Persimmon: care, watering, photo, replanting, pests

Tips on how to choose ripe persimmons and store them correctly

Persimmon is a bright representative of subtropical fruits, literally and figuratively. It is not for nothing that it is also called “orange sun”, “heart apple tree”. Its name in Latin, diospyros kaki, means “food of the gods.” Perhaps because it brings great benefits to the human body.

In the ranking of the most useful winter fruits, persimmon is among the undisputed leaders. It is by winter, with the onset of ripening, that its biologically active substances gain maximum healing power. In November and December - the best source of vitamins and nutrients.

The fruits appear on the shelves of supermarkets and markets in late autumn, and are collected until frost. The excellent ability of picked persimmon fruits to ripen allows you to harvest in the so-called. “removable maturity”, ensuring good transportability. In order for such fruits to ripen, they are often placed together with bananas in cardboard boxes. Within a day, the fruits become bright orange.

Nevertheless, persimmon fruits are very often brought and offered for sale unripe. Since the taste and benefits of a fruit directly depend on its ripeness, the main advice when purchasing is to strive to choose the ripest fruits.

It will also be useful to separate the bunch and store the fruits separately.

How to “ripen” persimmons at home

The winter holidays are behind us, family feasts are behind us, life is returning to its usual rhythm. It's time to think about a good fasting day, a healthy daily diet and the benefits of the foods that are included in it.

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Today in the Healthy Products section I would like to share with you the healing properties of persimmons . The only fruit that recently invariably appears on our shelves with the first frost. To be precise, this is the only winter berry. Persimmon is actually considered a berry, not a fruit. It is in winter, when we are so lacking in vitamins, do not deny yourself the pleasure of buying this beautiful and healthy berry in all respects.

Do you like persimmons? The benefits of persimmon are undeniable! But, unfortunately, many people do not like its tart and astringent taste and they cross out persimmons from their diet. At the end of the article, you will learn 2 ways to get rid of the astringent taste of persimmon. Do you know that unripe persimmons not only will not benefit your body, moreover, they can cause harm? Unripe persimmons are especially dangerous for people suffering from diabetes and intestinal obstruction.

But ripe, juicy persimmons not only stop “knitting”, but also provide your body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Do you like persimmons? The benefits of persimmon are undeniable! But, unfortunately, many people do not like its tart and astringent taste and they cross out persimmons from their diet. At the end of the article, you will learn 2 ways to get rid of the astringent taste of persimmon. Do you know that unripe persimmons not only will not benefit your body, moreover, they can cause harm? Unripe persimmons are especially dangerous for people suffering from diabetes and intestinal obstruction.

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Proper purchase of persimmons

The buyer should be aware that unripe fruits, as well as the fruits of some varieties of persimmon, have an unpleasant viscosity and astringency. The astringent taste is lost only after full ripening, when the pulp becomes jelly-like, mealy-paste or even semi-liquid.

Choose ripe persimmons by touch

Always start buying persimmons by checking them by touch: the softer the fruit, the riper it is. The fruit is not allowed to be cracked. The presence of thin brown stripes is evidence that the persimmon has already crossed the line of maturity and cannot be unripe. But the presence of black dots will be a bad sign - it is likely that they were picked ahead of time. The skin should be shiny and thin, almost transparent, and not dense. Determine the natural ripening of persimmons (on the tree) by the dryness of the stalk (tail). A ripe fruit should have a dry tail.

When choosing persimmons, also pay attention to the shape: it can be cylindrical, conical, round or flat. It is believed that round and rounded shapes are sweeter and tastier. The color of the fruit should be rich. Do not choose light orange fruits - they are usually unripe.

Chocolate king

One of the most popular and delicious varieties of persimmon. The "Chocolate Wren" can be identified by its almost dark brown color and darker veins in the flesh. It is always with seeds - evidence that pollination of the flower has occurred.

This is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. The fruit contains less astringent acid than the common persimmon, so its taste is very pleasant, reminiscent of quince, apple, and apricot. They eat its rather hard flesh, biting it like an apple. Has thin shiny skin. There are no seeds.

