Does pomelo ripen during storage?

Not many people know how to properly store pomelo, because this fruit is not as popular as, say, an orange. Pomelo is the largest representative of citrus fruits. The weight of one fruit can reach 10 kg, so how can you eat it at once? Of course, you can find smaller fruits on sale, but small pomelo also needs certain storage conditions. Therefore, it is important to know where to store pomelo and how long you can do this with peeled fruit. Not all fruits of this exotic plant can be stored. You need to be able to choose the right pomelo; to do this, you need to pay attention to such external signs of quality as uniform coloring, the absence of growths and damage on the skin, and a strong citrus aroma. The shelf life of pomelo depends, first of all, on the quality and degree of freshness of the fruit. Now let’s talk directly about how long pomelo can be stored and how to store it.

The most important thing in storing a pomelo

The pomelo can also be stored on the balcony, the main thing is to cover it from light and sunlight.

Even in an airtight container in the refrigerator, a cut pomelo will quickly lose its juiciness.

It is not recommended to freeze this citrus, like its other brethren.

How to store pomelo at home

Like any citrus fruit, fresh pomelo can be stored for a relatively long time in a cool, dark place. At temperatures up to 5°C, this fruit will “feel” best.

In the compartment for storing fruits and vegetables or the “fresh zone”, the pomelo can be safely stored for up to 8 weeks. Staying at room temperature reduces this period to 5 weeks.

If during the cold season this temperature regime has been established on the balcony or in the cellar, then you can safely send the broom there.

It is worth remembering that the juiciness of the fruit will decrease with decreasing ambient temperature.

In addition to temperature, the duration of the food suitability of pomelo is affected by the degree of illumination. Exposure to sunlight will significantly shorten the shelf life of the pomelo. And the main thing to remember is that overripe fruits cannot be stored; they must be consumed immediately after purchase or not purchased at all.

As for unripe fruits, they should not be placed in the cold; it is better to leave them to ripen at room temperature. Among ripe fruits, they will ripen much faster, but they will also be able to reach the peak of ripeness on their own.

An unripe fruit is distinguished by an uneven or greenish color of the peel and a mild citrus aroma.

How and where to store pomelo correctly?

Unpeeled pomelo can remain juicy and fresh for a long time. This type of fruit practically does not require special conditions, and the main nuance is the creation of the most favorable temperature regime. It is important not to overcool the fruits and not place them near open heat sources.

The nuances of storing pomelo at home:

  • For long-term storage, pomelo fruits with smooth skin that are free of damage, dents or signs of disease are suitable;
  • brown spots or uneven coloring of the skin are reasons not only for refusing to store pomelo, but also for purchasing such fruits;
  • overripe pomelo cannot be stored for a long time; it is better to eat them immediately after purchase (the fruit must be ripe, but not spoiled);
  • unripe pomelo should not be placed in the refrigerator (it is better to place the fruits in the refrigerator only after they are fully ripe; if it is possible to avoid buying an unripe pomelo, then it is better to give preference to ripe fruits);
  • the fact that the pomelo is not ripe is indicated by yellow or green spots on its surface (the peel of such a fruit is hard);
  • if you lightly lubricate the skin of the pomelo with vegetable oil, its shelf life will be slightly extended, and the oil film will stop the loss of moisture from the fruit;
  • peeled pomelo in the refrigerator should be stored in a closed container or using cling film (the shelf life in this case will be short, so it is better to buy small fruits and eat them immediately);
  • freezing pomelo is a pointless procedure (fruits are eaten only fresh, and after freezing their consistency and juiciness will change dramatically);
  • the long shelf life and the absence of the need to create special conditions for this are due to the presence of a thick skin of the pomelo, which retains the juiciness of the pulp and does not allow moisture to quickly evaporate;
  • there is no need to buy a lot of pomelo for long-term storage (these fruits are not considered in short supply, and finding them in stores is not difficult, so you need to purchase them individually and eat them as quickly as possible);
  • if you wrap a pomelo in paper, the fruit will remain juicy for a long time;
  • under the influence of sunlight (like other citrus fruits), the pomelo not only dries out quickly, but begins to deteriorate;
  • You can often see dried pomelo on store shelves, which is considered a kind of alternative to fresh fruits (you can make such preparations yourself, and they are stored for a year).

