
The collection of leaves begins in early autumn.
The main value of bay leaves is essential oils, which accumulate primarily in the morning, which means that the seasoning needs to be collected at this time of day. Uniform, undamaged specimens are best. You need to break the leaves carefully so as not to spoil them. Trees that are more than 3 years old are suitable for harvesting. The larger the leaf, the stronger the aroma and taste. The collection of leaves begins in early autumn. The main value of the bay leaf is its essential oils, which are collected most of all in the morning, which means it is necessary to collect the seasoning at this time of day. Homogeneous, intact specimens are much better suited. Leaves must be picked carefully so as not to spoil them. Trees that are more than 3 years old are suitable for harvesting. The larger the leaf, the stronger the smell and taste.

Alternative to the classic method

In an apartment without a lot of free space, you can also dry the bay leaf. The procedure will require an oven. The temperature should be 40-45 degrees. The whole process is distributed separately:

  1. Prepare a baking sheet, wash it and dry it.
  2. Distribute the bay leaves over the entire area of ​​the baking sheet so that they touch each other.
  3. Leave them in the oven for 7-8 hours, but after 3-4 hours you need to turn the leaves over to distribute the drying evenly.
  4. For better air flow, it is better to leave the oven door slightly open.

This method requires special care. You cannot allow the leaves to burn. There is nothing you can do to regulate the temperature throughout the entire process.

Newest technologies

Drying bay leaves has been practiced since antiquity. The method used by housewives of that time has been tested over the years. However, progress provides people with equipment that simplifies certain things and processes. A dehydrator is a technique for drying fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. It equally removes moisture from objects. It is also used for drying bay leaves:

  1. Heat the device to a temperature of 35-45 degrees.
  2. Wash the leaves under cold water, place them on a towel or cloth and let them dry.
  3. Place all sheets in one layer in dehydrator trays for 2-4 hours.

It is necessary to check the condition of the bay leaf at least occasionally. It would be a good idea to study the instructions for the equipment. The drying steps are described in more detail there.

Drying bay leaves has been practiced since ancient times. In a familiar way, which was used by the housewives of that time, it has been tested over the years. However, progress provides people with equipment that simplifies some things and processes. A dehydrator is a technique for drying fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. The Devil removes moisture evenly from items. It is also used for drying bay leaves:

  1. Heat the device to a temperature of 35-45 degrees.
  2. Rinse the leaves under cold water, place them on your fly or fabric and let them dry.
  3. Press all the leaves into dehydrator trays in 1 layer for 2-4 hours.

You should periodically check the condition of the bay leaf. It would be a good idea to read the instructions for the equipment. There are described in detail the actions during drying.

Useful tips

  1. Unless the recipe calls for fresh leaves and you only have dried ones on hand, you can use them, but keep in mind that purely dry herbs have a stronger taste, so they need to be separated in a smaller dosage.
  2. Bay leaves should be stored in an airtight container (container or ziplock bag).
  3. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight; the optimal storage liquidus is 20-25 degrees.
  4. Sunlight is not used for drying, because under it the leaves become brown, covered with spots and burns, and a significant part of the essential oils is also lost.
  5. The folk method of drying bay leaves is the best. A mile away, not all housewives have special equipment.

Subject to storage conditions, bay leaves retain their home properties for up to two years, but it is best to stock up bay leaves after a year. As a rule, housewives do not store the seasoning for a long time, since it is used in the preparation of many dishes.

Valuable recommendations

  • If the recipe specifies fresh leaves, and there are only dried ones nearby, they can be used, but taking into account the fact that dry herbs have a stronger taste, so they need to be added in a smaller dosage.
  • Bay leaves should be stored in an airtight material (container or ziplock bag).
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight; a comfortable storage temperature is 20-25 degrees.
  • The light of the sun is not suitable for drying, since under it the leaves become brown, covered with spots and burns, and most of the essential oils are also lost.
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Collection of bay leaves

A high-quality dried sheet is easy to install: it feels like thin cardboard. Before drying, the color is dark green, after drying it is closer to olive. When the bay leaf begins to break, break, become covered with plaque or become soft, it means that it has spoiled and should not be used in cooking.

You can dry bay leaf in similar ways as other herbs. However, there are several invisible points that the main thing is not to forget to take into account during the procedure.

  1. The room where drying takes place must be isolated from foreign aromas, since bay leaves have the property of absorbing aromas around them. In any case, this may affect the future smell and taste.
  2. Before drying, all leaves are thoroughly rinsed in water. Lavrushka is laid out on a surface with excellent ventilation (for example, a mesh).
  3. The leaves should not be exposed to sunlight.
  4. There is no need to save on the distribution area: all the leaves lie without touching each other. Otherwise, they will lie stale, and dampness will form, which will lead to rotting of the foliage.
  5. They stay in this position for 12-15 days. During this stage, they need to be turned over once so that the moisture evaporates equally.

After drying, most herbs lose their essential oils, but bay leaf is considered an exception. The smell remains just as juicy. There is a popular misconception that the presence of even a short branch on a leaf can radically adjust the sense of taste. In reality, it doesn't matter.

