Terms of germination and germination of tomatoes

Very often gardeners ask such questions. How to check seed germination? In how many days will they sprout? What are the germination times? When to sow and when to expect germination? How many days does it take for the seeds of a particular vegetable to germinate? When will the first shoots emerge from the ground? How many days should I wait for the harvest after germination? When can you harvest? Knowing the timing of germination of a particular garden crop is very important for calculating the date of sowing vegetables for seedlings.

I hope that the following table will help you navigate and get answers to the questions that concern all of us gardeners. Naturally, the terms indicated in the table refer to high-quality seeds sown in compliance with all rules of agricultural technology.

Shelf life of vegetable seeds

Remember that all seeds have an expiration date, after which germination can be doubted. For example, the shelf life of celery seeds, onions, trumpets, leeks, sorrel, rhubarb is 2-3 years, dill, parsley, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, carrots are 3-4 years, peas, beans, cabbage, radishes, turnips, salad mustard - 4-6 years, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, squash - from 6 to 8 years. Beet seeds can be stored for 10 or even 20 years. And beans do not lose their viability for up to 700 years (it’s hard to even imagine).

The shelf life of vegetable seeds without loss of germination cannot be considered strictly established. If certain conditions are observed (required humidity, temperature, tightness), then the seeds of many crops can be stored for a longer time. And under poor storage conditions, their germination rate can sharply decrease.

Shelf life of tomato seeds. How many years can tomato seeds be stored?

What is the shelf life of tomato seeds? How many years can tomato seeds be stored? What affects the shelf life of tomato seeds?


The shelf life of tomato seeds is on average 5-6 years . Seed packaging often indicates the expiration date for the seeds; manufacturers play it safe and indicate a period a year or two less than the expiration date so that the buyer is not left without a harvest.

The shelf life of seeds also depends on storage conditions . Seeds in foil packaging last longer.

I prefer to receive my seeds every year or every other year. Then there is no doubt about the freshness. But this number will not work with hybrids. I buy them in the spring when I’m going to sow purchased seeds and always get good germination and an excellent harvest!

Here you can read about the shelf life of seeds in detail.

Have a good harvest!


Every year, seed germination decreases, so before sowing it is recommended to test for germination. Plant a dozen seeds early and see what percentage sprouted. And from this indicator we can focus on the future.

The seeds of cucumbers, beets, and carrots retain good germination the longest; the shelf life is about 5 years and a little more. If the seeds are provided with a dry, cool and dark place, then nothing will happen to the seeds

It is better to have parsnip and chives seeds from your own production; after harvesting, do not leave them for storage, but sow them immediately

Tomato seeds are stored for about five years. If the germination test shows 30 percent or less of germinated seeds, then you need to urgently purchase a new batch. Throw these out, the seeds are no longer suitable


To spring948374's comprehensive answer, I will add a couple of words based on personal experience. I mostly collect my own seeds. On each bag I indicate the year of harvest and the name of the variety. If the seeds were soaked before sowing, then the seeds from nine years ago also sprouted. But the most reliable time frame is still 4-6 years. I have repeatedly come across references to the fact that the longer the seeds are stored, the cleaner they become from pathogens, but personally I don’t believe in this, the same late blight lives in the soil for many years and thrives. It is best to collect seeds only in those seasons when there are no outbreaks of diseases and try to collect more, with a reserve for not very successful and “healthy” years.


Shelf life of tomato seeds. How many years can tomato seeds be stored?

You can write anything on the package, apparently, I bought tomatoes, planted them, and they came up in orderly rows). Next year I look, they are good for another half a year, I planted them, two seeds sprouted, so draw your conclusions..


Tomato seeds, like seeds of other plant crops, lose their viability during storage. This must be taken into account when sowing seeds. If you pre-soak the seeds and then keep them between layers of damp cloth until they sprout, and sow the seeds with roots, then the germination rate will be 99%.

