Heparin ointment 25g No. 1

Instructions for use

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions, which describe the composition and principle of operation. It states how to use the drug and the expiration date. Instructions for use of heparin ointment stipulate:

  • inadmissibility of simultaneous use with alcohol;
  • contraindications, side effects;
  • combination with other drugs - the effect is increased by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antihistamines are reduced.

For hemorrhoids

The appearance of this disease is caused by sedentary work, limited mobility, and pregnancy. As a result of the expansion of the veins, nodes are formed that cause trouble due to pain, inflammation, and the appearance of blood clots. Heparin for hemorrhoids in adults is prescribed only in the absence of bleeding. During treatment the following process occurs:

  • attenuation of inflammation;
  • blood thinning;
  • eliminating pain;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots.

Heparin is used in conjunction with other treatment methods and helps shorten recovery time. Doctors determine the dosage and order of use. Recommend:

  • applying the drug to a tampon and then inserting it into the anus;
  • for the external form of the disease - lubricate the inflamed surface, use a bandage.

For wrinkles

Unexpectedly, this medicine has found application in the field of beauty. Heparin ointment against wrinkles around the eyes works no worse than expensive cosmetics

It is important to apply it in a thin layer to cleansed skin, taking into account contraindications for use. The product has:

  • rejuvenating effect;
  • eliminates bags under the eyes;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • improves complexion;
  • slows down aging;
  • tightens the skin.

For bruises

Such an unpleasant phenomenon can appear as a result of injury, mechanical action, fatigue, or as a consequence of a disease

Applying heparin to the eye area requires caution. Contact with the mucous membrane is unacceptable - this can cause irritation.

Due to its anticoagulant effect, heparin for bruises helps:

  • improving the condition of capillaries;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • resorption of bruises;
  • eliminating swelling;
  • pain relief.

For acne

In cosmetology, this heparin medicine is used against acne. The use of the product is especially effective at the first symptoms of development - redness, swelling. It is unacceptable to use the medicine in the presence of ulcers or skin lesions. Heparin ointment for acne helps:

  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • stop inflammation;
  • relieve pain;
  • eliminate spots, scars – acne marks;
  • resolve small hematomas;
  • eliminate the rosacea network.

For varicose veins

A serious danger of varicose veins lies in the likelihood of blood clots due to poor circulation. The skin in the affected area may become red and swollen. It is not difficult to prevent the situation if you engage in prevention from the very beginning of the diagnosis. Heparin ointment for varicose veins solves this problem. With its use:

  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • leg fatigue goes away;
  • the formation of blood clots is prevented;
  • blood clots dissolve.

For bruises

An indispensable heparin product for athletes, ballerinas, and outdoor enthusiasts. For injuries, the use of the drug does not cause skin irritation and reduces painful symptoms. Heparin ointment for bruises is applied twice a day in a thin layer, evenly distributed over the surface. Using:

  • swelling is relieved;
  • the inflammatory process goes through;
  • bruises are eliminated;
  • hematomas resolve;
  • thrombus formation does not develop;
  • the regeneration of subcutaneous tissue is accelerated.

Contraindications to the use of Heparin ointment

In general, reviews of Heparin ointment are good, but it cannot be used if hypersensitivity to the drug is detected, necrotic, ulcerative processes on the skin are observed.

Do not apply ointment to open wounds if deep venous thrombosis is diagnosed.

Heparin ointment for bruises should not be used if a traumatic violation of the integrity of the skin is found at the site of the hematoma.

The use of Heparin ointment is prescribed with caution if the patient has a tendency to develop bleeding or thrombocytopenia.

What does Heparin ointment help with?

Heparin ointment according to the instructions is indicated as a preventive thrombophlebitis of superficial veins and a therapeutic agent, and also helps with:

  • inflammation of the venous wall (phlebitis), which developed after injections or infusions;
  • disturbance of lymph outflow in the extremities (elephantiasis);
  • inflammation of the lymphatic vessels (lymphangitis);
  • trophic ulcers of the leg;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • superficial mastitis;
  • superficial periphlebitis;
  • swelling and infiltrates in certain areas of the body;
  • subcutaneous hematoma;
  • bruises and injuries, including joints, tendons, muscles, not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin.