How to store cut pomelo

It has already been mentioned about the impressive size of the pomelo, so it is sometimes impossible to eat it in one sitting, like other citrus fruits.

Peeled pomelo can be stored for no longer than 1 day in the refrigerator, placed in an airtight food storage container. The slices will not spoil even in two days, but citrus fruits tend to dry out quickly.

By the way, you can dry pomelo slices or buy already dried fruit. At room temperature, dried citrus slices in a container with a tight-fitting lid will be stored for another couple of months. They must be placed in conditions favorable for storage, namely: in a dark and dry place with good air circulation. A cellar or kitchen cabinet is suitable for long-term storage of this dried fruit.

Other ways to store pomelo

If the pomelo is not eaten in the near future, you can try other ways to store it. For example, make delicious aromatic citrus jam. Moreover, even the peel can be involved in the cooking recipe.

Contrary to the established opinion of modern housewives that absolutely everything can be frozen, it is worth noting that it is better not to do this with pomelo. The fact is that freezing will immediately and irrevocably deprive this fruit of its juiciness. But it’s precisely for their juiciness that we love citrus fruits, so putting a pomelo in the freezer is the same as throwing it in the trash.

To extend the shelf life of pomelo in the refrigerator or at room temperature, you can lightly grease its peel with vegetable oil. The greasy film will prevent moisture loss, which will allow the fruit to remain juicy for a long time.

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Useful properties of pomelo

Composition and presence of nutrients

Pomelo contains a wide range of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B5), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium), fiber, essential oils and organic acids. Nutritionists classify this product as useful and recommend its use when following a diet. This is due to the ability of pomelo to accelerate metabolic processes, which in turn leads to the burning of fat deposits and weight loss.

Useful and healing properties

The high content of vitamin C in pomelo increases the body's resistance and helps fight viruses and bacteria, especially in the autumn-spring period. It is also used to reduce blood pressure, prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and tumors of various etymologies.

In cosmetology

In addition to the beneficial effect on the internal state of the body, masks using pomelo have a positive effect on the skin of the face. They have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To prepare the mask, you need to thoroughly crush the pomelo pulp (100 g), add honey (1 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp). To prevent the mask from spreading on your face, you can add 0.5-1 tsp to it. oatmeal Apply it evenly on the face for 10-15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and the triangle around the mouth. Afterwards, rinse off the mask with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream. The optimal time to use the mask is the evening before bed. This will allow the skin to be sufficiently nourished, rest and recover.

For unfading freshness of the face, it is recommended to wipe the skin with freshly squeezed pomelo juice in the morning. This procedure will tone the skin and get rid of oily shine.

In cooking

Traditionally, pomelo is eaten raw or used in the preparation of national Asian dishes. The pulp of the fruit is used to make salads, marmalade, filling for pies, and also as a savory addition to meat and fish dishes. You can use the peel at home to make jam, candied fruit or an aromatic addition to tea.

Dangerous properties of pomelo

People who are allergic to citrus fruits should not eat pomelo. This can lead to a swollen throat and choking. It is also not recommended to introduce pomelo into the diet during periods of exacerbation of diseases such as stomach and duodenal ulcers, increased stomach acidity, accompanied by attacks of heartburn, hepatitis, and nephritis.

Video about how to properly cut a pomelo.

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The first mention of the use of pomelo dates back to 100 BC. The records are preserved in Chinese manuscripts. The homeland of pomelo is considered to be Malaysia, the south-eastern part of Asia, the islands of Fiji and Tongo. Pomelo is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, so in China this fruit is usually given as a gift on the eve of the Chinese New Year. The fruit is used as an offering to the gods and for rituals in Thailand. Pomelo was brought to European countries by a British navigator in the 14th century. Today, pomelo is cultivated for export in China, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Israel and Tahiti.

How to choose the right broom?

To get both pleasure and benefit from eating this fruit, and to preserve it for a long period of time, you need to know how to choose the right citrus fruit. Here are some tips.