Tips for ripening persimmon fruits and removing astringency

According to the taste characteristics, persimmon varieties are divided into tart (only full ripening ensures the disappearance of the astringent taste), impatient (they have no astringent taste even in an unripe state), variable (their taste depends on the presence of seeds in the fruit: unpollinated seedless fruits have pulp light orange and very tart when unripe, while seed fruits have dark brown flesh with a sweet taste without tartness).

If you nevertheless bought unripe tart persimmons, then use one of the methods suggested below for ripening them, which remove the tartness to one degree or another:

- place persimmons next to (preferably together in a bag) with fruits that emit ethylene (apples, bananas);

- keep the fruits in warm water (up to 40 degrees Celsius) for 24 hours;

- pour a 10% lime solution over the fruits for several days.

How to make persimmons ripen?

In order for persimmon fruits to ripen, you need to put them in a plastic bag along with apples or tomatoes. It is these products that emit ethylene gas, which will help the persimmon ripen (or put a few glasses of apple cider vinegar in a bag with persimmons for 4-5 days). You can also try piercing this fruit in several places with a needle thoroughly soaked in ethyl alcohol, this will also help ripening. Well, to stop knitting, then yes, it is recommended to freeze it for several hours or keep it in warm water for 10-12 hours, then the tannins that give this fruit viscosity will go away.

If you really can’t bear to eat a persimmon, then you can wall it up in a plastic bag, send it to the refrigerator-freezer, and invent other gambles on your own. But the point of these fussy movements with fruit is to keep yourself busy while the persimmons ripen, because if you just leave the fruits in a vase at room temperature, then over time they will reach the desired condition. Any defrosting and ripening is better for the product and its consumer, the slower it occurs. The idea of ​​putting persimmons together with bananas and apples is good not even because of the ethylene released, but because, when you approach the persimmon again and find it invariably fashionable, as if made of plastic, you can eat the mountain with other healthy fruits.

In order for persimmon fruits to ripen, you need to put them in a plastic bag along with apples or tomatoes. It is these products that emit ethylene gas, which will help the persimmon ripen (or put a few glasses of apple cider vinegar in a bag with persimmons for 4-5 days). You can also try piercing this fruit in several places with a needle thoroughly soaked in ethyl alcohol, this will also help ripening. Well, to stop knitting, then yes, it is recommended to freeze it for several hours or keep it in warm water for 10-12 hours, then the tannins that give this fruit viscosity will go away.

Storing persimmon fruits

Choosing a persimmon is only half the battle. It is equally important to deliver and preserve the fruits properly, because they are very tender, especially if they are ripe.

Despite its softness and tenderness, persimmons, when properly stored, are preserved quite well. The fruit can last 2-3 months in the refrigerator. Optimal storage conditions: temperature 0-1 degrees Celsius, humidity - 90%.

If you store fruits indoors (cellar, pantry, loggia), then do not forget to provide ventilation and prevent dryness. It is advisable to place fruits in boxes in no more than 2 layers. Use shavings or other softening packing material. The fruits should be placed cup down in the first layer, and cup up in the second.

Persimmons can be preserved dried, dried or frozen. When defrosting, fruits must be placed in cold water.

The most famous persimmon diets for weight loss

Thanks to various types of diets, you can be guaranteed to lose a couple of extra pounds, but in order for this method to bring only good and beneficial results to your body, you need to stick to it for no more than five days. It is not recommended to repeat this procedure more than once a month. If you are prone to allergic reactions, then it is better for you to avoid this type of food.

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This is a monotonous diet, that is, for five days you will need to eat only persimmons. On the first day it will be 1 kg. fruits, in the second 1.5 kg, in the third 2 kg, in the fourth also 2 kg and in the fifth again 1.5 kg. All this must be supported with fruit teas and clean water in large quantities. If you really want to eat, you can additionally eat a couple of pieces of whole grain bread.

But there are several more mild options for persimmon diets. So, let's begin.

First diet option:

  • Breakfast: 2 pcs. persimmons
  • Lunch: 100 – 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew and one cup of tea with a spoon of honey.

