Shelf life of shortcrust pastry tartlets

Rules for storing cookies

The taste of cookies directly depends on their freshness. The product contains eggs, milk, butter and flour, so its shelf life is limited. Many housewives wonder how to store cookies correctly so that their favorite dessert will delight you with its original taste for a long time.


. The delicacy appeared in ancient Persia in the 8th century BC. Then the cookies were unsweetened, since there was no sugar at that time.

There are a huge number of types of this sweet treat, which differ in conditions and shelf life. When purchasing a product in a store, you need to look at the manufacturing date. The average shelf life of cookies is from 7 days to 3 months.

Its duration is affected not only by the main ingredients, but also by additives.

Nothing beats the aroma of freshly baked homemade cookies. Keeping it soft and fresh is more difficult than store-bought. The shelf life of homemade treats is 3 days. However, this period may vary depending on the ingredients.

Any type of product can be kept in glass, tin, plastic containers or parchment. The fat content of the treat affects the timing and method of storage: a product containing less fat will last longer.

To properly store cookies, it is important to remember what conditions each type requires.


Crackers and dry cookies are stored for a long time, since the percentage of fat in their composition is low. Even when opened, the biscuits remain fresh for up to 10 months. Fat crackers have a much shorter shelf life - 6 months.

To preserve their taste, they should be kept in a plastic bag or special paper. If the cookies become wet, they can be easily returned to their previous state by drying them in the oven.

Soft cookies

Biscuit products should not be stored without packaging, as they quickly lose their delicate taste. The product easily absorbs moisture, which is why it requires a special atmosphere in the room.

It requires low humidity and high temperature. The dessert should be wrapped in parchment paper and placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Homemade cookies

For long-term storage, treats made with your own hands should be kept in hermetically sealed tin jars. How long can you store homemade cookies? To make it happy for longer than 3 days, it is sometimes placed in. Cookies can be stored like this for 7 days.


The shelf life of shortbread cookies is very long. It is important to keep it in a tightly closed tin, but not in the refrigerator. The question of how long a shortbread dessert can be stored will be answered by the percentage of fat content in the composition. The less it is, the longer the product will last.

Ginger cookie

Due to the high content of honey in the composition, this delicacy is stored for a long time. Over time, it becomes softer and more aromatic. It should be kept in a tin jar, the bottom of which is covered with parchment. The product does not tolerate polyethylene, which quickly becomes stale.

If you always have a lot of cookies at home, you should prepare thoroughly. Each type will need a separate container. Spicy or overly aromatic products should not be stored together with other baked goods, otherwise their rich taste will overwhelm the taste of other delicacies.

Cookies with icing should be placed in 1 row to prevent them from sticking together. If the glaze has dried, the baked goods can be laid in 2 layers, placing waxed paper between them.


! Do not rush to throw away dried homemade gingerbread or cookies. To restore the delicacies to their former taste and appetizing appearance, they can be left on the table in an open container. The baked goods will absorb moisture and become soft. After this, the cookies must be transferred to another container.

To prolong the freshness of the delicacy, it is important to maintain the temperature regime. Optimal storage conditions for the product are 20 °C and 75% humidity. Slight deviations in performance are possible.

Storage conditions affect the beneficial properties of cookies. Failure to follow the recommendations will result in all vitamins and important substances being lost. It is worth noting that the delicacy contains phosphorus, potassium, iron and organic acids.

Microelements, dried fruits and nuts turn dessert into a nutritious and healthy snack. However, it is not recommended to use it often, especially for people with diabetes and obesity.

It is important to pay attention to the composition of the product you purchase. Some manufacturers add fatty oil, which contributes to excess weight gain. To enhance the taste, flavors, dyes and additives are used that can cause allergies.

You can prepare the treat yourself and be sure that the ingredients are harmless. A homemade treat will be more beneficial than a store-bought one. Using your favorite ingredients in the required proportions, you can create the perfect dish for yourself.

Shelf life of cookies

  • Shelf life: 3 months
  • Shelf life: 3 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: not specified
  • Freezer life: 2 months

Storage conditions: Store at a temperature not exceeding +20 ° C

Cookies are a type of confectionery that can be purchased in a store or prepared independently. This delicacy is great for breakfast, afternoon snack, dinner and as a sweet for tea. You can take cookies to work to snack on during your lunch break, so it’s worth knowing the shelf life of cookies. Thanks to the huge number of recipes, you can prepare this pastry yourself. Cookies do not require special ingredients. For the simplest recipes you will need flour, eggs and sugar. The rest can be invented by the hostess herself to diversify the product.

