How to roast nuts in the hazelnut oven

Why roast hazelnuts?

To understand what is healthier - roasted or raw nuts, you need to understand why they are processed.
Nuts are usually roasted to enhance their flavor, aroma and crunchy texture. Roasting is defined as cooking food using dry heat that cooks the food evenly on all sides. Most nuts are roasted without the shell, with the exception of pistachios. Meanwhile, raw nuts are not subjected to any processing. Roasting methods are sometimes used to separate the shells of the nuts from their kernels. This is a common way to process cashews and is also the reason why they are almost never sold raw.

There are two main types of roasting:

  • Dry, without adding oil. Nuts can be dried in this way in the oven or in a frying pan.
  • Using oil. The product is also prepared in the oven or in a frying pan.

In addition to these two methods, nuts can be roasted in the microwave.

You can buy the product already prepared or make it yourself.

Many people are tormented by the question: do they need to roast hazelnuts? This nut can be consumed both raw and roasted. Nuts are usually roasted to improve their taste, aroma and give them a nice crunch.

Benefits of roasted hazelnuts:

  1. taste and aroma improves. The nut becomes crispier and less friable due to the evaporation of moisture;
  2. roasted hazelnuts (as opposed to raw) go well with salads, hot meat dishes and cheese snacks;
  3. pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. These include salmonella and E. coli. They appear on the surface of hazelnuts due to contact with the ground during harvesting or when storage conditions are not met.

For those who want to make a delicious hazel preparation at home, there are several simple ways to prepare it. Each of them will help you get a tasty and healthy snack in a few minutes.

In a frying pan

Before you start frying hazelnuts in a frying pan, you should immediately note that the method is suitable for both shelled and whole nuts.

Fry whole

  1. The nuts are washed and dried.
  2. Place a thick-bottomed frying pan over medium heat and heat it up.
  3. The product is poured into a hot vessel in one layer, stirred constantly with a wooden spatula.
  4. Active mixing ends after 10 minutes.
  5. The nuts are poured onto a spread towel.
  6. Cover the nuts with the other part of the towel and begin to rub them against each other.
  7. Husked nucleoli are ready for use.

Fry peeled

  1. We remove the thick peel, and then the dark soft skin so that the product does not become bitter.
  2. The nucleoli are washed and dried.
  3. A dry frying pan is heated, the hazel is placed on it and distributed in one layer.
  4. The kernels are stirred until a characteristic nutty smell and golden color appear - up to 10 minutes.

In the microwave

Nuts can be cooked not only over fire, but also in the microwave. Here, too, you can fry hazelnuts in hard shells or without them.

Without peeling

  1. The microwave power is set to 750 W.
  2. The washed, dried nut is placed in a mold.
  3. Cooking for no more than 10 minutes, during which time you need to stir the product several times.

Peeled kernels

  1. The power is the same.
  2. Nut preparation is standard.
  3. You can prepare no more than 300 grams per serving.
  4. The nuts are poured into the mold and cooked for up to 5 minutes in two stages: half the time has passed - the nut is taken out for a short rest, then it is left to cook for the remaining time.

Homemade hazelnuts in the oven will turn out very aromatic and tasty, and you can add sugar or your favorite spices to the prepared product.

In hard skin

  1. The culinary oven “sheet” is lined with baking paper.
  2. Pre-washed nuts are laid out in one layer.
  3. Cooking will take no more than ¼ hour in an oven preheated to 250 degrees.
  4. During cooking, you need to stir the contents several times.

Hulled kernels

  1. The washed and dried kernels are sent to a “sheet” covered with parchment.
  2. Distribution - in one layer.
  3. The oven should be preheated to 250 gr.
  4. The time until the product is ready is 10 minutes.
  5. The roasting process should be accompanied by active stirring.

