Technical specifications for Korean salads - TU

An important point is in what form carrots should be stored. Is this root vegetable fresh? If fresh, will it be frozen? Perhaps the carrots have already been processed into a finished product: boiled, turned into a snack or juice. All this will affect the conditions and shelf life. For long-term storage of fresh carrots, they should be carefully sorted, and root crops with traces of disease, damage, or simply uneven should be separated. Size also matters.


: Carrots that are kept in the refrigerator for a long time should be approximately equal in size, not too big and not too small.

Is it possible to preserve root vegetables in the refrigerator?

Depending on the form in which you plan to store the carrots, you need to correctly determine the place where to place it. A modern refrigerator has locations suitable for different occasions

: compartment for prepared foods, compartment for fresh raw vegetables and freezer compartment.

If you don’t mess with the location and comply with additional conditions in relation to the form factor in which the root vegetable is presented, then there will be no obstacles to using the refrigerator. Temperature conditions for storing carrots in the refrigerator:

  • in the main compartment at a temperature from +2 to +6 degrees;
  • in the “freshness zone” at a temperature from 0 to +3 degrees;
  • in the freezer at a temperature of -8 to -23 degrees.

How long is the shelf life?

For processed vegetable

If we are talking about a finished product or a preparation, then the duration of preservation at home will depend on the specific case. Let's consider how long freshly squeezed carrot juice, boiled and Korean carrots can be stored.

  1. Korean carrot
    - This is a ready-made dish from an orange root vegetable, which is grated and seasoned to taste, after which it is poured with highly heated vegetable oil. The composition of the gas station usually includes:
    • table vinegar;
    • salt;

  2. sugar;
  3. red pepper.
  4. Korean carrots are usually infused for 12-14 hours until ready, after which they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

  5. Boiled carrots
    are considered a fully cooked product, even if they are intended for some kind of salad. If you keep it in the refrigerator for more than two or three days, then the very appearance will no longer cause appetite. The carrots will become flabby or slimy in appearance and unpleasant. It is no longer worth eating it in this state.
  6. Freshly squeezed carrot juice
    is a tasty and healthy drink that is prepared by almost everyone who has a juicer. But it is extremely undesirable to store it: valuable properties are lost. If necessary, you can place the carrot juice in the refrigerator in a closed container for a couple of hours. But it is better to drink it immediately after preparation.

For fresh carrots

Speaking of fresh (raw) root vegetables, you can count on the fact that with the right approach to storage, it will remain in the refrigerator for one to several months and at the same time remain a high-quality, tasty food rich in vitamins and microelements.

Composition of carrots in Korean

Korean cuisine actively uses various marinades and spices, thanks to which the food becomes especially tasty. The composition of the ingredients for Korean carrots usually varies according to the taste preferences of the person preparing it. Some people like a not too spicy snack, while others like it more fiery. It uses seasonings that are healthy due to their antibacterial properties. But there are still a few basic components that remain the same. So, for example, it is impossible to cook carrots in Korean without some products, namely:

  • vegetable oil, allowing most spices to develop,
  • vinegar,
  • coriander,
  • black and hot peppers, red peppers,
  • dry garlic,
  • sugar and salt.

This list is complemented by ready-made mixtures with nutmeg, dry basil, ginger, turmeric and sesame seeds.

How to properly prepare a root vegetable?

The steps before putting carrots into the refrigerator for storage often depend on personal experience and habits. Few people decide to make a sudden experiment if they are planning a long-term harvest of root vegetables, because a mistake can be costly.

The main difference is the almost Hamletian question “to wash or not to wash.” Some believe that washed root vegetables are stored better, others are inclined towards “grimy”.

Do I need to pre-wash?

To wash or not is a controversial issue. In support of carrot washing supporters, a number of advantages of this approach can be cited:

The disadvantages include the fact that washed carrots are more demanding on storage conditions and undesirable proximity in the refrigerator

. It also takes longer to dry before sending it for long-term storage. It's up to you to decide which is best.

How to preserve carrots longer?

Regardless of whether you washed the carrots or simply limited yourself to removing excess soil, the primary stage of preparing the root vegetable for storage in the refrigerator is to thoroughly dry it from excess moisture obtained during “bathing” or absorbed by the soil. Carrots that are clean after water can be thoroughly blotted with a towel and thus speed up the process. The washed carrots, ready for the next stage, will be dry to the touch and monochromatic. From an unwashed root crop, small particles of soil will fall off on their own when rubbed.

