Acyclovir: instructions for use. What does acyclovir ointment help with? Terms and conditions of storage

Directions for use and doses


inside; adults and children over 2 years old for the treatment of herpetic diseases - 0.2 g 5 times a day for 5 days; in case of immunodeficiency, the single dose is increased to 0.4 g. To prevent herpetic infections in patients with immunodeficiency - 0.2 g 4 times a day. Infections caused by the herpes zoster virus: 0.8 g 5 times a day for 7 days. Patients with impaired renal function need to adjust the dosage regimen: if creatinine Cl is less than 10 ml/min, the daily dose is reduced to 0.4 g in 2 divided doses with an interval between doses of at least 12 hours. In the treatment of infections caused by Varicella zoster and maintenance therapy for patients with a pronounced decrease in immunity and creatinine Cl 10–25 ml/min - 2.4 g/day in 3 divided doses with an interval of 8 hours. In patients with creatinine Cl less than 10 ml/min, the daily dose is reduced to 1.6 g in 2 divided doses with at intervals of 12 hours.

Children under 2 years old - half the adult dosage.


Apply a thin layer to the affected area immediately after the first signs of the disease appear 5 times a day (every 4 hours) for 5–10 days.

Acyclovir (ointment): instructions for use, price, what helps, reviews

The manifestation of the herpes virus is easy to identify by the characteristic blistering lesions on the skin.
The alarming symptoms cannot be ignored; the outbreak quickly spreads, capturing neighboring healthy areas. To locate the problem, it is recommended to use medications that have the ability to block the proliferation of viral cells.

Acyclovir ointment has a high therapeutic effect . The features of using the medicine are described below.


The dermatological ointment is included in the register of medicines approved for use in the Russian Federation.

Basic registration data contains the following information:

  • name – Acyclovir;
  • dosage form - ointment (opaque consistency, white or cream color);
  • concentration of the active component – ​​50 mg per 1 g of composition (5%);
  • pharmacological group – antiviral medicine;
  • method of application - local treatment of the lesion;
  • packaging – aluminum or laminate tubes with a capacity of 5 g.


The main active component of the ointment is acyclovir .

1 g of the product contains 50 mg.

To improve the absorption of the drug by the tissues and cells of the epidermis, the composition includes chemical compounds:

  • low molecular weight polyethylene glycol (400);
  • high molecular weight polyethylene glycol (1500).


The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the properties of the active substance, which, penetrating into virus-infected cells, is converted into active triphosphate.

The chemical compound acts as a nonspecific inhibitor, which manifests itself in blocking the spread of the virus on the skin and mucous membranes.

The peculiarity of the drug is the absence of transformation of acyclovir in healthy cells.


You can buy the medicine at almost any pharmacy or online store.

Sale is free and does not require a prescription.

The price in Moscow for the drug varies from 38 to 95 rubles .

Cost of different manufacturers:

  • Acyclovir Acri – 38-49 rubles. ;
  • Acyclovir Sandoz – from 88 rub. ;
  • Acyclovir Akrikhin - from 35 rubles .

Finding out how much the medicine costs is available on the information and reference website, which posts data on the availability of the product in the pharmacy network and its cost.

You can also read the annotation , which indicates what the ointment helps with and how to use it correctly.

What is Acyclovir ointment used for?

The drug is used topically as an antiviral antiherpetic agent.

In dermatology, ointment is included in complex therapy for infections caused by Herpes simplex and Varicella zoster viruses, regardless of the form of the disease (primary manifestation or relapses).

The active substance of the drug effectively suppresses the development of viral cells in the following pathologies:

  • Herpes virus;
  • primary and repeated manifestation of genital Herpes;
  • development of the virus against the background of reduced immunity;
  • herpes zoster virus in patients who do not have signs of immune system dysfunction;
  • chicken pox.

Using the ointment according to the rules specified in the annotation reduces the likelihood of focal areas spreading across the skin or mucous membrane.

eye ointment is recommended for use .

The less concentrated composition (3%) does not cause irritation or other unpleasant sensations, which is ideal for the eyes.

Instructions for use

The treatment regimen involves applying the medicine to the affected area, covering it with a completely thin layer.

A single dose is determined individually and depends on the extent of the focal area of ​​the skin.

The method of using the ointment is limited to external use .

The number of procedures and duration of therapy are prescribed individually.

Typically, it takes 5-10 days to fight viruses with 4-6 times of treatment per day.

The signal for the end of treatment is the process of peeling off the dry crust in the focal area. After this, the drug should be used for at least 3 more days.

Between procedures it is necessary to take a break of 4-5 hours. It is not recommended to use the ointment more than five times a day.