Dried hazelnuts (hazelnuts) – drying at home

Some recipes recommend using only hazelnuts, while others recommend hazelnuts or hazelnuts, and insist on their own version of the recipe.
Are there any differences between hazelnuts and hazels? Essentially, these are the same nut, but hazel is a hazelnut, that is, wild, and hazelnuts are a cultivated variety. Hazelnuts may be slightly larger than their wild counterpart, but they are absolutely identical in taste and nutrients. Hazelnuts are harvested at the end of summer and until mid-autumn, when the nuts have not yet fallen and begun to deteriorate.

They spread a cloth under the hazel bush and begin to shake the branches until all the nuts are at the bottom.

You can, of course, collect nuts earlier, starting in mid-summer.

But in this case, they will not be stored for a long time and will have to be consumed within a month or two. The taste and beneficial substances are already there, but the structure of the nut itself has not yet reached the density that determines long-term storage.

Ripe hazelnuts are brown or yellow in color. Such nuts can already be preserved, but they must first be dried.

You can dry hazelnuts in their shells, or peel the kernels. Both options are good and the nuts store equally well.

In the shell, hazelnuts can be dried in the sun or in the oven. The oven should be preheated to +120 degrees, scatter the nuts on a baking sheet, and with the door ajar, warm them up for 5-6 hours.

Unfortunately, small pests also love nuts, and it happens that by mid-winter some of your nuts will be destroyed. Therefore, if there are not very many nuts, it is better to peel them and carry out severe heat treatment.

Peeled hazelnuts can be dried in an electric dryer. Set the temperature to +90 degrees and dry for 6-7 hours. The same option is suitable for shelled nuts, but in this case it is better to reduce the drying time to 1-2 hours.

Frying in a frying pan has proven itself well. Place the nuts in a dry, clean frying pan and fry them over maximum heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.

It is better to store peeled and dried nuts in glass jars. If, nevertheless, pests appear in them, you will immediately see it and will be able to take measures to save your nuts.

And if you want to know the differences between hazelnuts and hazel, watch the video:

Description of culture

Hazelnut grows as a tree or spreading shrub, about 7 m high. Thin, flexible branches are covered with brown-brown bark. The foliage is bright green, the plate is wide, jagged along the edge, reminiscent of the shape of the body of a bream, which led to the Russian name hazel. Male flowers are collected in an earring-shaped inflorescence, female flowers are located nearby in the buds of the bracts.

A mature infructescence contains 3–5 nuts, protected by a green sheath (plush) with a torn, jagged edge. The edible seed, except for the plus, is protected by a woody brown shell. The shape of the fruit, depending on the variety, is round, heart-shaped or round-oval. Size more than 1 cm in diameter.

Bred by crossing several species of wild hazelnuts, the cultivated form received the best qualities: resistance to cold, diseases and pests, as well as large fruit. Today, the nut is grown in Europe, Russia, North America and Asian countries, in areas where the climate is mostly temperate, although there are varieties resistant to low temperatures.

Did you know? Hazel wood is valued in the furniture industry and in inlay. The material has a natural shine, flexibility, pliability in processing and a characteristic pinkish-brown tint.

How does roasting affect the product?

Are roasted nuts healthy? The prepared product changes its structure and chemical composition. In particular, the nuts change color and their moisture content decreases, resulting in a crunchy texture.

Raw and roasted nuts have about the same amount of fat, carbohydrates and protein. Although the latter sometimes contain a little more fat and calories per gram, the difference is minimal.

So, 28 grams of raw almonds contain 161 calories and 14 grams of fat, while the same amount of roasted almonds contains 167 calories and 15 grams of fat.

Similarly, 28 grams of raw pecans contain 193 calories and 20 grams of fat, while the same amount of dry-roasted pecans has 199 calories and 21 grams, respectively.

During heat treatment, the product loses moisture. Therefore, it weighs less than raw. This explains why the fat content is slightly higher.

Some studies have shown that roasting nuts does not change the total fat content. However, the polyunsaturated fats in them become more susceptible to oxidation, as the structure of the product changes.

Then which nuts are healthier - roasted or raw? Meanwhile, the protein and carbohydrate content of raw and fried kernels is very similar. However, fried ones may have slightly more or less macronutrients, depending on the type.

