Knitting persimmon? 3 Ways to fix it


For its honey-like sweetness and delicate soft texture, persimmons have received many common names: food of the gods, gourmets' choice. There are three varieties of the fruit, all of which have characteristics in appearance and taste.

  1. Ordinary persimmon. The fruit has a rich orange color. After ripening, the consistency of the pulp becomes jelly. Unripe fruit is tart due to its high tannin content.
  2. Sharon. The taste is reminiscent of apple, quince and apricot. Ripe fruit is very soft and does not have a tart taste. The skin is thin, it is not necessary to peel it off.
  3. Kinglet. The skin is orange and the flesh underneath is brown. The second name is chocolate persimmon. It tastes sweet and not at all cloying.

Beneficial features

Everyone knows that fresh fruits are famous for their therapeutic properties. Persimmon, unlike many other fruits, preserves almost all of them when dried:

  • The product contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. They reduce the risk of bleeding from gastritis, improve appetite, eliminate signs of diarrhea, and alleviate hemorrhoids.
  • The products help remove everything unnecessary and harmful from the body, including breakdown products of alcoholic beverages.
  • The pulp and skin of persimmons contain anti-inflammatory substances that ease the course of colds.
  • Whole dried fruits can not only be eaten, but also used externally. The components, ground into a paste, disinfect wounds no worse than high-quality antiseptics.
  • Studies have shown that dried persimmon actively fights the aging process and the formation of cancerous tumors. It strengthens the immune system and even nourishes the eye muscles with chemicals.

Women who love to prepare beauty products at home should also pay attention to these dried fruits. They are soaked and used to prepare masks intended to care for damaged and sensitive skin.

Women who love to prepare beauty products at home should also pay attention to these dried fruits. They are soaked and used to prepare masks intended to care for damaged and sensitive skin.

Like all orange fruits, sharon has a number of benefits: it is good for the nervous system and can improve mood. The substances contained in it activate mental activity and increase the overall performance of a person. Thanks to vitamins PP and C, persimmon is indicated for people suffering from varicose veins and hypertension.

The calorie content of dried fruit always increases. In addition to vitamins and minerals, persimmons are rich in sugar. It contains 275 kcal per 100 g, so this delicacy is contraindicated on a diet. Diabetic or obese patients should not get carried away with eating dried fruits. There are also age restrictions: children under 10 are not recommended to consume the treat. This can negatively affect bowel function.

If you lead an active lifestyle and are not afraid of gaining extra pounds, then you can eat dried persimmons at least every day. Dark chocolate has twice as many calories, but this delicacy cannot boast of a huge amount of vitamins. Dried sharon is useful for hypertension due to its high potassium content. Blood pressure decreases and blood thins. The treat has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps cure hemorrhoids.

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Persimmon dried in the fresh air

Everyone knows that fresh fruits are famous for their therapeutic properties. Persimmon, unlike many other fruits, preserves almost all of them when dried:

  • The product contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. They reduce the risk of bleeding from gastritis, improve appetite, eliminate signs of diarrhea, and alleviate hemorrhoids.
  • The products help remove everything unnecessary and harmful from the body, including breakdown products of alcoholic beverages.
  • The pulp and skin of persimmons contain anti-inflammatory substances that ease the course of colds.
  • Whole dried fruits can not only be eaten, but also used externally. The components, ground into a paste, disinfect wounds no worse than high-quality antiseptics.
  • Studies have shown that dried persimmon actively fights the aging process and the formation of cancerous tumors. It strengthens the immune system and even nourishes the eye muscles with chemicals.

Women who love to prepare beauty products at home should also pay attention to these dried fruits. They are soaked and used to prepare masks intended to care for damaged and sensitive skin.

Women who love to prepare beauty products at home should also pay attention to these dried fruits. They are soaked and used to prepare masks intended to care for damaged and sensitive skin.

In Taiwan, many farmers grow and dry persimmons. This is a troublesome but profitable business. I propose to see how this happens on an almost industrial scale.

For drying, you need persimmon that is not yet ripe, when it just begins to change its color from green to yellowish.

The fruits are immediately picked and they go to a special machine, where the persimmon instantly loses its peel.