  • First, pay attention to the color. It should be uniform, without spots and black spots. If the color of the citrus is red or burgundy-brown, you should not take it. This appearance indicates a disease of the fetus, which is not dangerous for humans, but makes the fruit much less tasty.
  • Be sure to smell the pomelo when purchasing. Ripe specimens have a bright aroma of orange, grapefruit or pine, depending on the variety.
  • When choosing a fruit, feel its peel. It should be evenly thick, without growths or hardened areas. Such defects indicate non-compliance with storage conditions during ripening and make the citrus dry and tasteless. The skin on the top of the fruit is always somewhat denser than on the sides and bottom.

Preserving pomelo at home is very easy.

How to eat pomelo

Exotic, citrus, tropical, healthy, sunny, tasty and aromatic fruit - Pomelo or pompelius, like some of its relatives, has finally reached store shelves. Unfortunately, the shelf life of pomelo is limited to a few days, so its fruits are picked green and they do not always have time to ripen. For the most part, you buy unripe fruits of this fruit, and we will tell you how to eat pomelo, ripen and store the fruit at home below in this article.

The peel of the pomelo, depending on the variety, has a characteristic yellowish color with a green tint. Varietal fruits have a thick and dense peel: on the outside there is an elastic skin, on the inside there is a white crumb that protects the pulp. It is generally accepted that it is the thick inner layer of the crumb that indicates the ripeness of the fruit. The pulp of the fruit is slightly sweeter than that of grapefruit, which is similar in appearance, but is also healthy and nutritious.

How to properly clean a broom

Before the pomelo you bought becomes an ingredient in a delicious dish, it needs to be cleaned. How to do this correctly? First, get rid of the bitter membranous membranes on each slice, freeing the tender and sweet pulp. Essentially, it peels just like grapefruit. Follow your intuition and follow simple rules:

  • Scald the peel with boiling water to get rid of the protective layer of wax and bacteria;
  • Using a sharp knife, cut the peel in a circle, starting from the stem;
  • Release the pulp from the skin by pressing your fingers at the cut points;
  • Remove the slices, like most citrus fruits;
  • Open the thick membranes with a knife and remove the juicy and sweet pulp.

The seeds, of which there can be a lot, are easily removed, while the pulp can crumble into “fibers”. The pulp, cleared of peel and seeds, is placed into bowls and served.

The peeled fruits can be eaten immediately for dessert. But don’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to try new taste sensations from prepared dishes with the addition of this exotic fruit. Don't be afraid to experiment! By replacing the usual orange or grapefruit with tropical citrus in dishes you are already familiar with, you will be pleasantly surprised by new, bright and dizzying tastes.

How to eat pomelo

Everyone chooses for themselves how to eat pomelo. This fruit can be eaten fresh or included in various dishes. It is considered bad form to eat its pulp with sugar, since the fruit itself is very sweet, and excess sugar negatively affects its taste.

There are 3 types of these fruits, different in color of the pulp. One of them is red pomelo - an oval-shaped fruit with a sour taste and a pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste. It is eaten like a grapefruit, which was obtained by crossing this variety with an orange. There are also varieties with pink and white flesh, similar in taste, but with their own notes.

The tropical fruit is quite large: up to 30 cm in diameter and weighing several kilograms. In Asian countries, this fruit is called Chinese grapefruit, probably due to the fact that it was the Chinese who came up with the idea of ​​​​cooking the pomelo fruit, starting to add it to various dishes. For example, jam, candied fruits, marmalade, and aromatic salad dressings are made from its peel, and the pulp is used to add flavor to meat dishes, delicate desserts, salads, etc.

What can you make from pomelo? In this matter, only your imagination and culinary abilities can be the best advisor. Make a fruit salad, decorate a dessert, experiment with flavors where you never thought you could use pomelo to improve your dishes. We offer as an example several simple but incredibly tasty salads.

Salad with pomelo and chicken fillet:

You will need:

  • 1 broom;
  • 150g chicken fillet;
  • 100g fresh lettuce leaves;
  • 80g olive oil;
  • 30g cashew nuts;
  • 50g grated hard cheese;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cut the fillet and fry until cooked on a grill or in a regular frying pan with olive oil. Peel the fruit, remove seeds and bitter membranes on the slices, releasing the pulp. Tear the lettuce leaves coarsely or cut them into a salad bowl, grate the cheese into thin, almost transparent slices. All ingredients are mixed in a salad bowl and seasoned with olive oil. The dish will not leave anyone indifferent; it is suitable for dietary nutrition.