Oddly enough, cooking with oil only increases the fat and calorie content compared to dry cooking. This occurs because the product absorbs additional oil.

Nuts are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They have the ability to lower blood cholesterol and may protect against heart disease. Are roasted nuts healthy?

High temperatures and long cooking times have the greatest impact on product composition. When polyunsaturated fats are exposed to heat, they are more likely to be damaged or oxidized. This can lead to the formation of harmful free radicals that can damage the body's cells.

Oxidized or rancid fat is responsible for the distinctive taste and smell in some nuts. Luckily, you can reduce the formation of these free radicals by controlling the roasting process.

Therefore, you must regulate the temperature and cooking time. Research has shown that when nuts are roasted at low to medium temperatures, their fats are less likely to be oxidized.

Other tests have shown that the higher the temperature and the longer the cooking time, the more likely it is that the product will contain a substance that indicates oxidation. The likelihood of oxidation also depended on the type of nut.

For example, when walnuts are roasted under extreme conditions at 180°C for twenty minutes, oxidation increases 17 times compared to the raw product. Moreover, this indicator increases only 1.8 times in hazelnuts and 2.5 times in pistachios.

This is due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fat in walnuts. It accounts for 72% of the total content of this nutrient. Are roasted walnuts healthy? The harm from oxidized fats can be noticeable, so it is better to eat this product raw.

Nuts are an excellent source of nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium and phosphorus. They are also rich in antioxidants. Some of these nutrients are heat sensitive and may be lost during the roasting process. These include antioxidants. These same characteristics apply to peanuts, which are not nuts.

In one study, antioxidant levels in various nuts consistently decreased when roasted at 150°C for up to 30 minutes. It is also interesting that antioxidant activity increased after 60 minutes. This is because the compounds that have this ability are formed during a chemical reaction that occurs during roasting.

Additionally, not all antioxidants are damaged by heat. Test results reported that the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin in roasted pistachios and hazelnuts did not change.

Research also shows that vitamin E, thiamine and carotenoids are lost during heating. However, the degree of their loss depends on the type of nut and the roasting temperature.

In fact, one study found that roasting almonds and walnuts caused a greater loss of vitamins than roasting hazelnuts, while heating pistachios had no such effect on their composition at all.

The degree of vitamin loss increases as the roasting temperature increases. Thus, alpha-tocopherol levels are also affected during heating. When processed for 25 minutes at 140 °C, its amount is reduced by 20% in almonds and 16% in hazelnuts compared to the raw product.

The higher the cooking temperature, the more alpha-tocopherol is lost. After 15 minutes of roasting at 160-170°C, levels were reduced by 54% in almonds and 20% in hazelnuts compared to raw nuts.

Thiamine levels also decreased during frying in direct proportion to temperature. However, the amount of riboflavin was not affected.

Which nuts are healthier - roasted or not? In general, each type of food and its levels of each nutrient respond differently to frying. Although some vitamins are lost during the heating process, keep in mind that nuts are not, in principle, the main sources of these substances. The exception is almonds, which contain large amounts of vitamin E.

Hazelnuts are considered to be the nut with the longest shelf life. If a number of conditions are met, it can remain intact for up to several years. However, the shelled product has a shorter shelf life, and the fried product should be consumed as soon as possible. In this case, you should definitely take into account some nuances:

  • After roasting, the nuts should be used up within a few days;
  • storage should take place in a jar with a lid;
  • there should be no foreign odors in the place where nuts, especially shelled ones, will be stored;
  • temperature conditions for storage are as low as possible - the top shelf of the refrigerator or freezer;
  • There should be no other nuts in the jar with hazelnuts.

During storage, nuts should not change their appearance or taste. Both are signs of damage and the first sign that it’s time to get rid of this hazel, otherwise health problems will not keep you waiting.


Hazelnuts can be eaten without removing the thin skin, although most people prefer to remove the shell first and enjoy the completely shelled nuts. Roasting the hazelnuts will make it easier to remove the husks. But you need to take into account that there are types of this nut, for example, Oregon, which are difficult to peel.