Next, they arrive on special mesh trays, where the persimmon fruits are dried in the open air for several weeks.

These are entire multi-story racks that are equipped with wheels to make it easier to roll them up overnight into a room where stable humidity and a temperature of at least 30 degrees are maintained.

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During the day, workers swap trays several times so that each fruit gets its share of the sun.

This is how persimmons are dried on an industrial scale, and small traders simply tie persimmons on ropes by their tails and hang them on fences, or in their shops, where the persimmons dry and await their buyers.

Maybe persimmons dried in this way are tasty, but they don’t look very appetizing, so let’s dry the persimmons the old fashioned way, using an electric dryer.

Which variety should I choose for drying?

Not every fruit is suitable for preparing preparations. Before starting the drying process, you should select suitable fruits.

  • Flaws on the surface of the skin are unacceptable. The skin should be perfectly flat, smooth, without dents or wrinkles.
  • The astringency of the variety in this case does not matter. This can be based on personal preference.
  • We choose fruits with tails, which should be dry.
  • If a “wren” is allowed to dry, the color of the fruit should be very bright and rich, almost rowan-red.
  • Overripe fruits are not suitable; they spread during processing.

The characteristics of the product do not affect where and how best to dry it. When choosing a suitable impact option, you should be guided only by convenience and skills in operating the device.

Since persimmons do not ripen all year round, it is better to stock up on a storehouse of vitamins for the winter. Some housewives prefer to freeze fruits, others make jams and preserves. However, the only option to preserve all the beneficial substances of the fruit is to dry it. In Japan, such a treat is considered a classic. In addition, after drying, the fruit loses its astringency, which not everyone likes.

A high-quality product will only come out if the drying process technology is followed and the correct variety is selected.

  • Set aside fruits with flaws: cracked skin, dark spots, dents. The fruit should be flawless, have a bright orange color and a tight, stretched skin.
  • You can dry fruits of tart and non-tart varieties. It's a matter of taste.
  • The “tail” on top must be dry.
  • Having chosen a kinglet for drying, take the ripest fruits. The skin color should be dark orange, almost rowan.
  • Do not take overripe fruits, especially if you are drying ordinary persimmons. It may spread.

If there is no special dryer for vegetables and fruits, you can use the oven or dry the fruit in the open air. The last option is suitable for residents of warm regions. The most popular method of drying at home is using an oven.

Not every fruit is suitable for preparing preparations. Before starting the drying process, you should select suitable fruits.

How to choose the right persimmon for preparations?

Not every fruit is suitable for preparing preparations. Before starting the drying process, you should select suitable fruits.

  • Flaws on the surface of the skin are unacceptable. The skin should be perfectly flat, smooth, without dents or wrinkles.
  • The astringency of the variety in this case does not matter. This can be based on personal preference.
  • We choose fruits with tails, which should be dry.
  • If a “wren” is allowed to dry, the color of the fruit should be very bright and rich, almost rowan-red.
  • Overripe fruits are not suitable; they spread during processing.

The characteristics of the product do not affect where and how best to dry it. When choosing a suitable impact option, you should be guided only by convenience and skills in operating the device.

Not every fruit is suitable for preparing preparations. Before starting the drying process, you should select suitable fruits.

Date plum-persimmon is a tasty and slightly tart fruit. Once dried, you can enjoy it all year round, unlike fresh persimmons, which disappear from the shelves at certain times of the year. This unusual delicacy can be dried at home using an oven or household electric dryer.

The benefits of persimmon

Healers of the Ancient East always used date plum to treat most diseases, because the fruit has beneficial properties:

  • restores beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • eliminates inflammation of the gastric mucosa resulting from gastritis, stomach ulcers, parasitic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • when used regularly in food, it improves appetite;
  • eliminates the risk of varicose veins in the rectum and anus, hemorrhoids;
  • cleanses all organs and the entire body from toxins and harmful substances;
  • the pulp contains rutin and ascorbic acid, which increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, help improve blood circulation, lowering blood pressure;
  • the fruit contains a large amount of potassium, which maintains optimal intracellular pressure and ensures proper contraction of the heart muscle fibers, as well as maintaining the fluid composition inside the cells;
  • due to the presence of triterpenoid betulinic acid in the pulp, it has antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidant properties. Reduces the activity of collagenase development, helping to inhibit tissue deformation;
  • is a growth inhibitor of human melanoma cells;
  • has antiseptic effects and affects the rate of tissue healing for wounds and burns on the skin, preventing the penetration of infection and the occurrence of suppuration;
  • due to the presence of a large amount of the amino acid arginine in the fruit, it provokes the synthesis of growth hormone, reduces susceptibility to fatigue, helps the body produce hemoglobin necessary for cells, prolonging its youth;
  • due to the increased amount of vitamin C in the fruit pulp, it has a positive effect on the nervous system, stimulates the endocrine glands, helps support the body with diabetes, improves the condition after a heart attack and stroke;
  • due to the presence of the carotenoid zeaxanthin in fruits, it eliminates eye fatigue, activates the visual process, increases night visibility, and prevents degradation of the center of the retina.


Under no circumstances should you drink milk within one hour after eating persimmons. After all, tannins - tannins, found in the pulp, will react with the proteins contained in the milk. Due to this action, colic and cramping in the intestines will occur.

Good dried date plum products can be obtained at home only if you follow the technology and choose the right variety. Only dense fruits that are free from damage and rot are suitable for this.

The stalks should be well dried and fit snugly to the base of the fruit. And the color of persimmon should not be dull. Fruits that are overripe and their skin is separated from the pulp are not suitable for drying.

The prepared room in which the drying process will take place must be disinfected from parasitic insects that lay larvae in the dried fruit.

The best varieties for obtaining quality dried fruits are:

  1. Ukrainian.
  2. Kinglet.
  3. Mid.
  4. Zenji Maru.
  5. Satellite.
  6. Sharon.
  7. Chocolate-326.
  8. Costata.
  9. Bull's heart.

There are several ways to obtain dried product at home. You can hang the fruits on strings or use special units for drying vegetables and fruits. Modern drying machines will save the housewife time and effort, guaranteeing good quality of dried products. And if the necessary technology is followed, dried persimmon can be stored for more than three years.


After receiving the finished product after drying, persimmons should not be stored in plastic bags. Dried fruits should be stored only in wooden or cardboard boxes at a temperature of 3 to 30 degrees.

In the oven

If you don't have an electric dryer, you can use a regular oven. In this case, the oven must be powered by electricity, since a similar gas oven does not have a uniform temperature distribution during operation.


  • Having selected dense, undamaged fruits, rinse the fruits under running water and dry on a towel;
  • cut into slices 2 cm thick;
  • Place parchment paper on the prepared oven sheet;
  • place the chopped product on a baking sheet, sprinkle with lime or lemon juice to preserve the rich color;
  • set the oven temperature to strictly 70 degrees;
  • turning the dried fruits over every 30 minutes, keep the product in the oven for 4 hours;
  • When a dense crust appears on the surface of the persimmon, remove the product and cool it.


After drying the whole persimmon, the product will acquire a richer taste, the pulp will become jelly-like, and a coating of fruit-sugar powder will form on the product.


  • select dense, slightly unripe fruits, rinse and wipe with a clean cloth;
  • Use scissors to trim the leaves near the stalk, leaving the tail;
  • Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the skin from the fruit in a thin layer;
  • Place the peeled products in a dry, clean container;
  • make a loop from the twine that should be tied on the tail of each persimmon;
  • tie 5-7 fruits onto each rope, forming a garland so that the distance between each fruit is 8-10 cm;
  • Add 300 g of sugar and water to a 6-8 liter saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • Dip the resulting bundles into boiling syrup, immediately pulling them out;
  • after removing the persimmon garlands from the syrup, hang them on a tightly stretched nylon thread or wire;
  • Dry the bundles for 3-6 weeks until fruit powder forms on the dried fruits.


When drying whole persimmons, you should ensure good ventilation in the room where the process will take place. And also get rid of flies and moths that can spoil the products.

In Abkhazian

To get natural dried date plums in Abkhazian style, which are dried outside in the sun, it will take from 3 to 7 weeks. All this time, the fruits absorb ultraviolet radiation, while the ripening processes continue inside.

