Benefits, harms and composition of ghee

Composition and benefits of ghee

But first, let's figure out what ghee is?

According to Wikipedia, this is purified milk fat obtained from butter using a special simple technology that people have been using for several centuries. The essence of the process is to remove water, milk proteins and milk sugar from butter.

In the philosophy of Ayurveda (the traditional system of Indian medicine), there is even such a thing as “ghee”. It means clarified butter without lactose and other dairy products that are separated out as sediment and foam during the manufacturing process and then removed.

Oil prepared in this way can be stored for quite a long time without losing its medicinal properties. This useful quality was and still is used by residents of India, Pakistan and other Asian countries.

According to GOST requirements, 100 grams of butter should contain 99 grams of milk fat and no more than 1 gram of water. 35% of the total mass of milk fat should contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for humans, and cholesterol. Milk fat does not contain carbohydrates.

Ghee contains fat-soluble vitamins, which are powerful antioxidants; they can neutralize free radicals, increase immunity, improve memory, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

The chemical composition is represented by vitamins: A, beta-carotene, E, D, PP, B vitamins and minerals - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, copper.

Unsaturated fatty acids are involved in the growth and development of tissues, the synthesis of sex hormones, improve visual acuity, have a positive effect on bone growth and the appearance of skin, hair, nails, and help keep teeth beautiful and healthy.

Ghee is well absorbed and broken down in the body. By using it daily in your diet (by adding it to porridge or frying something with it), the oil will benefit not only adults, but also children.

It is often used in cosmetology as part of masks, as well as for massage: the oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin, can soothe minor burns, and helps eliminate toxins and impurities.

But despite all the usefulness and pleasant taste, the oil can cause harm due to inappropriate use. Due to its high calorie content (almost 900 kcal per 100 grams), it should not be consumed by persons with cardiovascular disease or obesity.

I will also add that there are no allergies to good ghee, so it can be given even to children who are allergic to cow's milk protein. But you need to be sure that the oil is indeed natural and pure, without various impurities. To be sure of this, it is better to prepare it yourself at home.

I calculated the calories and it turned out that 1 teaspoon of oil has approximately 72 kcal, 1 tablespoon – 150-170 kcal. If, for example, you add 1 teaspoon to porridge in the morning or cook fried eggs with the same amount of butter, then there will definitely not be much harm to your figure, but the health benefits will be undoubted.

How to use ghee?

Instead of creamy

Porridge, sandwiches, lubrication of food surfaces - ghee, in its properties, completely replaces butter

For frying

Ghee for frying can be used many times; it does not burn as much as, for example, sunflower oil.

Benefits for the skin

Ghee will help moisturize the skin of your hands; you can use it as a massage oil - the skin will have a pleasant creamy smell.

Digestion prevention

A spoon of ghee in the morning and evening will help keep the digestive system in good condition for both children and adults.

Ghee - recipe

If you decide to make your own ghee, then use these tips. The right oil will only benefit you. So:

  • For cooking, buy butter with a fat content of at least 82.5%. Peasant butter is best. Anything less than this fat content will be a spread and you will not achieve the desired result.
  • Do not make butter from one stick of butter - you will spend the same amount of time and trouble, but the result will be minimal. It's better to buy 1 kilogram of butter, and in the end you will get about 800 grams of ghee.
  • Prepare the oil in a thick-walled container; the walls of the container will heat up evenly, and the sediment at the bottom will not burn.
  • The oil must be heated over low heat, in a water bath, in the oven, or you can use a multicooker.
  • To give the oil a unique taste or aroma, you can add saffron, cumin, cardamom or other spices during simmering, which can be put in a gauze bag and dipped into the oil. After cooking, the spices are removed. But this is a matter of taste. Personally, I prefer natural without any impurities.
  • When preparing butter, do not leave it unattended. It will take you at least 6 hours to prepare delicious and healthy butter, so plan your time when preparing it. Of course, you can cook it in less time, in which case not all the water may evaporate, and you may not be pleased with the result.

How to make ghee

Preparing the product is not difficult, but you still have to tinker. Let's start with choosing butter. It is advisable to buy it at the market from grandmothers who sell natural milk and sour cream.

Vegetable fats may be added to store-bought ones. You bought the oil, what to do next? You will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 pans (preferably with a thick bottom);
  • stove on which to cook;
  • 1 large saucepan to accommodate others;
  • 1 kilogram of butter.

Fill a large saucepan about one third with water and put it on the fire. While the water is heating up, cut the butter into small pieces and put it in a smaller pan, which we place in a bowl with heating water.

The water boils and the butter begins to melt. It should slowly heat and bubble slightly, and not gurgle or boil. The fire should be kept minimal. When preparing ghee, it is not recommended to cover the pan with a lid, as the water will evaporate from it.

As soon as foam begins to form on top, it should be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon, whichever is convenient. There is no need to throw away the foam. It is very tasty and healthy. It can be safely added to porridge, potatoes or fried dishes.