That is, it will not be possible to completely remove the husk, but in this case there is nothing terrible. Hazelnut husk is an additional source of vitamins, and it gives the product a beautiful color.

To remove the husks from nuts, you must follow these steps:

  • carefully place the hot roasted nuts on a terry towel;
  • wrap them up and lightly wipe them against each other.

So, it will be possible to remove the almost fallen off, paper-like husk, which tastes a little bitter. After this, the prepared product can be served.

Most often, people like to eat nuts as is, but some people add them to cookies, meat, or use their own recipe.

Recommendation: Roasted nuts can be stored in a sealed container in the freezer for 3-4 months. To do this, the prepared product must be allowed to stand at a temperature of +22...+25 degrees before placing it in the freezer.

Also, do not forget to remove the roasted hazelnuts from the frying pan or other heat-resistant container immediately after the nuts are cooked, otherwise they can be overcooked.

You need to keep a close eye on the nuts when they start to get a little toasty, as hazelnuts burn quickly over high heat.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Which nuts are healthier – roasted or raw? The rich aroma, color and crunchy texture of roasted nuts comes from compounds that are formed in a chemical reaction called the Maillard reaction. It occurs between the amino acid asparagine and the natural sugar in the product. This happens when the nuts are heated above 120°C and as a result they turn brown.

The Maillard reaction may also be responsible for the formation of the harmful substance acrylamide. It is known to cause cancer in animals when consumed in very high doses. It may also have potentially cancer-causing effects in humans, but there is insufficient evidence for this.

Which nuts are healthier (roasted or raw), taking into account the presence or absence of heat treatment? Potentially harmful bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli may be present in raw kernels. This happens because nuts sometimes fall to the ground during harvesting. If the soil is contaminated with bacteria, food will easily come into contact with it.

Contaminated water may also contain harmful microorganisms and enter the nuts during or after harvest.

Even fried kernels are beneficial to the body, as they contain amino acids, minerals, vitamins and other useful elements necessary for the body.

The fruit contains:

  • healthy fats - omega-6, omega-9;
  • phytosterol compounds;
  • essential amino acids - arginine, valine, isoleucine, leucine;
  • vitamins - thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid (B5), folic acid (B9), tocopherol (E), biotin (H), phylloquinone (K), nicotinamide (PP);
  • minerals - iron, copper, zinc, potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, molybdenum, chromium, cobalt, manganese.

Energy value per 100 g:

  • proteins 16 g;
  • fats 67 g;
  • carbohydrates 10 g.

Roasting itself does not change the chemical composition of the product too much. The protein and carbohydrate content of roasted and raw hazelnuts is almost identical. However, fried hazel becomes slightly higher in caloric content and fat content, but the increase cannot be called significant. But the appearance, taste, and smell of the product after frying are much more pleasant, and it’s safer to consume processed hazelnuts for safety reasons. The main thing is to understand the technology correctly - how to fry hazelnuts correctly so as not to spoil the nut.

In 100 gr. roasted hazelnuts 703 kcal. The product contains:

  • protein part – 17.8 g;
  • fat – 66.1 g;
  • carbohydrate – 9.4 g.

The remaining components are dietary fiber and liquid.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of the product is very high, so people suffering from obesity should refrain from actively consuming the nut. The daily intake is considered to be 30 grams. or 11-12 nucleoli.

How to roast hazelnuts: in shell and without, in a frying pan, in the oven, in the microwave

Raw hazelnuts have a tart flavor that isn't to everyone's taste. But roasted nuts are a completely different matter. After all, this product contains many healthy vitamins and minerals. It is only important to prepare them correctly. We will talk further about how to roast hazelnuts in different ways.

The benefits and harms of roasted hazelnuts

Hazelnuts can be safely called a storehouse of beneficial properties. Hazelnut fruits contain:

  • fluorine and sulfur;
  • copper and iodine;
  • phosphorus and calcium;
  • iron and zinc;
  • vitamins of groups PP, A, C;
  • vegetable proteins and 20 different amino acids.

