Does potassium permanganate have an expiration (storage) date?
Potassium permanganate, better known as potassium permanganate, is probably in every first aid kit.
This is a well-known antiseptic used for burns and open wounds, and is also used as an emetic.
It is believed that the shelf life of potassium permanganate in a dry state is unlimited and it does not require special storage conditions. Is it really durable and under what conditions does it retain its medicinal properties?
General characteristics
This medicine is a dark purple crystalline powder. Upon contact with water it acquires a crimson hue. It is used for both medical and household purposes.
- For rinsing the mouth during inflammatory processes.
- For disinfection of abrasions, ulcers and burns.
- For gastric lavage in case of poisoning and toxic infections.
- As an antiseptic for hygienic care of the organs of vision and skin.
- For gynecological and urological douching.
- To assess water quality.
- As a detergent to remove organic compounds such as fats.
- When tinting photographs.
- To determine the mass fraction of sugar in confectionery and bakery production.
- Reagent for the determination of sucrose and potassium iodide.
Side effects and overdose
Potassium permanganate in some cases causes allergic reactions, and upon contact with the skin - redness and burns. Contraindicated for use in people with individual hypersensitivity to the drug.
An overdose when used orally is accompanied by sharp pain directed down the esophagus. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity turns red and swells noticeably. Swelling of the larynx may develop, which in turn leads to mechanical asphyxia.
With low acidity, methemoglobinemia is possible, which is accompanied by severe shortness of breath.
Symptoms of overdose are: hemorrhagic colitis, manifestations of Parkinson's disease, convulsions and increased muscle excitation, nephropathy and hepatopathy, burn shock.
Release form
It is mainly sold in pharmacies in powder form, packaged in glass jars or thick bags made of special paper. Sometimes you can find a larger crystalline substance.
Previously, a ready-made 5% solution was available for sale. But currently the production of liquid permanganate is prohibited.
Shelf life of potassium permanganate
The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that all chemical compounds used for medical purposes have a certain shelf life, after which their further use is not recommended. And manganese is no exception.
Potassium permanganate, used for medical purposes, can be guaranteed to be stored for up to three years from the date of manufacture, according to GOST 20491-75. Technical product used in agriculture and other industries - up to one year in accordance with GOST 57774-84.
However, manufacturers indicate a shelf life on packaging with dry substances of five years. With longer use, the chemical loses its medicinal properties and becomes useless.
The main indicator is that it ceases to dissolve in water. If you managed to prepare a solution from a 25-year-old powder, you can safely use it.
The main thing is that its color is pinkish or crimson, and not red-brown.
Important! Crystals of the substance are stored as long as potassium permanganate in powder.
The solution has a limited shelf life. It is not recommended to prepare it “for the future.” The 5% solution is suitable for use within just two days from the date of manufacture.
Storage rules
Manganese dust has a toxic effect on the human body. Therefore, it is important to observe certain storage intervals for the drug.
- Store in a tightly closed glass container.
- Prevent exposure to sunlight.
- Keep out of the reach of children, as contact of the concentrated substance with the mucous membrane and skin can lead to burns.
- Do not expose to high temperatures. When heated to 240°C, the chemical decomposes, releasing oxygen.
- Keep away from various oils and fats, glycerin, phosphorus and sulfur as this may cause fire or explosion.
- The compound of manganese with active metals such as aluminum, magnesium, calcium, etc. is explosive both under normal conditions and at elevated temperatures.
- The solution remaining after use must be discarded. Rinse the container in which it was located with running water without using detergents that contain glycerin and various fats.
How to properly store at home?
The drug in crystals could be stored for 3 years. It was used in everyday life as an antiseptic for washing wounds, eliminating the consequences of poisoning by inducing vomiting, and preventing intestinal infections. Technical potassium permanganate was supposed to be stored for no more than a year.
How to determine whether potassium permanganate is suitable for use? Very simple. If it has acquired a brown tint, then it’s time to get rid of it. Potassium permanganate in optimal condition has a pink (to raspberry) tint. We diluted potassium permanganate and it was light pink, but after 5 days the solution darkened and acquired a dirty pink color - this means that it has deteriorated. Many people add potassium permanganate when bathing newborn children. Whether to do this or not, watch the video.
Potassium permanganate, better known in everyday life as potassium permanganate, is a potassium salt that is widely used in medicine as an antiseptic for washing wounds, burns, gargling, and also as an emetic. Among other things, this drug is used in gardening, assessing water quality, toning photographs and for other purposes.
