Question 2 Time and method of storing peeled vegetables

Quality requirements. Shelf life

Quality requirements. Shelf life - section Mechanics, Mechanical culinary processing of raw materials. Thermal culinary processing, preparation and dispensing of dishes. Peeled Vegetables and Prepared Semi-finished Products Must Be Immediately Subjected to Those.

Peeled vegetables and prepared semi-finished products must be immediately subjected to heat treatment, since their quality deteriorates during storage.

When stored in air, raw peeled potatoes gradually darken, since they contain the amino acid tyrosine, which, under the influence of atmospheric oxygen and the enzyme polyphenyl oxidase, is oxidized and converted into other chemical compounds, forming melanin, which has a dark color. To prevent the potatoes from darkening, they are placed in cold water and stored for no more than 2-3 hours, since nutrients (carbohydrates, vitamin C, minerals) pass into the water. The enzymes that cause potatoes to brown are destroyed by heat, so boiled potatoes do not brown.

You can protect peeled potatoes from darkening by blanching, but at the same time it acquires a specific taste and the surface of the potato softens. To protect potatoes from darkening, the sulfitation method is used. In this case, peeled potatoes are placed in metal mesh, immersed in a 0.5-1% sodium bisulfite solution for 5 minutes, then removed and washed in cold water 2-3 times. For washing, use showers or baths with running water. Sulfitation can be carried out in special PLSC machines.

To obtain a solution of sodium bisulfite, dissolve 16 g of sodium pyrosulfite powder in 1 liter of cold water. The prepared solution is used 10-12 times, then it is poured out. After sulfitation, potatoes are placed in wicker baskets, containers or plastic bags and stored without water at a temperature not exceeding 7°C for no more than 48 hours, and at room temperature for no more than 24 hours.

Peeled root vegetables are stored in baskets or boxes at a temperature of 0 to 4 ° C for no more than 12 hours. To prevent the vegetables from darkening, they are covered with a damp cloth.

Parsley, dill, salad are placed in a layer of 5-10 cm, covered with a damp cloth and stored at a temperature of 2-12°C for no more than 3 hours.

Processed vegetables must meet technical requirements in terms of their quality. Tubers of peeled potatoes should be clean, elastic, without dark spots, remnants of eyes and skin. The smell is characteristic of fresh potatoes. Color - from white to cream. The surface is smooth, maybe somewhat dried out, but not dry or loose.

Carrots and beets must be clean, elastic, whole, uniform in color, without remnants of roots and tops, rot, without dark spots and remnants of skin. The surface is dry, but not weathered.

The onion should be elastic, clean, whole. The color is characteristic of the variety, without dark spots and rot.


When processing vegetables, waste is generated, the amount of which depends on the quality of the vegetables received, the processing method and the time of year. Waste standards are given in table. 1.

The rational use of waste is of great importance.

Waste quickly deteriorates, so it must be recycled immediately. Starch is obtained from potato waste. In small enterprises, a starch settler is used for this. It consists of two boxes stacked on top of each other. The top drawer has a mesh bottom, and the bottom drawer has a drain pipe located above the bottom. The waste obtained from peeling and finishing potatoes is crushed, placed on the mesh of the top drawer and washed. The resulting starch milk flows into the bottom drawer, where the starch grains settle to the bottom and the water is removed through the drain pipe. The starch that has settled at the bottom is washed several times. To obtain starch, large enterprises use the APChO-1-5 unit.

Raw starch is dried at a temperature not exceeding 50°C, since at higher temperatures the starch grains gelatinize.

Beetroot infusion is prepared from beet peelings. The peelings are washed well, crushed, filled with water, vinegar is added, brought to a boil and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes, then filtered. Used for coloring borscht. Early beet tops can be used to prepare beetroot soup.

The stems of parsley, celery, and dill are washed, tied into bunches and used for cooking broths and sauces. Peeled stalks of white cabbage can be used to prepare salad, borscht, and cabbage soup. Asparagus peelings are washed and added when cooking broths for flavoring.


Currently, products are produced in the form of semi-finished products, highly prepared culinary products, which are produced by food industry enterprises and procurement factories. Raw materials, products and semi-finished products used for the manufacture of culinary products must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation: the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Standardization”, “Requirements of GOST R 50763 - 95”, medical and biological requirements and sanitary standards, have a certificate of conformity and a certificate of quality.

For the production of culinary products, it is not allowed to use products that have expired (storage), food raw materials that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as those prohibited for use in public enterprises.

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nutrition. Culinary products and semi-finished products are distinguished according to the following main characteristics: the type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms, etc.;

method of culinary processing - boiled, poached, stewed, fried, baked;

nature of consumption - snacks, soups, etc.;

purpose - for dietary, school meals, etc.;

consistencies - liquid, thick, puree, etc.

The range of semi-finished products supplied to pre-production enterprises, semi-finished food and culinary stores includes fresh vegetables - peeled or chopped, prepared for heat treatment and vegetables that have undergone preliminary heat treatment.

The semi-finished product “peeled potatoes” comes packaged in boxes, flasks or polyethylene bags. Store it at a temperature of 2-7°C for no more than 48 hours.