There is no need to store tomato seeds for a long time. Fresh seeds need to be sown. When storing tomato seeds, the yield does not increase. It makes sense to store cucumber seeds and use seeds from two and three years ago for sowing, since the yield of cucumbers increases compared to seeds a year ago, since they produce more female flowers, and therefore there will be more ovaries.

The table below shows data on which seeds can be stored for how many years without loss of germination.


Tomato seeds can be stored for 5-6 years or take into account the expiration date indicated on the package. With longer storage, it is also likely that the seeds will germinate, but germination will be far from 100%, since many embryos in the seeds will die. Last year I planted cucumber seeds that were 10-15 years old, only 25-30 percent germinated, not surprising - many of the embryos had already died.


As far as I know, the approximate shelf life of tomato seeds is 5 years . Moreover, the longer the seeds are stored, the worse their germination becomes. Therefore, I personally prefer to buy fresh seeds every year, although I have never once been convinced that older seeds do not significantly lose their sowing qualities.


Tomato seeds retain good germination up to 5-6 years. If you bought a bag of seeds, you should keep in mind that the expiration date there is the period before which the seeds can be sold, and they can remain viable for a year, two, or three after the expiration of the specified date.

Marina Vyborg

I only buy tomato seeds by mail from Finland, they always have a shelf life of several years. To ensure 100% germination, store them in a cool, dark place and “wake them up”, i.e. pour hot water for 2-3 hours when you plant


The shelf life of tomato seeds is approximately five years. Therefore, it is not necessary that if the pack of seeds has expired, the tomatoes will not sprout. Although there are exceptions, half of very fresh seeds do not germinate.

Marina Vyborg

These are the tomato seeds I buy, there are a lot of seeds in a pack of 320-350 pieces and the cost is only 200 rubles. I have had them for 2 years now (you can’t plant them all at once :)))


Tomato seeds can remain suitable for sowing for a long time without losing their viability if they are properly stored in foil packaging in a dark, dry place at room temperature. My tomato seeds, purchased even 7-8 years ago, sprouted. But before planting, I will definitely wet them and germinate them in a wet cotton rag. Then the germination rate of the seeds is very high, almost one hundred percent.

But to increase the likelihood of their germination, we focus on the average shelf life of tomato seeds - five years .


Germination, how to determine

A useful procedure when preparing seeds for sowing is calibration. It allows you to separate quality flowers from barren flowers. To cull barren flowers, it is customary to dilute salt in water, throw in the seeds, and leave them for a while (from half an hour to 2 hours). Those that float up should be thrown away.

There is no 100% germination rate, but you can find out what percentage will germinate in advance.

Determining seed germination is easy. We need to create favorable conditions for them to grow. We take the seeds of any crop and place them between two layers of gauze.

You don’t need to take a lot to check germination. 8-10 pieces are enough. Cover the seeds soaked in gauze with film or a saucer on top and place them where it is warm. Ventilate periodically, at least once a day, to prevent mold from appearing, check whether they have sprouted.

Seeds that have roots or sprouts are considered sprouted.

Each crop has its own period after which they sprout (see table above). If the radish, for example, did not sprout after 7 days, and the zucchini did not sprout after 10 days, then do not even try to sow such seeds. If they haven’t sprouted at home, they definitely won’t sprout in the garden.

Preparing for landing

In the spring, before planting, make a salt solution. Pour 1 teaspoon of salt into a glass of clean water and stir thoroughly. Pour in the seeds. The duration of their stay in the salt solution is 10 minutes. After this time, the lightest seeds that are not suitable for planting float, they are thrown away, and those that have sunk to the bottom are collected. These are seeds suitable for sowing; they are washed and planted as seedlings.

If you purchased material for seedlings in a store, then it is already pickled and does not need to be further processed, otherwise the seeds will lose their germination. If the seeds are collected on the site, they need to be treated for diseases before planting. Place them in a fabric bag and place them in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. You cannot keep it for more minutes or make a more concentrated solution, otherwise you will destroy the material for sowing.