Thanks to this drying method, the liquid evaporates from the fruit, but antioxidants and vitamins remain, retaining all their beneficial properties. The “Bull’s Heart” variety is most suitable for this method, as it has a dense structure.


  • Fruit for drying should be collected at the moment of incomplete ripening;
  • wash the fruits, dry them, cut off the skin;
  • Place the peeled persimmons on a large tray or a wooden sheet with sides and place them in the sun;
  • to avoid mold and rot of the fruits, bring the fruits into a dry room at night, and take them out into the sun again in the morning;
  • After allowing the fruits to dry for 3-4 weeks, you can eat the dried product. When the fruit is dried for 5-8 weeks, the dried fruit can be used in making compotes, teas and other dessert dishes.

Any variety of this fruit is suitable for drying persimmons in an electric dryer. When using this method, the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients is retained in the fruits.


  • Add water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a 5-6 liter saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • Place persimmons in boiling liquid for 30 seconds;
  • Dry the blanched fruits, cut them into cubes or slices;
  • Arrange the cut fruits on a tray in one layer, cut side up;
  • set the temperature on the dryer to 40-50 degrees, turn it on for 3 hours;
  • then switch the temperature to 60 degrees, allowing the electric dryer to work for 7 hours;
  • Having cooled the product and swapped the trays, turn on the drying unit for 3 hours, setting the temperature to 75 degrees;
  • by pressing on the persimmon pulp, from which no juice should be released, determine the degree of readiness of the product;
  • Cool the finished dried fruits in the fresh air for 2-4 hours.


Eating persimmon in large quantities causes flatulence. Therefore, the product should be given to young children and pregnant women with caution.


Housewives who have used one of the methods of drying persimmons share their impressions.

Inna St. Petersburg

Everyone in our family loves persimmons, from which I often make jam or preserves. However, I read on the Internet that all the beneficial substances remain in dried fruit.

After drying 3 kg of fruits in an oven at a temperature of 70 degrees, the result was 1 kg of dried fruits, reminiscent of dates in taste. All family members enjoyed eating this unusual sweet with tea.

And by soaking the dried fruits in boiling water, they made a tasty and unusual filling for the pie.

After my husband and I visited his sister in Armenia, we enjoyed an unusual sweet - dried persimmon, which we really liked. After watching how local housewives dried fruits on ropes in garlands, we decided to try to do it at home. Persimmon bundles were dried on the balcony for 25 days. After drying, they feasted on it themselves and treated it to friends, who also really liked the sweetness.

Regardless of the drying method, properly prepared dried persimmon fruits are stored for a long time, maintaining their beneficial qualities and properties.

Persimmon brought to the state of dried fruit is not as popular as preparations from other fruits. There may be several explanations for this, and the most popular of them is that only a few know how to dry persimmons. Those housewives who still risk using traditional approaches to preparing supplies are not always satisfied with the result.

How to dry whole persimmons?

Achieving the desired result is only possible when using a dry and very warm room that is regularly ventilated. Ideally, the product should be left to air dry for several weeks. It turns out that this method of preparing dried fruits is possible only in the appropriate climate.

In addition to this requirement, there are several more nuances:

  • Persimmons should not be laid out, but hung, attaching their stalks to a rope.
  • The copies should not touch each other; it is better to provide sufficient distance between them. Otherwise, the workpieces will quickly begin to rot.
  • The color of the finished persimmon becomes brownish-red. Only after this can it be stored for storage without worrying about the condition of the fruit.
  • The room for storing dried fruits should also be dry and warm. Products can be placed in containers lined with thick paper. To avoid the components sticking together, sprinkle them with a small amount of flour.

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From time to time, the workpieces need to be checked for moisture on the walls of the containers. If they are detected, the product should be slightly dried again and the dishes should be changed.

Achieving the desired result is only possible when using a dry and very warm room that is regularly ventilated. Ideally, the product should be left to air dry for several weeks. It turns out that this method of preparing dried fruits is possible only in the appropriate climate.