The benefits of roasted hazelnuts are as follows:

  1. Strengthening the skeletal system, therefore, reduces the risk of developing diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, and osteoporosis.
  2. The presence of potassium has a positive effect on the nervous and muscular system.
  3. Vitamins B and E have a beneficial effect on muscles, heart and blood vessels, a person is less susceptible to various types of infections and cancer.
  4. Roasted hazel increases not only immunity, but also the intellectual potential of people engaged in mental work.
  5. It is useful to take fried hazel for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, urolithiasis, chronic fatigue, and varicose veins.
  6. Thanks to amino acids, the level of bad cholesterol and blood clots are reduced.
  7. Saves the body from intoxication and the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

Attention! Roasted or dried hazelnuts, consumed in small doses, promote weight loss, as a person quickly becomes full.

Healthy fried fruits in some cases can be dangerous to human health:

  1. You should not eat fried hazel that has been stored for a long time, as this promotes the growth of harmful fungi, causing the product to become toxic.
  2. It is harmful to eat fried fruits in large quantities due to their high calorie content: 100 g of the product contains about 700 kcal.

Advice! 40-50 g of nuts per day is enough to tone the body.

It is difficult to determine which nut tree fruits are healthier and better. For example, fresh hazelnuts can be added to salads, meat dishes, cheese snacks and various cereals.

Roasted nuts are best consumed in small quantities because, according to many people, they contain a lot of folic acid.

How to properly roast hazelnuts

To toast hazelnuts, you need to follow some rules. The fruits can be cooked with or without the shell, depending on taste preferences. However, removing the skins makes it easier to sort out moldy or foul-smelling kernels. For frying you can use:

  • frying pan with a thick bottom;
  • oven;
  • microwave.

If hazelnuts are roasted without shells, then they need to be specially prepared:

  1. Remove the shell and remove the brown skin.
  2. Boil water in a large saucepan and remove it from the stove.
  3. Place the peeled fruits in boiling water and keep them for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Drain the nuts in a colander, then place on a towel to dry thoroughly.
  5. Remove the thin film.

Warning! Under no circumstances should fruits be boiled; they will lose minerals and vitamins from prolonged heat treatment.

It is not necessary to peel the shell before frying. In this case, the product is not blanched. Place the hazelnuts in a dry, preheated frying pan. When the shell begins to crack, the fried fruits are poured from the frying pan onto one part of the cloth. Cover the top with the other half and easily grind. The shell separates well.

How to fry hazelnuts in a frying pan without shells


  1. Peel the scalded and dried fruits from the shell and place in a frying pan.
  2. With constant stirring, dry the hazelnuts over low heat for no more than 3 minutes.
  3. Then increase the temperature and continue frying for 5 minutes.
  4. During this time, the white kernels will turn golden and a specific nutty aroma will appear.

How to roast hazelnuts in the oven in their shells

If you need to fry a large number of fruits, then neither a frying pan nor a microwave will do. It's better to use the oven. Place nuts in 1 layer on a clean sheet. The oven is heated to 250 degrees. Stir the contents for 5-8 minutes to fry evenly on all sides.

How to roast hazelnuts in the oven without shells

Place unshelled nuts on a sheet and place in an oven heated to 250 degrees for roasting. After 15 minutes the kernels will be ready to eat.

Important! During the frying process, the fruits are stirred.

Hazelnuts in a hard shell can be roasted in a microwave oven, the power of which is set to high temperature. Fry the unpeeled fruits for 7-10 minutes. The finished nut will not have a roasted flavor.

Roasting hazelnuts in the microwave in the shell

You can cook no more than 200-300 g of roasted hazelnuts in the microwave. The temperature is set exactly the same as for the nut in the outer shell.

Fry in 2 stages: after 3-5 minutes, remove the nuts, cool slightly and let them fry for another same time.

If the fruits do not acquire a golden color during frying, you can keep them in the microwave for another 1-2 minutes.

Attention! In the oven and microwave, the kernels are fried not only on the outside, but also on the inside, but only if the nuts are constantly stirred.