Cookies are known all over the planet. Each country has its own special type of this delicacy. The Spanish call cookies biscuits, in England they bake biscuits, and the Germans make cupcake cookies for Christmas. The Italians decided to distinguish themselves, and therefore each type of cookie has its own name. According to some versions, this flour delicacy appeared in ancient Persia. It was there that the first cookies began to be made.

Thanks to the wide variety of modern cookies, they can be used as a meal on their own. When a buyer comes to a store to purchase confectionery products, he can spend a lot of time, since the choice of cookies is very large. You can start with the fact that this product can come in a wide variety of shapes. There are round and square cookies, as well as many others. It comes with or without filling. There may be jam, chocolate, preserves inside the cookies. And on top the product can be sprinkled with nuts, coconut flakes and more. Every customer will be able to purchase an excellent delicacy for themselves.

It is worth paying attention to the composition and shelf life of the cookies, then you can only get pleasant taste sensations from them. Manufacturers produce butter, oatmeal, shortbread, puff pastry and sugar cookies

Also, due to competition, each of them tries to come up with something special to interest the consumer. Cookies can be sold in boxes that are not very different in design from sweets. It is also sold in retail chains in bags and paper. To eat a fresh product, you should pay attention to the expiration date of the cookies. How high-calorie cookies will be depends on what dough they are made from. Also, the filling can affect the calorie content of the product. For those who want to lose weight, it is better to eat regular cookies rather than chocolate cookies with nuts. But, according to nutritionists, all cookies are considered quite high in calories. Therefore, if you are overweight, it is not recommended

Manufacturers produce butter, oatmeal, shortbread, puff pastry and sugar cookies. Also, due to competition, each of them tries to come up with something special to interest the consumer. Cookies can be sold in boxes that are not very different in design from sweets. It is also sold in retail chains in bags and paper.

To eat a fresh product, you should pay attention to the expiration date of the cookies. How high-calorie cookies will be depends on what kind of dough they are made from.

Also, the filling can affect the calorie content of the product. For those who want to lose weight, it is better to eat regular cookies rather than chocolate cookies with nuts. But, according to nutritionists, all cookies are considered quite high in calories. Therefore, if you are overweight, it is not recommended.

But this confectionery product can also be useful. Its composition contains vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, iron, as well as organic acids. Therefore, doctors often advise parents to introduce cookies into their children's diet. Also, if you also use dried fruits and nuts to prepare this flour product, it will be difficult to say that it is not healthy. But people suffering from obesity and diabetes should limit themselves in consuming cookies. It is also not recommended to consume it often, since a lot of sweets are not good for the human body. Homemade cookies are considered healthier than store-bought ones. Since the hostess herself knows what she cooks from

But if you buy sweets in a store, then it is important to read the composition and expiration date of the cookies. Manufacturers often use heavy and fatty oil, which contributes to excess weight and harms the body.

Also sometimes the composition contains various preservatives, dyes and food additives. Therefore, it is worth reading the composition of the product you are purchasing.

Storage space

A good housewife will not allow guests and family to be left without tasty treats. Therefore, it is important to know where it is best to store cookies in order to serve the delicacy only fresh.

At room temperature

Undoubtedly, a vase with treats becomes a table decoration. Often they remain stored on the table. But is this option suitable for all products? At room temperature, flour products remain fresh for 15 to 90 days, depending on the composition.

Sugar and hard cookies are stored in such conditions for up to 3 months.

The shelf life of butter baked goods depends on the fat content:

  • 10% - 1.5 months;
  • 10–20% - 1 month;
  • from 20% - 15 days.

With this storage method, it is important to keep the product out of the sun.

In the freezer

To extend the shelf life of cookies, especially homemade ones, housewives resort to using the freezer. To do this, spread the dessert on a baking sheet in one layer and place it in the freezer for 15–20 minutes. Then the treat is transferred to a plastic bag and put back.

It is important to remember that this way you can keep the product fresh for up to 2 months. After this, it will lose quality. But when consumed, you don’t have to worry about the taste of the cookies. To enjoy it, just place the frozen baked goods in the oven for 3 minutes.

In a refrigerator

Other types of baked goods

Products made from different types of dough and with different fillings are stored according to their own rules.