Semi-finished products “peeled carrots” and “peeled beets” are supplied packaged in wooden boxes or wicker baskets of 20 kg. When using containers without lids, cover the vegetables with a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out and darkening. Store at a temperature of 2-4°C for no more than 24 hours.

The semi-finished product “peeled onions” arrives packaged in boxes or baskets of 15-20 kg, covered with a damp cloth on top. Store at a temperature of 2-4°C for no more than 24 hours.

The semi-finished product “white cabbage” comes in baskets or boxes of 20 kg. Store for 48 hours at 2-4°C, covered with a damp cloth. Semi-finished products that arrive whole are removed from the container, washed and used in the same way as freshly peeled vegetables. Public catering establishments receive canned vegetables produced by the food industry. They have good taste and high nutritional value. They contain vitamins, minerals, and organic acids.

Natural and pickled beets are supplied sterilized or frozen. It is peeled whole root vegetables or cut into cubes or cubes. Used as a side dish for herring, for preparing borscht, beetroot soup, vinaigrette and other dishes.

Natural carrots come sterilized or frozen. Used for preparing salads, cold dishes, soups, sauces and main courses. A decoction of natural carrots is used to prepare soups and sauces.

Sorrel and spinach puree consists of sorrel and spinach leaves pureed to a homogeneous consistency. Used for preparing first and second courses.

Set for cabbage soup. includes : fresh white cabbage, carrots, onions. Vegetables are peeled, washed and chopped into strips. The set includes meat or bones. Prepared products are placed in plastic bags.

Set for borscht. includes : beets, fresh white cabbage, carrots, onions; also include meat or bones. Processed vegetables are chopped into strips and packaged together with meat or bones in plastic bags.

purpose - for dietary, school meals, etc.;

What is the shelf life of peeled vegetables and potatoes?

Peeled potatoes can be stored for 1 day to 2 weeks in the refrigerator, and the most important thing is that the potatoes are kept in water. Otherwise the potatoes will turn black. If you peel the potatoes and add water without putting them in the refrigerator, the shelf life will be up to 4 hours. If we talk about peeled vegetables, their shelf life is up to 10 hours, no more.

As for potatoes, according to the requirements, this time should not exceed 18 hours. But there are ways to extend this period of time, so here is one of them: there are special bags (vacuum) in which peeled potatoes can be stored for up to 10 days, probably many have seen such bags in supermarkets.

Such vegetables will not be stored for long and need to be cooked faster. Potatoes that have already been peeled will retain their properties for eighteen hours, provided that they are immersed in water and kept in the refrigerator.

If it sits in water just in the kitchen, then after twelve hours it needs to be used.

If the shelf life is too high, the potatoes may turn black. If it is beets or carrots, you need to store them in the refrigerator for no more than twelve hours.

As an option for long-term storage, you can pack the peeled vegetables in film and put them in the freezer, where they can remain for up to three months.

If it sits in water just in the kitchen, then after twelve hours it needs to be used.

What does it depend on?

First of all, the shelf life of Japanese cuisine depends on the ingredients used in the preparation of rolls, sashimi or sushi.

Traditionally, Japanese cuisine was made from raw ingredients, including fish.

However, in Russia it is often replaced by lightly salted fish. uncooked products sharply reduces the shelf life of traditional Japanese dishes.

Of great importance is the freshness of the ingredients used, compliance with hygienic conditions during preparation, as well as storage conditions for the finished dish.

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Methods and periods of storage of peeled vegetables and potatoes

Methods and periods of storage of peeled vegetables and potatoes

Peeled potatoes and most other vegetables remain in an acceptable state for cooking for no more than a day, more precisely 18 hours

, even if stored in the refrigerator.
At room temperature, these products retain their properties for no longer than 12 hours
. Storing already peeled vegetables for a long time is almost impossible without the use of special preservation methods.

Ways to prolong the freshness of peeled vegetables

The easiest way to extend shelf life involves placing vegetables in cold water. Potatoes and most other vegetables can remain in this form for up to two days. If you exceed this period, the potatoes will inevitably turn black. It is worth understanding that the larger pieces vegetables are stored, the longer they will remain fresh. Adding a small amount of lemon juice or acid to the water will help preserve the properties of the vegetable.

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If the potatoes do darken, you can get rid of pigmentation using a sodium bisulfite solution. Per liter of water you will need about 16 grams of the substance. The resulting solution can be used approximately ten times. Potatoes are placed in the solution for five minutes, after which they must be thoroughly rinsed with running water. In this form, the product is suitable for consumption within two days after processing, provided it is stored in the refrigerator. At room temperature, processed potatoes can be stored for no more than a day.

A more effective storage method is freezing.

. You can subject this procedure to both simply peeled and chopped vegetables. Wrap the potatoes in cling film to minimize exposure to air and leave them in the freezer. At a temperature of -30 °C, products will be stored for up to three months inclusive, or even longer. Long-term storage is also possible at temperatures as low as -18 °C.