The solution has a limited shelf life. It is not recommended to prepare it “for the future.” The 5% solution is suitable for use within just two days from the date of manufacture.
Powder for preparing a solution for local and external use. It is packaged in well-sealed containers (tins, jars or, if intended for individual use, in small packaging).
Potassium permanganate can safely be called an indispensable tool in any first aid kit. It will help cope with many problems if used and stored correctly.
Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is potassium permanganate. The drug has the form of fine powder (crystals) of red or dark purple color with a metallic sheen. The substance dissolves in water in a ratio of 1:18, a weak aqueous solution is pinkish, a concentrated solution is dark purple.
Be very careful when working with the powder, do not allow it to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. Before using the solution, make sure that there are no granules left.
In addition to storage time, there are also special conditions that must be observed when working and treating with this drug.
Can potassium permanganate expire?
Potassium permanganate , more often referred to simply as potassium permanganate, is one of the most popular antimicrobial agents.
Its scope of application includes rinsing the nose and throat, and in case of food poisoning, gastric lavage, as well as treating wounds, burns and ulcers, and douching.
In addition to the medical field, potassium permanganate is also used for technical purposes, in particular in home farming or photography.
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Does potassium permanganate have an expiration date, what is it?
According to Russian legislation, all forms of medications have an expiration date , which means the period of their safe use and maximum effectiveness.
This also applies to medical potassium permanganate.
Does hydrogen peroxide have an expiration date? Read here.
For the medication, the standard that has been preserved from Soviet times is valid, namely GOST 20490-75 “Reagents. Potassium permanganate. TU" as amended in 2016.
According to this standard, the drug in crystals is guaranteed to retain its characteristics for a 3-year period from the date of release.
Responsibility for determining the shelf life rests with the manufacturer.
For the technical product, GOST 5777-84 is valid, defining a storage period of
1 year .
For metallic and nitrided manganese, GOST 6008-90 applies.
How long can it be stored?
The product in pharmacies is presented in the form of a crystalline powder, which, according to information from the manufacturers, is capable of maintaining its quality for 5 years .
The sale of the prepared solution has practically ceased today.
It is easy to prepare the solution yourself at the rate of 2-3 crystals per 20 ml of warm boiled water.
at home
The diluted pale pink solution is kept in a closed container , preferably glass, in a cool place away from the sun and heat sources.
You can find out what storage period paracetamol may have from here.
Thus, the best option is to place the solution in the refrigerator. Its use is recommended within 48 hours from the moment of preparation.
The container is then washed well with running water , but the use of detergents is not advisable.
fire hazard should be taken into account .
Also read in the next article about the timing of antiseptics such as iodine and brilliant green.
In this regard, it follows :
- contain the powder only in closed glass ;
- avoid exposure to sunlight ;
- the storage place should be inaccessible to children due to the danger of the concentrate to the mucous membranes and skin;
- protect from exposure to high temperatures ;
- Avoid being in close proximity to oils and fats, as well as glycerin, sulfur and phosphorus due to the possibility of ignition and even detonation.
There is a high probability of an explosion when potassium permanganate comes into contact with active metals such as magnesium or aluminum.
How to identify a spoiled drug?
Long-term storage requires maintaining all of the above requirements.
Interaction with water or air negatively affects the preservation of the characteristics of the drug; it loses its oxidizing properties, and with them its usefulness as a medication.
Read about the expiration dates of Levomekol ointment here.
The depravity of potassium permanganate can be judged by the following signs :
- if the solution has a crystalline precipitate due to the insolubility of some crystals in water;
- acquisition of a 5% solution of a color other than crimson or pink ;
Most often, in this case, a red-brown tint is acquired, which does not comply with the instructions and standards.
When the crystals are completely dissolved in water and a solution with the required color is obtained, you can safely use it if necessary.
How to deal with delays?
If there are no signs of deterioration listed above, you can use potassium permanganate even after the expiration date stated by the manufacturer.
In this article you will learn about the maximum shelf life of activated carbon.
These indicators practically guarantee the safety of further use of the drug.
Today, with a huge selection of different products with antiseptic properties, many still prefer to use potassium permanganate due to its versatility and ease of preparation, as well as shelf life.
Is it possible to use an expired one?
If potassium permanganate was stored in compliance with all storage rules, and the solution has the required color and there is no precipitate from crystals that have not dissolved in water, then such potassium permanganate and the solution from it are quite suitable for further use, even if the expiration date has long expired .
