How to store rosemary

Since rosemary grows slowly, harvesting begins only with plants that have reached three years of age. Choose healthy branches without signs of disease with dense greenery. The leaf blades contain the highest concentration of essential oils before flowering begins. If you plan to use the spice for cooking, this is the time to start cleaning.

Inflorescences are more suitable for teas. The optimal time for collection is the mass flowering phase. Cut off the shoots, leaving a third of the stem. If the plants are young, it is better to pick off individual shoots or flowers. After the procedure, new shoots quickly grow. In the morning and after sunset the grass is more juicy - this is the best time for “harvesting”. Before preparing for further storage, the greens are sorted out. If necessary, separate leaves and stems.

How to store

In cold climates, when it is impossible to grow spices all year round, housewives prefer to harvest the plant for use. There are several ways to preserve rosemary for the winter: dry the branches tied into a bunch, freeze them, or make a tincture. The choice of method depends on the technical equipment of the kitchen, free space in the refrigerator, and personal preferences.

For your information!

You can store spices in several ways. This will expand the possibilities of its use for culinary and household purposes.


Compared to other herbs, rosemary retains its beneficial properties, structure, and taste well when dried. Hard branches and fleshy leaves are pre-sorted: those affected by diseases or insects are separated from the main mass. The remaining material is washed under running water, shaken off droplets of liquid, and laid out on paper. There are three ways to dry rosemary yourself at room conditions:

  1. The natural way. Bunches are formed from the stems of plants, they are tied at the base with linen twine or twine. They are then hung in a dry, dark room with good air circulation. The best place to dry rosemary is in the attic under a slate roof. It is hot and dry there throughout the summer. With the onset of autumn dampness, the bunches are transferred to the pantry or closet.
  2. In the oven. An intensive drying method in which dehydration occurs at elevated temperatures. Place the rosemary in an even layer on a baking sheet in the oven. It is advisable to place parchment or baking paper under the green mass. This is necessary so that the leaves do not stick to the tray. The drying temperature is set to the minimum possible that the oven can maintain. During the process, the material is periodically stirred and turned over. After drying is completed, the rosemary is poured into clean spice jars.
  3. Dehydration. Rosemary is dried at home by mechanically removing moisture from cut shoots. To do this, the green mass is placed in a dehydrator for several days. The latter is a kitchen household appliance designed for drying berries, fruits, and herbs. The principle of operation is similar to an electric oven, but the dehydrator is equipped with a thermostat, and therefore it does not just dry, but gently dehydrates the food. Spread the seasoning evenly in a thin layer on trays and turn on the device at minimum power. leave for 2-3 days.


The fleshy, resinous leaves of the seasoning are stored at sub-zero temperatures. Rosemary is frozen in two ways: in its natural form and in a filler (butter or vegetable oil). In the first case, the leaves are torn off the stems. The shoots are first washed with running water and dried. The leaves are laid out on a cutting board or large dish and placed in the freezer for several hours. Then the seasoning is taken out and placed in sealed bags or containers. If possible, remove excess air from the former, and try to fill the latter as much as possible. Packaged rosemary is placed in the freezer for long-term storage.

For your information!

Freezing is suitable for preserving a larger volume of spices.

The second method of preservation is in oil. In this case, you get a ready-made dressing for the side dish. The plant is prepared similarly to the first option. Clean leaves are crushed with a knife or in a blender. The material is laid out in ice trays. Top rosemary with vegetable or melted butter. The forms are placed in the freezer. The shelf life of the seasoning is about 8 months.

Cold storage

The seasoning does not have to be preserved. To preserve the aroma, taste and nutrients, you can store fresh rosemary in the refrigerator. The main condition is to place the plant in a humid environment. There is no need to wash fresh shoots; they are wrapped in a moistened waffle towel, the bundle is packed in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator. It is better to store the seasoning on the door where it is not very cold. The bag is checked periodically to ensure that moisture does not evaporate. As the towel dries, moisten it by pouring water on it. In this form, rosemary can retain its properties for up to a month.

You can store the plant like a bouquet of flowers - in a vase. Only instead of a beautiful container they use a half-liter glass jar. The edges of the stems are carefully trimmed with scissors, the branches are lowered into a container half filled with water. The jar is placed in the refrigerator on the top shelf, where it is a little warmer. The top of the branches is covered with a plastic bag to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture. Rapid drying is typical for No Frost refrigeration systems. Every few days the water in the jar is changed to fresh. At the same time, the leaves are inspected and wiped. If they have turned black, they should not be eaten.