Instead of potassium permanganate, use a 2 - 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, heated to a temperature of 40 - 45 ° C, place the material for sowing in the solution for 7 - 8 minutes, and then be sure to rinse.

You can also use phytosporin. Add 4 drops of phytosporin to a glass of water and place the seeds there for 15 minutes, then rinse. Fitosporin-M is a biofungicide that contains spores and cells of bacteria living in the soil.

In the spring, before planting, seeds are germinated. To do this, soak them in aloe juice, in a solution with the addition of microelements, in a solution of Epin-Extra, Zircon, Virtan-Micro, Immunocytophyte.

Zircon - the composition accelerates the growth of the crop, the formation of roots, the bush blooms more profusely and produces more fruits. Refers to phytohormones, increases the culture’s immunity to diseases.

Immunocytophyte is a natural composition that stimulates growth, the appearance of the root system, active development of the culture, reducing the risk of disease under stress. In addition, the composition increases the amount of harvest by 1/3 and reduces losses from rotting during storage. Helps to speed up the healing of wounds in plants caused by insects or weather conditions (hail).

Add 1-2 drops of Epin-Extra into half a glass of clean water. Place the seeds in a gauze bag and immerse them in the solution for 18 - 20 hours at a water temperature of +20 ° C. If the seeds lie in the solution for a longer period of time, they will suffocate. Then they are sown in boxes filled with soil.

How to increase seed germination

It also happens that testing shows good germination. You sowed them in a bowl for seedlings, but they just don’t sprout. What to do?

There is a very simple way to prepare seeds - to “force” the seedlings to emerge from the ground faster. True, it is more suitable for a small amount of seed. Place your bowl with the sown seeds inside a plastic bag and breathe into it. Then quickly tie the bag and place it in the same place. The carbon dioxide you exhale and its concentration inside the bag will have a beneficial effect on the seedlings. Soon you will see the first shoots.

Germination can be increased by heating. To do this, place the seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40-50°C. Keep them there for at least 6 hours.

This method is contraindicated for tomato seeds!

It is better to subject them to a hardening procedure. Rinse the seeds calibrated in salt water. It is advisable to disinfect them with a solution of manganese or colloidal silver. After all this, place the bowl with the seeds in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator where you store the vegetables for 10-12 hours. Repeat this procedure every day for a week. That is, the seeds are at room temperature for 12 hours. And the remaining 12 hours - in the refrigerator.

What is the shelf life of tomato seeds and how many years do they remain viable?

Tomato seeds and their shelf life is the time prescribed by law during which they can be sold.
Thus, in order No. 707 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, adopted on October 18, 1999, it is mentioned that paper bags must be marked with their expiration (sale) date. What is the shelf life of tomato seeds? This period is one year from the date they were in paper bags. If you place them in double packaging, use foil or other materials that allow air to pass through well, then instead of 1 year the shelf life becomes 2 years. That is, for example, if the material for sowing is placed in bags in June 2020, then the sales date will be set until July 2018. If it stays in a warehouse until September 2020, and only then is packaged, then the packages must already be dated stating that the seed is good until October 2020, although in fact the seeds are the same.

What does germination mean?

Seed germination is the possibility of sprouts emerging from them if germinated correctly. This is a period of time that depends on what crop the seeds belong to and is different from the expiration date.

How many years can tomato seeds be stored on average? Thus, it is believed that the shelf life of tomato seeds is 4 - 5 years - during this period the seeds germinate quietly.

How long can you store tomato seeds? Tomato seeds remain viable for up to 7 years, but they need to be checked. You don’t have to look at the packaging date, but do the test yourself at home to determine the germination of the material.

How to check material for germination? Take a plate, put 2-3 layers of napkin or 2-3 layers of toilet paper on it. Wet the paper with water. Sprinkle the seeds under the layers of napkin. Place a cellophane bag on a plate. Place the plate in a warm place so that the air temperature in the house is at least 25 degrees. If you see the paper drying out, moisten it.

