Shelf Life of Homemade Tomato Juice

It is not always possible to drink all the juice right away, especially if there are children at home who often like to underdrink and undereat. Each family member habitually puts their unfinished juice in the refrigerator, but few people know how long they can store it there. When choosing a product, the buyer looks at the expiration date, and often neglects the shelf life when opened.

Different types of juices

How to keep juice in the refrigerator

In supermarkets, juice is presented in a wide range for every taste and is divided into types according to:

  • taste (from apples, pears, oranges and other fruits and vegetables);
  • purpose (children, for children under one year old, ordinary);
  • packaging features (tetrapack, plastic box, glass);
  • price.

Most often people are interested in how to store opened juice from a tetra pack in the refrigerator. Juice is bottled in such boxes at many well-known manufacturing companies:

  • baby food;
  • products for nursing mothers;
  • for the bulk of the population.

The safest and healthiest would be baby juice, which most often comes in a tetra pack. Moreover, such a box is often on the shelves of a supermarket, and not in the refrigerator. Thanks to special packaging, the juice can stand and not spoil without refrigeration in accordance with the period indicated on it. That is why in stores juices in tetra packs are not refrigerated.

How to choose juice in a tetra pack

However, you can store already opened juice in the refrigerator for only a day, as indicated on the package. According to many reviews, juice from a tetra pack can last for a whole week without affecting your health later. It is also necessary to take into account that the longer an open drink is stored, the less vitamins remain in it.

Cooking method

  1. Rinse the tomatoes under water, cut each into 2-3 parts, remove the stems. Stir the tomatoes into the juice. Juicy, good tomatoes yield the same amount of juice in liters, but it’s better not to take risks - but to twist a little more tomatoes.
  2. Pour the juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat, add salt and sugar. Reduce heat and cook the juice until the foam disappears completely (this is about 15 minutes). At the end of cooking, add bay leaf and peppercorns. Turn off the heat and stir in a dessert spoon of vinegar. I prefer apple cider vinegar. Alternatively, you can add 0.5 teaspoon of dry citric acid or a couple of tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.
  3. Pour hot tomato juice into jars (pre-sterilize jars and lids).
  4. Screw the lids on the jars.
  5. Turn the jars of juice upside down and wrap them well with a large towel. The juice should not be disturbed for two days, until it cools completely in a warm place, without drafts.
  6. It is better to open tomato juice no earlier than after 2 months, as its taste will become better and richer. Cans of juice should be stored in a cool place, shelf life is up to 1 year.

Note to the owner:

  • If you don’t have modern miracle technology that will help you turn ripe tomatoes into juice, an ordinary mechanical meat grinder will come to the rescue. Twist the tomatoes in it, and then, to get rid of the seeds and peels, rub the resulting mass through an iron sieve. Although, if the seeds and peel don’t bother you, you can preserve the juice without first straining it. In this case, you get tomato sauce, which is also good.
  • During the preparation process, you can add a little chopped celery to the juice, which will add a special taste and aroma to the drink.

Author: Kapriz Olga

Choose initially good tomatoes for juice; they should be very ripe, without white seals inside. The “Slivka” (or “Pulka”) variety is not very suitable for tomato juice, since it is not juicy enough. If you can purchase tomatoes of the “Pink Mikado” variety, then this will be the best option. These tomatoes have juicy and very tasty sweet flesh. You can also make juice from “Yellow Mikado”, but in this case the juice will not be red, but yellow. Juice of this color has the same excellent taste and can be used to prepare sauces and vegetable stews.

Research by scientists

If finances allow, it is better to purchase juice in glass. It has a number of advantages:

  • You can see the contents of the package (there are cases when the juice in a tetra pack becomes moldy, and the buyer, without knowing it, can give the drink to a child).
  • Worldwide research by scientists has proven that glass packaging is the safest for human health and the environment.
  • This packaging can be filled with directly pressed juice, which is healthier.
  • The method of preserving juice in glass has been used since ancient times.

Scientists are quite critical about tetra-pack packaging. The internal part of such containers is represented by an alloy of various metals, which, when interacting with juices, can oxidize and release hazardous substances. Many doctors also note a connection with an increase in acetone in children and the juice they drank from a Tetra Pak the day before.