How to store rosemary fresh for the winter

There is no need to talk about long-term fresh storage, but you can significantly increase the shelf life due to some secrets. Most often they involve storage in the refrigerator:

  1. In a closed box. In specialized stores you can find special containers for storing various products. In some of them, manufacturers have provided small ventilation windows, thanks to which the product inside can be prevented from spoiling.
  2. In packages. These should not be ordinary cellophane packaging bags, but special ones with zip-lock fasteners. The locking system is based on pressing hard sections of the package into special recesses (a kind of tongue and groove, like laminate). If necessary, you can remove the required amount of herb and then close the bag again.
  3. In parchment paper. To do this, after packing the herbs, moisten the resulting package with water from a spray bottle. The parchment should be tightly saturated with moisture.

See also

How to cover rosemary in the countryside in open ground for the winter, care features and whether it needs to be pruned


It is impossible to store rosemary indoors for a long time. The following method helps some housewives to extend the period. The lower ends of the plant branches are cut off, placed in a container with water, and covered with a plastic bag on top. Then all that remains is to regularly wipe the branches from the moisture that has accumulated on them. And of course, the water needs to be changed periodically for fresh water.

Some short but interesting facts about rosemary

  • Rosemary got its name from the Latin word rosmarinus
    , which means “fog over the sea” or “haze over the sea”;
  • Rosemary is part of the Lamiaceae family, which also includes basil, lavender, oregano, mint and many other herbs;
  • rosemary bush can reach a height of up to 1.5 m;
  • grows wild along the sea coasts of Italy, Greece, Spain and France;
  • in the 16th century, rosemary sprigs were set on fire and used to fumigate hospital wards to kill germs;
  • in some countries it is customary to leave sprigs of rosemary on the grave, thereby showing that a family member will not be forgotten;
  • in ancient times, rosemary was used as herbal medicine to treat headaches, toothaches, and baldness;
  • rosemary was recognized as herbaceous plant of the year in 2000 by the International Herbal Association;
  • When dried, rosemary retains most of its flavor and aroma;
  • rosemary essential oil can be poisonous in large doses;
  • Rosemary is often used as a flavoring agent, and its extract can be found in many cosmetics;
  • The best time to plant rosemary is considered to be early autumn or spring;
  • rosemary is very difficult to grow from seeds;
  • easily propagated by cuttings;
  • The scent of rosemary attracts bees.

Historical facts about rosemary

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of rosemary. Since ancient times it has been used as a seasoning and for medicinal purposes. This spice has become very popular due to the belief that it has a beneficial effect on the brain and strengthens memory. In ancient Greece, for example, they wore sprigs of rosemary in their hair when preparing for exams.

In England, thanks to its ability, rosemary turned into a symbol of fidelity: you smelled rosemary, remembered that you were married and changed your mind about cheating, this is probably how it worked.

Only in the 14th century did they learn to extract essential oil from rosemary. On its basis, a popular perfume at that time called “Queen of Hungary” was made.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, it was especially popular to use rosemary as a dietary supplement to improve digestion.

Beneficial features

The aroma of rosemary is often associated with good food. But not many people know that in addition to the wonderful aroma and taste with which rosemary decorates your dishes, it also has a lot of beneficial properties. Rosemary stimulates the immune system, improves digestion, and also contains anti-inflammatory components that help reduce the severity of asthma attacks. In addition, consuming rosemary increases blood flow to the brain, thereby improving concentration.

You feel noticeable improvements in the morning: you have become more attentive and less distracted, you have not forgotten to take out the trash, you have completed all your tasks at work on time - know that this is all thanks to rosemary. And yesterday’s thrashing from the authorities has nothing to do with it.

Types of rosemary, where to buy and how to choose

Rosemary is sold dried and fresh.

It can be found fresh for sale in large chain supermarkets and in markets from herbs/salad sellers. Dry one can be found almost everywhere: packaged and sold by weight both in small shops and markets from spice sellers, and in large supermarkets.

If possible, try to purchase it fresh, as in this form it has a fantastic aroma. When purchasing fresh rosemary, pay attention to its appearance: the leaves should look fresh and be a bright, dark green color. Avoid buying twigs with yellow leaves and/or black spots on them.