Second diet option:

  • Breakfast: one fresh cucumber, you can also have a fresh cabbage salad and some boiled chicken.
  • Lunch: light vegetable soup with one slice of whole grain bread and 200 gr. pure yogurt.
  • Dinner: 2 pcs. persimmons

Third diet option:

  • Breakfast: 3 pcs. persimmons
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable salad, preferably in olive oil, and some lean beef, 200 grams and no more.
  • Dinner: 1 pc. persimmons, 200 gr. kefir and 150 - 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: some fresh vegetables, one piece of rye bread and an omelette of two eggs.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable salad, 150 gr. baked fish in the oven or steamed and a little vegetable soup.
  • Dinner: 2 pcs. persimmons

Seven-day persimmon diet

First day . Breakfast: oatmeal with water and a cup of green tea without sugar. Lunch: 1 persimmon and one boiled chicken leg without skin. Afternoon snack: 1 persimmon fruit. Dinner: the same as lunch, only without persimmon.

Second day . Breakfast: 2 pcs. persimmons Lunch: 1 pc. persimmon and one toast with ham. Afternoon snack: again 1 pc. persimmons Dinner: 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.

The third day . Breakfast: same as on the first day. Lunch: 2 – 3 boiled eggs. Afternoon snack: 1 low-fat yogurt. Dinner: 2 pcs. persimmons

Fourth day . Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner: 2 pcs. persimmons

Fifth day . The menu is the same as in the fourth.

Sixth day . Breakfast: 2 pcs. persimmons Lunch: one plate of rich borscht. Afternoon snack: again 2 pcs. persimmons Dinner: borscht again.

Seventh day . Breakfast: 2 pcs. persimmons Lunch: chicken broth. Afternoon snack: 2 pcs. orange and one low-fat yogurt. Dinner: boiled chicken leg without skin.

Interesting Facts

Persimmon trees are tall, up to 10 m, have long-term growth and fruiting, and live up to half a thousand years.

The astringent, tart flavoring effect of persimmons is given by a substance – tannin, which disappears as the fruit ripens. Tannin plays an important role in protecting the plant from being eaten by various microorganisms and animals. So we, people, don’t like tart fruit.

In this article we looked at how to choose the right persimmon and store it correctly. Now, with this knowledge, you can safely go shopping to any supermarket or market and buy the ripest and healthiest fruits for yourself and your family. Be happy and healthy!

If you nevertheless bought unripe tart persimmons, then use one of the methods suggested below for ripening them, which remove the tartness to one degree or another:

How to store persimmons

The beneficial properties of this fruit have been known to mankind for many hundreds of years. Its beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys has led to the continued use of such fruits as a medicine for a number of diseases. At the same time, this fruit has a number of disadvantages - in particular, it spoils very quickly if storage conditions are not met. Accordingly, to ensure the maximum shelf life of these fruits for food, you need to know how to properly store persimmons at home.

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How to properly store persimmons

It is worth noting that storage requirements vary somewhat depending on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. In particular, the requirements for storing unripe persimmons will differ significantly from the conditions for storing ripe fruits.

When purchasing ripe fruits, it is necessary to store persimmons at home in such a way as to prevent them from spoiling due to rotting.

The choice of where to do this will depend on the desired shelf life of the fruit, as well as personal wishes regarding their condition after storage.

For example, you can store persimmons at home in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to -1 degrees. In this case, the period of fruit suitability will last for approximately 3-4 months. The main condition for storing persimmons at home in winter in such conditions is to maintain the humidity level in the range from 80% to 90%. If the humidity level drops below the specified level, the fruits will begin to dry out and shrink. With higher humidity, they may begin to become moldy.

It is also correct to store persimmons in the freezer. When using the fast freezing mode, the original aroma of these fruits can be preserved, and if the temperature is maintained at a sufficiently low level throughout the storage period, the shelf life of the fruit can be up to six months. The only drawback of this option is the mushy state of the fruit pulp after defrosting.

Considering the ripening time of these fruits, you should not store persimmons outside the refrigerator in winter, since unstable temperature and humidity levels will not ensure long-term preservation of stocks.

How to store persimmons so that they ripen

If you pick green persimmons, the requirements for storing them will be slightly different. In particular, it is necessary to store persimmons so that they ripen without freezing, so that a certain metabolism is maintained in the fruits. Of the options where to store persimmons to ripen, we can only name the general refrigerator compartment. The temperature must be maintained at 0 degrees or slightly higher, preventing the fruit from freezing.

