Is vegetable puree heated for first feeding?

How to heat jarred baby vegetable puree?

There are several ways to heat baby food:

The first way is to lower the jar of baby food up to the neck into warm (or hot) water; it is advisable to open the lid and carefully mix the contents of the jar.

The second method is to hold the jar (preferably the jar has not been opened) under running warm water. Place in a saucepan, add warm water and place under a stream of water.

You can put the contents on a plate and put it in the microwave for a certain time; after heating, you need to stir and try to determine the temperature (maybe the dish is not completely warmed up).

I did it in the old and proven way, both vegetable and fruit. Heat the water and pour it into a deep bowl or plate that would fit the jar. And then you just need to put a jar of puree there and wait until it warms up. In the same way, you can cool, for example, a bottle, only in cold water.

Yes, there are indeed several ways to warm bottles.

You can use a microwave or heat it in a steam bath, but personally, the old method is quite suitable for me - just put a jar of baby puree in hot water.

There is another option - using special electric bottle warmers.

Their advantage is that they can constantly maintain the desired temperature.

This is especially convenient if you are feeding your baby at night, you can prepare everything in the evening, put a jar of puree or water for the formula in an electric heater and the temperature will be constantly maintained in it, so you can immediately take it out and feed it or make the formula without wasting time for heating water.

These heaters are small and compact, making them easy to take with you.

You can use a microwave or heat it in a steam bath, but personally, the old method is quite suitable for me - just put a jar of baby puree in hot water.

Pros and cons of jarred puree

Among the advantages are the following:

  • industrial baby food does not contain harmful chemical additives - dyes, flavors, preservatives;
  • the puree is sterile and has a long shelf life, since the jars are treated at high temperatures;
  • it is convenient to take canned food with you on a visit, travel, or clinic;
  • better suited for children prone to allergies or gastrointestinal problems, since the consistency of the product is uniform and softer;
  • There is no need to cook the puree, just warm it up a little;
  • To prepare baby food, we use high-quality and proven vegetables that do not contain harmful substances.

The disadvantage of ready-made food is its high cost. Products from a well-known manufacturer have a price that is tens of times higher than the cost of products for cooking at home.

When using canned puree for your baby's first complementary feeding, you should follow some safety rules:

  • Tightness. The lid must be tightly closed, smooth, and free of rust. Some manufacturers package their products in thick protective film. There should be a pop when opening the lid.
  • Color and smell of puree. The color should not be bright and saturated shades. Before giving it to your child, be sure to smell and taste the product. The puree should not be sour or bitter.
  • Best before date. Always check the expiration date. Store an open jar in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
  • Compound. Some manufacturers, to improve the taste of their product, add salt and sugar, which is unacceptable for the first feeding.
  • Before use, it is necessary to warm the puree to room temperature.

It is up to the parents to decide which puree to give their child, purchased or prepared on their own. Naturally, homemade vegetable puree is much better, but only if it is made from products grown in your own garden. This is the only way to be sure of their quality. Even when buying vegetables from your grandmother at the market, you cannot be sure that she did not use pesticides and nitrates when growing them. And in markets and stores, 80% of vegetables are imported, so their quality is out of the question. Imported fruits are treated with everything to preserve their original appearance for a long time.

Not all vegetables are suitable for the first vegetable feeding. Pediatricians recommend starting with crops such as cauliflower, broccoli and zucchini. They do not have a distinct color, are well heat-treated and are easily absorbed by the baby’s body. Carrots, pumpkin, white cabbage, beets, tomatoes, green peas and potatoes are introduced into complementary foods closer to 1 year. Since some of them can cause allergies, others cause increased gas formation.

Tell me the recipe for applesauce.

Ingredients: for 10 cans with a capacity of 0.5 l: 5.5 kg of unpeeled apples 900 g of sugar natural canned fruit • Russian cuisine • Children's recipes Preparation: Wash the apples, cut out the damaged areas, place in an enamel pan and add water at the rate of 10-15% of the weight of the apples . Boil the apples for about 10-15 minutes until softened, then rub them through a colander. Heat the resulting applesauce and pack it into prepared jars. Roll up the jars with boiled lids and pasteurize. If you want to make applesauce with sugar, then for 1 kg of applesauce you need to add 100-150 g of sugar. Boil applesauce with sugar for 10-15 minutes, pack into jars and pasteurize at 85°C: 350 ml jars - 13 minutes, 0.5 liter - 15 minutes. Bon appetit!

