What to put kiwis with to ripen

How to choose and store kiwi correctly

Kiwi is a tasty, juicy and very healthy fruit.
From a biological point of view, kiwi is a berry and belongs to plants of the genus Actinidia. These tree-like vines originate from China, for which their fruits are sometimes called Chinese gooseberries. In this article we will talk about how and where to store kiwi in order to preserve the freshness and rich taste of such an unusual berry for a long time. By the way, kiwi contains a very large amount of vitamin C (more than an orange) and a lot of potassium. Kiwi is recommended for use in some forms of hypertension and iodine deficiency. This berry, rich in vitamins and microelements, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of blood clots, and is also capable of burning fat.

How to store kiwi

Kiwi is a very healthy and tasty tropical fruit that quickly gained popularity among consumers. The question of how to properly store kiwi arises extremely rarely, since this fruit is not in short supply and can be purchased freely in any supermarket. However, there are sometimes situations in which this product requires some storage. How to store kiwi at home? Let's figure it out.

How to choose kiwi

To fully enjoy the pleasant, refreshing taste of kiwi, you need to choose the right fruit. When purchasing, be guided by the following information:

  • Kiwis need to be selected individually, examining and feeling each berry. Ripe kiwis, if you lightly squeeze them with your fingers, will be soft and dense. Overripe fruits have a loose structure, and if kiwis are not yet ripe, they will be hard;
  • ripe fruits look beautiful, neat and elastic. Kiwi fruit should not have dry wrinkled skin, wrinkled sides, cracks, dark or damp spots;
  • Ripe kiwis have a light citrus scent. The wine aroma is inherent in spoiled fruits.

There are so-called bald kiwis - fruits of the Gold variety. These kiwis have smooth yellowish-green skin and yellow flesh. This variety is considered the most delicious and valuable.

How to store kiwi at home

Taking into account the degree of ripeness of the fruit, kiwi must be stored in different conditions. Let's look at them in order.

How to store unripe kiwis. Since ripe fruits are quite easily damaged during transportation (and kiwi has a short shelf life), hard, unripe berries are often found on the shelves. But how to store kiwis so that they ripen?

The fruits are placed in a paper bag, plastic container or ventilated plastic bag and left to ripen at room temperature. To make the process go faster, add an apple or banana to the kiwi package. The ethylene released by these fruits speeds up ripening.

It is necessary to store kiwis away from heat sources and not expose them to direct sunlight. The fruits can ripen from 2 to 12 days.

Unripe kiwis are best suited for long-term storage. If you put the still firm berries in the refrigerator, they can stay fresh for up to 4-6 weeks. Kiwi is placed in a paper bag (or wrapped in food paper) and stored in a freshness zone separately from other products. To increase the shelf life of kiwis, they are never pre-washed.

Peeled or chopped kiwis can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a day. The surface of the fruit oxidizes very quickly and becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

How to store ripe kiwis. Since fruits tend to ripen quickly, ripe kiwis should be stored in the refrigerator - there the ripening process will proceed more slowly. The average shelf life is 1-2 weeks (depending on the variety and degree of ripeness of the berry).

At room temperature, ripe fruits will not spoil within 3-7 days, and the most ripe ones will last no more than 2-4 days. Kiwis should be stored in a well-ventilated place.

If you need to preserve the berries for a longer period, they can be frozen. It is not recommended to freeze whole kiwis - it is better to first peel and cut into slices or cubes. The blanks are laid out on a baking sheet, frozen for 2-3 hours, then placed in airtight containers and sent to the freezer for long-term storage. To store fruits, you can use cling film or special plastic bags with a zipper. The shelf life of frozen berries will be 3-5 months.

The fruits are very susceptible to foreign odors - you should not store kiwi near strong-smelling foods.

How to store overripe kiwis. Such berries will be very soft and sweet. If the kiwis are not yet spoiled, they should be eaten as soon as possible or made into various preparations. You can make puree, jam, smoothies, marmalade, candied fruits, jelly or syrup from kiwi.

If you carefully select fruits and follow all the rules for storing kiwi, you can enjoy the juicy and refreshing taste of this unusual berry all year round. We hope that our tips will be useful to you. How do you store kiwi? Share your ideas and experiences in the comments.

How to store kiwis so they ripen

Fruit sellers prefer to sell kiwis unripe, because they reach the required state very quickly, and no one wants to buy overripe goods. Kiwi reaches the required maturity already at home, with proper storage.