Washed and cleaned

Whole peeled carrots are rarely placed in the refrigerator for long-term storage.

. But if they have to, they don’t leave it open, because deprived of its natural “skin,” it quickly weathers and loses moisture.


: A food-grade plastic container or film will extend the shelf life of peeled carrots for up to a month if stored in a special compartment of the refrigerator.

A proven method for short-term (3-4 days) storage of carrots in the main compartment of the refrigerator is to immerse them in water. And if you change the water, you can “cheer up” the carrots for up to a week.

We recommend watching a video about storing carrots in film in the refrigerator:

I'm grating

When placing grated carrots in the main compartment of the refrigerator, you need to take into account that in this form they will weather even faster than simply peeled ones. A container, a glass jar with a lid, or, in extreme cases, just a plastic bag will help.

Without freezing, the shelf life will not be long, so grated carrots should be eaten within 10-12 days.

Without freezing

For long-term storage, carrots should be packaged carefully.

. Examples of good packaging include vacuum bags and cling film. They will not allow excess moisture to penetrate and preserve the root juices. This is one of the most important conditions for long-term storage. If you are going to use film, then be prepared to work hard: it must tightly cover each carrot.

Sometimes wrapping in paper or a paper bag is used to absorb excess moisture. Such packaging will need to be periodically felt, checking for dampness, and replaced if necessary. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to protect the carrots from rotting and flabby.

Placement also matters. The lower the tier in the refrigerator on which you place freshly packaged carrots, the better.

. Ideally, this should be a compartment for vegetables. A working refrigerator maintains the optimal temperature and humidity ratio in this area.

  • Some housewives use wrappers made from newspapers and other printed matter to regulate humidity. It is strongly not recommended to do this, since printing or printing ink may contain lead, cadmium and other substances that are not very beneficial for the body.
  • If the carrots are purchased, then the tops have most likely already been removed. In this case, the place where it was torn off should be completely amputated. In the case when the carrot is your own, it is enough to simply trim the tops to the base.
  • When you have a lot of carrots, it is better to trim the tops of the root vegetables quite strongly: by 1-2 centimeters. This will prevent them from germinating in the refrigerator.

So as not to become sluggish and flabby

Even with hermetically sealed carrots, there is still a risk of them softening, flabby and sprouting if the optimal humidity regime is not maintained. For carrots it is 65-75%. No less important is the temperature regime. Temperatures beyond -1 to 8 degrees are incompatible with long-term preservation of fresh carrots

. Typically, the fruit and vegetable drawer maintains a range of 0 to 3 degrees. For carrots - just right.

For the whole winter

In addition to the rather troublesome preservation of fresh carrots in the “fresh zone” of the refrigerator, freezing them is practiced. Most often, grated or diced carrots are frozen for the winter. In this form, it can be stored throughout the cold season, although it loses some of its taste and beneficial properties. When placed in the freezer, it should also be packaged: in containers, vacuum packaging or plastic. In this form, carrots are suitable for frying, in vegetable stews and any dishes where the cook’s imagination dictates.

We recommend watching a video about freezing carrots for the winter:

How to cook homemade Korean carrots

The key to successful self-pickling of carrots in Korean is considered to be the use of the necessary spices and the presence of a special grater.

Although the absence of the latter, if desired, can be compensated for by manual cutting. Most housewives buy ready-made seasoning for homemade snacks. This simplifies the preparation and makes the salad look like store-bought. There are many variations of its preparation. They are distinguished by different proportions of ingredients and composition of spices. When choosing the best option, you can try several recipes, since everyone has different tastes and preferences. And everyone knows better which food is good for him and which is harmful.