When buying dry, try to choose organically grown. If you buy packaged ones, buy products from well-known brands.

How to choose good rosemary

This spice is commercially available in the following varieties:

  • dried leaves;
  • dried twigs;
  • fresh twigs.

If you have the opportunity to choose it fresh, then pay attention to the following conventions:

  • the leaves should stay well on the branches and not fall off, have a slight bluish coating, this indicates that they were picked recently;
  • if the cut of the branches is withered, it is better to refuse the purchase;
  • if there are yellow leaves on the branches, it is better not to buy them;
  • the presence of black spots on the stem and leaves also indicates that it is a spoiled product.

Interesting: How to Store Potatoes in the Basement in Winter

When choosing dried spices, we recommend following these rules:

  • It is better to choose a factory-packed package;
  • when buying by weight, chew 1-2 leaves to feel their inherent taste; if it is not there, refuse to purchase;
  • look at the expiration date of the spice; the best is considered to be the one that is packaged in the summer, during the period of plant growth;
  • it is better to give preference to a more expensive, but well-known and trusted brand with a worldwide reputation, preferably made in Italy;
  • Shelf life should be up to 6 months;
  • The composition must contain 100% leaves without salt, additives or preservatives.

How to use

Before adding to food, rosemary should be quickly rinsed under cold running water and then dried.

Most recipes use the leaves, which can be easily torn from the stem. Depending on the type of dish and the wishes of the cook, they can be added either whole or finely chopped.

Alternatively, you can add the whole stem to flavor soups, stews and meat dishes. Don't forget to take it out before serving, it's not very pleasant to chew.

Some ideas on how to use rosemary:

  • add fresh rosemary to omelet;
  • rosemary is simply a great companion for chicken and lamb;
  • add rosemary to tomato sauce and soups;
  • Try adding a sprig of rosemary to your gin and tonic or lemonade;
  • Finely chop fresh rosemary, mix with olive oil and use as a sauce for toasted toast. And if you additionally add to this sauce finely chopped ripe tomatoes and a couple of cloves of garlic... I won’t write anything, you simply have to try it yourself. Don't forget the toast.

How to store



If it’s not always easy to find fresh rosemary in your city, buy a lot at once and freeze it. To do this, rinse it and dry it. Then place in a plastic container or ziplock bag and place in the freezer.

As needed, open the bag and break off the required number of branches.

In this way, it can be stored for a very long time, it takes up practically no space, and now you always have fresh rosemary at home.


: Pour broth or water into an ice cube tray, add a couple of rosemary leaves to each “cube” and freeze. Add one or two ice cubes to soups or hot dishes for flavor.


In dry form, rosemary is usually stored in a closed glass container. It is better to place the jar in a dry, dark and cool place. So it can be stored for about 6 months.

Rosemary is a popular herb that many gardeners grow in their gardens. It also takes root well as a potted plant. This herb is also used in folk medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy. Its scent is reminiscent of both pine and citrus. The leaves of the plant have a spicy, slightly islandy taste. At the end of the season, the question arises as to how best to preserve the rosemary harvest indoors for use during the winter.

How to store dried rosemary

High-quality dried raw materials have a grayish-green color, a spicy, bitter taste and a bright camphor aroma.

Before placing in storage containers, the branches are freed from leaves. Dry leaves can be ground into powder using a blender, but in cooking it is best to use whole needle-like leaves.

Store rosemary for 1 year in paper or fabric bags. The room where the spice is stored should be dry and cool.

Many lovers of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine are familiar with the spicy taste of rosemary. Rosmarius is translated from Latin as “sea dew”; this herb is one of the main herbs in the cuisines of all Mediterranean countries, especially Italian.

If you rub a couple of fresh rosemary leaves between your palms, you can pick up an aroma similar to a combination of lemon and pine needles, with a slightly musky note. Italian housewives grow it directly in flowerpots on the windowsill; this evergreen tree with bunches of fragrant stems serves as the main seasoning for many dishes. Its range of uses is the widest - meat and poultry, fish and seafood, vegetables, sauces, marinades.

How long does rosemary last?

    Fresh - for 1 month.

    In vacuum packaging - up to 3 months.

    Frozen - up to 12 months.