After 4 - 5 days, the first shoots should appear.

If less than 30% of the tomato seeds hatch, you can throw them away. If more than 30% have sprouts, they are suitable for planting; they should be left, sown as seedlings or planted in the ground. But take more seed than required by the standards, taking into account what percentage of them has sprouted. Then place it in bags and write down what percentage rose after the test. When you decide to plant seeds, sort the bags with labels.

How to Collect and Save Seeds from Your Tomato Plants

Some vegetable growers plant material collected from bushes. This method has two advantages: you do not need to spend money on the purchase and the bushes that grow are better adapted to the given climate and planting location. But do not forget that you cannot collect seeds from tomato hybrids, since it is unknown what will grow from them.

Tomato is a self-pollinating crop, so you can easily collect seeds from varietal tomato bushes.

To collect high-quality seeds, choose the largest, most beautiful fruits. Collect them from those fruits that ripen first; in the greenhouse, remove the tomatoes from the second cluster, and in the garden - from the first, since the first clusters bloom first, when pollinating insects are not yet very active, the risk of cross-pollination is lower.

In addition, the largest tomatoes grow on the first bunches. Another reason is that if you delay picking fruits and do not remove them from the first or second cluster, the risk of various diseases increases.

It is better to pick brown tomatoes or tomatoes that are already colored in the characteristic color of the variety, but are not yet fully ripe. Overripe tomatoes are not suitable for this, since they contain germs that are ready to germinate and will not germinate after drying. Pick tomatoes only from healthy plants.

Rinse the brown tomatoes thoroughly, dry them, and place them in a warm place to ripen. Just make sure that the tomatoes are not overripe. Glue paper onto the jar and write the variety on it.

Then cut the rafts crosswise and squeeze the seeds into a glass jar. Pour in water and leave them to ferment to separate the pulp. The period of residence of tomato parts in water is 2 – 4 days. Then rinse and dry the material.

The best conditions for saving seeds

Tomato seeds are poured into cloth bags and rubbed with your hands to remove debris. Afterwards, they are poured out of the bags, placed in a weak saline solution, and left - then all the debris floats up. Then they are washed and dried.

The seeds are stored in paper bags, where they write the name of the variety and the date of collection. Germination is maintained when the bags are placed in a room with an air temperature of +6 - 12 ° C and a humidity of 55%. Many gardeners write that they stored tomato seeds in the bottom of the refrigerator or on the veranda. But remember that seed material deteriorates with sudden changes in temperature and humidity. In winter, the seed material is looked through, sorted out, the rotten ones are thrown away, and the remaining ones are then planted.

Preparing for landing

In the spring, before planting, make a salt solution. Pour 1 teaspoon of salt into a glass of clean water and stir thoroughly. Pour in the seeds. The duration of their stay in the salt solution is 10 minutes. After this time, the lightest seeds that are not suitable for planting float, they are thrown away, and those that have sunk to the bottom are collected. These are seeds suitable for sowing; they are washed and planted as seedlings.

How to speed up germination

Seeds of crops such as carrots, celery, parsley take a very long time to germinate, because the essential oils present in their shells prevent the flow of water to the embryo. Therefore, the seeds of these plants must be treated before sowing.

I put the seeds of these crops on a gauze (one gauze - one vegetable), place it in a saucer and pour a thin layer of vodka (40°). I leave them there for 15 minutes. During this time, most of the essential oils will dissolve. Then I rinse the gauze with seeds in cool water several times. I dry it until it becomes friable. All. You can sow. Thanks to this processing method, the seeds will sprout much faster.

Material used from the newspaper “Niva Kubani” with the supplement “Nivushka” 2014, No. 19 (305)

The shelf life of seeds largely depends on the flower crop and their storage conditions. Historical facts prove that the seeds of some crops remain viable after thousands of years.