Such indicators guarantee the preservation of chemical properties and the safety of using the reagent.
Despite the fact that in pharmacology there are a great many different antiseptics, potassium permanganate does not lose its popularity, which remains due to its versatility, ease of preparation and long shelf life.
If the storage rules are followed, this drug can be stored almost forever , and it is very easy to check the suitability of potassium permanganate - you just need to prepare a solution from it.
Recommendations for storing gasoline and diesel fuel can be found on our website.
You can learn about the properties and rules for breeding potassium permanganate from the video:
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An important indicator for the use of potassium permanganate as a disinfectant is the established shelf life and storage. The range of applications of this drug is very wide, but special attention should be paid to quality indicators when using it for medical purposes.
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Shelf life of potassium permanganate in crystals
Pediatricians recommend using for such purposes:
- sequence;
- chamomile;
- motherwort;
- calendula;
- coniferous collections (especially pine);
- valerian;
- celandine;
- lemon balm;
- regular boiled water without additives.
Do you want your newborn’s navel to heal as quickly as possible without getting wet or suppurating? Are you struggling with heat rash or hives? Have your first diaper rash appeared? In this case, you need to properly prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, in accordance with the recommendations of those few pediatricians who advocate its use, and use it correctly.
Everything requires moderation and a golden mean, so learn, acquire the necessary skills and make water procedures safe and enjoyable for your baby.
" Newborn baby
When bathing a newborn at home, it is necessary to take into account that pathogenic bacteria or irritating substances can enter the baby’s body through an unhealed umbilical wound.
Therefore, it is important to observe certain storage intervals for the drug.
- Store in a tightly closed glass container.
- Prevent exposure to sunlight.
- Keep out of the reach of children, as contact of the concentrated substance with the mucous membrane and skin can lead to burns.
- Do not expose to high temperatures. When heated to 240°C, the chemical decomposes, releasing oxygen.
- Keep away from various oils and fats, glycerin, phosphorus and sulfur as this may cause fire or explosion.
- The compound of manganese with active metals such as aluminum, magnesium, calcium, etc. is explosive both under normal conditions and at elevated temperatures.
- The solution remaining after use must be discarded.
If the recommended proportions of the solution are exceeded, the patient experiences sharp pain spreading down the esophagus towards the abdomen.
The mucous membranes of the oral cavity turn dark brown and swell noticeably. Five percent potassium permanganate can only be used when washing burn surfaces.
A five percent solution can also be used in the treatment of ulcerative surfaces.
It is worth considering that external use of a solution of potassium permanganate always leads to a brown coloration of the epidermis. This is fine.
If the drug is purchased in solution form, the shelf life is a maximum of five years.
Potassium permanganate powder can be stored for an unlimited amount of time.
Technical product used in agriculture and other industries - up to one year in accordance with GOST 57774-84.
However, manufacturers indicate a shelf life on packaging with dry substances of five years. With longer use, the chemical loses its medicinal properties and becomes useless. The main indicator is that it ceases to dissolve in water.
If you managed to prepare a solution from a 25-year-old powder, you can safely use it. The main thing is that its color is pinkish or crimson, and not red-brown. Important! Crystals of the substance are stored as long as potassium permanganate in powder.
The solution has a limited shelf life. It is not recommended to prepare it “for the future.” The 5% solution is suitable for use within just two days from the date of manufacture.
Proper storage conditions
Having determined whether potassium permanganate has a shelf life, it is worth identifying the factors that may limit it. They largely determine the place and methods of storage.
It is important to remember that the quality of potassium permanganate in powder or solution is negatively affected by:
- high temperatures;
- direct sunlight;
- air access;
- proximity to flammable substances or active metals.
Therefore, when deciding how to store the product, you should choose a hermetically sealed glass container and place it in a cool place well protected from the sun. It should be kept out of the reach of children, since a high concentration of dry powder or solution can cause severe skin irritation. You should periodically check how long the existing supply of the drug is stored.
Following these principles will help protect the health and life of the entire family.
Shelf life (storage) of potassium permanganate, storage rules
Potassium permanganate, better known as potassium permanganate, is probably in every first aid kit.
This is a well-known antiseptic used for burns and open wounds, and is also used as an emetic.
It is believed that the shelf life of potassium permanganate in a dry state is unlimited and it does not require special storage conditions. Is it really durable and under what conditions does it retain its medicinal properties?