You should not defrost vegetables first, otherwise they may lose their culinary qualities.

It is better to immediately send them from the freezer to a saucepan or frying pan. The products can be safely used for cooking, but frozen potatoes are not suitable for mashing.

Most vegetables have a shorter shelf life when peeled than potatoes, usually less than a day, but all products can be stored for months when frozen.

Vacuum sealing is the best way to preserve food freshness

Another method of storing peeled vegetables is vacuum sealing. The essence of the method is to place peeled, washed and usually already chopped vegetables in airtight transparent packaging. Before sealing the bag, almost all the air is pumped out of it, resulting in the vegetables falling into a vacuum. This prevents both the fermentation of products and the proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms. The shelf life of vacuum-sealed vegetables at room temperature reaches ten days.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely pump out the air from the packaging, so before vacuuming, vegetables are treated with preservatives, for example, sodium bisulfite salts.

Important: It is recommended to soak vacuum-packed products in water before use.

There are also completely safe processing technologies, for example, using a mixture of food acids, antioxidants and vitamins. Such products can be eaten immediately after unpacking.

One of the types of vacuum packaging is gas bags. The air filling them has a significantly increased content of carbon dioxide and oxygen, which also effectively prevents the development of microorganisms and extends the shelf life of products. In this packaging, vegetables retain their original appearance for more than two weeks.

You should not defrost vegetables first, otherwise they may lose their culinary qualities.

Shelf life of sushi and rolls

The shelf life of the finished dish is determined by the ingredients. In addition to heat treatment, rice in sushi is mixed with a sauce based on vinegar, sugar and salt. Improper or prolonged storage leads to drying or spoilage of the product and loss of taste.

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Fish that has previously been deep frozen cannot be stored for a long time: harmful bacteria begin to multiply in it. It should be eaten fresh, like other seafood.

The shelf life of rolls depends on the ingredients and conditions used for filling.

What is the shelf life of peeled vegetables and potatoes: 3 methods and 10 tips

I, like most people, don't really like peeling potatoes and vegetables. One day I wondered if it was possible to peel it for future use and store it for a while - so that the potatoes would not turn black and the vegetables would not wither.

I read the recommendations of experts and the advice of housewives and found out what the shelf life of peeled vegetables and potatoes is. I share the information I collected.

You can pack vegetables in vacuum bags at home, but you need high-quality and expensive equipment; inexpensive models do not provide the required quality.

Method 1: vacuuming

I'll tell you how to preserve peeled potatoes and other vegetables in a modern way.

Step 1: Prepare the Vacuum Apparatus for Use
  1. Read the instructions to understand all operating features.
  2. Understand the purpose and functions of all elements and controls so that you don’t get distracted and waste time while working
Step 2. Unroll part of the sleeve to the desired size
  1. Before starting work, decide what size package you need
  2. When vacuuming, products should be placed freely and not fill the bag completely. If you pack too many potatoes, you won't be able to remove all the air from the interior.
Step 3. Cut a piece of sleeve to the required size
  1. Use the special cutter included in the kit.
  2. After cutting, place the edge on the sealing element. Align it so that there is about 10 mm from the sealing line to the edge. This will ensure quality work and eliminate problems
Step 4: Seal the bottom of the bag
Press the edge, press the button and hold the lid pressed for a few seconds
Step 5: Check the seam carefully.
Inspect the line from the outside to make sure it is even along its entire length.
Step 6. Fold the peeled vegetables and pump out the air
  1. Proceed according to the instructions. Follow the technology exactly to get the best result.
  2. Clamp the edge, after which the air is pumped out from the inside and the polyethylene is soldered
Step 7. Write the date of preparation
  1. Store product at room temperature for up to 10 days.
  2. In the refrigerator this period doubles.
  3. The packaging can be stored in the freezer for six months.

Make it a rule to put dates on all packaging, be it vegetables or culinary products. This allows you to control the shelf life and not consume what has been sitting for too long.

Method 2: storing in the refrigerator

I'll tell you how to store peeled potatoes in the refrigerator.

Step 1: Prepare the Vegetables
  1. Peel potatoes or other vegetables and wash well in cold water.
  2. Inspect all items for cleanliness and damage.
Step 2: Store
  1. Fill with cold water. It should cover the surface of the vegetables completely.
  2. Add 2-3 lemon slices or squeeze the juice into the water.
  3. Place in the refrigerator. Can be stored for up to two days. At the same time, change the water at least once a day

Storing store-bought kvass

The storage conditions for kvass purchased in a store are as follows. It should be kept tightly closed, in a dark place with good ventilation at a temperature of +2°C to +12°C.

Opened kvass should be stored exclusively on the refrigerator shelf. In this case, the storage period should not exceed 2 - 3 days. The fermentation process in an uncorked bottle continues, which increases the percentage of acidity of the product, and its use after 4 - 5 days of storage becomes dangerous for the stomach.

You can keep the drink in a container sealed by the manufacturer under normal conditions for the time indicated on the product label.

Store draft kvass in a dark place with a low temperature (cellar, basement) in a tightly closed container for no longer than 3-5 days.

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