Leave the fruit on the table and don't worry - it will take at least three days for it to ripen. But you need to regularly check the fruit basket, because some may ripen earlier, and then the fermentation process will begin - the overripe fruit will begin to deteriorate and “infect” the rest.

If the fruits are initially completely green, then this process will take 12 days, or even 2 weeks.

Kiwis belong to the category of fruits that do not have a very long shelf life. Most often they are bought ripe, and the degree of ripeness directly affects the period of preservation of the freshness and juiciness of the fruit. If you do not plan to eat kiwi for several days, then when purchasing it is better to give preference to unripe fruits. At home, the fruits ripen well, and due to this time, you can increase the period of their high-quality storage.

You can store kiwi


  • at room temperature;
  • in a refrigerator;
  • in the freezer.

One of the features of kiwi is considered to be the ability to retain all vitamins, regardless of the storage method. The fruit will be equally healthy and tasty, both after room conditions and from the freezer. The exception is sliced ​​kiwi. It is impossible to store such a fruit for a long time, and after a day bacteria begin to multiply on the surface of its pulp, which accelerates its oxidation and weathering.

Nuances of storing kiwi


  • kiwi definitely needs oxygen, so these fruits are stored in open containers, paper or plastic bags with pre-made holes for ventilation;
  • if a coating appears on the kiwi during storage, the fruit has begun to deteriorate (it is better to avoid eating it);
  • kiwi quickly absorbs foreign odors, so it is not recommended to store the fruits near strong-smelling foods or other fruits;
  • In the refrigerator, kiwi is stored according to the principle of all fruits - in a special compartment intended for this category of products;
  • An apple can speed up the ripening process of kiwi (both fruits must be placed in a paper bag, kiwi will become ripe in 2-3 days);
  • You only need to wash kiwi before storing if you plan to do it in the freezer (washed fruit at room temperature or in the refrigerator will spoil faster);
  • at an air humidity of 90-95%, kiwi will be preserved better and will not lose its taste characteristics;
  • If kiwis show the first signs of over-ripening or rotting, then not only will it not be possible to store them, but it’s also not worth it.

Before storing kiwi, you need to remember an important rule. The longer this fruit is stored, the softer it becomes. Softness is not only a sign of ripening, but also speeds up the onset of rotting. If the kiwi has become soft, then it is better to eat it immediately, after making sure that it is not spoiled, but has simply reached its maximum degree of ripeness.

How to properly store kiwi at home?

In most cases, kiwi is bought to eat immediately, and not for the purpose of storing for many weeks, since this exotic fruit is sold all year round in many grocery stores and supermarkets and it is not difficult to buy it.

If for some reason you need to store purchased kiwis for a certain time and you do not know how much and how to store them, then the following tips will help you:

  1. For long-term storage, it is necessary that the kiwi fruit is whole, in the peel and not cut, and also without visible damage, stains and strong dents.
  2. To increase the shelf life of kiwi, it should never be washed.
  3. Constant access to air will help increase the storage time of kiwi (for example, storage in a closed plastic bag is not recommended).
  4. Kiwi absorbs foreign odors well, so it is not advisable for products with a rich, pungent odor (for example, smoked fish) to be stored next to it.
  5. For longer storage, it is not recommended to put other products on top of the kiwi (for example, put kiwis in the fruit and vegetable compartment in the refrigerator and apples, bananas, etc. on top of them). The ideal option is when each kiwi fruit is placed next to each other and they do not touch.

Important: the main sign of kiwi ripeness is the softness of the fruit. If the kiwi is soft to the touch, then this fruit is already ripe and can be safely used for food.

Depending on the storage method and temperature, kiwi can be stored for up to several weeks, so let’s look at a few basic ways to store kiwi at home:

  1. Storing kiwi at room temperature. If you bought ripe kiwi, then you can safely store it at room temperature for several days (up to 5 days), the main thing is that there is access to air (on a plate, in a basket, etc.) and there is no direct sunlight.
  2. Storing kiwi in the refrigerator. To increase the shelf life of kiwis (up to 1-2 weeks), they are stored in the refrigerator in the fruit department, while they are placed in a paper bag (or wrapped in food paper), and to maximize the shelf life, use special plastic containers (to avoid loss of moisture and drying of the fruit).
  3. Storing kiwi in the freezer. Housewives do not often use deep freezing, but if you need to do this, it is better to freeze kiwis in a peeled and cut state. The shelf life in this case can be several months.