When serving, place the puree into bowls and garnish with mint.

Ingredients: for 10 cans with a capacity of 0.5 l: 5.5 kg of unpeeled apples 900 g of sugar natural canned fruit • Russian cuisine • Children's recipes Preparation: Wash the apples, cut out the damaged areas, place in an enamel pan and add water at the rate of 10-15% of the weight of the apples . Boil the apples for about 10-15 minutes until softened, then rub them through a colander. Heat the resulting applesauce and pack it into prepared jars. Roll up the jars with boiled lids and pasteurize. If you want to make applesauce with sugar, then for 1 kg of applesauce you need to add 100-150 g of sugar. Boil applesauce with sugar for 10-15 minutes, pack into jars and pasteurize at 85°C: 350 ml jars - 13 minutes, 0.5 liter - 15 minutes. Bon appetit!

Recipes for baby purees up to one year old

Purees prepared according to recipes for children under 1 year of age have a delicate structure and do not cause swallowing difficulties for babies. In addition, they contain the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the child, have a beneficial effect on digestive processes and contribute to the full development of the body.

Ripe carrot puree is considered one of the healthiest. It contains many microelements and natural substances necessary for the harmonious development and growth of the baby. In order for carrot carotene to be better absorbed by the child’s stomach, it is recommended to add a small amount of fat to the dish.


  • carrots – 100 g
  • olive oil – 1/3 tsp
  • artificial formula or natural breast milk – 25 ml

How to cook:

  1. Wash the carrots very well, remove the outer skin and cut into small, thin rings.
  2. Place in an enamel pan, pour in half a glass of hot water and simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes.
  3. Rub the hot carrots through the finest sieve, add olive oil and heated milk. Mix well until smooth and give to baby. Start with 1 teaspoon and then increase the dose by 50% daily.

Carrot puree for children
To prepare pear puree, it is better to choose sweet and juicy varieties such as Conference, Williams or Duchess. They give the dessert a wonderful, unsweetening taste and a pleasant, soft consistency.


  • medium sized pear – 1 pc.
  • water – 70 ml

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pear, peel it, divide it into quarters, remove the core and seeds, and then chop it finely.
  2. Bring water to a boil in a small container, add pear slices, cover with a lid and simmer for 8-10 minutes over low heat.
  3. Cool the finished fruit slightly and blend in a blender for 1 minute.
  4. Transfer the puree into a glass container, cover with a plastic lid and put in the refrigerator. In this form it can be stored for two days.

Pear puree


It is not recommended to add spices, salt, sugar and spices to baby purees. The child's stomach may not accept these ingredients well and react negatively to their presence in dishes. Vegetables and fruits used for cooking must be fresh and unspoiled. They must first be washed thoroughly and be sure to remove any skin or skin.

Fresh apple puree is ideally absorbed by the child’s body, contains a huge amount of vitamins and improves the overall digestion process. Kids of all ages eat it with great pleasure. To give a brighter taste and rich aroma, add cinnamon, cloves or lemon juice to the dish. However, if you want to prepare applesauce for a baby or a child under one year old, it is better to refrain from spicy additives, as well as from granulated sugar.


  • juicy sweet apples – ½ kg
  • sugar – 1 tbsp
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 tbsp
  • cinnamon – ½ tsp

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the apples under running water, dry on a kitchen towel, peel, remove the insides and cut into large pieces.
  2. Place the fruits in an enamel pan and pour in cool water until it completely covers them.
  3. Boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. As a result, the apples should become soft.
  4. Remove from the water, dry slightly and puree very well in a food processor or blender. The finished fruit mass should become completely homogeneous.
  5. Combine the puree with sugar and lemon juice, transfer to a saucepan and simmer over medium heat for at least 5 minutes. Stir constantly so that the apples do not burn or stick to the bottom.
  6. Cool, put into jars and seal with nylon lids. Keep refrigerated.


If the consistency of the puree is not too uniform, you can additionally rub it through a fine kitchen sieve.


Open the jar of puree and put half of it in another container - a special container, plate or empty jar of puree. I'll explain why half. At the beginning of complementary feeding, they give several spoonfuls of puree and you should not heat the whole jar if the child does not eat it at once. When complementary foods have been introduced for a long time, they do not transfer them, but heat the entire jar.