Spicy Korean carrots

To prepare the snack you will need:

  • 1 kg fresh carrots,
  • 2 tbsp. l. coriander seeds,
  • 2 tsp. pepper mixtures,
  • 1 small onion
  • dried garlic,
  • 5 tbsp. l. sunflower oil,
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 2 tsp. paprika,
  • 1 tsp. vinegar,
  • 1 tsp. salt.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Peel the vegetable, then, using a special grater-shredder, grate it into long strips. Leave for half an hour in a sieve to remove excess juice.
  2. Place it in a wide bowl for easy mixing.
  3. Add paprika.
  4. Coriander grains and a mixture of peppers are ground in a mill.
  5. The onion is peeled and cut into random pieces.
  6. Vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan and put on fire.
  7. Sauté the chopped onion until soft.
  8. The garlic cloves are peeled, squeezed through a press and lightly fried in a frying pan with onions.
  9. Use a slotted spoon to catch the onions and garlic from the frying pan and add a mixture of coriander, sesame seeds, salt and sugar.
  10. Lastly, add vinegar essence, stir and remove the pan from the heat. Important! Using vinegar essence makes the taste subtler and also reduces the amount of water in the finished dish.
  11. The hot aromatic oil mixture is poured onto the paprika and the carrots are mixed.
  12. Allow the finished snack to cool and place it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Korean carrots with asparagus

For the recipe you need to prepare the following products:

  • 4 - 5 large root vegetables,
  • package of dried asparagus,
  • 1 tsp each black and red peppers,
  • 2 tbsp. l. coriander beans,
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce,
  • 1 small onion
  • 5 cloves of garlic or dry garlic mixture,
  • half a glass of vegetable oil,
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 2 tsp vinegar,
  • 1 tsp. regular salt.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Warm water is poured into a cup, some salt is added, and the soy asparagus is soaked for 1 - 1.5 hours. You need to saturate the asparagus with water, restoring its elasticity. Don't soak it until it's soft.
  2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a shredder to make a long flexible straw.
  3. Place it in a wide bowl for easy cooking. Sprinkle with sugar, sprinkle with vinegar essence, salt, stir with your hands to form juice. Leave for half an hour.

  4. Coriander grains are poured into a coffee grinder and finely ground.
  5. Peel the onion and chop as desired.
  6. Garlic cloves are peeled and squeezed through a press.
  7. Vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan and put on fire.
  8. Start sautéing the chopped onions until soft.
  9. Add garlic gruel, ground coriander and pre-cut asparagus to the onion.
  10. Add soy sauce to the frying pan, stir, fry for 5 minutes.
  11. The finished refried mixture is poured over the carrot mixture.
  12. Stir the contents of the bowl, cool slightly and put in the refrigerator for an hour or serve immediately.

Korean carrots with mushrooms

Personal preferences in this dish are important. By selecting spices to suit your taste, taking into account their beneficial properties, you can get many variations of this snack: from spicy food to a delicate salad.

For the recipe you should stock up on:

  • 2 medium root vegetables,
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 80 g of mushrooms - it is better to choose champignons,
  • 1 onion,
  • dried garlic,
  • 1 tsp. vinegar,
  • a pod of chili pepper,
  • salt and sugar.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The carrots are peeled and grated on a special shredder to obtain a long soft straw, which is poured into a cup.
  2. Then it is salted, mixed, lightly rubbing with hands, and left for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the resulting juice.
  4. Chili pepper is finely chopped with a knife.
  5. Add pepper and sugar to the carrots, mix and set aside.
  6. Peel the onion and chop finely. Important! Dried garlic, used by many housewives, perfectly retains its properties and aroma.
  7. Champignons are cut into slices.
  8. Vegetable oil is poured into a frying pan and set to heat up.
  9. Fry the onion, add mushrooms and garlic to the frying pan.
  10. Fried champignons are transferred into straws.
  11. The hot oil mixture is poured into the carrots through a sieve.
  12. Sprinkle with vinegar and stir.
  13. The salad is transferred to a bowl and served.

What to do if something goes wrong?

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to carrots in the refrigerator is their spoilage. Rotting, loss of pleasant strength or sprouting of carrots, as a rule, is due to violations of storage conditions. Let’s not talk about possible technical problems with the refrigerator, but rather talk about what depends on its owners.

If carrots are not stored in the freezer, then you should pay attention to the appearance of condensation inside the plastic or plastic packaging. These droplets can indicate the concentration of carbon dioxide inside the container or bag. If condensation is detected, carrots should be removed, dried and repacked.


  1. You need to make sure that carrots are not in direct contact with other vegetables or fruits. With apples - any close proximity should be excluded altogether. Apples emit ethylene, which can ruin the taste of carrots.
  2. For long-term storage, the variety of carrots is important. Among the hardiest are: “Moscow Winter”, “Vita Longa” and “Forto”. It is worth paying attention to varieties planted early.
  3. For winter storage, select only root vegetables that have reached maturity. Unripened ones may disappoint with quick spoilage.