As recommendations on how to store unripe persimmons at home so that they ripen, the following options can be given:

  • Place the fruits in the same package with other fruits that emit ethylene (the latter include apples and bananas).
  • Place the persimmon in warm water (temperature about 40 degrees). And maintain this temperature throughout the day.
  • It is also recommended to keep unripe persimmons in a 10% lime solution for several days.

The beneficial properties of this fruit have been known to mankind for many hundreds of years. Its beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys has led to the continued use of such fruits as a medicine for a number of diseases. At the same time, this fruit has a number of disadvantages - in particular, it spoils very quickly if storage conditions are not met. Accordingly, to ensure the maximum shelf life of these fruits for food, you need to know how to properly store persimmons at home.

What are the benefits of persimmon?

Now we have reached the final stage. I hope that you did not run to the store to buy ripe persimmons after reading the previous paragraphs. But if this is so, I don’t dare stop you. Just come back later and finish reading the article.

In general, for those who are still here, I am announcing a list of the beneficial properties of this berry:

  1. Due to its high fiber content, ripe fruit significantly improves the motility of the digestive system, which is why it is, in fact, indicated for constipation. Please note that only ripe berries have this property (I wrote above about how “green” ones work).
  2. Frequent consumption of ripe fruits significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis (which, by the way, can cause constantly cold hands). Also, due to its potassium content and diuretic effect, persimmon is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Excerpt from Wikipedia: “In China and Japan, persimmon is used to treat atherosclerosis, and its juice is used to treat scurvy; in Thailand, intestinal worms are expelled; in Korea, persimmon is considered an anti-inflammatory agent and is used in the treatment of dysentery, enterocolitis and bronchitis.”

  1. Persimmon is very useful for physical exhaustion (this also applies to nervous exhaustion caused by constant stress).
  2. Regular consumption of this berry makes a significant contribution to the prevention of cancer. Persimmons owe this to a large amount of vitamin A and beta carotene (natural antioxidants).
  3. Persimmon seeds have a tonic property. That is why they are dried and then ground and brewed into coffee.
  4. The pulp of the ripe fruit has bactericidal properties.
  5. In folk medicine, the juice of this berry is used to gargle during a cold. To do this, freshly squeezed juice of the middle fruit is diluted with 4 tablespoons of regular warm water.
  6. In some countries, persimmons (cut, of course) are applied to burns and wounds.

Signs of ripeness

Before you understand how to ripen green persimmons, you need to understand what properties ripe fruits have.

The variety of persimmon varieties significantly complicates the problem of determining universal parameters of berry ripeness, but it is still possible to identify general characteristics. Properties by which the degree of fruit ripeness is determined:

  1. Size.
  2. Peel color. Ripe fruits are orange with bright and dark shades. The presence of dark stripes on the rind is also a sign of ripeness.
  3. Pulp density.
  4. Taste. In ripe berries it is sweet, without strong viscosity.

Due to the tannin content, persimmon fruits have a tart, astringent taste. The maximum concentration of tannin is found in green, ripening fruits. This compound provides protection against being eaten by animals and prevents the spread of microorganisms.

As it ripens, the need for protection decreases and the tannin concentration decreases. Ripe berries contain the compound in minimal quantities. The main sign of the absence of tannin is the jelly-like structure of the pulp.

Signs of green persimmon:

  • dense pulp;
  • strong, thick peel;
  • astringent taste;
  • small sizes.

It is worth understanding that the characteristics of the fruits of not all varieties of persimmon meet the general requirements for ripeness. Thus, South American persimmons are distinguished by their green peel color. During the ripening process, the rind and pulp acquire a dark, brownish color, and the taste becomes similar to dark chocolate.

This persimmon is called “chocolate pudding.” In the Philippines, persimmons with bright red skin are grown. Such berries are called “velvet apple”. In the Caucasus, varieties are grown whose fruit size does not exceed 4 cm in diameter.

