its properties for two years.

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