Carrot storage

Keeping carrots fresh for a long period of time is not an easy task. Therefore, summer residents, and simply thrifty people, through observations, have identified a small number of proven methods that allow them to store vegetables for a long time. We will definitely share these and other storage methods with you in this article.

Carrots can be stored for quite a long time. But at the same time, the vegetable is a little demanding. In winter, the storage temperature should be from -1 to + 2 degrees, and the air humidity should be 90-95 percent. The room should be moderately ventilated. If the temperature and humidity acceptable for storage are violated, the carrots may begin to sprout and wither. In winter, it is better to store carrots in the basement or cellar. Carrots can have a longer shelf life if they are looked after properly. In the basement, carrots can be stored in a small box. It should hold no more than 20 kg. This method helps make room for other vegetables. In the refrigerator, carrots can be stored in a plastic bag.

Use of Korean carrots in cooking

Korean spicy carrots are a delicious snack on their own. As they say, there’s no shame in serving it, and they’ll eat it - no pity! In addition, the root vegetable, generously seasoned with spices, is a universal component of a large number of salads, for which bright, beautifully cut carrot sticks are also a decoration.

Korean carrots are used to stuff various rolls, and are also added to some dishes to add a piquant taste. And for any meat dish, such carrots are simply irreplaceable as a side dish. And a lot has been said about the benefits of combining meat with vegetables.

Preparing carrots for storage

If you plan to store carrots that you grew yourself, you should harvest them correctly.

Carrots for storage must be completely ripe, since early harvesting negatively affects the taste of the vegetable - the required amount of sugars does not have time to accumulate in the carrots.

How to determine whether carrots are ripe or not? According to the tops. If you notice yellowing of the lower leaves, you can safely remove the carrots from the beds.

After harvesting, it is necessary to trim the tops so that they do not take away moisture from the carrots. First, cut off the leaves, and then cut off the remaining part of the tops along with the head (about 1-2 cm from the base). This method of preparing for storage prevents further germination of the vegetable during storage.

After this, the vegetables must be dried for 10-14 days, sort through the vegetables again and select only the elastic ones for storage.

Are carrots healthy in Korean?

Even children know about the beneficial properties of the red root vegetable, but are Korean carrots healthy? The benefits of spicy dishes have long been unquestioned. Korean carrots, flavored with a variety of spices and seasonings, have a beneficial effect on the digestion process with their pungency. Seasonings promote the secretion of gastric juice, thereby stimulating appetite. Doctors have long known about the beneficial properties of spicy carrots, so they recommend using them in the diet to strengthen the walls of blood vessels of people with sick stomachs and intestines.

The benefits of Korean carrots for the body are due to the method of its preparation, which preserves the beneficial properties of the vegetable and necessary substances, such as vitamins. As you know, the benefit of the vegetable lies in its richness in vitamins. Most of the beneficial properties of carrots are due to their high beta-carotene content. The benefit of carotenes is to protect blood vessels and prolong their “youth” for a long period. A large amount of carotene guarantees good vision.

Carrot storage conditions

Carrots are one of the capricious vegetables for which it is difficult to find optimal conditions for long-term storage, since it is important that they not only sit for a long time, but also do not dry out or rot during the storage period.

So, the optimal storage conditions for carrots are as follows: temperature ranging from 0 to +3 ° C, relative humidity within 90%. It is advisable that there is good ventilation in the storage area.

Carrots should be stored away from other vegetables and fruits, especially from fruits, which accelerate the spoilage process of carrots due to the release of ethylene.

How to store carrots in the refrigerator

The refrigerator is one of the most popular and handy storage places. Before storing, you should thoroughly wash the carrots and dry them well to prevent mold from forming during storage. It is best to store carrots in the refrigerator, away from other fruits, as they can cause carrots to spoil quickly.

You don’t have to wash the carrots before storing, but it’s worth drying them a little (a few hours will be enough). Place the vegetables in bags, release the air and tie tightly.

The shelf life of carrots in the refrigerator is 30-40 days.


Dry and clean carrots can be placed in plastic bags, but no more than 6-7 pieces per bag, making several holes in them for air circulation. You can wrap each carrot in cling film and store it that way.

The best place in the refrigerator for carrots is the middle or bottom shelf, as well as the vegetable drawer.