Ripening persimmons at home

As mentioned above, green persimmons are characterized by low sugar content, high astringency and viscosity. To enjoy ripe berries, you need to know how persimmons ripen at home.

The green, unripe fruit has a strong astringent taste. When the berries finally ripen, most varieties of the plant in question lose their viscosity.

Since the fruits are not characterized by high transportability and shelf life, and the regions where the product is grown are in the tropics and subtropics, persimmons are harvested in their green form. It is transported to the region of consumption unripe.

This measure helps reduce the likelihood of spoilage and damage to delicate ripe fruits during transportation. The sale of green fruits makes the problem of eliminating viscosity at home urgent.

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Two effective ways to help get rid of fruit viscosity:

  1. Freezing in the freezer.
  2. Standing in a warm place.

In addition to the astringent taste, the disadvantages of unripe persimmons include the effect on digestion. Green berries often lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Ways to effectively ripen persimmons at home:

  1. Place in a container with an apple or banana. Fruits contain ethylene. This organic phytohormone accelerates the processes of growth and maturation. Apples and bananas emit large amounts of ethylene. Their presence in the container will help speed up the ripening process of the berries. It is important to remember that persimmons have delicate pulp and peel, so it is better to place the apple and banana at the bottom of the bag or container so that they do not crush the berries.
  2. Place in the freezer for twenty-four hours. After freezing, the fruits are thawed at room temperature.
  3. Standing in warm water for 24 hours. The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C. When exposed to higher temperatures, the peel will “weld.”
  4. When storing at home, the ripening process will be accelerated by piercing the peel with a needle dipped in ethyl alcohol. Each fruit is carefully pierced in several places.
  5. Natural ripening in room conditions. The unripe fruit is left for forty-eight hours.

To maximize the preservation of all useful elements in the berries, it is recommended to use ripening methods by natural storage with an apple or on the table at room temperature and humidity.

Sudden temperature changes and exposure to the skin inevitably lead to the loss of vitamins and other useful elements. Methods of freezing and settling in water also reduce the shelf life. As mentioned above, in parallel with the ripening process, a decrease in viscosity in the fruit occurs.

Persimmon: benefits and harm

Is it worth talking about the beneficial properties of this wonderful product today!? Absolutely yes.

After all, persimmon contains a huge amount of useful and valuable microelements, with the help of which people solve their problems with the thyroid gland, overcome diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, varicose veins, diseases of the mucous membranes, anemia, and thanks to the high iodine content, also prevent the development of cancer tumors in the body.

Persimmon perfectly improves immunity, thanks to the large amount of vitamins it contains, such as B, PP, A, C, calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves vision. Doctors prescribe this wonderful and useful product for people with low vitality, and also as a prophylactic during colds.

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Recently, the persimmon diet has been winning the hearts of our women more and more, thanks to its effectiveness and convenience. Many nutritionists advise eating persimmons daily, at least one persimmon.

If you want to lose excess weight with the help of this wonderful fruit, you can safely use this diet, which will help you get rid of 3 - 4 kilograms in one week, provided that you fully comply with the diet suggested by the nutritionist.

As for the harm of persimmon, it is unlikely that it has ever brought it to anyone. The most important thing in a person’s life is to understand what he can personally consume and what he shouldn’t. So in this case everything is the same.

For example, using a persimmon diet for weight loss is prohibited for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because taking a large amount of this fruit can disrupt the normal patency of the stomach, and, for example, in people suffering from diabetes, this can increase the level of blood sugar.

Glycemic index of persimmon

Let's start with the terms - the glycemic index (GI) is an indicator that characterizes the effect of a certain product on blood sugar levels after its consumption. As a rule, the sugar content increases very strongly after foods high in carbohydrates.

And vice versa - if you eat foods containing low levels of them in your diet. The latter give your body a certain boost of energy for a longer time, which will allow you to feel full with food for a long time.

The glycemic index of persimmon is 45-50 (belongs to the middle group, the GI indicator is similar to bran). But this does not mean at all that its intake should be limited, because, thanks to its beneficial qualities, persimmon simply needs to be consumed daily as a source of natural vitamins and minerals.

Conditions of preservation

The length of the shelf life of fruits is influenced by several key factors:

  • degree of ripeness;
  • competent choice of berries when purchasing;
  • creating optimal storage conditions.