Juice in a plastic container

Another type of bottling of juice in production recently is bottling the drink into plastic bottles. An ignorant person, an ordinary consumer, treats plastic with caution. However, it is necessary to delve deeper into this issue so as not to worry about health safety after drinking a drink from a plastic container.

In accordance with international control in the field of baby food, for example, it is prohibited to pour and store juice for babies under one year old in a polycarbonate container in the refrigerator. You must use polypropylene utensils.

Scientists have discovered that the function of procreation is greatly impaired due to a toxic substance (bisphenol A) in polycarbonate. That is why it is impossible to store, even an open drink in the refrigerator, in such a container. An open box of juice in the refrigerator is also susceptible to the influence of various microorganisms with its contents, in addition to the carcinogens themselves in the drink.

Juice poured into a glass container

Everything is stored the same

It is a common belief that you can store food longer by lowering the refrigerator temperature. Not everyone pays attention to the manufacturer’s instructions on how long it is allowed to keep the juice open. Before drinking a drink, people rely on its taste: whether it is sour or not, fermented or moldy.

However, most manufacturers indicate on the box that opened juice can be stored in the refrigerator for only a day. There is also an opinion among consumers that if you pour a drink from a plastic bottle or tetra pack into a glass container, the contents will be stored longer. This common misconception is dispelled by chemists and biologists.

Juice from the refrigerator

Storing an opened drink does not depend on the type of packaging or temperature in the refrigerator. The period indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer is how long the product should be stored, according to scientists. You should not drink from the neck of the bottle, so that a large number of microorganisms, along with saliva, do not get inside the drink and lead to a rapid souring of the product.

Compared to packaged juices, freshly squeezed juices contain a higher concentration of unique elements, vitamins, and minerals. Fresh juices are healthy and popular all over the world. The first written mentions of fruit and berry squeezes belong to the ancient Greeks, who used them not only as a refreshing drink, but also as a cure for certain diseases. For those who do not always have the opportunity to quickly prepare fresh juice, information about how long freshly squeezed juice can be stored will be relevant.

Tomato juice through a juicer: a simple recipe without sterilization

The fastest way to make tomato juice is with a special device - a juicer. It can be either mechanical or electrical. The last option, of course, will work faster. When there are a lot of red fruits, this recipe will help you process them quickly enough. The idea is simple: squeeze out the juice, boil it, flavor it, close it and wait for winter. There is no need to additionally sterilize the finished preserves; it is enough to do this with empty jars.


  • tomatoes - 12 kg

For 1 liter of juice:

  • sugar - 2 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into pieces that will fit into the filling hole. Cut out the place where the stalk joined. Pass all the pieces through a juicer. Twist the cake that remains 2-3 more times to extract more nutritious moisture. To extract even more liquid from the waste, heat it and squeeze it through cheesecloth.

2. Pour the resulting juice into a pan of suitable volume (or divide into two vessels). Add sugar and salt in required quantity.

How much sugar and salt should you put on 1 liter of tomato? The classic norm is 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

3.Stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat. Brew your red drink for 15 minutes from now on. At the same time, sterilize the jars and lids.

4.A lot of foam will form during the cooking process. To make it go away, stir the juice vigorously; at the end of cooking there will be no more foam.

5. All that remains is to pour the juice into carefully sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the canned food over onto the lids, wrap it in a warm blanket or towel and wait until it cools completely. After this, remove the delicious tomato to a permanent storage location. A glass of this drink will be very useful for both adults and children. After all, it is of the highest quality, natural, without unnecessary and harmful additives.

At room temperature

Experts recommend consuming fresh juice immediately after preparation.

At room temperature, it retains its nutritional value for 1-2 hours.

After this time, the liquid begins to oxidize and ferment (depending on the source material), and the processes of reproduction of pathogenic flora are accelerated. If it is not possible to place the product in the refrigerator, use the following recommendations:

  • Pour into a bottle or jar and close the lid tightly. Vacuum containers work well.
  • Place the drink in a dark, cool place. If you cannot hide the liquid from exposure to sunlight, choose an opaque glass container or wrap it in foil/parchment.
  • To extend shelf life, immerse the bottle in a container of ice water, keeping the liquid temperature low for as long as necessary (no more than 12-24 hours).