When prescribing the dosage of a medicine, the doctor always takes into account the general condition of the patient, so it is always individual

Heparin ointment 25g No. 1

Active ingredient: Sodium Heparin, Benzocaine, Benzylnicotinate Brand: HEPARIN Indications:

  • prevention and treatment of superficial vein thrombophlebitis;
  • post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis;
  • external hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of postpartum hemorrhoids;
  • trophic ulcers of the leg;
  • elephantiasis;
  • superficial periphlebitis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • superficial mastitis;
  • localized infiltrates and edema;
  • injuries and bruises without violating the integrity of the skin (including muscle tissue, tendons, joints);
  • subcutaneous hematoma.

Dosage form: ointment Side effects: Possible allergic reactions, skin hyperemia.
Manufacturer: Nizhpharm, Russia Ingredients:

Active ingredients: heparin 10,000 units; anesthesin 4 g; benzyl nicotinate 0.08 g;

Excipients: up to 1 g - glycerin (glycerol); petrolatum; cosmetic stearin “D”; peach oil; emulsifier No. 1; Lanette®; nipagin (methylhydroxybenzoate); nipazole (propyl hydroxybenzoate); purified water

How to take, course of administration and dosage:

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area (at the rate of 0.5–1 g per area with a diameter of 3–5 cm) and the ointment is carefully rubbed into the skin.

For thrombosis of external hemorrhoids, the ointment is applied to a pad, which is applied directly to the thrombosed nodes and fixed. For the same purpose, you can use a tampon soaked in heparin ointment, which is inserted into the anus.

The ointment is used 2-3 times a day every day until the inflammation disappears, on average from 3 to 7 days. The possibility of a longer course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Quantity per package: 25 g Contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • ulcerative-necrotic processes;
  • traumatic violation of the integrity of the skin.

Use with caution in case of thrombocytopenia and increased tendency to bleeding.

Pharmachologic effect:

Heparin ointment is a direct anticoagulant. Heparin gradually released from the ointment reduces the inflammatory process and has an antithrombotic effect. Promotes the resorption of existing ones and prevents the formation of new blood clots. Blocks thrombin synthesis, reduces platelet aggregation. Inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase, activates the fibrinolytic properties of the blood.

Nicotinic acid benzyl ester dilates superficial vessels, promoting the absorption of heparin.

The local anesthetic benzocaine reduces the severity of pain. When applied to the skin, it has a local analgesic effect.

Shelf life: 3 years Storage conditions: In a dry, cool place, protected from light Release form:

ointment for external use

Heparin ointment for varicose veins

Varicose veins are a disease of human veins, their persistent expansion and protrusion. As a rule, it forms in the human limbs, in the legs (where blood flow is physiologically slowed down). The causes of varicose veins are slagging in the body, toxic deposits in the blood vessels and liver, changes in the composition of the blood, and its thickening. Hence, the main treatment for varicose veins is cleansing the body of toxins and dissolving blood clots.

General measures to improve liver function and normalize blood flow can be supplemented with local treatment. To do this, it is necessary to apply absorbable ointment to the venous protrusions. This therapy reduces bulging veins and reduces discomfort.

Heparin can be used as an inexpensive absorbable cream. The ointment is applied to areas where the disease has spread - spider veins and dilated veins. In this case, the ointment can be rubbed in or applied as a compress. The composition is slowly absorbed through the skin into the blood and has a therapeutic effect - it accelerates local blood flow and dissolves blood clots.

Heparin ointment for blood clots is an effective and affordable local treatment. It is applied twice a day for two weeks. At the same time, you should not massage or actively rub the composition. It should be applied with minimal pressure, or even better, fixed in the form of a compress.

Heparin treatment does not solve the main problem (liver dysfunction and congestion in the systemic blood flow), but will improve the condition of diseased vessels (reduces their stretching and protrusion, reduces the number of clots and deposits). Reviews confirm that heparin ointment treats inflammation and removes vascular networks and spider veins. It also reduces venous protrusions and hemorrhoids.