Treatment with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in folk medicine
We diluted potassium permanganate and it was light pink, but after 5 days the solution darkened and acquired a dirty pink color - this means that it has deteriorated. After all, all those bacteria that enter the solution along with water and are neutralized through the air there, but the solution itself becomes ineffective. Therefore, there is no need to dilute potassium permanganate for future use and it is better to always make a new one.
Following these principles will help protect the health and life of the entire family. Potassium permanganate is a flammable and explosive substance.
Therefore, in order to properly dispose of expired potassium permanganate, it is necessary to enter into an agreement with an organization licensed to destroy class G drugs...
Manufacturers usually indicate a 5-year shelf life, during which potassium permanganate crystals retain their properties.
Antiseptic potassium permanganate and its shelf life. What is the storage period and conditions?
Potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, is a potassium salt of permanganate acid. It has found a fairly wide range of applications in medicine as an antiseptic for washing any burns, wounds, and also as an emetic and throat rinse. But before purchasing and using this medication, you need to know exactly its shelf life.
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Is there an expiration date and what is indicated in GOST?
Potassium permanganate has a shelf life. Russian legislation establishes that, according to Article 58 of the Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61 “On the circulation of medicines,” any chemicals used in medicine must have certain expiration dates. After the last one has expired, it is not recommended to use the chemical.
According to GOST 20490-75, which is called “Reagents. Potassium permanganate. Technical Specifications” was compiled back in the days of the USSR and contains changes made to it in 2020, this period on average is exactly 3 years from the date of manufacture of potassium permanganate. However, it is necessary to take into account the exact form in which it is presented and, when calculating the shelf life, build on it.
What is the storage time for different types?
Today, many people use potassium permanganate in everyday life, which they received from their grandmother, and think that after such a long time it has not yet lost its abilities. However, this is not the case. Let us consider the main states in which potassium permanganate can be present.
In powder form, the shelf life of potassium permanganate is 5 years from the date of production. But it must be remembered that in this case it must be stored at a temperature no higher than 25°C.
Therefore, if for some reason potassium permanganate is lying around in the first aid kit from the times of the USSR, then it is worth checking it first with a solution. Also, to preserve the beneficial properties of the powder, you need to protect it from water.
These crystals are those chemicals that are stored with the utmost care. This potassium permanganate is stored for 5 years. Exactly the same as powder.
Diluted solution
According to the state standard, potassium permanganate should not be allowed to be stored for a long time in the form of a solution, because it in no way applies to long-term storage medications - maximum 1-2 days.
In order for this solution in the form of a solution to exhibit all its chemical properties, it must be fresh.
After using it, the container in which it was located is thoroughly washed with running water without the use of detergents or soap.
What determines the period of suitability?
There are a number of factors that can affect the quality of potassium permanganate during storage:
- Firstly, in what form the product is stored - this was discussed above.
- Secondly, from the storage location.
- Thirdly, on the handling of potassium permanganate and the room temperature.
Therefore, under any circumstances, you need to pay special attention to the conditions of its storage, because even in a normal environment it can be explosive.
Storage conditions
A person must follow certain storage rules, because... manganese dust is toxic to his body.
Due to the fact that potassium permanganate is explosive, the supply to some pharmacies has stopped, but others follow strict rules regarding its sale and storage:
- The pharmacy must be specially equipped to safely store this flammable substance. For example, have continuous supply and exhaust ventilation.
- Various tests of potassium permanganate in pharmacies (for example, weighing) should be carried out in the laboratory in a fume hood.
- The temperature should not rise above 25°C. When heated to 240°C, this chemical decomposes and begins to release oxygen.
- Keeping strict records of the consumption and receipt of potassium permanganate.
- Potassium permanganate is stored away from active metals: aluminum and magnesium. When they interact with it, an explosion may occur.
Many pharmacies refuse to sell potassium permanganate due to its expensive content. Few of them can afford expensive special lockers. In addition, the product itself is too cheap and does not pay for this kind of expense.
Basic conditions for storing potassium permanganate at home:
- In a dark place, out of reach of children, where the sun's rays do not penetrate. It must be remembered that if it gets on the mucous membrane or skin, it can cause severe burns to the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, throat and eyes. A closed glass container is best for storing this product.
- When using the drug, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, as well as personal protective equipment.
- Potassium permanganate must not be stored together with various oils and fats, glycerin, sulfur, phosphorus, heating devices and active metals. Such proximity usually leads to a fire or explosion.
- After using a 5% solution, it must be thrown away, because The shelf life of potassium permanganate in this form does not exceed 2 days.