Pour hot tap water into a bowl and place the container with puree there. The water level should be up to the level of our puree or slightly higher. If the tap water is not hot enough, pour it from the kettle, but not boiling water, but cold water, so that the jar does not crack.

Stir occasionally with a spoon. Depending on the water temperature, you need to wait 5-10 minutes. If the water cools down too quickly, add new water. No need to overheat. We make fruit puree a little warmer than room temperature, vegetable puree even warmer, and heat meat puree for the longest time.

Interesting: Lecho for Storage at Room Temperature

Before feeding your baby, stir well and place a drop on your wrist to check the temperature. Homemade purees are also heated in this way if the baby does not finish it all at once.

The third method - the most optimal and efficient - is a baby food warmer . Today you can buy it at any children's goods store. And to those parents who daily face the problem of how to heat up baby puree

, it is highly recommended to purchase this useful device.
It will save time, energy, and nerves of mother and baby. Baby food warmers
work on the same principle as a water bath, only quickly and efficiently.

First vegetable puree: when and what to give

On the issue of complementary feeding - the timing of its start and the choice of ingredients - baby nutrition experts do not have a common opinion. Much depends on the health status of each baby, the individual pace of its development and the method of feeding.

If your baby is fed breast milk, he will not need anything else until he is six months old. And after six months, mother’s milk alone is not enough to provide the developing baby’s body with all the important substances. Then comes the “finest hour” of vegetable puree. By this time, the digestive system, which is not fully strengthened, is already able to cope with the new product without the risk of gas formation or diarrhea. For bottle-fed babies, the most appropriate time is 4 or 4.5 months.

By the way, the actual timing of the introduction of vegetable complementary foods differs in different parts of the world: in Europe, for example, this occurs at 3-4 months of a baby’s life. In particular, German pediatricians do not hide that the goal of these measures is to gradually and persistently wean the child from breastfeeding at an earlier date, mainly so that the mother can return to work sooner.

Its time to begin

Your baby can already try vegetable puree if:

  • his weight has doubled since birth;
  • he can eat in an upright position;
  • he can chew food with large pieces.

Experts recommend starting complementary feeding with vegetables, not fruits. Otherwise, an early addiction to sweets will form, followed by a refusal of other healthy foods, caries may develop and metabolism may deteriorate (plus an extra load on the pancreas and kidneys). Vegetables are less “interesting” than fruits, but they contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for growth.

If your baby’s weight gain is poor, the pediatrician may recommend introducing porridge into the diet first. In other cases, vegetables are the best option.

It is better to start giving vegetable puree in the first half of the day so that you have time to monitor the child’s condition and monitor possible consequences of feeding (allergies or digestive problems).

It’s okay if the baby turns away from the spoon, cries or spits out healthy food - just give him a little time and try these methods:

  • give new food at the next feeding or after a couple of days;
  • add some breast milk/formula to make the taste more familiar;
  • After a few days, give a puree of another type of vegetable.

You can feed your baby little by little, more than once or twice. Experience shows that children may agree to try puree only after ten or even fifteen unsuccessful attempts. But refuse to introduce complementary foods if the child is unwell or in a bad mood: he is unlikely to positively perceive experiments with his menu.

First vegetables

So, what vegetables should you start feeding with? With so many products to choose from, it can be difficult to know which ones are best for your baby and which ones you should hold off on. It is most convenient to use the universal advice of children's nutritionists, who have studied suitable vegetables for first complementary feeding, their composition and beneficial properties, and also determined the risk of an allergic reaction.

Type of vegetableCharacteristicsAllergy risk
Zucchini/squashUseful for children prone to allergies. Removes excess water from the body. Suitable for overweight children. Not recommended for loose stools Short
CauliflowerContains a high proportion of vitamin C, it has a lot of iron and protein. Suitable for overweight children
PotatoIt contains potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins. High in calories. Lots of starch (to remove excess starch, you need to soak it in water for an hour before cooking). It is better to consume in small quantities. Not recommended for constipation Average
CarrotIt contains more vitamin A than other vegetables (which is why it is good for the eyes), and many natural antibiotics. It has a pleasant taste. It is better to start feeding with boiled carrots
PumpkinSaturated with pectin and vitamins. Low in calories. Suitable for overweight children

When deciding which vegetable puree is best to start complementary feeding with, give preference to zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. After two weeks, when you are sure that the child is used to it, try giving him pureed pumpkin, carrots, white cabbage, green peas or spinach. Beets, tomatoes, and onions are offered from 9-10 months, when the child’s body can perceive them normally, and do this with caution, because they can cause allergies.