Instructions for use of Heparin ointment

According to the instructions for Heparin ointment, it is applied to the affected areas two or three times a day (0.5-1 g per area with a diameter of 3-5 cm), gently rubbing into the skin. The course of treatment usually lasts until the inflammatory processes disappear, usually 3-7 days.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids is applied to rectal tampons or bandages (usually made of calico fabric), which are then inserted into the anus or applied to the hemorrhoids, respectively (the bandages must be fixed after application).

Heparin ointment is used for hemorrhoids every day, and the course of treatment lasts until the painful symptoms disappear - usually no more than 3-14 days.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to use heparin ointment simultaneously with medications for topical use, for example, with products that contain tetracycline, hydrocortisone, salicylic acid, and anticoagulants. The use of heparin ointment may increase prothrombin time in patients using oral anticoagulants.

The effect of heparin ointment is enhanced by anticoagulants, acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The effectiveness of heparin ointment is weakened by digitalis preparations, tetracyclines, nicotine, and antihistamines. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during the treatment course.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

Ointment for hemorrhoids is used in case of thrombosis of cavernous formations. With pathology, the veins cannot cope with blood outflow due to low tone - stagnation is observed in certain areas, the blood thickens, and blood clots form.

If you treat hemorrhoids with heparin ointment, you can count on a fairly prompt effect: as the blood thins, the blood clots begin to dissolve.

For internal nodes, tampons with medicine help relieve inflammation, pain and eliminate discomfort in the local area. If the patient has external hemorrhoids, the ointment is applied directly to the nodes.

Selection and purchase of ointment

To begin, select a manufacturer. You can focus on the price and size of the tube offered by the pharmaceutical company.

Most companies offer a 25 g tube. In such a package you can buy products from Nizhpharm, BELMEDPREPRATY, Altaivitamins.


Are you allergic to heparin? You can be treated with other drugs of similar effect:

  • Hirudoven and Troxevasin improve lymph outflow and eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins;
  • Trombless will relieve swelling and help recover from injury or bruise;
  • Lyoton 1000 will be an excellent prevention of deep vein thrombosis;
  • Badyagi powder will relieve bruises and speed up wound healing.

Instructions for use

The ointment is applied in small portions to the affected areas and rubbed in a little. Used for 7 days 2-3 times a day. Only the doctor prescribes an additional period of treatment if the inflammation does not go away.

They are applied directly to the inflammation and fixed. The ointment is used daily for a course of 3 days to 2 weeks. To treat internal inflammation, tampons are soaked in ointment and inserted internally. For ulcers, only the skin around the open wound is lubricated with the drug.

Heparin ointment is recommended for use when determining the diagnosis and carefully studying the official instructions. This will prevent possible worsening of the existing disease.

How to use Heparin ointment correctly

The ointment is for external use only. For thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, the product is applied to problem areas of the skin in a thin layer, 1 to 3 times a day, gently rubbing. One gram of cream is enough to treat an area of ​​skin with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The course of therapy is determined by the doctor, depends on the characteristics of the disease and usually ranges from 3 days to 1 week.

Therapy for external hemorrhoids is carried out by applying the ointment directly to the painful areas, fixing the product with a sterile bandage. Rectal administration of the drug using tampons soaked in heparin ointment is also used. Frequency of use – 2-3 times a day.

The course of treatment is carried out until the inflammatory phenomena completely disappear, from 3 days to 2 weeks. For hemorrhoids in pregnant women and after childbirth, the ointment can be used only after the approval of the attending physician.

Places of bruises, hematomas and bruises are lubricated with the composition 1-2 times a day until they disappear completely.

Resorption of subcutaneous infiltrates is carried out in the same way. Thanks to the anticoagulant effect, subcutaneous blood clots dissolve, pain is relieved, and the condition of capillary vessels improves.


Local application (application to the skin) leads to the slow release of heparin from the dosage form and absorption into the skin at the site of application. The active substance inhibits platelet aggregation (sticking together) and disrupts thrombin synthesis. This leads to the prevention of the formation of blood clots on the inner wall of blood vessels. Heparin leads to activation of the fibrinolytic component of the blood coagulation system, which causes the dissolution of blood clots and normalization of blood flow through the affected vessels. The chemical reduces the inflammatory response of tissues by blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins.