Important! As with the storage of other fruits, it is important to check once every 1-2 days to ensure that there are no spoiled or rotting fruits nearby (kiwis themselves or other fruits), which must be immediately removed from whole ones.

Where and how to store kiwis so that they ripen (ripen)?

A situation can happen to anyone when you bought unripe kiwis and they do not have the taste you wanted. It's no problem! Kiwis are one of those fruits that can ripen quickly and without problems at home and become completely ripe (within a few days).

In order for kiwis to ripen, it is better to store them at room temperature, and in this case it is recommended to put them together with apples or bananas, which will contribute to their rapid ripening.

How to understand that kiwi has already spoiled and cannot be eaten?

To understand that kiwi has spoiled and is not suitable for consumption, you need to carefully examine the fruit and pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Mold forms all over the fruit or on one of the sides.
  2. Signs of rot are visible (especially in places where the kiwi may have had dents).
  3. Unpleasant odor (spoilage kiwi will have an unpleasant odor).
  4. The color has changed (primarily this refers to the peel).

If the rules for storing kiwi have not been followed and its expiration date has come to an end, then it is better not to take risks and not eat this fruit, as there is a possibility of getting an upset stomach or poisoning.

In conclusion to the article, we can highlight that many of the tips in the article will help expand your knowledge of food storage and you will know how and how much to store kiwi at home, regardless of whether in the refrigerator or at room temperature, and you will also know what needs to be done, so that kiwis ripen at your home, become ripe and tasty. We leave our tips and reviews related to proper storage of kiwi in the comments to this article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

How to speed up the ripening of kiwi at home

The tomato season is just beginning, but are you already impatient to enjoy your own fruits grown in the country? Or maybe frost is about to come, and the bushes are full of trusses with green tomatoes, and you want to do? However, it doesn’t matter what motivates your desire to quickly harvest. In any case, you've come to the right place. Now we will talk about how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

How to speed up the ripening of late tomatoes in open ground?

There are many ways to significantly reduce the ripening time of tomatoes. The simplest one is to stop fertilizing and watering. The plant will begin to suffer due to unfavorable conditions and will direct all its efforts to the development of “offspring” - fruits. But keep in mind that lack of watering is only suitable for the last harvest. All flowers and small ovaries will dry out.

Also, to speed up the ripening of tomatoes, you can slightly tear the roots. It's easy to do. You just need to grab the bush with both hands and slightly pull it up. Just don't overdo it, otherwise you'll rip it out completely. If you doubt your strength, resort to splitting the stem:

1. Using a sharp knife, make a longitudinal through cut in the stem at a height of no lower than 2.5-3 cm from the root.

2. Make sure that the length of the cut is no less than 5 cm and no more than 10 cm.

Interesting: Harvesting Leeks for the Winter

3. Insert a wooden match or a sliver of the same thickness into the gap that appears.

That's all. The plant has been injured, so it will be in a hurry to produce fruit.

Another good method for accelerating the ripening of tomatoes in open ground involves ringing the stem with a thin wire. Carefully wrap the wire around the stem at a height of 2.5-3 cm and pinch slightly. The wire should slightly squeeze the plant, but not damage it. In this case, the movement of nutrients to the root will be difficult. Therefore, the tomatoes will not only ripen quickly, but will also gain a special sweetness.

All of the above methods will help speed up the ripening of tomatoes by 2-3 weeks. It will also be a good help for fruit ripening to remove most of the vegetation mass: leaves, shoots, fruit-bearing branches. Do not touch only the leaves located above the branches with tassels, and tear off the rest without regret. In this case, all the beneficial substances will go directly to the fruit, and will not “dissolve” throughout the bush. Just keep in mind: you cannot pull out the entire vegetation mass in one day. You can pick a maximum of 2-4 leaves per day. Then the plant will not experience stress.

How to speed up the ripening of early tomatoes in open ground?

Regular vodka will help you get your first tomatoes before your neighbors. Yes, don’t laugh, it is ethyl alcohol that provokes rapid reddening of the fruit. What should you do with vodka?

• Gently wipe the fruits with a soft cloth soaked in vodka. You need to repeat the procedure three days in a row.