Roasted hazelnuts contain many more calories than raw or dried hazelnuts. Nutritional value – from 646 to 702 kcal.

100 g of roasted nut contains:

  • proteins – 15.0-17.8 g;
  • fat – 62.4-66.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 17.6-17.8 g.

Terms and conditions of storage

It’s clear how to roast hazelnuts at home. Now you need to think about storing the product. It is better to prepare the dessert in small quantities so that you can eat it right away, as the nuts quickly lose their quality. But if a large number of fruits have been fried, then care should be taken about storage conditions and periods.

How to properly store roasted hazelnuts:

  1. The fried dessert should be kept only in a dry, cool place, preferably without access to light.
  2. Storage containers should be made of natural, non-toxic materials. You can use bags made of thick fabric.
  3. Containers must close well. Plastic bags for storing fried products are not recommended, as harmful condensation forms in them when the temperature changes.
  4. Hazelnuts are kept separate from other varieties of nuts.
  5. It is not recommended to store roasted nuts next to foods that have a strong odor, as the fruits quickly absorb it.
  6. Nuts with an unpleasant odor and signs of mold should not be eaten, as they can cause intoxication.

Important! Roasted hazelnuts, unlike raw, dried or salted ones, are not stored for long, no more than 2-3 months at a temperature of +3... +12 degrees.

Knowing how to roast hazelnuts, you can prepare a delicious dessert at home at any time. And on its basis - various dishes to diversify the family’s diet.


Beneficial features

Taking into account the whole complex of elements in the composition of the fruit, the product has a beneficial effect on both individual organs and body systems.

Important! Only a fresh and high-quality product brings benefits; when purchasing, pay attention to its color, smell and storage conditions.

  • Properties and action of nuclei:
  • Replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • It is a source of essential amino acids.
  • Improves the functioning of the female reproductive system. Promotes conception and supplies the fetus with the elements necessary for normal development. Supports the mother's body, helps recover after childbirth, especially after blood loss, promotes lactation.
  • Increases libido in men, stimulates sexual function, improves the quality of seminal fluid, and prevents prostate disease.
  • Improves appearance - hair, skin, nails. Prevents premature aging of cells and the formation of early wrinkles. It is a preventative and therapeutic agent for skin diseases.
  • Stabilizes the nervous system, relieves symptoms of anxiety, eliminates insomnia.
  • Develops children's memory, ability to assimilate educational material, and concentration. Promotes normal growth and development of bone and muscle tissue, strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Improves metabolism, eliminates the formation of cholesterol plaques, and is easily absorbed by the body. Thanks to fiber, it gently cleanses the intestines of undigested food.
  • Good for the cardiovascular system, blood circulation and blood formation, reduces the risk of anemia and heart disease.

How to store it correctly

Once the hazelnuts have been roasted, you need to think about storing them. It is advisable to fry the nuts in small quantities, so the product can be consumed immediately, since hazelnuts almost instantly lose their beneficial properties. But if a lot of kernels have been prepared, then you need to think about how to properly store hazelnuts.

Rules for storing nuts:

  • containers for storing fried nuts must be made from natural and non-toxic materials. Bags made of thick fabric are most often used for this;
  • the fried product must be stored only in a dry state, in a cool room, preferably out of the bright rays of the sun;
  • nuts should be kept separate from other types of nuts;
  • The container must be sealed. Ordinary bags for storing roasted nuts are not suitable, since during a temperature change, condensation appears in the product, which has a detrimental effect on the hazelnuts;
  • nuts with an unpleasant aroma and signs of mold are prohibited from being eaten, as they can cause severe poisoning;
  • It is not recommended to store roasted nuts near foods that have a pronounced aroma, since hazelnuts quickly absorb various odors.

Attention! Fried kernels, unlike raw, salted or dried, can be stored for a fairly short time, no more than six months at a temperature of +4...+15 °C.