Rules for applying ointment:

  • Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands well, clean the skin with a damp cloth and dry with a soft towel;
  • for convenience, you need to place a large mirror on the table to control the processing process;
  • open the lid of the tube and squeeze out a strip of the medicine (about 2-5 mm) with light pressure;
  • Apply the medicine to the lesion with your index finger and rub it with light circular movements into the epithelial layer;
  • When performing massaging movements, it is important to capture small areas of healthy skin in order to prevent the spread of viral cells.

Restrictions on use

The peculiarity of Acyclovir is the absence of contraindications for use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The only limitation is an allergy to the main component of the composition and excipients.

During pregnancy and pediatrics, an individual approach is used.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The degree of influence of the active substance acyclovir on a woman’s body during delicate periods of life is poorly understood.

A number of studies conducted on laboratory animals have proven the ability of the active compound to penetrate the placental barrier.

Products of converted acyclovir were also found in breast milk. Therefore, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed only if there are compelling reasons.

Before using the ointment, lactation is artificially interrupted for the duration of therapy.

Use in childhood

Acyclovir is used in pediatrics to treat herpes virus from an early age. Contraindications apply to infants who are under 1 month of age.

Before initial use, it is important to consult a pediatrician to rule out risk factors.

The treatment regimen involves treating the affected areas of the skin with a medicinal product with a frequency of procedures up to 4 times a day.

It is not recommended to use a dermatological product more than 5 times a day. The interval between applying the ointment should not be less than 4 hours.

From the moment the wounds heal, you need to carry out treatment for another 3 days to prevent relapse of the disease.

Drug interactions

When carrying out complex therapy, it should be taken into account that immunostimulants enhance the pharmacological properties of the ointment.

Side effects

When used systemically, the ointment is not absorbed into the general bloodstream, so the active substance cannot provoke a negative reaction or cause the development of complications of the disease.

If you follow the rules of the procedure, the risk of side effects is reduced to zero. The ointment is well tolerated regardless of the etiology of the disease and the age of the patient.

Immediately after applying the ointment, in rare cases, slight skin itching and irritation of the mucous membranes are observed. The symptom resolves spontaneously within a few minutes without the use of other pharmacological agents. Such manifestations do not require discontinuation of the medication.


Victoria, 25 years old:

Alexander, 31 years old:

Natalya Nikolaevna, 54 years old:

Precautionary measures

Before using a dermatological product, you should carefully read the instructions.

It is important to observe the following precautions when performing procedures:

  • Treatment should begin immediately after identifying signs of the herpes virus. The effectiveness of therapy is directly related to early diagnosis.
  • While using the ointment, you should avoid using any cosmetics.
  • If the patient has a weakened immune system, complex treatment with systemic administration of the drug is prescribed.
  • After applying the ointment to the affected area of ​​the skin, a slight burning sensation and itching may be observed. There is no need to worry about this, this is the norm. You are allowed to start work after the procedure without delay; the active substance does not affect motor skills and speed of thinking.
  • The shelf life of the product is 2 years. To preserve the medicinal properties of the composition, the tubes should be kept at a temperature range of 2 to 25 degrees.
  • The contents of the opened tube should be used within 2-4 months. Long-term storage significantly reduces the therapeutic effect.


If necessary, the antiviral antiherpetic agent can be replaced with the following drugs:

  • Herperax (73 rub.);
  • Zovirax (182 rubles);
  • Acigerpin (25 rub.);
  • Fenistil Pentsivir (300 rub.);
  • Panavir (800 rub.);
  • Tebrofen (85 rub.);
  • Valtrex (RUB 1,186).

The main guideline when choosing an analogue is the indications for use, but only a doctor can make adjustments to the treatment. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications.

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When should you use Acyclovir ointment, and when will it be useless?

Treatment with Acyclovir in the form of an ointment helps against herpes on the lips and face, and also relieves pain and itching from chickenpox and shingles. For genital herpes, to prevent re-exacerbation, it is combined with interferon (Gerpferon).

The effect is enhanced by taking acyclovir in tablets or injections, and the use of immunostimulants. In children under 12 years of age, it is used as an ophthalmic or 2.5% ointment, and during pregnancy it is prescribed with caution, especially in the first trimester.

Main characteristics of Acyclovir ointment

Acyclovir in the form of an ointment or cream, according to the instructions, is an external antiviral agent, the main characteristics of which are indicated in the table.

