Driver's Commission 2024: brief instructions for obtaining a certificate

Obtaining a driver's license may vary slightly in different regions. However, in general the process includes several stages.


A well-known medical clinic from the city of Surgut spoke about this in detail: https://xn----7sbar4acybssq9g.xn--p1ai/voditelskaya-komissiya


The first step is to prepare for the exam. To do this, you need to obtain a temporary driver's license or undergo training at a driving school. You will then master theoretical and practical driving skills.



This is followed by a theory exam, which includes questions about traffic rules, traffic signals, safety and other aspects of driving.


After successfully passing the theoretical exam, you will undergo practical driving under the supervision of an instructor from a driving school or a representative of the State Traffic Inspectorate. You may be required to perform various maneuvers including parking, turning, hard braking, and others.


To obtain a driver's license, you may be required to provide a medical certificate in form 003-B/u, which confirms your physical and psychological health. This certificate can be issued by a medical institution or a specialized clinic.


However, it should be noted that the procedure for obtaining a driver's license may vary in different countries and regions. It is recommended that you contact your local traffic police department or driving school to obtain detailed information about the process of obtaining a driver's license and the required documents, including a health certificate.


Source of material: https://alfa-doctor.rf

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