Benefits of hazelnuts for the human body:

  • Constant consumption of hazelnuts helps strengthen the immune system; consumption is also required to improve metabolism and remove toxins;
  • fried kernels, due to the oil content in the fruit, are perfectly absorbed in the esophagus;
  • Hazelnuts are often added to dishes when preparing medicines against gout and rheumatism. The increased concentration of nut oils allows these nuts to be used for cosmetic purposes;
  • By adding hazelnuts to healing compositions with other beneficial substances, you can prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • With the help of a high amount of useful elements and vitamins, nuts have a positive effect on brain function.

Important! Only roasted fruits are eaten. Because they are much softer and are not a source of various diseases.

Certain varieties of hazelnuts are used for landscape design purposes. The leaves of this plant have an attractive red tint, so this tree is often planted near private households as a garden decoration.

Properly prepared hazelnuts are an excellent treat for many people, who simply eat them or use them to prepare delicious dishes. Making confectionery products, preparing various sauces and desserts with the addition of these nuts is always distinguished by its specific pleasant taste.

Raw hazelnuts have a tart flavor that isn't to everyone's taste. But roasted nuts are a completely different matter. After all, this product contains many healthy vitamins and minerals. It is only important to prepare them correctly. We will talk further about how to roast hazelnuts in different ways.

How best to use

Of course, the healthiest thing will be a raw nut, in which case it will provide the full vitamin and mineral complex. In addition, it is lower in calories - 100 grams contain 650 kcal. Nutritionists recommend soaking the kernels in water for a couple of hours, so the product is easier to digest.

Next comes the dried kernel. Dried under natural conditions without heat treatment, the fruit loses a minimal amount of oils and water, its calorie content, BJU and composition of nutrients remains unchanged.

The calorie content increases, especially if you fry in a large amount of oil, add salt or sugar. Properly prepared kernels will not cause harm, subject to normal consumption. You are allowed to eat no more than 30 g of fruits per day, raw or dried up to 50 g.

Roasted nuts may contain harmful chemicals

The polyunsaturated fat in nuts is also more vulnerable to oxidation during storage. This is because the structure of the product changes when it is fried, allowing the fat to more easily come into contact with oxygen and thus oxidize.

This reduces shelf life. Thus, roasted kernels should be stored for shorter periods than raw ones.

In addition, some studies show that trans fats are also formed after frying. But their number is insignificant. Which nuts are healthier – roasted or dried? Since drying is the same as frying, but without the use of oils, this product is healthier.

Terms and conditions of storage

It’s clear how to roast hazelnuts at home. Now you need to think about storing the product. It is better to prepare the dessert in small quantities so that you can eat it right away, as the nuts quickly lose their quality. But if a large number of fruits have been fried, then care should be taken about storage conditions and periods.

How to properly store roasted hazelnuts:

  1. The fried dessert should be kept only in a dry, cool place, preferably without access to light.
  2. Storage containers should be made of natural, non-toxic materials. You can use bags made of thick fabric.
  3. Containers must close well. Plastic bags for storing fried products are not recommended, as harmful condensation forms in them when the temperature changes.
  4. Hazelnuts are kept separate from other varieties of nuts.
  5. It is not recommended to store roasted nuts next to foods that have a strong odor, as the fruits quickly absorb it.
  6. Nuts with an unpleasant odor and signs of mold should not be eaten, as they can cause intoxication.

Application in medicine

Usually in folk medicine, raw or dry hazelnuts are used, but there are a couple of recipes using lightly roasted kernels. Anemia can be eliminated with the help of this drug: a mixture of fruits and honey in a 2:1 ratio, crushed in a blender. Take 1 tbsp. l. without a slide three times a day before meals.

For anemia, a medicine is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • nuts 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey 2 tsp;
  • dried apricots 5 fruits;
  • boiling water 250 ml.

Mix the ingredients, add 50 ml of boiling water and blend in a blender. Then add the remaining water and leave for half an hour. Eat 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, before or after meals (it doesn’t matter), the course lasts three weeks.

Important! Hazelnuts are not an independent medicine; you should not refuse therapeutic treatment prescribed by your doctor.