You need to choose foods especially carefully if the baby’s father or mother has had or has food allergies.

Vegetable purees from 4 months, and generally at the beginning of complementary feeding, should be monocomponent (from one specific vegetable). After becoming familiar with the listed products, if there is no negative reaction, you can offer your child multi-component nutrition.

How to properly heat baby food

For all mothers, the issue of child nutrition has been and remains one of the highest priorities. Therefore, one day every parent will be faced with the problem of properly heating baby food. How to properly reheat frozen breast milk? How to heat up baby puree


There are three ways to heat baby food. The first way is to heat it in the microwave. But this is the most “undesirable” way to warm up. Why? Because food is heated unevenly in the microwave. It can be hot on top, but still cold inside. For mothers who store their milk frozen and then reheat it, the issue of temperature is important, so heating breast milk in the microwave is highly undesirable. You risk destroying all the valuable substances in such an irreplaceable and unique product. In addition, there are fundamental ideological opponents of microwave ovens for whom this heating method is completely unsuitable.

The second method is traditional - heat baby food in a water bath. It is safe, but quite long and troublesome. Pour boiling water into a bowl and place a container with food for the child there. Another way to do it is this: put a saucepan on the stove, a jar in it, water boils in the saucepan and heats the puree. This method was used by our grandmothers and mothers, its only drawback is the time of which a young mother is always short.

The third method - the most optimal and efficient - is a baby food warmer . Today you can buy it at any children's goods store. And to those parents who daily face the problem of how to heat up baby puree

, it is highly recommended to purchase this useful device.
It will save time, energy, and nerves of mother and baby. Baby food warmers
work on the same principle as a water bath, only quickly and efficiently.

Before heating baby puree

, open the jar and make sure you hear a pop - this is a simple test for the quality of the contents of the jar. After this, separate the part of the puree that the child will not eat into a separate plate or jar, and leave in the jar itself as much as necessary to heat it up. After this, place the jar in the baby food warmer, and in three to four minutes the food for your baby will reach the desired temperature. Such a useful device will be an excellent and very necessary gift for a young mother. After all, she will no longer have to worry about cups and saucepans for heating in a water bath. One of the obvious advantages of the heater is the ability to set a fixed temperature for heating.

With such a convenient addition, mother’s worries will become much easier and the question “how to warm up baby puree” will no longer arise, and the baby no longer needs to whine for a long time while waiting for his breakfast to warm up.

There are several ways to heat baby food:

How to heat jarred baby vegetable puree?

There are several ways to heat baby food:

The first way is to lower the jar of baby food up to the neck into warm (or hot) water; it is advisable to open the lid and carefully mix the contents of the jar.

The second method is to hold the jar (preferably the jar has not been opened) under running warm water. Place in a saucepan, add warm water and place under a stream of water.

You can put the contents on a plate and put it in the microwave for a certain time; after heating, you need to stir and try to determine the temperature (maybe the dish is not completely warmed up).

I did it in the old and proven way, both vegetable and fruit. Heat the water and pour it into a deep bowl or plate that would fit the jar. And then you just need to put a jar of puree there and wait until it warms up. In the same way, you can cool, for example, a bottle, only in cold water.

Yes, there are indeed several ways to warm bottles.

You can use a microwave or heat it in a steam bath, but personally, the old method is quite suitable for me - just put a jar of baby puree in hot water.

There is another option - using special electric bottle warmers.

Their advantage is that they can constantly maintain the desired temperature.

This is especially convenient if you are feeding your baby at night, you can prepare everything in the evening, put a jar of puree or water for the formula in an electric heater and the temperature will be constantly maintained in it, so you can immediately take it out and feed it or make the formula without wasting time for heating water.

Interesting: How to ripen peppers at home

These heaters are small and compact, making them easy to take with you.

How to introduce complementary foods: vegetable puree

When buying industrially produced vegetable purees for complementary feeding, it is advisable to choose products only from well-known manufacturers, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the product (pures for the first complementary feeding should include only vegetables and water, and the content of salt, milk, thickeners/starch and any other ingredients is unacceptable spices). It is also necessary to check the expiration date and tightness of the packaging. It is important to remember that after opening a jar of ready-made food, the remains of the puree cannot be stored or reused, as they are an excellent breeding ground for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, repeated heating destroys all the beneficial properties of the product.