• Inject 0.5 ml of vodka into the tomato you like using a syringe. Re-introduction of vodka is not required.

Choose for yourself which method you prefer. In any case, after this “execution”, tomatoes can be expected in 7-10-14 days, depending on the natural ripeness of the tomato. Brown and milky ones will ripen earlier, and dark green ones a little later.

Adding ripe tomatoes also speeds up the ripening of tomatoes. It will release natural ethylene and thereby provoke its “neighbors.” To do this, you need to place a ripe tomato in a plastic bag, and then pull this bag over a bunch of tomatoes. You need to secure the bag with a soft rope (preferably a narrow strip of natural fabric) so as not to damage the plant. The package should be kept on the bush for three days. Then you can remove it and wait for the harvest. “Neighbors” will ripen in 7-10-14 days, depending on the level of natural ripeness.

In addition, you can sprinkle the plants with an iodine solution at the rate of 10 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine per 10 liters of water. But this method does not always help. In addition, if you accidentally overdo it with iodine, the plant begins to hurt.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes at home?

Of course, the option of waiting two weeks for tomatoes to become ripe is not suitable for everyone. After all, someone needs to leave the dacha and go to the city, but it’s simply a pity to leave the harvest on the bushes. What to do in this case? Don't be upset and collect the whole harvest!

Tomatoes will ripen perfectly at home if you perform several manipulations with them:

1. Inspect the collected tomatoes for damage. Anything that is infected with late blight, just like anything that has been crushed or pierced, is not suitable for storage.

2. Cut off the stems of the tomatoes. This will speed up the ripening process. If you want to prolong the ripening process, leave the stems of the darkest tomatoes.

3. Sort the tomatoes by size and ripeness. Fold brown, milky (light green) and dark green separately.

4. Pack the darkest ones in a cardboard box, sprinkled with sawdust. It also doesn’t hurt to put dairy products in a box with sawdust. And brown ones do not need sawdust, since you will be the first to consume and preserve them.

Now, it all depends on the storage temperature. The most favorable temperature is 24-25 degrees Celsius. Green tomatoes intended for later ripening should be stored at a temperature of no more than 8-10 degrees Celsius.

If you want green tomatoes to ripen as quickly as possible, shake out the sawdust and add a few ripe tomatoes to them. Just remember to review the fruits every day. Unfortunately, no matter how much you want, absolutely all tomatoes will not be able to ripen. Some things will start to deteriorate. But if you inspect them every day, almost 90% will be saved. So don’t be lazy, and then even in late autumn you will eat your tomatoes.

So, we figured out how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. There is only one piece of advice left to give: if possible, let the tomatoes ripen on the bush for as long as possible! In this case, the taste and beneficial qualities of the fruit are much higher. And yes: don't be afraid of frost. You can also pick the fruits after the first matinee.

You can also find out... You can harvest fresh tomatoes even in winter.

I think that in this matter you need to prepare in advance. At the end of February, I sow seedlings, and after the seeds germinate, I place them in the sunniest window of the house. In the future, when I plant seedlings in open ground, at first, until the warm summer weather settles down, I cover the plants with film (I place arcs and cover them on top, pressing the film with bricks). In the future, I gradually wean the tomatoes off the film - I remove it during the day, but still cover it at night. When the fruits are formed and just starting to turn red, gradually, as written in the article, I begin to pick off the leaves. All this combined plus timely fertilizing is a guarantee that the harvest will ripen as early as possible.

How to speed up the ripening of kiwi at home photo

If for some reason you need to store purchased kiwis for a certain time and you do not know how much and how to store them, then the following tips will help you:

How to choose kiwi - tips

A ripe and ripe kiwi fruit will taste good, juicy, sweet and sour, but it is not so easy to find on the store counter, since there are always enough unripe fruits, or, on the contrary, spoiled and overripe ones, which sellers want to quickly sell to inexperienced buyers.