To avoid the formation of condensation, and subsequently mold, it is better to wrap the baked goods individually with parchment paper.

In the old days, bread was wrapped in cotton or linen cloth

This method of storing baked goods is quite aesthetic and, importantly, environmentally friendly.

The cupcakes are wrapped in foil and stored at room temperature for several days. But you can put them in the refrigerator, after wrapping them in baking paper. For example, Christmas fruitcakes can stay fresh in the refrigerator for over 1 month.

How and where to store sponge cake after baking? After complete cooling, products of this type are packaged in film and placed in the refrigerator overnight or for 7–8 hours. While in sealed conditions, the moisture remaining after baking can be distributed evenly throughout the cake. The biscuit should be stored in the freezer for more than 3 days.

What is best to store in: choosing a container

The best container for storing cookies is a tin can. Some manufacturers, caring about the freshness of their product, supply treats immediately in such containers

. Gift cookies are often displayed on the shelves in beautiful tin boxes that can be used later.

An excellent storage option is glass and plastic.

Glass containers with airtight lids are very aesthetically pleasing, so it’s not a shame to place them on a table or in the open. The lid should fit tightly to the container so that the treat does not spoil. Cling film will help increase the tightness of the seal.

Please note that wetter baked goods may develop mold.

This also applies to homemade biscuit products. How to store homemade cookies without worrying about their freshness? After cooking, it should cool down. A hot delicacy will quickly soften in a closed container. After cooling, it must be wrapped in parchment and placed in a container.

When opened, most types of cookies dry out and become stale (this does not apply to biscuits). Dry cookies store well in paper or plastic bags, which are easy to take with you as a snack.


! Improper storage conditions have a detrimental effect on your favorite dessert. A piece of apple placed in a container will help restore freshness and softness to a dry product. A piece of dry bread will save a soft cookie. It will absorb excess moisture and return the delicacy to its crispy state.

Posts tagged 'how to store homemade cookies'

March 14, 2011 |

Contrary to what many people think, homemade cookies may not always be high in calories and harmful.

Recipe for making homemade cookies from a guest in Marina’s program studio: A pack of butter - 250 grams, 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, a little vinegar and soda, 18 tablespoons of wheat flour. All ingredients need to be mixed and made into a ball, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After half an hour, roll out the dough and sprinkle it with granulated sugar. After this, roll the cake like a roll and cut into circles. Preheat the oven well, grease a baking tray and bake the cookies.

Tags: what are the benefits of homemade cookies, where to store homemade cookies, what are homemade cookies made from, how to make homemade cookies, how to make low-calorie cookies, how to make healthy cookies, how to store homemade cookies, are homemade cookies healthy, are cookies healthy, beneficial properties cookies, homemade cookie recipe

Classification of confectionery products and their characteristics

Most confectionery products include sugar or its substitutes (honey, sorbitol and other sweeteners); as well as fruit and berry fillings, molasses, vegetable oil, butter and dairy products, cocoa, nuts, flour and other ingredients. Despite the wide variety of confectionery products, they can be divided into two main groups:

  • sugary products, which include products that do not contain flour: candies, chocolate, caramel, marshmallows, halva, marmalade, etc.;
  • flour products, including cakes, cookies, rolls, gingerbreads, pastries, muffins, etc. Confectionery products of both groups contain a whole range of substances important for the human body: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral elements, vitamins. Thanks to modern technologies for the production of confectionery products, it has become possible to increase the biological value of products, preserve vitamins, protein, and active enzymes. It is very important for the consumer to preserve the nutritional value of the product, for which purpose special refrigeration equipment is used during transportation, storage and sale of confectionery products: confectionery display cabinets, refrigerated slides.

Processes occurring in confectionery products during storage

Despite the wide and varied range of products, technological features of production and quality of raw materials, the shelf life of confectionery products depends mainly on one predominant factor. Eg:

  • In one case: chocolates, bars and cookies differ significantly in the production method, and the factor influencing the guaranteed shelf life of these products is the structure of the lipid complex.
  • In another case: with completely different manufacturing technologies for gingerbread, marshmallows, and fudge, the main factor determining shelf life is considered to be desorption, which causes drying (hardening) of the products during storage.
  • Maintaining the proper quality of various products such as waffles and caramel depends on a common indicator - absorption, the ability to absorb moisture from the outside.