To dry bay leaves, you need a dark, well-ventilated room. The attic floor is perfect for this task. If you don’t have one, you can place a canvas with leaves in the shade of each room. However, the main thing here is to ensure that the shadows change their location. It is necessary to move the bay leaf so that the sun's light does not burn it.

Bay leaves are collected at the beginning of autumn, mainly in the morning, at which time the most essential oils accumulate in them. Tear them off carefully so as not to damage them. It is believed that the largest leaves emit the most intense aroma. Trees that have reached three years of age are suitable for harvesting.

The specific aroma of laurel is given by essential (laurel) oil, on the basis of which various creams and antibacterial soaps are prepared. The bay leaf contains large quantities of tannins (astringents), valeric, caproic and acetic acids and phytoncides, substances that have an antiseptic effect.

Well-dried laurel has the quality of thin cardboard; the leaf becomes stiff and changes color from dark green to olive. If the sheet plate begins to break, crumble, becomes soft again or becomes covered with a brown coating, this means that it is no longer suitable for use.

You can dry Lavrushka like any other plant. To prevent the spice from deteriorating and retain its unique properties, you need to know how to properly dry bay leaves. Properly dried leaves do not have “burns” - spots that occur when directly exposed to the sun, and release a bright, characteristic aroma.

bay leaf washing

Before starting the procedure, the sheets are thoroughly rinsed. It is important to know that laurel absorbs all the odors that surround it. Therefore, you need to dry the spice where there are no sources of foreign odors.

Drying bay leaves

Lay out the bay leaf on a breathable surface - a mesh or lattice, in a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate. The leaves are laid out freely, not adjacent to each other. This will avoid storage, and as a result, dampness and rotting. It is recommended to keep them in this way for 10-15 days, during which time the bay leaf is turned over once so that the moisture evaporates evenly on both sides.

It is known that when drying, most essential oils evaporate, but in the case of bay leaves this is not so bad. Even with significant evaporation of bay oil, the aroma remains strong. There is no particular difference in how to dry a bay leaf on a branch.

Drying laurel branches

or separately. This spice in any form will retain its benefits.

Properly selected dishes will extend the shelf life:

  • The container for containing the sheet must close tightly and not allow moisture to pass through. The most suitable container would be a glass jar, a tin box with a lid or a plastic container.
  • Bay leaf is a seasoning with a very strong aroma. A persistent odor penetrates all products; laurel leaves also actively absorb other extraneous odors, which reduces the quality of the seasoning. The container with leaves must be sealed tightly.

A suitable place for placing containers with fragrant seasonings helps preserve the aroma:

  • The container with the dry plant must be protected from light. To do this, simply place the container in a kitchen cabinet with the doors closed or initially place the product in a light-proof container.
  • Spices do not like sudden changes in temperature, so you should not keep them on the windowsill or near the stove. A suitable place would be a closet or closet.

The temperature range for keeping laurel in a suitable container is quite large. An important condition is to avoid frequent temperature fluctuations. The ideal temperature for storage is 15...20 °C.

Best before date

Most often, manufacturers indicate a shelf life of 1 or 2 years. This is the recommended storage period, after which the properties of the spice begin to decline. This will not harm your health, but the wonderful seasoning will begin to turn into ordinary dry grass. The shelf life of bay leaves directly depends on the place and storage conditions.

Premises for wholesale storage and packaging of bay leaves must comply with sanitary standards to prevent spoilage of the product.

According to established state standards, bay leaves are packaged in paper packages weighing 10 g, 25 g and 250 g.

Each package contains brief information about the product:

  1. Manufacturer's name.
  2. Product name.
  3. Net weight
  4. Packer number.
  5. Date of packaging.
  6. The price of the product.
  • Each pack is carefully sealed and placed in fabric bags or cardboard boxes for storage and transportation.
  • Transportation of bay leaves is carried out by any type of transport, subject to sanitary standards of transportation and storage conditions.

It is not difficult to prepare and dry bay leaves at home.

When collected

The maximum concentration of essential oils in laurel leaves occurs between November and February. The leaves collected at this time have a strong aroma and make the taste of culinary dishes bright and unique.

You can dry laurel leaves together with the branch, selecting whole and undamaged specimens. Before drying, the leaves are carefully washed and laid out in a thin layer on the prepared surface in one row, avoiding piling up.

If possible, it is better to dry the leaves in the fresh air.

  • Most often, laurel is dried in a well-ventilated dry room for 2 weeks, stirring the leaves periodically. For high-quality drying, the surface must have good air permeability. A grid or wooden pallet is suitable for this purpose.
  • In apartment conditions, an oven is suitable for drying. Distribute the leaves on a baking sheet so that they do not touch. The temperature should not exceed 45 °C, leave the door open to ensure air flow. Bay leaves need to be turned over after 4 hours and dried for the same amount of time.
  • You can use the accelerated drying method in the microwave. Blot the washed leaves with a paper towel and place between two layers of thin cotton cloth on a fireproof plate. Place the dish in the microwave, set the power to 200 W and the timer for 2 minutes. Then turn the leaves over and hold at the indicated power for another 2 minutes. Be careful not to let the spices start to burn. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

The storage conditions for laurel branches are the same as for leaves. Long shoots are difficult to place in a small container without breaking. Therefore, an opaque plastic food bag with a zipper will serve as a container for saving leaves on branches.