Ripeness was discussed above. Let's consider the requirements for fruits when purchasing. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Softness. A hard berry is a sign of insufficient ripeness. You need to choose the golden mean - a fruit of medium softness and hardness.
  2. Peel integrity. An important factor in keeping quality is the condition of the fruit’s skin. The surface of the berry must be intact, without wounds or cracks. Black dots on the peel indicate that the fruits were harvested prematurely and took a long time to ripen when picked. Such berries contain much less vitamins and beneficial elements.
  3. Stalk condition. It should be dry and light green in color.

Following the general rules will allow you to choose fruits that will last at home for as long as possible. Ways to store persimmons at home:

  1. No special processing. The room must maintain optimal conditions for temperature (0 °C) and humidity (90%). The room should have good ventilation. The fruits should not be exposed to natural sunlight. It is better to place the berries in a dark place. In such conditions, preservation is ensured for up to 45-60 days. The berries should not be damaged.
  2. Drying. Fruits with thick skins and without damage are suitable for drying. Persimmons with cut peels are strung through the stalks onto a string and hung in a dark place, at room temperature and humidity. The drying procedure lasts forty-five days. In this form, the berries can be stored for up to twelve months.
  3. Freezing. Dry and clean fruits are placed in the refrigerator or freezer at a temperature of about -19 °C. Under such conditions, the berries retain all their beneficial elements. You can freeze not only whole persimmons. There is a method in which the fruits are frozen in the freezer, cut into pieces, placed in a container and placed in the freezer again. Defrosting is carried out at room temperature or in warm water. This method allows you to preserve the berries for 50-80 days. It all depends on the variety and degree of ripeness when frozen.

When storing, you need to pay attention to the placement of fruits. It is better to use wooden or cardboard boxes. The berries are placed carefully in one or two layers so that neighboring fruits do not touch, squeezing each other. Paper or cardboard is placed between the layers. Persimmon goes well with tomatoes and apples.

The product in question is an important element of the winter holiday table. For this reason, many people are interested in the problem of how best to preserve persimmons in an apartment until the New Year.

Purchase of products for the festive table is made in advance. In such conditions, it is important to preserve their freshness and taste. The best way to solve this problem is to freeze it. Thawed fruits will retain their properties, their viscosity will disappear, and they will become an excellent decoration for the holiday table.

Following the general rules will allow you to choose fruits that will last at home for as long as possible. Ways to store persimmons at home:

Methods for storing ripe persimmons

The main task is to provide persimmons with proper conditions for long-term storage. You can preserve fruits at home in several ways.


Exotic fruit is stored for a long time at a temperature of about 0 ° C and air humidity of 90%. Under such conditions, the fruits retain their taste and appearance for about 2.5-3 months. It should be stored in a well-ventilated area and you should choose dense fruits without damage, rot or mold.

If you are going to store the harvest in wooden or cardboard boxes, each layer should be covered with cardboard or sawdust. Persimmon tolerates well the proximity to tomatoes and apples during storage.

This is one of the simplest methods for storing persimmons at home. At a temperature of -19 °C, fruits retain their original taste.

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Small fruits can be frozen whole

For convenience, they should be peeled, stalked, cut into slices and laid out on a board. Place in the freezer, and after freezing, transfer to a container or plastic bag. Defrosting fruits is carried out at room temperature, or, in extreme cases, in warm water.

You can save this product until the new year.

Dried fruit is a real delicacy that perfectly replaces any sweets.

Dried persimmons are not used for cooking compotes, as during the preparation process the drink acquires an unpleasant tart taste.

For drying, fruits with thick skin, without damage or rot, are used.

To prepare the dried sweetness, you need to rinse the persimmon, separate the pulp from the skin, cut into slices and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

Next, the fruit slices are placed in the oven at a temperature of 50 °C. During drying, it is important to prevent the persimmon from darkening, otherwise the product will become tasteless and unsuitable for consumption.

On air

There is another method for storing exotic fruits - whole in a shaded place. The skin of the persimmon is cut and strung on a thick thread through the stalk. Drying whole fruits takes about 1.5 months. Should be stored in a cool and dry place. The shelf life is about 12 months.