Collection of raw materials for long-term storage

A supply of rosemary in the kitchen will be useful for any housewife. This spice has wide culinary uses. Pairs best with meat dishes. It is recommended to consume fresh greens immediately after they have been picked. But, if you can’t use it in one go, you need to take care to extend the freshness of the product. In order for the product to be truly high-quality, you need to understand where, when to collect it and how to dry it.

Rosemary is harvested during its flowering period from July to August. By this time, the maximum amount of essential oils accumulates in it. The branches are cut on a sunny day.

You need to use a well-sharpened knife. Before storing, the harvested crop is sorted. Damaged or dried specimens are not suitable for this purpose. Leaves showing signs of disease are thrown away.

The leaves of the plant are of greatest value for cooking. The graceful tops of the branches are often used to decorate festive dishes at banquets.

Rosemary can be replaced with spices such as thyme or oregano.

How to freeze rosemary

Many people are interested in the question of whether rosemary can be frozen. This plant is distinguished by its resinous leaves. This quality allows it to be frozen for long-term storage. The leaves must first be washed and dried. After they dry, they are cut off from the stems, so more will fit into the container. Lay out on a board or dish and place in the freezer for several hours. Then they are placed in sealed bags from which the air is released. After this, the workpiece can be finally placed in the freezer.

You can freeze the spice in oil. To do this, washed rosemary leaves are crushed and placed in an ice tray. Melt a stick of butter in a saucepan on the stove and pour it over the weed after it has cooled. The form is placed in the freezer. The more oil there is, the richer the taste will be. In winter, it will be very pleasant to season hot potatoes, baked meat, etc. with this oil. The recommended shelf life for ice cubes is 8 months.

How to Preserve Rosemary for the Winter

Rosemary is easy to prepare for the winter. Standard methods for herbs are used:

To preserve large quantities of rosemary, it is wise to use freezing:

  • Wash and dry rosemary.
  • Pinch off the leaves and place on a plate, baking sheet, or board.
  • Place in the freezer for several hours.
  • Pack frozen rosemary into airtight bags and store in the freezer.

Rosemary preserved in this way loses its external freshness, but the aroma and taste of the spice remain consistently excellent.

The herbal plant is frozen in oil:

  • Clean rosemary leaves are cut and placed in an ice tray.
  • The butter is melted on the stove and, after cooling, poured onto the grass.
  • The form is put into the freezer.

The more oil you add, the richer the rosemary flavor will be. In winter, it can be used to season vegetables, baked potatoes, and chicken. Flavorful cubes are successfully used in preparing your favorite dishes.

Frozen rosemary will keep for up to eight months.

Drying rosemary is also easy. It is enough to divide it into small bunches, tie the stems and hang for several days in a warm place.

Dried rosemary sprigs should be placed in a bag, tied or closed and rubbed between your palms. With this movement, the leaves will detach from the stems. The latter must be removed. Dried rosemary can be stored in an airtight container for at least six months.

Cold storage

If you want to keep rosemary fresh for a while without freezing, there is no need to wash the herb first. You will need a waffle towel, which you need to wet and wring out. Spice sprigs are wrapped in it, the towel should be packed in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator. You should periodically check to see if it has dried out.

A fresh rosemary bush in the refrigerator should be placed on the door where it is not too cold. In this case, the shelf life is extended to a month. Instead of a towel, some people prefer to use parchment paper dampened with a spray bottle. Everything else is done as in the first method. You can also store the plant in a vase or jar of water, like a bouquet of flowers. To do this, the ends of the branches need to be cut off. A bag is placed on top of the bun. The water will need to be changed every few days. Rosemary leaves should be carefully wiped with a towel so that there is no moisture on them. If the leaves have acquired a dark color, they can no longer be used.

Rosemary is useful - it boosts immunity, improves digestion and treats colds.

How to properly store fresh rosemary

Rosemary will retain its unique aroma even when cooked. And its fresh leaves, elastic to the touch, can be stored for a long time. But it is still better to use this herb as soon as it is picked.

If you can’t use everything, you can store the spice in the refrigerator. The leaves of this plant should not be washed before storing. This is done later, before use. Next we will learn how to store rosemary.

First storage method:

  • the tips of the branches are cut off in the same way as flowers;
  • place the grass in small portions in a container with water;
  • I cover the upper part of the plants with cling film or a bag. Several small holes are made in the film or bag;
  • fresh water is poured several times a week;
  • Carefully remove moisture from the leaves with a napkin.