When purchasing, you should always pay attention to the following signs of a ripe, high-quality kiwi fruit:

  1. The smell of ripe kiwi is fragrant and not very pronounced. If the smell of kiwi contains notes of fermentation (a slight smell of wine), then the fruit has already begun to deteriorate and it is better not to buy it.
  2. A ripe kiwi should be somewhat hard to the touch, but not very hard, as it may be an unripe fruit. Very soft kiwi may already be overripe and not tasty.
  3. Appearance of the kiwi fruit. As with many other fruits, it is not desirable to have stains, large dents, or dark spots on the skin. Of course, the presence of mold and plaque on kiwi is a sign of its unsuitability.
  4. The color of kiwi, depending on its variety, can be greenish or brown, the main thing is that it is uniform throughout the entire fruit.
  5. The fibers on the peel of a quality kiwi should be somewhat harsh, but at the same time they can be easily crushed and peeled off.
  6. The place of the stalk is dry and when you press on it, no juice should come out - a sign of spoilage of the kiwi.
  7. When choosing kiwis packed in containers, be sure to carefully inspect them so that there are no rotten fruits with obvious flaws, and there should be no condensation in the container with kiwis.

Note: it is better to choose kiwis individually (kiwis are often sold in packaged baskets), because this way you can choose each fruit separately, making sure of their quality, and sellers often put several spoiled fruits in packaged baskets, which also need to be sold with the rest goods.

When choosing kiwis in the store, it is important to choose either fully ripe fruits, or you can buy unripe “green” kiwis, which will quickly ripen at your home. You can read about the proper storage of kiwi, as well as its ripening, in the article: how to properly store kiwi.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the above tips on how to choose the right ripe kiwi in the store are quite simple and can be easily remembered and used the next time you purchase this fruit. We leave our reviews and advice on how to choose kiwi when purchasing in the comments to this article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

How to store unripe kiwis

How to properly store kiwi so that they ripen quickly? These fruits have a sour taste, similar to green bananas, and after a couple of days they become edible. It is not advisable to put them in a refrigerator; in domestic conditions, kiwi softens faster. You need to choose a convenient place near pears or bananas, which promote rapid ripening.

Good fruits are soft, wrinkled skin, and have small cracks. There are no wet dark spots on them. Various flaws and scratches are easy to distinguish. Too hard or overripe fruits are not selected.

Properly organized conditions help increase the shelf life of kiwi to 3 months. Some varieties retain their normal appearance for a long time. Temperature +10, +15 degrees is optimal for storage for 1-1.5 months. Whole fruits should not be frozen. Sudden changes in temperature have a bad effect on quality. If you move them suddenly from cold to warm, they will quickly deteriorate.

After washing, kiwis soon rot and are not stored for a long time; in cold conditions they will last a maximum of 2 weeks, and in normal living conditions - 4-5 days.

Without refrigeration, fresh fruits are stored for 3-4 days in dark, well-ventilated places. Unripe ones feel better in the sun; it is recommended to wrap them in napkins and periodically turn them over for uniform ripening. In a room with a temperature of +12, +18 you can store them for 4-5 weeks.

White soft fruits 1 month. Stored in the refrigerator, hard kiwis will last 2-3 months. A plastic container is used in the freshness zone, sometimes the fruit is wrapped in disposable towels or a bag.

Unripe products are stored cool and ripen from 2 to 12 days.

For long-term storage, hard fruits in the refrigerator remain edible for 4 to 6 weeks. When cut, even in the refrigerator, they last no more than a day. On the second day, the oxidation process begins, the softness hardens, and bacteria appear.

Kiwi's benefit

Kiwi is a storehouse of vitamin C, which helps the immune system resist infectious attacks. Just one fruit can provide the human body with the daily requirement of vitamin C.

  • Kiwi contains various acids with complex names, but they have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and destroy the hated cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, and therefore normalize blood pressure in hypertension.
  • Kiwi is rich in magnesium and potassium. This combination is loved by the human heart, for which Chinese gooseberries are a real find.
  • Kiwi has the ability to remove salts from the body, which prevents the occurrence of kidney stones.
  • Kiwi is low in sugar, much less than most fruits, so it is recommended for diabetics.
  • This exotic fruit contains many enzymes that accelerate fat burning, so kiwi can be recommended to anyone who dreams of a slim figure. In addition, it is also a dietary product in itself.
  • Kiwi is good not only for health, but also for beauty. You can make a face mask from kiwi peel, which will have toning, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.

Kiwi - contraindications

You should not eat kiwi if you are allergic to citrus fruits. A large amount of vitamin C can cause a severe allergic reaction to this exotic fruit.

  • Kiwi is contraindicated for patients with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, as well as for patients with stomach ulcers.
  • You should not eat kiwi if you have kidney disease; it is also contraindicated for people prone to diarrhea, as it has a laxative effect.