For example, angustifolia seeds found in the Magadan region in permafrost layers were able to germinate in laboratory conditions, despite the fact that they are more than 25,000 years old. The resulting plants not only bloomed, but also formed fruits. The experiment allowed scientists to conclude that the germination of seeds can be preserved by freezing.

Another striking example is a story that happened more than 50 years ago. The French scientist T. Becquerel, who studied the viability of seeds stored in the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, managed to germinate 221-year-old mimosa seeds.

Concept of germination

The germination of a crop determines the quality of the seed material, which means the possibility of using it for planting. Checking this indicator is presented as follows:

  1. Prepare a container for “planting” seed material. For these purposes, use a regular plastic lid with a small amount of cotton wool inside.
  2. Ten seeds are selected. They are placed in prepared containers, after adding ordinary water (not chlorine-containing). The bookmark should not float!
  3. Water is added periodically until the sprouts emerge.
  4. After time has passed, the amount of seed material that has sprouted is visually determined.

Read also Autumn application of fertilizers to the soil

If the sprouts came from 3 seeds, then the germination rate is considered to be 30%. There is no need to carry out mass planting from this pack or batch. This usually happens when the seeds have expired. If the indicator reaches 50% or more, then the seed material is suitable for use. Seeds from well-known manufacturers have a germination rate of at least 80%.

Sprouted seed bank

Attention! How many years seeds remain viable is evidenced by the fact that with proper storage, after 4 years the germination rate of many tomato varieties is at least 60%.


There is such a thing as the age of seeds, which is calculated from the day of collection. In addition, there are two concepts that characterize the longevity of seeds.


- the period of time during which a large percentage of seeds remain viable.


– the period of time during which at least a small percentage of seeds (even one seed) remain viable.

Do not confuse the shelf life with the expiration date, which implies a period of time that allows for sale.

Under the right conditions, ripened seeds can remain viable for up to 5-8 years, but every year the percentage of germination will decrease. So, for example, the shelf life of marigold seeds is 1-2 years; after 2 years, only a few can sprout from the package, while the rest will lose their ability to germinate. Therefore, it is advisable to sow them as quickly as possible.

Shelf life of flower seeds. How many years can flower seeds be stored?

It is impossible to make a full answer to a question posed in this form. We can only say generally that the seeds are suitable for several years. For example, this season I bought Petunia seeds of those varieties. On one bag it is written that the seeds are good until two thousand and nineteen. The other two packages have a shorter expiration date, up to two thousand and eighteen. This means that even one flower has different varieties according to the shelf life of the seeds.


Shelf life of flower seeds or did you mean the germination period of flower seeds?

These are different concepts; the shelf life of seeds is the period of time during which the seeds can be sold.

You can store flower seeds as much as you like, but without loss of germination, it depends on the plants themselves, some must be sown immediately after collection and with each day of storage they lose this germination, while seeds of other plants can be stored for years without losing their properties.

The storage process also affects germination: temperature, humidity, packaging composition, and degree of seed maturity. Moreover, negative temperatures during seed storage can freeze activity and extend the shelf life to unlimited.

Here is a table of terms without loss of germination.

A ksinya

The shelf life of seeds varies - depending on the garden flowers, there are some varieties of flowers that are stored for 6 years, no more.

For example, annual, biennial and perennial flowers have different expiration dates.

Once I had a case - garden seeds of asters (shelf life 2 years), were preserved for 3 years, but as always I planted them in the spring - shoots appeared, but such a plant grew very slowly, which means the seeds were almost of poor quality, although there was flowering.

I think any plant can be planted after the expiration date, if stored correctly, provided, of course, the seed is of good quality.

In general, every flowering plant can be stored −


The shelf life of seeds is an important parameter, since only viable seeds are able to remain viable. It is believed that flower seeds can be stored for a long time, although germination rates decrease over time. Seeds are living, they exist and breathe, and therefore their reserves of useful substances gradually decrease . When the nutritional supply is depleted, the embryo in the seeds will gradually be depleted, and therefore they will become unviable.