The baby grows and develops quickly, and gradually he needs more and more energy and nutrients. The child’s need for vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, also increases. Their quantity supplied with breast milk or formula becomes insufficient. Therefore, by approximately the age of 6 months, the baby’s diet should be replenished with new healthy foods that can meet the increased needs of the child’s body. It is necessary to introduce complementary foods. For healthy children with normal body weight and sufficient weight gain, as well as for children prone to constipation and overweight, it is recommended to introduce vegetable puree as the first complementary food. Vegetables are a source of a number of nutrients necessary for a growing body. Unlike fruits, with which it was previously traditional to start complementary feeding, vegetables are less likely to cause allergies and contain significantly less sugars and organic acids, which have an irritating effect on the baby’s immature digestive system.

Where to start complementary feeding?

Feeding your baby should start with low-allergenic vegetables, such as zucchini, cauliflower, squash, broccoli, and light pumpkin. A little later (from about 7–8 months), you can add potatoes, carrots, white cabbage, and beets to the baby’s diet. After 8–9 months, the baby’s menu can be diversified with heat-treated tomatoes, onions and garlic. And for a child over 10 months old, you can add finely chopped fresh herbs (dill, parsley, celery) to ready-made dishes. Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as legumes (beans, peas), eggplants, turnips, and radishes can appear in the baby’s diet only after a year.

At the beginning, a one-component puree is given, consisting of one type of vegetable. This will allow you to track your baby’s reaction to this particular product. After the child adapts to the first vegetables, and in the absence of intolerance reactions (the appearance of skin rashes, bloating, changes in stool), more complex dishes from a combination of 2-3 types of vegetables (for example, zucchini, potatoes and carrots) can be introduced into the baby’s diet. . The child’s first acquaintance with a new product begins with a small amount - 0.5–1 teaspoon in the first half of the day. In the absence of negative reactions, the volume of the dish is gradually increased over 7–10 days to the norm corresponding to the child’s age (approximately 100–150 g per feeding).

Pantry of vitamins

Zucchini is most suitable for the first acquaintance with new food. Thanks to its fine fiber and high pectin content, it has a soft and delicate taste and is easily digestible. This vegetable is rich in mineral salts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, which are important for the metabolism of a growing organism. It practically does not cause allergies. Zucchini contains a lot of folic acid, iron and copper, which play an important role in the process of hematopoiesis. It also contains carotene, vitamins C, B2 and B1. A close brother of zucchini, zucchini is also very healthy and is widely used in baby food.

, cauliflower is also an optimal product for first feeding. It contains a small amount of fiber, so it is easily digestible and does not cause bloating or colic in babies. The vegetable protein contained in cabbage is a source of essential amino acids (lysine, threonine and methionine), which promote hematopoiesis, tissue growth and repair, the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, and the thyroid gland. Cauliflower contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene, potassium, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and iodine, which are necessary for the full growth and development of the child.

Broccoli is significantly more nutritious than cauliflower. This vegetable is much richer in vitamin C than oranges. In addition, broccoli is an excellent source of B vitamins and calcium.

Pumpkin is one of the record holders for its vitamin composition. It contains large amounts of ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin D, which promotes bone growth and strengthening, as well as iron, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Pumpkin pulp is rich in pectin, sugars, vegetable proteins and fats, and B vitamins. A large amount of dietary fiber contained in pumpkin normalizes the functioning of the baby’s intestines (especially if the baby suffers from constipation), and also helps eliminate toxins from the body.

Potatoes are very rich in potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the child’s kidneys and cardiovascular system, as well as vitamin C. Young potatoes are especially rich in vitamin C, but during long-term storage and during cooking, most of it is destroyed. This vegetable also contains B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. Thanks to their high starch content, small amount of fiber and protein, potatoes are quite easy to digest, especially when mashed. However, precisely because of the large amount of starch, the calorie content of potatoes is almost 2 times higher than that of other vegetables, so overweight children should limit the consumption of this vegetable. In addition, a high starch content can cause food allergies in a child, causing constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. For these reasons, potatoes are not suitable for first feeding. It is better to cook it in combination with other vegetables, no more than 1/3 of the total volume of vegetable puree. To reduce the amount of starch, peeled potatoes can be soaked in cold water for 1–1.5 hours before cooking. Sprouted and greened potatoes should not be used in baby food, as they accumulate the toxic substance solanine, which can cause poisoning.