From time to time, the workpieces need to be checked for moisture on the walls of the containers. If they are detected, the product should be slightly dried again and the dishes should be changed.

Dried persimmons - an idea for your business

Home Useful informationDried persimmon - an idea for your business


Diaspyros - Persimmon, which in Latin means food of the gods, today has about 500 varieties. Most of them grow in tropical areas and only a few in temperate climates. Meanwhile, every year persimmons become more and more popular among the population of our country, because properly dried on good drying equipment, they really have the real taste of the food of the gods.

Why is this amazing fruit, which belongs to the date group, useful and why, besides its characteristic bright orange color, does it attract so many consumers?

Usually, persimmons are eaten as a self-sufficient fruit. Some fans prefer to sprinkle it with lemon juice, add cream or sugar. But few people know that dried persimmons can be stored much longer than fresh ones and have a more refined taste and aroma, and all the beneficial properties of persimmons are enhanced in proportion to the drying coefficient - that is, many times over!

What are the beneficial properties of dried persimmon - you ask. Read and be surprised - here they are. Dried persimmon fruits contain up to 25% glucose and sucrose; in addition, it also contains vitamin C and P, provitamin A, malic and citric acid, a lot of iron, calcium, copper, manganese and potassium. That is why dried or dried persimmon is an indispensable fruit in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, according to Health Scout, dried persimmons are even ahead of apples in the fight against atherosclerosis. And although there is more copper and zinc in apples, this fruit is superior in the content of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. And there is an order of magnitude more dietary fiber in dried persimmons than in apples.

Also, thanks to the presence of iron, dried persimmon is used in the treatment of anemia; the magnesium it contains helps remove sodium salts from the body and relieve the load on the kidneys. Due to their color, dried persimmon fruits contain a high percentage of beta-carotene, which is a very strong antioxidant substance that can fight free radicals that destroy cellular structures, thereby fighting the signs of aging in our skin. It should be noted that there is more of it in dried persimmons than in tomatoes, pumpkin and sweet peppers.

The astringent properties of persimmon are explained by the presence of pectin in it, a substance responsible for the functioning of our digestive system. That is why this fruit is simply irreplaceable for indigestion and other gastric diseases.

As for the vitamin properties of the fruit, vitamin A contained in persimmons protects against cancer, and vitamins C and P reduce the fragility of blood vessels. Scientists and doctors have proven that people who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer, which is especially important for heavy smokers.

Nutritionists strongly recommend consuming this fruit, especially in dried form, for workaholics, and today almost everyone can boast of such a diagnosis, as it calms the nervous system and increases performance. Persimmon pulp has a bactericidal effect against Escherichia coli and hay bacilli, as well as Staphylococcus aureus.

Meanwhile, persimmon itself has a diuretic effect. This is its most important property, which allows it to be considered literally a medicine in cardiology. It is useful to drink a little - 70 - 100 ml - warm milk soon after snacking on persimmons. Your kidneys will thank you very much for this. As you can see, dried persimmon is an ideal product that can, if not treat, then have a preventive effect on many possible human health problems. Therefore, dried or dried persimmons are an excellent product, the production of which will bring great benefits to society. Organizing a persimmon drying enterprise is not difficult. The main thing here is to choose the right drying equipment, calculate productivity and energy costs, and also organize the supply and storage of raw materials - fresh persimmon fruit. Equipment for drying and drying fruit colloidal bodies (persimmon, plum, etc.) is produced by the St. Petersburg Research and Production Plant. has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of equipment for drying and drying food products. provides technological support and selects the entire set of equipment necessary for new production.

Method for preparing persimmons for drying/drying:

You need to choose ripe but firm fruits that still have a stem with a tail. The fruits need to be washed, and you can very carefully remove the skin in a thin layer, but not all of it. You can also dry persimmons with the skin. You need to leave a thin layer of skin around the cutting so that when the persimmon is dried, or rather dried, it does not fall from its own weight. The persimmon prepared in this way is pricked on a skewer and placed on the paddle of the drying chamber. You can cut the persimmons into two halves and place them on baking sheets that will be loaded into the drying unit.