Most flower seeds take two to four years , but this depends on many factors . The type of plant, the weather when the seeds ripen, as well as their storage conditions matter. If the shelf life is one to two years higher than normal, the seeds may germinate, although the yield will decrease. It is best to test in advance by soaking them, which will show their germination.


Different flower seeds have different shelf life, because when different types of seeds are stored, their germination later varies.

The important fact is the conditions under which these seeds are stored; if the temperature is unsuitable and the humidity is high, then it is natural that germination will then decrease and deteriorate.

You can store seeds for up to several years, but each year of storage will negatively affect their germination later.


For each flower crop, the germination period is individual.

For example, aster seeds are stored for no more than two years, sometimes the germination period is even limited to one year.

It should be taken into account that when stored in a warm place, in conditions of high humidity, the germination of seeds quickly deteriorates.

In institutes and large enterprises, collection seeds are stored at a strictly constant temperature of minus 20 degrees. It is also known that at temperatures below minus 80 degrees, seeds can remain viable for tens of thousands of years!


You can store flower seeds for up to 5-6 years, but every year the percentage of germination of your seeds will decrease. Moreover, it is important to observe temperature conditions when storing seeds. The humidity of the room also matters (it should be normal, not elevated). It is also important that the seeds are mature. Some types of flowers (for example, aster) are only good for 1 year, in rare cases - 2.


Well-ripened seeds, when properly stored, can remain viable for up to 5-6 years. But now, when initially purchased, fresh seeds do not have sufficient germination. Apparently commercial interest prevails among manufacturers. Taking this into account, you can calculate a shelf life of a maximum of 2 years.


Flower seeds differ from other seeds in their ability to be stored for a very long time. Flower seeds can be stored from several months to several years. The maximum storage time for flower seeds is up to six years.




Shelf life of common flower seeds

The embryo is located in each seed, and it contains a sufficient supply of nutrients to allow the embryo to develop. But the amount of nutrients in the seeds of different plant species varies. Moreover, this does not mean that large seeds, for example, nasturtium, contain more nutrients than grains of fragrant tobacco, which retains the ability to germinate for up to 8 years, and nasturtium for only up to 4 years.

So, for example, representatives of the Ranunculaceae family quickly lose their germination capacity. Delphinium, aquilegia or primroses must be sown fresh; they are stored for only a year. The shelf life of seeds of marigolds, arctotis, asters and most plants represented by the Asteraceae family is only 1-2 years.

The intensity of consumption of nutrient reserves varies, but depletion of reserves leads to the death of the embryo.

NameShelf life (year)
Kochia, verbena, gatsania, Drummond's phlox, godetia, marigolds, delphinium, calendula, doronicum, primrose, aquilegia, aster.1-2
Bluebell, chrysanthemums, purslane, viola, zinnia, rudbeckia, milk thistle, annual dahlia, decorative sunflower, cornflower, coreopsis, mathiolla, clarkia, flax, chabot carnation, foxglove, iberis, alpine aster, gaillardia, tansy, geranium.2-3
Gypsophila, malopa, lychnis, mignonette, daisy, lobelia, snapdragon, eschscholzia, forget-me-not, lavatera, mallow.3-4
Cosmea, salvia, nasturtium, petunia, schisanthus, lupine, Turkish cloves, decorative beans, yarrow, balsam.4-5
Sage, leftover, cornflower, sweet pea.5-6
Celosia, amaranth.6-8
The tobacco is fragrant.7-8

What affects the shelf life of seeds?

Genetic characteristics and the type of crop largely influence the shelf life of flower seeds. But storage conditions are also important. In unfavorable conditions they lose their germination capacity.