You can store rosemary in this form for a week.

Second way:

  • stems with leaves are wrapped in paper or cloth;
  • From a spray bottle, spray the bag with the spice well with water until the paper is completely wet.
  • The wet paper bundle is placed in a plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator.

Note! The paper should be quite thick so as not to get wet under water. Rosemary can be stored in this form for about 2-3 weeks.

Third way:

  • Rosemary branches are wrapped in a slightly damp waffle towel;
  • then the towel with the grass is placed in a plastic bag;
  • the towel is periodically moistened with water from a spray bottle.

With this storage method, you can enjoy fresh spices for a month.

This spice is placed in a place in the refrigerator where it is not too cool, for example, on the door. These tips will help keep rosemary fresh for about one month. Further, the leaves may become dark and mold fungi may appear on them. In this case, even if you wash the seasoning, it will still remain unsuitable for consumption.

We can say that the optimal storage conditions for this plant are high humidity and a temperature not higher than +5°C. Those. the freshness area or refrigerator door are ideal. You also need to unwrap the bag several times a week and check the branches for darkening and mold. If you remove leaves that have begun to deteriorate, you can keep the spice fresh for up to 4 weeks.

Drying rosemary

Drying rosemary is justified because... This plant is able to retain its taste and aroma when dried. Even the texture remains the same, because... the culture has hard branches. The seasoning does not lose its beneficial properties. There are several tips for drying rosemary. You can do this in three ways:

  1. In air - the plant stems are washed and dried. Then they are collected in small bunches, tied at the base, and hung in a dark, ventilated room.
  2. In the oven – it is convenient to use the oven to dry the plant evenly. Place baking paper on a baking sheet to prevent the leaves from burning. Rosemary sprigs are laid out on the sheet; the oven can only be turned on at the minimum temperature.
  3. Dehydration – To remove moisture from the plant, place it in a dehydrator for 2 days. The device should operate in the weakest mode. Because the leaves are hard, they take longer to dry than other herbs.

How to dry rosemary at home is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The choice of method depends on convenience. But all three described methods guarantee the desired result. The product can be stored for no more than 6 months in an airtight container.

How to choose good rosemary

So, before you start organizing storage, you need to choose this spice correctly. It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of the leaves: their color should be rich dark green. They should not look withered. If the bulk of the dark green color contains yellow leaves, albeit in small quantities, then it is better to refrain from purchasing. Most likely, the spices have been lying on the counter for a long time, and their unforgettable aroma has already become much weaker.

If there are black dots on the leaves, then such rosemary leaves should also not be purchased. This may indicate that the plant was sick or was stored incorrectly. In both cases, you will not get pleasure from adding such a seasoning to food.

It’s good if you have the opportunity to assemble a bouquet from leaves yourself. This way you can choose the spice sprigs that are most suitable for all parameters. As a rule, this is possible only in some large stores, but in the market you can negotiate with sellers about such a selective purchase.

Rosemary tinctures

You can make excellent tinctures with rosemary. Such original alcoholic products have medicinal properties and have an unusual taste. They are used not only internally, but also for external use. To prepare the tincture you will need alcohol. A few sprigs of rosemary are enough for one cup of liquid.

Adding lemon or grapefruit peel will help give the resulting product additional flavor. Such drinks, taken in small doses as a treatment, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart, kidneys and bladder, and nervous system. Infusions, undiluted, are rubbed onto joints for arthritis and arthrosis. If you put a few leaves of the seasoning in olive oil or vinegar, they will acquire a new, unusual flavor. You can simply place a sprig of rosemary in a bottle of oil or vinegar for 2-3 weeks.

Freezing is good for preserving more seasoning.

Rosemary with salt

Many people make rosemary salt.
For this, it is best to use coarse sea salt. In a cup with it you need to put a handful of fresh seasoning leaves and the zest from one lemon. The resulting mixture is crushed using a blender until a fine texture is obtained. When the salt turns green, stop grinding. Spread paper on a baking sheet, onto which salt is poured in a thin layer. Place the baking sheet in the oven over low heat for 20 minutes. To store salt, it is recommended to use a plastic food container with an airtight lid. Regular glass jars will also work. They need to be kept in a dark and dry place - a closet or pantry. This salt is used for grilling meat and poultry; you can season salads and hot dishes with it. If you mix a small amount of olive oil with rosemary salt, you get a natural scrub.