What are the possibilities for increasing the guaranteed shelf life of confectionery products? In the first case, changes in the structure of the lipid complex primarily depend on the oxidative capacity of fats. Different degrees of oxidation (light or deep) cause changes in organoleptic and physicochemical parameters: from deterioration of smell and taste (food rancidity of fats) to the formation of harmful, toxic substances. To minimize the effect of factors causing fat oxidation, synthetic and natural antioxidants are used that oxidize faster than fats. The use of fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are the last to undergo the oxidation process, inhibits the oxidation of fats in flour confectionery products. One of the most effective ways to slow down the oxidative reaction of fats is to create certain storage conditions for confectionery products (temperature, humidity) using refrigerated slides or display cases.

Sorption and desorption, which occur during storage of certain types of confectionery products, play a major role in determining the guaranteed shelf life. These processes depend on several factors:

  • physical and chemical composition of raw materials;
  • indicators of the structure of the finished product;
  • air humidity and temperature;
  • moisture activity in stored products.

The same product, under different environmental conditions, will either release or absorb (saturate) moisture. For example, caramel at high humidity (more than 80%) will absorb moisture and subsequently become soft and lose its shape. But at the same time, with a humidity of up to 70%, the caramel will eventually lose moisture and become sugary. When storing cookies without packaging in conditions of high humidity, the cookies will also become saturated with moisture and release it at low humidity. Even with a humidity of 75%, the average moisture content of cookies ranges from 8.5% to 9.5%, although the recipe requirements are 6% - 7%. Therefore, storing cookies without packaging at a relative humidity of 70% - 75% will lead to gradual moistening and loss of fragility.

Staleness is the main drawback of uncoated milk or fondant sweets, which can be eliminated through packaging and the addition of moisture-retaining raw materials during production, as well as inverting additives and enzyme preparations that convert sucrose into fructose and glucose.

Microbiological changes most often occur during storage of confectionery products, including creams: sweets with additives, pastries and cakes with cream, fruit and berry fillings. A sufficient amount of water included in such products provides a good environment for the development of microorganisms, which can be prevented in two main ways:

  • addition of preservatives (benzene, sorbic acid);
  • creating the necessary temperature conditions that slow down the development of microorganisms when storing products in refrigerated display cases.

It should be remembered that the conditions and shelf life of confectionery products must be observed with great precision, and methods of extending shelf life must be approached very responsibly - this is not wine and cognac, the quality characteristics of which increase over time. Freshly prepared confectionery products have the highest quality indicators.

Methods for storing confectionery products

Compliance with the rules for storing confectionery products guarantees not only the preservation of product quality, but also the reduction of commodity losses. The main parameters that determine storage conditions are:

  • ambient temperature;
  • relative humidity;
  • sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  • ventilation and lighting of the room.

Proper stacking and arrangement of products in accordance with the requirements of the commodity neighborhood also plays an important role. The storage temperature of confectionery products has the most significant impact on product safety. The majority of culinary products should be kept at low temperatures in cool rooms (pantry, utility room), refrigerated cabinets, and confectionery display cases.

Sudden changes in temperature negatively affect the quality of confectionery products, while a violation of the temperature regime activates physical and chemical processes, promotes the appearance of condensation on the surface of the product, and reduces its sales period.

In addition to temperature, relative air humidity is of great importance during storage. Exceeding this indicator can cause the development of microorganisms and mold. It is also mandatory to ensure natural or forced ventilation of premises where confectionery products are stored. Ventilation helps maintain the required temperature and humidity by removing gas and steam.

It should be noted that when choosing refrigeration equipment for storing confectionery products, you need to pay attention to the type of cooling. There are confectionery display cases with static cooling, in which the cold air emanating from the evaporator is distributed naturally inside the display case, and display cases with dynamic cooling, where the circulation of cold air is carried out using a fan. The latter type of cooling allows you to reach the required air temperature inside the display case much faster and maintain it without significant changes (no more than 2°C - 4°C). However, the dynamic type of cooling has its drawbacks, in particular - chapping of some types of culinary products. This is especially true when storing flour confectionery products without packaging (cakes, pastries, muffins, rolls). When placing products in pantries or refrigeration equipment, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for the proximity of goods and the timing of their sale. Products must be placed in groups, on racks, shelves at a distance of at least 0.5 - 0.7 meters from the walls. You cannot store culinary products that have a pronounced odor that can be transferred to other products, and products that have high humidity (jam, fruit products, cream) next to hygroscopic dry products (gingerbreads, waffles, crackers).