Melt the butter until a brown sediment , like caramel. These are solid proteins and sugar that have settled to the bottom of the dish.

A kilogram of butter should be heated for about 2 hours , it all depends on the temperature. The product should not be stirred during the heating process. This is a must. When sediment appears at the bottom of the pan, you should slowly and carefully, avoiding sediment getting in, pour the mixture into a second pan.

The job is done, we continue to melt the oil and carefully monitor the sediment. Its consistency should become viscous and increase in volume. As soon as this happens, pour the mass into a third pan, isolating the sediment.

Heat the product until it becomes transparent and no residual substances are released. The longer the butter is heated, the better its quality, the main thing is that it does not burn.

a nutty and milky aroma appears during the cooking process , then everything worked out, and the quality of “Liquid Sun” is worthy of praise. During heating, all liquid evaporates and harmful sediment is discarded. The milk fat remains a beautiful amber color. It is free of trans fats and harmful impurities.

The preparation of Ghee has been successfully completed. Let the product cool slightly. Then, through several layers of gauze, carefully filter it and pour it into a glass jar . The result was a homogeneous, plastic and slightly grainy mass. 1 kg of butter yields approximately 800 grams of melted butter.

How to make ghee at home from butter

To prepare, cut the butter into small pieces and place in a thick-walled container and place on low heat. As soon as the butter begins to melt, reduce the heat to low and, without interfering with the process, but in control, leave it for a while. It is not recommended to stir the oil.

During cooking, foam forms on the surface of the oil; you can carefully remove it, or you can leave it, since it will eventually settle to the bottom anyway. After about 4 hours, small bubbles will form on the surface and the oil itself will become transparent, leave it for a while longer. As soon as the foam settles to the bottom, the oil is ready.

But don’t rush to pour it straight away, leave it for another half hour, let it cool a little. After some time it can be poured into a jar. The jar, strainer and gauze must be completely dry and, of course, clean. Carefully strain the prepared oil into a jar through a strainer and several layers of gauze so as not to drain the sediment from the bottom, close with a tight lid.

It is not recommended to pour oil into a plastic bottle or jar. When heated, harmful substances may be released from the walls of such dishes.

Leave the finished oil to harden indoors for several hours. If it has frozen at room temperature, this indicates that the oil has been prepared correctly.

In a slow cooker

Cooking time: 2-3 hours.

Number of servings: 1.

Calorie content of the dish: 900 kcal.

Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Although now almost every home already has modern stoves and high-quality cookware with which it will be easy to cook, many people purchase “smart” appliances that can completely replace an ordinary stove. Ghee in a slow cooker cooks quickly and turns out delicious.

  • unsalted butter – 1 kg.
  1. Place the piece in the slow cooker and turn on the “Stew” mode.
  2. We wait until everything melts and only then we need to turn the temperature down to 100 degrees.
  3. Stir and remove foam for 2 hours. The lid of the multicooker must not be closed!
  4. Pour the finished golden-hued product (as in the photo) into a ceramic bowl or glass jar.
  5. Once cured, the color will turn honey yellow.

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Cooking time: 2-3 hours.

Number of servings: 1.

Calorie content of the dish: 900 kcal.

Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Properly prepared ghee has an amber hue and has a long shelf life. While it is used for cooking in Russian cuisine, local ghee has a wide range of uses. It is used in cooking, in cosmetics, has health benefits, and has medicinal properties. It is believed that ghee, aged for more than 10 years, cures epilepsy, fainting, headaches, and diseases of the female reproductive organs. Every housewife should know how to prepare ghee at home.

  • premium butter – 1 kg.
  1. Cut the main ingredient into pieces, put everything in a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  2. As soon as it melts, turn the heat to maximum, stirring and bringing to a boil.
  3. Once white foam appears, reduce heat and stir gently.
  4. After evaporation of the protein components, a thin transparent film forms on the surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  5. There should be a golden brown sediment at the bottom of the pan. Only in this case the heating technology is followed.

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  1. Place the block in a thick-bottomed saucepan and place over medium heat.
  2. As soon as everything has dissolved, turn the heat to low and simmer for about 40 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  3. After removing the foam, the color of the mixture will turn golden (as in the photo). All that remains is to strain the product through a sieve or cheesecloth into a glass jar and let cool.

How to store ghee at home

A glass container is suitable for storing ghee, but it is best to use a glass jar. It will be inconvenient to remove the oil from the bottle later.

The finished ghee should be stored in a cool place, either in a regular refrigerator or in the freezer. Properly prepared oil can have a shelf life at freezer temperatures of up to two years without spoiling. The shelf life at room temperature is up to 6 - 9 months, and does not oxidize or deteriorate. From my own experience I will say that a half-liter jar is used up in 1.5 - 2 months.

Signs of good oil are:

  • the appearance of a solid consistency after a day at room temperature,
  • does not separate into fractions,
  • has a rich yellow color and a pleasant smell,
  • When heated, it does not burn, does not foam, and begins to “smoke” at temperatures above 200º, so it is very good for frying food on it.
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