Vacuum storage

If you have any doubts about how to store rosemary, it is best to use the method of preserving herbs in a vacuum. Many people today have a vacuum machine at home for household needs. It greatly facilitates the packaging of products for a long shelf life. If you don’t have such a device in your house, you can borrow one from your neighbors. The rosemary sprigs can then be packed into small bags.

In the refrigerator, such a preparation can lie for about two months unfrozen. You can experiment with flavors and mix rosemary with other herbs. It goes very well with thyme, parsley, marjoram, black pepper and chili pepper.

To separate dried rosemary leaves from the stems, bunches can be placed in a bag and rubbed between your palms.

Storing in sea salt

If you make salt from rosemary, it can be stored for a long time:

  • the leaves should be very carefully torn from the stems;
  • using a blender (this is the easiest way) mix them with sea salt (90 grams for 10 stems with leaves);
  • when the salt mass turns green, turn off the blender;
  • cover the baking sheet with parchment paper;
  • Spread the mixture of salt and rosemary in a thin layer on a baking sheet and level it with a spatula. After which it is sent to the oven;
  • in the oven, preheated to 100 - 110°C, the salty mixture should remain for about 15 minutes;

Then the mixture should be placed in clean jars and stored in a dark place with low humidity. This flavored salt has long been used as an excellent seasoning for various dishes and baked goods.

Rosemary is a very unusual herb. At first it is difficult to get used to its unique taste and pine aroma. But after a while it will no longer be possible to do without this amazing seasoning, which will make any dish bright and unforgettable. If you know simple rules for storing rosemary, you can use it almost all year round.

Rosemary is a versatile spice that is used for cooking and medicinal purposes. The twigs, flowers and leaves of the plant are used for cooking meat, fish, seafood, and vegetables. The greens are characterized by a pine smell and a moderately pungent taste. The essential oils contained in rosemary allow it to be used for medicinal purposes by preparing decoctions and teas. Since greens cannot be stored fresh for a long time, let’s look at how to preserve rosemary without losing its beneficial substances.

Rosemary paste

This seasoning is used to prepare a healthy paste rich in vitamin C, B and other essential elements. To prepare it, you need to put some rosemary, a few pieces of ginger, the zest of one lemon and a couple of cloves of garlic into a blender bowl. If desired, you can add other spices at your discretion.

All ingredients are poured with half a liter of olive oil and crushed. The finished mixture is placed for storage in small jars or plastic containers. Store them in the freezer. A couple of teaspoons of the aromatic mixture will be enough for one dish. This method will help you preserve rosemary for the winter at home.

Rosemary is healthy and can add color to any dish. How to store this spice in winter is up to everyone to decide for themselves. You can keep it dried or frozen, but some people prefer alcohol tinctures.

Any dish will sparkle with new colors and acquire a unique taste if you add herbs to it. Did you know that handling greens requires remarkable culinary skill? Properly chopped and timely added dill or basil can radically change the taste of a gastronomic masterpiece. You should also not forget about the storage conditions for fragrant greens. You might find these helpful tips useful.

What dishes does basil go with?

Basil should not be cooked for long. The longer you cook it, the more it loses flavor. Fresh basil is the best company for sandwiches, salads, and sauces, provided that it is placed in a frying pan or pan no more than a minute before it is ready.

Try tossing basil with any store-bought pasta sauce. You will immediately feel the difference.

How to properly cut basil

Small leaves can be added to food in their original form. Large ones should be torn off, folded into a small pile, folded in half, and then cut into thin small strips. If you want to chop the herbs finely, simply roll the basil again and chop.

How to store fresh basil

Cut off the bottom of the stem and wipe the leaves dry. Fill a small container with water and place a bunch of greens in it. Take a plastic bag and make several holes in it to allow oxygen to penetrate. Place the bag over the container with the basil. Basil should not be placed in the refrigerator. It will feel quite comfortable on the kitchen table away from direct sunlight. Change the water daily and you can enjoy fresh basil for a week.

Other ways to harvest rosemary

The above methods for storing greens are far from the only ones. Rosemary lovers are constantly coming up with new ways to prepare it and sharing their recipes with others.