Frozen storage

By strictly following all the listed rules, you can keep the “food of the gods” fresh for 3-6 months. But is it possible to preserve it for a longer time? This will not work fresh, but you can use alternative storage methods: freeze it, dry it or dry it.

The easiest and therefore most popular way is to store it in the freezer. Frozen, it can be stored until the next harvest, remaining after defrosting as tasty and healthy as fresh. You can freeze whole persimmons or cut into pieces.

Ripe fruits are best suited for freezing. First, wash and dry them well, then place them on a tray with the stems down, making sure that they do not touch each other anywhere, and put them in the freezer. When the soft fruits turn into frozen “pebbles,” carefully separate them from the tray, put them in a plastic bag and put them back in the freezer for storage.

When freezing in pieces, first remove the seeds and stems from the washed and dried fruits, then cut them into small slices, put them in a small plastic bag and freeze them in the freezer. They need to be defrosted in cold water, placed directly in the bag.

Thawed persimmons are not suitable for re-freezing, so it is better to pack them in small portions so that you do not have to throw them away.

Useful tips

To select the best fruits for long-term storage, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. When purchasing, inspect the appearance of the persimmon. You can determine that an exotic fruit has ripened not in a wooden or cardboard box, but in natural conditions - on a tree - by the thin shiny skin of the fruit. Such fruits do not contain black spots or dents. The stalk of a ripe persimmon is completely dry. The surface of the ripe fruit contains thin brown stripes.
  2. The softness of the fruit is another criterion that should be taken into account when choosing. When pressed, ripe fruit is soft, unripe fruit is hard.
  3. Of all the varieties, spherical fruits have the best taste. Cone-shaped, cylindrical or flattened persimmons can be bitter and have an enhanced astringent taste.
  4. Depending on the variety, the color of the fruit can vary from bright orange to dark brown. Unripe persimmons have a pale orange skin.

Sharon persimmon bears firm but sweet fruit

How to choose?

To avoid the need to use different methods to accelerate the ripening of persimmons, you need to choose them correctly in the store.

Signs of a ripe and tasty persimmon:

  • the fruit is soft on all sides;
  • the surface is smooth, without cracks, the presence of thin brown stripes is acceptable;
  • the skin is thin, slightly transparent;
  • the tail of the fruit is dark and dry, the stalk is brown;
  • the color is bright, rich (from bright orange to brown).

In addition, it is important to remember that the ripening season for this fruit begins at the end of October and lasts until December. It is during this period that you should buy persimmons.

So, the safest, but at the same time the longest, is the natural process of ripening persimmons. The fastest way is to store in the freezer. A significant disadvantage of this method is the deterioration of the shape and appearance of the fruit. It will take a little longer (within 2-3 days) for persimmons to ripen when adjacent to certain fruits.

Other methods (ripening with alcohol or lime solution) will not significantly speed up the ripening process, but may worsen the taste of persimmons.

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The Latin name for persimmon is diospyros and literally means food of the gods. There are more than 500 varieties of this fruit in the world. But our stores sell mainly domestic and European persimmons. Persimmon grows like an apple tree and its trees bear fruit very richly. In our country, the fruit grows on the Black Sea coast in the Sochi region. Persimmons are easy to grow. For example, in the south of France, persimmons grow wild in gardens and are enjoyed after the first frost. The biggest misconception about persimmons is that they have a tart, astringent taste. In fact, fully ripe persimmons, with the exception of some varieties, are not astringent and are very sweet. Ripeness is determined by external signs: the fruit becomes soft and the skin is thin, almost transparent.

The best varieties

Two varieties are suitable for long-term storage and ripening in apartment conditions:

  1. Chocolate king. This is one of the most delicious varieties. The fruits are dark brown, almost chocolate in color. Ripe pulp contains brown stripes.
  2. Sharon. A hybrid variety obtained by crossing with an apple. The taste and aroma of the fruit resembles apple, quince and peach. The fruits are round in shape with a minimal content of astringent acids, so they have a pleasant taste. The pulp is firm, does not contain seeds, and is covered with a thin, shiny skin.
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