How to identify a low-quality drug?
As mentioned above, during long-term storage, potassium permanganate loses its properties and becomes unusable. But what happens to it after the expiration date and how to determine whether it can still be used or not? If potassium permanganate comes into contact with water or hot air, then it loses its own chemical properties as an oxidizing agent and becomes useless.
Potassium permanganate in the form of a solution or powder also has several signs that indicate its deterioration and unsuitability:
- A certain proportion of crystals cease to dissolve in water, resulting in a crystalline precipitate.
- If the 5% solution comes out not crimson or pink, but red-brown, then under no circumstances can it be used.
Be sure to follow the expiration date indicated on the packaging and follow the storage rules. If everything is done correctly, potassium permanganate will retain its chemical qualities for a long time.
In order to determine whether potassium permanganate is suitable for consumption or not, you just need to turn to the laws of chemistry and prepare a solution from it.
According to similar laws, manganese loses its oxidizing properties if stored improperly, even if all expiration dates are met.
Also, if you manage to dissolve potassium permanganate, which is more than 5 years old, without signs of deterioration, then you can still safely use it.
Potassium permanganate is a unique remedy that, if all storage rules are followed, will come to the rescue at any time. If you have the slightest doubt, you can check it in advance by turning the powder or crystal into a solution. If everything is in order, then you can use it without fear.
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How long can dry potassium permanganate be stored in crystals?
Pharmaceutical potassium permanganate, which is sold for medical purposes, is primarily a type of crystalline powder. Its manufacturers, as a rule, indicate a five-year shelf life for potassium permanganate in crystals, during which this product can retain its properties. Previously, a ready-made five percent solution of potassium permanganate could very often be found on sale. But at the moment, the distribution of such products is practically prohibited. The shelf life of potassium permanganate in this format ranged from one day to thirty days, depending on the degree of concentration, the tightness of the bottles and the conditions under which the chemical was kept.
How long can potassium permanganate be stored and how to properly store it?
Potassium permanganate is an antiseptic and antimicrobial first aid agent for disinfecting wounds, mucous membranes and gastric lavage, so it is advisable to have it in your home medicine cabinet. Many people believe that dry matter has an unlimited shelf life. But is this really so? How and for how long you can store potassium permanganate in dry and liquid form, read on.
Shelf life
The guaranteed shelf life of potassium permanganate for medical purposes according to GOST 20491 - 75 is 3 years. The substance intended for agricultural needs and other industries is stored for up to 1 year (GOST 57774 - 84).
The manufacturer's packaging usually indicates the expiration date of potassium permanganate in crystals or powder. According to the manufacturer, it is 5 years for use for medicinal purposes. Longer storage reduces the quality of the substance, as a result of which it partially loses its antiseptic properties, while becoming insoluble.
The shelf life of potassium permanganate solution (5%) is only 2 days from the moment of preparation. In this case, the specific time for which diluted potassium permanganate can be stored depends on its concentration and external temperature.
You can store the product in the form of a dry powder for the same amount of time as crystals.
Side effects and overdose
The shelf life of such a drug ranged from 1 day to 30 days, depending on the concentration, tightness of the bottle and storage conditions.
For medicinal purposes, it is customary to use a solution of potassium permanganate, and it is used not only for disinfection, but also as a good antidote that helps cope with morphine and aconitine poisoning.
The solution has a limited shelf life. It is not recommended to prepare it “for the future.” The 5% solution is suitable for use within just two days from the date of manufacture.
In addition, potassium permanganate is used in gardening, assessing water quality, for tinting photographs and for other purposes. We’ll talk about the shelf life of potassium permanganate in the article.
How can you tell if your potassium permanganate has expired? Is it usable?
What can happen to potassium permanganate during long-term storage? If the content conditions are met, potassium permanganate is able to maintain its chemical quality for almost an unlimited time. In the case when this powder came into contact with water or, for example, with air, potassium permanganate may lose its chemical property as an oxidizing agent and become useless from a medical point of view. Potassium permanganate in the form of a powder or reagent solution has several signs, the presence of which makes it possible to understand that the chemical is deteriorating:
- Some crystals may simply not dissolve in water, resulting in the formation of a crystalline precipitate.
- A five percent solution may turn out red, and not crimson, as prescribed in the instructions.
If the crystals of the chemical are completely dissolved in water, and its color fully corresponds to expectations, then you can safely use this product for all necessary purposes. What to do if the dry potassium permanganate expires?
Let's find out whether the expired product can be used.