Freezing in oil

This method involves using olive oil and ice containers. First, the rosemary sprigs should be washed and then cut into small pieces. Arrange them among the molds, leaving a little space in each cell. After all the cells are filled with greens, they are filled with olive oil and placed in the freezer. In this form, greens can be stored all winter. Remove cubes as needed.

Many housewives freeze the spice without olive oil. Place the branches in plastic containers and remove them as needed.

This storage method has long been loved by gourmets. The only thing is that it involves adding additional ingredients.

  1. Place 200 g of rosemary in a blender bowl.
  2. Add lemon zest.
  3. A couple of cloves of garlic.
  4. Ginger and other ingredients or herbs, depending on taste preference.
  5. All this is poured with a glass of olive oil and crushed.

The finished mixture is placed in glass jars and stored in the freezer. Use the paste to season various dishes, adding 1-2 teaspoons.

In home harvesting conditions, special vacuum machines are often used. This is the most convenient way to store greens. To do this, just pack the plant branches in small vacuum bags and place them in the refrigerator. Many housewives prefer to mix and store rosemary with other herbs. In the refrigerator, vacuum-sealed greens will keep for up to 2 months. For longer storage, the bags are placed in the freezer.

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There is another interesting way to get the aroma and flavor of rosemary in prepared dishes. Several sprigs of greenery are placed in a bottle with sunflower oil or vinegar. After 1.5–2 weeks, the liquids will acquire a characteristic spicy aroma.

Thus, you can prepare rosemary for the winter in various ways. Everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations. Frozen rosemary should not be re-frozen. Therefore, the spice is taken out strictly in those portions that are required for cooking.

The above methods for storing greens are far from the only ones. Rosemary lovers are constantly coming up with new ways to prepare it and sharing their recipes with others.

Parsley and cilantro (coriander)

What dishes does parsley go with?

Add parsley or cilantro to the finished dish to add bright flavor and color to the culinary creation. Mix finely chopped parsley (cilantro) with lemon juice and pour this mixture over rice, you will have a delicious side dish.

Place chopped parsley and cilantro in a container with vegetable oil, squeeze out a clove of garlic, add a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or orange sauce. This marinade is great for all types of meat, chicken and fish.

Cilantro (coriander)

How to store parsley and cilantro

Rinse and dry the parsley/cilantro. Wrap the greens in a water-soaked towel, then place them in a plastic bag. Store the bag in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days.

Parsley or cilantro pesto sauce

Make pesto sauce from parsley or cilantro. It goes well with vegetables, seafood, pasta and meat. Mix a bunch of greens, a handful of walnuts in a blender, slowly pour in a little olive oil, add grated Parmesan, salt and pepper to taste. Store the sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Wild sage

What dishes does sage go with?

Sage perfectly complements the taste of polenta and legume dishes. Chicken or pork baked with vegetables and a pinch of sage will impress even the most sophisticated gourmet.

How to properly cut sage

Remove the leaves from the stem, place them together and cut into thin strips. If you need it even smaller, fold the sage in half and chop again.

How to store sage

Wash and dry the greens. Wrap the sage in a damp kitchen towel and store in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Sage will retain its taste and appearance for 4 to 6 days.

How to Roast Sage Leaves

Roast sage leaves to elegantly garnish soups, risotto, and pasta. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add a little vegetable oil, and fry the sage for about 15 seconds until crisp. Place the leaves on a paper kitchen towel to absorb excess oil, then lightly salt the sage.

Thyme and rosemary

How to properly cut thyme

Thyme and rosemary have a fairly hard stem, so they are not used for food. Pick off the leaves and chop them finely. Add rosemary and thyme at the very beginning of cooking to maximize the flavors. These herbs go well with beef, lamb, chicken and roasted vegetables.

How to Store Fresh Thyme and Rosemary

Wrap the washed and dried herbs in a damp paper towel, then place them in a plastic bag. Greens will keep wonderfully in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

Aromatic salt from thyme and rosemary

Make flavored salt. Mix 1-2 tablespoons dried rosemary or thyme, 1 tablespoon lemon zest with 1/4 cup coarse salt.

Use the seasoning to cook meat, fish and vegetables.

What dishes does dill go with?

This is the most universal seasoning for any dish: scrambled eggs and first courses, fish and poultry. Lemon juice or sour cream with dill makes a delicious salad dressing. It’s rare that a sauce is complete without a couple of sprigs of dill.