Carrots are sweet and tasty, so kids really like them. It is a major source of carotene and is also relatively rich in vitamin C, potassium and iron. Due to the high content of fiber and pectins, carrots have a laxative effect, so they are very useful for babies prone to constipation. But when introducing this vegetable into the baby’s menu, you should remember that it is highly allergenic and offer it with great caution to children who are predisposed to allergic reactions.

Vegetable puree: buy or cook?

When the time comes to introduce complementary foods, every mother thinks - which complementary foods to choose, canned or prepared independently? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, and each mother makes her own choice. The period of complementary feeding is a transitional stage in a child's life. At this time, the child’s body adapts to a completely new type of food, and the baby becomes especially vulnerable to any disturbances and errors in nutrition. In this regard, the requirements for the quality and safety of products for first feeding are very high.

Of course, the most beneficial for your baby will be dishes prepared from fresh vegetables grown in your own garden without the use of harmful substances and fertilizers. But not all parents have this opportunity, and vegetables purchased in a store or market do not always meet the strict safety requirements for baby food.

In this regard, WHO experts and domestic specialists in the field of baby nutrition recommend using canned food for complementary feeding. This is explained simply - industrially produced baby food is made from high-quality and environmentally friendly raw materials, with guaranteed chemical and microbiological safety. “Canned” purees have a strictly balanced composition and are enriched with all the vitamins and microelements a baby needs, regardless of the season. In addition, the degree of processing and chopping of vegetables in finished purees is carried out in strict accordance with the age-related characteristics of the child’s chewing apparatus and digestive system.

You can prepare delicious and healthy vegetables for your baby yourself. In order for vegetable puree made at home to be as healthy and safe as possible for a child, the following rules must be followed:

Before cooking, vegetables should be thoroughly washed under running warm water with a brush.

You can use frozen vegetables to prepare vegetable puree for your baby. They need to be defrosted immediately before cooking, since after thawing they quickly lose vitamins, fresh appearance and their inherent taste. You can defrost them by placing them in a package in hot water, or you can start cooking or stewing them by taking them straight out of the freezer. Do not wash frozen vegetables or defrost them in water. The fact is that water dissolves most of the vitamins and nutrients they contain.

To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, it is advisable to steam or stew vegetables with a small amount of water. When cooking, they should be thrown into boiling water and then cooked over low heat under a tightly closed opaque lid.

For babies under 1 year old, vegetable puree is prepared without adding salt and spices.

The first complementary food should be a homogeneous (without lumps) delicate consistency, so after the vegetables are cooked, they must be rubbed through a sieve or chopped in a blender. And to make the puree more liquid, it can be diluted with expressed breast milk or vegetable broth.

Vegetable puree for each meal must be freshly prepared. Due to the high risk of food poisoning, the finished dish should not be stored or reused.

Tell me the recipe for applesauce.

for 10 cans with a capacity of 0.5 l:

5.5 kg unpeeled apples

900 g sugar natural canned fruit • Russian cuisine • Children's recipes

Wash the apples, cut out damaged areas, place in an enamel pan and add water at the rate of 10-15% of the weight of the apples.

Boil the apples for about 10-15 minutes until softened, then rub them through a colander.

Heat the resulting applesauce and pack it into prepared jars.

Roll up the jars with boiled lids and pasteurize.

If you want to make applesauce with sugar, then for 1 kg of applesauce you need to add 100-150 g of sugar.

Boil applesauce with sugar for 10-15 minutes, pack into jars and pasteurize at 85°C:

Usually this is gluten-free porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn), if the child is not gaining weight, or one-ingredient vegetable puree.

Our first complementary food. Tasty and tender puree: it went with a bang. Answers to frequently asked questions.

I would like to share with you my experience of the first complementary feeding, as well as the key information that I acquired in preparation for this event.

I have two twin daughters and our very first complementary food was zucchini puree from.

Squash puree "Spelenok" is sold in two versions: a glass jar and Tetra Pak. Tetra Pak is more profitable than a jar, it is larger in volume and at the same time cheaper. From the beginning, I doubted Tetra Pak, whether it would contain normal puree. I bought it, it turned out to be the same as in the jar.