PropertiesCharacteristics of Acyclovir for external use
CompoundAcyclovir, propylene glycol, emulsifiers
Release formCream or ointment 2.5%, 3%, 5%, 2, 5 and 10 g per tube
Mechanism of actionIncorporates into viral DNA and stops virus replication
What viruses does it disparage?Herpes type 1 and 2, less active in chickenpox, herpes zoster, Epstein Barr virus infection
Does it penetrate through the skin into the blood?Minimum amount of ointment for intact skin and moderate amount for inflamed skin
Best before date3 years
How to storeIn a cardboard package, in a tightly closed tube at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees
What is the priceFrom 30 to 146 rubles depending on the form of release
Is it possible to overdoseIt is impossible, even if you apply the entire tube externally or accidentally take it internally, since the maximum amount of 50 mg of acyclovir in it is lower than its single dose.
Drug interactionsNo negative reactions were detected, the effect of the ointment is enhanced by taking acyclovir and immune stimulants in tablets or injections

What is Acyclovir ointment used for, instructions

Acyclovir ointment according to the instructions helps against herpes of the lips, face, genitals (genital). It allows you to relieve pain and itching from shingles and chicken pox, and stop the spread of viral infection. Treatment is more effective if it is started at the very first symptoms. There is no point in using the drug for hemorrhoids, burns, acne, and dermatitis.

We recommend reading about how and when to use Levomikol ointment. From the article you will learn how to properly use the ointment in urology, gynecology, dentistry, for burns, open and purulent wounds, and acne.

And here is more information about ointments for wound healing.

For herpes

The use of Acyclovir for herpes is the main indication for the ointment. The drug disrupts the reproduction of the virus and as a result:

  • reduces the risk of skin spread;
  • prevents new bubbles from appearing;
  • dries out the elements;
  • stops the introduction of a viral infection into the bloodstream;
  • reduces itching and soreness;
  • stimulates local immune defense.

Used for application on lips and face. It is important to be careful when lubricating the affected area:

  • fingers must be in gloves (finger caps);
  • Before and after application, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • Do not allow the ointment to get into the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth.

For those patients who have reduced immunity, there are often repeated relapses of herpes. They need to additionally use (as prescribed by a dermatologist) drugs for internal use with acyclovir, stimulants of immune defense, carry out preventive courses in the fall and spring, and change antiviral agents.

For hemorrhoids

There is no point in using Acyclovir ointment for hemorrhoids, since this disease is associated with the expansion of the venous plexuses in the rectum. The drug does not even have an analgesic effect and does not reduce inflammation unless it is associated with a herpetic infection.

For hemorrhoidal disease, ointments Aurobin, Proctosedyl, Relief and a number of other drugs are used.

For burns

Treatment of burns with Acyclovir is not carried out. The ointment does not contain wound-healing components, it does not accelerate tissue restoration, but on the contrary, it can increase burning and pain.

In such cases, it is much more effective to apply drugs with dexpanthenol - Panthenol, Pantestin, Bepanten, and in case of signs of infection - Levomekol, Bepanten plus.

For lips

It is recommended to start using Acyclovir for herpes lips as early as possible, at the first sensation of itching or tingling. A small volume of the drug is needed at a time, but it must completely cover the site of inflammation and neighboring tissues. It is recommended to lubricate the skin every 4 hours in the first 2 days, and from days 3 to 5 - every 6. The minimum course is 5, and the maximum is 10 days.

For the nose

When a herpetic infection affects the nasal openings, treatment is carried out in exactly the same way as for the lips:

  • lubricate with a gloved finger or apply with a cotton swab, which is immediately thrown away;
  • interval between application – 4-6 hours;
  • the course lasts 5-10 days.

Manifestations of herpes

If the process spreads to the mucous membrane, then Acyclovir is needed in the form of an eye ointment. It is distinguished by a base that does not irritate more delicate areas, and a lower concentration of the active substance.

For dermatitis

Dermatitis is not an indication for the use of Acyclovir ointment, since it does not contain components that relieve inflammation or dry out the skin. The disease can be caused by:

  • allergy;
  • chemical or mechanical irritation;
  • infections;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • use of medications.

Therefore, in each case, treatment is selected individually, but it does not include antiviral agents, which include Acyclovir.

For chicken pox

Acyclovir is used in the treatment of chickenpox, it is caused by the herpes virus type 3, which is affected by this drug. The use of antiviral drugs in adults and children with reduced immunity is especially important.

The ointment is applied locally to the blisters without pre-treatment 4-5 times a day. The course continues until the rash elements dry out - approximately 7-10 days.

The photo shows an example of applying Acyclovir ointment for chickenpox

For shingles

Acyclovir ointment for herpes zoster:

  • reduces pain;
  • shortens the treatment period;
  • helps dry and heal the skin.

The effectiveness of the external agent is enhanced by the simultaneous administration of acyclovir in injections or tablets. The sooner you start using antiviral drugs, the greater the chance of stopping the spread of the disease and its repeated exacerbations.