Nicotinic acid ester reflexively dilates superficially located vessels, which promotes better absorption of heparin ointment and penetration of the drug through the skin barrier into the tissue. Benzocaine has an analgesic effect in the area where the ointment is applied and increases the effectiveness and tolerability of local therapy.


There are alternative drugs with unfractionated heparin in the composition:

Name of the drugPriceRelease formProductionHas an effect
Lyoton 1000from 369 rub.Gel for external useGermany
  • antiexudative;
  • decreased ability to form blood clots;
  • moderate anti-inflammatory.
Tromblessfrom 266 rub.Gel for external useRussia
  • antiproliferative;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller.
Lavenum315 rub.Gel for external useRussia
  • moderate anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • antithrombotic

Heparin ointment is considered a universal remedy for solving a whole range of various ailments. By carefully understanding what exactly it helps with, you can quickly cope with an emerging health problem or cosmetic defect in the skin of the face.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

General information about the ointment

The product is white in color and practically odorless. The ointment is homogeneous and thick in consistency - it does not spread when applied, but is easily distributed over the skin and absorbed.

Sold without an applicator and applied with clean hands to cleansed skin at the site of injury, wound, hematoma. When applied, it does not cause any discomfort or burning sensation; on the contrary, the area is numbed and softened.


The main work in the cream is performed by sodium heparin - a powder that is obtained from the internal organs of cattle. Heparin thins the blood and prevents platelets from sticking together, that is, it prevents the formation of blood clots and blockage of veins.

But this is not the only powerful substance. Contains benzocaine and benzyl nicotinate. The first component anesthetizes the site of application, and the second expands the blood vessels of the skin and allows the medicine to penetrate inside faster.


In 2020, a 25 g tube of heparin ointment can be bought for 47-80 rubles. The price depends on the place of purchase and the manufacturer.

For example, a product can be bought for 50 rubles, but an ointment from Tatkhimfarmpreparaty with exactly the same active substance in its composition (sodium heparin) will cost 10 times more.

Indications for use of ointment

General indications for use of the drug are:

  1. Superficial thrombophlebitis of the extremities.
  2. Inflammation of the veins.
  3. Damage to veins after injections, especially repeated ones.
  4. Blockage of the hemorrhoidal or rectal veins (this condition occurs as a result of their blockage by a blood clot).
  5. Injuries.
  6. Elephantiasis of the legs.
  7. Lamphangitis.
  8. The appearance of bruises.

Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes heparin ointment for a black eye can be dangerous if the patient has a hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.

Is it possible to use ointment for children's bruises? According to the instructions for use, this drug is not prescribed to children under 14 years of age. This warning should not be ignored, because heparin in childhood can cause dangerous complications. Before starting treatment, you must visit a doctor: there are some prohibitions on the use of the drug.

Indications for use of Heparin ointment

In most cases, the drug is prescribed by a doctor to treat thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the walls of the veins), as well as to combat bruises resulting from injury or, as is often the case, long-term use of IVs.

Sometimes Heparin ointment is used as a medicine against complications from varicose veins. Often, it is prescribed for hemorrhoids.

Heparin-based ointment can be prescribed for:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thrombosis;
  • hemorrhoids and postpartum inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • trophic ulcers on the legs. You will find all ointments for healing trophic ulcers on the leg here.
  • mastitis;
  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • bruises, contusions, swelling;
  • household and sports injuries, including joint injuries.

The ointment is also used as a prophylactic agent to eliminate complications of varicose veins.

Heparin is widely popular in cosmetology; some experts in this field recommend it to women over 30 years old to eliminate various skin problems. The ointment contains acids that help dilate blood vessels and improve blood metabolism, which is beneficial for the face.

For cosmetic purposes, Heparin ointment is prescribed for:

  • eliminating wrinkles;
  • stimulation of skin cell renewal;
  • fight against edema;
  • improving the color and elasticity of facial skin;
  • acne removal;
  • counteract bags under the eyes.