What is the shelf life and shelf life of tomato juice?

What is the shelf life and shelf life of tomato juice?

The shelf life of tomato juice depends on how it was prepared. If tomato juice is sterilized, which is most often sold in glass jars or bottles, then its shelf life can be one, two or even three years. If the juice is pasteurized, which is what is most often sold in tetra-pack bags, then its shelf life is 1 year. In this case, shelf life and expiration date are one and the same. This unopened juice can be stored at room temperature. But after opening, tomato juice should be stored for no more than two days and always in the refrigerator.

To determine the shelf life and shelf life of tomato juice, I’ll tell you one funny incident from life, since modern GOST 32876-2020 does not regulate these standards, and the Soviet state standard 937-91 only talks about the shelf life, which is 3 years.

In 2020, I became the owner of a neighbor’s cellar, whose former owners had not used it for many years. After going through dozens of jars with blanks, we were forced to admit the fact that they were unsuitable for use. However, I was interested in several cans of tomato juice with the inscription “1997” on the lids. With the exception of a thick layer of dust, time had been kind to the well-made closures, and therefore there was little hope that the contents had not suffered too much. Having tasted the juice with the tip of my tongue, I came to the conclusion that it was safe to drink, although there were slight subtle changes in the taste, which became a little bitter. After boiling this drink, my wife and I were happy to use it for its intended purpose, although we were still careful not to give it to our son.

Of course, this story is more the exception than the rule, so I believe that tomato juice, like any other type of home canning, has a five-year shelf life.

In 2020, I became the owner of a neighbor’s cellar, whose former owners had not used it for many years. After going through dozens of jars with blanks, we were forced to admit the fact that they were unsuitable for use. However, I was interested in several cans of tomato juice with the inscription “1997” on the lids. With the exception of a thick layer of dust, time had been kind to the well-made closures, and therefore there was little hope that the contents had not suffered too much. Having tasted the juice with the tip of my tongue, I came to the conclusion that it was safe to drink, although there were slight subtle changes in the taste, which became a little bitter. After boiling this drink, my wife and I were happy to use it for its intended purpose, although we were still careful not to give it to our son.

In a refrigerator

The duration of the period during which the product remains fit for consumption when placed in a refrigerated cabinet is influenced by the raw materials used for preparation. Sweet (berry, fruit) fresh juices are subject to fermentation, so their shelf life is shorter. Pomace with a high content of fruit acids will last longer, since the acids will act as a natural preservative. The choice of container in which you plan to store the liquid is also important.

On average, freshly squeezed juice will last from 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator.

In the freezer

The freezer will help increase the shelf life of fresh juice up to six months.

Sub-zero temperatures allow you to preserve all useful elements without destroying most of the vitamins and enzymes. To freeze, you must use the freshest possible product, prepared no more than 15 minutes ago. The liquid should be poured into plastic bottles or sealed bags. Use the container volume that is most convenient for you (if you are the only person in the family who loves fruit or vegetable squeezes, opt for containers of 200 - 250 ml). Do not fill the bottle with fresh juice to the brim: leave some free space for the liquid to expand when frozen. Before drinking, move the frozen drink to the refrigerator shelf and allow it to thaw smoothly. There is no need to subject it to sudden defrosting using a microwave oven or boiling water.

Thick tomato juice with pulp for preserving for the winter - prepare in a blender

The process of canning juice using modern blenders is very easy. Therefore, even if you are preparing this product for the first time, you will quickly get the hang of it.

List of required products:

  • small tomatoes – 6 kg;
  • kitchen salt – 50 g;
  • basil.

When choosing tomatoes for this type of juice, I chose overripe tomatoes of the De Barao variety. Their dense pulp makes the drink thicker.

After washing the fruits, I cut them in half and poured boiling water over them (not hot water, just boiling water). I kept the tomatoes in it for 5 minutes. This allowed me to easily rid them of unnecessary skins.