The drying unit must be programmed for the technological mode of drying or drying persimmons. When drying persimmons, the fruits should be strung on skewers in the drying chamber or placed on baking sheets at such a distance that they do not come into contact with those hanging or lying nearby. If the fruits come into contact with each other, then they may begin to deteriorate.

After 10-12 hours in the drying chamber, a light white coating will appear on the persimmon, but do not be alarmed. This begins to release sugar, which will cover the persimmon and create something like a hard protective layer. The total drying time for persimmons depends on the variety, as well as on how they are laid out in the drying unit and cut or not. Whole persimmons are dried for about 24-36 hours. Sliced ​​- faster. Ready dried persimmons should be tender, aromatic and sweet. It is very high in calories, it contains a lot of vitamins and various useful substances that retain their properties.

How to dry persimmons in the oven?

The oven is one of the most common ways to dry persimmons at home. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for those who have gas stoves. You get tired of adjusting the temperature. For this method, it is important to choose the right fruits. Quite dense (but not too soft) and ripe berries are considered the most suitable. Rinse the persimmons thoroughly, dry with paper towels and cut into slices no more than 3 millimeters thick.

The most common and affordable option for preparing dried persimmons at home. It is not recommended for use only by owners of gas stoves. The temperature will constantly fluctuate, and in this case maximum accuracy is needed. For approaching persimmons you should choose ripe ones, but still firm, without the slightest cracks.

  • We wash the product, dry it with paper towels and cut it crosswise into slices 2-3 mm wide.
  • Take strained lemon juice (two lemons per 0.5 kg of persimmon), pour it over the preparations and mix them gently. This technique allows you to preserve the bright and appetizing color of the pulp.
  • Line a baking tray with baking paper, onto which we place the chopped fruit.
  • We send the structure to the oven preheated to 90ºC. Drying lasts 2-3 hours. The product should be covered with a delicious crispy crust.

Cool the finished candied fruits and place them in a clean, dry container with a tight-fitting lid.

After selecting the fruits, begin preparing them for drying. The washed fruits need to be blanched (soaked in boiling water) for about 10 seconds. To keep dried fruits tender and soft, remove the peel. Without it, the drying process will be completed faster, especially if you want to cook dried persimmons whole. You can cut it into round slices. The whole fruit will be viscous and juicier, while the cut fruit will be dry and hard.

Preheat the oven to 60 degrees. The temperature should under no circumstances be higher. Place the fruit on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for 7 hours. Do not leave the treat unattended: look every hour and check if the pieces have darkened.

The most common and affordable option for preparing dried persimmons at home. It is not recommended for use only by owners of gas stoves. The temperature will constantly fluctuate, and in this case maximum accuracy is needed. For approaching persimmons you should choose ripe ones, but still firm, without the slightest cracks.

Cool the finished candied fruits and place them in a clean, dry container with a tight-fitting lid.

Salted and smoked fish

  • You can try it like in the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” bend the dried fish or tap it on the table , but this is unlikely to bring the desired result. Therefore, we try the most common method among lovers of dried fish: you need to wrap the dried fish in a damp cloth, add milk and let it stand for several hours in the refrigerator.
  • To prevent dried and dried fish from losing their taste and at the same time becoming soft, you need to do the following:
  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • Place the fish there for 15-20 minutes
  • Remove from water
  • Wrap in a kitchen towel and a plastic bag
  • Place on a hot radiator or in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours

The towel in which the fish was wrapped will absorb excess moisture and the carcass will become softer.

If these manipulations are done with several fish, they can later also be wrapped in cloth and cellophane and placed in the freezer. After a week, the fish will become even softer, and at the same time remain edible.

  • There is an option using a double boiler. To turn a fish from a piece of wood back into a fish, you need to cut it into portioned pieces. Lay gauze in several layers on a mesh for a steamer, and place the fish on it, also cover with gauze on top. Steam for an hour. After this, the fish will become not only soft, but also very tasty.
  • An oven will also work to revive dried fish . First, you need to rinse the fish, then wrap it in foil, adding a small amount of water, and put it in the oven for 30-40 minutes. The fish will be steamed a little and it will turn out soft.
  • Another interesting option for softening a wooden fish. For this you will need wet rice. You need to bury the dried fish in it and leave it in a cool place, maybe in the refrigerator, overnight. The fish will absorb moisture from the rice and soften it.
  • You can not only replenish dried fish with moisture, but also give it a new taste. First you need to cut it into small pieces 1 cm thick . Next, prepare the so-called marinade: 50-100 grams of vinegar per 1 liter of boiled water, add 10 black peppercorns and 2-3 tablespoons of mustard. After coating the fish with marinade, you need to put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. After this procedure, the fish will become not just soft, but juicy and aromatic.