Zucchini is a natural source of pectin fiber and fine fiber. Zucchini puree is the first one-component vegetable puree in the assortment of the Spelenok brand. Produced from our own raw materials, grown and processed at the company's plant. Light zucchini puree “Spelyonok” is prepared without salt, starch and milk protein, therefore it is ideal for a hypoallergenic diet for babies at risk of food allergies. Zucchini puree contains useful microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron, necessary for the health of the child. Recommended as the first vegetable complementary food.

  • Light yellow-green in color, with small white patches.
  • Thin, watery consistency.
  • The taste is pleasant, slightly sweet.
  • Contains only zucchini puree.

The date of manufacture is clearly marked on the packaging.

It contains only zucchini.

I have not noticed any allergic reactions in my children to zucchini. The chair is fine.

Where is it recommended to start complementary feeding?

Usually this is gluten-free porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn), if the child is not gaining weight, or one-ingredient vegetable puree.

Our weight is okay, so we started with vegetables.

It is recommended to start complementary feeding with cauliflower, broccoli or zucchini.

We chose zucchini because cabbage has an unpleasant odor, is not very tasty and, as far as I know, can increase fermentation and gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, I will not give them either cauliflower or broccoli; I think that this will not cause a catastrophe.

Currently, complementary foods are recommended to be introduced from six months.

I'm in no hurry with complementary feeding. I don’t try to quickly feed my children more and more varied food. She started giving me zucchini at about 6.5 months. By this time, the children were already showing interest in food, so they ate the puree willingly.

It is recommended to introduce any new product gradually. Starting with a spoon and working up to the age norm. The purpose of complementary feeding is to introduce the child to new foods. It is not advisable to introduce two new foods at the same time.

I started giving zucchini to my children from half a very small spoon. The next day a spoonful, then one and a half and so on.

At first, I put the required amount of puree in a plate and heated it in the microwave. As far as I know, there is no harm in this, the only negative: uneven heating. But my relatives protested: it oxidizes. I don’t know what can be oxidized there or whether it is oxidized. But after that, the heated puree began to seem sour to me. Maybe it was suggested, or maybe it really is.

Then I started heating the puree on gas in a saucepan with water. I put an open jar or Tetra Pak in a saucepan with water and put it on gas. Stirred, tasted, controlled the temperature.

I haven’t looked into any recommendations regarding where to feed. If the child is already sitting, then it is possible in a high chair; if not, then it is undesirable. At the very beginning of complementary feeding, I gave purees to the children right in their cribs. She turned her over onto her tummy and fed her with a spoon.

It is recommended to give new complementary foods in the morning, so that throughout the day you can monitor the child’s well-being and reaction to the new food. At first I gave the puree in the morning, and then when the product became familiar to the child, I could give it at different times, including in the evening.

Precisely from a spoon (not from a bottle), because the food must be treated with salivary enzymes. It is important. It is recommended to buy special silicone spoons. But we ate and eat from a very small metal one.

Interesting: How long does minced meat last in the refrigerator after defrosting?

This is my experience. It should be borne in mind that each child is individual; it is necessary to monitor your child’s reactions to new food and adapt to them. Consult with pediatricians. Study literature. Health to you and your kids.

I invite you to read my reviews of other baby food products:

People are good at creating problems for themselves :gy:

Which puree do you prefer?

Today, any children's store or pharmacy offers a fairly wide range of baby food . Before purchasing such “jars”, be sure to pay attention to the following aspects:

- best before date.

In most cases, it is indicated on the outside of the jar lid;

- recommended age.

As the first complementary food, which is introduced from four months, one-component purees , which may contain apples, plums, carrots, and pears. Starting from six months, the baby can be given purees, which contain several ingredients. For example, an apple combined with carrots, zucchini with beans, and so on;

— the packaging must have the USDA organic label.

The puree should include a maximum of nutritional components and a small amount of additional ingredients. The most demanding standard is the USDA , which strictly monitors compliance with this rule.

I introduce complementary foods. Questions.