Classic Vietnamese salad:

  • Cut fresh carrots and cucumber into thin strips;
  • Peel the pomelo to pulp and divide into small pieces;
  • Mix the cucumber in a large bowl with a small amount of salt to get rid of excess liquid;
  • Sauce: fry garlic and shallots until onions caramelize, let cool.
  • Then place in a bowl with the carrots and stir;
  • Drain the liquid from the bowl with the cucumber and add to the carrots.
  • Fresh mint leaves, peanuts and aromatic sauce will reveal the richness of taste.

Traditional Thai salad Yam Som O:

  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, garlic and sweet pepper flakes until the onion is caramelized.
  • Pour in the coconut milk, heat until it comes to a boil, remove from the heat and transfer the contents from the frying pan to a bowl until it cools completely.
  • In a clean and dry frying pan, fry the coconut flakes until golden brown.
  • Heat the shrimp and place them in a bowl with onion, garlic, pepper in coconut milk. Pour coconut flakes in there.
  • Add peeled and cut into small pieces pomelo pulp, cilantro, roasted and peeled peanuts.
  • Season the salad with lime juice.

Storage at room temperature

  • Thanks to its thick peel, a pomelo can last for about a month even at a temperature of + 20 °C without compromising its freshness, if the fruit is provided with an influx of fresh air. Sealed packaging is contraindicated for it.
  • When storing outside the refrigerator, it is necessary to protect the fruit from sunlight, which contributes not only to rapid drying, but also to spoilage of the product.
  • It is not recommended to store pomelo next to other fruits, such as apples, which speed up the ripening process.
  • To increase the shelf life of citrus and reduce its loss of juiciness, it is recommended to cover its skin with a thin layer of vegetable oil or wrap the fruit in paper.

Storage at low temperatures

  • In the refrigerator or in a cool room, the shelf life increases to 2–4 months depending on the temperature: the lower it is, the faster the fruit will dry.
  • The optimal temperature for storing pomelo is in the range from 0 to +8 °C.
  • Peeled fruit can easily remain in the refrigerator for several days. However, when stored in this form, it quickly loses its juiciness and becomes much less healthy and tasty. To prevent losses as much as possible, it is better to pack the peeled fruit in a plastic container or cling film.
  • Like any tropical guest, pomelo does not tolerate negative temperatures, so it should not be frozen. The fruit will lose its consistency and unique taste.

Recipe for the occasion:


How to choose a ripe pomelo based on external characteristics

  • Size and weight. Pomelo differs from other citrus fruits in its impressive appearance, its maximum weight can reach up to 10 kg, and the diameter of the fruit is 30 cm. On average, the weight of the fruit is from 1 to 2 kg, give preference to a heavier fruit, it will be juicier. A pomelo that is too light may end up dry and inedible inside.
  • Fruit shape. The shape of the fruit can be of several types: pear-shaped, spherical, slightly flattened, depending on the variety. The ripeness of a pomelo can be determined by its tip (the area of ​​the stalk). When pressed, it should be a little soft, but quite elastic. This fruit will be sweet and juicy. A soft, loose top indicates that the fruit is overripe; the taste and beneficial properties of the fruit are reduced to a minimum.
  • Peel. The structure and appearance of the pomelo peel resembles an orange peel. The color of the fruit depends on its variety. Pomelo can be green, light yellow or orange. Do not assume that if a fruit has a green tint to its skin, then it is unripe. A yellow pomelo may have a slightly greenish tint. The main selection criterion is the absence of dents or reddish-burgundy marks on the peel, which indicate the presence of nitrates in the fruit, as well as non-compliance with the rules for its storage and transportation. Sometimes you can see smooth fruits on sale, with an unnatural “shiny” gloss and sticky to the touch. It is better to refuse to purchase such a pomelo; most likely, unscrupulous sellers treated it with a special solution in order to hide the existing shortcomings and give the fruit a marketable appearance. Seals and growths on the skin of the fruit are a sign of non-compliance with optimal conditions for its growth and improper storage. The skin of a ripe pomelo should be elastic and dense to the touch. If the skin is soft, and when you press on it with your finger, a dent remains, then this is an overripe fruit, which is characterized by a “cotton-like” taste and the presence of very large seeds.
  • Smell. Ripe fruit exudes a pleasant, pronounced citrus aroma that can be heard even from a distance. If you can’t smell it or the pomelo smells like grass, dampness, or bitterness, don’t buy it.