Methods for storing confectionery products depend on the type of product:

  • Weight candies in wrappers are stored in bulk in cardboard boxes, unwrapped ones are covered with paper. The maximum weight per package depends on the strength of the candies.
  • Dragees are best stored prepackaged in boxes, packs or plastic bags. Prepackaged dragees are packaged in external containers (boxes, crates). Depending on the strength of the dragee, the maximum weight of one package is up to 10 kg (jelly type) and up to 20 kg (caramel type).
  • Cakes and cakes are stored in special cardboard or plastic boxes, the bottom of which is lined with paper. It is allowed to store cakes without packaging; in this case, they are stored on wooden trays lined with parchment.
  • Cookies, muffins, waffles and other dry flour confectionery products are stored in a cool room (no more than 18°C), with a relative humidity of 70% - 75% (with the exception of butter cookies and waffles, for storage of which the humidity should be 65% - 70 %).

Each batch of products must be labeled indicating the exact time and date of manufacture, as well as the period and storage conditions.

Equipment used for storing confectionery products

Considering that most types of confectionery products have a short shelf life, refrigeration equipment is used for their storage, designed simultaneously for storage and pre-sale demonstration of chilled products in the sales areas of stores, supermarkets, and catering establishments. Depending on its purpose, refrigeration equipment is divided into:

  • Refrigerated cabinets with refrigerated racks, which are used mainly in self-service stores. Such equipment is convenient both for displaying products by store staff and for customers.
  • Confectionery display cabinets provide the opportunity for a full demonstration of confectionery products, both in retail chains and in cafeterias, confectionery shops, and restaurants.
  • Confectionery display cases - used for selling and displaying confectionery products in sales areas. They are very convenient for service personnel and sales workers in that most models have a workplace for packaging products.

Among the wide variety of refrigeration equipment for storing confectionery products, you can choose a unit in accordance with the design of the retail space, dimensions, lighting requirements and functional features.

What is the shelf life, how does it differ from the shelf life?

Cookies of any variety are a food product. In accordance with the requirements of the law, the manufacturer is obliged to set an expiration date for food, since after some time such products can become dangerous to life and health.

  • The shelf life is the period of time during which the cookies remain safe for consumption.
  • The shelf life is not the same as the expiration date. According to GOST R 51074 - 2003, the shelf life is the period of time during which the product (in this case, cookies) retains all the qualities listed in the regulatory documentation. A prerequisite for maintaining consumer properties is compliance with storage conditions.

The difference is that confectionery products that have expired do not become spoiled or expired. Crackers or biscuits are still edible, but may change some of their original characteristics, such as becoming less crunchy.

The product in question is included in the list of products that, after a certain period, become unsuitable for use (see Resolution of the PRF No. 720 of June 16, 1997). The law obliges the manufacturer to determine the expiration date for:

  • cookies;
  • biscuit;
  • crackers;
  • gingerbread;
  • gingerbread;
  • waffles;
  • oriental sweets;
  • and other flour products.

The shelf life and storage of confectionery products starts from the date of manufacture. The countdown begins at the moment when the technological process is completely completed and the cookies are considered ready for sale. The shelf life includes the time during which the product is stored in the warehouse, transported, at the point of sale and with the consumer. Therefore, the seller’s assurances that the product “just arrived” do not guarantee that the cookies are very fresh.

Terms and conditions of storage

Reducing substances have a significant impact on the shelf life of confectionery products; when their concentration increases, products that are highly hygroscopic can become waterlogged, or, conversely, a drop in the content of reducing substances can lead to drying out (sugarification) of the product. The storage periods and conditions for confectionery products vary depending on the type of product:

Marmalade and marmalade can be stored at sub-zero temperatures (about -18°C) without changing the quality characteristics much longer than the guaranteed shelf life. Moreover, with gradual thawing, these products completely restore their taste and nutritional qualities. The guaranteed shelf life of these products is:

  • 3 months (for marmalade based on pectin and agar);
  • 1.5 months - marmalade based on furcellaran and agaroid;
  • 2 months - other types of marmalade;
  • 3 months - for custard and chocolate-covered marshmallows;
  • 1 month - for glue marshmallows and marshmallows.

Jam, preserves and preserves (unpasteurized) are stored in a dry, ventilated room, where the air humidity is up to 75% and the temperature is +10°C...+20°C. The shelf life limits for jams, preserves and confiture are:

  • up to 2 years for sterilized products;
  • up to 1 year - unsterilized;
  • up to 6 months - for unsterilized, packaged in aluminum or polymer containers.