Store-bought bay leaves cannot be stored in paper packaging for a long time, as the seasoning becomes waterlogged and the smells begin to mix. The leaves must be removed from the packaging with dry hands and placed in a glass jar or plastic container.


Dry bay leaves, placed in a tightly sealed container, keep well in the refrigerator. A container with spicy spices is placed on the shelves of the door or in the lower compartment for storing vegetables.

Fresh bay leaves, packaged and placed in the freezer, retain the color and aroma of the leaves for a long time. After defrosting, the plant looks fresh and the essential oils release a strong aroma.

A non-acidic dried leaf is easy to identify: it feels like thin cardboard on top. Before drying, the color is dark green, then closer to olive. When the bay leaf begins to splinter, break, become covered with plaque or become soft, it means that the devil has spoiled and cannot be used in cooking.

You can dry bay leaf in the same ways as other herbs. Still, there are several nuances that are important to consider during the procedure.

  1. The room where the drying itself takes place must be (in the presence) isolated from foreign odors, since bay leaves have the ability to freeze-dry to absorb surrounding aromas. This may affect future smell and taste.
  2. Before drying, all leaves are thoroughly rinsed in water. Lavrushka is laid out in a surface with good ventilation (for example, a mesh).
  3. The leaves of the attachment should not be exposed to sunlight.
  4. There is no need to save on the distribution area: all the leaves lie without touching each other. Otherwise, they will become stale and sputum will form, which will lead to rotting of the foliage.
  5. They stay in this position for 12-15 days. After this period, they must be turned over once so that the raw material evaporates evenly.

Shelf life

Bay leaf, like any other product, has a certain shelf life. Manufacturers write different terms. Some recommend storing laurel for 9 months, others indicate that it can retain its properties for up to 4 years. According to GOST regulations, this seasoning has 2 shelf life. From collection to packaging, the spice can be stored for 9 months, then it is suitable for use in cooking for another 12 months. During this period, the bay leaf retains all its beneficial properties and taste, after which it begins to crumble and turn yellow.

If there is no date on the bay leaf packaging indicating the expiration date of the product, you need to pay attention to the color of the spice. Bay leaves with an unexpired expiration date will have an even green color. If the color of the seasoning is brown or has a grayish tint, it is better to avoid using it, since, apart from bitterness, it will not add any benefit or flavor to the dish.

Date: 01/15/2019.

Photo: pixabay.com

Replacement for the traditional method

Drying bay leaves in the oven

If it is not possible to dry the bay leaf outside, you can do this in an apartment. For this you will need an oven. The optimal temperature for drying bay leaves is 35-45 degrees.

The leaves are laid out on a dry baking sheet, it is important that they do not touch each other and are placed in the oven for 6-8 hours. The oven door can be left open to allow air flow. After 3-4 hours, the leaves are turned over to the other side.

Drying bay leaves in the oven requires some vigilance. To prevent the leaves from burning, you should carefully regulate the temperature.

A microwave oven is also suitable for the same purposes. The leaves are washed and dried with a napkin.

Bay leaves on a napkin

, then laid out between two layers of cotton fabric and placed in this form on a plate. The bay leaf is dried at a power of 200 W, 2-3 minutes. If necessary, this time can be extended, but it is important to ensure that the spice does not start to burn, as is the case in the oven.

In an apartment without free open space, you can also dry the bay leaf. The procedure will require an oven. The temperature should be 40-45 degrees. The general process is divided into several stages:

    Collection of bay leaves.

  1. Prepare a baking sheet, wash it and dry it.
  2. Place bay leaves throughout the baking sheet so that they do not touch each other.
  3. Leave them in the oven for 7-8 hours, but after 3-4 hours you need to turn the leaves over for equal distribution of drying.
  4. For better air flow, it is better to leave the oven door slightly open.
  5. WE PROPAGATE bay leaves by cuttings.

This method requires special care. The sheets must not be allowed to burn. Throughout the process, you need to change the temperature.

Description and features

In its natural environment, laurel can grow, reaching a height of 10 to 18 meters. At home, a noble laurel bush can grow to a height of only 1.5 to 2 meters, becoming, first of all, a decorative addition to the interior. The genus of these plants consists of only two representatives - Canary and Noble.

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And most often in houses and apartments the second type is found, which is presented in the photo. As you can see, the Noble Laurel is a shrub with bare branches on which foliage grows. Each leaf reaches about 10 cm in length, from 3 to 4 cm in width, and has an oblong shape and a glossy surface.

This plant blooms at home, usually in mid-spring (April or May) with small yellow flowers.

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