The peel of the pomelo is very thick and makes up almost a third of the total weight of the fruit. Thrifty housewives do not throw away this storehouse of vitamins, but prepare unusual and very tasty jam from it:

  • the peel is soaked for 5 days, replacing the water twice a day;
  • boil twice, each time in fresh water;
  • cooled crusts are sprinkled with sugar and left overnight;
  • add one and a half glasses of water and cook three times for 20 minutes.

Pomelo, or sheddock, is a special exotic. This is the largest citrus: in its homeland, in Southeast Asia, specimens weighing 9-10 kg are not uncommon.

Structurally, it copies the family, but everything is more solid: the fibers are dry and well-defined, the internal partitions are dense. The peel is up to a centimeter or more thick.

The dimensions of exotics inspire respect, but not everyone knows what to do with them, how to eat pomelo. There is nothing complicated in the process, but the features are worth taking into account.

What is pomelo fruit and how to use it correctly

Pomelo is a distant relative of grapefruit, but they differ radically in taste, the weight of this fruit ranges from 1 to 10 kg. The fruit has a thick peel, the shape of the pomelo itself is spherical, a ball of a flattened sample or pear type, the peel looks in yellow-green and dark green shades, the flesh of the fruit is predominantly white, yellow-white, the taste is sweet, sometimes sour-sweet.

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Currently, extensive cultivation of this fruit lies in Southeast Asia; China is called the birthplace of the fruit. More specifically, the pomelo can be called the “parent” of the grapefruit. Other names for pomelo are “pompelmus” and “shaddock”, the second word can be associated with the English captain Shaddock, who gave the first direction in the spread of this fruit. Due to constantly changing conditions in the climate, the plant soon mutated, which is why grapefruit may have appeared.

Subsequently, the rapid growth of pomelo was noticed in South America, after which it again entered the European markets. In 2020, it is actively grown in Japan, India, and most of all it is imported from Israel.

Marina Arushanyan • 10/27/2018

Pomelo comes from Asia. The ancient Chinese, who considered pomelo a symbol of happiness, constantly ate it. And Europe learned about this wonderful fruit only in the 17th century.

Nowadays, pomelo is consumed not only raw, but also various dishes are prepared from it. The most delicious option for preparing sweet food from pomelo is candied fruit. In France, they believe that candied pomelo is beneficial for the body. Scientific research by scientists shows the following:

  • sweetness will help cope with viruses and bacteria, thanks to vitamin C, which is good for the immune system;
  • Candied pomelo will lift your spirits and relieve headaches. They strengthen the nervous system, because they contain a lot of folic acid;
  • A pregnant woman needs folic acid to carry and give birth to a healthy baby;
  • pomelo – prevention of cancer. It contains limonoids - substances that prevent the spread of cancer.

There is an opinion that candied pomelo is difficult to prepare. We will give you some tips to help you quickly prepare homemade candied fruits:

  1. Pomelo fruits, which are bought in supermarkets, are treated with a solution for long-term storage. If you are going to use the peel to prepare candied fruits, then wipe it with soda solution and rinse well.
  2. Under the skin, the pomelo has a white soft layer. Do not remove it and leave it as part of the candied fruit.
  3. To prepare candied fruit, the pulp must be soaked in cool water to remove the bitterness. Soak the fruit for at least 10 hours.

How to choose a pomelo

The main difficulty in choosing is the exotic peel. It is thick, so it easily masks most defects. But you can figure it out.

Types of pomelo

At the household level, pomelo is classified according to the shade of its pulp:

  • White. The fruits are like a huge amber-yellow pear, the flesh is sweet.
  • Pink. A flattened yellow ball, the flesh is sweet and super juicy.
  • Red. The fruits are oval, the peel is pure green. The pulp is sour with bitterness.