Waffles, crackers, gingerbreads, cookies are stored at a relative air humidity of up to 75% and a temperature of no more than +18°C. The shelf life limits for flour confectionery products of this type are:

  • cookies - up to 3 months flaky, about 15 days - containing more than 20% fat;
  • gingerbread - up to 45 days, custard, about 10 days - raw (without brewing flour);
  • biscuits - about 21 days, dietary, high in fat, no more than 6 months - regular by weight;
  • crackers - about 1 month with vegetable fats, no more than 6 months - with fillers;
  • waffles - about 15 days, with fat filling, up to 3 months - without filling.

The shelf life of confectionery products with cream (cake, pastry, roll) is:

  • 6 hours - whipped cream or sour cream;
  • 18 hours - butter, custard or curd cream;
  • 36 hours - yogurt cream, cream cheese filling, potato cake;
  • 72 hours - whipped protein cream.

The air temperature during storage of confectionery products with cream should be maintained at +2°С…+6°С. At the same time, the shelf life is affected by the presence of other ingredients (berries, fruits, syrups, preservatives). Confectionery products containing whipped cream of vegetable origin can be stored for up to 5 days.

Cookies are the most popular baked goods for tea. There are so many types of it! On sale it is presented in a large assortment, but the homemade product is not inferior in variety. Taking into account the short shelf life of the components of this treat, you should not count on its long shelf life, but it is within our power to try to preserve it for as long as possible. Read on to learn how to properly store cookies at home.

Storage conditions for cookies

Storage of finished cookies is possible at a temperature of +20°C (plus - minus 2 - 3 degrees). And air humidity should not exceed 75%.

  • Soft treats are kept individually wrapped in parchment. At the same time, they are placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Biscuits and other types of dry cookies should be stored in paper or polyethylene bags. And if the treats become too wet, you should simply dry them in the oven.
  • The shelf life of cookies directly depends on the amount of fat in its composition. The product that contains less fat is stored longer. But on average, the shelf life can range from 15 days to three months from the date of baking.
  • The shelf life of a product is affected by its composition. All kinds of additives (chocolate, nuts, raisins, etc.) reduce the shelf life of sweets.
  • Homemade baked goods can be stored for a week in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Useful tips on how to store baked goods

When it is not possible to wait for complete cooling, the baked goods are wrapped in plain paper (cloth), which then absorbs excess moisture. After this, the product is placed in a bag, which should not be closed until it has completely cooled.

If you place paper under a hot cake or at the bottom of a container with hot cakes, this will protect them from excess moisture.

While the bread is still hot, you need to wrap it in a waffle cotton towel, and after 10 - 12 hours, transfer it to a bag. Then the crispy crust will be preserved - one of the main advantages of homemade bread.

When the flour product dries, place it in the microwave. In this case, there should be a container with water nearby so that the steam can make the baked goods softer. You can also use the oven and place a container of water under the rack with the stale product.

Defrosting baked goods should occur at room temperature, so they are removed from the freezer 2 - 3 hours before serving. The packaging should be removed from the product only after it is completely defrosted.

If you follow the tips given in this article, you can significantly extend the shelf life of your baked goods. It is best to keep it in natural fabric or a bread box. Storing baked goods in the refrigerator is only allowed if they are well packaged. And to keep it fresh even longer, you need to use the freezer.

What to store in

Cookies of any type will be stored longest in closed glass containers. If you keep this product open it will dry out quickly (does not apply to biscuits).

Each type of confectionery product should be kept in a separate container. Containers made of tin, ceramics, or food-grade plastic with a tight-fitting lid are well suited for this.

There are types of cookies that can be purchased in gift tin containers. Once their contents have been used, there is no need to throw away the container. It will be useful for subsequent storage of any type of baked goods.

A plastic food container is a convenient container for storing cookies. And beautiful ceramic vases with lids will not only help preserve treats, but will also become a bright detail of the interior.

How to keep baked goods fresh

Immediately after baking, rolls, pies and kulebyaki are removed from the baking sheets, placed on a board or wooden tray and covered with a dry, clean cloth. This measure will help preserve the baked goods longer, while they will become juicier and will not lose their taste.