How to store carrots in the freezer

If you want to preserve carrots for a longer time, you can freeze them. Freezing carrots is a completely safe and practical storage method. But it’s worth considering that not all carrots can be frozen. Sluggish, hard, infected or dry ones are not suitable for this. It is best to use fresh and sweet vegetables. However, these rules only apply to freezing whole carrots. If the vegetables are pre-chopped (grated, chopped, etc.), you can use any carrots.

Before freezing, carrots are peeled, washed, slightly dried and, if necessary, chopped. Then they are placed in sealed containers or plastic bags, the air is released and put in the freezer for storage.

The shelf life of carrots in the freezer is 9-12 months.


There is another way to freeze carrots. Pre-peeled and washed carrots are crushed with a blender/meat grinder or grated on a fine grater, placed in ice trays, a little water or sunflower oil is added and put in the freezer. After 8-10 hours, the frozen cubes can be poured into a bag or left to be stored in the mold. These carrots will be an excellent semi-finished product for seasoning ready-made dishes.

How to store carrots at room temperature

In the absence of a cellar, the question arises of how to store carrots at home? Of course, such conditions will not allow vegetables to be stored for a long time, but this can still be done for a certain period of time.

To store carrots in your apartment, you should find a cool and dry place, protected from sunlight. An insulated balcony or storage room is perfect. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that storing carrots at home significantly reduces their shelf life.

Carrots should be stored at home in boxes or bags. The shelf life of carrots at room temperature is no more than 2 months.


When storing carrots in an apartment, check the root vegetables every 1-2 weeks for spoilage and remove them from healthy vegetables. This will slightly increase the shelf life.

How to store carrots in the cellar

The cellar is the most suitable way for long-term storage of carrots. Just before storage it should be prepared: cleaned, treated against pests, ventilated well and ensure constant ventilation.

There are several ways to store carrots in the cellar:

  1. In wooden boxes

This method is the simplest. You can use plastic boxes or cardboard boxes instead of wooden ones. Dried carrots are placed in boxes, which are subsequently placed on the shelves of the cellar. Try not to fill the boxes to capacity, since the fewer vegetables in the box, the longer their shelf life will be.

  1. In sand

Carrots are placed in boxes in layers, sprinkling each layer with dry sand. You can pre-calcine the sand, this will increase the shelf life of carrots. This method allows you to store carrots for a long time, since the sand prevents the penetration of bacteria into the carrots and maintains its humidity at the required level.

  1. In sawdust

The principle of storing carrots in sawdust is the same as storing them in sand. The only thing worth noting is that in this case it is preferable to store carrots in one layer. For such storage, the first layer must be made of sawdust, then lay the vegetables and cover them with sawdust on top. In addition to boxes, carrots can be stored with sawdust on shelves and even on the ground.

  1. In onion feathers

Onion feathers are poured into bags, carrots are placed and the husks are again covered on top. Onion clothes will not only absorb excess moisture, but will also help protect vegetables from rotting and pest damage. Carrots in onion feathers are best stored in tied bags.

  1. Carrot pyramids

This method is perfect if there are not enough boxes for the harvest. Sand is poured onto the surface of the shelf or floor, carrots are placed and covered with sand again. The next layer of carrots is placed on the previous one in a checkerboard pattern. With this storage method, it is important that the carrots do not touch each other.

  1. In plastic bags

The method is not very acceptable, but very hygienic. Carrots are placed in bags with several holes made at the bottom. The bag with carrots is not tied.

The shelf life of carrots in the cellar is from 6 to 12 months


During the storage period of carrots, inspect the crop a couple of times a month and get rid of limp and contaminated vegetables to extend the shelf life of carrots.

Which carrot is better to choose for long-term storage:

  • The fruits must be sufficiently ripe.
  • No signs of rot, no damage or disease.
  • The coarser the carrots, the longer they last.
  • Well dried, without excess moisture.
  • The right variety.
  • It is better to exclude small fruits; they are more susceptible to wilting.


It is also worth paying attention that it is not advisable to dig up carrots in wet, rainy weather, otherwise it will be difficult to dry them.

How long can it be stored?

There are several that are optimal during winter. But there are conditions that must be met for any of them:

  • air temperature from 0 °C to +5 °C (the required air temperature for long-term storage of carrots is described in detail);
  • air humidity within 85-95%;
  • minimal air circulation in the room.

Bulk in a cellar or pit

This method is the oldest and simplest, but crop losses when using it can be quite serious. In order to avoid this, you should take care in advance about ventilation, insulation, protection from groundwater; the cellar should not freeze or become damp.