At the official level, pomelo has several varieties:

  • Khao horn – fruit pulp is sweet, whitish; we know it as “Honey”;
  • Khao paen - a flattened ball, the exotic flesh is white, with sourness;
  • Khao namphung - the fruits resemble a pear, the flesh is sweet, with a yellowish tint;
  • Khao phuang - the fruits resemble a pear, the flesh is sweet and sour, yellowish-white.

All exotics have yellow-greenish skin. Thongdi variety has a dense green surface. The fruits are spherical, the pulp is sweet, pronounced pinkish.

When choosing, take into account the weight of the fruit. For example, yellow pyriforms should be around 1.4-1.6 kg. Flattened or round exotics - at least a kilogram.

Fruit color

Before choosing ripe and high-quality pomelo, evaluate the peel of the fruit:

  • In different varieties it is moderate green or yellow-green.
  • Uniformity and uniform coloring of the fruit is required. Let's say a pink or orange “side”.
  • Fruits taken from the branch unripe are unevenly colored. This is also what specimens treated with chemicals look like.
  • The color of the peel is too bright due to “chemistry”.
  • Dark areas, burgundy spots, grooves, stripes or numerous dots are a sign of mottling, a disease that eats the fruit.

How to properly clean a broom

Cleaning pomelo is similar to the process with other citrus fruits such as oranges or grapefruits, but there are some peculiarities.


Before cutting the pomelo, remove the peel. This can be done with a knife or by hand:

  1. Vertical (top to bottom). The tops of 1.5-2 cm are cut off on both sides of the fruit. Vertical cuts are made in the peel. The resulting “ribbons” are torn off by hand from top to bottom.
  2. Spiral. An incision is made around the surface from the top, ending at the bottom. The crust is also torn off with your hands in a circle, starting from the bottom.
  3. Manually. If there is no knife, remove the peel by hand.

The peel of the fruit is impressive, 0.9-1.6 cm. Therefore, regardless of the method, it makes sense to cut to such a depth.

Working with pulp

Cleaned sheddock is processed as follows:

  1. A white, spongy “coat” remains on the fruit. It is removed manually or with a knife.
  2. A segment of the former flower is removed from the crown.
  3. The fruit is divided in half, then into smaller parts or slices at once.
  4. The peculiarity of the pomelo is that each slice must be cleared of the film. It should not be eaten for two reasons: it is too dense and bitter.
  5. The slice is placed on a hard surface and the film is opened from the narrow part. Then they stretch. It easily separates from the sides and bottom, releasing the pulp.

The cleaning procedure seems troublesome, but this is an exaggeration. Sheddock slices are much larger than orange ones, there are not so many of them, and the thick film can be removed without problems.


Regardless of the method of cleaning fruits, there are common points:

  1. First, the fruit is thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water to remove chemicals or bacteria from the peel. At the same time, it will soften and will be easier to clean.
  2. The peel of the exotic is thick and loose, so you don’t have to calculate the depth of the cut down to the millimeter.
  3. To clean the fruits, it is better to take a deep container. If the juice runs out, it can be used.

When freeing the pulp from the film, do not press hard on it so that the juice does not leak out.

How to eat pomelo

There is no debate about what sheddock tastes like. This is a sweet and sour grapefruit, but without obvious bitterness.

How to eat pomelo is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Fresh exotic fruit has edible pulp. The films around the segments and the seeds are thrown away. The peel is suitable for consumption in processed form.


The peeled slices can be placed in a bowl and eaten immediately - with a spoon or fork.

But it is better to use them as a component of dishes. The list of everything that can be created from the pulp or juice of an exotic plant is endless. They are used to prepare traditional dishes or those containing orange or grapefruit. Pomelo is placed instead of them to get new taste sensations.

Here are some examples:

  1. Chicken fillet salad (the meat is grilled or fried in olive oil) with grated cheese, salad greens, croutons and nuts. It will taste completely different if you season it with pomelo pulp.
  2. Fruit desserts. Take any combination of pomelo and other fruits: bananas, kiwi, pineapples, pears, apples. Flavored with ice cream, whipped cream, yogurt or condensed milk. Children especially love to eat this dish.
  3. Pomelo juice is the basis for marinade for poultry meat. Salt and spices are added to the juice: pepper, cloves, cardamom. Chicken or turkey fillet is marinated in the mixture.
  4. The juice is added to traditional fruit cocktails.