High humidity often causes the seeds to lose their ability to germinate, which can be stored for more than 10 years in favorable conditions. The porous shell easily absorbs moisture in the air, the embryo awakens prematurely and dies. Therefore, it is important to dry freshly collected material before storing it. They are laid out in a thin layer on cloth or paper in a dry, ventilated place, but not in the sun or near heating appliances or stoves. Dried seeds are packaged in paper bags or fabric bags.

Light stimulates germination. Therefore, dried seeds should be stored in a dark place.

Affects germination and time of collection - dry or wet. For example, if the summer was damp, then pathogens of fungal diseases may be present on the seeds, reducing shelf life.

The seed treatment method - pelleting - reduces the shelf life by 2-3 years. But if the unprocessed ones are packaged in foil rather than a regular paper bag, they will last longer. Even asters increase the likelihood of germination after 3-4 years of storage in foil packaging without access to air.

How to Collect and Save Seeds from Your Tomato Plants

Some vegetable growers plant material collected from bushes. This method has two advantages: you do not need to spend money on the purchase and the bushes that grow are better adapted to the given climate and planting location. But do not forget that you cannot collect seeds from tomato hybrids, since it is unknown what will grow from them.

Tomato is a self-pollinating crop, so you can easily collect seeds from varietal tomato bushes.

To collect high-quality seeds, choose the largest, most beautiful fruits. Collect them from those fruits that ripen first; in the greenhouse, remove the tomatoes from the second cluster, and in the garden - from the first, since the first clusters bloom first, when pollinating insects are not yet very active, the risk of cross-pollination is lower.

In addition, the largest tomatoes grow on the first bunches. Another reason is that if you delay picking fruits and do not remove them from the first or second cluster, the risk of various diseases increases.

It is better to pick brown tomatoes or tomatoes that are already colored in the characteristic color of the variety, but are not yet fully ripe. Overripe tomatoes are not suitable for this, since they contain germs that are ready to germinate and will not germinate after drying. Pick tomatoes only from healthy plants.

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Rinse the brown tomatoes thoroughly, dry them, and place them in a warm place to ripen. Just make sure that the tomatoes are not overripe. Glue paper onto the jar and write the variety on it.

Then cut the rafts crosswise and squeeze the seeds into a glass jar. Pour in water and leave them to ferment to separate the pulp. The period of residence of tomato parts in water is 2 – 4 days. Then rinse and dry the material.

Seed storage methods

In production technologies, it is possible to increase seed moisture to 5-10%. At such humidity, they do not breathe, do not emit heat and carbon dioxide, and preservation occurs. They are then packaged in moisture-proof packaging and placed in fabric bags. They are stored in this form until sold or used.

At home, dried seeds are stored in paper bags or fabric bags in a cool and dry room.

Low temperature helps extend shelf life. Therefore, it is permissible to store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Before you start sowing, you need to check the seeds. If the quality of the seeds was initially good, they can be sown for more than one year. The seeds of most vegetables can be stored for several years without compromising their quality. In some crops, for example, carrots, an inverse relationship is observed: the longer the exposure, the higher the germination rate. But the seeds of celery, parsley, onions, and pepper can be stored for no longer than two years.

Shelf life of main crops

watermelon - 6 years basil - 3 years eggplant - 3 years peas - 5 years mustard - 3 years melon - 6 years white cabbage - 4 years Brussels sprouts - 4 years kohlrabi cabbage - 4 years cauliflower - 4 years broccoli - 3 years red cabbage - 3 years Chinese cabbage - 3 years Savoy cabbage - 3 years coriander (cilantro) - 3 years watercress - 5 years corn - 5 years leeks - 3 years onions - 2 years carrots - 3 years peppermint - 2 years cucumber - 6 years squash - 6 years pepper - 2 years parsley - 2 years rhubarb - 2 years radish - 4 years radish - 4 years turnip - 4 years lettuce - 3 years beets - 4 years celery - 2 years asparagus - 4 cumin - 2 years tomato - 4 years pumpkin - 6 years dill - 2 years beans - 5 years fennel - 2 years spinach - 3 years sorrel - 2 years.

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