I crushed the peeled halves using a hand blender and pressed them through a kitchen strainer. I got a homogeneous foamed mass without seeds, very light in color.

I placed this mass in an enamel pan. Having added salt and basil to it, I sent the container to the gas stove to boil and cook for a few minutes. The main thing is that the fire is not too strong, otherwise the juice will burn.

The drink, which has thickened a little during cooking, is poured into hot jars and rolled. Juice from selected tomatoes, preserved in this way, will serve as an excellent aperitif for children before lunch.

A classic recipe for making tomato juice is using a manual juicer. Many houses used to have these. Outwardly, it somewhat resembles a meat grinder, but is designed to extract juice from tomatoes. When using this tool, the juice yield is much higher than when using an electric juicer. Sorry, I got distracted.

You will need the following products:

  • tomatoes – 15 kg;
  • salt.

I'll tell you the process step by step:

  1. I buy two types of tomatoes for this juice: large, so-called lettuce, and medium. At home, I wash them thoroughly and remove spoiled areas.
  2. I cut large tomatoes into slices, medium ones and so on. Then I put everything through the juicer. The tomato puree is immediately placed in a large enamel pan, and the cakes and seeds go into another container. My yield from 15 kilograms of fruit is almost 14 liters. When using an electric analogue, approximately 12 liters will come out, but squeeze it out much faster.
  3. Place the pan on low heat and let it boil. While it is heating up, I prepare the jars. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, foam appears, do not worry, it will soon subside. At this point I add table salt and stir thoroughly with a slotted spoon. I let it simmer for a while, then I pour it into jars and close it.
  4. I turn the canned food upside down and cover it with an old thick blanket; a warm jacket is also suitable for this purpose.

The juice is not very thick, but amazingly tasty!

By type

Shelf life in the refrigerator directly depends on the raw materials used. According to the duration of storage, they can be divided into the following types:

  • With a minimum period (up to 30 minutes) – carrot, apricot, cucumber, watermelon, cabbage.
  • Up to 2 hours – tomato, peach, cherry, grape, apple.
  • 24 hours – grapefruit, plum, pumpkin, kiwi, tangerines, pomelo, potatoes, celery.
  • 48 hours – orange, beetroot, pomegranate, lime.
  • Up to 3 days – lemon, birch, pineapple, aloe (used for instillation into the nose).
  • For several months you can drink sea buckthorn juice (with added sugar) and ginger extract. From celandine (for medicinal and household purposes) - stored for up to a year.

Fragrant, delicious tomato juice at home for the winter - an original recipe through a meat grinder

My mother really likes tomato juice to have seeds, so I personally make this type of preservation for her. To prepare it, I use a meat grinder.

You need to stock up:

  • large varieties of tomatoes - 9 kg;
  • kitchen salt (at your discretion);
  • bay leaf -1-2 pcs.;
  • ground red pepper - 5g.

The thickness of the drink directly depends on the amount of pulp in the fruit, so I choose dense, medium-sized tomatoes. I wash them thoroughly and get rid of the stalks. Then I pour boiling water over the tomatoes for a few minutes. Important! Vegetables must be completely covered with water.

After draining the water, I peel them and pass them through a regular meat grinder. Thus, only the peel comes off, everything else is poured into an enamel container.

Add kitchen salt, bay leaves, pepper to the resulting tomato puree and cook over moderate heat. While the juice is boiling, I steam the jars.

After 20 minutes I start pouring it into a glass container and rolling it. I put the preserved food on a blanket, upside down, and wrap it for a day.

The juice turns out spicy and very aromatic!

How to determine delay

Freshly squeezed direct cold-pressed juice, as a rule, is produced in front of the future consumer from ripe fruits, berries or vegetables using a juicer. Therefore, there is no particular need to know the signs of a spoiled drink. But if you did not drink the fresh juice right away, but placed it in the freezer or refrigerator for a while, then make sure of its quality before consuming it. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate the organoleptic properties:

  • Smell. The presence of a sharp sour odor with wine-like notes of fermentation indicates spoilage.
  • Color. As the bacterial flora grows, the color darkens, the liquid becomes cloudy, and a sediment may appear.
  • Appearance. The formation of bubbles, foam, hissing when opening a bottle, and swelling of the container indicate that chemical reactions have begun.
  • Taste. An unpleasant sour taste is characteristic of irreversible microbiological fermentation.