Application is recommended to be carried out with a clean disposable spatula, a cotton swab, and fingers wearing sterile gloves. Lubricate the affected skin area every 4 hours, covering at least 0.3-0.5 cm of the adjacent area. An area of ​​5x5 cm will require about 1.25-1.5 cm of ointment. Most often, the course of treatment is 10 days.

For acne

Acyclovir will not help with acne. Acne occurs against the background of hormonal disorders in the body, and the direct cause of pustules is bacteria or mites (demodex). The drug will not affect any of these factors. Ointments for acne are prescribed individually, most often they are Skinoren, Curiosin, Ugrisept, Klindovit.

For genital herpes

Treatment with Acyclovir in the form of an ointment for genital herpes helps:

  • reduce the severity of the disease;
  • shorten the duration of therapy;
  • reduce pain and itching in the genital area;
  • slow down the spread of the virus.

The drug is applied to the affected area 5 times a day for at least 10 days. It is important to consider that the use of Acyclovir does not prevent infection of a sexual partner with herpes, therefore, sexual contact must be excluded for the entire period of therapy.

None of the antiviral drugs individually today gives a 100% guarantee of curing this disease. Therefore, a combination of acyclovir with interferon is considered a more radical method.

For this, a drug such as Gerpferon is recommended (189 rubles for 5 g). It additionally contains an anesthetic component (lidocaine).

The combined ointment provides relief already on the 5th day of use, and interferon prevents the risk of re-exacerbation.

To prevent infection with genital herpes you must:

  • avoid casual sexual contact, especially without a condom, but even with one, contact of mucous membranes cannot be ruled out;
  • after a questionable connection, treat the genitals with a solution of miramistin, which has antiviral and antibacterial activity, then apply a thin layer of Acyclovir cream in the first 2 hours;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle without smoking and alcohol abuse, get good sleep, play sports or exercise, as the state of the immune system depends on this;
  • include in your diet as much fresh plant food and lean protein as possible (fish, chicken, turkey, fermented milk drinks, 2-5% cottage cheese);
  • Wash your hands thoroughly if you have herpes on your lips or face.

Watch the video about the symptoms and treatment of genital herpes:

Features of treatment with Acyclovir in children

In children, due to thin and more moisturized skin, Acyclovir can penetrate into the bloodstream. Since there is no proven safety of using 5% ointment up to 12 years of age, at a younger age only the drug with 2.5% and 3% concentration, ophthalmic form, is allowed. Apply the product in a thin layer for no more than 5-7 days. The regimen and duration of treatment is determined only by the doctor.

Acyclovir ointment is hormonal or not

Acyclovir is not considered a hormonal ointment, but there are drugs (for example, Zovirax Duo) in which the same active ingredient is combined with hydrocortisone (hormone). This combination is necessary to enhance the antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Contraindications to Acyclovir ointment

Acyclovir is contraindicated in case of intolerance, used with caution during pregnancy, dehydration, impaired renal function, nervous system, but is allowed during lactation.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no strict contraindications when carrying a child, but in each case the doctor correlates the threat to the mother’s health with the risks to the fetus. Most often, in the first trimester, when internal organs are forming, it is not prescribed and is replaced with safer interferon. In later periods, a short course is recommended.

During lactation, acyclovir penetrates into breast milk in small quantities; it does not exceed 1% of the permissible value, so there is no prohibition on the use of ointment for nursing mothers.

Adverse reactions

The drug is most often well tolerated, but with increased sensitivity to acyclovir there are:

  • swelling of the skin, itching, rashes, dryness, peeling, redness;
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • deviations from the norm in biochemical blood tests (kidney and liver tests), decrease in red blood cells and white blood cells;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • general weakness, increased fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • hair loss;
  • fever.

Acyclovir ointment or cream - which is better, what is the difference

The difference between Acyclovir cream and ointment is the base: the first contains more water, and the ointment form contains more fat. In terms of efficiency, they are absolutely identical. When herpes is localized on the face, it is better to use cream, but for the body the differences are insignificant.

Analogs of Acyclovir from ointments for colds

Acyclovir has analogues from ointments for colds in composition and antiviral action, all of them are used for herpes (see table).

NameCompoundPrice, rubles
Zovirax 5%, 5 gAcyclovir183
Herperax 5%, 5 gAcyclovir60
Viferon, 12 gInterferon176
Panavir, 3 gNightshade shoot extract128
Alpizarin, 10 gPyranosylxanthene90
Allomedin, 4 gAllostatin peptide203
Virosept 10, gCelandine extract77

Acyclovir is used to treat herpes and is most effective when applied to the lips and face at the earliest stage. It is indicated to alleviate the condition of chickenpox, and for genital herpes and herpes zoster it is included in complex therapy (with tablets and injections).


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