It is worth remembering that, despite the fairly harmless components of the ointment, it is still a medicine and not a cosmetic cream, so you should use it with caution, having studied the instructions and possible side effects

Heparin ointment: indications for use

According to the instructions, doctors prescribe medicine to patients with the following pathologies:

  1. Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins (prevention and treatment) in patients prone to thrombosis.
  2. External hemorrhoids.
  3. External hemorrhoids, including their inflammation during the period after labor.
  4. Trophic ulcers localized in the area of ​​the feet and legs.
  5. Swelling and subcutaneous infiltrates, including those formed after intramuscular injections.
  6. Superficial mastitis.
  7. Hematomas after bruises.
  8. Injuries accompanied by ruptures of ligaments and soft tissues.
  9. Tendon and joint injuries.
  10. Diseases of the lymphatic system (elephantiasis, lymphangitis).

For varicose veins, the remedy is effective in the early stages of the development of the pathological process, when a noticeable dilation of the veins of the lower extremities, the appearance of a small vascular network on the epidermis and spider veins have just begun. The use of the product allows you to get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the legs, relieves hyperemia, swelling and burning of the skin, normalizes blood microcirculation in the skin, activates the processes of resorption of already formed blood clots and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Heparin ointment: contraindications

The ointment is not used if the patient has an allergic intolerance to the main or auxiliary substances.

Application of the product is contraindicated in the presence of ulcerative processes in the skin with tissue necrosis (ulcerative surfaces with necrosis of adjacent areas of the skin), as well as in case of any external damage.

With caution and under medical supervision, the drug is prescribed to patients with thrombocytopenia and a tendency to increased bleeding (blood clotting according to the coagulogram is significantly lower than normal).

During pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood, the ointment can be used externally only as prescribed by the specialist observing you. The drug is not prescribed to children under 1 year of age.

Avoid getting the composition into your eyes. After applying the ointment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid accidentally touching the conjunctiva.

Heparin ointment: side effects

If there is an individual intolerance to any of the components, allergic reactions may develop: spots, rash, urticaria, hyperemia (redness) of the skin, itching, burning at the site of application, tissue swelling. If any of the above phenomena occur, you should immediately stop applying the ointment and contact your doctor to select another medicine.

Prolonged application of ointment over a large area of ​​the body can lead to hemorrhagic complications. That is why any medications with heparin, including ointment, should be used according to the instructions and only as prescribed by a dermatologist, phlebologist, therapist, proctologist, or pediatrician.


Instead of Heparin ointment, the following medications can be used:

  1. Heparoid Zentiva is a substitute for Heparin ointment. The drug has an antithrombotic effect. It comes in the form of an ointment that can be used from birth. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not advisable to use it for a long time and over large areas. It should not be used in the last trimester, as the risk of bleeding during childbirth increases.
  2. Lyoton 1000 has an antithrombotic effect. The drug is available in the form of a gel; it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Hepatrombin is a combination medication that contains heparin, dexpanthenol and allantoin as active substances. The drug is available in the form of an ointment and gel, which can be used by pregnant and lactating women.
  4. Lavenum is an anticoagulant, the therapeutic effect of which is explained by the heparin it contains. The drug is produced in the form of a gel, which cannot be given to children, but it can be given during pregnancy and lactation.

Analogues of Heparin ointment

Analogues of Heparin ointment include any external means, in which the main active ingredient is heparin; among the cheap ones they stand out for their therapeutic effectiveness:

  • Trombless Plus - additionally contains dexpanthenol, troxerutin and benzocaine. A complete analogue of the drug in question according to indications for use. The cost is about 10 rubles.
  • Venitan forte - contains beta-escit, a complete analogue of Heparin ointment according to indications. Price – 150-160 rubles.
  • Hepatrombin - the composition is enriched with allantoin and dexpanthenol, a complete analog according to indications, the cost does not exceed 20 rubles.
  • Gepatrombin G is a complete analogue of Heparin ointment in composition, action, indications and other characteristics. The price is about 160 rubles.

Pharmacies also sell other heparin-based drugs, which are analogues of the ointment in question, but have some differences in indications for use:

  • Venolife;
  • Thrombocide;
  • Venabos;
  • Gepasolone;
  • Heparin-Akrikhin;
  • Troxevasin Neo.

Heparin ointment is considered an effective and safe preparation for external use. Used to treat disorders of the vascular system, can be used in cosmetology and to eliminate the consequences of injuries. Indicated at any age, suitable for long-term use.