Recommendations and lifehacks

To maintain nutritional value for as long as possible, use the following recommendations:

  • When storing fresh juice in a freezer, re-freezing is not allowed. After defrosting, the drink can be stored for no more than 12 hours in total.
  • For cooking, use only high-quality, proven ripe fruits, berries and vegetables. Rinse them thoroughly, sorting and removing moldy or fermented raw materials.
  • If there is a small amount left, try using it in cooking (for example, freezing fruit cubes to add to smoothies).
  • The shelf life is also affected by the material from which the packaging is made. The most suitable is a vacuum container, where oxidation processes are slowed down by pumping out air. Various microorganisms easily penetrate into ordinary plastic containers, accelerating decomposition processes.
  • It is still better to roll large volumes of fresh juice into sterile glass jars.
  • Adding a few drops of lemon juice to the contents of the container extends the life of some types of drink.
  • It is not recommended to give concentrated fresh juices to children under 3 years old - it is better to offer your child juices for baby food in tetra-packs: “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Frutonyanya”, “Agusha” or homemade compotes.
  • If you find signs of spoilage, discard the product or use it at home (for example, adding it to face or hair masks; lemon juice can remove some stains). Remember that drinking a fermented or sour drink can lead to poisoning or intoxication of the body.

Features of storing freshly squeezed juice

Storage features depend on the specific type of fruit or vegetable. Moreover, some can be kept in the refrigerator for several days, while others begin to oxidize after 2-3 hours. It is important to initially know how long a particular type of juice can be stored. Otherwise, you can not only then drink ordinary nectar, practically devoid of vitamins and beneficial elements, but also harm the body.

Typically, the shelf life of freshly squeezed juice is 24 hours. After this time, you should not drink such a drink - there will be no benefit left in it. But the vitamin bomb will have the greatest positive effect on the human body 10-25 minutes after spinning. But also, not all juices are most beneficial immediately after pressing.

For example, beetroot infusion should be cooled for several minutes before use.

The juice is stored in the refrigerator on the bottom or middle shelf. It must not be allowed to freeze, so do not place it on the top shelf or close to the cooling device. If you plan to take a delicious drink outside on a picnic, then you need to take care of a portable refrigerator or thermal bags or thermal bags. Such equipment will help keep the juice chilled, so all the vitamins will remain in it and it will retain the best consistency. If you plan to keep the juice for more than a day, then you should add a few drops of lemon to it. This fruit will reduce oxidation and improve flavor and color. But you shouldn’t use this method often, because in any case, if stored for more than a day, there will be little beneficial properties left in the juice.

A simple recipe for making tomato juice from tomatoes

We present to your attention a very simple and quick way to prepare tomato juice without using a meat grinder, juicer or other newfangled devices. You will receive a very high-quality, natural product with a minimum of effort.

To prepare we will need:

  • tomatoes
  • salt - to the bite
  • cloves - to taste
  • black peppercorns - a few peas

Below you can watch the detailed recipe video.

1. Wash the tomatoes and peel them, cut them and place them in a cauldron, preferably cast iron.

2. Bring to a boil and cook until the fruits become soft.

3. Cool and grind the tomatoes through a sieve.

4. Bring the resulting juice to a boil, add salt and other spices to taste.

5. Pour the juice into hot, sterilized jars.

Bon appetit!

General rules of use

As you know, any fruit contains quite a lot of sugars. Unlike those found in store-bought juices, natural ones break down faster and do not cause significant harm to the body of an adult or child. But in any case, you should not increase the amount of sugar in your daily diet, because this negatively affects the functioning of the liver, kidneys, stomach and immune system.

It is recommended to dilute strongly sweet juices in a one-to-one ratio with boiled water or mineral water (no matter with or without gas). Sour fruits, such as orange or lemon, do not contain much sugar, so they can be drunk undiluted. But acid has a negative effect on teeth, especially if a person’s enamel coating is destroyed, then it is better to drink juice from sour fruits through a straw.