  • The baked goods are served to the table after they have cooled, cut into pieces.
  • Hot pies removed from the baking sheet should not be placed on top of each other: they will lose their fluffiness. It is better to find a large dish for them. And then place the baked goods on it so that they do not stick together or become deformed. Cover the top of the product with light paper towels.
  • Uneaten baked goods are placed in food containers and closed tightly. In this form, the storage of baked goods will last longer.
  • You can pack the pies in bags or carefully wrap each of them with cling film. Several layers of baking foil will help keep the products as fresh as film.
  • The shelf life of baked goods made from yeast dough, butter dough or puff pastry will be longer if you keep it cut (applies to bulk flour products).

Cold storage

You can store cookies in the refrigerator, but only as a last resort. It is too cold for this kind of baking, and the product will quickly become stale.

It is permissible to store glazed cookies in a cold place for 5 - 7 days.

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Frozen storage

Before storing cookies in the freezer, place them on a tray in one layer and place them in the freezer for 20 to 30 minutes. Then they put it in a bag and freeze it.

The shelf life of cookies in the freezer is about 2 months, after which they will lose their original quality.

To return the product to its original properties, place it in a preheated oven for 2 - 3 minutes.

You should not keep crumbly cookies together with soft cookies: they will lose their fragile structure (become wet).


Method 1

Store cookies in a container

  1. 1
    Cool homemade cookies completely before storing them.

    Hot cookies release condensation into the air, causing the contents of the container to become soggy. And since no one likes soggy cookies, leave them to cool on a wire rack before transferring them to a container.

    If you don't have a cooling rack for baking, leave the cookies on a plate.

  2. 2
    Transfer cookies to an airtight container.

    This way it will not become soft and loose. A simple and inexpensive option is to use a ziplock bag or plastic container. If possible, choose a container where the cookies can be packed tightly. This will help restrict air flow and keep the cookies fresher longer.

    • If you buy or make different types of cookies, store them in different containers, as if you put soft cookies together with crunchy ones, the harder kind will become soggy.
    • If you are going to store the cookies in a plastic container, make sure it is made from food grade plastic.

  3. If you are storing very hard or fragile cookies, place them in a container that allows only a small amount of air (such as a cookie jar).
  4. 3
    Place sheets of parchment paper between layers of cookies.

    If you bought or made a huge batch of cookies, place sheets of parchment paper between each layer of cookies to prevent them from sticking to each other.

    • If you don't have parchment paper, use wax paper or pita bread.
    • Do not layer glazed or very soft cookies.

  5. 4
    Place a piece of white bread in the container to keep the cookies fresh.

    White bread will absorb moisture, which will keep the cookies crisp and fresh. Place a piece of fresh white bread in the top of the bag or container.

    If you don't have fresh white bread at home, use pita bread instead.

  6. 5
    Store the cookie container at room temperature.

    Soft homemade cookies will last 3 days, and hard or packaged cookies will last 2 weeks if you can manage not to eat them first! Keep the container out of the sun to keep the contents as tasty as possible.

Method 2

Freeze the cookies

  1. 1
    Transfer cold cookies to a sealed plastic bag.

    Wait until the cookies are cool to the touch. This way it will not create condensation inside the plastic bag and become damp. Choose a ziplock bag large enough to hold the cookies in a single layer.

    • A ziplock bag will protect the cookies from absorbing other flavors and will protect against unpleasant odors.
    • Freeze cookies without frosting and add frosting after they've thawed. This way the glaze will look beautiful and taste as good as possible.

  2. 2
    Store cookies in multiple bags if they don't fit in one layer.

    If there are too many cookies to sit in one flat layer, divide them between several sealed bags. This way it won't stick to each other.

  3. 3
    Keep the sealed bag in the freezer for up to 5 months.

    Over time, the cookies will begin to lose their taste. Eat it within 5 months to fully enjoy its taste. Write the date on the bag with a permanent marker so you can tell at any time how long the cookies have been in the freezer.

  4. 4
    Thaw cookies at room temperature for 15 minutes.

    Remove the cookies from the sealed bag and place them on a plate to defrost. Eat the delicious cookies as soon as they are completely thawed.

    • If there are flies flying around, cover the cookies with a clean linen towel until they thaw.
    • If you want to reheat the cookies, simply place them in the microwave for 10 seconds.

  5. 5
    Store thawed cookies in an airtight container for up to 7 days.

    You'll likely eat the cookies fairly quickly, but if there are any leftovers, store them in an airtight container. This will help it retain its original texture and stay fresh.

    Throw away the cookies after 7 days as the dairy content will spoil.