1. Open the jar, simply place it in a container of boiling water and stir occasionally until the puree becomes lukewarm. In general, everything is heated in the microwave and nothing terrible happens! )) 2. Water can be measured with a water thermometer 3. Yes, you need to mix the vegetables at first, you won’t give your baby a whole jar right away, but starting with 1 teaspoon! And then, when the baby is already familiar with new vegetables and tolerates them normally, you can buy two- or three-component purees from those types of vegetables and fruits with which he is familiar. 4. It is better to give all new products in the morning so that you can monitor the reaction throughout the day. Let's have vegetables for lunch. 5. Each age has its own standards, look on the internet. As for the liquid, yes, so add it a little at a time. 6. Yes, I kept the jars for a day and gave them away for later. day, slightly warmed up.

And about jars, I think you’re right, it’s best to introduce complementary foods from jars, that’s what all the doctors advised us to do. And we switched to “adult” food about a year or a little later.

1. Open the jar, simply place it in a container of boiling water and stir occasionally until the puree becomes lukewarm. In general, everything is heated in the microwave and nothing terrible happens! )) 2. Water can be measured with a water thermometer 3. Yes, you need to mix the vegetables at first, you won’t give your baby a whole jar right away, but starting with 1 teaspoon! And then, when the baby is already familiar with new vegetables and tolerates them normally, you can buy two- or three-component purees from those types of vegetables and fruits with which he is familiar. 4. It is better to give all new products in the morning so that you can monitor the reaction throughout the day. Let's have vegetables for lunch. 5. Each age has its own standards, look on the internet. As for the liquid, yes, so add it a little at a time. 6. Yes, I kept the jars for a day and gave them away for later. day, slightly warmed up.

What to feed your child on the train? My recommendations + LIFEHACK

So, you are about to travel for a long time and you are wondering what to feed your baby on the train. I guess? )) If yes, then in this article I will try to help you solve this issue.

The content of the article:

Long shelf life foods at room temperature
Food for babies

For young children, stores have a very large selection of products that can be stored at room temperature. You can safely take them on a trip and not be afraid that they are about to spoil:

1. Children's instant milk porridges , which only need to be diluted with hot water. Currently, the choice of instant cereals is very large. There are porridges for children of different ages (from 6 months and from 12 months). 2. Ready-made baby puree from vegetables (cereals) and meat in jars. Or take separate vegetable purees in jars + canned baby meat. 3. Children's dairy-free porridge + canned meat for children (Tema, Frutonyanya). This option is suitable for children with a good appetite, for whom one small jar is not enough. Dairy-free buckwheat porridge + canned meat – you get buckwheat with meat. Dairy-free rice porridge + canned meat – a la pilaf. 4. Children's fruit purees in bags (to save space) 5. Children's fruit juices 6. Water (it is better to take several small bottles than one large one) 7. Cookies 8. Waffle bread. Our children really love Elizaveta brand wheat waffle bread. In the store you can find them in the diet food section or in the department with crackers, dryers, bagels. 9. Baby formula or milk , which needs to be diluted with water ( Malyutka , Nestozhen).

If you are interested in what brands of baby food my girls preferred, you can read this article: Baby food. What did we buy and eat ?

Food for older children and adults

Is your child already big and eating regular food? Let's see what we can take him from the list above (for example, cookies, water, juice). Also, I believe that it is quite possible for older children to be given instant foods on the train: noodles, mashed potatoes (without spices), instant porridge in bags (such as “Bystrov”, “Yasno Solnyshko”). Yes, these products do not belong to the “healthy” category, but on a long journey they can be very helpful.

Products that require storage in a cooler bag with cooling elements

We put everything that is perishable in a cooler bag. For better preservation, wrap all products in foil.

So, in a cooler bag with cooling elements they are perfectly stored for up to 12 hours (tested from personal experience): - hard cheese in vacuum packaging (it’s better to take slices right away) - processed cheese (you can take it either in trays or in portioned triangles in foil) - pate (in any container) - baked potatoes - baked chicken or, as an option - homemade nuggets My recipe for delicious homemade nuggets: Chicken nuggets in a slow cooker - cutlets - yogurts and curds - vegetables and fruits

My life hack

Before the trip, we prepare a delicious soup at home in advance. Borscht, chicken or fish - whatever you like. Cooked, let cool. Next, pour the soup into small hermetically sealed plastic containers and freeze for a day in the freezer. Before the trip, we put them in a cooler bag along with other products. To be on the safe side, you can place the soup containers in plastic bags and tie them well.

This way we kill two birds with one stone:

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