Heparin ointment: indications for treatment

Treatment with heparin ointment is necessary when local clots form in the superficial veins. Such processes occur with thrombotic lesions ( varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis

). Also, accelerating blood flow promotes healing of wounds on the extremities. The blood supply to the feet and palms is usually slow compared to the general blood flow. Therefore, tissue regeneration in them occurs more slowly.

Superficial application of heparin accelerates local blood flow in the treatment area. Unlike systemic therapy (intravenous injections), it does not affect the entire body. The ointment acts in a limited area, where it thins the blood and improves blood supply and tissue nutrition.

Let's take a closer look at what heparin ointment helps with when used externally.

Heparin ointment where to store

Heparin ointment is an inexpensive product that, according to the instructions, resolves blood clots and reduces bruising. It is used for hemorrhoids and bags under the eyes, for swelling and varicose veins. How does the drug work, and is it always possible to use heparin ointment?

Heparin to reduce blood clotting

The main substance in the ointment is heparin. It is an anticoagulant

and provides the main effect - reduces the number of blood clots and removes congestion. Following the normalization of blood flow, swelling decreases and inflammation decreases. This is a chemical analogue of natural hirudin, a substance that provides the main therapeutic effect in hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

Note: anticoagulants are substances that reduce the number of blood clots and thereby reduce blood clotting. They inhibit fibrin synthesis, which in turn slows down the formation of fibrin threads - the structural basis of blood clots. They also activate the protein antithrombin, which counteracts the formation of clots and thrombosis of blood vessels.

Now let's look at how a blood clot forms and how does heparin work?

A blood clot in a person is formed when platelets stick together. A colony of glued platelets is impregnated with insoluble fibrin (it entangles it in the form of threads). From the moment of impregnation, the blood clot becomes hard and becomes the cause of partial or complete blockage of the vascular lumen.

Heparin stops fibrin protein synthesis . It is called a direct anticoagulant, it acts directly on the coagulation system, and the effect of its use appears quickly (indirect coagulants act indirectly and slowly, they inhibit the synthesis of vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting).

The effect of heparin is manifested in the form of slowing blood flow and dissolving blood clots . It forms within 20 minutes and lasts for 8 hours after applying the ointment. After the specified time, the blood flow speed returns to its previous level, but the antithrombotic effect remains.

The action of heparin differs from the action of other anticoagulants in the following:

  • Heparin is activated only in the presence of antithrombin, which means that it thins only thickened blood, manifests its effect in the presence of clots and blood clots, and does not cause changes in normal healthy blood flow.
  • Heparin is not a fibrinolytic (does not dissolve formed blood clots), but it inhibits their growth and reduces their size due to the activation of fibrinolytic enzymes, which dissolve existing blood clots. That is, it stimulates the body’s own response to combat congestion.
  • Heparin exhibits its effect even in small doses and local (subcutaneous) administration . This makes it possible to use it topically, as well as to prevent thrombosis of the saphenous veins.

In addition to heparin in the ointment base ( vaseline, glycerin, peach oil

) components have been added that complement the action of the main substance.
This is an anesthesin ( benzocaine
), benzylbenzocaine. What are they doing:

  • Benzyl nicotinate is an antispasmodic, it dilates blood vessels and increases the amount of heparin that is absorbed into the blood.
  • Benzocaine - acts as an anesthetic (pain reliever). Thanks to it, a person’s well-being improves immediately after applying the drug.

Heparin ointment is one of the most inexpensive means for reducing blood clots and thinning the blood. Its cost in pharmacies does not exceed 100 rubles, and the total price of treatment consists of the cost of several tubes of the drug.

Heparin ointment: indications for treatment

Treatment with heparin ointment is necessary for the formation of local clots in the superficial veins.

Such processes occur with thrombotic lesions ( varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis

). Also, accelerating blood flow promotes healing of wounds on the extremities.

The blood supply to the feet and palms is usually slow compared to the general blood flow. Therefore, tissue regeneration in them occurs more slowly.

Superficial application of heparin accelerates local blood flow in the treatment area. Unlike systemic therapy (intravenous injections), it does not affect the entire body. The ointment acts in a limited area, where it thins the blood and improves blood supply and tissue nutrition.

Let's take a closer look at what heparin ointment helps with when used externally.

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