Storage without refrigeration

Storage of cookies without refrigeration, depending on their type (amount of fat in the recipe), can last from 15 days to 3 months.

The shelf life of dry sugar cookies is 3 months. Butter baked goods and those in which the amount of fat does not exceed 10% will be stored for up to 1.5 months.

Butter baked goods with a fat content of 10 - 20% can be stored for 1 month. And fattier ones - up to 15 days. Any type of baked goods should be kept in a place away from sunlight.

Use room temperature oil

If necessary, you can use cold butter, but then the cookies will not be as soft. Baking requires soft butter - it mixes better with the dry ingredients and helps the cookies maintain their shape while baking. The only exceptions are recipes that call for melted butter. The easiest way to bring it to room temperature is to cut it into pieces and leave it on a plate for half an hour while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

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homemade baking

  • Homemade baked goods retain their quality best in a closed tin container. In this case, its layers should be covered with wax paper.
  • Products with various spices should be stored separately so that bright odors are not absorbed into other types of baked goods.
  • Glazed confectionery products should be stored in one layer. But if the coating has already dried, you can do two (separating the layers with parchment).
  • When your supply of homemade gingerbread or gingerbread cookies becomes dry, do not rush to remove them from the table. After just 2 - 3 days they will return to softness, as they quickly absorb evaporation from the air. They can then be moved into a box.

Features for home baking

  • Homemade baked goods are prepared without the use of preservatives in conditions far removed from industrial production, so homemade cookies do not stay fresh for as long as store-bought ones. On average, homemade products are stored from 15 to 90 days.
  • Fatty, buttery varieties spoil most quickly - such cookies should be eaten within two weeks. Store the baked goods in airtight tins or glass jars with a sealed lid, away from moisture and sun.
  • Dry varieties such as biscuits and hard cantuccine can be stored for up to 3 months. These cookies may lose their crunchy properties. If this happens, the products should be dried in a warm oven.
  • It is better to store different types of cookies with uneven structure and fat content in separate containers.
  • If there are a lot of cookies, the box can be filled in layers, shifting the levels with baking paper.

We recommend reading our other materials, from which you will learn about the shelf life, shelf life and storage rules for churchkhela, chocolate, halva, marshmallows, marshmallows, cakes and pastries.

Storing biscuits

Galette cookies are available in two types. These are crackers and baked goods made from dough with added fat, the amount of which can reach up to 18%.

  • Dry biscuits can withstand long-term storage (up to 12 months) in a closed paper bag or tin can. In some cases, such a product will not lose quality even for 2 years. Provided that it is in a sealed vacuum package.
  • Biscuits containing fat have a shorter shelf life: up to 6 months. And they should be stored in bags made of special paper.
  1. After baking, homemade cookies are completely cooled and only then packaged for storage.
  2. You can increase the tightness of the lid of a tin container using several layers of cling film. At the same time, a tin can remains the best container for storing baked goods.
  3. Too wet cookies are placed in an oven preheated to +150°C for 5 minutes. Then keep it on a wire rack until it cools completely.
  4. A piece of fresh apple, which should be placed in the same container and closed tightly, will help a product that is too dry to return to its previous level of moisture.
  5. A piece of dry bread placed in a container with softened biscuits will absorb excess moisture and they will become crispy again.
  6. Please note that wetter types of baked goods become moldy faster.

How long cookies can be stored, as it became clear from this article, depends on many factors. But you can always prolong its freshness so that there is always a treat for tea in the house.

Homemade Cookie Recipes

Chocolate cookies “Truffles”


  • 200 gr. chocolate
  • 6 tbsp. l. butter
  • 1/2 tbsp. fine sugar
  • salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp. vanilla essence
  • 200 gr. flour
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tbsp. powdered sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter and chocolate over low heat until smooth, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and whisk in sugar.
  2. Add eggs one at a time and beat well with a mixer after each egg. Pour in vanilla. Sift flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder into chocolate mixture. Mix well. Cover the dish with cling film and refrigerate for one hour.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease with butter.
  4. Pour powdered sugar into a plate. Roll the dough into 2.5 cm balls. Roll the balls in powdered sugar; the cookies should be covered with a thick layer of powder. Place the balls on a baking sheet at a distance of 4-5 cm.
  5. Bake truffles for 10-15 minutes. When baking, the cookies will crack. Remove the finished cookies and cool. Truffle cookies should be stored in a sealed container. Enjoy your tea!
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