Fresh pomelo is never flavored with sugar: this kills the exotic taste.

Dried and in the form of dried fruits

Dried or dried pomelo is presented in supermarkets as packaged half-moon slices of pulp with peel. Green, fairly hard pieces with a moderately rich aroma are considered high-quality. The taste is sweet and sour, plus a slight bitterness and tartness in the aftertaste.

The product is good in many ways. This is a healthy snack at work and at home. It’s nice to eat it just like that or add it to baked goods, desserts, and salads.

In a cool, dry place it can be stored for up to a year, which is especially valuable during the off-season of fresh exotics.

The calorie content of dried pomelo is three times higher than its fresh counterpart (90-95 kcal per 100 g), but is considered a dietary product.

Contraindications or harm are the same as for fresh exotics: individual intolerance or stomach diseases. But a piece a day is acceptable.

How to eat exotic foods for children

It is critical to eat exotic foods correctly when it comes to children. Pediatricians believe that pomelo can be given to children no earlier than one and a half years old. Especially if dad or mom has allergies. For the first tasting, a few drops of juice before lunch are enough. If there is no rash, swelling of the throat, or other alarming symptoms, the fruit can be eaten two to three times a week.

Before giving pomelo to a child of any age, consult your pediatrician.

For a child under three years old, 50 g of pulp (2-3 slices) is enough, for older children - 100 g.

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Dishes made from processed pomelo

Sweet lovers like to eat jam made from the pulp of sheddock. If exotics were brought personally or by friends (that is, not from a supermarket), you can make a preparation from the peel. Many people feel sorry for throwing it away: it contains a lot of useful things and takes up a significant part of the total mass of exotics.

Pomelo pulp jam. The slices, cleared of films, are broken and covered with sugar (two-thirds of the pulp mass). When everything is saturated with juice, cook for five to seven minutes and cool. Place into jars.

Fruit peel jam. Procedure:

  1. The zest is cut into pieces, filled with water, and left for five to six days. The water is changed twice a day.
  2. On the sixth or seventh day, the zest is boiled in water and drained. Boil again and drain.
  3. The peel is poured with a mixture of 250-300 ml of water and 400-500 g of sugar, left for 12-14 hours.
  4. Then bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 22-25 minutes, cool. Repeat three times.

You can eat the jam. The peel is dried, dried or candied and added to baked goods, meat and fish dishes.

How to store pomelo at home

The skin-coat and unripeness of the fruits make it possible to preserve them at home. The shelf life of pomelo is determined by whether there are proper conditions, whether the fruit is whole or cut.

For ripening

Almost always they bring us unripe fruits: ripe specimens cannot withstand transportation. In order for the exotic to ripen and be pleasant to eat, a favorable microclimate is created:

  • The fruits need room temperature (+18-20°C).
  • You cannot pack fruit, otherwise the air flow will be blocked.
  • The presence of other fruits nearby is undesirable: next to them, sheddock ripens at a record pace.
  • Store in a place inaccessible to sunlight: this will cause the exotic to dry out or deteriorate.

The shelf life and juiciness of the pulp are increased by lightly rubbing the fruit with vegetable oil and wrapping it in parchment or other paper without printing ink. After two to three weeks, you can eat the ripened fruits.

cut broom

In its purified form, the exotic remains fresh for two to three days. It is better to pack it in cling film or a plastic container.

It is wise to dry the pulp or slices. In a dark, dry place with air circulation (cellar, closed kitchen cabinet), they are stored for months without compromising their taste and beneficial properties.

How to store pomelo in the refrigerator

Exotics can be stored in a refrigerator or cellar-type room for up to six months.

The main thing is to ensure a temperature background: the “severe” it is, the faster the fruits will dry out. The optimal mode (+1-9°C) is created in the fruit compartment of the refrigerator.

The freezer is not suitable for storing pomelo: the thawed exotic pulp becomes a tasteless “porridge”.

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