Nutritionists recommend drinking juice from fresh fruits or vegetables during the day. Not everything can be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. For example, it is recommended to abstain from sour nectars. Even if they are diluted with water, they can provoke excessive acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. You should not drink freshly squeezed juices at night either - they stimulate the appetite, and there is a risk of eating too much at night, thereby clearly not doing your figure a favor.

The best time to drink freshly squeezed juices is the day between meals. They are consumed between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, for one of two lunches or snacks.

It is better to drink juice not during meals, but a little later. The body will thank you if you drink a tasty drink 25-30 minutes after lunch.

Tomato juice with onions and peppers

Those who want to know how to make tomato juice through a meat grinder more piquant should pay attention to this recipe. It requires the following components:

  1. Tomatoes – 9 kg.
  2. Bell pepper – 3 pcs.
  3. Garlic – 5 cloves.
  4. Onion – 1 head.

Rinse the vegetables and remove all spoiled parts. Remove the seeds from the peppers. Peel the tomatoes and chop into cubes. Chop onion and pepper.

To quickly peel tomatoes, plunge them into boiling water for a couple of seconds and then immediately cool them in ice water.

Grind all the vegetables through a meat grinder. Grind the resulting pulp through a metal sieve. Pour the juice into the pan. On a low flame, wait until it boils.

Pour the finished juice into sterilized jars and seal with lids. Wrap it in a blanket and wait until it cools completely. After this, you can store the juice in a cool room.

Choose a recipe that suits you and prepare delicious and healthy juice for the whole family.

Do you want to always look slim and fit? Prepare tomato juice for the winter at home, not only for the whole winter, but also for the months ahead. Very tasty juice is obtained only from fresh tomatoes. This drink used to be prepared through a sieve or meat grinder, but now there is a lot of modern technology - you can make tomato juice from tomatoes using a blender, juicer or juicer.

Simple recipes:

Many young housewives are faced with the problem of preparing tomato juice at home. Previously, I had difficulty choosing a method for preparing it, but experience and time put everything in its place. Therefore, I decided to help the newly minted hearth keepers by recommending 9 easy ways to preserve this culinary assistant.

Do you know that the benefits of such juice are simply colossal. Almost everyone who wants to tighten their figure and is on a diet needs it. It is useful for many vitamins included in its composition.

1 glass of tomato juice contains only 40 kcal. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, removes toxins, destroys free radicals (delays old age), and reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Drink juice and you will be healthy!

Rules for storing various types

Each drink has its own storage rules.

Apple fresh

Apples are one of the fastest-growing fruits. They lose their beneficial properties in just four hours. This rule applies not only to smoothies and fresh juices, but also to ordinary fruits. For example, if you cut an apple, after a few minutes you can see that it has darkened. If you wait four hours, the apple will turn dark brown at the cut site, which means it is unfit for consumption.

Fresh apple juice can be stored for no more than four hours. But the time is reduced if you do not put it in the refrigerator. If you need to extend the life of the apple drink, you can add a few milliliters of lemon juice. This will protect it from darkening and the onset of oxidation. But lemon juice will not be able to prevent the loss of the best taste and aroma of the drink.


But orange, on the contrary, retains its properties for a long time. Vitamin C begins to be lost only after 48 hours. Therefore, you can store orange juice in the refrigerator for up to two days.

To prevent the aroma and taste from deteriorating, it is necessary to close the container tightly. It is better to choose a glass container for storing orange juice, but nothing bad will happen if you place it in high-quality plastic. Do not use iron bowls - they come into contact with the acid they contain. In addition, low-quality plastic is not used - it can transfer its specific smell to the drink. The container with orange juice is tightly closed, hermetically sealed. Place on the middle or bottom shelf of the refrigerator.


Lemon is a fruit that nutritionists often call a natural preservative. It helps preserve the beneficial properties of other fruits a little longer. But at the same time, it itself is not stored for so long. Freshly squeezed lemon juice can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than three days. But at above-zero temperatures of 20 degrees or more, it loses all its beneficial properties after three hours.