Eating wooden ram or pike is a dubious pleasure. To give it a second life, you can use the above methods, or experiment and invent your own, unique way!

  • There is an option using a double boiler. To turn a fish from a piece of wood back into a fish, you need to cut it into portioned pieces. Lay gauze in several layers on a mesh for a steamer, and place the fish on it, also cover with gauze on top. Steam for an hour. After this, the fish will become not only soft, but also very tasty.
  • An oven will also work to revive dried fish . First, you need to rinse the fish, then wrap it in foil, adding a small amount of water, and put it in the oven for 30-40 minutes. The fish will be steamed a little and it will turn out soft.
  • Another interesting option for softening a wooden fish. For this you will need wet rice. You need to bury the dried fish in it and leave it in a cool place, maybe in the refrigerator, overnight. The fish will absorb moisture from the rice and soften it.
  • You can not only replenish dried fish with moisture, but also give it a new taste. First you need to cut it into small pieces 1 cm thick . Next, prepare the so-called marinade: 50-100 grams of vinegar per 1 liter of boiled water, add 10 black peppercorns and 2-3 tablespoons of mustard. After coating the fish with marinade, you need to put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. After this procedure, the fish will become not just soft, but juicy and aromatic.

Air drying

This is the easiest way to dry fruits at home. If you are sure that the weather outside will be sunny and warm in the next three days, you can dry the dried fruits outside. To do this, take an awl and a very strong rope (or wire). The fruits need to be strung on a rope, piercing the dry stalk.

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Dried persimmon is a healthy independent dish. In addition, you can add it to many desserts: smoothies, puddings, ice cream. If you are not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, you can try preparing meat dishes with the addition of pieces of dried sharon. The treat should be stored in a dark, dry place. Use wooden boxes instead of plastic bags.

How to dry persimmons in the microwave?

Owners of modern kitchen devices can try two more options for drying persimmons. Each approach is unique, so it’s worth trying all available ones:

  • In the microwave. We cut the washed and dried fruits as thin as possible, then they will dry faster. We lay out the workpieces on a special grid or suitable dishes in one layer. We use minimal power, otherwise the products will burn out. First, we start the device for 20 minutes, then open the door and wait for 10 minutes until the excess moisture evaporates. We make 2-3 more approaches, each time assessing the condition of the product. Depending on the thickness of the slices, another approach may be needed.
  • In an electric dryer. The convenience of this method is that the products will not burn and you will not have to constantly monitor the temperature. Just prepare the persimmon pieces as usual, place them on trays and set the temperature to 60ºC. Drying the main part of the workpieces will take about 7-8 hours. Thick pieces can take 20 hours to dry; the readiness of the products will have to be determined by eye. The main thing is that the final product has a crispy crust. From time to time, the trays can be rearranged to achieve more even processing of the slices.

Dried persimmons are consumed in their pure form, added to drinks, soaked and used as a filling for baked goods. All options are acceptable if the workpieces have been dried correctly.

Almost every representative of the fairer sex has a microwave at home. Oddly enough, you can also dry persimmons in it. To do this, it should be carefully washed and dried. Then you can start cutting. Many housewives recommend dividing persimmons into thin slices. Thus, the berries will dry quite quickly and efficiently.

Place it on a plate or wire rack in one layer. To prevent the product from burning, you should set the minimum power and set the time to about 20 minutes. Next, open the microwave door and wait another 10 minutes. During this time, all moisture will evaporate. The operation must be repeated 2-3 times.

Dried persimmons are consumed in their pure form, added to drinks, soaked and used as a filling for baked goods. All options are acceptable if the workpieces have been dried correctly.



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