On the floor where vegetables will be laid out, it is necessary to lay boards or burlap. From time to time it is worth sorting out and throwing away rotten carrots. By choosing this method, carrots can be stored for 7 to 9 months.

Find out about storing carrots in the cellar.

In sand

This method is considered one of the most effective. When storing this way, you must do the following:

  1. Take wooden boxes without holes with a volume of 40-60 liters.
  2. Clean and dry sand (about 5 cm) or sawdust, always pine, is poured onto the bottom (they contain essential oils that prevent the formation of rot and fungus).
  3. Then carrots are laid out on top in one layer and sprinkled with the same sand or sawdust.

In this way, you can lay as many layers as the height of the box allows, and cover it tightly with a lid. Carrots can be stored in sand for 7 to 9 months, but in sawdust for up to a year.

In open boxes and baskets

  1. For this method, you will need to prepare a clay solution with a consistency similar to sour cream.
  2. Dip each carrot in the solution and leave to dry in a draft for 1.5-2 days, until the clay turns into a hard shell that provides protection.

After this procedure, the carrots can be placed in a basket or wooden box. Thanks to the protective layer of clay, carrots can be stored for up to a year.

On the balcony

For residents of city apartments, it will also not be difficult to preserve the carrot harvest (read about how to store carrots in an apartment). A balcony or loggia is perfect for this. The most suitable option for such storage would be the same boxes with sand or sawdust.

If the balcony or loggia is not insulated enough, the boxes with the harvest should be covered with an old blanket or other warm things to prevent the fruit from freezing. If all conditions are met, carrots can last on the balcony for 5 to 7 months.

More information about storing carrots on the balcony is described in.

In the refrigerator in bags

Before storing carrots in the refrigerator you need to:

  1. Carrots should be washed (whether carrots should be washed before storage is discussed in).
  2. Dry thoroughly.
  3. Place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in an open container. This is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of condensation, which can lead to rotting of the product.

After this, put the carrots in bags of 4-5 pieces, tie them tightly and place them in the compartment for storing fresh vegetables. Unfortunately, carrots do not last that long in the refrigerator, only 2-2.5 months.

You can read about the secrets of storing carrots in the refrigerator.

Pine sawdust or clay mortar

The shelf life of carrots depends on the chosen storage method.

The maximum period is 1 year. This result can be achieved by choosing one of the most labor-intensive methods: in pine sawdust or clay mortar.

In order to achieve minimal losses during crop storage, it is worth choosing unsprouted carrots, without any mechanical damage that could lead to rotting. By following all these rules, you can achieve high yield safety.


When all the necessary procedures related to storing carrots have been completed, you can start preparing them. Many delicious and healthy dishes cannot be imagined without the use of carrots.

One of the most common cooking recipes has become the “Korean-style” carrot appetizer. Carrots are prepared from sliced ​​​​in a special way:

  1. Grated into thin strips of fresh carrots.
  2. Vinegar is added.
  3. Hot red pepper.
  4. Salt and sugar to taste.
  5. All this is poured with hot sunflower oil.
  6. Some recipes also use garlic.

Read also: High-yielding varieties of spring wheat

In order to choose the most convenient option for storing carrot crops, you should rely on such factors. Factors required for storing carrots:

  • variety, humidity and temperature of the room where the vegetables will be stored;
  • degree of maturity;
  • What weather was the harvest time?

If all necessary conditions are met and all possible factors are taken into account, it is possible to achieve minimal losses during storage of the carrot crop.

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Korean-style carrots are prepared from fresh carrots chopped in a special way, vinegar, hot red pepper (certainly coarsely ground), as well as adding salt and sugar to taste, and all this is usually poured with hot sunflower oil. At the end of cooking, add garlic (also to taste). At least this is one of the most common recipes in Russia. Based on such carrots, we can prepare an excellent Korean (well, almost) dish - heh.

As you can see, “Korean style” carrots do not contain a single perishable ingredient. Therefore, this salad is not perishable. Moreover, vinegar acts as a preservative here. And one more thing - these carrots must sit for at least a day for their taste to become excellent.

And you can store “Korean style” carrots in a special container with a lid on the refrigerator shelf for up to two weeks, shaking the container periodically so that all the carrots are in vinegar and oil, which eventually settle to the bottom.

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