How to store dill in the refrigerator

Store greens in the refrigerator, first placing them in a plastic bag or in a container of water. Dill will not lose freshness for 3-6 days.

Green dill oil

Make green butter. Finely chop the dill and mix it with softened butter, lightly salt. Wrap the butter in parchment paper or cling film. Store it in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Rosemary is a shrub whose young green twigs, flowers and leaves are widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes. The taste and aroma of this plant is spicy, reminiscent of the aroma of coniferous trees.

In cooking, rosemary is used to flavor meat and poultry, fish and seafood dishes. The essential oils that this plant is rich in are used for medicinal purposes. Healing tinctures and tea are also made from the shoots of this shrub.

Since rosemary contains a large amount of essential oils, it must be dried with great care. We’ll talk about all the ways to properly dry rosemary in this article.

The shoots, leaves and flowers of this plant have beneficial properties. But the most valuable is the deciduous mass.

It is necessary to collect the green parts of the plant before the bush begins to bloom. It is during this period that the pouring contains the greatest amount of useful substances and aromatic oils. Rosemary sprigs are cut 15–20 centimeters long, trying to choose the juiciest and youngest shoots.

Rosemary flowers are collected to brew teas and prepare tinctures. They are cut during the period of active flowering of the plant. The collected inflorescences must be sent for drying as quickly as possible so that they do not have time to wither.

How to store fresh rosemary

Fresh rosemary delights with elastic and soft leaves that hold tightly to the stems. The grass is elastic and aromatic.

Rosemary is best consumed immediately after being collected from the garden or purchased. But if you don’t use it at once, then it’s wise to prolong its freshness.

Greens can be preserved in several ways. Each of them requires keeping rosemary in the refrigerator. It is better not to wash the grass in advance. This should only be done immediately before cooking.

  • Wrap rosemary in parchment paper.
  • Using a spray bottle, thoroughly moisten the package with grass. The paper should be completely saturated with water.
  • Place the rosemary in a plastic bag and place it on the refrigerator shelf.
  • Wet a waffle towel and squeeze out the water so it doesn't drip.
  • Arrange rosemary sprigs and wrap.
  • Place the towel with fresh herbs in a plastic bag.
  • Make sure that the towel does not dry out. Moisten it periodically with water.
  • Cut off the ends with a knife or scissors (like flowers).
  • Place the bunch in a glass or jar with cool water.
  • Place a plastic bag on top.
  • Check the condition of the water. Every few days you need to pour fresh water.
  • Moisture should be periodically removed from rosemary leaves. This is done very carefully with a paper towel.

Rosemary is best placed in the least cold part of the refrigerator. The ideal place is on the door.

Using the methods described, you can preserve fresh rosemary for about a month.

When the leaves darken, mold will appear on the stems - the spice can no longer be used.

Methods for drying rosemary

On air

The collected raw materials can be dried in a shaded and well-ventilated area or outdoors under awnings. The main task is to protect rosemary from sunlight, otherwise the greens will lose color and most of the nutrients.

The green mass is laid out on sheets of paper and dried, turning over every day. You can dry rosemary with individual leaves, but it is much easier to dry the raw material with sprigs.

You can also form small bunches of 5 to 7 branches and hang the rosemary, foliage down, on the veranda or attic.

The flowers are laid out on racks or on sieves in a single layer and dried in the shade, turning occasionally.

The natural drying method takes approximately 2 weeks.

In the dryer for vegetables and fruits

If weather conditions do not allow you to dry your greens quickly enough, you can use an electric fruit and vegetable dryer.

Green sprigs of rosemary are cut into pieces of 5–6 centimeters and laid out in one layer on the drying racks. To preserve the maximum amount of essential oils, the heating temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

Flowers are dried in the same way, only the time to dry the inflorescences will take half as much, approximately 4 hours.

In the oven

It is highly undesirable to use this option for preparing rosemary, since the heating temperature of the oven is quite difficult to control. But if you urgently need to dry the spice, and there is no other way to do this, then the oven must be set to minimum heat.

The oven door should be slightly open and the rosemary trays should be placed on the top shelf. Drying time – 3 – 4 hours.

Alexander Maksimov will talk about the beneficial properties of rosemary and recipes for preparing medicines in his video

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