Lemon juice is stored in a glass container. Plastic and iron containers are not used. The container closes tightly.


Carrot is extremely tasty. It not only improves the body’s immune properties, but also has a great effect on vision. Suitable for absolutely all people; allergic reactions to carrots occur extremely rarely.

The downside of this drink is that it loses its beneficial properties after half an hour. Therefore, drink carrot juice immediately and do not store it in the refrigerator. The foam that appears during the squeezing process must be removed.


Celandine is a rather unusual drink. Don't drink it - it can cause stomach problems. But for the treatment of skin diseases, for example, psoriasis, eczema or warts, it is used quite often. The juice is squeezed out of the celandine, after which the drink ferments. Only after bubbles appear is it used for its intended purpose. Celandine juice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months and used when necessary.


Beetroot is a tasty remedy for solving problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It helps with liver function and strengthens the immune system. The peculiarity of beet juice is that it cannot be drunk immediately. For harmful compounds to evaporate, you need to keep the drink on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. The nectar itself is stored for no more than two days. Freezing should not be allowed - all the beneficial substances will disappear instantly.


Birch helps strengthen the immune system and cope with colds. It is stored only in glass, always tightly closing the lid. Birch nectar is kept only for up to three days. It is worth understanding that use after this period can be very dangerous.

Benefits of tomato juice

The tomato drink is famous for its low nutritional value, it contains only 18 kcal per 100 grams, and also contains substances responsible for the production of seratonin, which supports the normal functionality of the nervous system. In addition, when considering the benefits of tomato juice, one cannot fail to mention that it has a mild diuretic, antimicrobial, choleretic effect and normalizes the pH balance of the body.

The homemade drink contains a huge amount of calcium and potassium, which makes it a must for people with problems with the cardiovascular system. Among other things, drinking removes excess cholesterol, helps lower blood pressure, cope with atherosclerosis and removes radionuclides. And lycopene, which tends to “open up” in processed tomatoes, is a powerful antioxidant.

Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis: properties and recipes

What else is good about this delicious drink:

  1. Cleanses the body of toxins, processed products, toxins;
  2. Normalizes metabolic processes;
  3. Has a positive effect on potency in men and reduces the risk of prostate cancer;
  4. Beneficial for the nervous system: quickly relieves fatigue, fights stress, depression, bad mood;
  5. Reduces hunger, eliminates thirst;
  6. It is especially useful if a man smokes - a glass of drink a day serves as a prevention of pulmonary emphysema;
  7. Prevents thrombosis of small vessels;
  8. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  9. High levels of iron and folic acid stop the development of anemia.

Important! It should be remembered that purchased tomato juice often contains a lot of salt, dyes, and preservatives designed to extend the shelf life of the product. Therefore, understanding the benefits and harms of tomato juice, homemade tomato juice is much tastier and healthier.

And in order to saturate the body with all the useful substances, you should drink a natural drink without added spices, but with herbs. Such a drink, flavored with 1-2 drops of unrefined oil, will bring much more benefits than a drink with salt or sugar.

How to store in the freezer

A drink made from fresh fruits or vegetables using a juicer can be frozen. In this case, the ice pieces will retain all their beneficial properties. You will need:

  • take a special container with dividers;
  • thoroughly rinse the compartments; pour juice to the top;
  • set to freeze.

An ordinary container is also used, for example, a container made of high-quality plastic. You should not take glass - it will crack when exposed to low temperatures.

Pieces of frozen fruit ice can be added to various cocktails, ice cream, and to make fruit teas. Tomato or cabbage mixtures are added to vegetable soups or mixtures for children.

Additional tips and tricks

  • use high-quality juicers, because they make it possible to squeeze out the maximum juice;
  • keep the drink in the refrigerator on the middle shelf;
  • It’s better to drink right away (with the exception of beet juice);
  • dilute sour options with water and add sugar, honey, spices.

The juices are mixed together proportionally to obtain combinations. Delicious - carrots and apples, peach and pineapple, orange and lemon, cabbage and beets, grapes and apples, grapefruit and lemon.

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