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The fruits of this exotic fruit are rich in beneficial substances for the body. This green hairy fruit is a repository of valuable nutrients. Interestingly, kiwis contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges and more fiber than apples. Therefore, it is difficult to say that only those fruits that are grown in the area familiar to him are of great benefit to a person. Kiwi is noticeably superior to our fruits in terms of vitamins and nutrients.

However, the most important issue is buying ripe “correct” kiwi. So how to choose the right kiwi? Let's try to understand all the intricacies of the choice.

An overseas fruit, or rather a berry, can be sold unripe, overripe and perfectly ripe. We will teach you to distinguish ripe fruits from unripe and overripe ones.

When choosing kiwi in a store or market, we recommend lightly pressing on the fruit. Ripe kiwi is soft and elastic. When pressing, you should feel softness, but there should be no indentation from your finger.

Ripe, ripe kiwi has a rich, pleasant aroma that you can smell. The right kiwi smells with a subtle aroma of strawberry, lemon and banana.

You should not buy fruits that are too soft. These are overripe kiwis. Fermentation processes could have already begun in them, which would have a negative impact on the body. If, after pressing on the fruit, a dent remains, it is better to put such kiwis aside and not buy them.

Most often you can find unripe hard kiwi fruits on the shelves. They still taste sour or tasteless. But if you purchased hard and unripe fruits, you should not be upset. Kiwi will ripen perfectly at home. We recommend putting the kiwi in a paper bag with an apple, or a banana, or even an orange, putting it in the refrigerator and keeping it for a couple of days. The kiwi will ripen and become aromatic, ripe and juicy in taste.

It is recommended to buy kiwi without packaging. This will allow you to carefully examine and even sniff the fruits, choosing the most ripe and appetizing ones. But if there is no choice and the fruit is sold in packaging, we advise you to carefully examine the fruit for the presence of rot. You can also press the kiwi through the transparent packaging to check the degree of ripeness.

How to choose a good kiwi

The harder the fruit, the more reliable it is. But stone kiwis are not very tasty. Slightly soft specimens are much tastier.

Dark spots on the surface of the fruit should immediately alert you. This means that the fruits are sick. Take a closer look at the place where the stalk was. If you press on this place and a drop comes out, it’s bad, it means that the storage conditions were not met.

Sometimes it happens that one or two fruits in a plastic container (usually kiwi is packaged in 1 kg packs) suddenly become covered with a strange coating. The color of the plaque is violet-gray or just gray. This is rotten.

Advice to the buyer: take a transparent container - hold it up to the light, roll the contents lightly, looking through the transparent plastic walls. If you find a rotten copy, it’s better to take another package. By the way, many buyers are afraid to purchase containers with traces of opening. And in vain! This means that the berries inside have been sorted and they are without blemishes.

Possible difficulties and common mistakes

If agricultural cultivation practices are violated, kiwi suffers, reacting by changing its appearance, slowing growth, and dropping leaves:

  • moisture deficiency leads to a decrease in leaf turgor, partial or complete abscission. Usually, after establishing a watering regime, the plant recovers;
  • beige and brown spots on the leaf blades appear if the kiwi is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time - this is the result of sunburn ;
  • shallowing of the leaves, their yellowing and redness of the roots - from a lack of nitrogen and general depletion of the soil;
  • if the next harvest turned out to be much lower than the previous one or there were no fruit ovaries at all after well-carried pollination, the reason may lie in a lack of phosphorus .

Kiwi is not a very fastidious plant. It requires daily care and attention, but in a few years it will reward the patient owner with juicy, healthy berries. A harvest of exotic fruits grown by yourself is a real reason for pride and delicious joy for the whole family.

How to eat kiwi

Take a ripe kiwi and cut off the tops on both sides. Carefully insert a teaspoon between the pulp and the peel and begin to twist until it makes a revolution around the kiwi. All! The kiwi will fall out of the peel on its own.

And then we cut it into pieces or eat it whole. You can eat it like this: cut it in half and eat the pulp with a spoon.

Proponents of a healthy diet generally eat kiwi with the peel, after washing it thoroughly, of course. Kiwi with peel is a wonderful brush for our intestines. This fruit is a champion in the amount of coarse fibers. Coarse fibers are not absorbed or digested; they swell in the intestines and collect all the toxic substances from it.

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