To prepare, take 6–8 fruits and grind them to a powder state. Then add 20 ml of olive or linseed oil to the mass and let stand for 20–30 minutes. The soaked mixture is applied to unhealthy areas of the skin for 10 minutes; it is best to rinse off with cool green tea or chamomile infusion.

Roasted hazelnuts in cooking

Hazelnuts, like walnuts, are popular in cooking because they add a pleasant taste and texture to a dish. Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate chocolate with whole kernels, nut butter with chopped fruits and various types of baked goods with the addition of nuts to the dough, filling or as decoration.

Did you know? Many peoples revered the hazelnut as a symbol of God: the Romans - Mercury, the Scandinavians - Odin, the Greeks - Hermes, the Celts - Lug.

The oily crushed mass is added to add piquancy to curd mousses, cheese snacks, and salads of vegetables, fruits, meat and poultry. To the second courses add nut-cream sauce and gravy with chopped kernels. It is healthy and nutritious to consume the product for breakfast with whole grain porridge and fruit.

Hazelnuts are used as a flavoring for alcohol, coffee, and dairy drinks. Bread is baked with the addition of kernels, and sugary oriental sweets are prepared. Roasted nuts have a more pronounced aroma and taste than raw ones. Even with the loss of a small amount of useful substances during the roasting process, hazelnuts are beneficial for the body, but in measured quantities.


To properly make roasted hazelnuts, certain conditions must be met. The kernels can be cooked with or without the shell, it depends on personal preference. But when removing the skins, it is easier to sort fruits that have mold or an unpleasant aroma. To roast nuts, you can use:

  • Microwave oven.
  • Oven.
  • A frying pan with a thick bottom.

If nuts are fried without shells, they must be specially prepared:

  • remove the shell and remove the brown husk;
  • heat water in any large container;
  • place the peeled nuts in boiling water and keep them for no longer than 15 minutes;
  • Drain the kernels in a colander, then pour onto a towel. Let dry completely;
  • remove thin shell.

Attention! Cooking hazelnuts is prohibited in any case, since the fruits will lose beneficial substances from prolonged heat treatment.

In a frying pan

You can fry hazelnuts in a frying pan in the shell. To do this, the fruits should not be blanched. It is necessary to place the nuts on a dry, previously heated frying pan. After the shell begins to crack, the fried kernels are poured from the frying pan onto part of the towel. Cover with another part on top and carefully grind. The husk should separate well.

  • scalded and dried berries with boiled water must be transferred to a frying pan;
  • with regular stirring, dry the nuts over low heat for no longer than 5 minutes;
  • then increase the temperature and continue frying for 15 minutes;
  • During the frying process, the white fruits of the nut will acquire a golden hue, and a characteristic hazelnut smell will appear.

How to reduce this harm?

Roasting temperature has a greater effect on acrylamide formation than duration. Almonds are most susceptible to the formation of this substance because they contain large amounts of the amino acid asparagine.

Acrylamide begins to form in almonds when the nuts are heated above 130°C. The concentration of this substance becomes especially high at temperatures above 146 °C.

Are roasted nuts harmful? Different kernels exhibit different levels of acrylamides when roasted. Thus, the level of this compound almost doubled in pistachios when they were roasted at the same temperature as almonds. However, no acrylamide was found in macadamia nuts, walnuts or hazelnuts.

It's important to note that even if you are exposed to acrylamide in almonds, as well as other foods, these amounts are not considered harmful. However, if you want to minimize exposure to this substance, be sure to fry the product at a relatively low temperature (about 130 °C).

Is it really that dangerous?

In fact, salmonella has been found in raw nuts, including almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts and pistachios. One study reported that almost 1% of various kernel samples contained this dangerous bacterium. It was not found only in pecans.

However, the amount of salmonella detected was low, so it may not cause illness in healthy people.

In addition, raw nuts may contain the poisonous carcinogen aflatoxin, which is produced by fungi that sometimes infect plant kernels and seeds. However, this substance is very stable and can survive the frying process. The best way to avoid aflatoxin contamination is to control humidity and temperature during drying and storage rather than roasting.

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